Seeking Promotion: The Ethical Use of Power, Influence, and Politics

It is important to note that ethical issues usually involve the notions of power, influence, and politics, where one’s rights or obligations are undermined in pursuit of personal goals. However, seeking promotion or other self-interests are not inherently negative if ethical approaches are utilized properly.

When one thinks of terms such as power and influence at a workplace, he or she might associate these ideas with abuse and selfishness as well as unethical conduct. However, using these instruments can be utilized in an ethical manner as well, with benefits encompassing others, colleagues, and even organizations. It is stated that “specific workplace behaviors – exercises of political skill – give you both power and influence. And they’re not devious or bad” (Gleeson, 2019, para. 7). In order for a person to get a promotion by using power, influence, and politics in an ethical manner, such an individual should focus on two key skills, which are networking and communication (Gleeson, 2019). Promotion is almost always a process of recognition of one’s efforts, competence, and diligence, for which a person is given more responsibilities as well as rewards. Therefore, such an employee needs to network with others in order to be able to contribute to the common goal and help others. In addition, one needs to be able to communicate and show his or her accomplishment because no promotion is possible without recognition of one’s achievements and efforts. By successfully networking and communicating one’s competence, he or she will not be seen as someone unethical because surrounding people will be aware of the fact why such a person deserved and got the promotion.

In conclusion, a person can ethically use power, influence, and politics to get a promotion by networking and communicating well.


Gleeson, P. (2019). Power, influence & politics in the workplace. Chron. Web.

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