The Affordable Care Act (ACA) in the US

The United States government initiated the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to minimize health disparities by lowering costs and improving the accessibility of healthcare. The introduction of ACA highlighted the fact that the healthcare industry is in the need of reforms in order to improve its cost-effectiveness, quality, and accessibility. Healthcare...

Epatient, Social Networking, Personal Health Record

Caring for health is a lifelong and complicated process that has become diversified with the development of technology. Patients become active participants in treatment, which means balancing the efforts of the provider and the audience. Personal Health Record (PHR) is a promising technology because it combines EHR data and information...

Health Education Program on Antibiotic Resistance

Introduction Antibiotics have been used for the past seven decades to treat patients suffering from various bacterial infections. The antibiotics have been used for long and hence the bacterial organisms they are supposed to kill have been adapting to them. The result has been that the drugs are less effective....

Nursing Philosophy Reflection

The paradigm of nursing experience, although impossible to encompass at its fullest, has been currently explicitly described in a variety of textbooks and scholarly articles. Thus, prior to making a meaningful choice to dedicate oneself to the career of a nurse, it is of paramount importance to secure a careful...

Normal Hearing Process Versus Presbycusis

Introduction Hearing is one of the five senses that humans use to study their environment. The active interpretation of information does this by transforming sound into meaningful information. Due to the increased use of personal listening devices globally, the hearing problem has become a common challenge globally, with 466 million...

Adult Day Care Center’s Areas of Difficulties

First of all, an area that demands some special effort from a clinician is mental health care. As Stanhope and Lancaster (2016) mention, “at some point, virtually all adults will experience a tragic or unexpected loss, a serious setback, or a time of profound sadness, grief, or distress” (p. 795)....

Family Education in Relation to the Fall Risk Reduction among Aged Individuals

Older adults form one of the most vulnerable groups, requiring additional attention from the public health system. This situation stems from a range of chronic conditions, which are likely to develop as a person nears senior age. Instigated by the aforementioned conditions, such as impaired vision or the general lack...

Arthritis, Osteoporosis, and Chronic Back Conditions

Introduction Disease diagnosis is an ongoing examination to ensure the quality of health is preserved. Inadequate awareness of the illness or pathophysiology mechanism leads to misunderstanding and acts as a deterrent to correct management and slow recovery. There is a need to carry out a systematic study of the disease...

Client Access to Medical Records

Introduction A patient decides to terminate her counseling after a couple of weeks and asks the counselor to give her all records and notes that she made during sessions. According to the ACA Code of Ethics and the state board code of ethics, the counselor should grant the client access...

Lifestyle Interventions by Nurses

The study being evaluated in this case is implicit in the effect of lifestyle interventions by nurses. Like other studies in the medical field, the research leverages a standard format to explicate the effect of the intervention mentioned. It contains the conventional sections of a quantitative study that include the...

Childhood Immunization and Related Controversy

The development and use of vaccines have allowed the global population to mitigate the spread of severe illnesses and significantly reduce child mortality. Still, there are groups of people who believe that vaccines are harmful and oppose immunization, not allowing their children to be vaccinated. The controversy regarding childhood immunization...

“Compassionate Communication in All Its Forms” Book by Marcus Engel

Introduction Modern medical technology enables patients to recover more quickly than at any previous point in history. However, the human connection between patient and care provider remains the fundamental basis of recovery. “I am Here” is a personal story from the patient’s viewpoint. Marcus Engel’s book, Compassionate Communication in All...

Advocacy in Nursing Leadership

Advocacy for employees is one of the key responsibilities of nurses within a healthcare organization. Advocating on behalf of nursing professionals allows leaders to ensure recognition and respect, fair reimbursement, access to educations, as well an overall safer environment (Blackburn, Johnson & Chaveleh, 2020). Nurse leaders can use advocacy in...

Analysis of Accessibility of Medicine

One of the most pressing issues in modern realities, in which people are forced to choose one side depending on their interests, is medicine. Americans face incredibly high treatment prices in all areas of health care, from family therapists to optometrists. However, high prices are the reason for allocating most...

Maternal and Child Health Block Grant for Dental Care

The Title V Maternal and Child (MCH) Block Grant Program is administered by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB) to provide direction and money to promote the health outcomes of children, infants, and individuals in need of maternal care (Health Resources & Services Administration, 2017). MCHB’s mission has been...

Sudden Decrease of Vision in the Patient’s Left Eye: Case Study

Subjective Chief Complaint: sudden decrease of vision in the patient’s left eye. History of Present Illness (HPI) Jessica, a 32-year-old female, developed blurred vision in her left eye in the morning. Progressive deterioration occurred over the past few hours. Denies traumas, injuries, tearing, redness, and exposure to chemicals. Experienced blurred...

Quality Improvement and Measurement Tools in Healthcare

In recent years, the public has paid more attention to medical quality, and risk management has received increasing attention. The broad health risk is present in all types of the treatment session, resulting in damage or disability uncertainties, including all unsafe events, such as medical malpractice, accidents, concurrent Disease, and...

Benefits of a Healthy Nutrition

Food nutrition is a crucial element for human survival, as most of the energy required for everyday life is obtained from it. The food people take contains nutrients that are essential for the body development and functioning, and the amount of each nutrient needed is called a nutritional element. This...

Personal Protective Equipment: The Safe and Effective Use in the Hospital

Introduction Background Safeguarding the health of the people within the community is one of the most important functions of the Health Authority. In case of an outbreak of communicable diseases such as influenza pandemic, Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome leading to public health emergencies, each hospital...

