New Labour Internationalism in Germany

Introduction Labour movements in the last decades of the twentieth century underwent a big crisis. The reason for it was the Cold War and its consequences. In fact, a big part of the world was split into two parts, with the communists and their supporters on one side, and the...

Trojan War Saga: Legend and Historical Reality

Troy is believed to be a historical city, the place where the Trojan War was fought. The city of Ilium was built on this place which many historians think was the site where Emperor Augustus ruled in his era. In the 19th century, several excavations on this site suggest that...

How World War Two Affected Black Immigration?

Introduction The Second World War came with tremendous changes in both the social compositions of nations as well as the economic status of these countries. In as much as this war brought about disasters to nations, there were also benefits accruing from it. The black population, for example, benefited in...

Reforms and Modernization in Asia in the 20th Century

Revolution is an extreme and in-depth change in customs of behaving and thinking for instance Industrial revolution. Revolution is therefore, the central development of the contemporary world. Many people believe that modernity could only be realized through brutal and whole revolution (Hawes and Lui 45). Reform movement is a societal...

Oliver Cromwell Is an Icon in the History of Britain

Introduction Inasmuch as history is concerned, Oliver Cromwell is one of the wide-read and remembered epitome and icon in the history of Britain. He is one of the controversial figures in the history of Britain with various leaders and personalities having different views about him. For instance, some like David...

The Character of Philoctetes

Exordium Oh, how he rages locked on his island. “I’ll be my own Troy” (Heaney 63) he cries in arrogance, not knowing that he, like the city, is destined to fall. Philoctetes has lost everything, and now only blind hatred guides him, the ghosts of the past howl at his...

Confucianism and Human Rights Development

Confucianism is the main component of Eastern culture and the Chinese one in particular. The Confucian school was founded in the late 6th and early 5th centuries BC and it has influenced the Chinese culture till the present time. The structure of the Chinese political system and its socio-economic structure...

California and the World Economy

Spanish Exploration of California Spanish explorers are believed to have contributed significantly in the process of ushering California as part of the potential world economy. However, even before these explorations could take shape, there were about 300,000 indigenous tribes already residing in California. These were the Native Americans. Juan Rodríguez...

Game Change vs. Mightier than the Sword

Journalism and politics have existed hand in hand for decades and even centuries, maybe. It is not possible to deny the influence politics has on journalism. It is also very hard to not see the influence media has on the public opinion these days. Journalism has become an influential power...

Women’s Colleges in the USA

Introduction Women’s colleges have a long history in the US. A common definition of a women’s is that they are a bachelor and graduate degree-granting institution, often-liberal arts colleges whose student population comprises exclusively of women. Though some women admit a few male students to their programs, they primarily serve...

Biographical Studies: Alexander the Great, Greece

Events that led up to the battle The battle of the Granicus occurred in 334 BC. It was the foremost battle to occur at the River of Granicus. This was after the death of Philip II who died in 336 BC. Before his death, Philip had started a project against...

The Making of African American: American Historiography

Historiography is the study of certain specific historical subjects as well as the styles employed. During the changing shift from the traditional to early period historiography was used to refer to the writing of history where words were associated with historians. Historiographers trace historical subjects from their initiation and how...

First Writings on America Analysis

At the end of the fifteenth century, after the voyage of Christopher Columbus, Europe was interested in the new land that lied across the Atlantic Ocean. The new territories, both for the settlers and states, meant new natural resources and wealth. Thus, the volunteers could enjoy the opportunity for skins...

Emperor Taizong of Tang on Effective Government

To rule efficiently, an emperor needs other people. Engaging these people is necessary because what makes a country is its people. In addition, since a country is too big, the responsibility of governing becomes too demanding for an emperor to rule alone. Therefore, a ruler needs people, both distant and...

American Public Opinion of War

Americans have been living the world of the ‘Great American Success Myth’ for many years and they have always justified war. If we analyze world history one can find that Americans have their own declaration and justifications about military invasion against different nations around the world and the majority of...

Vietnam and the 20th Century

Studying the context of prior history including the experiences of participants of those events may be of great value for understanding the motivation behind the actions of these people. It is also valuable as this provides a ground for learning important historical lessons. To make a thorough research a student...

William Molyneux Career and Publications

Introduction William Molyneux (1654-1698) was a seventeenth-century Irish scientist, philosopher, politician and writer. In his time, he was a significant figure in the intellectual society, and he promoted and defended the ideals of science. Even though he lived almost three centuries ago, his legacy still gets much attention from philosophers...

Campaign Finance Reform in America

Since 1867, the American government has made efforts to ensure that there is no public fund that is used for campaigning. This has been faced by drawback until in the 1970s when the government ordered that all contesters disclose the sources of their campaigning money. This was followed by the...

Abraham Lincoln’s Policies on Slavery in 1861-1863

Abraham Lincoln was one the most powerful presidents of the United States, who reigned from 1809 to 1865. During the reign of Lincoln as the president of the United States, slavery and discrimination were very pronounced in various parts of the country. Several individuals in the country believed that the...

