Catholic Social Teaching and Vaccine

Introduction It is important to note that the Catholic Social Teaching (CST) principles determine the morality or immorality of any action, including vaccines. The reading titled ‘Catholic Moral Teaching and Tradition on COVID-19 Vaccines’ provides insight and analysis on why COVID-19 vaccines are not immoral to take. The key CST...

The Patient-Centered Medical Homes Programs

Introduction In the context of the changing American healthcare system that is passing its way toward universal care, the relevance of incorporating evidence-based, high-quality, and affordable mental and behavioral healthcare is high. The healthcare delivery system in the USA is unique and different from the universal care of most developed...

Trends in Effectiveness of Organizational eHealth Interventions

This memo’s material is consistent and logical, the key issues have been summarized, and convincing theoretical justifications have been given. The validity of using research design is also well-developed and supported by research references. However, the theoretical justification lacked an assessment of the current situation, how Google is doing with...

Is Physician-Assisted Suicide Ever Ethical

A patient who chooses to end their own life with the help of a doctor and the delivery of a lethal substance is said to have committed physician-assisted suicide (PAS). Essentially, some individuals are driven to explore PAS due to the poor quality of life associated with a terminal condition....

Discussion on Different Types of Muscle Fibers

The human skeleton contains three types of muscle fibers fast glycolytic (FG), fast oxidative (FO), and slow oxidative (SO). They are categorized based on their speed of contraction and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) regeneration rate (Beline et al., 2021). The paper will describe the three types of body fibers, the relationship...

Kouzes and Posner Model for Investigation of Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Rate

Introduction: Kouzes and Posner Model for Investigation of Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Rate Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a term used to describe a bacterial infection of the urinary tract; In a hospital, UTIs most often occur when using urinary catheters (catheter-associated UTIs or CAUTI); CAUTIs remain the most common...

Access to Healthcare Services and Language Interpretation

Introduction The increasing frequency of global crises has led to the displacement of people from their homes. It is estimated that approximately 70.8 million people have been forcibly displaced around the world for a variety of reasons including war and persecution (Patel et al., 2021). The exiled individuals often seek...

The Healthcare Labour Shortage: Practice, Theory, Evidence

Labour shortages remain one of the main problems many organizations face that directly influences their performance and output. With a shortage of specialists in a particular field, HR workers can independently carry out recruitment, attracting candidates with various advantages, such as a high salary rate, bonus payments, a favorable social...

The Somatoform Disorders Analysis

Things to Do Before Diagnosing a Somatoform Illness Somatoform disorders represent a class of psychiatric diseases whereby an individual has no identifiable biological foundation but manifest with physical issues. The illness consists of identical somatoform conditions, conversion disease, illness anxiety disorder, functional impairment, and body dysmorphic illness, among other symptoms...

Bipolar Mental Disorder: Methods of Diagnosis and Treatment

Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive disease or manic depression, is a mental condition characterized by extreme fluctuations in activity, focus, energy, mood, and the ability to carry out routine tasks. Bipolar disorder can present itself in three distinct ways. There are noticeable shifts in temperament, vigor, and activity levels...

Healthcare Financing: USA vs. Switzerland

Country to Compare Switzerland is one of the countries with an accessible and quality healthcare system. The country has adopted various legislation and policies to ensure effective medical care services. Unlike many countries, the Swiss healthcare system is highly decentralized and majorly funded by the residents. Accessibility: Children, Unemployed, and...

The COVID-19 Infectious Disease Analysis

Talking about infectious diseases, modern people should remember the threat of COVID-19 and the necessity of taking certain precautionary steps. Although the pandemic crisis is not as critical as it was a year ago, neglecting simple preventive steps and protecting personal health will be wrong. COVID-19 is an example of...

The Ability Event Featuring Andres Gallegos

When Andres Gallegos appeared on the screen, I assumed he was just an advocate for people with disabilities. He was confident articulating the general information about the National Council on Disabilities (NCD) mission, history, and disability advocacy work. Then he started telling his story and revealed that he had been...

Chronic Bronchitis and Emphysema

Chronic Bronchitis S: A 68-year-old man stated that he could not catch his breath or breathe deeply enough to cough up secretions. He complained of mild nausea, abdominal pain, or vomiting. O: Vital signs: HR 125, RR 30, Temp 37° C (98.6° F), BP 190/115 Overview: The man was diagnosed...

Flight Physiology and Hypoxia Condition

Introduction Understanding the factors contributing to the hypoxia condition and its symptoms is critical for developing knowledge about flight physiology and acquiring the necessary information about avoiding dangerous events during flights. Furthermore, aviation physiology is closely connected with understanding the laws of atmospheric pressure and its measures. This paper will...

Cancer Treatment Process Perceived by Women With Ovarian Cancer

Introduction The article “Preserving oneself in the face of uncertainty: A grounded theory study of women with ovarian cancer” explores how the process of treating ovarian cancer affects the well-being and physical and emotional state of women. The research aimed to analyze the “theme of preserving oneself in the face...

Excess Weight in Prepubescent Girls

In recent years, excess weight in prepubescent girls has gained significant health attention, particularly in light of metabolic changes that enhance the likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease in the future. The increased incidence of prepubescent girls with excess weight accentuates the need for comprehensive medical care to reduce the immediate...

Risk and Quality Management in Healthcare

Introduction Quality improvement implies a formal and methodological approach to the examination of practice performance and endeavors to enhance performance. Aggarwal et al. (2019) defined quality improvement as a procedural framework for solving operational challenges within an organization. In health care, quality management emphasizes preventive maintenance over total service maintenance....

