Effects of Discontinuing Needed Services

Introduction Medical care is always one of the most essential services for society. This is especially true for rural areas where people have a limited number of health services. If there are situations when it becomes necessary to reduce their numbers, the community can experience serious consequences. The same can...

COVID-19: A Journey to Recovering

Primarily, it is no secret that coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is one of the most dangerous and hazardous infections that humanity has ever faced. However, one should recognize that the features of COVID-19 have not yet been thoroughly studied (Shaw 40). Nonetheless, it is already possible to make certain conclusions based...

Advanced Nursing Practice and Advanced Practice Nurse

Advanced Nursing Practice (ANP) is a level of nursing practice that includes a broad variety of nursing duties that call for specialized knowledge, competence, and decision-making (Hart & Bell, 2022). In contrast, an Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) is a registered nurse who has pursued and completed specialized training in a...

The Effect of Globalization on Healthcare

Globalization is the phenomenon describing tight relationships between global cultures and economies. It increases the interdependence of the countries by promoting reduced tariffs, an expanded job market, and a competitive environment. As the technologies, information, and development of science become available for everyone, globalization speed increases rapidly. Its technology diffusion...

Skills and Exercises: Gross and Fine Motor Skills

Introduction Gross motor skills and fine motor skills are two distinct categories of physical development that children go through and enhance from infancy through adulthood. Gross motor skills are the larger movements of the legs, arms, feet, and torso that involve balance and coordination (Thunder et al., 2021). Examples of...

Teen Pregnancy as Public Health Concern

Introduction Teen pregnancy is a significant public health concern that can have long-lasting implications for both the mother and child. In many cases, teen pregnancy can lead to an increased risk of medical complications during pregnancy and childbirth and a higher likelihood of preterm birth and low birth weight. Teen...

Nursing Profession and Its Historical Roots

Introduction Nursing, like any other science, has a millennia-long history. The origins of medicine are linked to the early phases of human evolution and civilization. It is true that, in the beginning, medicine was the realm of everybody rather than a chosen few. Following that, the woman, the leader of...

Clinical Environment Contributing to Learning

Creating a clinical environment conducive to continuous education is essential to improve the work of medical staff and organize patient care at the highest level. Recommendations include autonomy, supervision, social support, workload, diversity, learning and practice orientation (Seabrook, 2014). Learning while working is an effective means of gaining applicable knowledge...

Patient Safety Events and Prevention Plan

Introduction Patient safety lies at the core of healthcare organization concerns. Any behavior by professionals that leads to adverse events has to be investigated by the hospital and outside organizations to determine whether a different approach should and could have been chosen to prevent a negative outcome for patient health....

Duplication of Healthcare Facilities Within Regions

Hospitals operate in a unique market, which can be entered by distinct participants. Each separate institution, whether already present in a region or recently opened, can affect the functioning of other facilities from the same sector. As a result, such an area is likely to have multiple medical organizations that...

Physiology: Iron, Potassium, Nitrates, and Iodide

Description of Ion Various ions, such as iron, potassium, nitrates, and iodide, are essential to human survival. Potassium, with the atomic number 19, and the chemical symbol K, can be found in group 1 of the periodic table (Silbey et al., 2022). It is a malleable, shining white metal that...

RUA (Radioisotope Use Authorization) Concept Map

Assessment General appearance: Mr. Jason appeared uncomfortable and was breathing shallowly and with difficulty Vitals: Blood pressure: 130/80 mmHg/HR 98 beats/minute/O2 88%/Temp 37.9 C/Resp: 20 Neuro: Alert and oriented x3/No signs of confusion or disorientation HEENT: Conjunctiva and sclera that are normal/There were no lesions or exudates found in the...

Understanding the Three Levels of Prevention

Primary prevention refers to interventions that aim to prevent a disease or condition in individuals at risk but who have not yet developed the disease. Examples of primary prevention include vaccination, healthy lifestyle promotion, and environmental interventions (Kisling & Das, 2022). It plays a hugely significant role in public health,...

Root-Cause Analysis and Safety Improvement Plan

Introduction In 2017, nurse Vaught fatally administered the wrong medication and caused a patient’s death. She was charged with reckless homicide and sparked debate over a recurring issue in medical practice. The discussion will focus on why this event occurred and provide evidence-based practices organizations can employ to prevent its...

Techniques and Tools for Strategic Management in Healthcare

Strategic quality management significantly impacts how firms develop and implement their goals. Healthcare executives bear a great deal of responsibility for locating relevant tools that make it easier to implement innovative ideas. According to this viewpoint, healthcare providers should prioritize their patients’ health above all else. One method is to...

Disseminating Evidence in Nursing

Introduction The dissemination of the project’s results to improve practice and keep the spirit of inquiry alive is undoubtedly one of the complex tasks for a healthcare professional. However, with a competent approach to planning this goal, achieving the best results and high achievements is possible. This paper aims to...

Treatment Alternatives Evaluation

Policymaking requires standards – criteria against which policymakers test the anticipated outcomes of alternative treatments. According to Collins (2005), five criteria should be applied during treatment evaluation: relevance, progress, efficiency, effectiveness, and impact. These standards help in understanding if the intervention contributes to the health needs of the target population,...

The Nursing Profession and Its Historical Roots

The nursing profession has come a long way of becoming, during which there were many difficulties and challenges for nurses of the past. However, overcoming these difficult periods of the formation of the profession led to what nurses do today. Nursing is one of the oldest professions, which means that...

