Behavioral Intervention Program for Students with Learning Disorders

Problem description

The student exhibits a learning disorder, which involves social withdrawal and adverse educational performance. In this regard, the student does not relate well with other students and does not complete schoolwork assignments as expected.

Behavioral program

The behavioral intervention program determines behavioral symptoms of a student. In this regard, the student should exhibit signs of social isolation and inability to perform in academics. Other signs of behavioral problems associated with social withdrawal and isolation include extreme low self-esteem and difficulty in coping with a community school environment (Rubin & Coplan, 2004).

The program resources include a single teacher with specialized qualifications. An additional specialized education assistant for each class with special needs students is recommended. Availability of Learning Support Services (LSS) personnel is vital in the evaluation of the special education plan. LSS personnel also offer consultative services to special needs instructors.

Program goals

A major goal of the special education plan is to provide a learning environment that promotes the development of social skills for students requiring special attention. The special education plan allows integration of classroom and school activities to allow social interaction among students (Avramidis & Norwich, 2002). Continuous assessment and evaluation by parents is encouraged as an on-going activity throughout the special education plan.

Program activities

According to McCarney, Wunderlich & Bauer (1988), encouraging students using reinforcements in the form of tangible and intangible rewards is effective. Examples of tangible and intangible rewards include additional free time and praises respectively. Talking to the student and explaining the importance of socializing and completing assignments is essential. Special needs instructors are encouraged to establish classroom rules. Example of classroom rules includes rules on assignments duration and assignments requirements. Teachers are sometimes encouraged to agree with the student on expected behaviors, preferably through a written agreement.

Assigning other students to help others who find difficulty in working on assignment tasks is also recommended. However, the teacher is required to ascertain the degree of an assignment difficulty against the student’s ability to perform on the same. Assigning students tasks with a short duration of time and in an interesting manner is necessary. A special needs teacher is required to interact frequently with a student to develop interpersonal trust and skills. Sometimes, allowing additional time and lessons for a special needs student is considered professional. Moreover, the teacher is encouraged to use alternative assignments to assess the intellectual ability of the student.

Communication between the student’s parents and the teacher is critical in sharing of vital information that may reinforce the student’s behavior. Using group discussions where each student is given a task is essential in developing social and communication skills. The special needs student can be encouraged to use alternative means in completing an assignment. For example, the student can use calculators, objects or answer answers orally. Increased opportunities that aid in improving a student’s academic performance should be created. Such opportunities should be in the form of peer tutoring, teacher-student interactions and student-student interactions.

Evaluation methods

As indicated earlier, program evaluations are conducted throughout the year. Moreover, a student’s progress and performance are reported and recorded in structured report cards. An annual review of the student’s performance against the program goals and expectations is mandatory.

Alternative placements

School administration is required to meet parents and discuss activities of a special education plan. These activities may include special treatment program for the student, regular support and monitoring by a special Learner Student Teacher (LST).


Avramidis, E., & Norwich, B. (2002). Teachers’ attitudes towards integration/inclusion: A review of the literature. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 17(2), 129-147.

McCarney, S. B., Wunderlich, K. C., & Bauer, A. M. (1988). The pre-referral intervention manual. Columbia, MO: Hawthorne Educational Services.

Rubin, K. H., & Coplan, R. J. (2004). Paying attention to and not neglecting social withdrawal and social isolation. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 50(4), 506-534.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, November 21). Behavioral Intervention Program for Students with Learning Disorders.

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