Differences Between Illness and Disease

Understanding the distinction between illness and disease and the many available treatments makes it easier to comprehend how alternative therapies like EEG biofeedback fit within a comprehensive approach for managing illnesses and diseases. Although the disease can exist without causing sickness, this is uncommon. For instance, it has been dubbed...

Bioethics in Contemporary Society

The bioethics approach has changed in recent years due to technology development and the recognition of the need to be more inclusive. In the article “How to build an inclusive do not base,” the author Kelliher (2021) argues that organizations now aim to create inclusive do not bases, which was...

Social Factors and Trends in Professional Nursing

Nursing and healthcare are areas that must constantly change and evolve according to current social trends. This is because medical professionals are not guided only by up-to-date scientific findings but are highly dependent on people’s needs and demands. Modern nurses must recognize that health is influenced by many cultural and...

Critical Analysis of Thomson’s Violinist Analogy

The issue of abortion has led to diverse arguments on whether to ban or accept the practice. A critical analysis of an argument has to take into account the supporting evidence provided (Barnet, Bedau, & O’Hara, 2020a). The accuracy and completeness of the argument are also important because it enhances...

Nursing: Aspects of Evidence-Based Practice

Introduction The COVID-19 epidemic has fundamentally disrupted key global economic, sociological, and healthcare infrastructures, which may only exacerbate clinical nurses’ decision fatigue. The article under discussion, Decision Fatigue among Clinical Nurses During the COVID-19 Pandemic, is the first instance in which the decision fatigue scale has been psychometrically validated among...

Blood Type AB+: The Importance of Understanding Blood Type

Many people die due to lack of blood; this happens when there is no appropriate donor to save them. Blood transfusion has been embraced in contemporary society, and the government, and the majority of people, are aware of their blood types. Today, people voluntarily donate blood to help patients in...

Health Workers’ Experiences During COVID-19 Epidemic

Introduction In this paper, I am reviewing the journal article by Hanna et al., titled “Health and social care professionals’ experiences providing end-of-life Care during the COVID-19 Pandemic.” (Hanna et al., 2021, p.1249-1257). The qualitative study is written collaboratively by healthcare professionals from the University of Oxford’s Department of Psychiatry...

Nutrient Delivery: Adult Health Nursing

Nutrition is vital for normal body functioning, prompting healing in recovery, preventing malnutrition and related disorders. Nurses have a role in educating and advocating for proper diet to their clients within the community and hospital settings (Cooper & Gosnell, 2018). Patients in the intensive care unit and neonates may present...

Epic Systems: Electronic Health Records

Electronic Health Record Systems Epic is a privately held company that provides electronic health record products to more than 190 million people worldwide. Established in 1979, the company saw its client base grow tremendously with the passage of the Affordable Care Act in 2009. According to Forbes magazine, Epic System’s...

Ethical Aspects of Abortion: A Moral Dilemma

Any termination of pregnancy is called an abortion which has become an increasingly controversial topic as it raises fundamental religious, moral, and other issues. To properly understand the ethical aspects of abortion, it is necessary to realize that pregnancy is both a regular physiological process occurring in a woman and...

Supporting Public Health at the State Level

Introduction Today, human health is influenced by many different events. It often boils down to the fact that one disease begins to develop very quickly and unfolds worldwide. A clear example is Covid19, which forced the entire planet to stay at home and forced people to take care of their...

Medical Gatekeeping and Related Ethical Dilemmas

Both the pro and con sides of gatekeeping take advantage of the doctor’s de facto role as the gatekeeper for patient access to services. However, the objectives are not mainly in the patient’s best interests. The moral dilemmas come into play when these other interests compromise the patient’s faith in...

Intervention for Communication Impairments in Traumatic Brain Injury

Mr. Johnson, a 45-year-old male and a successful attorney, is married and has no children. One day as he was walking up to the door of his apartment building, he became the victim of a drive-by shooting. He was injured, and his MRI shows left brain damage, which includes damage...

Food Poisoning Caused by Staphylococcus Aureus

Introduction Staphylococcus Aureus is a bacterium that lives in the skins or noses. At least 30% of the world’s population, both human and animals carries it (CDC, 2020). In most cases, the bacterium does not cause harm to healthy people. However, S. aureus can produce toxins that cause food poisoning....

The Impact of Sleep Deprivation on Human Health

Introduction Sleep deprivation is a widespread issue in contemporary realia and has been linked to physical and mental malfunction as well as subpar performance. It is frequently brought on by stimulants like caffeine and alcohol, as well as electronics and work-related strain. Being fatigued impairs emotional and cognitive abilities, and...

Smoking and Gender Factors of Lung Cancer

Fidler‐Benaoudia, M. M., Torre, L. A., Bray, F., Ferlay, J., & Jemal, A. (2020). Lung cancer incidence in young women vs. young men: A systematic analysis in 40 countries. International Journal of Cancer, 147(3), 811-819.  Men have had more considerable lung cancer incidence rates than women because men began smoking...

The Importance of Nutrition in Cancer Prevention

Introduction This article concerns the issue of the role that diet and lifestyle factors plan in the development, progression, and management of prostate cancer. In particular, in the article, the habits that patients adopt in regard to diet after diagnosis and the risk of subsequent recurrence of the disease, progression,...

Diabetes Disease, Its Prevention and Treatment

Introduction Diabetes is a chronic disease caused by the fact that the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, or the body cannot effectively use the produced insulin. More than 400 million people are living with diabetes worldwide, and the prevalence is expected to continue to rise (Cole & Florez, 2020)....

Health Education and Social Service Field

Role of Helpers The human services field includes several occupations that assist individuals who face various challenges. These experts are passionate about comprehending the human state and perform at their best when assisting others in finding solutions to problems. The social service field is dynamic and challenging, requiring a range...