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in an Old Lady

Introduction The patient, Tegan, a retired college professor of social studies, used to be an active and outgoing old lady before developing severe mental health issues after being involved in a train accident. This inciting event, like any crisis, happened unexpectedly and caused significant physical and emotional trauma to this...

Ethical and Legal Dilemmas in the Healthcare Case

Introduction This case study shows an example of a young woman, Janet, who survived an accident in which her husband died. Although Janet survived the accident, the doctor found that she had suffered a severe head injury, and the prognosis for the woman was poor. Moreover, the patient has been...

Sweet Consumption and Diabetes

Introduction In today’s society, diabetes mellitus remains a severe public health problem, destructively affecting the patient’s metabolic activity as well as reducing the quality of life. However, it is not so much the phenomenology of diabetes as a developmental pathology of the body that is the focus of this essay,...

Multiple Regression Analysis in Healthcare Scenario

Introduction Regression has a number of similarities with the discipline of machine learning when it comes to predicting and forecasting. Multiple linear regression is used to measure the correlation between two or more independent variables and one predictor variable. Discussion It is possible to predict hospital length of stay (LOS)...

Associations between Healthcare Utilization Factors and Diabetic Retinopathy

In his dissertation, Adesanya, (2019) focused on Associations between healthcare utilization factors and diabetic retinopathy among adult African Americans. The second paragraph of the paper states: “Uncontrolled DM, irrespective of its type, can lead to macrovascular (large vessel) disease affecting the heart and arteries, and microvascular (small vessel) disease affecting...

Childbirth Mortality in Hospital vs. Home Birth

Optimizing maternal and infant health outcomes and the overall delivery experience while minimizing interference is a healthcare matter. The incidence rates and advantages of giving birth in various environments and the danger of medical interventions, have been the subject of intense discussion in recent decades as a result of this...

A Doctor of Nursing Practice-Prepared Nurse in the Work Area

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)-A prepared nurse plays an important role in ensuring patients receive high-quality and safe care. Similarly, DNP-prepared nurses are directly involved in improving the healthcare system – they provide a link between health policy and practice. Beeber et al. (2019) observe that hiring practicing DNPs is...

The Role of a DNP-Prepared (Doctor Degree) Nurse

The DNP stands for Doctor of Nursing Practice and is the highest nursing degree obtainable and equips nurses for tasks outside of direct patient care that focuses on systems or clinical practice. After completing the required qualifications, nurses from DNP programs can work in clinical settings or leadership positions. This...

Understanding Self in Professional Practice Using Gibbs’ Cycle

Introduction Gibbs’s reflective cycle is an important element of nursing practice, as it allows them to improve their practice, find strong and weak sides, and fix them. Therefore, I will use it to reflect on my practice, describe and evaluate it, to understand how I can improve it. Lack of...

Socioeconomic Status: Barriers to Health

Introduction This week we dedicated our time to the discussion of various barriers to health, including structural, systemic, and societal forces that may prevent people from accessing healthcare or achieving best health and well-being. All submitted posts examine these barriers in detail, with the majority focusing on societal and structural...

Issues and Possible Solutions in the Healthcare Sector

It is hard to disagree that healthcare is one of the most fundamental and intricate sectors playing a crucial role in people’s lives. Despite the importance of individuals receiving quality medical services, several factors negatively affect healthcare. For example, currently, health policymakers face the need to solve problems like the...

Data Breaches and Cyber Attacks on Healthcare Organizations

The introduction of electronic health records (EHRs) has facilitated easy collection, analysis, access, and mass storage of patient data. The digital transformation has led to enhanced patient care, patient cooperation, and disease diagnosis. However, the presence of technology has brought forth cyber security healthcare risks (Dias et al., 2021). Therefore,...

Monitoring and Controlling Functions in Healthcare Organizations

Monitoring and controlling are the primary functions of an organization’s management team, and their work determines how efficiently the recourses are allocated and used. Multiple components, such as finances, workforce, technology, and equipment, are integrated into the strategies to administer and optimize the work of a hospital (Almansoori et al.,...

Occupational Health and Safety Risk Assessment

The health of a community is greatly affected by the work that people do. The reality is that every industry has its own set of risks when it comes to the place of employment, with perhaps just a distinction in the nature or severity of the dangers present. There has...

The COVID-19 Pandemic: Patient Care Problem

Introduction Most patient care problems affect the hospitals’ budget. In many cases, it is the responsibility of a nurse leader to assist mitigates the aspects leading to the effect on the healthcare facilities budget. Many of the patient care issues are preventable and influence the health facilities more on their...

Role of Physical Activity in the Management of Type 2 Diabetes

Introduction Exercise helps people maintain better control over blood glucose levels and aids in weight loss, which are significant risk factors for diabetes. Physical activity alleviates typical health difficulties among elderly diabetics, such as poor balance and flexibility. Regular exercise is critically essential for effective glucose management. Understanding how type...

The Royal Flying Doctor Service

Introduction The Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) offers a wide range of specialized services to Australians who live in remote and rural locations. The RFDS has grown to become one of the world’s biggest and most complete aeromedical organizations since its founding in 1928 (RFDS, n.d.). The RFDS provides emergency...

The American Hospital Association as an Institution

Introduction In this paper, I will discuss the American Hospital Association (AHA). It is a national organization representing hospitals, network systems, patients, and communities. The association was formed in 1898 and is currently based in Chicago, US (American Hospital Association, 2022). The mission of AHA is to promote a just...

