Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Children

Introduction Working with transgender and gender non-conforming (TGN) children and adolescents requires much knowledge and awareness. They may experience severe mental health conditions, lack support from their family, and show suicidal behavior. This paper discusses the issues a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner (PMHNP) should be aware of when interacting...

Improved Transition Procedures After Patient Discharge

Introduction The current research proposal is aimed at investigating the impact of improving the transition procedures following a discharge of a patient from a hospital on the rates of hospital readmissions. Therefore, the purpose of the proposed EBP project is to investigate the impact of an intervention for gathering additional...

Implementation of the IOM in Nursing Report

Introduction The Institute of Medicine (IOM) has cooperated with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) to develop an initiative that will drive the development of the nursing profession (Institute of Medicine, 2011). IOM Future of Nursing Report is the important result of this cooperation that has an impact on the...

Novice Medical Specialists’ Learning and Teaching

Identification of the Problems from Different Roles The possibility of clinical practice is important for novice medical specialists since relevant skills are acquired during this period, and students learn to apply their theoretical knowledge. Nevertheless, the issue of the lack of practical training can become a serious problem for both...

The St. Antony Medical Center: Conceptual Marketing Plan

Executive Summary The St. Antony Medical Center aims to use its labor and delivery unit as a part of the marketing pull strategy. Therefore, while it may not contribute significantly to the overall profit of the organization in a direct manner, it has an impact on the number of patients...

Primary Healthcare Practitioners and Electronic Health Record

Introduction to the Project Several studies have shown the benefits of the use of Electronic Health Records (EHR) for patients’ safety, as well as their ability to improve efficiency in primary care settings (Porterfield, Engelbert, & Coustasse, 2014). Regardless of the positive effects of the implementation of EHR in primary...

Board of Nursing Website, Its Ethics and Legality Aspects

Introduction The Board of Nursing website in the state of Florida contains useful information that the local population can access for free. This resource publishes professional data that medical personnel should read to be aware of new standards and laws. Moreover, regular citizens might find out about different events and...

Heritage Assessment: the Evaluation of Three Families

People having a different cultural heritage tend to have different views on health and health care. The US society is culturally diverse, which creates certain challenges for the provision of the high-quality healthcare services. The healthcare staff should take into account the patient’s (and often their family’s) views on health...

Medical Administration and Its Functions

When people think of hospital staff, they usually think only of physicians, nurses, or other caregivers. These healthcare professionals are a part of the staff needed to manage an organized hospital. However, behind the scenes, there is a hidden and extremely important role in health services delivery — medical administration....

Medication Administration Errors and Patient Safety Risks

Introduction The importance of studying medication administration errors (MAE) has been highlighted by many researchers, as it is recognized that such errors occur across countries and types of medical facilities bringing considerable risks to the safety of patients (Hughes & Blegen, 2008). Much academic effort has been applied to exploring...

Access of Healthcare: Factors Affecting the Access of Care and Barriers

What is access of care? Access of care within healthcare is associated with the availability of medical services, providers and institutions. Therefore, it determines whether patients and communities can use healthcare services when necessary. Access of care is often determined by such factors as “availability, price, and quality of resources,...

Community Health Status: Development, Gender, Genetics

Stage of development, gender and genetics appear to be the chief factors that influence the health status of the community. The selections that a person makes the matter as well, nonetheless, these selections are prejudiced by surroundings, involvements, principles and other various aspects (the determining factors of well-being). Moreover, for...

Pressure Ulcers Prevention: Best Practices

One of the most topical issues of pressure ulcers is to increase the efficiency and methods of their prevention. Pressure ulcers are areas of the skin of degenerative or necrotizing nature resulting from prolonged compression of the shear or displacement between the human and bed surface. Usually, pressure ulcers occur...

Door-To-Balloon Time and Regulatory Requirement

Introduction The aim of this paper is to create a regulatory requirement proposal to reduce door-to-balloon (D2B) time in STEMI patients. It will outline the steps that must be taken to communicate and implement this regulation successfully. Moreover, the paper will provide a basis for ensuring regulatory compliance. It will...

Privacy in New York and Columbia Health Facilities

The present paper considers the case of the New York Presbyterian Hospital (NYP) and Columbia University Medical Center (CU), which involves a major HIPAA Privacy Rule violation. The event is described, and the possible solutions are proposed. It is suggested that the violation was rather complex, which is why multiple...

Mountain View Health Center: Strategic Planning

Based on the activities of Mountain View Health Center, the main stakeholders that would be involved in the strategic planning process are patients, government, healthcare personnel, and insurance companies (Laureate Education, 2013). Stakeholders would be involved in the strategic planning process based on their unique roles. For example, the government’s...

Payment Models in US Healthcare vs Other Industries

The background of health care financing in the United States and the similarities and differences with other types of businesses The cost of health care services is higher in the US than in any other country, which cannot help affecting the whole economic situation. Health care can be paid by...

Healthcare Access for the Uninsured Including Immigrants

Problem The population at Risk for Healthcare Disparity In the USA, the main problem that is experienced by different deprived populations is the lack of insurance that can cover at least a part of health-associated expenses. However, those who have low income cannot afford it, which prevents them from obtaining...

Nursing Education Change and Storytelling Method

The process of change requires the utmost attention and the involvement of effective leadership practices. For the practicum project in question, the most feasible risks lie within the domain of teamwork and cooperation. To minimize the risks associated with it, the persuasive leadership practices are required, with storytelling being the...

Nursing Barriers and Overcoming Strategies

Carrier and Barriers Although the barriers are often the cause of why a nurse decides to continue his or her practice, they can nevertheless complicate the working process and even have an impact on a nurse’s self-esteem and motivation. I have come across different barriers during my practice, but I...

