Hunger and Satiety: Regulating Factors

Food ingestion and digestion are essential functions of the organism, and many factors regulate hunger and satiety. The associated processes result from the interplay between the human brain and the gastrointestinal tract, or GIT for short. Researchers believe that various gastrointestinal mechanisms, namely motilin release and gastric accommodation, are key...

Tobacco Cessation Intervention on the State Level

Introduction The advancement in the field of health care in the USA is particularly concerned with the improvement of health outcomes for the population in the areas that are most indicative of having issues. High morbidity and mortality rates of particular diseases and states trigger a response from the decision-makers...

Reducing Risks Facing a Healthcare Organization

Healthcare organizations have a vital role in ensuring that nations have healthy populations. The organizations’ management teams influence their effectiveness in delivering services to their clients. Hospitals and other healthcare institutions face various challenges regarding how to avoid and minimize risks. Therefore, the management team led by the Chief Executive...

Review of “For Millions, the Pandemic Is Far From Over” Article

Over the last two years, COVID-19 has significantly changed the daily lives of billions of people. Although the development of vaccines is slowing down the spread of the pandemic, there are still millions of people struggling with the consequences of the virus. The article by Doheny (2022), presented by the...

External Causes of Morbidity and Diagnosis Coding

Such phenomena as morbidity and mortality are often confused with each other. Basaraba (2021) notes that these categories are used in health and death statistics. Morbidity is a condition when a person is afflicted with a disease. This is a term that doctors use to refer to a person who...

Public Education Initiatives in the Area of Healthcare

Public education initiatives have two apparent aims: serving the government and the people. Some of the promotions are controversial as they are citizen-oriented from one side and sometimes rather negative from an economic outlook. For example, in the YouTube video ”CDS: Tips from Former Smokers,” the U.S. Department of Health...

Aspects of Streptococcus Pneumoniae

Streptococcus pneumoniae is a bacterial pathogen that is one of the most common bacterial pathogens of the respiratory system. The main models of transmission of Streptococcus pneumoniae are direct contact between two persons, where the transmission occurs through respiratory droplets. The transmission can also happen through an autoinoculation process in...

Decision Making in Triage During Covid-19

Introduction Nowadays, our modern world is in an unstable situation when difficult and wise decisions must be made in a short period. Solutions considered by European, Asian, and the USA governments and Ministries of Health care are on the verge of the most important world concerns, affecting almost the globe’s...

Followership-Leadership Interaction in Healthcare

Abstract This paper aims to identify patterns of followership styles and their relation to leadership styles, with a particular emphasis on the healthcare sector. The analysis is based on a review of scholarly articles on the interaction between followership and leadership in healthcare. The results reveal that there are different...

Peplau’s Theory of Interpersonal Relations

The theory of interpersonal relations is a middle-range descriptive classification theory introduced by Hildegard Peplau in the middle of the 20th century. The essence of this theory is the creation of experiences between a nurse and a patient to avoid passively receiving treatment (Hagerty et al., 2017). There are four...

The Importance of In-Team Communication in Primary and Emergency Healthcare

Interprofessional cooperation and collaboration are some of the key instruments of providing high-quality medical services. It ensures the safety of both doctors and patients and facilitates the job of healthcare providers at all levels and settings (Reeves et al., 2107). The quality of the communication between the medical personnel, as...

Job Dissatisfaction and Burnout of Nurses

Qualitive Research Dall’Ora, C., Ball, J., Reinius, M., & Griffiths, P. (2020). Burnout in nursing: A theoretical review. Human resources for health, 18(1), pp. 1-17. Web. Abstract Primarily, this study is quantitative since it analyzes specialized literature and scientific research. The research question posed by the writers directly concerns the...

Trauma-Addictions and Mental Health

Summary Trauma refers to a situation where an individual responds emotionally to a gruesome event such as a natural disaster, rape, and accident. According to Magruder et al. (2017), immediately after a traumatic incident, most individuals are usually in denial and shock. Studies demonstrate that there exists a strong connection...

Aging as an Important Biological Problem

Aging is an important biological problem for in-depth study, the stimulation of which is accompanied by the human desire to solve an eternal existential crisis. Aging, in general, is an integral part of any living system, but research into the mechanisms and algorithms that determine age and contribute to this...

Assessing and Treating Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders

Introduction Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a psychiatric illness caused by undergoing or witnessing a distressing event and difficulty healing from experience. PTSD changes the cognitive and psychosocial habits of an individual. Symptoms include episodes of depressive mood, increased sensory and motor activity, insomnia, avoiding pleasurable activities and circumstances, or...

The Mental Health of Medical Staff

In the interview, the mentor was asked many questions related to the mental health of medical staff when working with critical patients. A good theme for the project could be the policy issues that the hospital promotes to support the team. Moreover, questions about analysis and data collection can help...

Health Status of Hispanic Americans

The US is populated by numerous ethnic groups, including non-Hispanic whites, Alaskan Natives, Asian and African Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Hispanics. The present essay focuses on the health status of Hispanic Americans. Hispanics make up 18.7 percent of the American population, accounting for slightly more than 62 million people (Jensen...

Hypertension: Diagnosis and Treatment

Introduction Hypertension is a serious condition because the patient may not feel the symptoms of this condition until it develops into a severe state. However, once the symptoms develop, they can affect other vital systems and organs. Hypertension is also referred to as high blood pressure, is a condition in...

How to Promote Social Justice in Nursing

Introduction Since hospitals are social institutions, nurses must be aware of social justice issues affecting their society and places of work. One specific topic of social justice that influences nursing is inequality in healthcare access. The American Nurses Association (ANA) has created a code of ethics to guide nurses into...

