Social Change Through Technological Innovation

Social change has been characterized by technology and innovations by individuals. There has been a manifestation of technology and innovations in social interactions. As people interact in various ways technology has been utilized to enhance aspects of human life and social contacts. The mass media contributes a lot towards social interaction. It is important to mention that it is indeed this mass media that has been associated with technology an innovation in the modern times. Technology has been utilized in Radio and T.V communication. This has improved the spread of information from one place to another.

AS information is spread through this technology, social interactions have undergone transformation. Improved communication through technology has been instrumental in improving education with such capabilities as long distance learning. So many learning and employment opportunities have been brought about by technology and innovation. Technology has brought about efficiency in the management of information. Technology has facilitated social interactions with people from different cultural backgrounds being united by technology. Creation of employment with technology such as computers cannot be overlooked.

However, it is important to mention that it is modern technology that has led to the moral decay in the society. Technology and innovation have resulted in lack of respect for morality that used to shape human life. Technology has resulted in increased crime and fraud. Through technology people have suffered losses as a result of being victims to scams. Institutions Due to technology people have lost employment opportunities because of downsizing that comes with technological developments. Some people have observed that technology has become an autonomous force to the modern world and the danger lies in the inability of people to control it.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, November 14). Social Change Through Technological Innovation.

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StudyCorgi. 2021. "Social Change Through Technological Innovation." November 14, 2021.

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