Difference Between Articles of Confederation and Constitution

The late 1770s can be described as a difficult but eventful time for America. After the revolution, 80000 Loyalists had left the country; this paved the road for more democratic changes. Conservative opinions leaned toward a stronger government presence while radical ones thought that financial issues of people should be...

Affirmative Action Case Study

The term “affirmative action” was first used by President John F. Kennedy in 1961, giving a name to a new method of battling discrimination, which had continued to exist and spread throughout the country in spite of newly enacted civil rights laws and constitutional guarantees. President Kennedy mandated affirmative action...

Lowell Mill Girls and their Strikes

When Lower Mills decided to reduce the salaries, many girls felt angry and resolved to strike in large numbers. The girls decided that it was important that they oppose any attempts to cut down their earnings. This was because their wages were not the only thing that was bringing them...

The History of Jonestown Massacre of 1978

In spite of the fact that it has been almost half a century since the appalling events of the Jonestown massacre took place, the details of this case still provide a shocking effect on the modern society. It is hard to believe that an ill-will of a sectarians’ leader could...

The Great Depression and the New Deal Farm Policies

The Great Depression occurred during the late 1920s and the early 1930s. The years of the great depression were characterized by poverty, high unemployment, deflation, low profits and plunging farm incomes. The Great Depression started in the United States, spreading on to other parts of the world. The Great Depression...

Lukumi Babalu Aye and City of Hialeah Comparison

Facts of the case The Church of Lukumi Babalu Aye, Inc. a non-profit religious denomination practiced Santeria religion together with its congregants. Santeria is a form of religious practice that originated in the 19th century and it involves animal sacrifices as a principal element of their devotion to the religion....

The US, Japan, and Germany in the 1940s

Introduction The period between 1940 and 1949 forms one of the pillars of the modern world history. As a matter of facts, the period is associated with numerous and renowned events that goes down as remarkable occurrences in the world’s historical books. For instance, the world most famous war i.e....

Imprisonment and Death of Aaron Swartz: A Too Dangerous Activist

Introduction Social and political activism has always had its champions, usually outstanding individuals capable to shake the masses and inspire even deep changes. However, activism can lead to tragic consequences, as shown in the dramatic events that marked the imprisonment of Aaron Swartz and his death in 2013. Through a...

Benjamin Franklin Is a Historical Figure in the US

Introduction Assessing the influence of a particular figure in the history of a nation, usually one or two directions are chosen as criteria for assessment. For Benjamin Franklin, such method of assessment would have been applicable. Benjamin Franklin’s role in the history of the United States cannot be outlined through...

Retention Rate for African American Women Aged 40-50 in Obtaining Higher Education

Abstract The significance of higher education seems to have grown exponentially over the past few decades. Most jobs demand that the applicant should have a diploma. As a result, a number of people who failed at attaining the certificate of a graduate student rush to complete their courses. Among the...

The Cuban Revolution: Causes, Events and Leaders

Introduction The Cuban revolution revolved around Fidel Castro’s movement which was out to overthrow Fulgencio Batista. The latter was a dictator in Cuba who humiliated and exploited the citizens of this country. The Cuban revolution began with the attack of Moncada barracks in Santiago and camps in Bayamo by Cuban...

Korea’s Major Problems and Foreign Relations

The political atmosphere in Korea was very violent in the first few decades of the 19th century, as various factions fought for supremacy. The Impact of natural disasters combined with abusive government practices increased the suffering of the peasants. This led to increased unrest and uprising as people opposed the...

War In American Culture

Introduction Williams (1997) has noted in his article that the cultural conflict that is taking place is more complicated than any activist would suggest. America’s culture has undergone all sorts of changes over the years thus resulting in an endless array of conflicts that have led to violence and murder...

Impact of Debt on United States’ Economy

Introduction The United States debt refers to money borrowed by the federal government to finance its local and international operations. This is in the form of securities issued by the treasury and other government agencies (Jeffrey 54). The United States debt consists of two components. The first component is public...

The Story of Civil Rights Movements in America

The Montgomery Bus Bycott The story of civil rights movements in America can be traced back to the Montgomery bus boycott that was instigated by Rosa Parks’s refusal to relinquish her seat to the white extremists. This was the chance that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. used to become in...

Studies in Guatemala and Tuskegee: Syphilis

It should be noted that syphilis studies in Tuskegee and Guatemala are some of the most inhumane studies that have ever been held in the world. On the one hand, these experiments, which lasted for several decades, brought suffering and deaths of many innocent people, but, on the other hand,...

The U.S. Versus Mexican War

The United States War with Mexico that lasted from 1846-1848 is defined as the first war of aggression pitting two sovereign nations. This war has also been viewed to have been a defining moment between the two nations. The cruelty that America used on Mexico at the time astonished the...

The Book “A Year in the South” by Stephen Ash

“A Year in the South,” is a book written by Stephen Ash, and narrates the fall of the Confederacy and the emergence of the New South in 1865. The author, Stephen Ash, is a professor of History at the University of Tennessee since 1989. During that period he acted as...

The Rise and Rule of Octavian

Introduction Octavian, who would later establish himself as one of the most tactical and charismatic rulers of the Roman Empire, was born in September 23rd in 63 BC. Octavian was actually a nephew to Julius Caesar, having been born to Atia, Julius Caesar’s niece and Gaius Octavius. Although his father...