Researching of Health Communication

Health communication is the study and practice focused on spreading promotional health information to improve the population’s health by influencing personal health choices. The efficiency of health communication is one of the most important points for the healthcare system because it determines the overall state of the healthcare system and...

“Language of Deafness” by Duncan & O’Neill

Deafness is a common disability where the affected person cannot hear. In some cases, a deaf person might lack the ability to hear but still be able speak. However, some experience difficulty in both speaking and hearing and they are commonly referred to as deaf-mute people. In many cases, deaf...

Mental Healthcare Services for Transgender Individuals

Austin, A., Craig, S. L., & Alessi, E. J. (2017). Affirmative cognitive behavior therapy with transgender and gender nonconforming adults. Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 40(1), 141–156. Web. Austin et al. (2017) introduce mental health clinicians to transgender-affirmative cognitive behavior therapy (TA-CBT). Austin et al. (2017) conducted scientific literature reviews...

Nursing Work Environment and Redundant Functions

Introduction In the contemporary world, situations when some workers are forced to fulfill functions, which are not their direct responsibilities, are a widespread issue. In the nursing work environment, there are tasks that many nurses have to do, despite the fact that other, less-paid employees should do them. This paper...

Social Justice and Barriers in Healthcare

Introduction One of the most important social justice topics that relates not only to nursing in particular but to healthcare in general, is affordable healthcare. Around half of the US adults report problems paying for dental care and out-of-pocket costs for medical care not covered by insurance (Kearney et al.,...

Accreditation, Regulation, and Certification in the Healthcare Field

In medical practice, it is essential to follow numerous protocols and standards to warrant a perfect environment for patients’ sustainable recovery and remedy. The standard of care for healthcare workers is the degree of care expected of them. It’s a legal term that describes how much care a patient receives....

Healthcare Settings: Financial Challenges

Hospitals face a variety of financial challenges as the most utilized of health care settings. In recent years, exterior factors have caused hospitals to experience less frequent admission rates, length of stay, financial backing for the increased prices of certain procedures, and bad debt losses (Gapenski & Reiter, 2016). This...

Aspects of Dear Doctor Letter

Introduction The role of stressful events in childhood as risk factors for mental health disorders, particularly the formation of negative trends, has long been studied by psychiatrists and psychologists. It is essential to know that a traumatic event can be excluded from conscious memories or remembered as a shadow of...

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Tasks and Aims

Introduction Public health is an integral part of the development of the state since exceptionally healthy people can enjoy life and be useful members of society. In order to develop the health care system and maintain an acceptable level of public health, the state can create additional medical institutions with...

Patient Consent in Healthcare Diagnostics

Case Jim is a 34-year-old man who is well-known to the community health centre that he and his family have attended for several years. He is married and has two young children. His wife is eight months pregnant. He is a computer salesman and spends much time away from home...

Cultural Competence and Why It Is Important for Nurses

Cultural competence is quite ambiguous term as it is defined differently in various sources. It is connected with increased diversity and globalization, which led to extensive cultural exchange and the necessity to be competent with multiple cultures. Some researchers pay more attention to the “cultural” part of the phrase, and...

Nursing Homes: Identifying the Issues

Introduction Even if it only included expanding an existing well-structured and functional long-term care system, expanding the nation’s ability to meet the increases in long-term care demands would pose planning, management, and resource allocation difficulties. The theory-driven LOCK framework could arguably benefit in addressing the two largest issues with modern...

Clinical Aspects and Differential Diagnosis

STIs Infection Patient presenting symptoms Physical Findings on exam Laboratory or Diagnostic exams Management/ treatment Patient counseling/ teaching Referrals (if any) Trichomoniasis In women: vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor, painful urination, itching of the genitals (Passos, 2017). In men: asymptomatic. Pregnant women: risk of premature birth. The vulva may...

Anticoagulants and Pharmacokinetic Principles

Fentanyl Fentanyl is mainly respired; once ingested, it is absorbed into the bloodstream, and the most primitive and sensitive part of the brain is sensitized. As a result, dopamine levels in the brain are increased, which gives a rewarding experience (Vice, 2016). The dopamine surge in the brain and its...

Older Adults Surviving the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Mental Health Benefits of Physical Activity

Introduction The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic caused a drastic change in people’s lifestyles across the world. Since the disease is infectious, deadly, and spreads quickly, different countries around the globe, including the United States, were forced to enact social distance guidelines (SDG) in order to combat the spread of...

Mental Health Treatment Evolution Since the 1400s

Recent research has devoted much effort to exploring mental health treatment as it has been one of the thorniest issues throughout time. Still, the healing of mental problems and the attitude towards it has undergone fundamental changes from the 1400s until now. Even though it is hardly possible to remove...

Methods to Boost Metabolism

The topics of weight loss and boosting the organism’s metabolic processes involve multiple myths about questionable eating and physical activity patterns widely believed to increase metabolic rates in overweight or obese individuals. Apart from questionable practices, such as fasting or cutting one’s caloric consumption drastically, there are methods backed up...

Merck COVID Pill: Molnupiravir

These days, when the whole world is in an unprecedented situation, Merck is doing everything possible to help people fight against the virus. The new drug of the company called Molnupiravir, unlike vaccines, disrupts viral replication rather than encouraging the body’s immune response. Molnupiravir can also be taken at home,...

Our Opinions on Vaccines and What Factors Influence Them

Role of Culture, Norms, and Beliefs in our Opinion on Vaccinations Immunization is a cost-effective strategy for averting millions of infectious illness episodes and deaths worldwide. Vaccines are preparations that, when administered, elicit immunological responses that result in the creation of antibodies that aid in the fight against infectious pathogens....

