Three News Stories From the TBWA Backslash Instagram

Hotels on Rails

French start-up named Midnight Train is going to create a new network of overnight trains to connect Paris to the capitals of 12 other European countries. This innovation is essential since the trains will apparently provide the population with a chance for faster and more comfortable traveling. The latter factor grows especially topical, considering the prospect of designing “hotel-style” rooms accompanied by a restaurant and a bar instead of regular train staterooms (TWBA Backslash). In addition, trains are ecologically friendlier as compared to planes or automobiles, for which reason it is quite relevant to use them more intensively.

Solar Foods

Solar Foods is a Finnish company that states to be making protein from CO2. The process involves capturing the gas from the atmosphere and turning it into protein powder with the help of electrolysis and a bioreactor. This technology offers an innovative way to “eliminate most of the emissions associated with modern agriculture,” which makes it critical in environmental terms (TWBA Backslash). In the long run, projects of that kind can improve the sustainability of food production by several digits, helping the humanity to approach closer to a circular carbon system.


This word, which can be translated from Nigerian Pidgin as “to know,” is also the name of a brand new Facebook app expected to make education more available for Nigerian population. In a long-term perspective, such a project has a potential to fix learning disparities in Nigeria, whose population is predicted to continue growing, hence be deficient in teachers (TWBA Backslash). The app is integral to Facebook’s larger project that lies in focusing on African users. This initiative, in turn, is based on the assumption that the amount of people who inhabit the continent will grow further.

Work Cited

TWBA Backslash. n.d. Web.

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StudyCorgi. 2022. "Three News Stories From the TBWA Backslash Instagram." September 8, 2022.

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