Nurses’ Shifts and Fatigue: Evidence-Based Practice Change

The PICOT question formulated for the project and the selected qualitative and quantitative articles are related to such a nursing practice problem as impacts of the duration of shifts on nurses’ fatigue and patient outcomes. The problem is that prolonged periods of nurses’ work (12-hour shifts) significantly contribute to their...

Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Nursing Activities

The selected important health issue for the Miami-Dade community is increasingly high rates of sexually-transmitted diseases and HIV amongst the population. The rate of STD and HIV prevalence has continued to increase in the past two decades. The total incidence of gonorrhea, chlamydia, and infectious syphilis levels has risen to...

New Sustainable Development Goals in Healthcare

Sustainable development goals (SDGs) are “a new, universal set of goals, targets, and indicators” that the countries-members of the United Nations are expected to apply as a pattern for planning their activities and developing political policies during the following 15 years (Ford, 2015, para. 1). These goals apply to diverse...

Pronouncing a Brain-Dead Patient’s Death: Yusef Camp’s Case

Introduction Yusef Camp is a nine-year-old child who has been brain dead for four months. Several compounding factors have developed: one of his feet has become gangrenous, and maggots have infested his respiratory tract. However, his father insists that treatment should not be stopped, and the boy may recover from...

The Epidemiology of Obesity

Problem Statement Obese and overweight people who would like to lose weight but lack the awareness of healthy options that may be implemented to achieve this goal may often be misled by the excess information about fad diets. Nowadays, these weight-loss strategies are promoted in modern media as the quickest...

Professional Nursing Accountability and Ownership

Introduction The issue of accountability remains critical in the field of nursing since it supports the provision of exemplary patient services. Practitioners who own their decisions and actions find it easier to empower more individuals and join care delivery teams. This paper gives a detailed summary and analysis of the...

Health Promotion in Minority Populations

Most of the minority ethnic groups in the United States tend to have poor health. This is true since they find it hard to receive high-quality services due to the disparities that have existed in the country for decades. This paper discusses the major health concerns African Americans face and...

Beyond Hand Hygiene: Preventing Cross-Contamination on Hospital Wards

The article discussed in the paper is devoted to the topics of patient safety and specific measures implemented to prevent the spread of infections in intensive care and surgical units. The qualitative study by Hor et al. (2017) was published in the BMJ of Quality and Safety, a peer-reviewed journal...

Community Health: Obesity Prevention

Target Population: Children from low-income African American and Hispanic families living in Miami-Dade County aged between three and seventeen The Size of Population: according to the last census, 2,712,945 people live in the county (“Miami-Dade County profiles: American,” 2017). Geographical Location and Climate The community is located in the state...

Obesity Treatment in Primary Care: Evidence-Based Guide

Introductory Part Obesity is one of the major health conditions affecting people in every developed country. This disease has become a major problem because professionals and experts in the field of health do not take it seriously. Consequently, it has become a leading cause of many illnesses today. This paper...

Jackson Health System: Description and Analysis of the Medical System

Introduction Jackson Health System (JHS) is a medical system, which is regulated and managed by Public Health Trust. It is a non-profits organization that aims to provide high-quality medical service to all people, including those who cannot afford such services. JHS is comprised of a number of hospitals and care...

Comparison of Healthcare Systems: The United States and Switzerland

Introduction The comparison of two separate healthcare systems of different countries can provide an opportunity to find similar and distinctive features in the delivery of medical care to the population. As the objects of analysis, two countries will be considered – the USA and Switzerland, and integrated assessment will help...

Workplace Interpersonal Conflicts Among the Healthcare Workers

The work in a healthcare setting is rather demanding and may sometimes require much more than a thorough preparation and the knowledge of one’s job. Since medical workers and patients communicate on a daily basis and since different people have various opinions and approaches to situations, conflicts are inevitable. Disagreements...

Nursing Professionalism and Professional Values

The profession of nurse is frequently underestimated in terms of its significance in the patient treatment process. However, even though a doctor takes more responsibility for direct medical interference, it is the nurse who ensures proper communication and patient care. For this reason, nursing implies a number of moral, ethical,...

Effective Communication and Conflict Resolution in Nursing

In any environment involving collaboration and communication between individuals, there is a likelihood of conflicts happening. Be it poor working conditions, a low level of someone’s responsibility, or personal misunderstandings, disputes occur rather frequently in all kinds of professions. In the healthcare environment, conflicts are not a rare occasion due...

Human Experience Across the Health-Illness Continuum

During the past decades, researchers have been questioning the regularities of human illness patterns in order to establish the main factors of disease development in the human body. At first, scientists had a tendency to compare human health conditions on the basis of the health state of other people. It...

What Is a Philosophy of Nursing?

Introduction As a nurse, I believe since the time of Florence Nightingale, the goal of nursing has always remained the same, namely to provide a safe and caring environment that promotes patient health and well-being (Selanders & Crane, 2012). This goal forms the foundation of the nursing philosophy. In other...

Hand Hygiene Issues as a Nursing Practice Problem

Discovery: Topic and Practice Issue The topic and the nursing practice issue related to this topic The identified topic is hand hygiene issues among practicing nurses at hospitals. Because hand hygiene is critical for preventing spreading infections within care environments, failure to comply may lead to adverse patient outcomes. Therefore,...