Medical Management and Communication of Neurological Alterations

Introduction Close to 100 million people living in the United States are impacted by at least one out of the several existing neurological disorders (Han et al., 2020). This study focuses on describing and discussing the medical management, communication or teaching for patients and families, cultural considerations, and the relevant...

Physical Exam and Patient’s History in Establishing a Diagnosis

The healthcare experts use several resources during their medical assessments, such as cognitive evaluations, neurological tests, laboratory exams, patient history measures, and physical assessments. It is proved that the patient’s history and physical examinations are among the most valuable tools in determining diagnoses of various degrees. Several studies analyzed whether...

Schizophrenia: Myths, Causes, and Impacts

Purpose statement: to educate my audience the myths, causes, and impacts of schizophrenia How our societies treat people with psychological disorders amongst us is a cause of worry. In the Bible teachings, the Bible specifies that we should all love each other and treat others with just. As most of...

“Societal Control” Over Food and Weight Gain

Introduction Societal control involves the enforcement of specific behavioral standards considered socially acceptable within a community. It regulates an individual’s behavior in agreement with social norms and rules that have been established. In Knapp’s essay, “Add Cake, Subtract Self-Esteem,” the cultural control over food and women’s body weight is discussed....

Elderly People and Interaction With Dogs

Animals play a significant part in human life as they can help with daily routines and fulfill emotional conditions. According to Scheibeck et al. (2011), elderly people are not always able to find new friends, and pets, such as dogs, might help maintain communication. Moreover, by owning a pet, elderly...

Standard of Care in Healthcare System

Standard of care regulates the extent of the caution that the medical provider should follow to ensure patients’ safety. In situations when the standard of care is breached, causing negative implications for the victim’s health, the case can be tried in court. In the first step of the discussions of...

Therapeutic Interventions for the Older Adult With Depression and Dementia

Introduction The current paper is dedicated to the research related to the case of Martin, an older adult who faces a variety of challenges in his life. Martin was diagnosed with a mild form of dementia which causes him to forget certain important events. Due to his condition, he was...

Investing in Medical Services: The Necessity of Health Expenditures

Introduction Medical services are imperative for the nation’s welfare. Life expectancy is impacted by service quality. Technological equipment and professional education are required. Public health programs are also necessary. Tremendous expenses are connected to health care (Deb & Norton, 2018). Financial input increases positive healthcare effects. Finances and the clinical...

Transplantation Rejection: Classification, Causes, and Prevention

Recent groundbreaking medical advances in post-transplant management have significantly boosted the success rates of transplantation procedures. The British Society for Immunology defines transplantation as the process by which viable cells, tissues, or organs are moved from one site to another to replace or repair organs and tissues that are diseased...

Asian Health Services’ Strategic Alternatives

Introduction Working previously with the case of Asian Healthcare Services (AHS), there was a discussion about the external forces that can affect the healthcare organization. The list of noted external influences included financial pressure, high level of competition, socio-cultural differences, demography of the region where the organization is located, and...

Medicine Is Not a Genetic Supermarket

Together with the development of society, medicine also develops, but some people are not ready to accept everything that science creates. There is an opinion that any intervention in human life to improve it is considered genocide concerning any social group. There are some people disagreeing with this view, however,...

Joe Biden’s New Reform on Healthcare

The article by McCausland discusses the suggestions of the new system in the healthcare coverage proposed by Joe Biden. The policy’s expectation is to address rising well-being costs incorporating giving more oversight of health care coverage charges and practices and diminishing medical services extortion and misuse (McCousland, 2021). As Dependency...

Health Coaching: Transtheoretical Model and Motivational Interviewing

The Transtheoretical Model (also known as the Stages of Change Model) was established as a result of studies comparing the experiences of smokers who were able to quit on their own versus those who needed more help to understand why some people were able to quit on their own. The...

Mental Disorders and Treatment

Introduction The treatment of severe mental disorders in modern medicine is a feasible task due to the fact that advanced drugs are used not only to block symptoms but also eliminate the root causes of diseases. In psychiatry, long-acting injectable antipsychotics (LAIs) have become widespread, which have the properties of...

The Role of Patient Education and Lifestyle Changes

Healthy Diet One of the main causes of obesity is the imbalance between energy consumption and energy expenditure (Webb et al., 2017). Therefore, diet, as the primary way of receiving energy is to be addressed first. One of the most effective interventions is a prescription of a personalized diet, as...

A Journal on Establishing Context With Urgent Care Centers

Segments The market research results revealed to the entrepreneurs that the urgent care center model of business would appeal to segments of the population where some would find it more attractive than others. This assertion stemmed from the entrepreneurs’ reviewing the surveys and realizing that customer prospects of different characteristics...

Proper Dental Care for Children Who Are Disadvantaged

Currently, there is a severe problem with dental diseases, which have extremely negative consequences in the case of a neglected condition. It is essential to monitor the oral cavity from an early age, which is essentially the parents’ responsibility. If the situation is favourable in prosperous families, children from disadvantaged...

Eating Disorders: Finding the Right Treatment

Many people have different eating behaviors that are influenced by culture, emotional cues, physical prompts, families, habits, and friends. As people’s association with food increases, individuals tend to lose track of when to take a meal and thus start consuming to satisfy their desires other than the need to fuel...

The Population-Health Oriented Policies

High-quality medical care is an essential aspect of preserving the well-being and health of society. For the most effective flow of this process, companies must apply specific policies focused on the population. Their implementation can be a significant advantage with the correct and detailed planning of activities. Thus, the purpose...

