The Work of a Journalist During Investigation

Nowadays, journalists are no longer regarded as neutral entities; hence, it is not a wonder that respondents are unwilling to provide information. Moreover, grabbing the attention of the editor Zach was not easy; I pitched five times before I could receive his response though Collins’ advice was helpful. Even though the story is sensitive as I have to include authoritative figures in society, I ensured to garner the support of community members by making them understand that the investigation was for their benefit. The story involves the police department, and getting to allot time with the officers has been a challenge.

I derive inspiration from the stories of other journalists because the story has to be told. I have to build rapport and trust to get the people to share their stories (Joshi). I have been extracting supplemental information from the New York City Police Department. Nonetheless, since they understand that they have a duty to the public, they have not been reluctant to provide information. Unfortunately, the main challenge has been in bridging the difference in responses between the views of the people and those of the police.

A journalist needs to develop prudent measures for dealing with challenges during an investigation. The aim is not to make enemies but to bring together all the concerned parties regarding a particular problem and help them to understand the essence of their collaborative involvement in solving it. The ultimate solution should be to obtain information ethically and explore all dimensions of an issue to uncover the truth.

Works Cited

Collins, Jem. Here Are a Load of Successful Journalism Pitches to Help You with Yours, 2021. Web.

Joshi, Samata. Answers to Your Question about Investigative Journalism at WBUR, 2020. Web.

New York City Police Department, 2021. Web.

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