Sustainable Change Program Implementation in Healthcare

Challenges and Barriers Upon implementing positive change in a health care facility and evaluating the outcomes, it is necessary to ensure that the change is sustained, i.e. newly adopted policies or practices are not discontinued. Successful change projects incorporate how change can be sustained as a major consideration included in...

Mental Health and the Affordable Care Act Coverage

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicate that mental disorders and substance abuse problems continue to affect millions of American citizens (Golden & Vail, 2014). Most of the patients affected by these conditions do not have access to quality medical support and psychotherapy. Over 23 million of American...

Community and Public Health Nursing

Introduction Public health nursing refers to a specialized practice in nursing that utilizes interpersonal, organizational, analytical, and technical skills to deal with health challenges that affect society. Nurses liaise with other healthcare staff to offer extensive medical services to families and other groups (Allender, Rector, & Warner, 2014). On the...

Policies Related to Family Presence During Resuscitation

Introduction This paper is aimed to provide a critique of a selected research article that is devoted to a relevant topic in the nursing filed. It is going to reflect on the following sections: 1) the research problem and purpose, 2) the review of the literature, 3) the theoretical framework,...

Nurse Burnout in High-Intensity Settings: Study

The title of the article “Burnout and Resilience Among Nurses Practicing in High-Intensity Settings” by Rushton, Batcheller, Schroeder, and Donohue (2015) reflects the area and the population of the study: nurses working in high-stress environments. In the beginning, author affiliations and contact information are provided, showing that the investigators are...

Sharp HealthCare Medical Centers

Sharp HealthCare is a group of medical institutions and centers. The non-profit organization’s mission is “to improve the health outcomes of every individual served” (Sharp HealthCare, 2016, para. 2). The health leaders at the institution use a wide range of resources to deliver evidence-based medical support. Medical technologies and health...

Communicable Diseases: Empowerment and Management

Strategies for Empowerment Strategies Despite the fact that the Miami-Dade community cannot be characterized by excessively poor economic growth rates or any other factors that affect health literacy of its population, the lack of awareness about some of the current health concerns is drastic in the specified area (Florida Department...

Leadership Dimensions for Graduate Nurses

Introduction Organizing effective leadership is of outstanding importance for any organization. However, in healthcare institutions leaders play a more vital role than anywhere else because people’s lives and well-being depend on these leaders’ decisions. At all levels of the healthcare process, there are leaders who arrange and maintain the highest...

Supraventricular Tachycardia Management: Pharmacologic Management Recommendations

The present case is focused on the treatment of supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) in an adolescent patient. The patient reports chest pain and presents with high blood pressure, elevated heart rate, and left ventricular enlargement with pulmonary engorgement. Pharmacological treatment of the condition is required to manage the condition and relieve...

Outlining a Clinical Decision Support System

Surgical site infections (SSIs) are among the most common causes of postoperative illness. According to Heuer and Kossick (2017), SSIs account for nearly $3.5 to $8 billion per year due to prolonged recovery and up to 11 times longer hospital stay. However, about 60% of all SSI cases are preventable...

Diabetes in African American Patients

Introduction Lately, diabetes became one of the most prevalent health issues in the world. There is an opinion that it happens because of the changing patterns in nutrition and the lack of willingness to engage in physical exercises (Trief et al., 2013). Nonetheless, there may also be a necessity to...

Association of Nurses in AIDS Care and Its Activity

The Function of the Organization, its Mission and Vision ANAC (Association of Nurses in AIDS Care) is one of the leading professional nursing organizations working on the issue of AIDS and HIV (Association of Nurses in AIDS Care [ANAC], 2016). The organization provides its members with valuable information concerning nursing...

Anthem Blue Cross: Breast Cancer Screenings

Introduction Anthem Blue Cross (ABC) is a business enterprise, the primary objective of work for which is providing insurance to its clients. The organization has many branches across the US, with a variety of healthcare programs available to customers. The proposed initiative focuses on offering a new economic opportunity for...

Healthcare Policy, Leadership and Performance

Healthcare Policy Priority I firmly believe that the major priority of any health care specialist should be patient safety. All health care institutions, no matter how well they are equipped and managed, must foster the ongoing improvement of safety policies. Each facility requires different ones that would align with its...

Healthcare Clinic: Cost and Benefit Analysis

Introduction Purchasing new equipment can provide an opportunity for increased profit margins and additional revenue. However, various components have to be considered in the process, including the prices for the installation, operating costs, salaries, and others that help determine whether the investment would provide an anticipated result. This paper aims...

Primary Health Care: Oncology

Mr. M is a patient whose freckles become worse, and he wants to examine a mole on the back of his neck. Along with information provided by the patient, it seems that he will share such additional subjective data as fatigue, continuous sunlight exposure, and, perhaps, a family history of...

Anthem Blue Cross: Healthcare Provider

Introduction Anthem Blue Cross (ABC) is a healthcare provider operating in many fields. The establishment can further improve its economic and community value by providing free of charge screenings for individuals. These procedures are aimed at detecting diseases, usually, before any distinct symptoms appear. Their particular feature is a lack...

CardioMEMS Role in the Pulmonary Pressure Monitoring

Background: Problem, Objectives, and Key Assumptions Addressing the needs of patients with Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) is a challenging task because of the numerous external factors that affect the changes in their health. The specified task becomes especially complicated once patients are introduced to the environment of acute care (AC)....