Diagnosing Dissociative Identity Disorder

Introduction This research paper aims to investigate Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), focusing on its central concepts and the diagnosis stage. The trauma-induced condition includes personality dissociation, memory and consciousness issues, as well as behavior oriented against the root of the patient’s trauma. Management of the symptoms requires regular therapy sessions...

Naturalistic Observation of Couples Coping With Breast Cancer

Background Studying dyadic coping in ordinary life using a naturalistic observation technique was investigated in this work. Couples who are suffering with cancer and their spouses’ psychological well-being were explored in this study, which focused on the natural setting and substance of their spontaneous cancer dialogues. Wearing an electronic activated...

Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Human Well-Being

The COVID-19 pandemic has influenced and altered many people’s lives, and mine is no exception. During this period, people had to adjust to social isolation and learn to communicate with each other at a distance. However, those who were sick with COVID demonstrated positive health outcomes when they were engaged...

Government Regulations in the Name of Public Health

Despite the now-common phrase ‘the unprecedented times’ people find themselves in, this pandemic is not the first incidence for the Supreme Court. As Brockell (2021) discusses in his article, Jacobson v. Massachusetts 197 U.S. 11 (1905) set the legal precedent for the vaccine mandate. Jacobson refused to comply with the...

Naturopathy: License, Regulation, and Usefulness

Introduction The principle of wholeness is a medical approach that treats the human being as an organism with interconnected parts, with all its problems requiring a holistic approach. Naturopathy is an example of such an approach that explores and uses the natural sources of human health: herbs, yoga, meditation, a...

Ethic Aspect of Henrietta Lacks’s Case

Henrietta Lacks’s name is familiar to any scientist in the field of biology and medicine. Her cells were used to produce the famous cell culture “HeLa,” which became research material for many scientists worldwide (Curtis, 2016). However, her case is known not only for the consequent scientific breakthrough but also...

Doing Bedside Shift Reports in Nursing

Doing bedside shift reports (BSR) is beneficial for both patients and nurses. This practice not only improves the quality of nursing care at the intensive care unit (ICU), ensures patient safety, and prevents adverse effects but also increases nurses’ satisfaction and, as a result, their overall performance (Dorvil, 2018). According...

Discussion of Quality Assurance Standards

Client Interactions Any Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) is likely to focus on total customer satisfaction. Some of the standards of this QAP related to client interaction are determined by its sponsors; the rest are self-set. It is planned to conduct anonymous and non-anonymous surveys among the patients or their relatives...

Healthcare Delivery Systems in Different Countries

Introduction The provision of qualified and timely medical care is one of the most important aspects of a person’s life. The American healthcare system is often subjected to criticism and proposals for reform. To do this, it is proposed to take into account the experience of foreign countries. This is...

Community Services for Family Support in Fort Lauderdale

Promoting family support and resource organization plays an important role in any community. People who live in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, have access to several services offered by such organizations as Broward Community & Family Health Center, United Way, and the Center for Independent Living of Broward. Family caregiving is a...

Telehealth Adoption: Key Adoption Factors

Telehealth is widely considered to be a revolutionary approach to healthcare services provision. However, it is not as popular as it possibly could, considering its role in improving accessibility and responsiveness. At the same time, businesses have switched to virtual communication as soon as it became available to the public....

The Culture of an Open Attitude in Healthcare

Open attitude and cultural competence Apart from promoting the culture of learning and enhancing patient-nurse understanding, an open attitude plays a crucial role in the efficiency of care delivery. Being able to relate well with patients and colleagues of diverse backgrounds without being judgmental provides a respectful work environment with...

Microbial Growth and Aseptic Technique

Microbial Growth Microbial growth is promoted by various conditions, and the most significant three factors include pH, temperature, and oxygen. According to specialists, their combination can determine the accompanying risks on a case-by-case basis and, therefore, requires consideration from the perspective of competition among microbes (Bruslind, 2021). Thus, pH, which...

Addiction and Its Impact on John and His Family System

Introduction Addiction is a complex phenomenon continuously explored and re-imagined by academics and experts in different fields, yet little is known about the connection between one’s family system and addictive behavior. Nowadays, psychologists pay closer attention to the implications an individual’s social circle might have on their likelihood of becoming...

How Epidemiology Helps to Detect Health Problems

Introduction Every community can mention specific aspects of the epidemiology term as it usually presents unique health and disease indicators of a different group of people. Epidemiology is one of the most important parts of public health as it helps to detect potential health problems in every community and decrease...

On Attending a Conference About COVID-19

Overview The scholarly activity that I participated in presented a conference about COVID-19. Namely, it was the Precision Medicine World Conference in June 2020 that covered various topics concerning the pandemic situation. The event was performed in virtual form so that multiple people could participate while being in safely. Professionals...

The SnackRight Project’s Analytical Review

Obesity is a serious problem that has plagued generations of British society throughout the 21st century, and it is growing with destructive force in some regions. Much of this deviation from the weight norm is due to the uneven ratio between calorie intake and energy expenditure. To a significant extent,...

The History of Behavioral Health

Introduction The behavioral health of people has changed over the years under the influence of various events. It is determined by how everyday cognitive habits change people’s lifestyle, well-being, and biological processes (Matarazzo, 1980). The balance between physical and mental well-being is an indicator of good behavioral health. Bad habits,...

