The Importance of Entrepreneurial Education


Entrepreneurial education has become a complex subject that students need to master. It is a major tool for training numerous skills in young individuals. It teaches basic management activities and flexible skills that are complementary to fundamental things (these include business communication and public speaking). This is the ability to feel for people; emotional intelligence. In addition, there should be a core in the form of hard skills – an overview of business processes, understanding the essence of business, building a management structure. These abilities are considered helpful for students in other classes.


Numerous studies demonstrate the efficacy of the suggested initiative as it presents positive outcomes. For instance, the role models (the entrepreneurs) participating in such training courses inspire young children to achieve small successes (Lafortune et al., 2018). Bauman and Lucy (2019) state that one’s productivity increases for the development of entrepreneurial competencies. The other study proved that entrepreneurial ecosystem should be developed so that students are more likely to take risks and succeed (Zulfiqar et al., 2019). Hence, it is vital to investigate how such training courses affect skill acquisition and performance growth.


Not many entrepreneurship programs are introduced in high schools across the country, which may impede students’ development in coping with routine tasks. This problem is important because students are generally not taught to make their own decisions. However, the introduction of high-school entrepreneurship programs would be advantageous to young learners in resolving daily issues. In addition, it may boost their efficacy and improve outcomes in other subjects. This research will benefit the researchers studying the mentioned issues, the educators, and entrepreneurs who desire to implement their programs into educational practice.


Bauman, A., & Lucy, C. (2019). Enhancing entrepreneurial education: Developing competencies for success. The International Journal of Management Education, 19. Web.

Lafortune, J., Riutort, J., & Tessada, J. (2018). Role models or individual consulting: The impact of personalizing micro-entrepreneurship training.” American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 10 (4), 222-45. Web.

Zulfiqar, S., Sarwar, B., Aziz, S., Ejaz Chandia, K., & Khan, M. K. (2019). An analysis of influence of business simulation games on business school students’ attitude and intention toward entrepreneurial activities. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 57(1), 106–130. Web.

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