The Main Aspects of Christianity


The author bases the work on the versatility of the Christian worldview and emphasizes that, at the same time, they all rely on the holy scriptures of the Bible. It is a valuable source of information for followers of the Christian faith. This post has such strengths as a clear and organized explanation of the basic concepts of the Christian religion and the Biblical foundations.


For a complete understanding of the Bible, it is necessary to read each passage carefully. At the same time, it is pointed out that “no one does this perfectly, since we are all under the inescapable influence of our own experience and outside forces on our minds and lives” (Averbeck, 2020, para. 13). In addition, the post says that this religion believes that everything around, including people, was created by God. Thus, it can be agreed that the statement that he has control over people and their feelings can prevent them from experiencing pain and suffering.

The author proceeds to discuss the values given to people by Christianity. The statement from Lev 19:18, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” is one of the leading concepts of religion, which implies not harming other people (Bishop, 2020, p. 144). Another vow for Christians is to follow the teachings and laws of God, which were once violated by Adam and Eve, which led to the division between God and humanity. Despite this, followers of Christianity can find salvation from God and go to heaven. It is imperative to mention in this post that according to this religion, people might take solace in the idea that God has power over illness and can heal in miraculous ways.


In conclusion, the author effectively provides information about the main aspects of Christianity and emphasizes its importance in human life. The post carefully examines what Christianity implies, which major worldviews it includes, and on which narratives the biblical scripture is based. Moreover, it tells about the creation of people, the first of whom was Adam and Eve, and the role of religion in the treatment of body and soul.


Averbeck, R.E. (2020). Reading creation in the Bible in light of science today. Peaceful Science. Web.

Bishop, S. (2020). Love thy neighbor: The expansive command. Socio-historical examination of religion and ministry. Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2(2), 143-155. Web.

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