Scientific Method: The Risk of Contracting Diabetes


Scientists sought to experiment that drinking coffee may have a positive implication to blood sugar levels that may lead to diabetes. This procedure had to be carefully conducted to articulate positive results that could be verified through standard experimental procedures. In a research procedure, some experiments may only be conducted on experimental animals that have a similar effect on humans. The experiment under consideration was carried out on 21 mice, which featured a control and treatment group.


The experiment conducted was to test the adverse effects of coffee on hyperglycemia, which is articulated to the heightened sugar level in the blood. The subjects of the experiment were mice that could be exposed to conditions leading to diabetes. The experiment tested the level of blood sugar on exposure to coffee. Therefore, the hypothesis of the experiment is:

Drinking coffee may reduce the risk of contracting diabetes.

Control group

A control group can be defined as the subjects of the experiment that do not receive the treatment under consideration. In this experiment, the subjects of the experiment are mice and the control group would be the one that does not receive coffee. The group of eleven mice that were given pure water is the control group.

Treatment group

The treatment group is the ten mice who were given coffee diluted to measure the effects of coffee on blood sugar levels. This is because they lead to the conclusion of the hypothesis statement that featured coffee consumption and its influence on diabetes. They are treated with the entity (coffee) that is under consideration.

Scientific Experimental Design

Yes, they followed a scientific method because a careful procedure was conducted to articulate the result. Scientific experimental design features careful observation of the subjects under analysis after a hypothesis has been made. The procedure is then conducted on a non-bias level where a group is treated and the other left without an external entity (control group). Scientific experimental design often disapproves the hypothesis or supports that hypothesis to discern results that can be applied in a practical life setting. The experiment also applied the use of test subjects that were not the target of the articulated experiment. The effect of diabetes is not measured in mice but is an adverse effect on human health.

Problems and biases

The problems that could have been experienced lie, in the inability, to articulate accurate results due to a mix in the diet applied. However, equal subjection and conditions had been presented across the mice with similar physical results articulated. These conditions are expected to deliver accurate results with all the other conditions like diet and environmental exposure maintained at a level. However, there should be an equal number of mice in the control and treatment group, unlike in the experiment with the control group having an extra number.


The hypothesis, drinking coffee may reduce the risk of contracting diabetes, was supported because the control group produced a significant increase in blood sugar level compared to the treatment group that produced a decrease in the sugar level. With the 30% drop in the sugar level in mice that were exposed to coffee, the experiment confirmed that drinking coffee is beneficial in controlling diabetes.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, August 6). Scientific Method: The Risk of Contracting Diabetes.

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StudyCorgi. "Scientific Method: The Risk of Contracting Diabetes." August 6, 2022.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "Scientific Method: The Risk of Contracting Diabetes." August 6, 2022.

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