Schizophrenia. Abnormal Psychology

In the assigned video, Cecilia McGough, a mental health activist, shares her perspective on schizophrenia spectrum disorders (SSDs) and her own experiences with hallucinations. The presentation covers a number of critical topics, including stigmatization and learning to imitate normal behaviors. The paper’s purpose involves responding to the video by comparing...

The Human Immune System Components and Response

The human immune system is a highly complex system of interrelated components. It is based on the principle of reaction and response to a pathogen or virus. Somers (2020) notes that “the result is a system of great flexibility and power, which, pushed the right way, can be made to...

Incarceration and Mental Illness

Mental health problems and their relation to prisoners and incarceration slowly became more evident in the last two decades. In an article on incarceration being ineffective in prisoners’ cases that involve mental health problems, Wagner (2000) emphasized how prisons cost more to build for the government and are less effective...

Global Issues in Healthcare: Cultural Competence and Patient Safety

Introduction. Domestic Issues Unpreparedness for emergencies (like Covid-19) Lack of a comprehensive regulatory framework Drug pricing regulation Quality control by the authorities Domestic Issues’ Impact on U.S. HCM Within the framework of domestic issues’ impact on US HCM, the following supporting systems are affected to the greatest extent: intellectual capital;...

Boston Community Health Strategy

As culture impacts the improvements in the healthcare of different neighborhoods, it involves the ensuing problems. One could blame the issues in an area on the nature of people inhibiting it; therefore, a strategy for enhancement must be introduced. Before formulating such a strategy, it is necessary to assess the...

Group Typology: Interdisciplinary Team

A treatment group or a task group can be used to provide patients with the required assistance. Regarding Paula Cortez, she has multiple health conditions that can adversely affect her pregnancy, meaning that numerous healthcare providers are involved in working with her (Walden University, n.d.). That is why a treatment...

Explaining Self-Care to Patient in Nursing Practice

Several actions can be taken for a client to understand the elements of self-care. These include clear verbal communication, ensuring the comprehension of the instructions, being creative by using illustrations, clarifying, and questioning the clients. Clear communication is always the first action taken, and it involves explaining the matters to...

Acupuncture vs. Standard Pharmacological Therapy for Migraine Prevention

Introduction “Systematic Review: Acupuncture vs. Standard Pharmacological Therapy for Migraine Prevention” is a study conducted by Zhang et al. (2019). The research reviews used at least seven articles for screening and concluding. The results showed that acupuncture is more effective than standard pharmacological treatment in migraine prevention. I chose this...

Euthanasia in Nursing Practice

Introduction Nursing is inevitably related to ethical dilemmas, and thus the behavior and decision-making of medical personnel vary drastically in each patient’s case. Euthanasia is “is a practice in which a person who is suffering from a painful and incurable disease or debilitating physical disorder, is put to death after...

Evidence-Based Practices to Reduce the Risks of Diabetes

A person’s lifestyle can directly affect their health in various ways. An unhealthy lifestyle can lead to a diverse range of diseases later in life, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, cancer, and others. Lifestyle choices that can cause these adverse outcomes include eating habits, physical activity habits, sleeping habits, etc....

Sickle Cell Disease: Background, Issues & Effects

Introduction Sickle cell disease (SCD) is an inherited pathology of erythrocytes that are most met among African American and Hispanic American individuals. In the United States, these ethnic groups are minor, and the chances of receiving help from the state for the treatment of SCD are currently unperceptive. The government...

Researching of Health Insurance Plans

Introduction Employee benefits refer to the perks that employers offer to their employees. Such measures stand among the current trends in human resource management in business organizations across the world and form part of the total employee remuneration. Many employers provide bonuses to employees, aiming at improving the general productivity...

Act Liability for Price-Fixing of Generic Drugs

The United States Department of Justice reported that Apotex Corporation, among other drug manufacturers, paid over $400 to settle violations of the False Claims Act, characterized by increasing and maintaining high prices for generic drugs (Office of Public Affairs, 2021). Apotex increased the price of its generic drug, pravastatin while...

U.S. Navy Injuries and Complications

Introduction The health status of military personnel is a priority of various branches. It is measured through a variety of tests, which determine suitability for service. The regularity of such assessments ensures employees’ proper conditions, and it is widely examined by scholars (Sargent, Gebruers, & O’Mahony, 2017). However, the situation...

Discussion of Bad Health Aspects Impact

Many aspects factor heavily when it comes to the matters of health. Several of them have potential of actually impairing one’s functional abilities – for example, drug abuse, unsafe work conditions, and obesity due to overeating and lack of exercise. These three risk factors can severely impact human health and...

The Impact of a Regular Sleep Schedule on Responsibility

A sense of responsibility can help people achieve their goals in any area of life. Compliance enables individuals to create their own values and take the reins of life into their own hands. At the same time, responsible persons are more trusted and, as a consequence, they are sooner to...

Ineffective COVID-19 Vaccination in Afro-Americans

Introduction The U.S. government and the healthcare department need to understand African Americans’ history with the U.S. healthcare sector to ploy better intervention strategies. Many Blacks lack trust in the U.S. medical unit due to its past encounters with the race, especially during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The Tuskegee...

Global Pandemic of COVID-19 From an Epidemiological Perspective

In 2020, humanity faced one of the most dangerous threats as SARS-CoV-2 spread worldwide, causing the pandemic with victims, national lockdowns, and continuous uncertainty. In the United States alone, more than 33 million cases of COVID-19 led to 598 thousand of deaths (CDC, 2021a). The healthcare crisis forced the nation...

Health Disparities in the United States: Immigrant Community

Introduction The immigrants in the US are a fraction of the population, which is seriously affected by the lack of available medical help. This leads to deterioration in mental in physical health and results in deaths. The Essence of the Problem The ability to access adequate medical services in neighborhoods...