Symptom Management Theory and Interventions

Introduction Among the most critical middle range models is the symptom management theory (SMT). Its importance is based on the fact that the majority of people visit health providers because of symptoms. Initially introduced in 1994, the SMT passed through several updates (Smith & Liehr, 2018). It describes the multidimensional...

Influenza: Treatment and Prevention Methods

Influenza (flu) is a contagious respiratory disease caused by the influenza virus that affects respiratory organs, including the nose, throat, and lungs. The illness can cause mild to severe complications and it is primarily spread through the transfer of respiratory fluids from an infected person to a healthy person during...

Change Management in Healthcare: Using the Principles of Transformational Leadership

Abstract Managing change in a nursing environment is a challenging task due to the lack of the values, philosophy, and guidelines that allow nurses to improve their performance. In addition, the lack of motivation is evident in the specified context. However, the introduction of the principles of Transformational Leadership (TL)...

The Concept of Johnson’s Nursing Care Theory

Introduction In order to provide comprehensive care, junior medical personnel uses various nursing models aimed at meeting specific patient needs and differing in the nature of interventions. For personnel working in intensive conditions, it is essential to have appropriate approaches that allow responding to any changes in the behavior of...

The Concept of Orem’s Theory of Self-Care Deficit

Meaning The main idea behind Orem’s theory is that the vast majority of the patients desire to be able to care for oneself and the individual members of one’s family. Some of the major assumptions behind the theory are as follows (Alligood, 2017): Every patient is a distinct individual with...

Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring

Introduction Caring for patients is a core element of practice in nursing. Not only can the lack of caring behaviors in a hospital lead to individuals’ dissatisfaction with rendered services and ways of treatment, but it also may threaten the healthcare quality in general. The Theory of Human Caring developed...

The Concept of Self-Care Deficit Theory of Nursing

Introduction Nursing theorists and their work have a significant impact on nurse education and clinical practice. They can be applied both in theoretical research and used practically in diverse interventions aimed at the improvement of patient care quality and patient outcomes. One of the theories most commonly employed in practice...

Margaret Newman’s Theory of Health as Expanding Consciousness

Introduction The application of various nursing models in practice is not only a possible technique of care but a necessity caused by the uniqueness of each patient and the obligation to provide qualified assistance in accordance with a specific situation. One of such techniques is the nursing theory of health...

Cultural Competence as a Nursing Leadership Issue

As multiculturalism becomes a global trend, it is abundantly easy to imagine how a nurse and a patient experience certain misunderstandings due to their use of different cultural codes. For this reason, modern nursing education makes it a point to emphasize the importance of cultural competence in clinical settings. In...

Roles in Advanced Practice Nursing

Introduction The role of nurses in the American healthcare system has changed dramatically since the first part of the 20th century. Nurse practitioners provide a wide range of healthcare services and perform a key role in the process of communication with patients. Registered nurses (RN) have a set of responsibilities...

Pediatric Obesity and Self-Care Nursing Theory

Introduction Nowadays, obesity can be listed among extremely common health issues that lead to a variety of risks. The presence of excess body fat in children has to be given special consideration since healthy childhood is a prerequisite to normal physical and psychological maturation. The discussed research project is proposed...

Nursing Art, Science, and Philosophy

Introduction The gap between theory and practice in nursing may be quite tangible, yet the effects that a solid theoretical foundation has on the efficacy of interventions are undeniable. Therefore, for a nurse, it is an absolutely imperative step to create a system of values, beliefs, and ethical principles that...

Nursing Advocacy for Access to Healthcare

Clinical Situation: Limited Access to Care Opportunities for increasing the accessibility of healthcare services have been a contentious topic for discussion for a while. Although numerous steps can be taken to advance the levels of care accessibility by eliminating the barriers associated with economic concerns, language barriers, and similar obstacles,...

Primary and Team Nursing Models in Practice

The model of nursing care The observed model of nursing practice is primary nursing that was used in the practice setting. The identification of this particular model was possible due to the observed patterns of practice the nurses utilized. Every patient was assigned a nurse practitioner who was entirely responsible...

Issues and Trends in Nursing

Nursing practice, as well as the practice of medicine in general, has been evolving throughout the course of the history of humankind. The individuals dedicated solely to the practice of care for the sick, injured, and the afflicted were the first nurses, even if a dedicated word for the profession...

The Legacy of Florence Nightingale

Introduction Florence Nightingale is considered the mother of modern medicine. She was the first person to endorse a scientific and practice-based approach and developed the first medical framework that established some of the basic notions of medicine still used today (Alligood, 2017). Her influence effectively changed medicine from the art...

Nursing Malpractice and Liability for Negligence

The selected article presents two cases that focus on nursing malpractice and the issue of liability. In the first scenario, several primary problems led to the suits. The first one was that nurse Lunsford failed to act by the provisions of the state’s nursing code of conduct. The issue of...

Medication Errors: Measures, Stakeholders, Causes

Measures (Indicators) to Support the Issue In order to control medication errors and cope with this undesirable phenomenon in the field of healthcare successfully, it is essential to know the indicators of the problem. One of them is the time that the nursing staff spends on medication administration. According to...

Madeleine Leininger’s Transcultural Nursing Care Theory

Introduction For this assignment, I chose to watch the video about Madeleine Leininger and her transcultural nursing care theory. I decided to select this particular theorist because I believe that cultural awareness is vital to nursing if one aims to achieve the best possible outcomes. The video contains significant insights...