The Joint Body Commission and the CARF

History and Original Purpose for Creation The joint body commission was founded in 1951 with the original purpose of seeking continuous improvement in healthcare for the public. The bodywork works jointly with other stakeholders evaluating healthcare organizations and inspiring them to excel in providing safe and effective care of the...

Diversity in Healthcare Organizations

Introduction In order to improve the quality of care provided to patients, healthcare organizations must practice equity, diversity, and inclusion. The company can promote multiculturalism by ensuring that all patients receive unbiased care. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. stated, “of all forms of inequity, injustice in health care is the...

Evidence-Based Population Health Improvement Plan

Introduction Multiple health issues affect communities, which results in the fact that residents of the same area are subject to similar problems. This information demonstrates that certain epidemiological and environmental factors contribute to this state of affairs. That is why it is possible to address all these risk factors to...

Complicated Grief: Therapeutic Interventions

Introduction Grief is a universal human experience encountered by many people at some point in their lives. It is a natural reaction to the loss of something meaningful (Harris & Winokuer, 2019). While some people can overcome grief relatively quickly on their own, others get stuck in ruminations for a...

The Cognitive-Behavioral Training in Nursing

Nursing students and professional nurses cannot avoid the pressure of their work and the number of obligations to be followed. Thus, it is recommended to investigate and implement interventions to help nurses reduce stress and organize their practice properly. Regarding the offered critical appraisal and the authors’ findings, cognitive-behavioral skills...

Patient Safety and Clinical Handover Process

Problem Statement Patient safety is one of the central factors that hospitals aim to improve. In settings where the number of patients greatly increases, the clinical handover process becomes an issue of quality. The lack of structure and systematized information transfer is related to several adverse outcomes for patients, including...

Policy Analysis: Adjustments & Conclusion

As follows from the above statistics, the Veteran’s Health Administration received an impressive amount of state budget money. This has led to an efficient and rapid response to the COVID-19 epidemic and has allowed funds to be focused in such a way as to obtain as many vaccines as possible...

Advocating for Workplace Health and Safety in Nursing

Introduction I am one of the registered nurses (RN) who has been certified by the American Board for Specialty Nursing Certification (ABSNC). Additionally, I serve as a nurse administrator in my current hospital, which is another position that stems from the ABSNC accreditation. My role as an RN entails providing,...

Factors of Decision-Making by Healthcare Managers

Healthcare managers occasionally encounter situations that require them to make critical decisions in healthcare facilities. Decision-making is considered a complicated affair that may involve clinical and non-clinical situations. Multiple factors such as financial resources, treatment options, ethics, quality, and legal aspects are some requirements that a health manager must consider...

Improving Hand Hygiene Compliance

Infections acquired in the hospital are currently one of the major causes of mortality and morbidity. Proper hand hygiene practices, in turn, are considered to be an effective way to prevent the transmission of infections during communication and interaction between patients and medical staff. Despite the fact that health professionals...

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Nursing Intervention

Introduction Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the children’s most frequent neurodevelopmental diseases. Hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention are hallmarks of this disorder. Around 2.2% of school-aged children worldwide are affected by this. ADHD symptoms can range from hyperactivity to attentional dominance. Smoking, heavy drinking, stress, and prenatal lead...

How Exercise Programs Decrease Fall Rates in Adults

PICOT Question For adults greater than 65 years of age in the retirement community (P) does an exercise program (I) compared to no exercise program (C) decrease fall rates (O) within one year (Table 1)? Prioritized List of Databases for the PICOT Question The first database that was considered appropriate...

Hospice Care and Nursing Ethics Provisions

End-of-life care is fraught with various dilemmas and requires practitioners to observe the standards of ethics strictly. The American Nurse Association (ANA) offers clear ethical guidelines to be followed across the healthcare continuum, including hospice settings. Observing its first provision in caring for a hospice patient involves refraining from any...

Climate Change as a Healthcare Priority

The problem of global warming has become one of the most severe challenges for humanity in the twenty-first century. Human-caused climate change significantly impacts the ecological situation and many areas of human life, such as health care. In its 2022 policy brief presented at the Stockholm+50 conference, the WHO stated...

An Incident Report on a Medical Blunder

Details of the incident A 64 years old man was admitted to an emergency ward of North District Hospital in Sheung Shui, Hong Kong on April 23, 2018. The reason for the hospitalization was abdominalgia, vomiting and weakness in the lower limbs of the patient. After medical examination, he was...

Differences Between Illness and Disease

Understanding the distinction between illness and disease and the many available treatments makes it easier to comprehend how alternative therapies like EEG biofeedback fit within a comprehensive approach for managing illnesses and diseases. Although the disease can exist without causing sickness, this is uncommon. For instance, it has been dubbed...

Epic Systems: Electronic Health Records

Electronic Health Record Systems Epic is a privately held company that provides electronic health record products to more than 190 million people worldwide. Established in 1979, the company saw its client base grow tremendously with the passage of the Affordable Care Act in 2009. According to Forbes magazine, Epic System’s...

The Caffeine Impact on Health and Behavior

Introduction The article to be discussed is “Caffeine and anxiety-like behavior” by Ribeiro-Carvalho, Dutra-Tavares, Filgueiras, Manhães, and Abreu-Villaça. Although caffeine is not always thought of as a psychoactive drug, it strongly impacts the brain and behavior. As a stimulant, caffeine increases the nervous system’s activity and enhances the circulation of...

Teamwork and Improved Patient Safety

Introduction Researches in the field of healthcare present new ideas and concepts for improving practice in accordance with the emerging needs of the identified patients. Lifelong learning is a tested approach whereby professional nurses examine emerging theories and apply them in their respective units. Organizational leadership needs to be involved...

