The Childhood Obesity Problem Significance

Problem Background

Childhood obesity is one of the most severe issues that affects children and teenagers. It involves various risks for their health. According to statistics, this problem affected approximately 14.7 youths in the years 2017-2020. Its prevalence was 12.7% among toddlers, 20.7% among children aged 6-11 and 22.2% among 12-year-olds and teenagers. Said prevalence was found among 26.2% Hispanic children, 16.6% among non-Hispanic White ones, 24.8% among black children and 9.0% among Asian ones (CDC, 2022a). Some of the health issues related to obesity are related to blood pressure, breathing problems and cholesterol levels. Some of the risk factors include their diet, overweight family members, absence of exercise, personal stress, and limited resources.

What makes the problem of obesity even more frustrating is that there are some disappointing side effects that follow. Such problems are mental disorders (anxiety and depression), self-esteem issues, obesity following them into adulthood (CDC, 2022b). Moreover, as a result of their problem, they may experience bullying from other people of their age, which, in turn, causes the aforementioned mental issues (Mayo Clinic, 2020). Thus, it is important to monitor this health problem in order to avoid the aforementioned effects and health problems.

Statement of the Problem and Purpose of the Study

The aforementioned facts explain the severity of childhood obesity and how this problem affects their lives. It is important to review some of its side effects and correlated issues more thoroughly, to have a deeper understanding of the problem at hand and further promote awareness of childhood obesity. Obesity is tied to other issues, such as stigma and socio-economic factors. The study is aimed towards thoroughly reviewing those aspects, while calculating the occurrence of the risk factors related to this problem. After gathering the necessary data, it may provide some extra information and context to the causes and factors related to this problem.

Research Questions, Hypothesis, and Variables with Operational Definitions: Research Question

How common is the problem of obesity in the current year?

Hypothesis: Research and Null

The hypothesis of this text will imply that said the problem of obesity is becoming increasingly common in the recent years. The statistics acquired from the years 2015-2016 demonstrate that the obesity prevalence has increased by 1.2% in the years 2017-2020. What may validate the hypothesis even further is that the years 2003-2004 and 2013-2014 did not demonstrate any significant changes in the prevalence (CDC, 2019a). It is important to note that compared to the years 2013-2014, 2015-2016 has a 1.3% increase in obesity prevalence, further validating the alarming tendency throughout the years 2015-2020.

Identifying and Defining Study Variables

The text will gather the following variables, such as the number of children, their age (independent), the factors of their condition and the correlated health problems (dependent). These aspects will provide numeric data for the issue at hand. Moreover, it may help approximately determine the prevalence in the current year on the basis of the acquired data. That way, it will be easier to navigate through the studies and understand the goal at hand, which, in turn, may provide some extra context.

Operationalize Variables

In order to operationalize values, different and crucial aspects can be used which can help provide numeric data. Such aspects include the occurrence of obesity, how common the comorbidities and risk factors are, the number of cases of obesity cases divided by categories (i.e. class 1 to class 3, or severe obesity). This gathered numeric data will provide a more specific, concise and detailed idea of the issues surrounding obesity and whether its prevalence has increased or not.


CDC. (2022a). Childhood obesity facts. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Web.

CDC. (2022b). Causes and consequences of childhood obesity. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Web.

Mayo Clinic. (2020). Childhood obesity – Symptoms and causes. Web.

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