Counterterrorism: International Cooperation of the United States

Several strategic partnerships have been forged between the US and a series of nations. Some of them emanate from the Middle Eastern region or other Asian countries that can be viewed as terrorist hubs. This is a step in the right direction because working with governments in such countries sends...

Could 7/7 Have Been Prevented?

Introduction The critical analysis of the findings that can be observed in Part C of the Review of the Intelligence on the London Terrorist Attacks on 7 July 2005 (Rai, 2006, p. 11) by the Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC) should be started by the consideration of the background of...

World War II: Internment of the Japanese Americans

President Roosevelt at the peak of World War II authorized the internment of Japanese citizens living in the United States. On December 7, 1941,the Japanese army bombed Pearl Harbor in Hawaii prompting the Federal government of the United States led by FDR to issue the infamous Executive Order 9066(Inada 15)....

Power of Terror as a Political Weapon

Introduction In the past, the power of terror was used as a political weapon in France. The terrorist policy was implemented by some of the rebels in the United Kingdom and Europe. In France, terror was used as a device of state strategy. The people of this country faced a...

Hezbollah: A Case Study of Global Reach

This paper would seek to analyze and discuss one of the most pertinent issues that have caught the world by storm and with each day passing becomes an even greater a concern; Terrorism. This issue is most televised, reported about and in fact generally talked about most in any political...

Spread of Multiculturalism After 9, 11

Introduction Multiculturalism can be defined as the practice of acceptance or promotion of the existence of multiple ethnic cultures in a country, school, college, business and neighborhoods among many other contexts. The advocates of multiculturalism are focused towards ensuring that all ethnic and religious groupings are accorded equal status in...

Third Reich and Holocaust Commemoration

Introduction There have been numerous public debates in Germany about the commemoration of the Third Reich. These debates point at the mentalities that the modern German culture has regarding the holocaust, German involvement in the Second World War and the whole dark period that came after the fall of the...

History And Threats Of Global Terrorism

Introduction Some experts argue that the cold war was an important force or a stabilizing factor to world nations because it was a major conflict that took precedence over other minor conflicts. After 1986 (when this war ended), other issues that had been bubbling under could now come out in...

Parsing and Analysis of the Phenomenon of Terrorism

Introduction The common objective for most terrorist groups that engage in violent activities has been achieve their political goals. These objectives vary from reclaiming a certain territory to freeing of detained prisoners. With all the carnage, violence and dead bodies most people even the neutrals do not see how killing...

The History of Attack on Pearl Harbor

The year was 1941, the Second World War was already in progress the Japanese army was in need of resources like oil and raw materials to continue its conquest and the western powers were anticipating military moves from the Japanese for the control of resource rich areas to continue fueling...

Vietnam War and Iraq War: US Involvement in the War

Introduction The Vietnam War (1959-1973) was a physically, economically and emotionally draining experience for the United States. It began with the entry of the United States and this was due to a number of reasons that evolved and shifted over time. It can be said that the United States entered...

Palestinian Oppression: The Role of Media

Palestinian Oppression Many contemporary theories of partition and nation-state blame the media for misrepresenting culture in developing and maintaining a sense of national consciousness and cultural imperialism. How far this blame is correct and to what extent American and international media is responsible in misrepresenting Palestine oppression, we will analyze...

Hiroshima and Nagasaki Atomic Bombings – Causes and Impact

It was on 6th August, 1945 at 8:15 am that an American B-29 bomber dropped the world’s first atom bomb on Hiroshima in Japan. The bomb impacted an area of over 4 square miles that was immediately and entirely destroyed. More than 66000 people were killed and over 69000 grievously...

The Review of “The War Over Iraq” by Kaplan

Summary This book has the objective of showing how evil the late President of Iraq Saddam Hussein and it highlights some of the evil deeds he did to the people of Iraq especially the tribe that he was not from. He is depicted as one of the most ruthless dictators...

War in Iraq: Should Be Withdrawn Army?

The positive sides of the US deployment in Iraq In this article Joseph D’Agostino argues that the situation in Iraq can be improved if the US troops continue their deployment in the country. He discusses several aspects: first, he emphasizes that the clashes between coalition forces and the locals have...

Was the Cold War Really a Cold War?

The Cold War (1945-1991) was a period of political confrontations between two blocks, the Capitalist America and the communist USSR. The caution of political leaders did not obviate the risk of reckless subordinates (Gaddis 54). However, it would seem that nuclear weapons made nuclear powers tactically cautious whilst increasing the...

Terrorist Attack Prevention Policy on the Example of the US Patriot Act

Introduction The USA Patriot Act was a public policy introduced and passed by the Senate and the House of representatives between 24th and 25th October respectively. It was designed in order to curb terrorist attacks especially in light of the nine eleven bombings. Numerous entities such as the public, mass...

The Investigation of True Intentions Reflected Through Social Violence

Introduction Modern world faced the problem of terrorism spreading being the darkest side of human behavior throughout the whole history. Terrorism is expressed by means of incredible violence towards the society; its promotion contributed to the challenges within social stability and people’s consciousness. It is necessary to underline the idea...

The Roots of Islamic Terrorism

This paper seeks to explain the roots of Islamic terrorism and why they hate western civilization. The history of the Islamic religion has influenced the cause of terrorism since most terrorist groups are linked to the Islamic religion (James 201). There is a strong belief that Islam is the cause...

