The Managerial Duties in Business

A great manager must be effective and practical in his management. The knowledge of the “trade” is very important but the ability to use the information and apply it to practice is a skill that is just as important, if not more. They must have a friendly and fair relationship with the fellow workers, even with those lower in the rank. At the same time, they have to be specific in the requests and regulations, so that there is a structure and order in the operation. As they are in charge and can take a more global look at the business structure, they have to shape the culture and the inner , as well as outer relations with other workers and the public.

The first sign of ineffective organization is a loss of assets and stability in the company. A disorganized structure will have immediate effects on the functioning of the corporation as a unit. Many times, there is a miscommunication between the management and the employees. The management has duties that are related to the distribution of roles and finances in the company. Their main focus is on the creation of conditions, which can be used for the benefit of the business. Employees, in turn, have a goal of making a salary for themselves but also supporting the company, so that it keeps running, thus providing them with a work place. In order to improve, they could create more meetings for closer interaction with all the departments. Personal views of every worker in the company add to the greater understanding of the matters and areas that might need improvement. A chance to try several positions within the organization could allow for a better choice of personnel, with a better set of skills.

A business 40 years ago would have similar general patterns and structure. The fact that there will always be people and organizations, which provide a service or a product, makes it one of the oldest professions. For a very long time, people have been creating cooperative relationships, which would allow for an easier and quicker gain of finances. The crediting system has very much been involved in business, at any time. The banks have always co-existed with the business world but in the present times, their span has grown. And then, there is the culture of the time, which constantly changes. Today, the economy is centered on oil, technology, environment and many other cultural nuances and specifics that were not around 40 years ago. Currently, more people have the ability and opportunity to open their own business. The economy and global market have developed with unexpected rates, together with debts and spending.

Quantitative management concepts and tools are used in making a decision related to the business and the changes that are made using the numbers that are available, as a representation of the company or data. Sometimes, quantitative management is used in critical situations or when a quick and effective decision is needed. Also, when there is conflicting information or uncertainty, the numbers prove to be an effective way to get a mathematical analysis of the matters. This guarantees that the decision made is based on hard evidence and will lead to results.

The quote makes a connection with the exterior world or environment of the business. It is the relationships and pathways between people and many different organizations that work together in many fields and situations. Its inner world is directly influenced by the market in the city, country or part of the world. The culture defines the workings of an organization and is the much needed element in the mutual and beneficial relationship. I agree with this statement because any business must have the interest and involvement of consumers. The needs and wants of many people establish a framework between businesses and the public.

At one point I had an opportunity to apply to two different companies. They were involved in similar types of business and so, both had their advantages and disadvantages. I was trying to get hired by both companies and then organize the work hours, so that they would not conflict with each other. I have finished training at one company and had to start training in the second one but the first company required me to start work the day after next. I had to say that I will not be able to make it to work because of prior arrangements. This was not a good thing and endangered my position with that company. When the training in the second organization ended, 4 days later, they could not provide sufficient hours and so, there was a risk I could lose out of both jobs. I decided to stick with the first company and it proved to be a wise decision. A Firm commitment play a great role and all the factors must be carefully weighed.

The advantages of a group decision can be seen in the effectiveness and productivity of several people, working on the same task. The unification of goals and plans makes the work easier and faster. The disadvantages are the conflicts in deciding the right path or direction. Too many ideas might intervene with an adequate choice of one, which will be most efficient. A clear leader must be established to organize the group and provide structure to the work. At my job, I was the shift manager and I could compare the decision-making process of my own shift, to the one when all the shift managers had a meeting. Here, we all had something to contribute and change in the whole system.

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