Patient-Centered Care Approach

Summary Over the decades, the evolution of human society rendered prominent ideologies regarding care among elders. One of the significant challenges posed involves the quality of attention by nurses in care homes in Canada. On the one hand, the institution provides a solution for the handling of senior citizens. On...

Association Between the Dietary Inflammatory Index and Small Vessel Disease

This article investigated the association between the energy-adjusted dietary inflammatory index (E-DII) and brain volume, small vessel disease, and cognition in people with and without type two diabetes mellitus (T2DM). The authors begin by elaborating on the effects of dementia on life, the lack of clear treatment for it, and...

The Immune System Fighting Off COVID-19

Introduction In the article “How the body’s immune system tries to fight off COVID-19”, Healey (2022) discusses which processes happen in human bodies that naturally help them to fight against various threats, including coronavirus. In this regard, the author argues that each individual has three defense layers, namely skin, B...

Psychiatry: Methods of Statistical Analysis

The Paper was written by Li et al. (2020) focuses on the study of bipolar disorder as one of the most common diseases associated with the human psyche. However, despite its prevalence, this disorder is often misdiagnosed, or no signs of the disease are noticed at all. Thus, the researchers’...

Patient-Provider Communications

Patient-provider communication is a significant phenomenon in the healthcare industry. One of the Healthy People 2020 goals was to improve healthcare quality and equity through health communication strategies (Gehlert et al., 2019). Park and Park (2018) also admit that effective communication can help “improve diagnostic capability, reduce frustration or stress...

COVID-19 Contact Tracing Application in Qatar

The study aimed at analyzing the public’s attitude towards EHTERAZ using a mixed-method approach. Mixed method research is a study that employs both qualitative and quantitative methods to answer the research questions (Anguera et al., 2018). Researchers utilize mixed-method approaches to validate qualitative findings using quantitative methods, explore quantitative results,...

Falls in Older Adults in the USA: Data, Statistics, and Management of the Problem

Introduction Falls are one of the most severe threats to the older population as they can cause serious injuries or even be fatal. The most common consequences are hip fractures or head damage which lead to diminishing functional independence and an overall decrease in a life’s quality. The category of...

Families’ Suffering When a Medical Error Occurs

Introduction The two movies, A Closer Look at A Medication Error and Chasing Zero: Winning the War on Healthcare Harm, illustrate families’ suffering when a medical error occurs to a close family member. For several years, I have regarded hospitals as a safe places where people get their health restored....

Anabolic Steroids for Male Reproductive System

Anabolic steroids are one of the most prevalent ergogenic agents used to improve athlete performance. According to Mazzeo (2018), androgen steroids act by binding to a receptor in the cytoplasm and migrating to the nucleus to increment the activity of RNA polymerase, thereby increasing the production of RNA and proteins....

Eliminating Health Disparities in Rural Underserved Areas

Health disparities affect the most vulnerable categories of the population, including, first of all, racial and ethnic minorities as well as people with disabilities. Location and socioeconomic status are also on the list of the criteria that determine the accessibility of medical assistance; notably, rural areas are frequently underserved. This...

Healthcare Programs in Wyandotte County

Health Inputs Highlighted in the Case The key inputs to health highlighted in this case study include the different programs that Wyandotte County has implemented to prevent or reduce untimely death. One of these projects is the County’s 20-20-20 challenge, aiming to lengthen sidewalks, bikeways, and trails by 20 miles...

The Problem of Burnout of Medical Specialists

Purpose Nowadays, medical professionals face many various challenges. One of the most obvious and critical problems is emotional burnout, which is becoming more common among specialists. It is described as the emotional exhaustion of an employee and the formation of negative and negative tendencies towards work and colleagues. Moreover, there...

The Concept of Social Justice in Nursing

The Impact of Social Justice on Health Care Social justice in nursing relates to human rights and equality in the nursing practice. It aims to address inequalities arising from race, gender, age, religion, and other aspects of social injustice. Therefore, social justice in health care results in delivering high-quality care...

Diversity and Equality in Nursing

The issues related to diversity and equality in nursing are still pressing and have diverse effects on the development of the healthcare system. This post highlights some of the most urgent aspects of the problem that are related to the workforce. Medical staff is still prone to discrimination and underrepresentation,...

Abortion: Comparison and Contrast of Arguments

Abortion has been a controversial issue for many decades, with both sides of the argument often feeling very strongly about it. Nevertheless, regardless of the stance one takes on it, most people agree on prioritizing safety of the procedure if it must happen. It can be difficult to ensure safety...

Affordable Healthcare Approach and Best Strategies

Affordable healthcare is an essential theme for the United States, as healthcare prices are usually high. According to the study of Skinner and Chandra (2016), they can differ by a factor of 4 in the same city. For that reason, I suppose that the main problem for healthcare is a...

Impacts of the Epidemic Outbreaks

SARS 2003 In 2003, a dangerous respiratory infection with a very high mortality rate – every tenth infected person died. The new virus spread across China and beyond its borders (Branswell, 2013). Nonetheless, the disease was eliminated after eight months since it was first detected. The Chinese government has taken...

Nurses in Policy-Making

In addition to the immediate treatment and diagnostics assistance, nurses are rightfully admitted into the circle of policy-making. First, the 21st century demonstrates an increase in public health work as the dialogue between medical experts and communities grows in scope and scale. According to Wichaikhum et al. (2019), the development...

