Biomedical Ethics: Saving Life vs. Christian Narrative

Introduction Matters of ethics are crucial to human living. They regulate the standard of practice and service delivery in all sectors. Without putting strict ethical standards, rogue service providers might easily exploit their unsuspecting clients. Therefore, it is, imperative for these codes and standards to be enforced and adhered to...

Kendall Regional Medical Center: Dissemination Plan

The aim of the dissemination is to promote the uptake of the project findings for improved prevention of respiratory complications related to conscious sedation at KRMC. The message will center on pre-, intra-, and post-procedure guidelines, staff education, institutionalization of technology, and evidence-based practice (Sanborn et al., 2015). Target Audience...

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Substance Use

Introduction The article “Posttraumatic stress disorder and co-occurring substance use disorders: Advances in assessment and treatment” was composed by a group of researchers in 2012, September 1. The authors are McCauley, Killeen, Gros, Brady, and Back (2012). Notably, it is a peer-reviewed article; therefore, it comes from a scholarly journal,...

Health Information Literacy Among Irish Adults

Description: Characteristics of a Quantitative Study Locating an entirely quantitative study is a rather challenging task. As a rule, nursing research tends to embrace a range of issues. As a result, a strong necessity to consider a specific problem from several points of view, including a quantitative and a qualitative...

Nurse Leader/Executive’s General Responsibilities

1. Nurse Leader/Executive: General Responsibilities Helps carry out the healthcare facility’s mission; Communicates with teams and encourages change; Provides educational courses for nurses; Participates in developing and integrating policies; Helps the staff to provide high-quality care. Note: Nurse executives/leaders are responsible for managing and administering patient care services by planning...

Cuban, Russian, Japanese Families’ Heritage Assessment

Introduction Health beliefs and perceptions are present in every culture. They shape the attitudes toward health and views of illness, as well as the causes that lead to the decrease of health and the occurrence of disease. Such beliefs tend to differ from one culture to another. The purpose of...

Door-to-Balloon Time Reduction: Project Barriers

A concept map is a graphical tool for the organization and presentation of information, which helps to present the relationship between the event and different factors and to display the interaction of several elements vividly (Anderson, Day, & Vandenberg, 2011). In this paper, the concept map reflects the factors that...

Acceptability of Euthanasia: Moral and Humanistic Views

Introduction Euthanasia is one of the most disputable questions of the modern age which are given great attention in terms of the increased importance of humanistic values and reconsideration of the value of human life. There are vigorous debates related to the possibility of the usage of the given procedure...

Chronic Patient Education Intervention and Treatment

Clinical Question The clinical question can be explicitly stated with the help of PICOT format. Thus, for this research, PICOT will be stated as follows: “In elderly patients with chronic diseases (P), does patient education intervention in addition to medication treatments (I), compared with only medication treatments (C), increase their...

Nursing and Medicine in South Africa

Introduction: South Africa South Africa, a country that officially bears the name of the Republic of South Africa, has one of the largest economies among the countries on the African continent. However, despite this, the country is still stricken by numerous problems such as poverty, unemployment, disease, and extremely high...

Fall Risk Prevention in Health Care

The fall risk prevention has always been an ongoing issue for the health care sector. There are numerous facts that evidence the appearance of a number of various complications among patients experienced falls in the acute care setting (Shorr et al., 2012). Accidental falls are one of the most frequent...

Guide to Healthcare Regulatory Agencies

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality This is a federal agency that is in charge of the improvements that can be made to the healthcare system of the United States, its safety, and quality (Murphy, 2015). Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) is designed to help American citizens to...

Universal Healthcare: Budget Benefits and Threats

Universal health care is aimed at offering an itemized health care bundle which will be of assistance to every individual of the society with the objective of making available economic risk safety, enhanced health outcomes and better-quality admittance to health facilities (Glasziou, Moynihan, Richards, & Godlee, 2013). Universal healthcare is...

Diabetes 2 Complications: Neuropathy and Retinopathy

Diabetes is one of the most common diseases impacting world population. Apart from being a serious illness and having many adverse outcomes, it may present further danger to the patients’ health condition by various complications. Neuropathy and retinopathy are dangerous complications of Type 2 Diabetes, and the providers need to...

Electronic Intensive Care Unit Benefits

An Electronic Intensive Care Unit (eICU) represents a type of a healthcare setting that uses the latest technologies with the purpose of providing top quality care to patients. Key goals of eICUs are making sure that care is being provided in multiple facilities, that the clinical expertise is optimized to...

Nurse Robaczynski’s Ethics of Treatment Withdrawal

In my opinion, Ms. Robaczynski was wrong to disconnect Mr. Gessner from his respirator. I think that her actions can be interpreted as an active killing for a number of reasons. First of all, it is illegal to stop the treatment of the patients in these conditions. The hospital had...

Early Elective Delivery, Its Impact and Challenges

Early elective, medically unnecessary deliveries gained popularity in the 20th and 21st centuries with the emergence of new technologies in the field of medicine (Gillman, Gluckman, & Rosenfeld, 2013). For the first time in the history of mankind, it was now possible for one to determine the date (earlier than...

Advanced Practice Nurse’s Roles and Health Policy

An Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) is supposed to play a range of roles so that the needs of the target population (i.e., the members of a local community) could be met successfully. These roles often define the very purpose of an APRN’s existence and, therefore, include crucial tasks that a...

Understaffing Ratios in Nursing

Understaffing Indicators It has been concluded that the problem of nurse understaffing negatively influences the work setting, the quality of care provided to patients, as well as patients’ health outcomes. However, among the identified implications, poor health outcomes of patients that received care in a facility that experiences understaffing is...