Concepts of Health Literacy and Cultural Awareness

Cultural and religious beliefs, lack of knowledge of the English language, and low health literacy are the three main factors that serve to create and enforce serious problems in the field of health communication and information. Over the last decade, medical workers started to address the factor of English proficiency...

Laboring Client and Postpartum Hemorrhage: Case Study

Gestational age is a significant measurement during pregnancy with the help of which it is possible to track and control the changes of a mother and a fetus. The normal gestational age for giving birth is between 37 and 42 weeks. When a patient is at her 42 weeks, the...

Tuberculosis: Control of Non-Endemic Communicable Diseases

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease which is traditionally considered a disease of poverty. It influences mainly adults of the productive age (McHugh, 2013). According to World Health Organization (2017), it is among the ten major causes of death worldwide. As of 2015, 10.4 million people in the world had tuberculosis....

Pharmacology and Influence of Antibiotics

Abstract This paper is a valuable summary of the critical foundations of pharmacology theory. Throughout the essay, both the fundamental conceptual concepts of science and the science-based properties of drugs are described. In particular, the paper discussed the beneficial properties of probiotics, onion, and elderberry extracts. Natural Medicine Paper The...

African American Women With HIV in the United States

Introduction At present, HIV and AIDS are among the burning problems of humanity. Despite opportunities for prevention, the disease strikes many people. National minorities constitute one of the most vulnerable categories when it comes to HIV incidence. In the United States, the situation with African American women with HIV is...

The Advanced Practice Nursing: Main Roles

Introduction The medical field provides clear and concise career paths for nurses that wish to aspire to become better at their jobs by acquiring knowledge and skills necessary to help people in the most complicated of health nurses. The next step from being an RN to becoming an APN involves...

American Association for Community Dental Programs: Overview

The American Association for Community Dental Programs (AACDP) focuses on supporting efforts to promote vulnerable populations’ oral health at the community level. AACDP (n.d.a) offers guidance and information support for those participating in program development and implementation. Another critical area of activity is the organization of conferences and professional events...

HIV Disease’s and Kaposi Sarcoma’s Relationship

Description of the Steps Taken to Conduct Data Analysis The relationship between KS and HIV has become increasingly ambiguous because of modern treatment methods for HIV (American Cancer Society 1; Bowling 7). In this paper, I sought to find out the relationship between the two variables. To do so, I...

Metformin Medication: Adverse Effects

Metformin is among the front-line medications for type-2 diabetes treatment which is administered to overweight patients. The chemical name of Metformin HCI is 1-Dimethylbiguanide hydrochloride, and its molecular formula is C4H11N5 • HCl (Yu et al., 2018). Metformin was discovered in 1922 by Jean Sterne, a French physician, and the...

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Automated External Defibrillator in Healthcare

Introduction Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is a term in the medical field that refers to the emergency process involving a combination of chest comprehensions using artificial ventilation. The purpose of CPR is to preserve intact brain operation manually before other steps are taken to restore the normal breathing and circulation of...

Prevalence of Combat Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Among Veterans

Personal and professional experiences of the Gourleys are common among military officials in practice or retired. Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) occurs when an individual is exposed to life-threatening incidents attributed to extreme trauma (Friedman, 2015). Military personnel are deployed in conflict zones such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and Yemen to...

Pressure Ulcers in Elderly in Health Settings

Introduction Pressure ulcers are areas of necrosis and ulceration on soft tissues that happen due to pressure or pressure in combination with shear. Pressure ulcers lead to significant patient’s pain level, adversely affect the patient’s quality of life, resulting in a continuous economic burden on the health care system. The...

Obesity in Low-Income Community: Diet and Physical Activity

The first article on overweight in low-income communities written by Jin & Jones-Smith (2015) exposes socioeconomic variables that influence obesity. This research aimed to evaluate the relationship between family earnings and physical activity and overweight rates of children for 8 different communities divided by race or ethnicity. The study design...

Psychophysiological Aspects of Stress

Stress has become a serious issue, especially considering the way of life of an average person in the contemporary world, which elevates different disorders because of imbalance and constant pressure. It is a typical response the body has when changes happen, bringing about physical and mental reactions. Stress reactions assist...

Mental Health During the Pandemic: Research Design, Steps, and Approach

The mental health and well-being of people worldwide have been significantly affected by COVID-19. The pandemic led to the governments of many countries introducing strict measures to prevent the further spread of the virus. However, the imposed social distancing and bans on socializing at home and public spaces resulted in...

Bacterial Meningitis: Diagnosis and Care

Emergency Situation: Bacterial Meningitis Bacterial meningitis (BM) is an infectious disease that can be caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae, Group B Streptococcus, Neisseria meningitidis, Haemophilus influenzae, and Listeria monocytogenes. The incubation period of the disease is around several hours, which makes it very hard for epidemiologists to encourage the right behavior...

Cholera Issues in the Developing World

Introduction The bacterium, Vibrio cholerae is the etiological agent, causing acute and a diarrheal illness by infecting the intestine (Daniels & Shafaie, 2000). This illness is called cholera. Severe cholera cases are common with high-dose exposure, blood-group-O and low gastric acidity (Daniels & Shafaie, 2000). Its incubation period ranges between...

Lack of Staffing and Training in Health Care Organization

Introduction The cost of healthcare has been on the increase globally in recent years. In a bid to cut costs, most health care organizations have deemed it appropriate to understaff their facilities. In addition, training of health care staff has also become an expensive affair and health care organizations have...

The Incidence of End-Stage Renal Disease

The incidence of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) has declined since the 2010s, but it is still the highest in the world, according to the United States Renal Data System (USRDS) (2020). In 2018, the number of ESRD patients in the USA reached 131,636 (USRDS, 2020). The prevalence of ESRD in...