Screening as a Standard of Women Care

Breast and ovarian cancer in women are ones of the most dangerous illnesses that increase the mortality rates in many countries around the world. The US statistics show that the rates of breast cancer reached the point of about 125 cases per 100,000 people during a year (Euhus et al....

Miami Windshield Survey and Vulnerable Groups

Introduction of Community The city under investigation in Miami, Florida. Its population is both dense and diverse. It comprises several areas but is mainly represented by citizens who live in urban territories. Even though business districts are the most popular ones, there are some immigrant neighborhoods. Upper East Side, in...

Major Healthcare System Assessment

Introduction This paper presents an assessment of Trinity Health, a major American healthcare system that provides its services for elderly people and underserved groups of the population. It addresses the mission of the organization, produces its leadership chart, and discusses its programs and services. The paper also considers the contribution...

Bipolar Disorder, Its Types, Symptoms, Treatments

Introduction Angst (2013) defines bipolar disorder as “a brain condition that results in usual mood, activity, and energy shifts” (p. 2). The disorder (also given the name Manic-Depressive Illness) makes it impossible for the affected patient to perform his or her day-to-day activities. Psychologists believe that bipolar disorder is a...

Kaiser Permanente’s System Implementing

Kaiser Permanente has proposed a system-wide practice change that seeks to fight the current problem of antibiotic resistance. This organization intends to transform the field of healthcare by the year 2025. The outstanding goals are to promote and educate more people about the responsible use of different antibiotics and encourage...

Nursing Leadership and Management Principles

How does leadership fit into providing and coordinating care? The reference to leadership in the field of nursing is important to explain how nurses should provide and coordinate the care in hospitals and clinics. While discussing leadership as a practice of influencing other people’s actions and behaviors, it is possible...

Evidence-Based Practice: Health Needs Supporting

Introduction Registered nurses (RN) should use their skills to develop superior models for diagnosing and treating a wide range of health conditions affecting their patients. The concept of evidence-based practice (EBP) has emerged as a superior theory for improving the performance of clinicians and maximizing patients’ health outcomes. The selected...

Health Information Technology Leadership Ideas

This course involved a thorough consideration of numerous notions that are central to leadership in healthcare information technology (HIT). The book by Snedaker (2016), which offers a comprehensive overview of HIT leadership, has been helpful in the review of these topics. Apart from that, Maxwell’s (2007) book The 21 Irrefutable...

Mortality and Morbidity Rates in Miami, Florida

Mortality and Morbidity Rates Apart from the continuous development of the medical sphere and technology, mortality and mortality rates for some illnesses and diseases remain high, and in the context of this paper, a situation in Miami, Florida, will be discussed. In the first place, it is vital to focus...

Reducing Burnout in Nurse Practitioners

Abstract The paper presents the study proposed for submission to the Journal for Nurse Practitioners; the proposed study is devoted to the ways to measure and reduce burnout in nurse practitioners. Different sections of the paper present the research problem, the questions, research methods, and the possible practical application of...

Fall Prevention Program in Home Health

Introduction Falls in-home care is one of the major causes of further complications, especially in older adults. By the very definition, home care implies that nurses and family caregivers provide assisting services to patients. The daily tasks that require help are composed of transfers from a bed to a wheelchair...

Nursing Professionalism and Innovations

General Plan In the modern realm of the globalized environment, a nurse must focus on meeting the needs of an extremely diverse population. Therefore, a consistent acquisition of new skills and information about the needs of people belonging to specific cultures will be a necessity. Furthermore, unceasing improvement of nursing...

Kaiser Permanente’s Initiative: Antimicrobial Practices

Description of Needed Change The system-wide practice change initiative proposed by Kaiser Permanente is a large-scale fight against germ antibiotic resistance. This is in accordance with the healthcare organization’s goals by 2025, which include responsible use of antibiotics and purchase of products and materials that are environmentally friendly (“Kaiser Permanente”,...

Diverse Leadership Model in Nursing

Introduction In the environment of the contemporary global community, the use of a diverse leadership model (DLM) is especially important for nurses since it supports the idea of multiculturalism, provides additional opportunities for resource allocation, and promotes innovative thinking (Komives & Wagner, 2016). Therefore, to ensure the successful management of...

Combining Nurse Leader with Advocacy

Introduction The Nurse Manager Skills Inventory is a useful assessment form that helps nurses understand their strengths and areas for improvement. The division of practices and qualities of a nurse provides a clear overview of skills that a nurse needs to acquire or reflect upon. Personal and Professional Accountability The...

Pramlintide as Anti-Diabetic Drug

There are many drugs that can be prescribed to diabetic patients. Symlin, also known by its generic name as pramlintide, is one of the best and well-known analogs of the peptide hormone amylin (Jorsal, Rungby, Knop, & Vilsbøll, 2016). This characteristic makes pramlintide an effective drug for treating patients who...

Managing Diversity: Culturally-Competent Nursing Care

Five Areas that Can Affect Nursing Care The person interviewed during the earlier exercise was from the Hispanic community. Competent nurses should be able to provide adequate care and support to patients from this American racial group (Ohana & Mash, 2015). However, some barriers or areas have the potential to...

Diabetes Mellitus II: Screening and Statistics

Diabetes is a health problem that bothers many people around the whole world despite their race, gender, and age. The peculiar feature of this disease is that it cannot be treated. Therefore, people should try to do everything possible to learn about the potential risk factors and screen for type...

RFID Systems in Healthcare

Abstract The RFID expertise is an upcoming concept, although it has been in operation since the 1940s. In the recent past, healthcare facilities have invested huge resources to examine and expand the phenomenon with the view of adapting it to meet the rising patients and medical practitioners’ demands that include...