Terrorism Prevention and Scenario Development

Introduction Terrorist activities have taken on new dimensions that were unimaginable some decades ago. Nowadays, individuals can utilize sophisticated technological networks, diverse memberships and sophisticated arms to carry out their attacks. Weapons of Mass Destruction are a particular cause for concern as they have been used in other countries to...

War on Terror Impact on Muslims & Their Responses

Introduction Events of September 11 precipitated counter-reactions from the United States, which culminated in the war against terror. The war on terror has generally been transformed into a war on Muslims, with Muslim scholars referring to it as Islamic terrorism while all the reactions of the US government have pointed...

How U.S. Political Parties View Terrorism

Introduction Terrorism cannot be given a fixed definition as such. The meaning of terrorism depends on many factors. However, on a broader scale, terrorism can be said as any action, especially violent and unethical, that intends to create terror among ordinary people, for attaining a goal or a target. The...

US Preemptive Attacks: Counter-Terrorism Campaign

Introduction The events of September 11, 2001, have changed the modern world eternally. The phenomena like terrorism, Islamic extremism, etc. went their way from being pure abstractions to the issues specifically concerning the safety of people all over the world (Azios, 3). After the 9/11 attacks, the United States Government...

Causes of the Break Down of Intelligence Before the Terrorist Attack of 9-11

Lack of preparedness of the intelligence agencies United States has several standbys antiaircraft military jets that could have been summoned to forestall the attacks. Despite this, the terrorists managed to fly the hijacked planes close to the white house which has an antiaircraft jet and later crashed it at the...

Tactical Planning of War

Introduction The action at Jumonville Glen in Pennsylvania is a starting point of the French and Indian war. This encounter is worth discussing in detail because the events which took place back then help to evaluate the tactics which the parties used. There were a number of factors which contributed...

Globalized Terrorism Shall Lose Its Significance

Introduction to claims made regarding globalized terrorism The statement that the significance of the globalized terrorism will be decreased within 10 to 15 years seems to be an impossible one. Terrorism has been in the roots of politics of the states from the era of ruling empires and it would...

Brainwashed Terrorists: Are Terrorists Crazy?

Climate change has been a number one issue for the past several decades. The world has been preoccupied with the concern of its further existence in case if the glaciers start melting and the Earth will be flooded by the oceans. However, the priorities have changed slightly at the beginning...

“Why Men Fight” by Patton Review

Introduction The topics of war and peace have been of considerable time to people from times immemorial (JCS, 2009). This paper considers and compares three scholarly articles concerned with this topic, and namely with the questions of why people start fighting, why they stop the fight, and how the peace...

Facts of the Holocaust

Holocaust was one of the most terrible events in the history of the world marked by extreme violence and hostility. The ideology provided by the Nazis underlined the descent of the German people from the Aryan race and rejected all other nations. Jews were seen as enemies of Nazi Germany...

Attack on Pearl Harbor: Japanese Reasons

A Review of the Literature Reviewing the Japanese and United States political affairs history up to the attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941, the turning point came about after Japan won the war over Russia in 1905. From that period henceforth, American and Japanese interests began to collide. The...

The World War I and the October Revolution

Why did war break out in Europe in 1914?? Ans. After Napoleon was defeated in 1814, the death and destruction caused by the Napoleonic war created a lot of instability and disorder in Europe. To restore stability and to build peace among European nations, representatives of European countries gathered together...

Public Health Problems: Bioterrorism

Introduction To begin with, there is a strong necessity to mention that bioterrorism is generally defined as the intentional actions, aimed at making harm for the lives of the people or creatures, living in some particular area through the dissemination of biological agents (bacteria, viruses o toxins). These agents may...

Emergency Response and Management in a Terrorist Attack

Introduction This report depicts the scenario that will ensue if a terrorist attack were launched against an urban population center in the US today. Such an attack may employ suicide commandos as in 9/11 or use bio-chemical weapons, whose development and possible deployment have become as real as the anthrax...

The Theory of Just War: Meaning and Examples

Introduction Human history is full of different processes and events which occurred in different times. There were the cases of war and the peace times, sometimes people were right and sometimes wrong. All people’s life is interconnected with the philosophical sciences which were developed mostly in ancient times. Even war...

Non-Conventional Terrorism and Protection

Introduction The world of people from the ancient times is divided into two categories: those possessing positive attitude towards others, and those who reject such a kind of behavior. The problem of the crime which is not expected to appear and mainly is not punished, meaning terrorism, is the chimera...

Truman’s Decision: Why We Had to Drop the Bomb

Truman’s decision to drop the atomic bomb on Japan was right under the prevailing conditions. Japan was engaged in an expansionist strategy using the means of violence. It was also being ruled by the army which was prepared to fight to the bitter end rather than surrender unconditionally. As a...

War Against Terrorism and Social Injustices

Introduction Terrorism and war against terrorism are becoming a much discussed phenomena around the world. War against terrorism is given primary importance by many developed countries. But the consequences of war against terrorism are affecting the lives of more people than ever. The focus should be to put an end...

The Relations Between U.S. and Japan Before WW II

The United States and Japan were at conflict long before the attack of Pearl Harbor by Japan on December 7, 1941. 1 In particular, there existed conditions that were multiple at different levels that merged to form potential rivalry between the United States and Japan in the 1920s and 1930s....