Depression and Anxiety in Older Generation

Depression and anxiety represent serious mental disorders that require immediate and prolonged treatment for patients of different ages. The undermined psychological state of oneself might lead to severe outcomes affecting the individual’s thoughts, feelings, daily activities, and mood, as well as causing eating and sleeping disturbances. Depression and anxiety are...

Bush, Obama, and Trump: Healthcare Policy

Healthcare is definitely one of the most essential industries in the U.S. because every citizen has a right to receive high-quality medical support. The topics of healthcare often become the fundamental discussions of presidential debates, and the candidates try to present the best and the most effective ideas and implement...

Bullying as Managerial Issue in Nursing Sector

Introduction Effective leadership and management rely on the integral exploitation of strategies to boost productivity among medical practitioners. Over the decades, the healthcare department evolved along the gradient of increased interaction between people, professionals, and technology. As a result, it is essential to address the key problem that arises due...

Salmonella Typhi: Pathology, Symptomatology, Prevention and Treatment

Introduction Salmonella typhi is a rod-shaped, motile, gram-negative bacterium which causes typhoid fever in human beings. This pathogen is an issue of public health concern worldwide. It affects about 26 million people globally every year and contributes to economic burdens in terms of the cost of prevention, surveillance, and treatment...

Cultural Sensitivity in Healthcare: Approaching Patients From Diverse Backgrounds

I chose to interview a friend from Saigon, Vietnam, primarily because of the cultural contrast which meets the requirements of this task. For confidentiality purposes, I will refer to her as T.N. – a pseudo name. Nonetheless, despite the many years, she has lived in the country, she still fosters...

Medicare Funding: Research Questions and Confounding Variables

In the last couple of years, the federal government has cut Medicare funding because of the increased adoption of cost-savings measures. For example, it has reduced funding to the aged care and health workforce by more than $1 billion this financial year (Herman, 2015). Herman (2015) adds that most doctors...

Individuals Should Not Be Allowed to Sell Their Body Organs

Introduction Organ donation encompasses an individual’s deliberate choice allowing their body part(s) to be removed and transplanted to another person. It is a legal process whose legitimacy is obtained through such means as the donor’s consent given when alive or dead or by the assent of their next of kin....

The Usefulness of Urinalysis in Toxicology

Introduction Urinalysis is concerned with determining the type and amount of substances in the urine of human beings. Toxicology is a branch of biology that concentrates on determining the poisonous effects produced to body organs by substances. The substances may either be legal or illegal. Toxicology is concerned with determining...

Theories in Epidemiology. Stress and Heart Disease

Introduction Experts have long puzzled over the fact that many victims of heart attacks do not have risk factors such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Arguments have thus been made about the important role played by not only physiological but also behavioral factors. In the last three decades,...

Health History and Physical Examination

Subjective Data Demographic data Name: Kerri Ross; Birth Date: 26/07/1991; Age: 25; Sex: Female; Resident: Colorado; Race: Caucasian; Language: English; Marital Status: Married; Occupation: Office Clerk; Education: University. The reason for care She is overweight and at risk of being obese. Present illness: No illness symptoms or signs. Perception of...

Medical Ethics: A Do-Not-Resuscitate Order

Introduction In the given scenario, the nurse is faced with the choice of whether she should provide relief from choking because the patient has a DNR. A DNR order means that healthcare professionals cannot apply “chest compressions, defibrillation, endotracheal intubation, assisted ventilation, or cardiotonic drugs” to the patient (EMSA, 2018,...

Reviewing a Request for Proposal: Organization’s Needs

Introduction The healthcare organization has requested vendors’ information on the products and services. This follows the fact-finding part of the system’s implementation and intends to help select the potential vendors. The request for proposal has been issued after the organization has screened potential vendors and gathered information. This paper examines...

Suicidality. Suicide Prevention Strategies

Cases of suicide are increasing daily in many countries due to various issues, such as drug abuse and poor mental health. Efforts need to be put in place to curb this emerging issue. Despite this, suicide prevention strategies aimed at reducing the occurrences of suicide remain under-researched. What is available...

Discussion of Community Mental Health

Abstract Nicotine addiction is a prevalent mental issue among black youth in America. The causes include low social economic statuses and racial discrimination. This intervention program aims to assemble a team of youth addicted to nicotine in Iowa for intervention. The team is further subdivided into smaller identification categories for...

Ethical Issues in Nursing Practice

Nurses are the first line of defense in the healthcare sector, patients’ advocates, and also a source of information on medical diagnosis and the course of care for relatives and the families of the sick. In some situations, decision-making requires principled considerations, and this requires nurses to know about delivering...

Improving the Quality of Dental Services

The use of scientific sources in medicine is an integral part of the clinical practice of a specialist. This approach allows not only to achieve professional and personal growth of the medical professional but also to achieve a culture of evidence-based and justified decisions. In other words, referring to the...

Stigma in HIV-Positive Women Article by Sandelowski et al.

The purpose of the study and identification of the problem This article attempts to describe how studies have addressed issues of gender, race/ethnicity, and social class in studying stigma among HIV-positive women. Sandelowski, Barroso, and Voils look at HIV-related stigmas with gender and sexual orientation, race, class-related stigmas. They note...

Improvement of the Exclusivity of Breastfeeding Rates

Abstract The significance of breastfeeding, as opposed to the use of the formula, is crucial to the further physiological development of a child. An increase in the levels of breastfeeding across the globe has set as one of the critical initiatives of Health People 2020, yet the results of the...

