Innovative Radio Advertising Strategies for Chicago-Based Companies


The number of individuals willing to join the US army has been declining within the past five years. This is the situation despite the fact that more youths between 17 and 24 years of age are available and eligible for enlistment without being waived (Smith). This paper proposes a powerful advertising strategy to encourage more individuals aged between 18 and 24 to join the military.


The QMA study of 2016 indicated that around 29 percent of youth would fulfill the major conditions for enlistment (Smith). However, most of the individuals have not seized the opportunity. Since there are over one million US dollars allocated for advertising, a fraction of the amount (25,000 US dollars) can be used to help with the enlistment numbers in the identified area. This amount of money will be used to support an effective advertising model. It should also be observed that the proposed advertisement model has never been tried out by any individual in the Chicago area before.

Plan of Action

The proposed advertising model will be designed in such a way that current soldiers who have enlisted (but waiting to ship out to Basic Training) will be encouraged to share their experiences, insights, and ideas. They will be guided to go on the radio and inform the targeted individuals about their experiences. They will also outline the major reasons why they chose to enlist in the US Army. By so doing, such future soldiers (FS) will connect with more people within the QMA range. Additionally, the enlistees will share their ideas, goals, and objectives with millions of listeners in the Chicago area.

The inclusion of someone who has already enlisted in the US Army is something that can sensitize and encourage more individuals to be involved. When the targeted young people listen to the experiences and viewpoints of individuals they can relate to, it will become easier for them to make meaningful and timely decisions. The move will eventually support the goals of the US Army. The selected two radio stations include WPWX Power Chicago (92.3) and WGCI Chicago (107.5). These are some of the leading radio stations in the area (“Top Music Stations in Illinois”). Another critical issue for consideration is that the proposed radio advertisements will not be regular scripted US Army commercials. It is also a must that the military advertises on the radio because it cannot fail with the FY mission increase.

Desired Outcomes

The implementation of this advertising strategy is expected to deliver two outcomes. The first one is to ensure that millions of young listeners between 17 and 24 years of age are informed about this job opportunity. The second one is that the approach will support the US Army’s recruitment process. Consequently, the organization will realize its missions, goals, and objectives.

Required Resources

The resources presented below will be needed to support the proposed advertising strategy.

  • 25,000 US dollars
  • A period of two months
  • Training manuals
  • Handouts


Powerful advertising measures and initiatives will be needed in the Chicago area to ensure that more young people are encouraged to join the military. Since the proposed idea is revolutionary, it is agreeable that it will deliver positive outcomes within a short period. The cooperation of different stakeholders is, therefore, needed to make the proposed project successful.

Works Cited

Smith, Stew. “United States Military Enlistment Standards.” The Balance, 2016, Web.

“Top Music Stations in Illinois.” America Top10, Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, December 31). Innovative Radio Advertising Strategies for Chicago-Based Companies.

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StudyCorgi. (2020) 'Innovative Radio Advertising Strategies for Chicago-Based Companies'. 31 December.

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StudyCorgi. "Innovative Radio Advertising Strategies for Chicago-Based Companies." December 31, 2020.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "Innovative Radio Advertising Strategies for Chicago-Based Companies." December 31, 2020.

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