Non- and Governmental Structures in Public Healthcare

Governmental Structures One of the essential roles of government structures in every country is to take the funding and resources available and distribute them according to public needs. This can go into direct treatment, subsidies for organizations, public health programs, training and hiring new personnel, and research. However, these agencies,...

Obesity and How It Can Cause Chronic Diseases

Introduction Nowadays, obesity represents a considerable public health issue due to changes in people’s lifestyles. Numerous studies support the idea that obesity is associated with increased cardiovascular diseases and cancer risks. The measures to prevent weight gain qualified as unfavorable is considered a high priority by public policies. The modifications...

An Overall Wellness Improvement Plan for Officers

Introduction A soldier’s job is demanding and stressful and is associated with higher mental and physical health risks than many other occupations. Multiple studies have demonstrated that when law enforcement officers’ health issues are neglected, their decision-making abilities, job performance, and general effectiveness are severely impaired. From this perspective, an...

Passive Smoking and Pancreatic Cancer in Women

Introduction Pancreatic cancer has been known to result from active smoking, but the role passive smoking plays in the development of pancreatic carcinogenesis is not clear. Cigarette smoking has been identified by many studies as the main risk factor for this disease. According to Bao et al. (2009), smokers have...

Computerized Medical Records: Pros and Cons

Globally, healthcare institutions have rapidly started to adopt electronic health records systems as a substitute for paper-based documentation. The computerization of data is not a novel concept, yet it still manages to gather much attention due to the controversies surrounding the process of digitizing information collection and storage. As with...

Impact of ADHD on Students

Introduction: Characteristics Associated with ADHD ADHD is an abbreviation for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. A person suffering from ADHD experiences challenges in managing high levels of energy, controlling impulses, and maintaining attention. An ADHD patient can rarely sit still even for a few minutes. He or she may become distracted...

Aging Process in the United States and Russia

Summary Currently, there is a trend around the world for a steady increase in life expectancy, as well as an aging population. These factors are especially relevant for developed industrial and post-industrial countries, including the United States and Russia. In these countries, an increase in life expectancy has been observed...

Health Professionals’ Perceptions of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

Infants with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) symptoms tend to have psychological or physiological deviations. Sometimes over time, cognitive impairments become apparent. Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder is diagnosed in newborns of women who consumed alcohol while being pregnant upon the presence of special symptoms. It is often difficult to understand...

Reasons for High and Low Levels of Aspartate Aminotransferase

One of the most important liver enzymes is the aspartate aminotransferase (AST); however, sometimes, its indexes exceed the normal state. Therefore, doctors need to understand possible reasons for it. The first and the most obvious reason for an elevated AST level is liver injury. This ferment provides the transamination reaction,...

Treatment After Surgery on Abdominal Organs

Effect of chewing gum on bowel motility in post operative patients following abdominal surgery: A clinical outcome based study One of the problems in the treatment of patients after surgery on the abdominal organs is the restoration of intestinal peristalsis. Violation of intestinal motility in the early postoperative period is...

Vulnerable Population: Safety Concerns

The vulnerable population refers to the disadvantaged subsegments in society that need specific healthcare consideration. In the healthcare industry, safety concerns for vulnerable people result in better healthcare services. Technology implementation works together with the safety concerns for a sustainable healthcare environment. Therefore, the essay will focus on the six-safety...

Devices to Improve Healthcare Service Delivery

Introduction Healthcare providers are facing challenges while delivering quality care following the COVID-19 pandemic. The medical staff and affiliated workers experience physical and psychological pressure in diagnosing, assessing, providing treatment, and tracing patients’ recovery processes. Therefore, the report provides a proposal and development of IoT-based devices to improve practices in...

The Adverse Consequences of Substance Use Tool and the Psychoactive Drug History

Patient Clinical Assessment The patient is a 25-years old White male, homosexual, currently single. He has a medical history of having a severe case of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, as well as clinical depression. He is currently being treated for depression by a certified psychiatrist; however, he does not receive...

“Health Information Source Use…” Article by Gall

Abstract Approved meanings of health disparities have been different and often extensive, which can have severe costs for setting aims, targets, resource distribution priorities, and evaluating development. While learning in class, most lectures familiarize members with the challenges of describing health differences in ways that attract the most important principles,...

Nonallergic Asthma: Nursing (SOAP) Care Plan

Patient Initials JD. Subjective Data Chief Compliant: JD states that “she is having severe wheezing, shortness of breath, and coughing at least once daily.” History of Present Illness: The patient has been experiencing frequent asthma attacks for the past two months; she takes theophylline and albuterol to manage this condition....

Physical Wellness to Prevent Obesity Heart Diseases

Heart disease remains to be one of the most severe health concerns around the world. One of the leading causes of the condition is obesity. As most people spend most of their time at school or work, their sedentary lifestyles are often associated with poor diet and lack of exercise....

COVID-19 Impact on New York State Population

The COVID-19 pandemic has been described as an unexpected occurrence that has affected many social and economic systems globally. However, the impact of the pandemic has not been felt equally by different communities. According to Reyes (2020), African Americans have been more affected by COVID-19 than other communities in the...

Abolishing Out of Pocket Healthcare Insurance

Introduction Out-of-pocket healthcare refers to a mode of healthcare payment that entails using one’s own money to purchase health services; there is no support from insurance companies. US healthcare is costly and complicated and is paid for through premiums. The policy brief aims to bring to the government and the...

HIV: Epidemiology, Symptoms and Consequences

Introduction In 1981, in the United States, when collecting data on registered diseases, many rare diseases were discovered, the development of which was usually associated with a decrease in immunity. This unusual decrease in the body’s defenses has been called “acquired immune deficiency syndrome.” The cause of the decrease in...