Leadership Theories Applied in Northwell Health Care

The COVID-19 pandemic has created a disruption to the healthcare facilities across the world, making operations a challenge to many hospitals. Coronavirus disease spread to 198 nations, with currently millions of confirmed cases and deaths being recorded globally (Shaukat et al., 2020). COVID-19 pandemic has affected the health and life...

Providing High-Quality Care Despite Nursing Shortages

Introduction Nurses play a crucial role in protecting public health, and it is impossible to imagine a hospital without them. Their duties include preventing illnesses, helping doctors manage patients’ physical needs, and treating some health conditions. Bedside nurses stand on the frontline and are always ready to provide immediate care...

“Normal-Tension Glaucoma” by Killer

Introduction Glaucoma is one of the diseases affecting broad populations a threat to the health of a nation. Normal-tension glaucoma (NTG) is one of the conditions representing the glaucoma family; however, it can also be viewed as an exception as the major factor preconditioning the emergence of issues, such as...

Promotora Model in Health Care: Promoting Healthy Living

Healthcare in the US is provided by separate agencies, thus creating a problem in terms of ready access to health and medical facilities. Furthermore, regardless of the existence of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), Americans, particularly individuals from the minority groups, are still finding it challenging to access care. This...

Respiratory Compromise and Pneumothorax

Introduction Respiratory compromise due to pneumothorax could occur due to various causes. Two types of pneumothorax were described: spontaneous and traumatic (Porter, 2008). The former was characteristic of young men who were otherwise healthy. Six times more young men had a primary spontaneous pneumothorax. Older men usually had the secondary...

Telemedicine in the Health Care System: Article Review

Introduction The development of technology has enabled the introduction of telemedicine in the health care system. One of the recent implementations of this field is real-time remote monitoring in triage and priority-based sensor technology. To assess its credibility, evaluate outcomes, indicate challenges, and provide recommendations for the improvement, an extensive...

Dissemination of Evidence-Based Change Proposal

The dissemination of research-based evidence plays a vital role in the promotion of population health as it relies on objectivity rather than subjectivity. Various strategies for communicating evidence have been developed to ensure that the intended message reaches the targeted population. Such approaches include but are not limited to narratives,...

Digital Health Interventions for Adults With Type 2 Diabetes

Description of the study “Digital health interventions for adults with type 2 diabetes” written by Pal et al. (2018), is qualitative research that involved the data collected from four focus groups of twenty patients. This study aimed to determine the patients’ perceptions about the diabetes self-management education (DSME) limitation in...

The Parasympathetic Nervous System and Blood Pressure

The organs of the body, including the heart, stomach and intestines, liver, and kidneys, as well as gland and muscles, are regulated by the autonomic nervous system (ANS), the branch of the peripheral nervous system. The ANS adjusts the functioning of organs according to both external and internal stimuli; it...

Community Assessment: Public Health

A windshield survey is a useful tool for evaluating the situation regarding various societal issues and corresponding trends. It implies systematic observations conducted by professionals from a moving vehicle (“Windshield and walking surveys,” 2019). Their principal objective is to understand the specificities of life in a certain setting for further...

Overview of Aging Concepts and Controversies

Introduction The American society is concerned with the growing population of elderly individuals and how to help them practice successful aging. Moreover, modern society especially the American society views aging as something that should be either denied or concealed. However, according to Moody (2010), society should put in place models...

Elements of Negligence in Healthcare

Introduction To prove one is solely responsible for expenses means that evidence of negligence has to be produced. Any injury suffered does not necessarily entitle filing a personal injury claim. For the claim to win the monetary award, five elements of negligence, including duty, breach, because, in fact, proximate cause,...

Case Study: The Clinical Moral Dilemma

Public morality is one of the most dynamic social constructs that characterize the degree of development of a population. The impermanence and non-conservatism of ethics respond to the lack of unambiguity that exists between the ethical question and the answer (Kruijtbosch et al., 2018). Indeed, decisions to help a poor...

Financial Management and Quality of Healthcare

Introduction Considering the existing healthcare setting, where financial facts play a vital role in corporate decision making, it is important that executives at all ranks comprehend the rudimentary facts of healthcare finance. It is also important for managers to understand how these facts are used to improve the financial position...

Falls in Elderly Patients: Prevention

Introduction A comprehensive literature review helps to build the logic of the research. In addition, it provides an opportunity to evaluate the existing body of knowledge and determine the gaps that exist in it. The purpose of this paper is to review the articles related to the approved change topic....

Male Health Drugs:Overview and Effects

Mechanism of Action There are several pharmacological effects of male drugs that could be discussed. First, androgens promote the normal growth stimulation and the development of primary (male sex organs) and secondary sex characteristics. Besides, male drugs could stimulate RNA at the cellular level and slowdown the decay of amino...

Food Supplements in Preventing Long-Term Illnesses

Introduction The changing lifestyles and the busy schedules that characterize modern societies have led to several challenges. Unhealthy eating habits comprise one of the challenges associated with modern lifestyles. The modern individuals grapple with poor and unhealthy diets as well as busy schedules. In the light of these developments, a...

Asthma in the Modern World

Introduction Some of the materials covered in this course include the respiratory system and its diseases, such as asthma. When I was young, I had a friend called Brian, who always walked with the asthma inhaler. Other children used to make fun of him when he had asthma attacks, and...

Nursing Leadership, Care, and Evidence-Based Practice

Introduction A nurse’s profession is challenging, and those who have chosen it are presented with at least four types of requirements: professional competence, physical endurance, decency, and constant improvement of skills and knowledge. Professional competence is essential for successful work, continuous improvement of skills and expertise provides an opportunity to...