SOAP (Nursing) Note on Dyspnea, Confusion, and Fatigue

Patient Initials: ____B.M__ Gender: M/F/Transgender: ___F_ Age: __38___ Race: __Black ___ Ethnicity __ African American __ Reason for Seeking Health Care: A 38-year-old African American woman was admitted because of dyspnea, confusion, and fatigue. HPI: The patient had been well until 18 months before the current admission, when the blood...

Patient Safety in Dental Hygiene

Patient safety is important in the field of dental hygiene. Medical procedures involving dental care have numerous health risks, even though they are not perceived as high risk by the popular opinion. According to the study by Choi et al. (2019), “various health risks accompany many of the frequently performed...

Eating Disorders Among Athletes

Anorexia nervosa is a severe eating disorder that might result in the emergence of multiple complications. It is also characterized by the refusal to maintain the normal body weight, distorted view of weight and shape, amenorrhea, of fears of becoming overweight (Comer, 2013). However, regardless of the severe risks and...

Neural Plasticity Following Traumatic Brain Injury

Cognitive impairments are one of the most prevalent and debilitating results of traumatic brain injury (TBI), and they can have a substantial impact on a person’s social and professional prospects. Thus, disruption to white-matter pathways induced by diffuse axonal injury (DAI) causes a wide variety of cognitive problems (Galetto &...

Analysis of Ebola Virus Disease

Abstract Ebola is one of the most severe viruses in the world. It was discovered in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 1976 and has continued to spread worldwide. The virus has caused several outbreaks in Africa, including Sierra Leone and DRC. Scientists are working on extensive research to learn...

The Bridge Drop-In Center’s Program Evaluation

Introduction Various social assistance programs, especially within the framework of the provision of mental health problems assistance, require evaluation to assess the effectiveness of interventions and their potential changes. Peer-run programs have unique characteristics and require professionals to pay attention to the main elements that distinguish these programs from traditional...

Public Health Promotion in Everyday Life

One of the most common examples of public health promotion in daily life is the use of various types of educational signage, such as posters and labels. These are usually put in public places, such as parks, schools, shopping centers, public transport, hospital waiting rooms, and others, and meant to...

An Interview with a Director of Nursing

Interview Answers What is your educational background, and how has it helped prepare you for your current position? Donna obtained a master’s degree in nursing administration, and now she is a Director of Nursing, a position which necessitates a high and suitable academic qualification. Describe the progression of your career...

Third-Party Payers in Healthcare Reimbursement

Third-party payers play an important role in providing the foundation for healthcare organizations’ financial stability, the overall healthcare system, and the population’s well-being. Third-party payers’ activity in reimbursement of healthcare services focuses on payment of medical claims on behalf of the person receiving the services. Thus, the most common third-party...

Personality Disorders: Common Issues

Personality disorders are common as everyone has specific traits that can develop to the level of them being an actual condition. Unfortunately, it may be challenging for people who do not deal with the same problems to socialize with those who suffer from the aforementioned state. Personally, I have experience...

The Dental Hygiene Profession

Wadia, R. (2022). Men working in dental hygiene. British Dental Journal, 232(10), 717. Web. The article by Wadia (2022) focuses on the need to teach the next generation of leaders who will work in dental hygiene. The primary point is that the dental hygienist profession is not popular among men, making...

Anxiety Disorders in Older Adults

Although anxiety is a common reaction to stress, social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) are all conditions that can cause chronic anxiety. Numerous people suffer from anxiety disorders daily, which may be devastating in many circumstances (Goodwin et al., 2020). A diagnosis of an anxiety condition...

Hypothalamus and Body Temperature

The autonomic nervous system and hypothalamus are primarily responsible for maintaining a constant temperature of the human body. Body temperature depends on the intensity of bioenergetic processes. Therefore, for example, in children, it may normally be higher than in the elderly, since metabolism slows down with age. The body perceives...

The Consent Role and Aspects in Healthcare

Introduction: Definition of consent Consent represents a kind of an agreement that is defined between two or more parties and highlights certain capacities and freedoms that are preserved by that agreement. For instance, if a person agrees to something because they are coerced or under the influence of illicit substances,...

Gaps in Equity Related to Mental Health Access for Veterans

Introduction The Gap in Healthcare Delivery for Military Veterans Military men are a group of individuals who are required and responsible for guarding a country’s borders and intervening in conflicts. The globe is constantly at odds, and the military and police exchange gunfire and other explosives, which substantially impact the...

Benefits of Health Information Technology

Information technology is changing the way people work, learn, and interact in the world today. Artificial intelligence is at the center stage of machine and human surveillance, redefining the health systems on the ground. This change had to happen because of the existing flaws between the service providers and customers...

The Flo Health App and Technological Utopia

Introduction It is important to note that the concept of technological utopianism is a promising idea to strive for when it comes to solving many of humanity’s problems. One of such global issues is women’s health and wellbeing, which is highly complex and intricate in its nature. The fairly recent...

Sickle Cell Anemia and Nursing Intervention

This case study concerns Roslyn, who has been recently diagnosed with sickle cell anemia. Since the closest family members do not have the same disease, Roslyn and her parents lack experience in dealing with this diagnosis; therefore, they will require special attention and additional support. It is necessary for the...

Importance of Nurse Staffing Questions Decision

Problem Statement Current medicine is slowly but steadily becoming focused on working efficiency, minimizing patient stay at the clinics, and teaching personnel to handle multitasking. It is believed that a healthcare professional that can provide various services to the patients is most effective and needed at the working place. However,...

