Strategic Priorities and Christian Worldview

Since attending a Christian University, I have discovered that the University is committed to helping students achieve and pursue their educational goals. Christian University is a faith-based and Evangelical institution guided by the belief that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior. As stated in the Strategic Priorities, their core principle is to “Teach students to trust the Bible, live holy lives, and be evangelists,” a well as “Be seekers of truth” (Colorado Christian University, n.d.). These priorities are in direct alignment with the desire to increase my knowledge and understanding of the Bible.

From a personal perspective, I have made numerous discoveries expanding my understanding of what attending the Christian University means. Namely, I have learned to see the elements of the Christian worldview in many aspects of life. Primarily, it is important to realize that God is in control and the ruler of all things on earth. God is righteous, He is Holy, He is worthy, and He is Love. For instance, the Scripture reminds us to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength” (Mark 12:30, New International Version).

Moreover, the same passage reminds the reader that “There is no commandments greater than this” (Mark 12:30, New International Version). When we embrace the idea of loving God with all our hearts, we can also learn to love others in a way that God intended for us. Overall, the greatest impact on my approach to my education at the Christian University is the teaching of Christian values from the Biblical perspective. As I read and study various Scriptures from the Bible, they teach me how to apply what I read to my day-to-day life. The outcomes of my learning have also increased my faith, which allows me to develop spiritually as I walk with Jesus.


Colorado Christian University. (n.d.). What we believe.

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