Public Health Initiative on Prostrate Cancer Among Maryland’s Blacks

Abstract Cancer mortalities in the United States of America have been on the decline for the past two and half decades. The trend has been due to the adoption of measures that reduce the risk factor for the development of cancer such as increased, awareness campaigns, screening, testing and advanced...

Occupational Health Safety Management in the USA

Introduction Occupational health and safety (OHS) management systems are employed by several institutions in the United States and globally. Most institutions run their occupational health and safety management systems (OHSMS), while others apply systems that are conventional to existing guidelines. The utilization of management systems may develop performance in the...

No One Has Time for Flu: Visual Media Analysis

No One Has Time for Flu is an advertising campaign aimed at promoting flu vaccination across the United States. It was launched last year in November to address the importance of having a flu shot, especially in terms of the ongoing pandemic, which would reduce the number of medical resources...

The Asymptomatic Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection in Newborn Babies

Cytomegalovirus, also known as CMV, is the leading cause of congenital infection, with morbidity and mortality at birth and sequelae (Lazzarotto, et al., 2011). Each year, approximately 1–7% (Rev Med Virol 2010; 20: 311) of pregnant women acquire a primary CMV infection. Of these, about 30–40% transmit the infection to...

The Healthcare Reform: The Wellness Initiative

The healthcare reform has helped change the focus of the system from orientation on diseases to promoting wellness. Salmond and Echevarria (2017) state that this improvement was achieved through better coordination of care. Hence, different providers share access to information that allows them to mitigate the patient’s unnecessary visits to...

3D Printing and Its Role in Medical Applications

Abstract 3D printing has gained more interest and popularity in the healthcare industry. The improved quality of the application has warranted its use in healthcare. Their scarcity of knowledge on applying knowledge on the application of 3D printing in healthcare The paper focuses on the merits and demerits of the...

Making a Hospice Experience Pleasant

The current situation I intend to impact is making hospice residency and interaction a pleasant experience for all patients and family. Since hospice care involves making a patient near the end of life comfortable, there are various issues that family and caregivers should address to make the process smooth (Center...

Human Dignity in Patients’ Care

Conserving human dignity is amid the outstanding ethical obligations in medical sciences, especially nursing. It is a human right and foundation for health in clinical environments, and this right needs to be acknowledged (Winter & Winter, 2018). Respect for human dignity has been emphasized throughout history by various religions and...

Computerized Clinical Documentation System

Tele-home nursing seems to be beneficial for those patients who do not have an opportunity to get to the hospital, but I, for one, would not consider a tele-home health nurse as my future career. Though the technology use has become extremely beneficial for nursing lately and offered numerous alternative...

Income as a Social Determinant of Health

Introduction Socioeconomic status (SES) affects different aspects of human well-being. However, its impact on health is profound. Many researchers understand this fact and seek to understand the relationship between the two variables. This paper joins this quest by investigating the findings of a documentary titled, In Sickness and in Wealth,...

Negligence and Malpractice in Nursing: The Differences

It is important to emphasize the difference between negligence and malpractice with reference to the specifics of nursing practice. Negligence is associated with acting carelessly, and the consequences of such a behavior can be negative and undesirable for patients. These harmful actions or the absence of actions are usually not...

An Analysis of the Health Conditions of the Patient with Alzheimer’s Disease

Introduction: Mr. M’s Clinical Manifestations The analysis of the health conditions of Mr. M. reveals that he has Alzheimer’s disease. This neurodegenerative disease is incurable and is usually associated with memory loss and decline of cognitive abilities (DeTure and Dickson, 2019). The early stages of Alzheimer’s disease are marked by...

Nursing Staffing Ratio and Patient Safety & Care

Description of Nursing Staffing Ratio The nurse staffing ratio in the health facility emergency department has been a global concern. According to Strachan-Hall (2017), the patient’s safety is directly proportional to the number of nursing staff; the lesser the nurse-to-patient ratio, the higher death instances. In most global states, individual...

Mental Health & Burnout Prevention in Nursing Training

Problem Statement Patients at hospitals mostly interact with nurses and hence share their mood and energy. If nurses are stressed or burnt out, it adversely affects the treated individuals’ situation worsening their mental state and the practical completion of necessary procedures. As a result, the subjects get disengaged in the...

Health Behaviors & Attitudes in Middle-Aged Women

Proposal In the past 200 years, women’s roles and influence on culture have evolved. For centuries they were considered the property of men and after overcoming many challenges, women’s importance in culture is being acknowledged. Across the lifespan, women have various struggles and things to overcome. From child to teenager,...

Dyslexia: Causes and Treatment

Aetiology Dyslexia is a learning disability in children which persists throughout life when not treated at early stages. It hinders one the ability to write, read and speak. It’s a diverse neurological disorder with a complex hereditary and environmental aetiology. Dyslexia is classified in to three subtypes that are, auditory,...

Osteoarthritis as a Topical Issue in Healthcare

In spite of the major improvements introduced by ages of evolution, the human body remains subject to an array of conditions, varying from minor inconveniences to lethal diseases. They attack different systems of the body, disrupting its normal functions and causing pain. Osteoarthritis is a highly widespread condition, which affects...

Evaluating Cultural Awareness in Nursing

There is a number of community resources that may assist in the prevention and treatment of childhood obesity. According to the CDC (2020), the initiatives advocating for healthy diets, such as Salad Bars to Schools, may be employed at the community level to tackle obesity/overweight in school-age children. Schools can...

Public Health Nursing and the Future of Health Care

Public health nursing is the practice of promoting and protecting the health of populations. Identification of a specific disease or condition and how nurses play a role in the preventive care of that disease or condition. Classmate Post #1 The promotion and protection of health fall under the scope of...

