Role-Play Counseling: Skills and Stages

Stages of counseling

The first step in counseling is problem identification, which is also referred to as social anxiety scenario. In this stage, the issue should be acknowledged and be explained in detail. Moreover, the needs of the client ought to be understood.

Identified skills used

The skills that should be demonstrated in role-playing include a positive attitude and acceptance. I used this skill throughout the process. Moreover, I utilized affirmation as a strategy. Collaboration is an additional strategy that was used effectively. Furthermore, empathy is another strategy, which is the easiest to apply. Listening is the main factor to consider when interacting with a client. Apart from employing listening skills, I also utilized modeling even though it was a little difficult for me, particularly when I was putting it into practice with one of the clients, Diana Perez. I felt like it was difficult because her situation was severe and distressing, but I had to demonstrate a positive attitude as a counselor and show empathy at the same time. When the idea of offering resources to my client cropped up, I was a bit confused because I was not quite sure if I was supposed to mention it at this stage. As I progressed with the interview, I realized that it was appropriate to offer resources.

Why each skill was appropriate for the stage

Accepting is a major factor that determines the success of any counseling process. This means that Diana would have terminated the interview instantly if I did not accept her problem. Additionally, affirmation is another stage that should be used in the counseling process, as well as in real-life situations. This is because it encourages people to share their problems with professionals. I informed Diana that she was not alone and I would do everything in my power to help her. Diana collaborated from the moment we started the session to the end. This proved that a positive attitude was needed to ensure that she gives full information regarding what happened to her. Empathy is also of the essence since the situation that the client was going through was saddening.

I had to show my sense of compassion and understanding for her to feel comfortable. Listening was the major skill in this stage since the client admits the problem at this stage. In my case, Diana talked for a few minutes about the incident. She explained that the uncle raped her, which was a sad story. I interrupted a couple of times to gather more information. I sat close to her to let her know that I was interested in and listening to what she was saying. However, I was not too close to where she would have been uncomfortable. I also mentioned to her that I would have some resources to present to in the next visit. I thought this would help her know that if she needs a personal counseling session, I would be willing to offer freely. This would help her recover fully. At the beginning of the session, I told Diana that I truly admired her. I knew that this would make her come back for further counseling.

What was learned, including strengths and areas of growth

The counseling process was productive because it boosted my confidence. I had an opportunity to practice many skills that I once doubted. I had to reread the chapter several times, which allowed me to memorize it. I was able to prepare for future outcomes because I knew that counseling is not an easy task. I also found myself feeling comfortable while offering professional services. This proved that I would enjoy counseling as a career in my life. In the past, I had confessed to Dr. Murphy that I had problems listening to people because I had the habit of interrupting frequently.

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