Childhood Obesity Problem Solution

As a means of solving the previously discussed problem of childhood obesity, the author of the research proposes to develop custom healthy menus for schools under a program called “Soul Food.” This solution will work better than others because the menu will be based on the preferences of the children’s...

Nursing Interventions for Smoking Cessation

The article “Nursing Interventions for Smoking Cessation” aims to investigate the effectiveness of nursing-initiated interventions. The authors are the nursing professionals from different fields and with varying degrees of experience working in the universities of Michigan and Oxford. The research article addresses nurses’ efforts to help patients in smoking cessation....

Bioethics: Medical Help or Christian Beliefs?

Introduction Christian discourses have been applied world over by individuals when making vital life decisions. In particular, various issues that have a bearing on a person’s religious standing are better addressed in line with the biblical stance on the matter at hand. Nonetheless, some occurrences, for instance, health decisions, require...

Self-Care Health Promotion

The notions of self-care and health promotion have been introduced at the beginning of the 70’s on the basis of various concerns about the barriers that appear within the health system. The developed societies have shown significant growth in these aspects; this fact is supported by the evidence of their...

Assisted Suicide as a Solution in End-of-Life Care

The following paper stresses the ultimate necessity to help the patients exercise their rights to die in peace using medical assistance rather than suffer or try to commit suicide on their own. The paper also emphasizes the stress and financial issues that the patients’ families might undergo. For that sake,...

Health Promotion and Diverse Populations

Health status of the population belongs to the number of the most important factors defining the quality of life of the humanity. Unfortunately, we cannot say that the members of different minority groups possess the same health status as other citizens of the United States. Despite the fact that African...

Electronic Medical Records in the United States

Introduction Today, the technological progress and the development of information systems allow for considerably facilitating numerous processes and operations in a variety of spheres, including health care. In particular, the innovational information systems permit for more effectually storing and retrieving the information pertaining to patients, their medical history, and drug...

Deep Vein Thrombosis Diagnosis: Therapy and Prevention

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a serious medical condition when a blood clot (also known as a thrombus) emerges in deep veins of a human body (Chung et al., 2014). Usually, such parts of a human body as legs and thighs are the places where DVT occurs. It has to...

Patient-Centered Care: Nursing Training Quality Indicator

Introduction The topic of the paper is “Patient-Centered Care.” An individual approach to the care of each patient is an indispensable attribute of the contemporary nursing activity, and it meets all the standards of professional requirements that are entrusted to junior medical personnel. In the process of work, not only...

Personal Nursing Philosophy: Concept Synthesis

Two Practice-Specific Concepts A concept is a highly complex mental image reflecting one’s idea about a particular entity. Concept formation helps classify life situations and thereby understand them. In the nursing profession, it is highly important to identify practice-specific concepts to have a clear vision of one’s scope of responsibilities,...

Health IT Projects’ Risk Management

Executive Summary This study focuses on a risk management process for implementing a new IT program to store patient data. The risk management process is defined by a scope statement, which includes different risks, deliverables, risk types, and risk changes, which include software and hardware changes. The critical elements involved...

Adaptation Model-Based Patient Education

Introduction A theoretical framework is vital for every profession because it describes relevant concepts and ensures an understanding of the most critical topics, providing a background for practice. A nursing theory, in this way, discusses those concepts and assumptions that explain phenomena and interrelationships between different aims. It also consists...

Conflict Resolution in Healthcare Establishments

Introduction Conflicts are not uncommon among nursing personnel due to the challenging working conditions and the dynamic nature of the field (Kleinpell et al., 2014). However, their occurrence can be prevented or even turned into an advantage by applying proper leadership skills and techniques after the conflict is properly identified,...

The Insides of Ayurvedic Medicine

Introduction The video introduced by Palfreman Film Group about the insides of ayurvedic medicine discusses the peculiarities of one of the existing alternative types of medicine that can be offered to people. Though ayurveda comes from India, it is practiced in many countries today. This video helps to comprehend that...

Four Metaparadigms of Nursing

Nursing is an ancient profession. It is as old as humanity itself. Even in the most primitive and ancient human tribes, there were individuals tasked with taking care of the sick and injured. A caring attitude is not something that could be transmitted on a genetic level from one generation...

Aging and Health Promotion

Biological Theory of Aging The first case concerns a 65-year-old woman who has had a heart attack five days previously and also has a history of diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoporosis. She is confused, scared of the changes in her body, and does not understand why...

Alzheimer’s: Evidence-Based Clinical Intervention

Introduction Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a form of dementia − an acquired progressive degradation of mental functioning that leads to a complete disintegration of the personality. Degenerative brain changes associated with AD predominantly impact the behavior and cognitive abilities of a person. However, in the later stages, the disorder also...

Nursing and Healthcare System in Colorado

Discussions In my opinion, this action was disadvantageous for the entire healthcare system of the Colorado region because the State Board of Nursing is essential for identifying particular health issues that might be present only in this particular territory. However, a national board might be beneficial due to its major...

Breastfeeding Mothers and Nursing Proactive Support

Overview of Selected Evidenced-Based Practice Project Evidence-based practice is an approach to health care that ensures the best possible outcomes for the patients. In its currently accepted form, the approach is founded on three core principles: the values and expectations of the patients, the clinical expertise of the provider, and...

Treat and Reduce Obesity Act and Its Potential

Abstract The paper discusses the background, processing, and potential consequences of a Congress bill presented as H.R.1953: Treat and Reduce Obesity Act of 2017. The issue of the bill is to amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act. The essence of the amendment is the coordination of programs aimed...