Schizophrenia Disorder Diagnosis

Primary Diagnosis The main reason for Demetri’s visit entails experiences and behavior out of touch with reality. In this case, assessing the patient’s cognitive state and determining the vital effect on emotional and physical well-being is crucial. It is the duty of a practitioner to enhance optimal Medicare for a...

Ethics of Using Experimental Drugs

Experimental drugs are certain medicines not officially approved to treat specific illnesses. The use of unproven therapy might be unsafe, as the effect of such a cure is unpredictable. As a rule, doctors prescribe and document treatment that is counted in the official medical database. Indeed, incurable patients might use...

Healthy Aging and Its Crucial Benefits

Introduction Healthy aging is one of the most deliberated topics globally since older persons exist worldwide, and most people hope to live to old age. According to the WHO, healthy aging denotes developing and maintaining functional abilities that facilitate wellness in advanced ages. Thus, healthy aging involves the creation of...

Healthcare Facility Expansion Funding

The 253-bed healthcare facility in a city requires expansion by 150 beds due to the new business opening in the area and creating 7,500 new jobs. Therefore, the hospital’s management is expecting the city’s population to expand, and therefore, the capacity of the local hospital has to be increased as...

Project Management in Healthcare

Project management in healthcare involves several skills and techniques that improve the efficiency of operations in medical facilities. The two important concepts that were learned in the course are the process of creating a project timeline and the utility of an outline for creating a review/plan/paper and proposal. Both of...

Legal and Ethical Issues in Healthcare System

Introduction Ethical and moral problems often arise in health care: they have to do with staff behavior and patient responsibility. Moral dilemmas concern choices that both parties must make. They arise from the availability of objective medical data and inconsistency with already established ideas about ethics. The existence of multiple...

Supporting Patients: The Role of Nurses

Prioritizing Support The use of patient interview materials is a vital strategy for an effective therapy that takes into account the patient’s history and interests. Patient T. from this interview has been shown to suffer from hypertension and has chronic gastritis as her primary diagnosis. T. is an older woman...

Assessment of Clients with Substance Abuse

The number of individuals depending on the intake of different substances grows exponentially. Up-to-date medicine struggles between treating humans’ bodies and spirit as sometimes spending more attention to the first aspect lead to an increase in humans’ addictions. By people’s nature, it is challenging to fight the feelings of craving...

The Use of Ceramics in Medicine

Introduction A ceramic is an inorganic non-metallic material composed of metal or non-metal components that are manufactured and subsequently hardened at high temperatures. Since they are utilized daily, high-tech ceramics have generally been connected with medical devices. Traditional ceramics are made of clay, whereas high-performance or advanced ceramics are made...

Deep Venous Thrombosis: Bed Rest vs. Early Ambulation

Introduction Also known as blood thinners, anticoagulants are the recommended approach in the treatment of Deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT). In post-op DVTs, however, debate has arisen over the effectiveness of early ambulation in comparison to bed rest. Bed rest, often recommended in a hospital setting with the attention of healthcare...

The Critical Nutrients for Athletes

Introduction Becoming a successful athlete is a matter of not only consistent training and improvement of one’s skill but also deep consideration of appropriate nutritional choices that enable the optimum strength to train effectively. While an individual may need to adjust their diet depending on the type of sport and...

The Covid-19 Pandemic Impact on the Family Dynamic

Introduction Since its emergence, COVID-19 has had an immense impact on all areas of human life and wellness. After over two years, the virus has spread worldwide and become a daily consideration for most, causing an unprecedented social and economic uproar. Despite stabilizing measures having taken place, and several vaccine...

Mental Health Nursing, Interventions and Strategies

Mental health nursing is a multi-component and complex process requiring specific training and knowledge. The foundations are based on the fact that recovery from mental disease must focus on the patient’s life experiences, health concerns, abilities, and goals. The primary purpose of nurses is to help with emotional trauma and...

The Emergence of Private Health Insurance

Introduction The study of the issue of the emergence of private health insurance and how it arose in society has exceptional value for study. This is because, this way, it is possible to gain a deeper understanding of the motives of this action. Additionally, it gives an insight into the...

Youth Struggling with Mental Illnesses

Mental Health Problems All three components: body, “soul,” and society, are closely related to each other and affect a person’s well-being and condition. The ability to cope with stress, anxiety, and bad moods reduces the likelihood of psychosomatic diseases based on psychological causes. However, there are more and more cases...

Relationship Between Brilliance and Mental Illness

Introduction There is a popular myth that no great genius can exist without a dash of lunacy. The history of genius is littered with the names of disturbed minds. For instance, one of the most distinguished artists of all time, Vincent van Gogh, was believed to be bipolar: after slicing...

Communication Challenges in Vascular Dementia and Dysphagia

The patient has issues with remaining at the dining table during meals. Leaving means that Mr. Smith is communicating that he is not comfortable with the food due to heartburn which is often associated with people who have dysphagia. His stomach acid may be remaining in his throat, making him...

Case Study on Addiction and Mental Disorder

Introduction People with troubled pasts often conceal their adverse experiences out of the fear of social stigma. Their health issues are often being taken into consideration without addressing the entire complex of existing comorbidities, especially mental ones (Atkins, 2021). Substance use disorders, in particular, present a challenging topic for analysis,...

Mental Health Problems in the UK and the US

Introduction With the ongoing war in Ukraine and the sanctions against Russia, prices of fuel, electricity, water, and the rest has been increased, contributing to mental health problems for many individuals and families. Data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) indicate that Europe’s mental health care has...