The Healthcare Center for the Homeless

In Mary Conway Dato-on and Eileen Weisenbach Keller, Health Center for the Homeless: Changing with the Times describes the functions, history, goals, and principles of the Health Care Center for the Homeless nonprofit organization. This organization began in 1994 and was founded by Rick Baxley. The man realized that homeless...

Researching of Cultural Awareness

Being culturally aware and knowledgeable is becoming an increasingly important competency necessary for healthcare professionals. Since the nation and the world are moving towards multiculturalism and globalization, the interactions between patients and healthcare specialists are intercultural as well. Therefore, cultural awareness is an essential skill comprising cultural sensitivity, ethnicity-related intricacies,...

Nursing Shortage: Article Review

The article “Nursing Shortage” explores one of the major problems facing the medical profession in the U.S. The author succinctly gives background information on the shortage of nurses in the country. According to the author, COVID-19 worsened the crisis since many nurses were forced to work under poor conditions. During...

Nursing Metaparadigm and Caring Science

A comprehensive framework to care is provided by the nursing metaparadigm, which is a collection of ideas and claims describing the events that nursing involves. The notion behind the metaparadigm may provide nurses with a valuable framework for responding to typically structured interviews or outlining their objectives and beliefs in...

Symptoms Evaluation in Different Theoretical Orientations

There are many different theoretical perspectives that can form the basis for listening during a psychiatric interview. Each of the stands is based on certain attitudes and focuses of attention. The latter describes the role assigned to the therapist during the interview, as well as the main aspects that need...

The Diabetes Epidemic in the United States

Introduction Today, diabetes is one of the most common autoimmune diseases in the United States. 37.3 million Americans, or 11.3% of the nation, had diabetes in 2019 (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2022). This is a pressing issue for the nation, especially for nurses and doctors, who should be...

Discussion: Breastfeeding and Formula Feeding

The advantages of breastfeeding over formula feeding still represent a popular research topic. Guzzardi et al. (2020) studied the intellectual development of eighty infants to explore connections between the type of nutrition and developmental patterns later in life. Within the frame of data analysis, the researchers drew comparisons between exclusive...

Discussion: Rest After a Concussion

A concussion (Mild traumatic brain injury, mTBI) is the impairment of brain function after an injury without damage to blood vessels. There is a loss of consciousness because the communication between neurons is disrupted. The Glasgow Coma Scale is used to assess the victim’s consciousness. Although a concussion is a...

Tuberculosis Epidemic in South Carolina

Patterns and Distribution Tuberculosis is an infectious disease that occurs when Koch’s bacilli enter the human body. It is caused by microorganisms of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex group, which are transmitted by airborne droplets and mainly affect the lungs. The prevalence of the disease is associated with a simple transmission...

The Nurse Burnout Problem Overview

Overview The advancement of the nursing profession presupposes broadening the scope of evidence pertaining to problem-solving. The past two decades have witnessed a widening body of research on nurses’ burnout, its causes, as well as outcomes for both the profession in general and patients in particular. Initially, the term burnout...

Project Evaluation in Healthcare

When developing and implementing a project, its evaluation is of particular importance. This is due to the fact that this procedure makes it possible to identify strengths and weaknesses, what problems could arise during the implementation of the project and what steps must be followed when developing future initiatives. For...

Healthcare Language Barrier for Afghani Refugees

Introduction The healthcare system is one of the essential aspects for the functioning of the country, which, among other things, demonstrates the level of economic development. It is due to the fact that the healthcare sector directly or indirectly affects all other spheres of the life of the state. Primarily,...

The Socio-Ecological Model of Access to Healthcare

The article by Reihani et al. (2021) helped support the socio-ecological model among recently settled refugees in a variety of ways. For instance, it facilitated the identification of barriers that impact access to public health. Reihani et al. (2021) demonstrate the socio-ecological model’s capacity to provide critical insight into systematic...

Harm Reduction: A Set of Public Health Policies

Introduction Harm reduction, sometimes known as harm minimization, refers to a set of public health policies meant to minimize the adverse social and severe effects linked with various human actions, including those that are legal and prohibited. It entails interventions that try to lessen the negative consequences of harmful behaviors....

Grandmothers Caring for Their Grandchildren

Study Description This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of a program designed to enhance the well-being of grandmothers who are solely responsible for caring for their grandchildren when both parents are moved from home. The study was conducted using a longitudinal, pretest-posttest design method. The majority of the 529...

Polio Elimination in Uttar Pradesh

In 2001 India accounted for 15% of the global population, with cities exceeding one million, and most citizens resided in rural areas. Indians embraced various beliefs, notably: Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism, Buddhism, Islamism, and Christianity (Blumenthal et al., 2011). Muslim groups were a minority in most of the regions in India....

Leadership Response to COVID-19 Pandemic Outbreak

Executive Summary The paper presents a healthcare leadership response plan to the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. It identifies the issue’s urgency and concludes that successful leadership is essential to get through the crisis. The democratic leadership style is the most suitable in this situation as it motivates employees and facilitates decision-making...

Discussion: Disease and Homeostasis

Summary Homeostasis is a position of equilibrium in which the body’s internal conditions remain stable and relatively constant. The disease is a state of imbalance or disharmony in which the body’s internal requirements are disrupted. An example of homeostasis would be if someone could maintain a constant body temperature of...

Ethics of Organ Allocation and Distribution

Introduction One of the most morally challenging questions related to medical ethics is whether or not healthcare should be rationed. However, the scarcity of medical resources, both now and throughout the history of medicine, has made healthcare rationing inevitable and inescapable. The difficulty is allocating medical resources in a way...

