The Leadership Gold Book by John Maxwell

Good leadership is a crucial skill that is always needed to make a difference. It has the capability of increasing an organization’s profitability well as positively impacting the lives of numerous individuals. Therefore, learning more about leadership makes a difference in individuals’ lives and helps them to impact other people’s lives (Maxwell, 2008). The book Leadership Gold by John Maxwell aims to share a lifetime of leadership truth that can guide an individual who is aspiring to become a leader. Some of the author’s key points in the book are:

  • The toughest person to lead is always yourself.
  • The reasons for not sending your ducks to the eagle school.
  • Ways in which leaders distinguish themselves when facing tough times.
  • Reasons why best leaders should be good listeners.
  • Ways of creating a legacy that is worth leaving
  • How the secret to a perfect meeting is having a meeting before.

The author’s key points are relevant to leaders today because the points ensure they are equipped with good leadership skills. First, the book teaches leaders how to lead themselves through holding high standards of accountability that cannot be compared to others. When leaders lead themselves, they usually do what is right regardless of how high they rise or the powers that have been bestowed on them. Secondly, the points are crucial to today’s leaders to teach how to separate employees to avoid frustrations in the workplace (Maxwell, 2008). In most cases, people who work fast and fly high can be easily frustrated by individuals who hold them back by working slowly. This is why the author was saying that ducks should not be sent to eagle schools. Thirdly, the reading tells leaders that they should be willing to handle small, difficult, and unseen things. This teaching is relevant to today’s leaders as it prepares them for major difficulties they are likely to face.

Additionally, the points teach today’s leaders to be good listeners and put into action what they hear to improve their organization. This teaching is very crucial because it promotes innovativeness in the company as well as ensures that employees have trust in their leaders. Fifthly, it teaches leaders that they should create a legacy that they will be remembered with after leaving their positions. Creating a legacy shows the individual’s good and effective leadership skills (Maxwell, 2008). Finally, the reading teaches leaders that they should not spend a lot of time in meetings. Additionally, leaders should go to a meeting to plan for another meeting instead, they should attend meetings with solutions. Combining all the six points learned in the book helps a leader have good leadership skills.

From the reading, I have learned numerous things that my leadership style should possess. First, it should be considerate and listen to other people’s perspectives. However, in instances where other people’s perspective compromises the organization’s goals, it should not be implemented. Secondly, I should often handle small, difficult, and unseen issues to prepare for major challenges I will face as a leader. Thirdly, my style should have reflection moments to help me to identify where I have issues in the leadership position. Finally, I should usually treat people under my leadership fairly to prevent conflict in the workplace. All the skills I have acquired from this reading will help me to be a successful leader in my future endeavors.


Maxwell, J. C. (2008). Leadership gold: Lessons I’ve learned from a lifetime of leading. HarperCollins Leadership.

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