The Homelessness Problem in California

What concerns a specific issue, it is possible to define the problem of high homelessness rates in the United States of America, particularly, in the state of California. Different causes can contribute to the alarmingly high incidence of homelessness, including challenges in treating individuals with mental disorders and substance abuse. However, expensive real estate remains to be the core of several other societal issues across the state. As a result, California should reassess some of its housing regulations, increase funding for affordable housing initiatives, and improve the registration procedure.

Referring to an anti-thesis that opposes the main idea, it is feasible to emphasize the notion that California state authorities are capable of dealing with the homelessness issue and provide effective solutions. In terms of premises, firstly, California government approved a package of measures aimed at addressing the state’s homelessness epidemic and improving the state’s response to those on the streets with mental health challenges. The California Interagency Council on Homelessness is also considered to be in charge of receiving, examining, and eventually implementing homelessness plans presented by counties and cities. Finally, by elaborating the California Comeback Plan, California authorities concentrated on restoring the state’s spectrum of housing and treatment alternatives for individuals with significant mental health disorders.

Relating to the initial thesis, it can be stated that several facts can support the idea that homelessness is a relevant social issue. With regard to the first premise, firstly, California has a substantial number of individuals suffering homelessness, with a high percentage of chronically homeless citizens (Liu et al. 2020). Furthermore, California’s impoverished population segments are disproportionately unsheltered and persistently disadvantaged in comparison to the rest of the nation, demonstrating a predominance in this region (Liu et al. 2020). What concerns a list of the possible groups affected by the issue, it is possible to mention tax payers, since governments spend their resources on developing programs, citizens, social workers, and healthcare providers. In order to discuss this issue, it is obligatory to examine specific terms and words, including unemployment, homelessness, government authorities, social institutions, social initiatives, contribution, responsibility, and proper care.

Work Cited

Liu, C. Y., et al. “Communicable Disease among People Experiencing Homelessness in California.” Epidemiology and Infection, vol. 148, 2020, p. 85.

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