Guidelines for Nursing Practice: The Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing

The Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing are guidelines that give directions to the nursing practice. Following them allows nurses to successfully prepare for flexible leadership, teamwork, critical action, adaptation to changing conditions, and delivery of high-quality care in various settings and roles (Borkowski, 2015). Nurse practitioners who manage to...

Mild Depression: Psychotherapy or Pharmacotherapy

Introduction The New Horizons Community Mental Health Center serves the diverse population of Miami, FL, which predominantly includes Hispanic, White American, African American, and Haitian clients. Patients with depression constitute a large part of the population that the Center serves, but the Center’s health providers have been reporting issues in...

Patient’s Health Assessment and Nursing Education

Based on the available client information, a nurse can gather important data on her lifestyle, nutrition, smoking and drug intake habits, and psychological condition. Namely, it is possible to note that the patient leads unhealthy lifestyle, since she eats once a day, smokes, uses street drugs, and rummages through trash....

Type 2 Diabetes: Possible Interventions and Prevention

The last several decades could be characterized by the increased importance of dietary habits and the impact they have on the state of a person health. The fact is that the tendency towards the deterioration of the quality of products triggered by the alterations in the environment and numerous food...

Patient Support and Assistance Groups

Introduction To determine the correct diagnosis, additional information from the patient can concern any food intolerance that she might have or has experienced. The nurse should also ask the patient whether she has endocrine disorders, takes laxatives, magnesium-based antacids, or whether she has ever been diagnosed with GI disorders (such...

Implementing Electronic Health Records in Hospitals

Introduction In the article by Boonstra, Versluis, and Vos (2014), the focus was to determine the current issues in the implementation of electronic health records (EHR) in hospitals. In the past, hospitals relied on physical files to store patients’ data. Using this traditional method, it was time consuming and tedious...

Issue of the Policy Priority in Nursing

Unfortunately, there is a plethora of issues related to nursing staffing in many hospitals in the state of Florida at the present moment. People who work at medical institutions are concerned about their job safety due to various dangers that their workplaces present to the health of personnel. The policy-priority...

The Advocacy Model in the Diseases Problem Addressing

Addressing the problem of communicable diseases (CD) within a community requires the use of an efficient leadership technique that allows for a fast dissemination of data among community members and the promotion of a rapid behavior change. Because of the ubiquitous nature of CD, it is critical to build awareness...

Acute Pancreatitis as a Life-Threatening Disease

Disease Overview acute pancreatitis – a severe inflammation of the pancreas; alcohol abuse, gall stones, infection, injury; the leak of enzymes; steady and severe pain, often felt as back pain; nausea, running temperature, rapid heart; gene mutations (hereditary). Acute pancreatitis is a severe inflammation of the patient’s pancreas caused by...

Childhood Obesity Study, Ethics, and Human Rights

Key Ethical Considerations Conducting a study in the environment where key participants are underage implies managing a range of ethical issues, the problem of informed consent being the key one. Since none of the people to participate in the study will be eligible for signing informed consent, it will be...

Advanced Practice Nursing and Nursing Informatics: The Evolution of Nursing

Introduction The field of nursing has evolved within the past three decades to meet the changing health needs of more underserved populations. Numerous studies and scientific inquiries have been done to present evidence-based concepts that can improve healthcare delivery (Darvish, Bahramnezhad, Keyhanian, & Navidhamidi, 2014). This process of evolution has...

Suboxone Treatment for Opioid Addiction in Adult Clients

Introduction and Learning Objectives Opioid use disorder can be defined as “a problematic pattern of substance use that leads to clinically significant impairment in different areas” (Soyka, 2015). It is usually caused by either physiological dependence or psychological addiction to the substance (Lusk & Stipp, 2018). It has the following...

Essential Thrombocytosis Pathophysiology and Care

Essential thrombocytosis (ET) is an uncommon blood disease, which occurs due to the excess production of platelets. The condition increases the risk of having blood clots. This chronic disease has no known cure currently, and thus drugs are only taken to relieve symptoms. Clinical Presentation In most cases, ET does...

Healthcare Delivery: Patients Outcomes

Practitioners and healthcare professionals should always strive to maximize the outcomes of their patients. However, some gaps and challenges might emerge in a clinical setting, thereby affecting the nature and quality of available care. This self-reflection paper examines a specific event that occurred in a healthcare delivery setting and the...

Advanced Practice Nurse’s Care and Responsibility

Advanced Nursing Practice Role The targeted advanced role is that of a nurse practitioner (NP). A nurse practitioner is also given the title Advance Practice Nurse (APN). This advanced role must be completed by a nurse who has the relevant skills, expertise, and competencies for effective practice. The practitioner should...

Assessment Techniques and Benefit Patients

Evaluation of the Patient’s Head The first part of the assessment is the evaluation of the patient’s head. Initially, it is recommended to start with inspecting the size of the patient’s head. After that, the emphasis should be put on the temporal artery. The assessment of this area may help...

The American Association of Health Disability

Introduction People with developmental disabilities require constant and timely medical, emotional, and psychological support to achieve their full potential. The affected individuals face numerous challenges that can make it impossible to lead high-quality lives. Those taking care of them will also have to sacrifice their time and resources. Fortunately, several...

Postpartum Bipolar Disorder and Depression

Important Elements The case presents some very important elements in the description of the patient’s condition. The first is an obvious feeling of sadness and anger, both of which are common for depressive disorders. The lack of sleep over a long period of time is another usual symptom that has...