Preparation of Fresh Frozen Plasma from Whole Blood

To design a standard procedure used in the collection and preparation of fresh frozen plasma (FFP). The standard operating procedure aims at providing laboratory staff and others with professional and regulatory guidelines in collecting and managing fresh frozen plasma. Policy The policy aims to provide an easily accessible and adequate...

Healthcare: The Importance of Accessibility

Healthcare is an important aspect that guarantees that good quality of life is maintained and alleviates people from illnesses. Healthcare currently is not accessible to everyone, but this should not be the case because everyone should have access to healthcare. Various advantages can be seen if healthcare was provided to...

The Importance of Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Healthcare

Interdisciplinary cooperation has been on the rise in the last few years in healthcare system and its impact has been substantial. The increased focus on preventative healthcare services and demand for holistic patient-centered care has led to the integration of human services in healthcare to ensure the delivery of top-notch...

Nurse’s Communication Quality Improvement

Introduction Good communication skills of health practitioners are critical to providing effective patient care and can result in favorable outcomes such as decreased stress, guilt, discomfort, and illness symptoms. Furthermore, they have the potential to promote patient experience, acceptance, adherence, and collaboration with the medical team. However, poor communication happens...

Nursing Assessment of Patient With Respiratory Disease

Subjective Findings The subjective data used in nursing diagnosis typically refers to the visual examination of patients and their reported symptoms. In this case, subjective data included in the diagnosis was the reported shortness of breath and difficulty breathing that the patient indicated upon admission to the emergency department. The...

Legal and Ethical Issues in Health Care

Introduction The contemporary health care field entails various legal and ethical dilemmas, owing to its existence at least partly to the rapid development of technologies and the digitalization of science and medicine. The content and shape of ongoing improvements in health care require careful ethical and legislative attention. This paper...

The Scoff Questionnaire: Risk of Eating Disorders

Introduction The SCOFF questionnaire was used as a method to identify and classify children at risk of eating disorders. Then, the children were provided with both relevant referrals and treatment. For this article, the primary tool is the SCOFF questionnaire, which consists of 5 questions with yes or no answers....

Benefits of Physical Activity and Nutrition

Both exercise and diet are instrumental in maintaining long-term health of an individual, both physical and mental. Age, ability, ethnicity, shape, or size have little bearing on the health benefits of physical activity, with the exception of affecting the suggested forms of exercise in rare situations. This essay attempts to...

Elder Abuse in the US Healthcare System

Elder abuse within the US has posed a threat to the elderly citizens; the situation has emanated in perennial harm to older adults. Types of elderly abuse include physical, sexual, neglect, financial, and psychological abuse. All these types have been occurring in all states of the US. Some of the...

Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound & Oncotripsy

Introduction Ongoing research into the cancer treatment oncotripsy is aimed at developing a method that uses ultrasound harmonic stimulation at a resonance frequency specific to cancer cells, this is an example of ultrasound therapy. As a minimally invasive treatment for cancer, oncotripsy does not require surgery. Using low-intensity pulsed ultrasonic...

Voluntary Accreditation in Healthcare: Requirements, Compliance, and Standards

Introduction Voluntary accreditation in the American healthcare sector is a special program for assessing the quality and reliability of the work of a medical organization. A specially trained panel of reviewers is engaged in this practice, which also includes comparing the performance of the assessed company with previously established quality...

Causes and Treatment of Autism in Children

Introduction Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a condition connected to brain development that impacts how people perceive and communicate with others. It also eliminates problems in the child’s social interaction and socialization. Autism spectrum disorder poses numerous challenges for treatment, although more significant research studying brain illnesses is increasing as...

The Mental Health Problem in New York City

Introduction If present mental health statistics are any indication, New York City is on the verge of a major catastrophe. Most stakeholders have always managed to find a way to minimize the relevance of mental health as a serious problem, and the facts have not always been as scary as...

Should Free Healthcare be a Right in America?

Introduction Nothing exposes the inequalities prevalent in America more than the existing unequal healthcare system. It is a mix of healthcare providers and public and private insurers responsible for creating barriers to accessing quality services for a large portion of the population. Access to lifesaving medical treatment usually depends on...

Food Cost Issues in the Hospital

There may be several reasons why the cost of a meal in a hospital may have an issue with the account—starting from simple errors, including errors in amounts, price calculations, errors in the prices themselves, and ending with more severe shortcomings. These may include missed deliveries, lack of purchases, data...

Emily Jerry’s Death: The Root Cause Analysis

Emily Jerry was a two-year-old patient who died during her stay in a hospital due to mismanagement of medical equipment and hospital staff incompetence. She was scheduled to receive chemotherapy but died of detrimental brain damage (Hope, 2020). A series of events that included missing fundamental understanding of solution concentration,...

The Role of the Registered Nurse in Intellectual Disability

Introduction Quality care metrics offer a measuring system that provides real-time reports and a standardized system to track and benchmark the quality of care. These metrics can determine and support nurses’ contribution to high-quality client care and many more (Health Service Executive, 2018). Person-centered communication and personal assessment are some...

Caregiver for the Terminally Ill

Caring for a person close to you is complex and challenging, especially when suffering from a terminal illness. As a caregiver, I have to give the best support professionally and as a person who could go through the same scenario. The family I am tasked with offering support to is...