Transcultural Nursing vs. Henderson’s Need Theory

Introduction Nursing theories are essential to understanding the role of nurses in care delivery. Depending on their goals and background, various nursing theories focus on different concepts, processes, and relationships in nursing care. Virginia Henderson’s Need Theory is a grand nursing theory that defines the nursing process as a set...

Personal Nursing Philosophy and Katie Eriksson’s Theory

Introduction The nursing profession is a responsible occupation that requires commitment and hard work. Despite the fact that this area is entirely related to medicine, it has some philosophical concepts that can be applied in order to analyze the essence of this field and its key aspects. Moreover, in addition...

Roy’s Adaptation Model of Nursing

Different methodologies used in medicine allow impacting on patients differently and help them to restore both physical and mental health. Among the variety of nursing practices and approaches used to care for people, one of the most well-known is considered to be the Roy adaptation model. It is a theoretical...

Technology for Patient Safety: Change Proposal

Introduction Patient safety is the core concept of healthcare, and the rising use of technology can be explained by healthcare establishments’ need to provide patients with a more comfortable and safe environment (Carayon et al., 2014). Such innovations as the Electronic Health Record (EHR) already make some hospitals’ information systems...

Smoking Cessation and Patient Teaching Plan

Introduction Risk factors Genetic eyesight problems High blood pressure family history Current low blood pressure Smoking (uses one pack of tobacco per day) Several surgeries, head trauma Increased risk for developing a preventable disease Myopia, cataract, and glaucoma Hypertension Hypotension Lung cancer, diseases of heart and blood vessels Depression, continuous...

Children’s Weight Estimation in Intensive Care Units

According to the study narrative and Figure 1 in the Flannigan et al. (2014) study, does the APLS UK formulae under- or overestimate the weight of children younger than 1 year of age? According to the narrative and Figure 1 in the Flannigan et al. (2014) study, the APLS UK...

Nurse Practitioner’s Strategic Analysis

Advanced practice role in nursing is associated with many responsibilities that affect the quality of patient care. According to Sincy (2016), SWOT is “is a tool that can provide prompts to the managers, clinical leads, nurse tutors, nurse mentors and staff” (p. 34). The method can help me analyze my...

Theories and Quality Improvement in Nursing

What EBP Activities Have ARNPs in Your Area Spearheaded? The recognition of evidence-based practice (EBP) activities and competencies remain one of the main aspects of nursing education at different levels. Hande, Williams, Robbins, Kennedy, and Christenbery (2017) underline that evidence-based practice is usually characterized by certain challenges and warrants, and...

Childhood Obesity Interventions: Data Analysis

Data Analysis Plan for Demographic Variables Demographic characteristics of the sample are critical for research, and they need to be described as the first step of data analysis. Demographic variables for this study include children’s age, gender, and race. Additionally, taking into consideration the fact that the proposed research is...

Nursing Mission, Vision, and Personal Goals

Walden’s and the School of Nursing’s Perspectives My academic and professionals have been reshaped significantly by the perspectives of Walden University’s School of Nursing. To begin with, my academic goal is to become a competent practitioner who can use evidence-based ideas to influence or promote patient care and wellbeing. As...

Oncology Pain Qualitative and Quantitative Studies

Introduction Quantitative or qualitative approaches can be used to attain research objectives. Quantitative research appraises data to allow the generalization of the outcomes of a sample to a large population (Polit & Beck, 2012). The purpose of this paper is to compare information regarding the management of oncology pain as...

Patient- and Family-Centered Care for Recovery

Introduction While being a part of a multidisciplinary team, nurses play a key role in helping a family to adjust to the occurring circumstances and providing practical and emotional support during an entire treatment course. As seen in J.L.’s case, the way a nurse establishes communication with family members usually...

Telehealth: Barriers of the Technology Adoption

Introduction Telehealth technologies are often referred to as the future of family practice and the overall healthcare system as it increases Americans’ access to quality health care. The use of technology has proved to be beneficial in many cases especially when it comes to rural areas (Moore et al., 2017)....

HealthCo Company’s Work-Life Balance Issue

Diagnosis At the moment, HealthCo faces significant problems that come from the lack of the staffs desire to engage in particular activities and support the company’s further rise. Several factors precondition the emergence of this situation. The company does not have a well-thought-out strategy regarding human resources management. It does...

Nursing Definition and Personal Philosophy

The Definition of Nursing On a bigger scale, nursing is a concept that includes the protection of human life and the promotion of healthy lifestyles. Nurses serve as a mediator of healing facilitation and are keen on preventing injuries and illnesses (Potter, Perry, & Stockert, 2015). The key objective of...

Anthem Blue Cross: Strategic Healthcare Planning

Introduction The environment analysis and TOWS matrix both contribute to creating a strategic plan for an organization since they synthesize the factors that influence the operations. The external components of an industry (such as major trends) are crucial to consider when designing a strategic plan for a company. TOWS matrix...

Outcomes Research and Patient-Centered Care

Outcomes research is an area of public health research that focuses on studying the results of the impact healthcare processes and structures have on the health outcomes of individual patients or populations. Since health outcomes can vary from complete recovery to mortality, studying these tangible events concerning the processes that...

Master’s Prepared Nurse and Leading Change

Introduction Advanced practice nurses are believed to play a crucial part in the current process of healthcare system transformation. At present, medical organizations tend to invest in improving patient care and developing the culture of nursing practice. To improve the quality of medical services, nurses should advocate for evidence-based and...