College Students and COVID-19: An Existential Nursing Intervention

Introduction This paper critically appraises a research paper by Cho & Jung titled Effects of an Existential Nursing Intervention for College Students in the COVID-19 Pandemic Situation, presenting a quasi-experimental intervention approach to reduce depression and stress in Korean students (2021). The structure of the work includes an analysis of...

Consciousness and Psychedelic Sciences in Managing Schizophrenia

Introduction Behavioral management is emerging as a significant intervention in psychiatric treatment, focusing mainly on preserving order for those with clinical mental illness. In abnormal psychology, schizophrenia is seen as a severe mental condition in which individuals perceive reality in an aberrant manner. This research critique incorporates a study on...

The Electronic Health Records Implementation

The implementation of electronic health records (EHR) is among the US priorities to accomplish healthcare reforms. An electronic health record is a digital representation of a client’s health history which is kept up to date over time by the health professional. It could comprise all of the imperative medical data...

Nursing Presenteeism in the Operating Room and Self-Determination Theory

Introduction Presenteeism refers to the professional’s presence in the workplace despite their inability to function correctly. The reasons for inadequate compliance with professional duties may include an illness, work-related burnout, or overall demotivation to work. Thus, organizations experiencing high rates of staff presenteeism often exhibit poorer performance because of staff’s...

Advantages of Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations

In order to ensure sustainable socio-demographic development of the country, many countries have introduced and are actively developing reforms aimed at improving the quality and safety of healthcare services. Accreditation of a healthcare institution is an official recognition of the presence in a healthcare institution of conditions for a high-quality,...

Technologies in Healthcare Delivery

Introduction To improve patient satisfaction, the healthcare industry has implemented cutting-edge IT initiatives. Businesses that invest in IT initiatives gain access to strategic tools that increase productivity and speed up the completion of critical tasks. To capitalize on new technologies, organizational management is critical for successful project planning, project execution,...

Mediating Variables in Stimulants’ Use

Nowadays, the traditional means people use for socialization and recreational purposes, such as alcohol or tobacco, have become more diverse and accessible. Stimulants belong among such recreational means that recently gained in popularity. However, their social and recreational level of use often turns into abuse and addiction. There are two...

The Opioid Crisis Problem and Potential Solutions

Introduction Over the past decade, a troubling trend has been observed in the U.S. healthcare context. Though the use of opioids as a means of alleviating severe pain has been viewed as an inevitable evil, opportunities to minimize the risks of developing a strong opioid dependency were created (Le and...

Diabetes: Causes, Treatment, and Magnitude

Introduction In recent decades, chronic diseases, particularly diabetes, have become a public health priority worldwide. The reason for this is that more people die from chronic diseases than from any other cause. In addition, diabetes negatively affects patients’ quality of life, complicates the already challenging work of healthcare professionals, creates...

The Defunding of Planned Parenthood

Over the decades, one of the profound issues experienced in U.S healthcare sector enshrines federal funding policies on pertinent practices, such as abortion. The introduction of the defund planned parenthood entailed limiting the government’s participation in facilitating medical services involving controversial parentage customs (Handley, 2019). On the one hand, the...

Annual Burnout and Turnover Rates of Addiction Treatment Counselor in Chicago

It is known that working with certain groups of patients is an additional psycho-traumatic factor for doctors. These patients include the elderly, the chronically or terminally ill, patients requiring intensive care, and newborns. The mentally ill and psychoactive substance users deserve special attention; they are often patients with aggressive and...

Researching of Respiratory Distress

Pathophysiology Pneumonia is the consequence of pathogen development and the host’s reaction from a pathophysiological perspective. It should be emphasized that bacterial reproduction does not always result in the development of pneumonia. The respiratory components of the lungs are the source of the development of an inflammatory response (Vardhmaan et...

Patient Safety in Dental Hygiene

Patient safety is important in the field of dental hygiene. Medical procedures involving dental care have numerous health risks, even though they are not perceived as high risk by the popular opinion. According to the study by Choi et al. (2019), “various health risks accompany many of the frequently performed...

Eating Disorders Among Athletes

Anorexia nervosa is a severe eating disorder that might result in the emergence of multiple complications. It is also characterized by the refusal to maintain the normal body weight, distorted view of weight and shape, amenorrhea, of fears of becoming overweight (Comer, 2013). However, regardless of the severe risks and...

Magnetic Resonance Imaging: The Role of Magnetic Susceptibility

Magnetic susceptibility significantly contributes to the authentication of magnetic reasoning imagery. Research indicates that exploiting a magnetic field during the sequencing fostered a distinctive contrast necessary for the clarity of the facsimile (Baba para.5). Primarily, the higher the susceptibility attributed to an effective outcome in practice. The susceptibility further intensifies...

Social Changes Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic

It is not the first time in the history that humanity has been confronted with infectious diseases that cover large areas. Pandemics have changed the course of history, with social, economic, and political consequences. The COVID-2019 pandemic has affected all areas of society, and from the experience gained, people should...

Metformin in Pharmaceuticals and Medicine

Metformin or Glucophage is an oral hypoglycemic drug from the group of biguanides (dimethyl biguanide). Metformin’s capacity to inhibit gluconeogenesis, the production of free fatty acids and fat oxidation is linked to its mode of action. The medication improves the sensitivity of peripheral insulin receptors and cellular glucose uptake. There...

Electronic Medical Records and Their Capabilities

Introduction EMR capabilities for physicians are defined by their functions in the workplace, namely the need to perform examinations and treatments by job descriptions (Janssen et al., 2021). EMRs allow for the adjustment of administrative and workplace medical processes that must be performed according to specific standards (El-Yafouri et al.,...