Stress Control Measures to Prevent Nursing Burnout

Nursing fatigue is a serious problem that threatens patient safety as the former cannot provide adequate health care services while they lack job satisfaction. The recent studies by Bragard, Dupuis, and Fleet (2015) and Estryn-Behar, Van der Heijden and the NEXT Study Group (2012) indicate the importance of implementing stress...

Syrian Children’s Injuries and Nursing Care

Introduction Increasing good global health outcomes requires stakeholders to eliminate all circumstances that expose the global population to health risks. In 2000, although the UN member states ratified the millennium development goals (MDGs) for ensuring that such risks are reduced, some emerging new challenges were not considered. The summit established...

Community Health Assessment: Obtaining Data

Type of Data A community health assessment can be conducted using different types of data. Primary data is needed to obtain first-hand information that is not biased by the perception of other people. It can be gathered with the help of observations and interviews. Secondary data can be advantageous as...

Hand-Washing Initiative Institutionalization: Reduction of Hospital-Acquired Infections

Overview I attended a change management training program entitled ‘Instituting a Hand-Washing Initiative: Increasing Compliance and Decreasing Infection Rate’ organized by a local community-based healthcare center in the month of March. The program targeted the healthcare providers, especially the on-site nurses and the general community healthcare mobilization team. Specifically, the...

Preterm Birth Risk Factors in Diverse Adolescents

The article developed by Thomazini, Wysocki, da Cunha, da Silva, and Ruiz (2016) is “Risk Factors Related to Premature Labor in Pregnant Adolescents: An Integrative Literature Review.” The title of this work provides an opportunity to understand both the area of the study and the targeted group. It is clear...

Antiseizure Medications and Antipsychotic Drugs

Seizures: Pathophysiology and Best Approaches. Drugs Implemented in Treatment A seizure (also known as an epileptic fit) is a clinical manifestation of a brain abnormality that comes from its excessive electrical activity typical of diseases that bear the collective name of epilepsy. Outwardly, they may manifest themselves in the form...

Hypertension: Main Elements and Treatment Methodology

Introduction The issue of hypertension is rather important within the framework of nursing practice because the patients will hypertension represents one of the most vulnerable populations (Dasgupta et al., 2014). Therefore, there is a need to investigate this issue as soon as possible so as to gain access to the...

Heart Disease Prevention and Patient Teaching Plan

Introduction Heart disease is a very dangerous condition for any patient. While the name implies it is a single condition, in fact, it encompasses a multitude of blood vessel diseases, heart rhythm problems, and others. Smoking can be one of the core risk factors that lead to the development of...

Marijuana Legalization: Adverse Health Effects

Abstract Legalization of recreational marijuana consumption has garnered much support in recent years as the movement spread across several states in the US. Countering this movement is frequently perceived as conservative and old-fashioned; however, it is important not to lose sight of the medical evidence that suggests that further impact...

Geriatric Nursing Practitioner and Informaticist

In this paper, the core competencies of a nursing practitioner (adult-gerontology NP) and a nurse informaticist will be compared and contrasted. Competencies: Similarities and Differences Depending on the competencies model, nursing informaticists can have different core competencies, but they frequently consist of these three parts: basic computer competencies, information literacy,...

Current Health Problem in the United States

Problem Statement Catheter-associated urinary tract infection (UTI) is among the common consequences of urinary catheter application in conditions of healthcare facilities all over the world. It is a proven fact that almost 70% of catheter-associated UTIs can be avoided or prevented (Saint et al., 2016). Thus, the researchers agree that...

The Problem of Nursing Stress

Introduction Nurse shortage has been documented as one of the factors that lead to increased medication errors and the inability to provide quality care to patients due to its capacity to generate burnout and stress among nursing professionals (Wittenberg-Lyles, Goldsmith, & Reno, 2014). As such, there is a need to...

Quality Improvement Initiative in Health Care

Introduction Continuous quality improvement is vital in health care due to the profession’s nature. I have decided to evaluate interventional radiology and its areas that can be improved. Quality improvement in the area primarily focuses on removal of waste, delays, errors, and unnecessary costs. In this essay, I will review...

Mindfulness-Based Music Therapy & Chemotherapy

Introduction Cancer is a dangerous affliction that remains one of the primary causes of human mortality, along with heart and lung diseases (WHO, 2017). Out of all available methods of treatment, chemotherapy remains the most reliable way of counteracting cancer in the early stages of the disease, sporting the highest...

Childhood Obesity, Demographics and Environment

Topic Description Modern society is experiencing an increasing prevalence of childhood obesity. Many medical professionals and organizations agree that it has become an epidemic. Obesity at an early age causes a variety of health complications and has a long-term impact including serious illnesses or premature death. Up to date, interventions...

Pain Management Following Surgery

It is observed that over 230 million patients undergo surgical procedures every year globally, and this number is expected to increase (Pogatzki-Zahn, Segelcke, & Schug, 2017). Surgery is generally responsible for postoperative pain, which should be mitigated immediately and effectively to minimize suffering, improve healing processes, patient satisfaction and to...

Florida Health Policy and Advanced Nursing Practice

Introduction The shortage of the nursing staff is becoming more apparent with the growing population of aging people. Continuous cuts of state budgets and, as a result, hospitals’ budgets, makes people unable to access high-quality healthcare, especially when it comes to rural areas. The increased scope of nursing responsibilities is...

Cancer Care, Diagnostics and Complications

Introduction Cancer is “a health condition characterized by abnormal growth and enlargement of different body cells” (Bohkenkamp, LeBaron, & Yoder, 2007, p. 1). The condition is also known as malignancy. Oeffinger and Hudson (2004) believe that there are hundreds of malignancies affecting humankind today. The common types include prostate, skin,...