Funding Sources for Vatsalya Adult Daycare Center

The Sources of Funding for Vatsalya Adult Daycare Center The Adult Health Care Center requires financial resources to achieve its goals. In most agencies, funding comes from government spending, private spending, and external assistance. The primary source of funding for the Vatsalya Adult Daycare Center is Social Services Block Grants...

Factors Influencing Men Entering the Nursing Profession

The article ‘Factors Influencing Men Entering the Nursing Profession, and Understanding the Challenges Faced by Them: Iranian and Developed Countries’ Perspectives’ by Zamanzadeh, Valizadeh, Negarandeh, Monadi, and Azadi (2013) is a descriptive-based research study that was carried out to determine the factors that influence men to get into the nursing...

Problems of Sitting for Long and Their Solutions

There are diverse reasons why individuals sit for long, such as watching television or working. However, it is essential to understand that sitting for long causes damage to the body. Therefore, people should implement various measures to ensure that they remain healthy and prevent diseases. Muscles are the primary consumers...

Depression: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Introduction Depression is a kind of disorder that causes a lack of interest, anger, and persistent sadness. Clinical depression interferes with human feelings, thinking, and behavior that causes physical and emotional malfunctioning. Depression lowers self-esteem making the victim feel unworthy to live. Its persistence makes treatment difficult; long treatment is...

Common Mental Health Issues

Introduction Mental health includes human beings’ psychological, emotional, and social wellness. It relates to the way people act, think, and feel and assists in determining stress tolerance, decision-making, and relationship with others. Its definition extends to realizing an individual’s abilities, productivity, and contribution to the community. This topic in general...

Geriatric Depression Scale, Clock Drawing Test and Mini-Mental Status Examination

Geriatric Depression Scale Depression is a common condition among geriatric patients. According to Greenberg (2019), around 5 million older adults in the US experience significant morbidity from depression. Thus, it is imperative to screen geriatric patients for depression to avoid associated adverse events. Elizabeth M., a 77-year old female, was...

Skin Cancer Prevention in Australia

Skin cancer, or melanoma, is the abnormal behavior of skin cells that is mainly caused by prolonged exposure of unprotected skin to the ultraviolet rays. UV radiation from both the sun and sunbeds is equally harmful, and the chances to get this disease are based on several risk factors, such...

Communication Modalities in Health Care Facilities

Introduction Technology has contributed to immense improvement in almost all areas including the health care sector. Communication is important in this sector because it provides a platform for interaction between health care providers, patients, and their families. In addition, it ensures patients understand their problems and measures that will be...

Dealing with Obesity as a Societal Concern

This essay shall discuss the health issue of obesity, a social health problem that is, unfortunately, growing at a rapid rate. More people are becoming obese at present due to much easier access to unhealthy foods and less effort to maintain a regular exercise routine for fitness. For example, in...

Change and Conflict Management in Nursing

Introduction Conflict and change are commonly occurring issues in any organization where people interact in the working environment. Nursing is not an exception because a fundamental dependence of the healthcare field on evidence-based practice, research, and policies implies continuous updates and changes. However, the changes as the basis of development...

Ethical Issues While Delivering Health Care Services

The job of any specialist who belongs to the healthcare sector implies a number of ethical issues that might appear while communicating with patients or delivering health care services to them (Seyed, Seyed, & Mohammad Esmaeil, 2013). For this reason, a person should have good conflict resolution skills to be...

Diabetes Mellitus of Type I vs. Type II

Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common diseases and causes of death in the world. Much attention is paid to this disease in the public and healthcare as there are measures for its prevention; however, drawing attention to these measures leads to misconception. Most often, people perceive diabetes as...

Comprehensive Care Plan for Critically Ill Patient

Introduction The patient was admitted with hypotension, hypoxia, and ventilator dependent respiratory failure. Upon initial examination, septic shock was assumed as the diagnosis, which was subsequently confirmed through the failure to maintain the patient’s blood pressure by intravenous fluid administration, which is a sign of resistance to hypotension treatment characteristic...

The US Issue of Funding the World Health Organization

The essay was written to address the United States’ controversy to stop funding the World Health Organization (WHO). The purpose of the writing is fulfilled because the author provides a possible explanation of the current situation, which causes controversy. The essay structure is sensible in terms of intention, but the...

Adolescent Obesity in the United States

At a time when globalization has taken a central position in determining the global cultural affiliations and consumerism patterns, the ability to address adolescents’ health problems is indeed a key to future sustainability strategy. This is due to the vast adolescents’ health-related problems which have a direct bearing on their...

Sensory System Case Study

A definition of neuromodulators and how they work A neuromodulator is a chemical agent that influences the behaviors of neurons or effecter cells by modulating their interaction with neurotransmitters in the central nervous system. There are several types of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin (Bryant & Knights 2011, p....

Governance and Infrastructure in a Small Medical Practice

Background Statement Midtown Neurology has faced significant issues regarding governance and infrastructure management. Initially, the medical practice was founded by a single physician who had over 20 years of experience helping the community members. As the practice grew further, it has changed from a “mom-n-pop” operation to a more significant...

Hand Hygiene in Reducing Transient Flora

Problem Statement The healthcare environment is ironically not the safest of places as may be generally assumed by many people. This is because of numerous reasons but most of which revolve around the high-risk condition of the hospital environment to disease-carrying organisms. As a result, the healthcare environment instead of...

Health Care System and Government

I understand social justice as the fair distribution of resources among the members of society. Stanhope and Lancaster (2020) view social justice as a reasonable allocation of benefits and burdens among individuals. Socialized healthcare is a controversial topic because it ensures universal access to care but eliminates the competition between...

