Public Health: The Issue of HIV/AIDS Pandemic


The issue of HIV/AIDS pandemic has resulted to myriad of speculations. Researchers have linked the scourge with irresponsible sexual behavior resulting from factors such as drug abuse and other environmental effects (Schneider, 2010). Research by scientists has shown that, this sexually spread infection results to a syndrome that reduces the efficiency of the immune system.

The assessment

Studies and reports have shown that apart from the sexual intercourse there are other acquired causes. For instance, some blood artifacts used in the manufacture of clotting factor and blood transfusions to patients is among them. Parents also transmitted the syndrome to their Children during birth. Consequently, the scientists referred the disease as AIDS (Acquired immune Deficiency Syndrome) (Schneider, 2010). Additionally, Robert Gallo discovered that the infectious agent is a virus that diminishes the effectiveness of the immune system. The virus therefore, is referred to as “Human Immunodeficiency virus” (HIV). Concisely, there is close examination of the health status to identify health problems and look for alleviation measures. In addition, there is diagnosis of HIV/AIDS and investigation of possible solutions, for instance, the invention of anti retroviral (Schneider, 2010).

HIV/AIDS policy development

After the assessment of the pandemic, it becomes necessary for the concerned bodies to develop policies that address this contagious issue (Schneider, 2010). First, AIDS education has emphasized the role of responsible sexual behavior on efforts to reduce the swift spreading of the disease. Education has revealed that, the only effective preventive measure is self restrain from drugs and sexual activities. Significantly, AIDs education has stressed on the significance of maintaining one partner. In addition, the education has enhanced the use of contraceptives to avoid transmissions of the virus. Secondly, there is formation of affiliations for mobilizing the public help to identify and solve problems in public health.

HIV/AIDS assurance

In public health, there is enforcement of regulations that guard and guarantee safety for health. There is effectiveness in assessment of health services and the staff in the public health. Besides, there is the assurance of competence in public health (Schneider, 2010). People are connected to health services and are assured provision when need a rises. This is enhanced through fair supply of drugs that suppress the transmitted virus. The drugs referred to, as the anti retroviral have increased chances of surviving for those tainted with the virus. There is also free access to these drugs by the public. In addition, the public health officers offer counseling to the infected. Proper handling of patients in hospitals has helped to reduce the hospital-acquired infections. For instance, before blood transfusion screening is necessary in order to evade the transmission of the virus. Consequently, the public health has enhanced effectiveness with regard to HIV epidemic thus its assurance of protection.

The public engagement in HIV/AIDS prevention

The public is involved in the prevention of HIV through the enhancement of the public awareness. Advertisements that show prevention measures should be made for the public. In addition, shows on how to use contraceptives are also necessary. Conferences and workshops are a vital arena where the public gets opportunity to meet with researchers and experts. Campaigns and rallies also play a significant role in sensitizing the public (Schneider, 2010).

Therefore, there is a need to seek for funds that would help to sponsor the activities and programs aimed at HIV/AIDS prevention. The Vaccines used in the prevention of the virus, do not seem to bring any fruitful effect. There is therefore need for researchers to discover an effective vaccine that would support HIV/ AIDS prevention efforts. The vaccine would bring desirable effects since deterrence is superior to treatment. In order to ensure effective engagement of the public in medical care, the following considerations are significant. First, appropriate information about the recommendations of the public is necessary. A precise definition of their recommendations is also necessary. The ideals and recommendations of the public should be incorporated in the planning of healthcare distribution. Consequently, a reliable decision on the administration of public health would be realized thus efficiency in public health.


The public health plays a vital role in the human health. It assesses, develops policies, and promotes assurance in healthcare. It is therefore, imperative that, the government allocates enough funds to the health sector in order to facilitate these roles. This ensures improved healthcare hence it supports human life. Consequently, there is an improved sanitation, control of community infections, and personal hygiene.


Schneider, J. (2010). Introduction to Public Health. Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

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