Professional Ethics in Nursing Practice

What are the skills necessary for the provider to identify, address, and assess this clinical ethical issue? Professional ethics cannot be ignored in providing health or nursing care. It is hard to give some general guidelines and recommendations on how to stay ethically correct in all cases. A provider must...

Socioeconomic Health Determinants in a Concept Map

Figure 1 demonstrates an example of a concept map for the socioeconomic determinants of health (SEDH), which is based on the information from the Healthy People 2020 project (Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion [ODPHP], 2014). The map attempts to demonstrate the fact that there are complex interrelations between...

Patient with Constipation: Diagnostic Study

History Identifying Data Female, 23 years old. Chief Complaint (CC) Patient reports being constipated and having hard and lumpy stools, which are less frequent than before – 2-3 times a week. There is no blood visible, but the patient complains about having to strain during defecation. History of Present Illness...

Pain Management Following Surgery

It is observed that over 230 million patients undergo surgical procedures every year globally, and this number is expected to increase (Pogatzki-Zahn, Segelcke, & Schug, 2017). Surgery is generally responsible for postoperative pain, which should be mitigated immediately and effectively to minimize suffering, improve healing processes, patient satisfaction and to...

Primary and Team Nursing Care Models

Introduction There are several nursing care models in medical practice. The leaders of nursing teams must evaluate the best method to be implemented in their settings and educate their auxiliaries by the standards of the chosen option. Primary nursing is one of the oldest and the most reliable techniques as...

Community Needs and Health Screening Initiative

Health screening is known as one of the best ways of identifying and preventing diseases at early stages. Childhood obesity is one of the most serious health problems nowadays. Thus, it is crucial to perform screening for this dangerous condition. The suggested initiative complies with the U.S. Preventive Services Task...

Managing Chronic Pain in Primary Care

Introduction The problem of this study is the challenges for nurse practitioners associated with pain management in primary care settings. The topic of pain management and the difficulties associated with it are underexplored. Pain is the primary reason for individuals to seek care providers’ help. Nahin, Boineau, Khalsa, Stussman, and...

The Four Ps of Marketing in Nursing

Introduction Marketing has become an integral part of many spheres of life in the modern world. Nowadays, it is setting a significant benchmark for public sector agencies enforcing their development. It is essential for every type of organization to utilize some core marketing techniques to obtain a wide range of...

Weight Loss, Calories, Diet and Physical Exercising

Maintaining a normal weight is one of the keys to keeping the organism healthy and fit. Weight gain does not only affect the person’s appearance, but it also causes severe changes in the way the body functions. Such changes lead to an inevitable worsening of overall well-being and can cause...

Diabetes Type 2 Treatment and Health Promotion

Introduction Diabetes is a chronic disease that requires specific treatment and appropriate self-management actions. Over the past years, the evidence-based practice proved the importance of individual dietary patterns, nutrients, and foods in the management of diabetes and the prevention of complications. It is noted that self-management is known to be...

Nurse’s Responsibility as to Disabled Patients

Introduction The work of nurses is almost always associated with moral and ethical aspects since apart from nursing, patients need an individual approach depending on the type and characteristics of their diseases. Moreover, some legal issues caused by the need to work with people may be affected in the nursing...

Nursing Job Market and Educational Levels

My current career and personal goals explain why I definitely fit into the IOM’s Future of Nursing recommendations. To begin with, the fourth recommendation focuses on the best ways to increase the percentage of nurses with a baccalaureate degree to 80 percent. After completing my current degree program, I will...

Nurse’s Overconfidence in Self-Judgment

Description of Overconfidence in Self-Judgement Reasons for Overconfidence in Self-Judgement: Long practice period in nursing. Premature evaluation of certain situations. Ambition and the desire to show capabilities. Insufficient level of vocational training. Excessive praise from colleagues and superiors. Inability to assess taken decisions adequately. Negative Consequences of Overconfidence in Self-Judgement:...

Patient Relations Department Redesign

In view of the existing structural congestions in the hospital, this proposal would be timely in expanding our patient relations department. The proposal would redistribute our existing space to accommodate some few adjustments, which are stated below. The main objective of this proposal is to maximize the level of staff...

Preconception Counselling for Diabetic Women

Introduction Before a woman conceives, it is important for her to seek preconception counseling for the acquisition of professional advice regarding potential pregnancy complications. Notably, Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes poses a significant threat to the health of women during and after pregnancy (Elsinga et al., 2008). The considerable...

Concept Analysis: Preoperative Anxiety

According to Rodgers’ approach to concept analysis, this process involves seven stages (Foley & Davis, 2017). The third of these phases involves choosing a suitable realm (sample) of data collection. For the selected concept, the process was realized through the review of the literature. Such professional medical databases as MEDLINE,...

Evidence-Based Practice Quality Improvement Project

Introduction Today, burnout and occupational stress are often associated with the nursing practice because of the number of tasks that nurses should perform daily (Khamisa, Oldenburg, Peltzer, & Ilic, 2015). Working in stressful environments, nurses experience significant physical and emotional pressure. Such stress leads to nurses’ burnout, and then, to...

Personal Nursing Philosophy and Theoretical Foundation

Introduction All professionals have a certain philosophy that shapes their actions and the way they make decisions. In the nursing practice, having a philosophy is very important as it helps nurses to remain committed to the profession and motivated to try hard to achieve their professional goals (Masters, 2014). This...