Maternal Stress in Pregnancy: Effects on Fetal Development

Interruption of the mental status of the mother during pregnancy and its effects on the unborn child is today a subject of great concern. Most of the studies that seek to ascertain the relationship between prenatal anxieties and the child’s subsequent growth are often subjected to a lot of criticism...

Nurse Managers Implementing the Lean Management System

The article chosen for this posting is “Nurse managers implementing the lean management system” by Udod, Duchscher, Rotter, McGrath, and Hewitt. The report explores a need in professional, educational, and improvement-oriented management that can be implemented by executive nurses to enhance the quality of healthcare and ensure effective collaboration among...

Spirituality in Health Care: Healing Hospital Components

Introduction The modern society has recently discovered the kind of uniformity that exists between religion and science. Many scholars have written articles about the mainstream science and how it is entrenched in the religion (Chapman & Hutton, 2008). Many scholars say that scientists fail to come up with ideas of...

Determining Benchmarks for Hypertension Reduction

Introduction The purpose of this project is to review the current quality measures for the management of hypertension. The condition is prevalent throughout the United States, which is problematic because it can lead one to develop other cardiovascular diseases. To that end, the author has gathered data regarding the incidence...

Vila Health Nurse Staffing: The St. Anthony Medical Center

Introduction The nursing profession is one of the most crucial parts of healthcare and comprises the largest section of this vocation. Today, there are more than 3 million registered nurses who work in American facilities, and this number is expected to increase by 7% in the next decade (American Association...

Da Vinci Robotic Technology in Healthcare

Medical robotics is a big step in the development of medicine. The Da Vinci Robot is a technological innovation named after the artist and inventor Leonardo da Vinci. The use of this robot-assisted surgical system has become an essential stage in the development of minimally invasive surgery, primarily in cancer...

Salmonellosis: Risk Factors, Transmission, and Prevention

Risk Factors Associated with Salmonella Salmonellosis is a condition related to the gastrointestinal illness that the genus Salmonella causes. Various risk factors are associated with the condition of Salmonella. Mainly, human beings can get infected with the condition by consuming foods contaminated with animals’ feces (Indar-Harrinauth et al., 2001). In...

Acetylcholine Involvement in New Learning Process

Summary Acetylcholine is an acetic acid and choline ester neurotransmitter, which plays a somatic nervous system. This chemical is released into the brain during learning and new memories acquisition, it facilitates NMDA receptors and protein activities involved in connecting brain nerve cells activities. The nicotinic and muscarinic acetylcholine receptors encode...

“Alyssa’s Story: Including Patients and Families in Delivery of Care”: Case Study

Alyssa, a nine-year-old girl, died because of several medical errors performed by the hospital staff, as it was reported by her mother Carole Hemmelgarn and described in the case. Hemmelgarn’s main emphasis is on the fact that patient safety should be a priority for all medical settings. In this particular...

Strategic Planning: Nursing Shortage

Introduction Since the profession’s emergence in the medical field, the notion of nursing has been one of the most challenging aspects for both management and job description outline. According to the researchers, today’s medical paradigm generally struggles to provide nurses with the workforce fundamentals required for beneficial health care (Anupama,...

Magdelis Manual Therapy

Manual Therapy Manual therapy is the application of hand movements to control body tissues to reinstate movement, lessen pain, raise general health or bring relaxation. It also implies a course of procedures recommended by a medical therapist and is aimed at quick restoration of soft tissue or joints as well...

Democratic, Autocratic and Servant Leadership

The essence of democratic leadership can be defined by the three functions it is able to perform. These include the distribution of responsibility among the group, the empowerment of the members, and assistance or guidance of the collective’s decision-making process (Woods, 2020). As such, many members of a group are...

Virtue Ethics: “Wrong Operation Doctor” as an Integrity Case

Integrity as healthcare providers’ adherence to ethical and professional codes plays an important role in medical practice. The situation with a 15-year-old male teenager at Arkansas Children’s Hospital presented an example of the case when the principle of integrity was violated by a surgeon and other healthcare workers. Thus, needed...

Overview of Person-Centered Counseling

Today, many people are faced with personal issues that they may struggle to understand and address without help. As an activity of a client and therapist engaging in a conversation, counseling can be beneficial for the patient and help them understand and resolve their problems. This post will focus on...

Treating Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy

The treatment of people with a systematic condition tends to differ from common therapy. People with such health issues often have a weaker immune system or cannot receive some type of care (or medication). Cancer patients are often vulnerable due to the therapy they receive to address their health issues....

Orem’s Self Care Theory: Review

Introduction According to the provided article, health professionals have had gratifying experience when working with patients suffering from chronic diseases like arterial hypertension (Manzini & Simonetti, 2009). Currently, care for patients with chronic diseases is not well organized. It mainly focuses on medical assistance with no initial participation of nurses....

Ecological Model in Environmental Public Health

Problem and Model The problem of water scarcity has been actively discussed by the public for the last several decades. However, due to the issues that the global climate change has provoked, water scarcity and drought have become a serious problem for some of the states in the US. Changes...

The Impact of Nursing Workplace Culture on Holistic Care Delivery

Nursing care for a patient includes multiple aspects, and in case one of them is missed, it may result in negative consequences for the health state of a client. In the context of present-day developments, it has become a common sight when a patient is delivered all the required care...

Spirituality as a Coping Mechanism for Chronic Illness

Introduction It is universally accepted that healthcare, including management of chronic illness, entails more than physical treatment of the sick. Healthcare relational models indicate that adequate care for the sick involves making sure that all the patient’s lifestyle relationships are taken care of. In other words, such issues as “biological,...