HIV/AIDS as an Epidemiological Problem in the US

Many people in different parts of the United States are affected by the problem of HIV/AIDS. This condition has been observed to catalyze numerous implications such as reduced productivity and social problems. The condition is also known to affect every age group, gender, and community. However, some groups such as...

Nursing Professionalism Promotion Mechanisms

Introduction Effective Approaches in Leadership and Management Magnet status has become a popular concept in the American healthcare sector. Bormann and Abrahamson (2014) acknowledge that magnet designation should not be treated as a prize by healthcare institutions. Notably, the recognition credential focuses on excellence and effectiveness in the delivery of...

Policy in Nursing and Healthcare

Nurses as Activists Today, many people are involved in the discussions about the roles of nurses and their consideration as activists, who are able to improve modern health care and contribute the solution of nursing challenges that may occur at local, national and even global levels. Taking into consideration the...

Health Technologies in Healthcare Policy

Public Policy The selected public policy for this discussion is the use of health technologies in healthcare. Medical technologies and informatics are currently impacting the quality of medical care available to more patients. As an Intensive Care Nurse working in a cardiology department, modern technologies have impacted my practice positively....

Women’s Healthcare: Breast Cancer Prevention & Treatment

Breast cancer is considered to be the second most common type of cancer in the US women. According to the National Cancer Institute (2018), most women diagnosed with this disease are over 50, but younger women can also have it. Signs of breast cancer include a lump or thickening in...

Clinical Epidemiology and Its Importance

Epidemiology deals with the determinants of health among the population. Today, clinical epidemiology is defined as the science where predictions about patients and their diseases are made through the analysis of clinical events and group studies (Fletcher, Fletcher, & Fletcher, 2012). The relationship between clinical medicine and epidemiology is based...

Indian Creek Foundation: Leadership Theory and Process

Leadership Theory and Process Social work often brings the responsibility of leadership in order to resolve issues and find competent solutions. In the Capstone Project, a non-profit organization was examined. The Indian Creek Foundation supports people with mental disabilities. The main issue is that the organization is operating on a...

Early Elective Delivery as American Nursing Issue

Introduction Early elective delivery (EED) is a major nursing problem in the United States. The study shows that at least 160,000 of nativities covered by Medicaid are elective deliveries (Bodner, Wierrani, Grunberger, & Bodner-Adler, 2013). Such deliveries pose an immense danger to mothers and children. Besides, the government incurs a...

Nurse Leader’s Responsibility for Social Media Posts

The Legal and Ethical Issues of Social Media Social media have become a big part of our everyday life. We use them for entertainment, sharing emotions, news, pictures, events, and other purposes. However, active engagement and self-disclosure in social media raise a lot of privacy issues. Although there is a...

New Ways of Patient Care

Introduction The pursuit of excellence is the natural direction of the progressive movement, and the healthcare industry is not an exception. The possibilities of many modern medical facilities are in many ways superior to those that were relevant several years ago. Accordingly, it can be assumed that in a few...

Nursing Professional Development: Nursing Education, Practice, and Leadership

Nowadays, the representatives of the nursing profession start playing more and more important roles in the American health care system. There exist a variety of reasons for that; for instance, nurses are cheaper to prepare than physicians, and deep theoretical knowledge that doctors attain is often not required for the...

Clinical Nurse’s Professional Capstone and Practicum

Approaches to Clinical Practice During the Professional Capstone and Practicum course, I received new knowledge and skills regarding my future profession and learned how to integrate them into practice. I discovered new practice approaches such as transformational leadership and evidence-based management. The combination of the mentioned approaches leads to the...

Homogeneity of Medication History Records

Introduction The primary goal of the research was to answer two questions: What are the most effective strategies for the reduction of medication errors during the medication reconciliation process? Which health care professionals contribute the most to the homogeneity of medication history records? Demographics of the Sample Population The sample...

Personal Leadership Analysis in the Healthcare Industry

Introduction Healthcare organizations require leaders that combine knowledge of approaches and practices that contribute to improving people’s health and managerial competencies that contribute to the growth and continuous improvement of an establishment. Additionally, it is crucial to understand that the external environment of the industry evolves, requiring alterations in approaches...

Bedtime Insulin Supplementation and Effects

Research Article The research article selected describes a quantitative study performed to assess the effect of bedtime insulin administration as a supplement in the glycemic management of hospitalized patients (Vellanki et al., 2015). The quantitative approach is appropriate in examining the corrective benefit of insulin administration at bedtime in hospitalized...

The Future of the Nursing Workforce

Introduction Retaining an adequate number of medical employees and assuring their professional growth is crucial for the U.S. healthcare system. According to HRSA (2014), the country should experience a demand for qualified nursing personnel due to the shift towards the preventative care model and management of one’s health condition. In...

Coaching Employees in American Nursing Homes

This paper outlines the processes I would follow as a nurse coach of a colleague, Nancy Anderson, who works as a nurse in Orchard Health Care – a nursing home in Alabama. She has been having a difficult time striking a balance between her personal and professional duties. This challenge...

The Nursing Process to Deliver Culturally Competent Care

Introduction In contemporary society, the delivery of the health care process that is culturally competent has become essential. Cultural competence entails the attitudes and behaviors held by nurses that enable them to communicate effectively with patients from different cultural backgrounds. It involves the delivery of health care that befits the...

Healthcare Workforce and Human Resource Management

Human resource management is an essential part of the healthcare industry due to the increased demand for qualified medical professionals. The case study of the CEO’s report of General City Hospital demonstrates important shifts and obstacles of the current healthcare system. CEO’s statement was mainly focused on describing relevant key...