The London Bombings and the 1995 Oklahama Bombing

The bombings of the two cities bring to fore concerns of terrorism and its global effects on the security of the nationals of any given country in the world. Such occurrences have taken several cities by surprise.One such acts on innocent citizens include that of the city of London and...

Nagasaki Atomic Bomb: History

Introduction Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs, the first and only atomic bombs to target enemy cities in a war, were created as an outcome of the Manhattan Project. The name was because the project depended on previous research (Atomic Bomb 3) done in New York. The chief scientist was Robert...

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act

With the general growth of interest in security after the terrorist attack on September 9, 2001, it is not surprising that the relation between the information and the methods to acquire them, along with the possible faults in the security system, has attracted considerable attention in recent years. However, after...

Social Effects in the West After World War II

Introduction The WWII changed social environment in Britain and created new challenges and opportunities for the population. The principal weakness of the political system has been just the opposite: a tendency toward domination by organized interest groups, businesses, and the privileged classes. Indeed, most have heartily approved of mass political...

Iraq and Afghanistan Wars: Already Served Soldiers

With quite a few years into the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, the US Army continues to send soldiers with mental, psychological, and physical injuries back to serve in the wars even at times ignoring medical advice and the classification of soldiers being declared as nondeployable. The conflicts in Afghanistan and...

World War 1 Influences Analysis

There is not single country that can entirely be blamed causing World War 1 (WW1) despite all the literature and purported evidence that many suggest so. However, these nations were misled and influenced by protagonist misconceptions and sheer blindness and did influence the war in one way or the other....

The Response of the American Society Against Oppression

There were several responses form the American society towards the oppression. However, it was clear that oppression existed even before the World War 2. At that period oppression had a different dimension mainly focused on racism and growers in plantation. The blacks were discriminated against the distribution of national resources....

Singapore Armed Forces in Counter-Terrorism Efforts

Introduction The floodgates of heaven remained open amidst the ominous gray sky as Lo Hwei Yen’s coffin was carried out of church. Her heartrending death in Mumbai at the bloodied hands of terrorists after having been taken hostage had led to a national outpouring of grief over Singapore’s first victim...

Americas Social Problems Nowadays

War is an upheaval that arises as a result of a misunderstanding among two or more groups of people which can be within a nation, or among states. There are many types of war. One of the examples is conventional warfare and this is where soldiers fight physically with their...

American Influence on Stopping Holocaust

Introduction At the start of the Second World War, and during the time of the Holocaust in Germany, America was one of the most powerful nations in the world. The nation had made major strides in democracy and freedom. Politically and economically, America was a world model that has made...

Positive Aspects of the War in Iraq

Introduction When President George Bush initialized plans for an all out war on Iraq, the world immediately cast him as the world’s villain-in-chief. And when the war actually begun in March 2003, the media took up the hue, condemning Bush and all his government’s ideologies. International bodies distanced themselves from...

Social Effects in the West After the Second World War

Introduction Historic events are quite difficult matter to analyze. Of course, at the first sight, we can observe pure dates and names that seem to present no difficulty but the issue here is hidden much deeper. This is so because events of the history of mankind can not be observed...

War in Iraq: End This War

Introduction The war in Iraq has never benefited either any of the two parties mainly the US and its allies versus Iraq. It is still fresh in mind that the current conflict going on in this oil rich nation is the second attempt of The US and its main associates...

Social and Economic Problems After World War II

The American People in 1945 Having borne the brunt of the Great Depression and World War II, the American people experienced serious social and economic problems. In 1945 the economic situation was such that there were just too many industrial workers who were unemployed and very few people could claim...

The USA Patriot Act Implications

Preamble The USA PATRIOT Act is an acronym for “Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001”, enacted by the hundredth and seventh United States Congress. Frank James Sensenbrenner introduced it in the House of Representatives under the code H.R. 3162...

Bush Administration’s Aggressive Tactics Toward the Iraqis

Terrorism affects world peace and hinders the development of the relationship between nations. When one considers the war on terror in Iraq, the threat of terrorism is still critical. There is a real need for a complete reassessment of the war on terror in Iraq. According to Ron Suskind, there...

China and the US Relations in the Twenty-First Century

It is a tendency that China is expanding military power and could threaten the United States in military terms; this tendency is harmful because it diverts attention from the main threats – economic and cultural dominance of China in the world. It is possible to compare the current development of...

America’s involvement in War in Iraq

Introduction America’s involvement in Iraq has often been called by some strategic experts as the worst strategic decision since the Vietnam War. In the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, America declared a ‘War on Terror’ and invaded Afghanistan to root out the perpetrators of the Twin Towers terror attacks. The...

The USA Patriot Act History

The USA PATRIOT Act was adopted on October 26, 2001, and bears the official name of “Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism”. The reason for its adoption was the act of terrorism New York faced on September 11 2001 when Islamic terrorists...

The History and Causes of War in Iraq

Introduction Ever since the end of the Gulf slaughter in 1991, US and Britain have been participating in a war against Iraq whose aim was to disarm them of weapons of mass destruction, put to an end the Saddam Hussein’s reign which supported terrorism and then free the Iraqi people....