Lack of Leadership in Pharmaceutical and Medical Companies

Introduction Several organizations make terrible errors while undertaking their various activities such as marketing and selling of their products (Frederick, 8). This does not exclude the medical and pharmaceutical organizations, which also engage in dishonorable activities for monetary reasons. However, sources indicate that these disreputable acts are primarily sparkled and...

Asthma Incidence and Smoking among Immigrants in California

Problem Statement For a long time, researchers and medical experts have investigated the relationship between asthma and cigarette smoking (Cho & Paik, 2016; Koyun & Eroğlu, 2014). This relationship is founded on the fact that cigarette smoking causes the settlement of irritating factors on the air pathways, thereby worsening asthma...

Nurse Practitioners, Educators, Administrators

Introduction Healthcare specialists who complete the master of nursing curriculum acquire new competencies that make it easier for them to complete a wide range of roles. Different advanced roles make it easier for healthcare workers to provide evidence-based support to patients from diverse backgrounds. This discussion gives a detailed comparison...

Florida Abortion Policies and Health Insurance

The specific provisions within The Affordable Care Act The Affordable Care Act (ACA) considerably increased the coverage of federal medical insurance programs such as Medicaid; for instance, Medicaid was expanded to cover individuals who gain up to 138% of the federal level of poverty for persons aged <65. For others,...

Communicable Illnesses in Miami

Introduction In the past few decades, nations all over the world have strived to eradicate preventable illnesses to achieve a healthy population. The Healthy People 2020 is one of the forces that drive countries to embrace the fight against such illnesses. The mentioned initiative requires countries to develop strategies aimed...

Critical Thinking and Clinical Judgment in Nursing

Introduction The role of nurses in the current institutions of healthcare is changing very rapidly and they need to adapt to these changes. Nurses are currently expected to make critical decisions when it comes to managing patients. This requires that they have proper clinical judgment skills that will ensure that...

Female Medical History Case

In this paper, the case study of a 45-year-old female is presented. Important aspects of her physical examination include 225 lbs (Wt) and 5’55’’ (Ht). The patient has a long history of smoking and poor diet for about 22 years. Her past medical history includes Type II diabetes mellitus associated...

Impact of Economics on Health Care

Introduction It is worth noting that tax revenues form the main source of coverage for government spending. This rule applies to the healthcare system, and health expenditures are measured in percentage of gross domestic product (GDP). The level of national expenses for this area is calculated based on both public...

Lauderdale Lakes Community’s Chronic Ailments

Community Chronic Ailments Concern In the last five years, the morbidity rates for cancer and other chronic ailments have been on the rise within the Lauderdale Lakes Community. For instance, the incidence rate for cancer has risen from 22 per 1000 per year in 2004 to 28 per 1000 per...

Healtcare Costs and Their Driving Factors in the US

The United States of America has the most expensive health system in the world. Specialists identify seven main reasons for the increase in expenditure on health care. The first reason is the payment of insurance, which implies specific medical services, which often do not correspond to the necessary medical care...

Professional Nursing Organization and Identity

What Is a Professional Nursing Organization? How Have You Seen the Organization Enhance Professional Practice? A professional nursing organization can be defined as the entity that affects the development of healthcare policies, promotes a consistent rise in positive patient outcomes in a community, encourages an increase in nurses’ professionalism and...

Nurse Leaders’ Tasks and Strategies

In the process of nursing care, a significant role is played by the leaders of junior medical personnel who can be an example for their colleagues and coordinate their activities according to specific goals. The task of such staff is to evaluate current workflow indicators, as well as use appropriate...

Generalized and Complex Partial Seizures

Introduction A seizure is an involuntary body movement caused by abnormal signals from the brain. Depending on the mechanism and localization, several types of seizures are identified. The following paper provides a comparison of generalized and complex partial seizures by contrasting their pathophysiology, typical EEG findings, physical presentations, and the...

Karen Ann Quinlan’s Role in the Right-to-Die Dilemma

The management of the needs of patients that are in a vegetative state is, perhaps, one of the most complicated aspects of nursing, not because of the complexity of the life-sustaining processes but because of the ethical dilemma surrounding the subject. Karen Ann Quinlan’s case was one of the most...

Nursing Project: Implementation Barriers

The implementation of an evidence based nursing project requires the participation of several stakeholders with diverse interests and personal orientations (Bohnenkamp, Pelton, Rishel, & Kurtin, 2014). Indeed, as demonstrated by Gallagher-Ford, Fineout-Overholt, Melnyk, and Stillwell (2011), it is important for nursing professionals to engage key stakeholders to a project in...

Practice Learning Assignment: Morbidity and Mortality

Introduction The terms “morbidity” and “mortality” are used to analyze the impacts and severity of a given health condition or disease. The leading health indicator (LHI) selected for this week’s Public Health Program Planning is nutrition, physical activity, and obesity. Healthy People 2020 LHI has been used by different agencies...

Elderly Fall Prevention Program Development

Introduction It is projected that one-third of the elderly people aged above 65 and more than half of those aged over 80 years experience at least one fall each year. According to Smith-Ray, Irmiter, and Boulter (2016), falls among the elderly increase with age. At the age of 75 years,...

The Nursing Theory by Dorothea Orem

Meaning The nursing theory that I am going to study is one proposed by Dorothea Orem (Alligood, 2014, p.247). In general, the discussed theory refers to the importance of patients’ ability to take care of themselves. As the author claims, self-care is extremely important for patients for many reasons. To...