The Problem of Violent Behaviors in Patients

Introduction Ineffective management of life stressors and the incapability of handling aggression represent a complex problem that requires a profound analysis and a well-developed strategy for a behavioral change. Aggressive outbursts toward other patients or staff members because of life stressors’ impact are a common issue in numerous psychiatric settings...

Mental Health Needs of Patients with Comorbidities

Patients with Medical Comorbidities The observation of the mental health needs of patients with comorbidities has shown the necessity of proper attention that needs to be paid to this population’s care. A lot of research has been conducted to investigate the relations between physical health issues and mental conditions (Alamri,...

Nursing Evidence-Based Practice and Knowledge Translation

Introduction Clinical settings are in continuous search for tools and methods aimed to improve the quality of care and reach better patient outcomes. Evidence-based practice (EBP) of nursing is one of such instruments. EBP is commonly defined as “the integration of clinical expertise, patient values, and the best research evidence...

Infection Control in Nursing Homes

Introduction Infections may be transmitted in many settings, and this process is often difficult to control and prevent. Although researchers attempt to find new treatment and preventive measures, the results are not always promising as hospital-acquired infections are still associated with a high level of patient morbidity and mortality. Moreover,...

Primary and Team Nursing Care Models

Introduction There are several nursing care models in medical practice. The leaders of nursing teams must evaluate the best method to be implemented in their settings and educate their auxiliaries by the standards of the chosen option. Primary nursing is one of the oldest and the most reliable techniques as...

Syphilis: Prevalence, Incidence, Causes, Symptoms

Introduction Despite numerous attempts to protect society against sexually transmitted diseases by educating, counseling, and offering specially developed devices like condoms, millions of people admit that they have already faced or are currently having some problems. This type of disease is usually passed from one person to another during intimate...

Type 2 Diabetes, Risk Factors, Medical Intervention

Patient A.R. belonged to a high-risk group for type 2 diabetes. A.R. became the focal point for this study. It is imperative to interview to forewarn A.R. of the possible debilitating impact of type 2 diabetes. The said ailment is technically defined as a “heterogeneous collection of hyperglycemic syndromes phenotypically...

Moreno Medical Center from Patient’s Perspective

Selected Incident Careful monitoring of patients’ condition is an integral task of medical staff. At the same time, nurses must monitor specific cases and provide appropriate care. The tasks of the management of medical institutions are to control the junior medical personnel’s activities and to prevent potential mistakes in work....

Health Insurance: Prisoner’s Dilemma

Total Administrative Costs and Cost of Medical Care per Prisoner According to the following list of overheard items (Table 1), the administrative costs for the Department of Prison Health are $4,420,300. Table 1. Total Administrative Costs. Administrative Items Administrative Costs in Dollars ($) Correctional staff positions 620,300 Correctional office equipment...

American Association of Nurse Practitioners and Credentialing Center

AANP or ANCC? Both the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) provide an opportunity to pass the national certification examination. Reviewing the official websites of the mentioned bodies, one may note that they indicate the key aspects regarding the process of certification, costs,...

Bipolar Disorder or Manic Depression

Abstract Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that is characterized by unusual mood changes that shift from manic to depressive extremes. People with the illness experience periods of mania and depression. Depressive episodes involve feelings of lethargy while manic episodes involve hyperactivity and intense feelings of happiness. Symptoms depend on...

Chronic Illnesses and Nursing Interventions

A substantial proportion of the American population suffers from the impact of chronic illnesses (Mauk, 2013). Effects of such diseases tend to exacerbate as a person ages and can result in a wide range of problems in various spheres of life of older people. A family of a person of...

Evidence-Based Practice: Systematic Implementation

Introduction Research is a complex and multi-phased process that can utilize various methods and approaches. Qualitative studies are known to apply an emergent design that can vary depending on researcher reflections on the collected knowledge and data. Polit and Beck (2015) specify that qualitative studies are based on a wide...

The National Institutes of Health: Talent Development

Talent management is discussed by researchers and managers as a process of identifying, developing, and retaining employees who have the unique potential and whose development can contribute to the improvement of the company’s performance (Cappelli, 2008). The National Institutes of Health is the agency of the Department of Health and...

Tuberculosis Education in Mumbai, India

Nowadays, there are many established organizations that hold the promotion of healthy living as their main goal. Each country tries to investigate different aspects of human life and understand what improvements can be offered at a given moment. The United Nations Association of Greater Philadelphia (n.d.) aims to advance the...

Healthcare Information Technology Plan and Structure

How does a healthcare company’s IT area ensure that its information technology plan is aligned to the strategic plan and activities of the organization? Healthcare company’s IT area is the foundation of the transition to conducting personalized statistical reporting in the health care sector. IT solutions allow conducting a personalized...

North Korea: High Mortality Rates

North Korea, or the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, it is officially called, one of the most controversial states in modern society. Despite presenting itself as a completely self-sufficient socialist state, it has been declared a totalitarian dictatorship, built around the all-pervasive cult of personality of the ruling Kim family....

Health Issues Affecting Latinos and African Americans

Introduction Communities all over the world are affected by different health issues and diseases due to a number of factors, including community and family stressors, prevailing socioeconomic factors, and existing community resources. These factors are known to lead to health inequalities that directly impact the lives of community members in...

Data Collection: Ulcerative Colitis

PICOT Question What are the improvements observed in patients suffering from ulcerative colitis after six weeks under the care of nurses as primary caregivers compared to when they manage the condition alone? Research Method The research question that the paper will adopt is qualitative. The qualitative design enables researchers to...

