Recalling ITECH 361’s Sanitizers: Actions Required


Whether caused by a manufacturing defect or a design fault, a mass recall always creates problems for a brand. Nevertheless, many companies manage to turn them to their advantage, fixing the consumer’s memory of their uncompromising concern for their interests. Some companies, however, react in such situations inappropriately, and their reputation can be severely damaged. Therefore, the paper considered the recall of ITECH 361’s sanitizers to examine this issue in more detail.

Description and Brief Analysis

Nowadays, antiseptic has become an essential tool almost all over the world. However, a sanitizer that could cause irreparable damage to health has been identified in the USA: around 19,000 containers have been recalled because the hand sanitizer could contain poisonous substances (Genovese, 2021). Bottles of ITECH 361 hand sanitizer may include methanol, which is dangerous if ingested or swallowed (U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 2021). Frequent use of this product can cause various side effects such as seizures, vomiting, headaches, nervous system disorders, and even death.

In many ways, the company’s future depends on how it behaves in the early days of the recall. ITECH 361 said it had not received any complaints from customers or evidence of side effects of the sanitizer (Genovese, 2021). The company is now notifying its distributors that the product has been recalled and is arranging for the return and replacement of the identified goods. However, the product may have caused significant harm to its customers, so in such situations, it is essential to acknowledge its mistake and use all possible resources to get the message across. It is vital when the potential damage relates to health.

Role of the Response Plan for the Company

Having a response plan serves as a variety of insurance: it is less probable that poor-quality products will receive an unwanted distribution. Above all, the overall corporate goods safety policy should take several appropriate measures: sales, design, quality, practical application, and product testing (Good, 2017). However, with this approach, companies are not immune to the risks of product recalls due to human error, system failures, and force majeure in stock. That is why developing strategies that include both a control and a response plan is so important.

The Content of the Message to Customers

One of the critical points in a product recall for a company is how it will respond to the situation and whether it will admit fault. An apology should be issued in the first instance if an investigation reveals that an item is substandard or carries a significant risk of injury. Although no casualty cases have been identified, this will only positively affect the firm’s favor. In addition, such an approach will send the message that the company cares about its customers.

Required Actions

When situations of this nature arise, it is vital to use all possible resources to publicize it and demonstrate the organization’s position. The information should be posted on the company’s main website. The best way is to put the headline on the home page in the form of a banner with a hyperlink to the article: visitors will immediately draw attention to the topic. The news itself can be updated when new data appears, so it is visible how the company works to solve the problem. Since the issue is related to medicine, documents approved by the competent authorities or links to verified sources can be placed on the page. Social media should be used, and relevant posts should be made available: this is the fastest and most appropriate way to get the news to the consumer. It is not unreasonable to publish a video on the website or social media where the company representative apologizes if the scale of the problem and its consequences are enormous. Although no victims have been identified, such a gesture will only show the manager’s interest and empathy.

It would be wise to set up a dedicated product recall team. Through engaging in planning and ongoing dialogue with the public, the team can respond quickly and provide a message in the necessary format. It is most beneficial to draft and sends out a clear notice to all those affected by the recall, including direct notification to end-users whenever possible to avoid legal intervention or exposure by government services. It is also a high-grade practice to investigate product recall insurance to cover personal expenses.

Benefits of the Plan

The plan developed has several advantages for ITECH 361 in the case in question. First, it aims to contact clients, namely by making them aware and quickly bringing them up to speed. Secondly, the plan includes an admission of guilt and a public apology. Thus, it is a demonstration of empathy and human contact and a significant business development incentive. Thirdly, it provides a separate team of responders to be set up, increasing control over the situation. Finally, company interests are considered in the plan: minimizing losses, curbing future risks, and the nuances of litigation. These points make the project worthwhile and appropriate for ITECH 361.


A dignified and robust business reputation is essential in today’s marketplace. It is what distinguishes a company from its competitors and allows it to attract and retain clients. For this reason, any company needs to think not only about its interests and potential losses but also about the face of the company in the eyes of its customers. A well-designed strategy and the proper response plan can help avoid unpleasant consequences in the event of mistakes on the part of the organization.


Genovese, D. (2021). Nearly 19,000 bottles of hand sanitizer recalled over methanol concerns. Fox Business. Web.

Good, M. (2017). Planning for a product recall. Risk Management, 64(9), 10-12.

U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (2021). ITECH 361 issues voluntary nationwide recall of all clean hand sanitizer and moisturizer and disinfectant due to the potential presence of undeclared methanol (wood alcohol). FDA. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, September 7). Recalling ITECH 361’s Sanitizers: Actions Required.

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