Small Change: Why the Revolution Will Not Be Tweeted?

Gladwell (2010) claimed that social media activism could make people pay attention to particular problems with low risk, but not as good as traditional activism because it does not lead people to sacrifice. Gladwell (2010) argued that the role of social ties is vital because leadership organizes people using rules and hierarchy using the head of a specific community as an object of respect. Gladwell (2010) claimed that social media did not motivate people to act as strongly as traditional activism, because it is hard to arrange and form powerful institutions.


Gladwell, M. (2010). Small change: Why the revolution will not be tweeted. The New Yorker. 

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StudyCorgi. "Small Change: Why the Revolution Will Not Be Tweeted?" June 25, 2023.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Small Change: Why the Revolution Will Not Be Tweeted?" June 25, 2023.

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