Mobilization Plan in Healthcare Institutions

The Major Stakeholders Affected by the Mobilization Plan The major stakeholders: nursing professionals and leaders organizational management staff and leaders investors Doctors pharmacists Patients Why the hospital is suitable for the mission highly qualified staff reputable healthcare organization experience in the treatment of contagious diseases Short-term medical missions are known...

Evaluating Electronic Disease Surveillance Systems

Introduction The growing interest and significant investment in electronic surveillance systems have fueled the demand for techniques that evaluate their effectiveness accurately. This paper will analyze issues associated with evaluating electronic disease surveillance systems. Besides, it will explain how one would address the interests of multiple constituencies. Moreover, the paper...

Germany, Canada, China, Russia: Health Care Systems

Health Care Issues Germany Germany is known for its universal healthcare system. This fact explains why the country provides insurance cover to its citizens. The system makes it easier for more people to receive quality care. However, the healthcare system is characterized by several problems (Roeder, 2012). For instance, the...

Personality Psychology: Relation to Nursing Home Residents

What is personality psychology? For this presentation, I have decided to talk about personality psychology and describe it specifically in relation to nursing home residents. Therefore, it is first necessary to understand what personality psychology is, what it does, and how popular it is. Personality psychology focuses on understanding normal...

Muscle Strength Assessment for Diagnosing Multiple Sclerosis

Muscle strength assessment is one of the widespread methods to diagnose multiple sclerosis. According to Jørgensen et al. (2017), muscle strength and force development are abnormal in patients with the mentioned disorder. Since the normal neurological condition implies full control over muscle movements, healthy patients do not demonstrate involuntary contractions,...

Simulation in Nursing: A Critical Appraisal

Sanford, P. G. (2010). Simulation in nursing education: A review of the research. The Qualitative Report, 15(4), 1006-1011. The author aimed at reviewing published articles that used both qualitative and quantitative research techniques to assess the use of simulation in nursing education. Specifically, the article concentrated on reviewing papers published...

Community Health Education Campaign in Facebook

Facebook Facebook has become the area for regular and unceasing communication among people all over the world. The platform also allows bringing the members of specific communities closer by creating groups in which the target population may participate. Therefore, Facebook should be viewed as the firsthand option for the New...

Epistemology of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD)

Introduction The Zaire Ebola virus is amongst the most contagious pathogens among the disease-causing hemorrhagic fevers, with reported case fatality rates of approximately 90%. EVD causes severe bleeding complications and multi-organ failure resulting in death. By October 2014, the World Health Organization (WHO) had reported 5335 cases of EVD (probable,...

Bike Safety Promotion: Grant Application

Date: Addresser name: From: Destination: Address: Dear Senator, Please find our enclosed proposal for a grant for the promotion of bicycle safety among children. Any parent, regardless of where they live – in a city or the suburbs, knows how much children love riding their bicycles. This kind of leisure...

Medication Regimen: Helen Evans’ Case

Introduction In order to complete the medication regimen paper, Helen Evans and her medication story were chosen to be analyzed. The patient is female, and her age is 65 years old. The woman has serious problems with her health state, and her medical story contains the following diagnoses: hypertension, diabetes...

Pot for Pain: Medical Marijuana for Veterans

Introduction The question of legalizing marijuana is an urgent issue. The representatives of the US government, both Republicans and Democrats, have already established their positions in regards to removing barriers to scientific research and allowing marijuana to be used by veterans for medical purposes. Due to Republican behaviors and attitudes,...

Nursing Diagnosis at the HOPE Rehabilitation Center

Target Population This program targets women and children from the HOPE rehabilitation centre. A total of 30 women shall be recruited with the help of the rehab’s nurses. The women are aged between 16 and 35 years and they have small children. The targeted women hail from the local Foxford...

Crisis Intervention and Counseling Approaches

Counseling approaches that operate racial, ethnic, and national lines promote a strong multicultural view and approach Counseling approaches to racial, ethnic and national lines (generally referred to as multicultural counseling) define the premise that the same counseling and therapy techniques do not necessarily apply to all clients, owing to the...

State Children’s Health Insurance Program

The State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) is a partnership program between the federal and state governments that provides comprehensive health care coverage to uninsured children from financially-challenged families (Ubokudom, 2012). The program insures children from families whose earnings are insufficient to afford private coverage and too high to qualify...

The Impact That Telehealth Could Have

Telehealth is defined as the transfer of medical information through electronic means to improve the health of the patient. The state allocates millions of dollars for the development of Telehealth to improve medical care for people living in rural areas. Despite the relatively long history of use and rapid technological...

Cardiovascular Disease Etiology and Prevention

Introduction Cardiovascular disease (CVD), also known as a heart disease, is a major cause of morbidity and mortality not only in the United States (Sharathkumer, Soucie, Trawinski, Greist, & Shapiro, 2011), but also in other advanced countries throughout the world (Perk, De Backer, Gohlke, Graham, Reiner, Verschuren & Zannod, 2012)....

Hiring and Keeping Quality Staff

Nurses are a fundamental part of healthcare, and they comprise the largest percentage of health professionals. However, there is a significant shortage of nurses in the United States and other countries. According to Haddad et al. (2020), United States has approximately 3.9 nurses, and an additional 11 million nurses are...

Applying an Evidence-Based Model: Benefits and Pitfalls

Introduction Most health care policies and systems in use by different countries have evidence based approaches incorporated into the procedures. There is a general consensus that is growing about the role of particular health determinants such as healthcare. The last two decades have seen a tremendous amount of change and...