Akan Adults with Hypertension: Self-Disease Management

Introduction Self-disease management guarantees that people handle their health-related concerns actively. The majority of studies acknowledge that maintaining people’s capacity for self-management is essential for minimizing the illness burden (Rosli et al., 2021). However, adopting the necessary adjustments toward healthy living requires behavioral changes that might not be easily achieved....

Strep Throat: Eradication and Prevention

Proposed Species: Strep Throat Strep throat is one of the infectious diseases which is caused by streptococcus pyogenes, also known as group A streptococcus. The bacteria cause inflammation and pain in the throat, which sometimes is accompanied by sores (CDC). Strep throat is easily transmitted and spread to others from...

Microbiology: Industrial Employment

Introduction Microbiology is a field that is employed in multiple areas as it can be implemented in various processes that can improve human life. Microorganisms can be applied in the agricultural, food, medical, and waste management industries, and the development of the scientific area is promising. While currently, microbes are...

Wound Healing: Treatment Interventions

Understanding the physiology of wound healing and the functions of the available dressings are prerequisites for accurate wound assessment and efficient wound treatment. For optimum wound healing, it is crucial that a continuous process of assessment, clinical judgment, intervention, and recording take place. As a healthcare professional working in the...

Abuse in the Terminally Ill and Elderly Community

Problem Definition The elderly and terminally ill are the most minor protected groups because of many factors. One such factor is the abuse that occurs at the hands of relatives, medical personnel, and society at large. The abuse problem is acute in the community because it does not always involve...

Medication Reconciliation Analysis

To date, there are many ways, methods, tactics, and strategies to expand knowledge and understanding of the results and consequences of medication reconciliation (MedRec). For example, to determine whether the measures taken will lead to the expected outcome, such discrepancies as omissions, commissions, dosing, frequency errors, and many others should...

Hypertension and Type 2 Diabetes

Effect of Cushing’s syndrome on the individual Cortisol is involved in the regulation of blood sugar, metabolism, and inflammation. Much of its exposure causes Cushing’s syndrome, which has adversely affected the individual by developing hypertension and type 2 diabetes. The development of hypertension and diabetes, and their potential complications on...

Practice Diversity in Nurses’ and Doctors’ View

Cook, D. A., Pencille, L. J., Dupras, D. M., Linderbaum, J. A., Pankratz, V. S., & Wilkinson, J. M. (2018). Practice variation and practice guidelines: Attitudes of generalist and specialist physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants. PloS One, 13(1), e0191943. Web. This article compares and contrasts the perspectives of primary...

The Impact of Traveling on Human Hydration Rates

Introduction This assignment focuses on the amount of water that I drank while on my trip. I have collected statistical data about how many ounces of water I consumed over five days. In a previously completed paper, I relied on descriptive statistics to manipulate this data. I found the mean,...

Marijuana Effects on Risk of Anxiety and Depression

Introduction While research on the combination of weed, depression, and anxiety is positive, research on weed and antidepressants is almost non-existent. Marijuana smoking has a faster action than other drugs and can have an effect in a couple of seconds or minutes and can last from one to three hours...

Should Nurses Report Abuse of Elderly People?

Introduction Elderly abuse is a common phenomenon in most societies, given that as people get old, they increasingly rely on others to meet their needs. Age continuously reduces physical strength with time, which in turn reduces one’s ability to meet various daily needs. Therefore, older people have to rely on...

Mental Health Therapist: Professional Resume

Professional Summary A highly experienced mental health counselor specializing in depression, stress, and anxiety management. Years of successful mental health practice as a therapist have contributed to the expertise in delivering patient-centered care with the prioritization of the particularities of the individual in therapy. The use of behavioral, cognitive-behavioral, psychosocial,...

Rapid Weight Loss and Dietary Inadequacies

Introduction During the COVID-19 pandemic, many sports events and training courses have peen put on a pause, which meant that athletes got less training. The sudden changes in activity could influence their physical fitness, either positively or negatively, or both to some degree. The purpose of this literature review is...

The Brain Structure and Cognition Relationship

The human brain is a unique entity whose function determines a person’s mood and behavior. Without the proper and productive functioning of the brain, normal and happy life for the individual is impossible. Modern scientific methods allow scientists to investigate how different brain parts work to perform complex behavioral tasks...

The Ebola Virus Disease Outbreak in Nigeria

Ebola is a highly infectious disease with elevated mortality and spread rates. It has caused an extensive number of outbreaks, specifically in Africa, and Shuaib et al. (2014) have examined the Ebola virus disease (EVD) outbreak in Nigeria. As a result of the incident lasting from July to September 2014,...

Electronic Health Records: Benefits, Problems, and Solutions

Introduction Just as the name suggests, an electronic health record (EHR) is a digital version of a patient’s paper chart that contains real-time, patient-centered records. It makes information available quickly and safely to authorized users. The clinicians use the EHR to access a patient’s medical history, diagnoses, medications, treatment plans,...

Mentally Ill Persons in the Community

Mental disorders include many health conditions that affect one’s mood, behavior, and thinking. Patients with such conditions develop stress symptoms that develop into depression with time. This interferes with one’s normal daily activities in work, school, or relationships. Causes vary from inherited traits, environment, and intake of some drugs. Mentally...

Social Epidemiology of Type 2 Diabetes: Ecosocial Perspective

Abstract Social marketing plays an important role in promoting urgent issues in the healthcare field. In this project, increased diabetes prevalence is the major social issue for consideration. Various demographic and social factors contribute to disease development, prediction, and management. The target audience is the representatives of racial minorities, namely...

