The Significance of the Ethical Pillars of Jainism

The non-Vedic native Jainism religion has an origination in India and Mahavira is the most prominent tutor of the doctrine of this religion. The main belief of the religion is that Universe is forever it is not affected by time, there is no commencement or an end and it is eternal even though there is progress and decline. The believers are of the view that their present deeds will manipulate their future life and therefore trust in karma as it should be avoided at any cost. The three ethical pillars of the Jainism religion, Ahimsa (non-violence), Aparigraha (non-attachment), and Anekantwad (non-absolutism) are paramount in the goal of Jains followers to free their souls from samara.

These three ethical pillars are the vital aspect of the Jain religion and Ahimsa, non-violence to all things is the first principle pillar of Jainism. Apparigraph is the belief that one should not be attached with his worldly possessions and people as it leads their soul to unite with samara, the rotation of earthly life and Anekantwad is the belief that all truths are interrelated with the people who are experienced it. Jains are of the opinion that they will be able to live peacefully and free from samara through the detachment of worldly belongings and associations, keep away from anger to everyone and everything, keeping liberal to the situation and remaining open mentality. Monks and nuns are the individuals who practice Jainism fully and they fast, do self-punishment and are learned how to tolerate miseries. They teach people the practice of non-violence as they give importance to the microorganisms in air, land and water and instruct the believers to be careful in their daily activities such as bathing, breathing and eating. The most notable thing is that some people do not wear clothes so as to prove their innocence and detachment of fabric possessions even the much-needed clothes.

The significances of these three pillars in Jainism are unpredictable and extraordinary. The very first pillar Ahimsa seems to be these religions’ cornerstone as if everyone practices this non-violence to everything the people will be extremely innocent, gentle and kind. The feelings of kind, patience and tolerance now seem to vanish from the people as nowadays all are turned to be indifferent to others sufferings. At this juncture the principle of non-violence and its practice is very effective. If there is Non-violence there will be no war, no slavery, no domination and no evil thoughts and if the people of a nation practice this the nation itself will be an ideal nation free from violence. Thus it has a great significant role both in purifying people’s minds of evil thereby making them better innocent human beings and constructing an ideal land. If one is detached from his worldly l relations and possessions he will have a mind without evil feelings like jealousy, anxiety and so on. One who practices this principle will be able to understand the feelings of others especially the feelings of poor people who lack dress, food and even shelter and help him to develop a good behavior. The superior feelings and thoughts often lead men to their destiny as wealth gives them the confidence even to forget their fate. Thus the practice of Apparigraph has a great significant role in the development of a better citizen. Practice of Anekantwad leads people to understand the actual situations, mistakes and thereby keep a free notion to the events.

If the tutors practice these principles the followers will surely obey them and it is also valuable for the growth of the religion. The knowledge of Karma leads the people keep away from misdeeds and misbehaviors thus the three pillars of Jainism have their own significance in both the growth and progress of the religion and the better souls.

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