COVID-19 Debate: Masks for Vaccinated

Introduction COVID-19 is a global problem that medical professionals and government officials have been trying to control for the sake of the general population’s health and livelihood. The initial efforts were implementing the policies and requests for wearing masks and other protective gear that would minimize the risk of infection...

Telehealth: The Uses and Benefits

Telehealth is the provision of healthcare services through telecommunication technologies. An example of telehealth present in the healthcare system is people employing smartphones to manage health. Since most Americans own smartphones, they use them for health-related purposes, such as setting appointment reminders. They also install mHealth applications, such as smoking...

Mental Health and Ways of Its Maintaining

Mental health includes the emotional, psychological, and social condition of an individual. It influences people’s behavior, interpersonal connections, decision-making ability, and physical well-being. People’s traumatic life experience, lifestyle, and biological factors affect their mental health by causing stress, anxiety, and other disruptive conditions. Supporting mental health is crucial to preserve...

Data Analytics and System Performance in Healthcare

People daily use technologies to check health conditions and predict potential problems which might arise in the future. For instance, according to chapter 9, written by Spath and Kelly (2017), data collection and analysis are crucial in understanding future changes in the human body. Moms can easily understand when their...

Male Dominant Healthcare Field and Women’s Health

Introduction In recent years, much attention has been paid to gender relations. Indeed, interpersonal relationships of people largely determine their activities. Over the years of humanity’s existence, people have formed particular attitudes toward the roles and characteristics of men and women in society. For this reason, misunderstandings and even discrimination...

Getting Nurses Involved in Policy-Making Process

I believe that nurses can be involved in policy-making and policy evaluation because they spend the most time with patients. Therefore, they can be advocates with governments and regulatory agencies. Myers (2020) notes that “Nurses need to advocate for systematic change, inclusive of the many factors that interact to determine...

Transdisciplinary and Interdisciplinary Theorizing

Aging is a complex and diverse process, and the complexity of the aging experience is rarely recognized. Gerontological research and practice often do not take into account key principles of interdisciplinary research and activity and the experience and involvement of actors such as the elderly. The traditional dualism of objectivity...

Unnecessary Emergency Department Admissions

In the selected scenario, there is a challenge concerned with nursing home patients being sent to an Emergency Department when there is no need for them to go. Such an issue complicates the work of a hospital team that has to deal with incoming patients whose health concerns could have...

Obesity and General State of Public Health

Obesity is a condition caused by an abnormal or excessive buildup of fat that poses a health concern. It raises the risk of developing various diseases and health issues such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and many more (Upadhyay et al., 2018). For example, when one is obese, the heart...

Analysis of Clinical Decision Support Systems

Although there are various versions of CDSS in use today, the three major types are diagnostic support systems MYCIN, Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE), and Arden Syntax. Developed in the 1970s, the MYCIN helps clinicians choose antibiotics for such diseases as meningitis and bacteremia (Sutton et al., 2020). When using...

Ethical Consideration and Cultural Awareness and in Medical Practice

Summary An ethically sensitive orientation in medical and nursing practice is the result of ethical norms established in the medical community. Medicine, as an institution that has developed over many centuries, must certainly evolve along with changing cultural norms. The link between culture and ethics is undeniable, and therefore therapies...

Sexually Transmitted Infections: Chlamydia Trachomatis

One of the most common sexually transmitted infections in the United States is chlamydia triggered by the bacterium called chlamydia trachomatis. Chlamydia infection is asymptomatic and can be easily cured with the help of antibiotics (Fig. 1). However, this infection might lead to long-term health consequences if it is not...

Gerontology Assignment: Aging and Chronic Diseases

Most people on the planet long to have a long life, and many people make preparations on how to live their sunset years gracefully. Aging is an inevitable phase in life for people who get privileged to live longer. Despite being regarded as a blessing, several problems accompany aging. According...

Supporting Patients With Diabetes in U.S.

The central problem that this essay raises describes the characteristics of the U.S. health care system in the context of supporting patients with diabetes. More specifically, the essay examines the scientific necessity of patent law and the resulting lack of competition in the industry market as the leading causes of...

Largest Epidemiological Study of COVID-19

The research that is believed to be the largest epidemiological study of Covid-19 was conducted in two Indian states, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu, and has revealed several important findings. Although it did involve a large number of confirmed Covid-19 cases, the study only examined cases and traced contacts in...

Agoraphobia Characteristics According to the DSM-5

It should be noted that agoraphobia is a highly impactful and impairing form of anxiety disorder, which can imprison affected individuals both mentally and physically. The diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders or DSM-5 code for agoraphobia is 300.22 (F40.00) (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). It is listed under the...

Covid-19 Effects on Treatment-Seeking Veterans

The article under analysis is a scientific paper, “The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on treatment-seeking veterans in the United Kingdom with preexisting mental health difficulties: a longitudinal study”, that describes a research conducted by Hendrikx et al. (2021, p. 1). The authors address the impact of the pandemic on...

Vaccine and Antiviral Drug Supply and Distribution Problem

The availability of vaccines and antiviral drugs to the general public depends on the reliability of supply chains. These top-down chains usually include several links — for example, in the United States, antiviral drugs make their way through manufacturers, distributors, and local healthcare facilities before reaching the customers (Koonin &...

Changing Internal Atmosphere in Medicine Institutions

These days internal interconnection plays a pivotal role in nursing. The pandemic situation forced people to communicate with the help of different channels, such as social media or internet-calling applications. Moreover, when trying to cope with an unstoppable stream of patients, nurses need help at some moments so that mutual...