Measuring and Reducing Burnout in Nurse Practitioners


The paper presents the study proposed for submission to the Journal for Nurse Practitioners; the proposed study is devoted to the ways to measure and reduce burnout in nurse practitioners. Different sections of the paper present the research problem, the questions, research methods, and the possible practical application of the study.

Research Project

The Journal for Nurse Practitioners is regarded as the official journal of the AANP which makes it a credible source of information for nursing students and professionals. As for research submissions related to the discussed journal, according to the information presented on Elsevier, the editors accept at least six types of articles (“Guide for authors,” n.d.). There are no specific recommendations on the structure of the abstract, that is why the model proposed in the assignment was used.

Research Steps

Title of the Project

Mitigating Burnout in Nurse Practitioners: The Mixed-Methods Study.

Problem Statement

Nowadays, the problem of burnout in nursing professionals having different special fields is becoming more important. Considering the changing rhythm of life which requires specialists to understand and learn to apply large amounts of information in a relatively short time, many nurses experience burnout which has a negative influence on their learning capacities and may decrease the effectiveness of their work. Importantly, the results of the study can be used by

Purpose of the Project

The purpose of the proposed project is to study the findings of previous researchers in the field and the experience of the participants to identify the most effective ways to measure and mitigate burnout in nursing professionals. The proposed study also touches upon the particular factors that can cause increased burnout levels in nurse practitioners.

Research Questions

How can a burnout level in nurse practitioners be measured? Which methods help to decrease it effectively?


The proposed research is based on the hypothesis that the nurse-patient ratio remains one of the most important factors connected with the levels of burnout in nursing professionals. Therefore, it is also assumed that increasing nurse-patient ratios would enable upper-level hospital staff to reduce burnout and, therefore, improve the performance of employees.


The proposed study will use a survey and interview helping to apply the most recent version of the MBI tool and study the personal experience of the participants. Importantly, the sample will include only those nurse practitioners who have more than five years of experience and have worked in institutions with different nurse-patient ratios.

Steps of Research Implementation

A substantial number of participants (more than 100) from different healthcare institutions will be chosen based on the specific criteria including age, previous experience, etc. The nurse-patient ratios in their workplaces will be calculated, and they will be interviewed about their current and previous experience. The burnout levels will be measured with the help of the MBI tool, and the findings will be analyzed.


The hypothesis was confirmed as the burnout levels in nurses whose institutions have lower nurse-patient ratios were higher. As it follows from the previous experience of the participants, an increasing number of patients has always acted as a factor causing burnout and nursing errors.


The nurse-patient ratio is one of the factors closely interconnected with burnout levels in nursing practitioners, and improvements in this sphere are associated with reducing the likelihood of nursing mistakes.

Impact on the Nursing Career

The proposed study will have a positive impact on the nursing career because it will extend the existing knowledge on burnout in nursing practitioners which is important for nursing students who need to know a lot about factors decreasing the effectiveness of their work.


Guide for authors. (n.d.). Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, December 29). Measuring and Reducing Burnout in Nurse Practitioners.

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StudyCorgi. (2020) 'Measuring and Reducing Burnout in Nurse Practitioners'. 29 December.

1. StudyCorgi. "Measuring and Reducing Burnout in Nurse Practitioners." December 29, 2020.


StudyCorgi. "Measuring and Reducing Burnout in Nurse Practitioners." December 29, 2020.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "Measuring and Reducing Burnout in Nurse Practitioners." December 29, 2020.

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