The Benefits of Gardening: Natural Contact with Nature

In the modern world, many people live in an artificial, urban environment, cut off from natural contact with nature. It is difficult for such people to imagine that caring for their garden can be more than just an aggravating household chore. Many people cannot imagine what it means to maintain their garden, take care of it, pay attention to gardening, and watch plants daily. However, humankind has been gardening for thousands of years, which is why some people run away from city life to nature, acquire their garden and find it enjoyable.

Gardening creates a place for contact with nature and inevitably produces a set of routines that must be performed daily, weekly, or seasonally. The human brain is exceptionally fond of having pleasant daily rituals. Therefore, psychologists recommend acquiring morning and evening daily activities. They structure the schedule and make life more predictable, turning a garden into a personal space of stability and relaxation. In addition, contact with nature, greenery, and clean air have a calming effect on the human nervous system.

Another positive benefit of having a garden is increased physical activity. Anyone can practice gardening, as it does not require much physical strength or stamina. At the same time, gardening naturally requires a person to be in motion. Given that most people lead a sedentary lifestyle, gardening can bring back the joy of movement and promote health. Moreover, the result of gardening is the cultivation of homemade, organic food. Gardeners are not only happy to see the fruits of their labors metaphorically, but they can also enjoy them quite literally.

People have been gardening for most of their history and have found the process enjoyable and rewarding. The garden not only helped to survive but also was a pleasant and beautiful place to spend time. The presence of a garden can bring many advantages to a person’s life, bringing him closer to nature and the natural rhythm of life. In gardening, the result is as important as the process, which heals a person physically and calms down psychologically.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, October 2). The Benefits of Gardening: Natural Contact with Nature.

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