Nursing Approaches in Leadership and Management

Introduction Nowadays, a nursing leader and a manager have different approaches to quality improvement and the patients’ satisfaction. However, it appears that both approaches to leadership styles, which differ as much as the definitions of a leader and a manager themselves, are not as efficient as the situational leadership approach....

Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory’s Impact on Staff

Grand nursing theories are created to enhance the quality of nursing support and provide nurses with a structuralized view of health care practice. The self-care deficit nursing theory is a grand theory, developed by Dorothea Orem. This theory argues that patients want to care for themselves and can recover with...

High-Dose Cytarabine Project and Implementation Plan

The use of medicines is an integral part of an adequate modern treatment for cancer patients. More than half a century of clinical chemotherapy along with data on the effectiveness of antitumor agents and their combinations has been enriched by the extensive experience in identifying complications of drug treatment. However,...

Value-Based Reimbursement Policy in Healthcare

Introduction Modern healthcare administration might be requiring some serious reforms due to its occasional inefficiency and ineffectiveness. One of the critical issues to reconsider appears to be a reimbursement approach. Being relatively innovative for the healthcare, value-based reimbursement policy imposed by the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare is aimed to...

American and Spanish Healthcare Systems

Introduction The paper is aimed to contrast and compare the information and statistics related to health care systems in the United States (US) and Spain. The purpose of the discussion is the identification of differences and issues observed in the selected health systems. Health Statistics The following discussion provides information...

Patient-Centered Nursing Care Delivery Model

Nursing Care Delivery Model Patient-centered care is a model of nursing care that encompasses a patient’s values, needs, preferences, and experiences in the planning, coordination, and delivery of care. It seeks to include patients and family members as active participants in the decision-making process rather than passive recipients of treatment....

Hyperthyroidism, Its Causes and Treatment Methods

Introduction Hyperthyroidism is a health condition, which is characterized by hyperactivity of the thyroid gland with the release of an excessive amount of hormones. The thyroid is a small gland in the shape of a butterfly, located at the front of the neck; it produces T4 and T3 hormones that...

Banner Health Organization and Public Needs

Introduction Banner Health is a nonprofit network of hospitals across the United States of America which was established in 1999. It is based in Phoenix, Arizona, and boasts of over 39,000 employees who work in twenty-eight acute care hospitals and healthcare centers in seven states. Also, it has a growing...

Tinnitus and Cerumen Impaction: Medical History

Patient Information Age: 59. Sex: Female. Subjective Chief Complaint “High-pitched noise in right ear mainly at night started two weeks ago.” History of the Present Illness The patient is 59 years old woman with a chief complaint of high-pitched noise in her right ear mainly at night. According to the...

Mammography Screening and Breast Cancer Mortality

Abstract The study has been designed to measure the effectiveness of breast cancer decision aids (DAs) in improving mammography screening intentions in African-American women 65 years and older. The importance of the project is underscored by a large body of evidence pointing to the fact that older African-American women are...

Elderly Fall Prevention in Hospitals

Introduction Falls are considerably frequent causes of injuries and hospitalization among older adults. Inappropriately equipped hospital rooms and halls often result in fall injuries of the patients. The falls might have extremely unfortunate outcomes for a patient and may lead to legal procedures for a health care institution. Therefore, there...

Obesity Prevention in Young Children: Evidence-Based Project

Summarizing Practice Issue The number of obese and overweight children is constantly increasing (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2016). However, the primary challenge is the scope of obesity-related health concerns, varying from metabolism issues to certain types of cancer and even death (“Childhood obesity prevention programs,” 2013). As for...

Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Adolescents

Topic overview Transmitted by sex: vaginal, anal, oral. May not cause any symptoms. Symptoms: discharge (penal, vaginal), ulcers, pain. Complications: inability to impregnate, get pregnant. Prevention: abstinence, safe sex, vaccination. Sexually transmitted diseases can be spread by vaginal, anal, and oral intercourses and may not cause symptoms but be passed...

Patient Education Technologies and Their Future

Introduction The notion of patient education has always been one of the most important aspects of modern healthcare. The importance of this aspect of care has repeatedly been proven. Back in the day, the researchers had identified a dependency between the treatment areas (such as asthma, hormone therapy, and even...

Preventing Readmissions with Discharge Education

Although the problem of readmissions has been addressed by numerous policies and programs, there is still a persisting need in finding a universal solution. Even after the Hospital, Readmission Reduction program was introduced to penalize health care units with excessive readmissions, no considerable reduction in rehospitalization rates was achieved (Hunter...

Trauma Nurse’s Personal Philosophy in Practice

Introduction To develop a personal nursing philosophy, it is essential to overcome particular challenges in one’s practice. Therefore, the following paper is to cover my experiences as a trauma nurse. Moreover, the following paragraphs are to provide some thoughts that I realized during my work in a hospital and gained...

Standardization Role in Quality Health Care

Examples of Standardization: Summary The first strategy used to standardize products, experiences, and service lines to enhance efficiency is personalization. This approach focuses on the ability to offer specific services or products that can address the diverse needs of individuals. The method ensures more clients receive suitable products. The second...

Physical Functioning of Older People in Primary Care

Qualitative Article Purpose statement The development of a proactive care program which is carefully-structured program that provides physical functioning enhances the quality of life for the frail older people. Problem statement Currently, the primary care of older people has some limitations. It is reactive, fragmented, and time-consuming. There are many...

