The Impact of Social Media on Education

Positive impact

In the modern world, the role of social media in education is increasing. The environment is constantly changing and social networks provide an opportunity to get a scholarship without attending higher education institutions. The ways of obtaining knowledge are diminishing and educational possibilities are developing for students around the world. At the same time, social media can distinguish between positive and negative impact on education. The advantage is that in the current realities, social life is an integral part of the learning process (Rahman, 2020). This is a platform that aims to increase student engagement and the ability to quickly keep in touch with each other and teachers. Social media makes it easier for students to find information and aims to provide open access electronic resources.

Negative impact

However, social media can have a negative impact on student academic achievement. First of all, this is due to the fact that they are constantly distracted by third-party correspondence and viewing posts. Constant checking of social networks reduces the concentration of the student, as a result of which they may miss a lot of important information (Rahman, 2020). In addition, social platforms reduce the possibility of doing research on their own, since everything can be found on the Internet. Thus, the positive and negative impact of social networks is noted. On the one hand, students are given open access to information, on the other hand, this can lead to a decrease in academic performance.


Rahman, S., Ramakrishnan, T., & Ngamassi, L. (2020). Impact of social media use on student satisfaction in Higher Education. Higher Education Quarterly, 74(3), 304-319.

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