The Advantages of a Failure in Society


Society considers failure a significant obstacle in the way of personal goals and objectives throughout all stages of life. The concept brings immediate negative connotations and associations. Hence, the idea created even more complex issues such as fear of failure and connected emotions such as anxiety, humiliation, and shame. However, failure itself is an essential element of the natural development of an individual, skills, and knowledge.


The concept can be seen through the perspective of theoretical mistakes that provoke fear and the actual failure that happened in an individual’s personal experience. Motivation for success and feelings of loss are internal forces that each person has authority over independently. Self-control is essential for people to regulate themselves and control behaviors deemed valid and most likely to accomplish previously established objectives (Bolton et al., 2020). The feeling of failure-related fear is the first element that defines the mistake even more than the failure itself. Fear is an emotion preoccupied with failing, anxiety, and fear of shame and humiliation. When people delay doing anything because they are worried about failing, their surroundings react negatively toward them. The alternative solution is to postpone accomplishing the task and get an unpleasant response. Hence, procrastination as a process occurs due to the fear that overtakes an individual’s mind and damages the ability to perform the most effectively.

At the same time, if the failure occurs in the personal experience, it shifts focus to the weaker areas supporting the issue. For instance, I experienced failure in academic performance, trying to achieve the highest scores in all disciplines. Despite high motivation, I could not concentrate on each subject; consequently, neither was appropriately studied. I analyzed the whole study process after the failure occurred in the form of insufficient scores and came to various conclusions. First, I learned to create small, realistic goals to follow the more significant objectives. For instance, preparing for each class separately could help me to develop a system, making the process more automatic for the memory and perception mechanism. Second, I learned that the learning process was more complicated because fear of failure existed throughout the year due to the constant focus on the exams. Therefore, the feeling and impact of the failure directly correspond to the time during which the idea and goal exist in the mind.

Moreover, there are many qualities of a character that are shaped throughout the acceptance of a mistake. For instance, the main contribution made to the resilience feature. It is connected with overcoming difficulties or challenges in life, particularly by exhibiting mental, psychological, and social adaptability and adjusting to both internal and external expectations. Another unexpected outcome is that the issue built creativity by applying possible solutions to the situation, which could have helped avoid failure. The modeling approach can be helpful in future practices and personal life. This situation also helped me develop new study approaches and accept new methods and strategies. Hence, the failure analysis process influenced emotional and practical personality areas.


Thus, a mistake is integral to human development, affecting various aspects of personal existence. It may awaken new solutions and ways for better outcomes in future practices, shape a strong personality, and create a fundament for problem analysis. Regardless of the issue’s contribution to the general life and experience results, the emotional background, such as fear of failure, can harm even more, creating invisible barriers that stop an individual’s development.


Bolton, C., & Miskioğlu, E., & Martin, K. M. (2020). WIP: Motivation and identity: The impact of identity on recovering from failure. ASEE Virtual Annual Conference. Web.

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