Organizational Structure, Culture, and Recommendations

Describe the structure and culture of an organization. List the weaknesses and strengths. How does the structure and culture of an organization influence the behavior of its members? What are your recommendations for improvements?

There is no use denying the fact that every organization has its structure and culture which influence the work of its staff. A person, who has just become a member of any company, should understand the main peculiarities of the company’s structure or him/her to become a part of it (Culture And Organizational Behavior, n.d.). Usually, other members of a collective should help a newcomer to do it faster, though, it depends on the relations within it.

Being a worker of Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation, it is also possible to notice and analyze the main peculiarities of its organization and culture. First of all, it should be said that the work is organized according to the traditional hierarchical pattern. There are officials of the company who manage the work of different departments and all workers. However, Sikorsky Corporation cares about its workers. There is some special policy whose main aim is the development of the stuff of the company.

To achieve this aim, the organization provides certain rewards for people who continue their development and try to do their best. Additionally, there is the practice of performance feedback, which helps managers focus employee effort on areas that contribute to Sikorsky Aircraft’s overall success (Performance Culture, n.d., para. 5). Being able to control the level of performance, officials of the company are also able to guarantee its efficient functioning.

The given model influences the work of employees. Knowing about the policy of rewards, which exists within the company, people try to increase the level of their efficiency for them to be rewarded. However, it is also possible to say that the practice of performance feedback also helps to keep workers up because they know about the control which is performed by managers. In general organizational culture promotes an increase in the level of efficiency of the whole company.

Additionally, the existing system does not have some obvious drawbacks as it functions perfectly and guarantees the development of a collective and good relations within it. The companys success on an international level can be taken as the best evidence for this statement. There are, of course, some ways in which this system could be improved. For example, further development of performance feedback and usage of technologies to improve this service can be taken as a way to increase the efficiency of this tool.

Using new knowledge in career and personal life

Education is one of the main things which promotes the development of a person and influences his/her career. That is why it becomes obvious that knowledge, obtained due to the process of study, can also help a person in his/her further life. With this in mind, it is possible to outline the main ways in which perceptions from the class can help us in our future life and career. First of all, it is possible to say that knowledge will be useful because of its universal character.

Moreover, the importance of these skills for the development of problem-solving skills (Robbins & Judge, 2015) should also be outlined. Having acquired some knowledge about the main patterns of behavior of people, it is possible to use it in many different spheres. Nevertheless, some problems could be solved by the application of this knowledge and skills obtained in the process of study. Moreover, the development of leadership skills can also be achieved with the help of this very knowledge.

It is possible to conclude that all information, which we were given, will be rather useful and help to develop our career as such issues as leadership and problem solving are very important in the working process. By becoming a leader and obtaining skills in problem-solving, a person will achieve new successes and develop his/her personality.


Culture And Organizational Behavior. (n.d.).

Performance Culture. (n.d.). Sikorsky. Web.

Robbins, S., & Judge, T. (2015). Organizational Behavior, 16th Edition. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

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