Challenges of Virtual Assistance Technology Implementation for Healthcare

The inherent human bias in data can be inherited by AI systems so that “the model learns certain biases against marginalized identities,” which “can be harmful in clinical settings” (Sezgin et al., 2022, p. 4). This human prejudice can manifest through inaccurate recommendations, offensive language, overlooking patient complaints, or affirming...

Hypnotherapy in the Treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is one of the most topical issues in the sphere of healthcare today. As a result, over the years of research, many therapy solutions have been developed in order to address the condition. Hypnotherapy is one of the practices which are rarely discussed in relation...

Gender Differences in Schizophrenia

Giordano, G.M., Bucci, P., Mucci, A., Pezzella, P., & Galderisi, S. (2021). Gender difference in clinical and psychosocial features among persons with schizophrenia: A mini review. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12, 789179.  The study sheds light on the gender differences in schizophrenia onset. Schizophrenia in women or men manifests itself at...

Patient Safety Culture and Related Practice Changes

Introduction Beliefs, values, and customs ingrained in health organizations are essential in identifying its culture. All staff should uphold the patient safety culture, which is a vital component of a healthcare institution’s standard of care. Patient safety culture comprises values, practices, perceptions, attitudes, and norms that encourage staff members who...

The Medicare Program’s Challenges and Lessons

Introduction Numerous issues that affect the efficiency of the current US healthcare system have long been in the centre of heated debates. The abundance of economic theories that continue to be the cornerstones of many perspectives on politics, do not allow for rapid transformation of the entire system. At the...

A Pig Heart Transplant for a Person: An Ethical Dilemma

Introduction An ethical dilemma is a scenario in which two aspects of a situation have a moral collision, and none is better than the other. An ethical dilemma is usually characterized by colliding views that have principled and moral backing, and thus, a choice is solely based on an individual’s...

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety and Depression

This work provides the research of the patient’s case who needs urgent psychotherapeutic treatment. The most efficient technique applied for the described below case is cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) which analyzes the unconscious processes influencing the normal functioning of the human body, causing different pathologies (Andrews et al., 2018). The current...

Social Control in Eating Disorders

The need for food is a basic need aimed at maintaining homeostasis and obtaining the energy and nutrients necessary for life. However, most people’s eating behavior is determined not only by their body’s needs but also by socio-cultural stereotypes, their upbringing, ways of reacting to external circumstances, and the influence...

Disparity Accessing Health Care Services in LGBTQ+

Introduction Healthcare services, while designed to assist people with health concerns and well-being risks, are not equally accessible. Various demographics encounter limited resources when it comes to health care. One of the minorities that experience such negative outcomes is the LGBTQ+ community. Despite being at major risk for certain conditions...

Evaluation of Virtual Reality in Healthcare

Virtual Reality (VR) refers to a three-dimensional computer-generated world that allows users to have an interactive exploration through peripheral devices. Its objective is to give users a feel of experience by using perception-changing tools that make them navigate the virtual world as though they are part of it. Within the...

Intestinal Obstruction Surgical Outcome Research

Even while it is clearly stated what criteria were used to choose participants and how a statistical analysis procedure was utilized to compute the samples taken, how accurate the selection is when compared with a larger population isn’t established or explained in detail. Based on the study, the number required...

Application of Normative Power in Global Health Leadership

Introduction The term normative power refers to a type of authority derived from standard norms and beliefs. In the current society, diverse cultural practices exist that differentiate one community from another. In addition to the intrinsic benefits, culture also provides important economic and social benefits. This type of power is...

Prevalence and Control of Obesity in Texas

Introduction Over the years, obesity has been a severe health issue in the United States of America and globally. A person is obese if their size is more significant than the average weight for their stature (Chooi et al., 2019). In Texas, from 1990 to 2019, the obesity prevalence in...

Wellbutrin and Lexapro: Drugs Affecting Neurotransmitters

Introduction Wellbutrin and Lexapro are prescription drugs that cause addiction and are used in the treatment of major depressive disorder. Both drugs act on neurotransmitters but have different mechanisms of action. Wellbutrin is a dopamine and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor; Lexapro belongs to a large group of antidepressants, working as a...

Health Problems Facing the Vulnerable Population

Despite aspirations and efforts in the U. S. to eliminate or minimize inequalities in healthcare by 2010, disadvantaged societies endure facing large differences in morbidity, access to treatment, mortality, and risk factors. There are significant racial or ethnic inequalities in birth outcomes in the United States. In 2002, the mortality...

Advocacy and Communication in Healthcare

Advocacy is defined as care that is tailored to the individual, is coordinated, is supportive, and treats the individual with respect, compassion, and dignity. Empowering a person to have a voice and influence over their care is one method to make person-centred treatment possible (Tomaschewski-Barlem, 2017). Excellent verbal and nonverbal...

Nutrition: Obesity Pandemic and Genetic Code

Obesity Pandemic People are the same way they were centuries ago in terms of DNA. However, the environment in which we access the food we consume has changed. Unhealthy foods are cheaper, and there is no motivation to eat healthily. The change in environment threatens the current generations, and as...

Applied Behavior Analysis with Children with Autism

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is broadly used with children with autism spectrum disorders as several studies presented their high effectiveness. Principles of respondent conditioning and instrumental conditioning are used in the basement of ABA. Respondent conditioning, or classical conditioning, is a process of learning in which two stimuli (neutral and...

Over-the-Counter Oral Contraceptives’ Availability

The majority of pregnancies in the world are unexpected or unintentional. This has prompted several organizations and people to ponder what may be done to reduce such occurrences. An unforeseen or unintended pregnancy is one that occurs when no child or offspring are desired in the relationship. Making contraceptive pills...