Nursing Care for the Elderly

Nowadays, nursing science is a rapidly developing area, and its achievements touch upon numerous aspects from specific medical issues to everyday life. As the term implies, nursing science is the type of science that integrates theory, actual nursing practice, and research. Just like any field, it is characterized by a...

Cervical Cancer: Pathophysiological Processes

Abstract Cervical cancer is a disease that is frequently observed in women regardless of their geographical location. It is usually characterized by the presence of human papillomavirus in the cervix or genetic changes that may promote the growth of this disease. Cancer cells are not always easy to recognize at...

Nursing Knowledge and Skills Development

Introduction All nurses must develop their knowledge and skills on a regular basis to experience and practice new professional methodologies and approaches to the treatment of their patients. This factor is essential for people who strive to become better at what they do and make all their clients benefit from...

Nurse Manager as Coach in Healthcare Facility

Introduction It is necessary to note that the role of coaching in healthcare facilities has been increasing over the years. A trained professional should be aware of what techniques should be applied in case the performance and knowledge of one of the nurses are not satisfactory. Nurse administrators must understand...

Staffing, Scheduling, Leadership Skills in Nursing

This paper aims to discuss my personal experience in nursing practice, including the reflection on the goals which were established for the week. Further, the integration of staffing and scheduling concepts from Week 8 into the training will be observed. Additionally, the area of greatest learning will be considered. Identifying...

Global Health Nursing Position Statement

The globalized world is characterized by various opportunities as well as challenges. Thus, nurses are equipped with various technological advances that enable them to provide high-quality healthcare services and reach larger populations. Lifelong learning is now accessible to everyone. At the same time, the globalized world also means the interaction...

United Healthcare Group and Its Strategic Plan

United Healthcare Group is a for-profit managed organization with headquarters located in Minnesota. It offers insurance services and health care products to individuals, small and medium businesses, and international companies. It is one of the largest health care companies in the United States, which provides a wide range of services...

Nurse Staffing Ratios in the Emergency Department

Abstract The study investigates the relationship between nurse staffing ratios to patient outcomes in Emergency Departments. I will approach 54 registered nurses who are employed in different health care organizations and educational facilities. The study will adopt the descriptive correlation, grounded theory based on Delphi approach. The correlation is expected...

Water Quality Improvement for Global Health

Executive Summary This proposal aims to determine the necessity of water quality from the perspective of global health. For this refugee camp with 5,000 inhabitants, it is necessary to set up a safe water source that will enable access to 19,000 gallons per day through 50 community taps. The funding...

Nutrition and Obesity: Management and Prevention

Obesity is increasingly becoming one of the major health problems in the United States. A report by Dawes (2014) shows that 34.9% of adult Americans, which translates to about 78.6 million people, are obese. The study also indicated that 17% of children and teenagers aged 2-19 years are also suffering...

Team vs. Primary Nursing Care Models

Introduction Various nursing care models characterize healthcare delivery in the contemporary healthcare centers. Some of the models that medical practitioners undertake as they deliver services to patients include team nursing, total patient care, functional, and primary nursing. During my time in a certain hospital that is near our home, I...

Intermountain Healthcare Mental Health Integration Model

Intermountain Healthcare’s Mental Health Integration model is one of the best frameworks that can be used by human service professionals to ensure care is delivered across the lifespan. The main objective of the model is to bring on board many professionals who can support the patient and eventually produce positive...

Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators: SWOT Analysis

Innovation is impossible without a certain degree of risk. However, since every innovation is meant to improve adverse situations or conditions, the matter of risk management becomes increasingly important. SWOT analysis becomes in handy in addressing all types of risks as it allows health practitioners to identify major threats and...

Door-to-Balloon Time Reduction: Change Strategy

Change strategy 1: Empirical-Rational This type of strategy for facilitating alteration is suitable when implementing long-term change. It implies that the staff will be acquainted and educated in the new approach gradually and consecutively through personal motivation and stimuli. The core of this strategy is the exchange of information and...

The AACN Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing

Introduction The present paper discusses the plan for a literature review project on the topic of the role of the Essentials of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (2011) in the elimination of the barriers that exist in the US for the advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) roles (Altman,...

Nursing: Family Interview and Cultural Assessment

Evaluating well-being within a family represents a unique challenge since a nurse has to address the needs of every family member. Therefore, the choice of an assessment tool defines the success rate of the process to a vast extent. The difficulty of the task intensifies in case an ethnically diverse...

Breast Cancer and Effective Medical Treatment

Introduction The evolution of mankind and changes in the social and ecological factors provoke the spreading of different diseases. Cancer is one of the most life-threatening ones nowadays. The modern healthcare does not have the medicines and methods of medical treatment of many types of cancer guaranteeing the 100% recovery...

Music Therapy and Its Positive Psychological Impact

Introduction Music is known to have healing power and is widely utilized as a therapeutic tool to manage chronic pain and neurological disorders. Music therapy is defined as an evidence-based and clinical use of interventions related to the musical experience. It is generally recognized that music greatly assists in managing...

Nursing Philosophy in Emergency Trauma Care

Introduction In their work, nurses should apply theoretical principles of nursing to their practice depending on the settings and specific needs of patients whom they serve. Much attention should be paid to identifying differences in needs and expectations typical of various groups of patients (Wetzig & Mitchell, 2017). The purpose...

Healthcare Change Management and Workforce Retention

Introduction Organizations change can be devastating for the management and the employees as it is indicated by Welford (2007 p. 409). The environment is changing to accommodate technology and also the increasing number of patients in the new institutions being established. Many reasons form a basis for the movement of...