The OpenEMR System and Its Project Phases

The OpenEMR system has three different interfaces to suit the needs of different users. The first user interface is designed for patients or clients. The clients’ UI is simple to ensure a good customers experience while using the system. It has bright colors that blend into each other to enhance...

Correctional Nursing Stress Theory of Adaptation and Resilience

Introduction Correctional nurses working in a jail setting often feel stress due to a high workload, role conflicts, aggression, and other factors. Moreover, correctional nurses may suffer from stress because of staff shortages, overload and safety issues, and the high-risk behaviors of prisoners. Moral distress is another challenge experienced by...

Evaluating an OD Intervention for the City Centre Hospital

Implementing an appropriate intervention strategy during the Organization Development (OD) process is crucial for the OD consultant. The selection of a particular tactic should properly address the outlined complication and produce the expected results, making this decision integral for the overall success of the OD initiative (Bierema, 2020). Therefore, potential...

Case Study for Agnes: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

According to the case scenario, Agnes is most certainly suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). She was traumatized by the previous account of the storm in which her grandfather and her father who were fishing were washed away by the force of nature. Despite the fact that relatives did not...

Advocacy in Mental Health Counseling

Introduction In many cases, mental health conditions may impede productive communication with others. It may be complicated to stand up for personal rights and express concerns. Individual advocacy for people with mental health issues may resolve the abovementioned problems. There is a wide variety of advocacy techniques with distinct implementations,...

Analysis of Implicit Bias in Healthcare

Results of the Tests Young vs. Old People European Americans vs. Asian Americans Choice Explanation The two implicit bias tests that I chose to complete our the Asian IAT and Age IAT. I selected them because I have previously noticed that I have some thoughts towards Asian Americans and elderly...

Healthcare Settings: Financial Challenges

Hospitals face a variety of financial challenges as the most utilized of health care settings. In recent years, exterior factors have caused hospitals to experience less frequent admission rates, length of stay, financial backing for the increased prices of certain procedures, and bad debt losses (Gapenski & Reiter, 2016). This...

Dental Care: Problems and Perspectives

Bridging the Gap in Affordability of Dental Services Nowadays, the gap between the poor, healthcare-deficient populace and the affluent, who can afford proper, regular dental care, has significantly increased. The growth of inflation has led to a rise in the costs of dental services, significantly reducing the number of people...

Quantitative and Qualitative Nursing Research

In nursing research, qualitative methods aim for understanding, interpreting, and describing various phenomena. Beliefs, opinions, feelings, emotions, and contexts compose the research focus, while data is collected as felt by the respondents or a researcher (Kalu, 2017). Compared to the qualitative methods, quantitative research seeks to build and explore causal...

Importance of Mental Health Policy

Mental health is a problem that affects a significant percentage of the global population. Various factors such as childhood abuse, poverty, stigma and discrimination, unemployment, and long-term stress contribute to mental health conditions. The government develops a mental health policy to address the issue by defining the vision, objectives, principles,...

International Classification of Functioning in Healthcare

Introduction Disability is an omnipresent phenomenon in healthcare that embodies an array of conditions that limits one’s functioning. Due to the need of modern health care communities and societies to conceptualize disability in order to find methods of properly meeting the needs of people with disabilities, models of disability are...

PTSD Treatment: Evidence-Based Practice

Treating PTSD: A Review of Evidence-Based Psychotherapy Interventions Watkins, L. E., Sprang, K. R., & Rothbaum, B. O. (2018). Treating PTSD: a review of evidence-based psychotherapy interventions. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 12, 258. Web. Summary: The article reviews recent guidelines for PTSD treatment and discussed each methodology through evidence-based analysis....

Promoting Healthy Lifestyles and Losing Weight

The health issue chosen for the assignment was losing weight by increasing the level of physical activity and cutting down on junk food. The main problem was that I could not lose weight due to neglecting my health habits. Besides, adhering to the new healthy habits would be beneficial for...

Nursing Informatics and the Nurse Informaticist

Summary Nursing informatics is the profession and science of using nursing knowledge, information, and communication technology to improve the health of communities, individuals, and families around the world. Within the Alliance for Nursing Informatics (ANI), the nursing informatics community provides numerous opportunities for networking, conference presentations, leadership, recognition, and certification...

Creating a Website for a Hospital

In today’s world, the Internet is a vital source of information and interaction with society. Medicine is not considered an exception but has a specific character due to its uniqueness. It is necessary to consider this issue from the programmer who creates a site for the clinic. A specialist must...

A Child With Asthma: Holistic Care Plan

Introduction An African American girl aged 8 years, was diagnosed with asthma, which in the recent past has been controlled using a rescue inhaler. She is being admitted to the emergency department after the escalation of the disease to an acute exacerbation, and she is receiving oxygen per nasal at...

Vaccination of Healthcare Workers

Vaccination is the most effective way of protection against COVID-19: a highly contagious disease often followed by a set of serious complications. The effectiveness of this measure directly depends on the number of people vaccinated, since together, they generate a collective immunity for their sector of society. Health professionals around...

Tuskegee Syphilis Study

Introduction Tuskegee Syphilis Study was a series of experiments conducted on unaware African Americans with the goal of uncovering medical evidence of racial disparities. Not only were the researchers driven by racial prejudice, but they also manipulated their test subjects with lies and deceitful information. The experiment gained wide resonance...

Summary of the Health History Interview

The patient is an Asian male young adult in full physical and mental health, with no visible symptoms of diseases or infections. Although the patient regularly exercises, adheres to a healthy diet, and has stable social relationships, that are health issues that decrease the quality of his life. The systems...