Haiti as a Country with High Mortality Rates

Introduction: Haiti The healthcare situation differs greatly between different countries around the world. It is affected by many factors, ranging from finances and education to governmental policies, climate, weather conditions, natural disasters, predispositions towards certain diseases, and others. As it often happens, countries with high mortality rates tend to be...

Educational Programs on the Research Methodology

Introduction Implementation of evidence-based practice in hospitals is increasingly becoming relevant in modern society as uniformity in offering medical services is important. Medical practitioners are expected to embrace the evidence-based practice in their places of work to ensure that their colleagues can easily understand what they have done on a...

Transgender Patients and Nursing Health Management

There is a growing recognition today among health care providers and researchers that patients’ transgenderism may become a factor in their care (Chapman, Watkins, Zappia, Nicol, & Shields, 2012). Therefore, it should be taken into consideration when organizing and managing the way care is provided. Nursing care plays a particularly...

Online Care vs. Home Visits for Older Patients

Introduction The current study focused on researching the effectiveness of telephone-based and online care versus nursing home visits in the population of post-acute care patients aged sixty-five and older. The problem is significant due to the lack of available personnel to perform nursing home duties as well as the fact...

Lean Approach in Healthcare Information Technology

Introduction The lean approaches to management, including the Lean Six Sigma (LSS), is aimed at improving efficiency, which tends to have positive outcomes on healthcare. For example, in a comprehensive review of the literature on various lean approaches in healthcare, D’Andreamatteo, Ianni, Lega, and Sargiacomo (2015) demonstrate that lean methods...

Optimal Nurse Staffing to Improve Quality of Care

Introduction The proposal deals with the necessity to avoid the lack of experienced nursing professionals. It is emphasized that a range of critical changes are required in order to enhance the situation. The need to develop this evidence-based practice project can be proved by quality, clinical, and financial aspects that...

Nursing Intuition in Trauma Assessment

It is evident that skills and professionalism of nurses are decisive for care process and, as a result, patient outcomes. Nevertheless, sometimes nurses have to apply intuition in their work. In the conditions of an emergence care unit, emergency charge nurses need to make sound decisions to activate a trauma...

Joint Commission Standards Related to Staffing

Background: Staffing Standards and Their Significance Creating a team of experienced employees that are capable of meeting the company’s ethical and professional standards, engage in professional development, and deliver consistently positive results is a crucial step toward improving the overall performance of an organization and promoting further progress. Therefore, it...

Weight Gain, Atherosclerosis, Diabetes Relationship

Introduction The article in question deals with some effects of intensive diabetes treatment in type 1 diabetes patients. Purnell et al. (2012) claim that intensive diabetes treatment has been regarded as an efficient way to address diabetes type 1 symptoms, but it is also associated with quite serious side effects....

The Utilization of Certified Electronic Health Records

Introduction The utilization of certified electronic health records (EHRs) to support coordinated care and secure patient health information (PHI) exchange is increasing. The Health Information for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH) requires hospitals to adopt a multiyear ‘meaningful use’ program to receive incentive payments (Harrison & Lyerla, 2012). The...

The Need for Abortion and the Moral Status of the Fetus

Introduction The case study we are supposed to analyze touches upon one of the topics at the confluence of philosophy and medicine – the moral status of a fetus. Nowadays, the necessity of abortions belongs to the number of the most controversial topics as people who rely on religious postulates...

Professional Nursing Association Care Guidelines

Introduction The American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACCN) is a leading organization that develops evidence-based concepts and practices to improve the quality of care available to more patients. One of the specific care guidelines published by the association focuses on end-of-life support. The guideline acknowledges the need to acquire new...

MSN Educators in Nursing

Choosing the MSN Educator Specialty Track Nursing School’s Need for Competent Teachers. A Shortage of Nursing Instructional Staff. A Variety of Career Opportunities. Satisfaction and Individual Goals Achievement. MSN Educators are in strong demand. While nursing schools need qualified instructors, a shortage of teachers has become a pressing problem. Students...

AIDS, Influenza, Syphilis as Florida Health Issues

Introduction The dynamic and increasingly complex modern healthcare sector demands the constant improvement of the main health issues. The program Healthy People 2020 is expected to become one of the main instruments to achieve the goal and attain significant improvement in different spheres like prevention, prophylactic, treatment, etc. In this...

Epidemiology Analysis: Clermont, Florida

Public health is one of the most important concerns of the federal and state governments. Healthcare professionals and officials develop various policies and programs aimed at prevention, screening, and treatment. Different states often have quite specific health issues due to environmental peculiarities and the economic situation in the area. Minority...

Nurses-Led Telephone Intervention in Heart Failure

The article under analysis is entitled “Impact of a nurses-led telephone Intervention program on the quality of life in patients with heart failure in a district hospital of Greece.” It was written by Theodosios Stavrianopoulos in 2016. The purpose of the article is to determine if telephone intervention in patients...

Manual Therapy Education and Treatment Claims

In recent years, manual therapy has gained prominence in physiotherapy contexts due to its role in the management of painful and disabling conditions such as neck and back pain (Paanalahti et al., 2016). The present paper aims at creating a deeper understanding and awareness of manual therapy by defining the...

Basic Principles of Personal Philosophy of Nursing and Concepts of Nursing Paradigm

Definitions Besides being a discipline studying the fundamental essence of knowledge and existential aspects of human life, philosophy can also be defined as an attitude of a person or a community that provides guidelines for behavior. Philosophy of nursing is aimed to state one’s personal ideas concerning the nature of...

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender in Hospital

Introduction It could be hardly doubted that the healthcare system should comply with numerous factors of a different kind to provide proper adherence to treatment and medication for every individual who is seeking help. However, it also evident that it is difficult to provide an equal amount and quality of...