Emergency Medical Services and Staff Challenges

Introduction Emergency medical services include medical services offered to patients away from the hospitals as well as the transportation of patients to hospitals. Other names given to emergency medical services include life squad, ambulance services and first aid. Emergency medical services are entitled to patients requiring urgent medical attention; for...

Communication in Patient-Centered Care

Introduction Top-quality nursing practice and patient-centered care rely heavily on competent communication on behalf of the nurses. Good communication competency requires the nurses to develop a broad range of skills during both undergraduate and graduate education, and in the workplace. Patient-centered care is the core of these skills, which also...

Meditech System: Patient Confidentiality and Security

Description Meditech is an electronic health record system with a wide range of options that facilitate the provision of high-quality healthcare services, ensure patient safety and confidentiality (McMurtrey, 2013). This is an efficient platform for storing and sharing data concerning lab test results, patient vital signs, images, and graphs, medication...

Status and Authority in Healthcare

Does equating status with authority cause confusion? Why or why not? Status and authority are often viewed as similar concepts. However, in healthcare, as in many other practice areas, status and authority are entirely different. Status is usually understood as the position occupied by a person within an organization or...

Hospital Readmission Reduction: Evidence-Based Practice

Introduction Nowadays the sphere of healthcare is facing one of the most debated issues – how to develop a way for the patient’s transition after being discharged from the hospital efficient and cost-effective (Aguirre, 2012, p. 5). The proposed plan is targeted at finding ways of reduction of instances of...

Nano Robotics in Hospitals

Nanotechnology refers to the study of tiny structures that have a size of less than 0.1 nm. This technology is believed to be extremely useful in health care to deliver medication through blood or treat various types of tumors. Therefore, it is important to research the capabilities of the application...

Normal Dieting and Eating Disorders

Introduction Healthy dieting behaviors are essential for people’s health and well-being. However, abnormal eating habits are very common nowadays. Therefore it is necessary to increase awareness among the general public regarding normal dieting. The main goal of this paper is to discuss the difference between normal dieting and eating disorders....

Heart Disease Patients’ Education and Barriers

Introduction Relevant academic literature has been reviewed to identify major themes and important findings in the area of patient education among heart disease patients. Many studies have been dedicated to the issue, and it is generally acknowledged that patient education efforts made by health care providers can be effective in...

Chronic Kidney Disease Patient Nursing Care Plan

Target Group: CKD Patients and the Healthy People 2020 Objectives Patients with renal failure are the target population the needs of which will be addressed in the course of the study. Particularly, adult representatives of low-income Hispanic families will be considered during the analysis. The identified goal aligns with one...

PICOT Statement: Problems and Questions

Clinical Area and Problems It is worth noting that, at present, the issue of medical personnel shortage is acute for the majority of medical organizations across the country. The availability of the health care workforce is well below the planned indicator despite the fact that institutions are actively working in...

Technologies Importance in Nursing Documentation

Introduction Prior to technology adoption, nurses would pass down information to each other verbally. Most documentation was defensive; it focused on protected the nurse or care institution from litigation, slow and difficult to access. However, with the use of computerized systems to record nursing information, it is now possible for...

Adaptation Model-Based Patient Education

Introduction A theoretical framework is vital for every profession because it describes relevant concepts and ensures an understanding of the most critical topics, providing a background for practice. A nursing theory, in this way, discusses those concepts and assumptions that explain phenomena and interrelationships between different aims. It also consists...

Sudden Vision Loss and Nursing Care Plan

Assessment Optic neuritis (H46) is an eye disorder that is usually characterized by inflammation of the optic nerve (ICD10Data, 2016). It is one of the most common optic neuropathy that may affect young adults, develop suddenly, and touch one or both eyes at the same time (Toosy, Mason, & Miller,...

Four Metaparadigms of Nursing

Nursing is an ancient profession. It is as old as humanity itself. Even in the most primitive and ancient human tribes, there were individuals tasked with taking care of the sick and injured. A caring attitude is not something that could be transmitted on a genetic level from one generation...

Personal Health Records in Examples

Personal health records (PHRs) are specific programs or tools that help patients record, store, retrieve, and review the personal information about their health and health status. Using these programs, patients can also exchange data; their aim is not only to help patients maintain useful records but also to stimulate action...

American Nurses Association: Professional Membership

Being the chairperson of membership in American Nurses Association (ANA), it is necessary to design a paper to recruit new members. Function of Organization ANA is a non-commercial professional organization that aims at representing the interests of the entire nation and, in particular, those of registered nurses (RN) by the...

University of Utah Health Care’s Customer Feedback

Overview In February 2008, the University of Utah Health Care (UUHC) launched a transparency campaign that would have its physician’s post feedback about customer satisfaction online. The initiative was dubbed an Exceptional Patient Experience (EPE). Some stakeholders expressed doubts about its ability to improve the hospital’s approval ratings. It was...

Air Pollution Threats: Parent Education

Pamphlet The first few months after childbirth is the time when a newborn child is the most vulnerable to all kinds of negative outside influences. Statistics show that the majority of infant deaths occur within the first year after birth. The impact of environmental exposure is, perhaps, one of the...

Tympanic Membrane and Thyroid Gland

Introduction In this paper, two vital components of a human body will be discussed and assessed: the tympanic membrane and the thyroid gland. The tympanic membrane is an important segment of a human ear, also known as an eardrum (Hasso, 2012). This thin circular membrane exists between the middle ear...