Arguments Against a War in Iraq

Introduction The war in Iraq is one of the biggest mistakes America did in modern times. Now, that we have our troops in Iraq and former dictator Saddam Hussein is dead, do Americans feel more secure today than before the Sept 11 incident? The answer is no. The United States...

Terrorist Groups’ Social and Psychological Origins

Terrorism is a complex social issue that requires multiple levels of analysis from interdisciplinary fields of psychology, political science, and cultural and historical studies. For the theoretical framework used for this paper, the model of radicalization proposed by Webber and Kruglanski (2018) was applied, which lists the following factors: “(1)...

Non-Conventional Terrorism from Theoretical Viewpoints

Non-Conventional terrorism mainly uses and executes non-traditional forms of weapons. They might include chemical, biological, and nuclear types of threat. In addition, the opportunities for terrorist attacks in cyberspace can also be considered as a non-conventional manifestation. Although the planning process for these types of acts is more delicate and...

Terrorist Campaigns of Extremist Organizations

Introduction The spread of terrorism on a global scale has a number of prerequisites and causal factors. The demands that criminals make against the authorities, as a rule, are based on several forms, implying the ultimate goals of radical citizens. In particular, the forms of ideological, nationalist, and religious terrorism...

9/11 Commission Report’s Critical Thinking Analysis

Introduction After the 9/11 terrorist attacks, a special commission was formed to investigate the details of this tragedy. The commission began a comprehensive inquiry that required it to use critical thinking. The published report is extensive, describing the events, identifying key questions, defining components, presenting evidence, and discussing implications and...

Hitler’s Berlin: Proclamation to the German Nation

Introduction Despite brutal and inhumane methods Adolph Hitler used during his rule in Germany, no one can neglect the fact that this person remains one of the strongest and effective leaders and orators of all time. He was able to rely on human feelings and emotions, as well as outside...

The War in Iraq: “Reconstruction of Iraq After the War”

The Iraq war commonly known as Operation Iraqi Freedom is a continuous tug of war that can be traced back to March 2003. The invasion was led by the United States and United Kingdom troops with backup support from Denmark, Australia, and Poland. The main cause of this war which...

“America’s Undeclared War” by Robert Willett

Introduction This essay entails my views about the American role in the First World War. As in many other areas of reading I have covered, this area is well discussed in the course text covered. There’s a clear understanding of the war that is brought out in this discussion that...

World War I: Wilson Woodrow and League of Nations

Introduction This is an essay that generally talks about some of the events as it appertains to world war I. In it, there is a discussion about Wilson Woodrow and his fight for the League of Nations. Also, the issues that dragged America into the war and the aftermath of...

Narcoterrorism in Mexico and Its Implications for National and International Security

Introduction Due to the ongoing debates associated with the term “narcoterrorism,” as well as the general lack of recent academic sources that would look into it, the topic needs to be further investigated. In this paper, a literature review will be conducted for a project that intends to examine the...

The Terrorist Aspects of Narcoterrorism

Abstract The presented project utilizes two cases from Mexico to discuss the terrorist aspects of narcoterrorism. Given the ongoing concerns regarding the appropriateness of the term, a contribution to this discussion was deemed useful. In addition, the gravity of the issue and the limited effectiveness of the currently deployed countermeasures...

Vital Issues of Terrorism and Ways to Counter Terrorism

International Terrorism and the Essential Elements of the Phenomenon of Terrorism In the twenty-first century, when most controversial situations and disagreements among individual communities and even countries are still resolved through armed conflicts, the problem of terrorism is particularly acute. The evolution of weapons and the development of technology have...

All Tripura Tiger Force Activities

Abstract By the end of the second decade of the 21st century, the issue of the influence of terrorism on global development remains one of the most pressing and painful. The phenomenon of this problem of modernity requires much attention and in-depth studying. Among the most conflict-prone regions where terrorism...

Terrorism History in the United States

Terrorism is widely known as a social problem that poses a threat to people all over the world. The issue in question has a long history in the United States. The country’s population is extremely diverse in terms of both ethnicity and religion. Due to this and other factors, there...

The 9/11 Attack Justification and Its Plausibility

The events that occurred on September 11, 2001, will always remain a national tragedy for the American nation. The terrorist attack that took the lives of nearly 3,000 people is an example of an unquestionable crime that has affected the American population in a tremendous way (Mash, Fullerton, Benevides, &...

World War I and the United States’ Participation

American people will always remember the effects of World War I. It claimed millions of lives and caused the destruction of cultural and architectural masterpieces. Moreover, World War I was also the beginning of the end of the Old World in the form in which it previously existed (Dyer, 2015)....

The Origins of the First World War

Introduction This paper discusses World War I, its causes and the role of America in the military actions. It identifies the role of nationalism, imperialism, and militarism in the outbreak of the war, as well as the impact of the alliance system. The paper also concerns America’s role in World...

The Resilience and Appeal of Jihadism

Introduction The literal meaning of the word jihad is a struggle or effort to live in good faith and be true to Islamic values. As seen from the definition, originally, the term jihad does not have any negative connotations. Yet, jihadism is a military movement that uses terror, violence, and...

World War I and the Role of the United States in It

Nationalism, Imperialism, and Militarism When considering the factors that led to the eruption of WWI, one must mention nationalism, imperialism, and militarism. Due to the increasing influence of Pan-Germanism originating from the Napoleonic wars, the levels of nationalism were on the rise in Germany at the time, causing the state...