Clinical and Statistical Significance Differences

It is hard to disagree that evidence-based practice (EBP) projects are of extreme importance for the development of nursing practices and medical interventions. These projects are implemented in a sequence of steps and address a clinical issue with immediate practice implications. However, not all evidence-based practice (EBP) projects lead to...

Information Technology Application in Nursing

Introduction Medical organizations do not bypass the rapid development of technology. Nurses can access information about a patient and view his medical history and current diagnosis in a convenient database. At a minimum, these measures can increase the chance of a correct diagnosis, and easy accessibility can reduce the time...

Artificial Intelligence: Integrated in Healthcare

Introduction Artificial intelligence is one of the innovations that promise to have a significant impact on healthcare delivery. AI refers to the simulation of human performed tasks by machines such as computer systems and robots. AI helps in data analysis through electronic health records, diagnosis, and disease management (Bresnick, 2018)....

Medical Personnel Shortage: Evidence-Based Proposal

Introduction Medical personnel shortage is the main threat to the modern worldwide healthcare system and one of the leading healthcare barriers. There are several reasons for this issue, including the aging and retirement of medical workers and their transition to higher-paid jobs. It leads to the remaining of their positions...

Methods of Data Collection: Qualitative Research Methods

Data is an invaluable resource used to explain and validate trends in businesses and social institutions. Data can only be valuable if it is accurate, relevant, and timely. This makes the process of collecting data very critical in research. The data collection method highly depends on the subject or nature...

Maternal and Paternal Factors of Fetus Development

There is a higher risk for an adolescent mother to have pregnancy complications including pallor, and hypertension. Gestational diabetes typically disappears after the mother conceives an offspring. If untreated, gestational diabetes can cause untimely birth, the child having breathing issues upon entering the world, jaundice, or low glucose. There are...

Servant Leadership in Healthcare

The modern healthcare system is going through constant and rather severe changes that need to be managed properly to benefit the medical landscape. Numerous factors can affect the healthcare environment, including globalization, the population’s aging, and technological and economic ones. Consequently, there should be certain styles and requirements for the...

Examination of Vitamin B12 Deficiency

The deficiency or toxicity of the B12 vitamin can negatively impact an individual’s life, causing significant negative consequences. My doctor’s observations included anemia, a low count of blood cells, and their enlarged and immature state (Green, 2017). Other symptoms were occasional numbness in arms and legs, as well as complications...

Health Disparities and the Way Nurses Reduce Them

Introduction Functional ability and health disparity are some of the challenges experienced by many individuals in most developed countries. However, only a few studies have been conducted to examine the trends of these challenges. The main aim of those studies is to find out the strategies that can be implemented...

Thinking Like a Nurse: Clinical Judgement

Clinical judgment is an essential concept in healthcare and, more specifically, in nursing. It is a process that involves collecting client data, interpreting the data, making diagnoses, and identifying proper steps. Essential components of the process are critical thinking, decision making, and problem-solving. Clinical judgment is required for somewhat ambiguous...

Health Disparities in Rural Versus Urban Areas

In the United States, diabetes is the sixth leading cause of death after cardiovascular disease. The primary triggers of this health issue are the social determinants of health (SDOH). Some of the examples of SDOH include education, income, occupation, access to healthcare, and social support (Lenzi, 2018). These factors directly...

Healthcare Challenges of Vulnerable Populations

Issues of Increased Healthcare Demands for Vulnerable Populations Bhatt, J., & Bathija, P. (2018). Ensuring access to quality health care in vulnerable communities. Academic Medicine, 93(9), 1271-1275. Web. The authors explain that many Americans are living in vulnerable urban and rural communities. The hospitalization of these people is vital, and...

Project Management Tools in Nursing

Introduction As a temporary endeavor that focuses on the production of unique operational entities, a project plays a vital role in nursing. Projects’ outcomes help either solve particular negative problems or create positive issues, such as new clinical procedures, practices, and products. Therefore, project management may be regarded as a...

Discussion of Public Health Achievements

This part of the assignment examines the credentials for both county and state health directors, according to Health Department (2021). Since it is rare for public service officers to display their contacts, the contact information given relates to the County and state health departments through which they are contacted, as...

Safety Culture in the Healthcare Workplace

As healthcare systems become more complex, there are growing concerns about the safety of patients and healthcare workers. The two parties should be safe against injuries and infections that are likely to arise in a health facility setting. I have worked as a nurse in a local acute care hospital...

Professional Nursing Organizations and Opportunities

Professional nursing organizations and associations are essential for generating the energy, flow of ideas, and diligent work required to maintain a good profession in nursing. The latter organization’s primary purpose is to advocate for nursing activities and other professional and ethical considerations (Veenema et al., 2019). The purpose of this...

Insulin Price and Unaffordability

Executive Summary These days, high prices for insulin and its unaffordability present a pressing concern. A significant number of people do not take the prescribed dose due to financial hardships. Moreover, from year to year, the number of people diagnosed with diabetes is increasing. Insulin is a vital drug for...

Astra Plc Health and Fitness App

Introduction Many are spending most of their time working implying that they have no time for physical activities and exercises. Astra Plc is intending to launch a new fitness and health app in an attempt to diversify its portfolio in the next three months (The Association for Project Management, 2021)....

Dementia: Ertha Williams’ Case Analysis

Dementia is one of the most common brain dysfunctions that predominantly occur in older adults by diminishing their quality of life and chances for independent functioning. Since the world’s demographic situation is currently characterized by an aging population, the causes of dementia are expected to grow in number. Therefore, it...