Poliovirus and Importance of Vaccination

The points on the poliovirus’s causes, manifestations, and outcomes presented in the discussion post are thorough and informative. To add to the discussion, it is relevant to address additional causes of poliovirus outbreaks to advance prevention approaches. Indeed, according to Georgieva et al. (2020), laboratory workers and medical staff working...

Plague Caused by Contact Between Humans and Animals

Plague has always been one of the major diseases that has killed large numbers of people over the centuries. It struck the imagination with her deadly power and was perceived as a punishment of the gods or God. For Europeans living in the 14th-18th centuries, regular outbreaks of the plague...

Fetal Death Rates: International Comparison

Introduction Data from the World Bank has been used to compare the fetal death rates across the nations. The nations have been chosen so that to include data from Europe, Asia, Africa, as well as Northern and Southern America. Namely, European countries include France, Poland, and Germany. Next, the Asian...

Mobile Insulin Dosing System Usage

Introduction Mobile healthcare technologies have become an integral part of the health system globally over the last few decades. The increased technological advancements have made this possible with the new inventions bettering life and health in general. Mobile technologies are usually provided based on certain needs within the health field....

Circulatory Shock: The Case Study

A 19-year-old patient survived a serious car accident while her best friend died. Although she has minor physical traumas like bruises and scrapes, her principal diagnosis is circulatory shock. Its contributing factors include trauma, blood loss, burns, and other causes that provoke the lack of blood or oxygen in the...

“Why We Need the Humanities to Improve Health Care” by Hall

The article “Why We Need the Humanities to Improve Health Care” highlights an increasing interest in a newly emerging field of medical humanities in nursing education and medical organizations. Hall (2014) emphasized the important role of humanities in medical care that comes through listening to music, telling stories, and enjoying...

Habits to Prevent Epidemiology of Type 2 Diabetes

Introduction The social epidemiology of type 2 diabetes shows that several daily habits across society contribute to its development or regression. Such practices are subjective or individual, but classification can be made among various racial groups, which are dictated by the culture and customs of the representatives. This study aims...

The Financing of Health Care in the United States

The national debate over the function of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) includes significant disputes concerning the influence of health insurance on population health outcomes. It is expected that replacing Obamacare will make it more difficult for millions of Americans to obtain medical coverage. There have been political discussions about...

Coronial Practice in Case of Patient Fall

In modern legal practice, numerous perspectives exist regarding coronial functions. The coroner’s functions are diverse, leading to various perceptive roles, which include protective, public health, therapeutic jurisprudence, death investigative, civil liberties, and human rights. In this case, the coroners play a critical role in attaining human rights about the outcomes...

Rehabilitation Methodology for Chronic Pain after Knee Arthroplasty

Introduction The study focuses on a specific population of people with chronic pain after TKA. The developed methodology (result) can be used for evaluation after interventions in the long term. Comparators are therapeutic exercise and surgical intervention. The results can be measured after implementation in practice. For the study, the...

Food Insecurity Health Issue: How to Mitigate It

Introduction Health is one of the basic needs of humans, and being in a state of good health contributes to an individual’s overall happiness. Maintaining good health is not just a role for medical practitioners; individuals, communities, and governments should actively participate in good health practices. One of the easiest...

Public Health Problems Related to Depressive Disorders

Introduction Depression is a serious illness that can completely change and limit a person’s functioning. Depression is when a person is constantly in a bad, decadent mood (Healthy People 2030, 2022). Today’s rhythm of life is such that mental health is more and primarily negatively impacted. Studies worldwide show that...

Media Portrayal of People With Mental Disorders

The news and entertainment media provide information and images that are distorted and dramatic about mental illness. Through such portrayals, the audience believes that people with mental disorders are unpredictable, have criminal intentions, and are dangerous (Srivastava et al., 2018). Further, as Srivastava et al. (2018) argue, the media also...

Vaccination and Associated Advantages

Introduction Vaccination is a process of biological preparation that gives immunity to a particular infection. A vaccine contains an agent similar to the disease that causes microorganisms, and it is made from one of its surface proteins or weakened forms of the microbe. Vaccines work with an individual’s natural immunity...

The Meaningful Use Program in Nursing

Meaningful Use is the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Electronic Health Records (EHR) Incentive Program. Initially, the program aimed to provide incentives for accelerating the adoption of EHR for meeting its established requirements. The program originated from the efforts of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)...

Analysis of Ebola Virus Disease

Abstract Ebola is one of the most severe viruses in the world. It was discovered in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 1976 and has continued to spread worldwide. The virus has caused several outbreaks in Africa, including Sierra Leone and DRC. Scientists are working on extensive research to learn...

Medical and Public Health History

Introduction In the early stages of medical and public health history, much trial and error were involved in finding treatments that worked, including vaccination. The medical history of smallpox is long and complicated; to put it briefly, it was the first disease to be eliminated globally. It killed millions of...

Psychiatric Assessment of a 13-Year-Old Ninth-Grader

Introduction Daphne is a 13-year-old ninth-grader who was brought to the psychiatrist for assessment since she was struggling with her behavior and academics. Her challenges were linked to the difficulty encountered starting and completing her schoolwork and following instructions, which led to failing grades in math. Daphne has had challenges...

Type 2 Diabetes Prevention in Racial Minorities: Lifestyle Changes

Introduction During the last several decades, diabetes has remained a serious racially-based health problem in the United States. In addition to disproportionately affecting Blacks (11.7%), American Indians (14.7%), and Hispanics (12.5%), a higher burden of complications (11.7% of blindness and 37% of chronic kidney diseases) is commonly reported (Haw et...

Polypharmacy: The Use Among the Elderly

Inappropriate polypharmacy is a significant problem among the elderly, and it has been linked to adverse health consequences. A priority is determining the optimal approaches to optimize proper polypharmacy. As a result, polypharmacy, or the use of many medications to improve clinical outcomes for patients, is gaining popularity (Rankin et...