Information-Related Capabilities in the Joint Force

The information environment is becoming increasingly more important in warfare due to humanity’s rising reliance on computers and networks. As such, Army leaders should understand its nature and how to form joint forces to affect it. Intelligence is one activity that is likely to be increasingly relegated to the information...

“Generation Kill: A Conversation With Stanley McChrystal” the Article by McChrystal, S., & Rose, G.

Introduction The interview with Stanley McChrystal provides an essential insight into the strategies and tactics that were used to destroy al Qaeda and conduct counterinsurgency efforts in Iraq. As the threat of terrorism remains evident, analyzing McChrystal’s responses would be useful in detecting issues and designing effective recommendations. McChrystal’s replies...

When Military Force Is Justified

Introduction The use of military force implies war, and the repercussions are normally far-reaching. During a war, the collateral damage is usually innocent people who die unnecessarily. Therefore, before the declaration of war against a perceived enemy, there should be strong justification that such a decision would yield the best...

Community Outreach and Counterterrorism

Abstract This paper explores community outreach and counterterrorism in the context of how they relate to weaknesses in the operation of transnational terrorist organizations. Discussions are centered on three issues. The first one is the importance of forging trust between law enforcers and community agents, while the second one is...

The History of Reasons for WWI Outbreak and the United States in WWI

Imperialism, Nationalism, Militarism Imperialism, the rise of nationalism, and the rapid militaristic expansion of European countries can all be considered contributors to the outbreak of World War I. When it comes to nationalism, governmental leaders pushed the narrative that love for one’s country demanded hatred for another. Prior to WWI’s...

The World Remade: World War I

Introduction World War I became one of the most meaningful events that shaped the history of humanity and preconditioned the development of global intercourse in a particular way. WWI was inevitable as it was driven by the existing peculiarities of international relations and multiple countries struggle for dominance and promotion...

War on Terrorism: The Modern Perspective

The terrorist attack that occurred on September 11, 2001, has changed the perspective of American citizens on the phenomenon of terrorism and its implications forever. What seemed to be a horrendous yet distant notion has become a devastating part of reality, thus becoming a painful legacy of the American history...

Generation Kill: Anti-Terrorism Fight After 9/11

Introduction Terrorists unleash indiscriminate violence to create fear and, consequently, attain economic, religious, or political objectives. Both government and non-state organizations employ the term terrorism to handle opposing groups. Many states have adopted laws that categorize terror campaign as a criminal activity (Cronin, 2015). This essay answers five questions that...

The Treaty of Versailles and Hitler’s Rise to Power

Introduction Back in the 1920s, Germany had to struggle with multiple political and economic issues. The Treaty of Versailles signed on June 28, 1919, placed the country at the brink of ruin due to immense taxes being imposed on the state. The Weimar Government proved to be incapable of stabilizing...

Battle of Guadalcanal: Strategic & Operational Overview

Element of Surprise After the Battle of Midway, there was a lull in the fighting in the Pacific. The military contact between the opponents remained only in the Aleutians and New Guinea, where after the cancellation of the operation “MO”, Japanese troops tried to force the Owen-Stanley Range to capture...

World War I: Causes and the Entry of the US

Introduction World War I was witnessed in the course of 1914 following the assassination of a renowned global figure, namely, Franz Ferdinand, the Archduke of Austria-Este. The available historical evidence indicates that diverse aspects triggered this war, for instance, the emergence of imperialism and nationalism in the 19th century. The...

Great War: Nationalism, Imperialism, Militarism

Introduction Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria was shot and killed on June 28, 1914, and this act was the ultimate trigger that started World War I. However, nationalism, imperialism, and militarism in Eastern Europe and Germany-speaking countries were the main contributing factors to the war. Pan-Slavism was on the rise...

World War I: Causes and the United States’ Role

Introduction It could hardly be doubted that World War I, also referred to as the Great War or “the war to end all wars,” was an immensely influential event in world history. Its impact on the overall development of international relationships and the political situation in the world could not...

Adolf Hitler’s 1933 Speech Mobilizing the Masses

Introduction Adolf Hitler’s speech in 1933 is one of his famous public speeches calling for a reorganization policy in the country (“Berlin,” 1933). Although further actions, as it is known, will entail enormous destruction, some of the proposed theses seem logical in the context of the situation in which Germany...

Peace & Global Security: Vietnam War & Israel-Palestine Conflict

Military conflicts are difficult to approach from an objective standpoint. Often being emotionally dueled in addition to the political agenda by which they are supported, these conflicts leave a tangible mark on the global history and define global political relationships for generations ahead. The Vietnam War and the Israel-Palestine issue...

Nazi Imperial Barbarianism and Assault on Humanity

Germany’s quest to unify and organize Europe, coupled with establishing its rule across the continent, took a tragic turn as Nazis started the Second World War in 1939. The majority of European countries supported Germany’s efforts of a unified region. After World War I, the United States, Britain, and France...

Human Factors in Aviation: 2016 Brussels Terrorist Attacks

Introduction Today the sphere of civil aviation faces a significant threat that comes from the rise of terrorism and the overall complication of the international situation. That is why there are numerous attempts to improve existing security systems and eliminate the majority of vulnerabilities. Unfortunately, there are diverse issues affecting...