Prevention of HIV Among Older Adults: Review and Research

The primary goal of this question is to determine the methodological matters utilized by the authors of the article Prevention of HIV among older adults: A literature review and recommendations for future research by Davis and Zanjani. 18 articles relevant to HIV/AIDS were chosen, and the literature review was conducted...

Advocacy Campaign: Childhood Obesity

Introduction Childhood obesity is a complex health problem that requires the involvement of multiple stakeholders to promote healthier lifestyles and achieve sustainable changes in individual behaviors. According to recent statistics, over twenty-five million U.S. children are obese (Schneider et al., 2013). These high rates indicate an urgent need for intervention...

Data Breaches of Protected Health Information in the US

There is no doubt that the rapid growth of digital technology has a significant influence on many spheres of the human activity. Frankly speaking, it is impossible to find at least one field that is not connected to the use of modern devices and databases. Discussing the role of technology...

Self-Care Deficit Theory in Patients’ Recovery

At the moment, nursing is one of the central aspects of the healthcare sector. Being responsible for the cooperation with patients and delivery of needed care, nurses should possess and outstanding competence in different spheres. Additionally, the tendency towards the further increase in complexity and enhanced sophistication of challenges health...

Nurses’ Perception of Hourly Rounding

Introduction Hourly rounding is a practice designed to enhance the clients’ experience and the nurses’ professional excellence. As the name implies, it is a practice of attending a client on an hourly basis to meet their basic needs, namely: pain and stress management, feeding, hygiene, etc. (Mitchell, Lavenberg, Trotta, &...

Organ Markets and Their Appearance

The debate around organ markets, their emergence, function, and adjustment to the world of other, legal markets, continues to flare up. Some of the researchers argue that legal organ markets should not be considered unethical because they often help both the seller and the purchaser save one’s life (while the...

Postpartum Depression, Prevention and Treatment

Introduction Postpartum depression is a common psychiatric condition in women of the childbearing age. They are most likely to develop the disease within a year after childbirth (Selix and Goyal 897). This condition increases the risk of multiple mental health challenges comprising social and cognitive impairments (Claessens et al. 81)....

Dukes Hospital Integrated Internal Business Process

Introduction The internal Business process is one such technique that its importance cannot be underplayed in any organization. It is through this management technique that various institutions have been able to rise above the Challenges that faces today’s organization. This management challenges come in the form of connection between professionalism...

Cardiac Condition: Myocardial Infarction

Specific Objectives By the end of this lesson, the learner will be able to: State modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors Describe the pathophysiology of myocardial infarction List the symptoms of myocardial infarction Describe the list of drugs that treat myocardial infarction Lecture: Myocardial Infarction Also called a heart attack, myocardial...

Nutrition for Active Life: Innovative Nursing Care

Introduction A model for innovative nursing care delivery in this study is “Nutrition for Active Life.” The population of the suggested model includes young people aged 18-25 with overweight and obesity. They make one of the vulnerable groups among comparatively healthy population because overweight and obesity increase the risk of...

Nurse’s Personal Biases and Its Outcomes

Introduction The globalization process, which increases the level of cultural and ethical diversity, creates an immense amount of additional pressure for the nurses. Situations, in which personal biases, whether they are explicit or implicit, affect both patients and caregivers, can produce a positive effect on nursing as well as adverse...

Medicaid and Michigan Healthcare Policy

Background Information The American federal government supports such health care programs as Medicare, Medicaid, and the Veterans Health Administration. Medicare is a federal program for medical insurance of senior Americans (65 and older) and some special categories of younger people. In comparison with younger adults seniors had to pay much...

Graduate Nurses’ Required Leadership Attributes

Graduate nurses need certain attributes to perform optimally in their work. These attributes include self-awareness, accountability, time management, and social awareness (Finkelman & Kenner, 2010). Self-awareness means the proper understanding of one’s emotions and their effects on oneself and other people. Graduate nurses need to understand their emotions in order...

Change and Its Driving Forces in Healthcare

The significance of change cannot be possibly underrated when it comes to addressing healthcare issues. The change should be viewed as a crucial step toward consistent quality improvement. Therefore, healthcare organizations must strive toward changing so that they could meet the needs of an increasingly diverse population, as the examples...

Peer-Reviewed Research as Medical Progress

Introduction Peer-reviewed scholarly research is the backbone of medical advancement. Medical theory, research, and literature reviews are only some of the aspects that go into the development of new medicinal practices. This paper will explain the importance of literature reviews, the influence of theory and research on each other, and...

Miami Suburban Community’s Windshield Survey

Introduction of Community The chosen community is a suburban area in Miami, Florida. The area is especially popular among families with children and older adults. The community is relatively healthy, with good access to medical care and health resources. The area is well-maintained, with parks and recreation zones popular among...

Medical Errors as a Threat to Patient Safety

Discussion Patient safety is one of the key goals assigned a top priority by healthcare. However, medical errors and adverse events remain and threaten patients. To understand the given topic in an in-depth manner, it is essential to identify differences between a medical error and an adverse event as part...

Challenges to Transgender Patients

Despite the recent attention to the issues of transgender people, the level of discrimination against them is still incredibly high. This discrimination manifests in all facets of life, from employment to housing and even healthcare. This paper will provide an outlook on the discrimination that transgender people face in the...

Patients’ Expectations from Healthcare Industry

Increased Level of Knowledge The problem of inadequate expectation of patients could now be considered one of the important issues that should be solved as it results in financial difficulties for healthcare institutions. Considering the nature of the problem, two possible solutions could help to improve the situation in the...