Predisposition to Lifestyle-Associated Conditions During the COVID-19

Introduction In result analysis among the study participants, there was a dramatic decrease in the individuals involved in the active category of exercises after the COVID-19 lockdown. Before the COVID-19 lockdown, 47% of the participants were in the active class, while after the lockdown, the percentage drastically fell to around...

Quality Safety and Outcome of Cleveland and Mayo Clinics

Summary The federal organization for healthcare research and Quality (AHRQ) has described quality as doing the correct thing for the right person at the appropriate time and having the greatest possible result. Additionally, giving medical care to people who might benefit from it and refraining from using treatments that are...

Breast Cancer: Diagnosis and Treatment

Recent efforts from medical professionals and interest groups like Breast Cancer Awareness Month facilitated open discussion around breast cancer. However, the stigma around health, especially women’s health, is still prevalent in society. This stigma leads to decreased awareness of the issue and more women being diagnosed in the later stages...

Monkeypox: Epidemiology and Pathogenesis

The phenomenon of monkeypox, to which the chosen article is devoted, is insufficiently studied and attracts the attention of modern epidemiologists. At the moment, this disease and its spread have already been officially declared an epidemiological problem of a global scale, due to compliance with a number of global criteria....

Discussion: Homeostasis and Disruption of the Hormones

Maintenance of a Dynamic Range of Environmental Qualities rather than Holding the Internal Environment at a Set Point of Homeostasis Homeostasis refers to a steady state of functioning within the body as well as the body’s inclination to keep its conditions and environment generally stable. This procedure is very important;...

Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice

Nursing is an incredibly demanding profession, and the training of future nurses is equally challenging. Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice, a compendium of documents compiled by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, can be viewed as the cornerstone of contemporary nursing curricula. According to AACN (2008),...

Preventing Nosocomial Infections: COVID-19

Nosocomial infections are difficult to control without the presence of effective measures. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, interventions for preventing these infections are in greater need as a treatment is still unknown. The main goal is to reduce the impact of nosocomial infections on COVID-19 symptoms and improve...

Cholera as a Water-Related Disease

Relationship Between Water and Global Health Problems As a matter of fact, the sufficient, continuous, and affordable availability of safe water for drinking and other purposes, including domestic use and food production, plays a highly essential role in the control and prevention of global health problems. In turn, poor sanitation...

Health Maintenance Organization Insurance

Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) is a healthcare insurance plan that commonly confines coverage to care from physicians who work for the HMO insurance. In general, an HMO plan does not insure out-of-network care unless at the time of emergency (Noghanibehambari & Salari, 2020). Hence, HMO requires individuals to work in...

Impact of Child Abuse and Neglect on Perception of Reality in Adulthood

Child abuse is a serious societal issue in the present socioeconomic situation of the majority of households worldwide. Child abuse and neglect are believed to have extensive, long-lasting social, behavioral, and cognitive effects. This research paper analyzes the degree to which child abuse and neglect may affect the adult victims’...

Burns-Types & Risks Associated with Burns

Burns are the most common type of injuries in children and adults. There are various classifications of burns based on the source of the singes and the degree of injury. Saladin (2021) defines such types of burns as thermal, chemical, electrical, radiation, and combined. This classification is based on the...

Preventing Obesity Health Issues From Childhood

The Problem Selected The selected problem is childhood obesity, the rates of which increase nationwide yearly and require the attention of the government, society, and parents. Indeed, 19.7% (14.7 million) of children and adolescents in the USA suffered from the issue in 2017-2020 (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2022)....

Abuse of Adults With Mental Disorders

Elder Abuse With Mental Disabilities Ill-treatment or violence is a behavior aimed at causing harm, insulting, or humiliating a person. This is any act or omission that harms an older person or puts their health and well-being at risk. Common types of elder abuse include physical or psychological abuse, neglect,...

Metabolic Rate and Impact of External Factors

Research Three things that I found interesting when researching the topic of metabolism rate were the dependence of metabolic rate on external factors, the importance of maintaining a high metabolic rate, and the predictability of metabolic flexibility. Indeed, metabolic rate is the energy transformation capacity, while basal metabolic rate is...

Incretin Mimetic Drugs for Type 2 Diabetes

Introduction The first hormone with incretin activity was isolated from an extract of porcine duodenal mucus. The main biological effect of the peptide is glucose-dependent stimulation of insulin secretion, which is why its name is a glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP). The site of its synthesis is the K-cells of the...

EOSedge Imaging: Conventional Radiography

Radiology is a sought-after, profitable, and useful field in the medical industry. Progress in the development of digital methods and the development of computer and telecommunication systems and networks set the face of present and future medical technologies and medicine as a whole. In radiology, digital and telecommunication technologies demonstrate...

COVID-19 as the Most Pressing Health-Related Issue

At the beginning of 2020, the lives of all people across the globe changed because it was the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. A pandemic is a worldwide spread of disease by definition. This status was obtained by COVID-19 because of the lethal outcome and fast outspread of the virus....

Why Humans Need Growth Hormones

Growth hormone (GH) is formed in the pituitary gland under the direct control of the hypothalamus. It is responsible for the growth of the body, the regulation of metabolic processes, including the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as the work of the endocrine glands. The largest concentrations...

Hoarding Disorder and Theoretical Orientation

Introduction Hoarding disorder is a psychopathological symptom complex manifested by an extreme disregard for her appearance and health, social isolation, apathy, a tendency to accumulate junk, and a lack of shame. The patient’s first symptoms began to manifest in kindergarten when her teacher began to notice that the girl left...