World War I: Pan-Slavism in German-Speaking States

Nationalism as a Cause On June 28, 1914, Gavrilo Princip shot and killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, and the ensuing chaos triggered a cascade of events that later culminated in the First World War. While scholars agree that the shooting and killing of the Austrian heir sparked the war,...

World War I and the US’ Role During and After It

Introduction While it is a well-known fact that the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo, Bosnia, in 1914, is considered to be a direct cause of World War I, its roots are deeper and go back to the 19th century. Many scholars agree that such issues developing on the...

World War I and American Participation

Introduction The untimely assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914 triggered WWI. However, this war had its roots in the 19th century when prevailing issues such as imperialism, militarism, nationalism, particularly the then-emerging Pan-Slavic philosophy in Eastern Europe and the rising patriotism in German-speaking countries, played a huge role in...

Military Commissions and Terrorism Prevention

International terrorism still presents a significant problem that has an impact on people in both developed and developing countries. The measures aimed at reducing the spread of international terrorism should align with international laws. Thus, the legal authority of military commissions is an important question to be discussed. In reference...

“Rivers of Blood and Money” Article by Burden

Summary of the Source The colonization and Nazi activities during the Second World War may seem separate events that took unique courses. However, Burden argues that it is possible to draw a parallel between the two. It is easy to identify commonalities in these events. When the British and German...

“Collective Victimhood and Social Prejudice” by Giorgos

Summary of the Source A critical analysis of events during the Second World War demonstrates that anti-Semitism was an excuse that was used by some of the European powers to eliminate people they considered outsiders. In this book, the author describes the anti-Semitism attitudes based on the Theory of Scapegoating....

Terrorist Profiling from Various Perspectives

Identifying terrorists and thwarting their activities are some of the primary functions of anti-terrorism units. The fundamental responsibility for anti-terrorist groups is to distinguish between terrorists and non-terrorists. One of the ways that organizations identify radicals is through the use of a set of socioeconomic, psychological, racial, and physical qualities...

“Justifying Genocider” Article by Ter-Matevosyan

Summary of the Source The genocide in Germany during the reign of Adolf Hitler did not just target the Jew. Other minority groups such as Armenians and Christians were also targeted for various socio-economic and political reasons. However, the political class in the country has often refused to accept the...

Herero Holocaust Among European Colonial Genocides

Summary of the Source The Herero massacre is one of the earliest genocides in the 20th century. It took place in South West Africa, currently known as Namibia, which was colonized by Germany. When the Herero people rebelled against German occupation, Lothar von Trotha, who was the military commander of...

Counterterrorism Efforts in the Global Arena

The modern international relations are characterized by numerous tensions arising from conflicts in areas traditionally associated with terrorism and extremist groups. The war in Syria can serve as perfect evidence of the complexity of the global intercourse (Hoffman, 2017). Under these conditions, security concerns acquire the top priority as nations...

Terrorist Weapons Sources and Extremist Attacks

Abstract The paper is devoted to the investigation of terrorist groups’ weapons sources and the use of various means of attacks by extremists. As a basis, the text from the book by Nance (2008) will be used. The author’s ideas are valuable for studying this problem and are one of...

How Terrorists Prepare for Attacks

Abstract The analysis of the material from the book “Terrorist Recognition Handbook: A Practitioner’s Manual for Predicting and Identifying Terrorist Activities” by Nance (2008) allows drawing conclusions regarding the measures used by terrorists to prepare attacks. A critical evaluation of the author’s ideas makes it possible to reveal the problem...

The Arab Spring and Terrorism

The Arab Spring refers to a wave of protests, coups, demonstrations, and civil wars that took place in several African and Asian countries between 2010 and 2012. The protests affected countries in North Africa and Middle East. The countries affected include Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Iraq, and Syria. The Tunisian Revolution...

Terrorist Surveillance Techniques for Predicting and Identifying Terrorist Activities

Abstract The description of terrorist surveillance techniques and those who execute them is the purpose of this paper. The chapter from the book by Nance (2013) will be used as a rationale for analysis. Also, the types of surveillance will be determined to prevent potential terrorist attacks and disclose extremists’...

Terrorism Today: the Past, the Players, the Future

Defining Terrorism As Spindlove and Simonsen (2013) note, defining terrorism is quite challenging due to the many forms that it has taken throughout history. My own definition of terrorism would be that terrorism is a violent act that members of one population perform in order to scare the members of...

The Roots of Terrorism: Religion

Research is consistent that there are many causes of terrorism that seem to be reinforced by historical and political phenomena, economic and social grievances, as well as ideological and religious factors (Spindlove & Simonsen, 2013; Tan, 2008). The religion factor, in particular, has been cited as a central driving force...

Local Police Response to Terrorism

Abstract Timely response to possible terrorist threats and prevention of extremist attacks are a direct responsibility of law enforcement agencies. The purpose of this work is to determine how the police respond to this danger. This paper describes possible measures taken by law enforcement agencies to protect civilians from the...

Emergency Management in Past Acts of Terrorism

Introduction It is necessary to note that September 11 can be regarded as the day that shaped the concept of terrorism, acts of terrorism, as well as emergency management. The attacks on the so-called Twin Towers are associated with the largest number of victims and responders to various emergency situations...