Betty Neuman and Her Systems Model

Introduction Betty Neuman is one of the prominent American nursing theorists. Neuman’s System Model (NSM) was first presented in 1972 (Alligood, 2014). It was created by Betty Neuman for education purposes, “to provide unity, or a focal point, for student learning” (as cited in Smith & Parker, 2015, p. 182)....

Bedside Reporting and Nurse Communication

Findings The current research utilizes the secondary data for the survey conducted at Washington Regional Medical Center regarding the implementation of the bedside reporting procedure in 2014 (Szeto, Wren, & Milborn, 2014). Nurses of the cardiac department at Washington Regional Medical Center participated in the survey to examine their perceptions...

Disaster Triage and Nursing Utilitarian Ethics

Introduction One could hardly doubt that the professional settings of nursing practice are closely connected with the emerging of numerous ethical dilemmas. Nurses are exposed to ethical conflicts on a daily basis, and the core of these conflicts is the necessity to choose between personal moral values and those of...

Intensive Care Unit Quality Improvement Checklist

Explain the process that was used to develop the Quality Program To develop the quality program, Simpson, Peterson, and O’Brien-Ladner (2007) utilized “Shewhart and Deming’s plan-do-study-act methodology” (p. 185) to create an initial checklist for screening. The study was given to different doctors and nurses to gain feedback. After the...

Nursing Care’s Personal Philosophy

Introduction Nursing is a profession that focuses on providing health care to individuals, families, and communities to restore, maintain, or enhance their wellbeing. It involves the application of knowledge gained through practice and nursing research in different fields (Powers & Knapp, 2010). Quality nursing is based on the development and...

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Treatment

Research Synthesis Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is understood as a progressive life-threatening illness characterized by an inflammatory component, a violation of bronchial patency at the level of the distal bronchi, and some structural changes in lung tissue and vessels. Modern scientists define COPD as an independent disease of lungs...

Diabetes Patient and Holistic Nursing Intervention

The patient who referred to Sabatia Health Center for medical treatment was diagnosed with diabetes. The clinical assessment of the patient revealed a low insulin level and poor response to the insulin injections which resulted in the constant thirst, feeling of hunger, and urinary incontinence. Along with the physiological problems,...

Adolescence and the Social Determinants of Health

What essential elements should be included in a health teaching plan addressing physical, emotional, social, and spiritual challenges in adolescents? Today, adolescents face a number of health risks that could impact their further life. However, most of these health risks are preventable. Therefore, comprehensive health education could help to lower...

The Integration of Theory into Nursing Practice

The integration of theory into nursing practice can be discussed as a challenging process because many nurses do not understand the role of theory in their work, and they are more focused on completing patient-oriented tasks. In their article, Tracy and DiNapoli (2012) discussed how it is possible to apply...

Effects of Education on Student Health

Demographic statistics and literature steadily point to a correlation between formal education and various adverse individual health outcomes, including diseases, accidents, picking up bad habits like smoking and drug abuse, mental disorders, and even mortality due to different causes. Most sources point to the fact that people who have received...

Nurse Manager’s Role in Staffing and Team Building

Staffing Considerations A nurse manager is a professional who is in charge of building effective teams that are satisfied with their occupation. In this way, I am supposed to ensure that all members understand one another and work towards a shared goal. My task is to focus on a common...

Conflict Resolution Between Nurse and Patient

Introduction It would be great if the treatment process could be addressed with a few difficult psychological situations as possible. Unfortunately, conflicts among patients and health care personnel are not a rare thing. It is important for nursing staff, as well as for other participants of the process, to understand...

Key Issues of the Emergency Nurses Association

Introduction This essay investigates and summarizes key issues of the Emergency Nurses Association (ENA) as an interest group. This interest group places a significant value on its members due to their contributions to the emergency nursing profession. Mission Established in 1970, the mission of ENA is to advocate for the...

Developing a Teaching Plan for Immunizations

Introduction The question of getting children immunized has always produced a lot of concern among parents. Many of them consider vaccination a dangerous practice that may put their child’s life under threat. Therefore, it is a duty of a healthcare provider to supply parents with necessary information about immunization and...

Parents’ Education in Childhood Obesity Prevention

There is no doubt that the problem of childhood obesity in the United States and other countries can be regarded as one of the most important factors influencing the health of the entire nation. Considering the current obesity rates in the United States, the situation is quite different for various...

Pain Management in Patients With Dementia

The article Pain management in patients with dementia by Achterberg et al. (2013) is a literature review that explored four main perspectives concerning pain management among patients with dementia in order to make recommendations for further research and practice. Researchers explored the biological, assessment, organizational and educational, and practice perspectives....

Congestive Heart Failure and Evidence-Based Therapies

Background Congestive heart failure, also known as CHF, is increasingly becoming a major health problem in the United States. According to Thomsen, Nicolaisen, Hasvold, and Sorensen (2017), CHF is a condition where the heart fails to pump enough blood to all body cells, making the nutrients and oxygen insufficient in...

Patient and Nurse Outcomes of Bedside Nursing

Introduction The research article under review is entitled “A Quantitative Assessment of Patient and Nurse Outcomes of Bedside Nursing Report Implementation” by Sand-Jecklin & Sherman (2014). The purpose of the research article is to quantify the impact of a mixed type of bedside report on nurse and patient outcomes in...

