Smoking Ban Ethical Considerations


Many cross-cultural taboos reflect the negative aspects of smoking in general. Moreover, the process usually has detrimental health and environmental implications, especially in the case of cigarettes. While the modernization of the typical smoking tools has allowed decreasing their unfavorable side effects, some still argue for a complete ban on cigarettes. In that way, it is essential to determine if a complete ban on cigarette smoking would serve as the optimal solution in the modern world.

Medical Complications from Cigarette Smoking

Considering the major role of medical implications in this question, the emphasis should be placed on smoking’s health effects. Multiple studies have highlighted the cardiovascular effects of tobacco, including lung disease and cancer (Münzel et al.). Statistics additionally report deaths of over half of the smokers worldwide every year (Münzel et al.). It is critical to emphasize the negative influence of tobacco-containing products on non-smokers through passive smoking. In that way, a recorded 1.2 million death statistics demonstrate the extent to which the process can trigger health-associated risks (Münzel et al.). The direct correlation between tobacco use and the chances of developing medical issues calls for more regulation of cigarette usage and sale. Most importantly, the issue of non-smokers experiencing severe health complications is the central argument supporting the ban on cigarettes.

Environmental Damage from Cigarette Smoking

Apart from the discussed medical risks, cigarettes make up a significant base for environmental issues. Cigarette butts are reportedly one of the most abundant waste materials in both aquatic and terrestrial environments (Dobaradaran et al.). The concentration of cigarette litter in terrestrial areas was severe enough to reach the aquatic habitat and cause significant damage to its organisms (Dobaradaran et al.). The toxicity and substantial declines in aquatic life contribute to the overall detrimental role of smoking in improving environmental issues.

Ethical Considerations

The reviewed aspects mainly concerned empirical evidence and the direct influence of the process. However, it is essential to note the ethical considerations in banning such a popular social trend. Although smoking has clear damaging effects on the human body and the environment, it is one’s right to make decisions for themselves. In that way, banning cigarettes will inevitably violate smokers’ rights in acting through free will. Still, some researchers argue that by viewing the issue through the scope of specific criteria, the choice can be made for smokers (Woodward and Richmond). If the process is seen as an addiction instead of a choice, more regulation will be valid from an ethical point of view (Woodward and Richmond). On the other hand, it is unfair to non-smokers who suffer from the consequences of other people’s actions. This argument explains the need for mandatory cigarette smoking regulation.


The discussed aspects of the issue mainly highlighted the harmful and unethical effects of smoking. The chemicals trigger various adverse health conditions, many of which can cause death. Non-smokers share the possibilities of such medical complications through passive influences. While some governments propose maximum control of cigarette sales, this paper aims to develop arguments for and against the idea. Although the evident negative aspects of the issue reflect the necessity to ban the product completely, certain ethical considerations block this initiative. In that way, one’s freedom of choice cannot be disregarded on a national level. At the same time, the mentioned implications highlight the importance of introducing stricter control of cigarette selling and purchasing. Through such regulations, including special smoking areas and decreased production rates, the severity of smoking effects will gradually decrease.

Works Cited

Dobaradaran, Sina, et al. “Environmental Fate of Cigarette Butts and Their Toxicity in Aquatic Organisms: A Comprehensive Systematic Review.” Environmental Research, vol. 195, 2021. Web.

Münzel, Thomas, et al. “Effects of Tobacco Cigarettes, E-Cigarettes, and Waterpipe Smoking on Endothelial Function and Clinical Outcomes.” European Heart Journal, vol. 41, no.41, 2020, pp. 4057-4070.

Woodward, Eleanor, and Robyn Richmond. “Smoking Bans in Psychiatric Units: An Issue of Medical Ethics.” Frontiers in Psychiatry, vol.10, 2019, p. 134.

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