Terrorism as a Threat to American Airport Security

Airport Operator Security Responsibilities Airports are inherently complex organizations. Airlines would not be prepared to fly if their aircraft’s security was decided by someone other than their own company; airlines must always be responsible for the security of their aircraft and for the cargo or luggage that goes into them....

Understanding Terrorism: Course of Action

Terrorism is a big problem in the world nowadays. Multiple countries all around the planet are affected by terrorism every day. This global threat makes people concerned and creates serious issues in the world of politics. The political leaders of all countries are engaged in a constant fight against terrorism....

Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam and Hezbollah Terrorist Groups

Introduction It may sound simple and easy as the phrase may be, “One man’s terrorist is actually another man’s freedom fighter.” This is clearly elaborated in a discussion involving various categories of dangerous terrorist groups operating in the world today. Some of these groups are more acceptable in their countries...

Violence and International Security Since 1989

How has the character of armed conflict changed since 1989? What are the key characteristics of New Wars? The character of armed conflict has significantly changed since 1989. Baylis, Smith and Owens (2008) confirm that war has been regarded as a central feature human history especially in as far as...

The Great War and the United States’ Role in It

Introduction The First World War belongs to the number of the most famous armed conflicts in the history of human society. The number of military service people mobilized for the participation in the war exceeded seventy million whereas the overall human losses for countries whose armed forces were involved in...

Colombian Civil War’s Political and Economic Reasons

Introduction The Colombian internal conflict is one of the most protracted civil wars in world history. During the period between 1958 and 1974, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) had established its position as the most stable guerrilla group in Latin America with abundant resources at its disposal (Richani,...

Events and Causes of World War I

Militarism World War 1 took place between 1914 and 1918. A number of authors and scholars have come up with possible causes of the First World War. It took place between rich countries. Some countries came together and formed alliances and thereafter united to fight nations. Various events led to...

German Delegation’s Comments to the Paris Peace

According to the authors of Germany’s complaint, how will various provisions of the treaty hurt Germany’s economy? The complaints of the German delegation help to comprehend the main economic challenges the country faced after the war. First, the League of Nation did not find it necessary to invite Germany and...

United States and Negotiation With Terrorists

Abstract Negotiation is a practice embraced by governments to address conflicts and prevent further standoffs. However, the decision to negotiate with a given terrorist group is believed to be inappropriate since the process might become a way of rewarding the use of violence. This is the case because many terrorist...

Nazi Propaganda: Tactics, Characteristics, and Concepts

What tactics were implemented by Adolf Hitler and Goebbels in order to achieve “cultural cleansing”? What are the similarities and differences between Hitler’s and Goebbels’ views regarding the role of propaganda? Hitler and Goebbels used mass media for cleansing. They knew that propaganda would not succeed in a disunited society....

Pearl Harbor Attack, Its Reasons and Casualties

Introduction The Pearl Harbor attack was an unexpected military attack by the Japanese royal army (Lord 2-7). The attack started early in the morning at around 7.00 am and lasted for about two hours. During the attack, about eighteen American ships and about three hundred airplanes were destroyed. About eight...

US Homeland Security Structures and Technologies

Water Supply With the advancement in technology around the world, almost every system is exposed to cyber threats, which have become more common than before. Unlike in the last century, where computer systems registered the highest risk of cyber threats, every company today is a potential target for hackers or...

Homeland Security in Agriculture and Health Sectors

Is the US Public Health/Medical System Prepared to Deal with an Agri-Terrorist Incident? Lack of attention to the security and protection of the agricultural sector in the U.S. economy can create a serious threat to the health and safety of the population. More importantly, it provides a favorable platform for...

Terrorism and The Peshawar School Bus Bombing

Concept of terrorism This chapter is mainly an analysis of the concept of terrorism and its usage in both domestic and foreign policy. Terrorism has been classified into two groups; that is internal and external. Internal terrorism has been described as the usage of force by a state against its...

America’s Fight Against Terrorism

Following the events of September 11, terrorism threat became a reality to the American people forcing measures to be put in place. An example is equipment to measure the threat level, which I feel is not a very useful invention. The instrument hurts the psychological well-being of the citizens by...

Terrorism Attacks, Motivations, Political Factors

Terrorist Attacks Terrorist Attack in Egypt in 2011 The suicide bombing of one of the Egyptian churches took 21 lives before New Year’s Day. Egyptian society admitted the government’s failure to cope with violence in the country, this is why several Christian protests spread over several cities of Egypt within...

Capital Punishment as Ineffective Crime Deterrence

Capital punishment is meant to serve as deterrence of crimes. However, it seems as if it does not deter crime as expected. States that have capital punishment also record high rates of homicides, unlike those without capital punishment. Therefore, capital punishment does not act as a deterrence to crimes because...

American Domestic Terrorism and Its Historical Roots

The roots of terrorism date back to colonial times. The new Americans and British leaders had made an effort to annihilate the indigenous populations. Terrorism started early in America, and it is not a recent phenomenon and the fact that domestic terrorism does not receive much coverage as the current...

Terrorism as Global Issue and Preventive Laws

Abstract Terrorism has become a global issue lately, and the prevalence of radicalization among youth is still a major concern. However, over the years, terrorists have not been receiving the ultimate punishment that they deserve. Holding terrorists in cells and sentencing them to a jail term is not enough for...

