The “This is America” Song by Childish Gambino

Childish Gambino’s song “This is America” is a striking and insightful statement on the nation’s current status and its social and political problems. In the music video, which was released in 2018, Childish Gambino, better known as Donald Glover, raps and dances through a succession of wild events. (Glover, 2018). Gambino employs the ideas of prejudice, discrimination, and racism in “This is America” to criticize the structural problems that perpetuate oppression and inequality in the country.

From an ethical standpoint, “This is America” clearly states its position on the topics it discusses. The song’s lyrics and visual representations both denounce the prejudice and brutality that minoritized groups, especially African Americans, must endure in the United States. The media and the criminal justice system are two examples of the bigger societal systems that support these problems that are criticized in the song. The moral posture adopted in “This is America” is one of protest and struggle against the institutionalized injustice experienced by underprivileged communities.

The message’s underlying ideals are those of protest and resistance against systemic oppression. The song criticizes how America’s institutions, including the media and the criminal justice system, support injustice and violence. The message also emphasizes how African Americans themselves are victims of violence and persecution while African American culture is misused and commercialized. These ethical disagreements and ideological conflicts may have varying effects on various social groups. For Black Americans, the theme is one of resistance and unity against structural injustice. On the other hand, those in positions of authority may interpret the message as a challenge to the status quo and a demand for change. Depending on their backgrounds and standing within the larger social and political institutions that uphold injustice and inequality, many will respond to the song differently.

The lyrics of “This is America” perfectly capture the experience of Black people and how the government and police treat them differently. The famous line “This is America, police be trippin’ now,” in particular, is a reference to the pervasive problem of police brutality faced by Black people in America (Glover, 2018, 1:16). The term “trippin’” suggests that the police are acting unfairly and unreasonably, which is a common experience faced by Black Americans. The use of strong metaphors and images draws attention to the paradoxes and double standards present in American culture.

Furthermore, the music video itself, which is a visual embodiment of the lyrics, is an especially effective tool for communicating the message. Bright colors, vivid graphics, and disorderly backgrounds contrast sharply with the somber and frequently violent subjects addressed in the lyrics, heightening the impact of the message. This contrast between the lyrics and the visuals is intentional and serves to underscore the dichotomy of Black life in America. Therefore, the dancing and visuals serve as a potent instrument for bringing the song’s themes to light.

In conclusion, Childish Gambino’s song “This is America” is a potent cultural text that analyzes the structural problems that support oppression and inequality in America through the lenses of prejudice, discrimination, and racism. The frantic pace of the music video draws attention to problems, including racial prejudice, gun violence, police brutality, and the appropriation of African American culture. The song is a potent weapon for resistance and protest against structural oppression because of its unequivocal ethical stance.


Glover, Donald. 2018. Childish Gambino – This Is America (Official Video). YouTube. Web.

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