Skin Cancer: Examination and Prevention

Recommendations for Skin Examination On the whole, it is stated that the balance of benefits and harms that skin examination of patients by medics brings is unknown; however, it is suggested that skin examination may help prevent highly adverse patient outcomes due to skin cancer such as death (Tsao &...

Mass Prophylaxis Dispensing Plan in Dallas, Texas

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to develop a mass prophylaxis dispensing plan that will be used in Dallas County of Texas. The company that will be responsible for the dispensation plan will be the Federal Health Services Department in Dallas. To understand the dispensation plan, a definition of...

Population Health Analytics: Technology and Healthcare

With the rise of digital devices and the Internet, many industries crucial for humanity and the quality of human living have also begun to transform. One of the recent approaches that combine IT, remote monitoring, and other technologies (i.e., electronic devices, the Internet) is the population health analytics that becomes...

Psychosocial Interventions in Family Nursing Practice

Peer-reviewed scholarly articles are regarded as an important instrument to expand the knowledge of researchers and inform scientists about the recent events. It is stated that the quality of articles is an important factor in evaluating knowledge generation at the global level (Ahmadi, & Soori, 2015). The following paper deals...

National Nursing Strategies in Seven Countries

Introduction: Article Critique The current shortage of nurses and healthcare practitioners is a major health concern affecting the whole world. The problem is making it hard for medical institutions to provide evidence-based and timely care to their clients. The health issue is strongly associated with poor patient outcomes, medication errors,...

Healthcare Organization in Miami-Dade and Monroe

Description of the Organization A not-for-profit health care organization was critical for this analysis, an organization with seven hospitals and 23 outpatient and urgent care centers in Miami-Dade and Monroe counties. The largest hospital of this organization was selected, which is a 680-bed facility founded in 1960, located in the...

Electronic Resources & Tools for Patient Education

Introduction Information technology is an innovative and driving force behind the modernization of the healthcare system. The focus of technological development in clinical applications has become centered around patient care. One of the critical components of delivering high-quality healthcare is patient education. Information systems help to establish a database combining...

Prevalence of Childhood and Adult Obesity in the US

For the last decades, obesity became a serious medical concern in Miami. According to the recent investigations, a significant part of the American population has problems with excessive weight. It is scientifically proved that obesity may lead to severe health problems and increase the risk of a stroke or diabetes....

Nursing’s Informatics and Patient Safety

Addressing Patient Safety Issues The article “To err is human,” published by the Institute of Medicine indicates that medical errors and mistakes have continued to affect the quality of medical services available to more clients. Medical practitioners or nurses might not cause some of these errors. Ineffective conditions and faulty...

Ethical Issues in Professional Nursing Practice

Even though drawing a clear line between ethical and unethical behaviors is barely a possibility because of the nuanced nature of the subject matter, there is a set of rigid ethical standards in contemporary nursing practice. With the advance of IT in every conceivable domain of people’s lives, including healthcare...

Hospital Falls and Fall-Related Injuries

Introduction Falls and fall-related injuries are critical issues in the contemporary healthcare setting. They can occur at any stage of health care provision and in any setting notwithstanding the efforts contributed by the staff for their prevention. Nevertheless, falls can happen due to several reasons including negligence, insufficient care, or...

Master of Science in Nursing and Further Career

Changes in the intricacy of health care and a reduction in the number of primary care physicians have increased demand for family nurse practitioners. The professionals assist patients in dealing with severe and unremitting diseases. They examine patients physically and run diagnostic procedures and tests. Family nurse practitioners treat individual...

Discharge Planning for Readmission Prevention

Introduction Patient wellbeing is among the primary concerns of healthcare. While during in-hospital treatment, patients are under constant control, and their condition is monitored, after the discharge, the incidence of negative patient outcomes can increase. For example, high morbidity is observed among patients with respiratory conditions, elderly patients in particular....

Patient with Lacerations: Detailed Examination

L.M., an 18-year-old construction worker, has arrived at the ER with three lacerations to his inner thigh which resulted from a recent fall at a construction site. The lacerations (5, 3, and 2 inches in length) are bleeding profusely, and the largest one is located close to the patient’s groin....

Prevention or Delay of Type 2 Diabetes

Introducing the Topic There are numerous health concerns affecting the quality of life, and type 2 diabetes is one of them. Regardless of the critical role of genetic specificities in determining predisposition to type 2 diabetes, the influence of lifestyle is as well significant (Asif, 2014). Therefore, it is essential...

Personal Nursing Philosophy, Its Role and Application

Nursing Autobiography My nursing background has been playing a positive role towards supporting my career goals. After moving from Cuba to the United States in 2002, I decided to pursue a degree in nursing. Currently I am focusing on a registered nurse (RN) role. My competencies as a nurse include...

Assisted Suicide and Humanitarian Way to It

Abstract The subject of assisted suicide is debatable in most nations around the world. Various scholars and medical practitioners offer varying perspectives on whether the act should be legalized. While focusing on the concept of assisted suicide, it is important to differentiate it from euthanasia to avoid confusion. Assisted suicide...

Transitional Care Model Implementation Phase

The Transitional Care Model (TCM) is an intervention aimed at the reduction of risk for negative health outcomes among older adults that move between and across health care settings (Hirshman, Shaid, McCauley, Pauly, & Naylor, 2015). Evidence-based health care management approach, which lies at the core of the model, allows...