The First World War and American Contribution

The First World War, also referred to as the Great War or WWI, broke out in 1914-1918. The opposite sides were presented by two alliances known as the Central Powers of Austria-Hungary and Germany and the Allies represented by Russia, France, and Great Britain. Although the event that triggered the...

“Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki” by Zuberi

Matin Zuberi’s Journal Article Thesis This journal discusses one of the main shifts in policy and outlines the history of one of the most devastating events in the history of war in the world. Summary The article discusses atomic bombs dropped on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan....

Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Historical Documents

Norton, Mary, Carol Sheriff, David Blight, and David Katzman, the authors of the book A People and a Nation shed light upon the most significant facts and figures, representing the events of the summer of 1945. The purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast the representation of the...

India-Gulf Counterterrorism Cooperation: Opportunities, Barriers, and Challenges

India-Gulf Counterterrorism Cooperation – Opportunities and Challenges Policy brief to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. November 2018. Issue at Hand India has managed to alter its security landscape through governmental measures, which resulted in fewer people leaving the territory to launch assaults. Islamic State and Al Qaeda have...

Terrorism: A Philosophical Investigation

Introduction Unfortunately, in the modern world, the acts of terrorism are not rare. When a person hears about one building or airplane crash, the first thought is that it is a terroristic attack. In this paper, the analysis of one of the supposed acts of terrorism will be developed, using...

Khobar Towers Bombing and Terrorism in the US

Introduction The Khobar Towers bombing that took place on June 25, 1996, was a terrorist attack aimed at a part of a complex in the city of Khobar in Saudi Arabia (Jamieson, 2008). The complex was situated close to the King Abdulaziz Air Base and headquarters of Saudi Aramco –...

Terrorism and Its Damage to Modern Society

The 21st century could be characterized by increased tension in international relations. Constant civil wars, numerous local conflicts, and skirmishes became an integral part of the modern world and ruined the lives of thousands of people. However, there is another concern which introduces even more complex threat. It is terrorism,...

America in the Great War and Leading Factors

Many historians believe strongly that the Great War was an unforgettable event that changed global relationships forever. Although the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in the year 1914 is what triggered the global upheaval, the agreeable fact is that several forces and events experienced throughout the 19th century led to...

Defense Intelligence Agency in Counterterrorism Operations

Introduction The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) is part of the Department of Defense involved in combat support activities. It is one of the major intelligence organizations in the United States Government primarily responsible for military intelligence, such as the collection of information about the production and distribution of weapons. Intelligence...

Recovery Plan: Chemical Attack on the Super Bowl

The modern world is vulnerable to various threats. Terrorist attacks have become quite common in many parts of the world. American cities are not absolutely as safe as terrorists use different techniques to attack as many people as possible. Terrorists tend to attack various events and areas where many people...

World War One: Fundamental Reasons

Introduction World War One differs from the other wars that happened before and after it. The researchers conclude that the leaders of Europe aimed to be dominant and receive power across the globe. The primary objective of the paper is to examine the fundamental reasons that have led to World...

World War I, Its Chronology and Impacts

Abstract The history of the world is shaped by both events and people. In this regard, people are the most crucial determinants since they initiate, develop, and document the events. This implies that the world’s history is determined by people and their activities. In order to understand the world’s history,...

The Threat Vectors in the Port of Miami

The level of maritime shipping has increased considerably during the past decades. One of the major factors for this growth was the use of shipping containers that enables companies to decrease their costs (Haas, 2013). Haas (2013) notes that the amount of maritime exchange reached almost 9 billion tons in...

Terrorist Organizations: Key Concepts

Important Definitions Material support or resources can be defined as the available tangible assets that can be used for assisting specific organizations by funding them or enabling them to engage in any kind of activity (18 United States Code § 2339A, 2012). Training is typically defined as the activity that...

Chemical Attack on the Super Bowl: Recovery Plan

Emergency Response Scenario and Thesis Statement The Super Bowl takes place in the Louisiana Superdome that has a capacity for a football game of 72,000 people. The Super Bowl is the most significant event in the football season, so the Superdome is full. During the first minutes of the first...

Homegrown Terrorism in the United States

Introduction Homegrown terrorism is becoming a major homeland security issue that the government has to deal with in the most appropriate way possible. The United States has been a target of major terror organizations, especially Islamic extremists in the Middle East such as Al Qaeda and ISIS. Various security agencies...

American Women in WWII-Related Film and Poster

Introduction The entry of the United States into World War II after the Japanese bombed their fleet in Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, influenced not only the economic and social life of the country but led to changes in American cultural aspects, as well. Regarding this phenomenon, the year...

Intelligence Requests for Terrorist Attacks Prevention

Introduction and Acquaintance with the Problem The problem with the concept of terrorism lies in the fact that terrorism is, by nature, rather disproportionate. This definition is supported by the example of ISIS, who use their violent tactics to fight against a more powerful opponent (the United States of America)....

Government Preparedness to Chemical and Bio Terrorism

Abstract The acts of terrorism can be initiated in one country and take effect in another place. Preparations to counter such attacks require the combined efforts between the private and the public health sector. In order to be fully prepared, different state agencies should work together. A collective approach towards...