High Blood Pressure Treatment in Diabetic Patient

The given case study presents a sixty-year-old African American male patient who has been diagnosed with hypertension and types 2 diabetes for the last twelve years. His body index is 32, and he is currently taking no other medication except 37.5/25 mg every morning. The information about the patient’s age,...

Living Legends Program for Older Adults

Background The prevailing majority of seniors prefer their own home to elderly care centers or other facilities. Due to this, it is highly important for them to maintain not only physical and mental health, which is defined by three factors: 1) evaluative wellness; 2) hedonic wellness (happiness); 3) eudemonic wellness...

Nuclear Family Health Assessment in Nursing

Family Composition The assessment of a family is important in identifying family health care needs for appropriate nursing interventions. This family health assessment will focus on a nuclear family that comprises Jim Smith, his wife of 15 years, Kelly, and their three children. The couple’s children include Jake, aged thirteen,...

Nurse Staffing Ratio Impact on Patient Outcomes

Abstract The purpose of this research proposal is to analyze interventions aimed at reducing the risk of adverse events associated with poor hospital staffing ratios. Inadequate nursing staff ratios have been an ongoing concern in the nursing field. The author asked, if nursing errors can be attributed to (C) unsafe...

Hospital’s Image Recovery and Public Relations

Overview The unfavorable situation was caused by the improper actions of the administrator who failed to focus on the reasons for the downsizing and its impact on the nurses during the interview. As a result, the information was interpreted wrongly. The main facts of concern are the video showing several...

Nursing in Media Representation and Perception

Nurses and the profession have been stereotyped all along the history of the career. One of the widespread fallacies is that nurses have to be female, and this has resulted in the stereotyping of male nurses as not masculine. Such generalized notions of nursing have created a distorted image of...

Osteoarthritis, Its Symptoms and Treatment

Introduction Osteoarthritis is a “common disorder of the human joints that is characterized by degeneration of the entire joint or the articular cartilage”.2(1445) The affected parts of the joint include the ligaments, the synovium, and the articular cartilage, and the subchondral bone.2 This discussion gives a detailed analysis of the...

Medical Treatment in Religious Beliefs and Ethics

Introduction Ethical dilemmas are integral to nursing practice, which is why it is essential to study them. Every day, nurses make critical decisions that impact patient health and life. Having such a significant responsibility makes it important for nurses to choose options that are in the patient’s best interests. Sometimes...

Dissociative Disorders, Their Types and Diagnostics

Abstract Dissociative disorders deal with one’s cognition and perception of self and others. The definition of these disorders outlines the word disruption as the main concept of these conditions. The three types of dissociative disorders are dissociative identity disorder, dissociative amnesia, and depersonalization disorder. The primary cause of these disorders...

Nursing Shortage and Turnover Management

Introduction A nursing shortage and turnover remain to be a serious problem for many American hospitals. Thousands of nurses are eager to leave their jobs in the next year after their graduation due to poor or unstable working conditions, long working hours, and the amount of work that has to...

Trimodal Model of Effective Nurse Leaders

Introduction Nurse leaders in the modern society face numerous challenges in the provision of health care for they have to keep abreast with dynamic political, social, cultural, and technological changes, which have a considerable impact on patients, nurses, and healthcare organizations. For nurse leaders to overcome these numerous challenges, they...

Reduction of Readmission Rates

Introduction Approximately one-fifth of elderly patients are readmitted within 30 days after having been discharged from American hospitals, and almost 50 percent of these readmissions are considered to be preventable (Verhaegh et al., 2014). The cost of readmissions after hospitalization amounts to $12-$44 billion annually (Verhaegh et al., 2014). Overview...

Concepts of Biology: HIV and AIDS

As a matter of fact, HIV and AIDS can be considered as a major threat to human life. The primary purpose of the paper is to examine the symptoms and the effects that HIV and AIDS have on a human being. HIV is a type of virus that can transform...

Nursing Legal and Ethical Principles

There are many principles according to which nurses and patients can develop their relations. Each principle is a unique combination of ethical and legal aspects. They help to define the way for nurses to react to different patients’ behaviors and choose the most appropriate solutions to the possible problems and...

Master’s Education in Nursing

Abstract The current paper explores the essentials of Master’s education in nursing as provided by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing. After a brief introduction, each of the essentials is discussed individually; the meaning of these essentials is explained, and their effect in the practical setting is elaborated. It...

Education for Cardiology Patients and Caregivers

Description of the Intervention The intervention proposed in this research involves providing frequent 30-minute-long education sessions to patients with cardiovascular diseases as well as their relatives and caretakers. They will be taught useful techniques and practices of managing the disease in day-to-day activities, as well as in cases of emergency....

Nursing in a Community Environment: Learning Plan

Nursing in a community environment is a complex and empowering work that requires a keen understanding of the principles of equality and collective action. Therefore, the provision of care in a community characterized by a multifaceted interaction between social and economic circumstances has to be based on an inclusive partnership...

The Master’s Degree Programs in Nursing

Abstract The essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing at the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) focuses on the continuous call to creative thinking and change in graduate education. Master’s Degree is expected to prepare nurses for the effective leadership and critical action by equipping with necessary knowledge and...

Fetal Abnormality and Ethical Dilemms of Abortion

Introduction In the case study “Fetal Abnormality”, four characters face the same problem that is an abnormal condition of a fetus and the necessity to decide if to save a child or to consider abortion as the only appropriate solution. Each character takes a certain position and finds it necessary...