Streamlining Military HR to DOD Levels

The purpose for Writing

The idea to optimize the core activities of military HR professionals to the level that is demonstrated by the representatives from the Department of Defense (DOD) seems to be rather interesting and important in the chosen sphere of knowledge because these two departments define the level of how military services in the US are organized. Human resource management is the sphere that changes considerably all the time, and it is better to be aware of the requirements set by the community to become a considerable part of the HR team.


The audience for the chosen project may be the representatives from HR departments as well as military representatives. First, all of them expect to see the plan of action that would help to succeed in the optimization of activities of military HR workers to the level of DOD workers. The HR managers may need this paper to comprehend what steps are better to take to succeed in the chosen activity and what outcomes may be expected. DOD representatives may get a chance to define their strengths and weakness regarding other departments of the same community. And the rest of the military staff should be interested in the ideas developed in this paper as they help to improve military services and provide people with appropriate conditions for work.

Goals of Information

This paper will explain how the process of optimization of core activities of military HR professionals to the same level of DOD civilians counter-partners may be organized and developed, what outcomes of this optimization can be expected, and whether the chosen process may positively influence the development of military services in the United States of America.

Information Objectives

To achieve the goals set, several steps should be taken. It is necessary to identify the core activities of the departments under consideration and evaluate the peculiarities of the Department of Defense and the Military Human Resource Department. The HRC knowledge competency needs to be analyzed. It is also obligatory to prove that the level of competency of HR managers differs from one of the DOD managers. And finally, the evaluation of training programs and other sources of information that may influence the process of optimization should be developed on a high level to synchronize leaders’ activities.

Information Specifications

  1. Overall structure: an analytical report;
  2. Title: Optimization of the Core Activities of Military Human Resource Professionals to the Same Level as the Department of Defense (DOD) Civilian Counter Partners;
  3. Artwork production: no production is required for this project;
  4. Packaging: the paper will be in the form of a three-ring binder.

Sectional Content Outline

  • Introduction to military services of US;
  • Evaluation of HR and DOD managers’ activities;
  • Importance and forecasts of the process of optimization
  • Identification of training programs integral to the optimization process;
  • The solution that helps to improve the process of activities’ optimization.

Information Verification

Information in the paper will be verified due to the use of the already approved current sources, attention to the real-life examples which may be observed in US military services, and implementation of the ideas in real life.

Schedule of Milestones

Identification of purposes; material search; evaluation of information; division a paper into chapters; writing process; editing process; final improvements of the paper; analysis of the work done.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, February 19). Streamlining Military HR to DOD Levels.

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"Streamlining Military HR to DOD Levels." StudyCorgi, 19 Feb. 2021,

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StudyCorgi. (2021) 'Streamlining Military HR to DOD Levels'. 19 February.

1. StudyCorgi. "Streamlining Military HR to DOD Levels." February 19, 2021.


StudyCorgi. "Streamlining Military HR to DOD Levels." February 19, 2021.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Streamlining Military HR to DOD Levels." February 19, 2021.

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