Developmental Care for Type 1 Diabetes

Chronic illnesses are common health challenges because they occur throughout an individual’s life (Kralik, Paterson, & Coates, 2010). The improvements in the quality of healthcare have seen many children who would have otherwise succumbed to chronic illnesses grow into adulthood (Kralik & Van Loon, 2009). Therefore, there is a need...

Fraud and Abuse in Health Care

Introduction The relevant article carries out a detailed examination of healthcare fraud and abuse. According to the author’s consideration, fraud is defined as an intentional and willful act of deceiving, closely connected with the misrepresentation of medical services. The word “abuse” is also widely used in this context, but unlike...

Domestic or Intimate Partner Violence Intervention

Dynamics of Partner Violence: Psychosocial and Cultural Intimate partner violence (IPV) is the imparting of harm in relationships, often through physical force or psychological abuse, which may range from gaslighting and emotional manipulation to bodily harm. From childhood to late adulthood, many factors affect the likelihood of people to resort...

Human Papillomavirus: Racial and Ethnic Differences

Introduction The article by Joseph et al. (2014) investigates racial and ethnic disparities in human papillomavirus knowledge, attitudes, and vaccination rates among low-income African-American, Haitian, Latina, and Caucasian young adult women. The research problem of this study is “to examine how the knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs related to HPV disease...

Healthcare Organizations Financial Management

The functioning of any healthcare organization presupposes diverse financial challenges that might deteriorate outcomes and result in the significant decrease in the efficiency of health workers or provided services. Under these conditions, budget planning and accounting become critical activities that should be given much attention to consider all aspects of...

Patient Threats of Medical and Nursing Errors

Patient safety remains one of the top priorities in the field of healthcare. Despite significant improvements made in the field in recent years, the number of adverse patient outcomes associated with medical and nursing errors remains at an unacceptably high level by the modern standards. The following paper provides an...

Nursing and Patient Delivery Models

Presentation Background Today, there are numerous appeals related to the functioning of the health care sector and its future. The fact is that, very often, health workers are not able to deliver the needed care and meet patients diverse needs. For this reason, the U.S. health passes through a radical...

Clostridium Difficile: Adverse Effects and Prevention

Abstract The present paper is a fact sheet devoted to Clostridium difficile infection that belongs to the number of common intestinal infections. In the paper, the following questions are considered: key information related to the infection, the range of symptoms and lethality associated with it, specific groups that are more...

Heritage Assessment of Three Families

Introduction In this paper, we will look at three families that I have selected and evaluate their heritages via the Heritage Assessment Tool. We will also discuss the usefulness of applying the said tool to evaluate the needs of families and develop plans for health maintenance, health protection, and health...

Values and Beliefs About Care

Consider Your Values and Beliefs About Nursing, Clients, Health, and Environment It is crucial to comprehend one of the main objectives of nursing, which is assisting patients in their effort to achieve wellness. Recognizing the impact of the patient’s surroundings on this endeavor and, therefore, the influence of possible existing...

Transgender Patients and Health Care Challenges

Limited Access to Health Care One of the challenges encountered by transgender patients refers to the lack of adequate access to healthcare services. As noted by Cruz (2014), they have to face stigma while assessing the primary care that is expressed in diagnosing and using the medical language. Based on...

The Competence of a Nurse to Quality Improvement

Introduction Nurse practitioners (NPs) must use their competencies to develop superior care delivery models and offer evidence-based, timely, safe, and equitable health services to their patients. They should go further to identify, innovate, and develop powerful procedures that can contribute to continuous quality improvement (QI) initiatives. This paper synthesizes and...

Patient Good Nutrition as a Healthcare Policy

Nutrition safety is an integral part of the overall system of quality control in health care. Alongside with other safety regulations, this issue should be of primary concern when it comes to policymaking. Negative consequences of the neglected nutrition safety result from an underestimation of its impact not only as...

Addressing the Growing Cost of the Prescription Drugs

Introduction: Increasingly High Prices for Prescription Drugs as the Reason for Concern Creating the environment in which patients are provided with access to high-quality healthcare services is crucial to the improvement of the quality of people’s lives. In Florida, however, the opportunities for people to use the available healthcare options...

AIDS, Hepatitis A, Influenza A in Miami, Florida

AIDS Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a slowly progressing disease, which occurs as a result of the human immune system’s damage made by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). HIV pandemic continues for more than 30 years worldwide. It was identified in 1984 after the discovery of human retroviruses. In...

Healthcare Policy and Pfizer’s Nigeria Scandal

Interview: Health Care Policy Development The interviewee targeted for this exercise was an administrator in a healthcare organization. The respondent indicated that the culturally diverse needs of different beneficiaries are met by involving them throughout the policy development process. Studies are done to identify the cultural differences and issues that...

Family-Oriented and Focused Care in Pediatrics

Differences between family-oriented and family-focused nursing care Family-oriented care directly relates to the concept of family pediatrics, the main purpose of which is extending the responsibilities of a pediatrician to a variety of areas. The responsibilities may include screening and assessment, as well as the further referral of the child...

Documenting a Comprehensive Examination of Patients

Introduction One of the most important steps in assessing a patient is the interview, during which a care provider documents symptoms, family medical history, and other relevant data. Documenting appropriately and accurately means that a care provider should write down the details that are relevant to the assessment without changing...

Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Treatment and Management

Introduction Insulin-dependent diabetes (also called type 1 diabetes mellitus) has remained a major health challenge affecting many people in every corner of the world (Handelsman et al. 13). The chronic disease is defined as a condition whereby the pancreas produces very little (or no) insulin. Atkinson defines “insulin” is a...