Door-to-Balloon Time Reduction: Quality Collaborative

Nowadays, many ways could be offered to improve the health of certain groups of people and offer initiatives for particular hospitals regarding the needs and expectations of their patients and staff. A successful quality collaborative is a goal several medical centers strive for. Such organizations work to create special conditions...

Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia and Nursing Awareness

Introduction Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is one of the most widespread hospital-acquired infections among American patients. VAP can cause increased mortality rates, length of stay, and health care costs both for the facility and the patient. However, there is no accurate reference definition of VAP, as it is usually suspected if...

Door-to-Balloon Time Reduction: Negotiations

The paper indicates reasons for each stakeholder in supporting the proposed plan for improving the door-to-balloon time in the STEMI patients at Kendall Regional Medical Center. STEMI patients and families Reasons for Supporting Promise for improved care outcomes Promise for timely interventions Reasons for Not Supporting Failure to understand the...

African Americans: Health Related Issues Identification

Health-Related Issues African Americans are the chosen population for the analysis. There are many health-related issues that can be relevant to this group of people. Some of the issues are chronic health problems caused by poor living conditions, the lack of insurance coverage, and disabilities (Mandal, Scott, Islam, & Mandal,...

Healthcare Centers Employee Benefits and Compensation

Providing benefits to employees is a necessity for all companies. However, standards may vary depending on the institution (Gitman, Joehnk, & Billingsley, 2013). Although Iroquois Healthcare, Albany Medical Center, and Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital as nursing organizations share vision and missions, the employee benefit and compensation packages provided by different...

The Implementation of a Fall Prevention Program

The number of patient falls has increased tremendously over the past few decades leading to high costs of healthcare. Finlayson, Peterson, and Matsuda (2014) argue that falls not only compromise the quality and inflate the cost of healthcare. Therefore, a sound program intended to reduce patient falls is needed. The...

Bedside Reporting and Nurse Communication

Findings The current research utilizes the secondary data for the survey conducted at Washington Regional Medical Center regarding the implementation of the bedside reporting procedure in 2014 (Szeto, Wren, & Milborn, 2014). Nurses of the cardiac department at Washington Regional Medical Center participated in the survey to examine their perceptions...

Critical Thinking in Addressing Dispensing Errors

Dispensing errors are common and most of them, often, go undetected when dispensing drugs in the hospitals and the pharmacies. The errors may occur at any stage during the dispensing process which begins with the receipt of a prescription and ends with the release of the drug (Leung et al....

Diabetes in Evidence-Based Nursing Practice

The first article under analysis is a systematic review entitled “Diabetic Foot Ulcer: An Evidence-Based Treatment Update” and written by Braun, Fisk, Lev-Tov, Kirsner, and Isseroff (2014). The purpose of the study is to identify recent evidence-based assessments of diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) therapies. The authors suggest directions for further...

Team Members and Patient Satisfaction’ Collaboration

Problem Introduction Caring for older patients who have complicated medical conditions along with potential risk factors is a challenge the majority of nurses face on a regular basis. The introduction of the Transitional Care Model (TCM) allowed nurses to better operate the interventions targeted at addressing the health outcomes of...

The Work of Nurses as Activists

Introduction Throughout history, many nurses had to become activists to either advance the field of nursing and care or solve complex situations that require a very careful approach. This paper will provide my thoughts on this, and it will put me in the shoes of a nurse activist to provide...

Mental Health Concerns in the Older Adult

Introduction of the Older Adult The patient interviewed is a 70-year old African-American man, Robert. At the time of examination, Robert felt and looked well. He was eager to communicate and discuss possible problems and concerns he thought to have. One of the evident challenges Robert had was the pain...

Stress as a Fundamental Concept for Nursing

Nowadays, nursing is introduced as a sphere, an art, and a science, where several important concepts are gathered to create appropriate conditions for patients and medical workers (Perry, 2016). Each concept plays an important role in the work of nurses because of the necessity to cooperate with physicians and other...

Nursing Philosophy: Values, Thoughts and Beliefs

A personal nursing philosophy outlines the thoughts and beliefs that an individual considers to be true regarding the nature of nursing as a profession. It forms a basis for nursing activities that include interactions with patients and their families and the alleviation of human suffering. A nursing philosophy endorses specific...

Federal and State Human Resources in Florida’ Health Care

Federal Law On a federal level, the benefit package provided to the people employed in the healthcare environment is regulated by the Family and Medical Leave Act (Hanson & Glass, 2015). According to the latter, the staff members have permission to take leave on a range of occasions, including family...

Stress Control Strategies for Nurses

Introduction The ever-changing conditions of the modern world may lead to various psychological problems, disorders, and illnesses, including stress, frustration, nervous overstrain, depression, etc. The organization of the work of nurses that is closely associated with interpersonal communication becomes an object of increasing attention in recent years. The problem of...

Nursing Challenges: Inexperience and Ethical Dilemmas

Lack of Trust, Authority and Experience in Nursing To be a professional nurse means to face numerous challenges that arise from the nature of the given occupation. Communicating with people, a specialist should take into account numerous issues to establish contact with patients and assist them in their recovery. However,...

Health Promotion Among Diverse Populations

Introduction There is no doubt that the stable health situation of the population is among the factors that secure the well-being of the people. According to the key values of our society, all the people whose work is helpful for the country should be treated equally and provided with all...

Regional Medical Center: Changes and Negotiations Plan

Abstract The selected practicum problem is reducing respiratory complications in patients undergoing interventional radiological procedures under conscious sedation at Kendall Regional Medical Center. The change and negotiation plan at hand describe the key aspects of the proposed change implementation process putting a particular emphasis on the need for effective communication...