Mugabenomics as a Cause of Inflation in Zimbabwe

Abstract The paper outlines the primary challenges of Zimbabwe economic system and provides a consistent account of inefficient economic strategies that disrupt the country’s well-being. The notion of Mugabenomics is reviewed in the case study. Due to the findings of the case, there is a threat of Zimbabwe becoming the...

Financial Statement Analysis: Seven Crucial Components

Introduction Financial stability of any company helps in creating good reputation that could be considered by banks for future loans. The management team should focus on strengths since this is the core that determines the status of each section of the company. Calculations on financial ratios are basically derived from...

New Consumerism in American Society

Introduction This paper is based on the topic of consumerism. It explores the topic by looking at the problems of new consumerism and how they may be addressed. It is argued that new consumerism is exacerbated by the conventional view that the consumer knows it all. The paper is based...

Legalisation of Gambling is not an Effective Means to Improve the Economic State of Georgia

The aspects of gambling are actively discussed by politicians, economists, sociologists, and psychologists. The discussion usually depends on determining the negative impacts of gambling on the people’s life and welfare. Nevertheless, some economists and politicians claim that legalisation of gambling in definite states can contribute to raising revenues. Some US...

Current Macroeconomic Situation in the US

The US has the largest economy across the globe. However, it has been experiencing challenges that are associated with recession following the 2008 economic crisis. Unemployment constitutes one of the biggest problems in the US. As Rothstein and Valletta (2014) confirm, after the recession, unemployment has been one of the...