The Frontier: Creation of the New American State

Introduction The frontier, a boundary that marked the creation of the new American state was the borderline in time between the savagery and the time of civilization. This is a time when many of the foreign settlers were giving a chase for any profitable piece of resource that they came...

Revolutionary America: People Who Did It

Introduction This paper is about revolutionary America and it will mainly talk about two most inspirational people that America has ever had namely Thomas Paine and James Madison. The work of both these people will be brought to light in this paper. Thomas Paine according was one of the most...

The Second Industrial Revolution (1840-1900)

Introduction Researchers and the students of world history have often mentioned the thing that Industrial revolution helps to develop new technologies. This affects the social, political, work and economical life of people. After the revolution the world witnessed severe exploitation of children and women, and various factors such as, poverty,...

Exploring the “New World” by European Countries

The history of the United States of America is integrally connected with the histories of such European countries as Portugal, Spain, France, the Netherlands, and England. This is explained by the fact that these countries colonized the territory of the modern USA pursuing their own political and economic goals in...

A Critical Review of Three Episodes From US History

Myth and History: how to study history and think critically As noted, the 2003 Iraq invasion is not a new episode but rather a culmination of the American government’s historical routine that has been taking place for over 110 years. The three reading further expounds critically by exploring the settings...

The History of Florida and Hispanics in It

The ancestors of Hispanic Americans were present in the country of the United States before it was a nation-state. That heritage broadens from the 16th century in parts of present-day New Mexico and Florida and from the 17th and 18th centuries in parts of Arizona, Texas, and California. However, we...

Green Mountain Boys: Leadership

Introduction Green Mountain Boys is an editorial that is about a historical union that proceeded to the 20th century. It consisted of an armed force that was first established in the 1760s between two regions of the British provinces which were land speculators and settlers who apprehended the New Hampshire...

The Cold War: Causes and Impact on the Modern World

The rise of the Cold War A variety of factors contributed to the rise of the Cold War. These factors, ranging from ideological to economic and political, have emerged already after the end of World War II. Primarily, they touched upon the United States and the Soviet Union who were...

The Laws of Medieval Japan

Medieval Japan came under a new system of government after the Taika reform edicts. All of the provinces were unified under the central, imperial government, and the emperor, who ruled by the dictates of the Heavens, was the central figure of this government. In the unification of Japan, the main...

Slavery in the South: Definite or Indefinite?

Introduction It is important to understand the original notions that made slavery acceptable in a just and democratic society such as the United States even when it was still a young nation. Likewise, it is important to establish the origins of the Civil War to properly link it with slavery....

The War Ends, The Reconstruction Begins. USA after the Civil War

The present paper is focused on the issues of Reconstruction that took place in the USA after the Civil War and different approaches different government bodies took to it. At the beginning of beginning of analyzing Restoration plans it is necessary to define what in fact Restoration was – what...

The Five Good Emperors of Roman Empire

Introduction The five good emperors were very prosperous emperors who ruled consecutively and excelled during their time of reign; for the period between 96 and 180 AD. These five emperors were ‘Trajan, Nerva, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, and Marcus Aurelius’. They were called so because they succeeded by winning support concerning...

France’s Politics Without Napoleon

Introduction Napoleon spearheaded what many classify as the most significant historical event in the history of France i.e. the French revolution. Through his actions, the nature of France’s economic, social and political institutions changed quite dramatically. The essay shall look at possible alterations to this nation’s history if the revolution...

The Growth of the US Federal Government From 1865 to 1945

Introduction The growth of the federal government between the years 1865 and 1945 was characterized by a great deal of industrialization. There was a great change in society’s workforce. The reconstructions that were going on were a result of the impacts that resulted from the world wars and the civil...

The Rise of KKK in Colorado in the Late 1880s

Introduction of KKK in Colorado Ku Klux Klan (KKK) is a clan that was known for its cruel murders caused by racial discrimination. The late 1800s saw the rise of the KKK in Colorado, the USA. This does not mean that racial discrimination did not exist in any other region...

Barack Obama: The Stimulus Plan

Introduction When President Barack Obama was elected in 2008 and took office in 2009, the US was facing one of the greatest financial crisis in the world. The crisis is said to be the worst that the country has experienced since the Second World War (Herszenhorn). In order to deal...

Proletariat and Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx

Marx puts to question the victory claimed by the Bourgeoisie in the midst of a struggle of classes (Marx 72). The emergence of a new class of industrial workers (proletariat) emerges as a threat to the members of the bourgeoisie. He further predicts a possible overthrow of the bourgeoisie masters...

American History: Irish Immigrants

The Irish American community is the second-largest self-reported ancestral group in America second only to the German Americans. An American community survey conducted in 2006 showed that 12 percent (36,495,800) of the entire population were Irish migrants. The Irish had been migrating to the USA even before the Revolution; these...

The Interstate Highway Act of 1956 and Its Impact on America

Overview of The Interstate Highway Act of 1956 The Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956 which is commonly known as the National Interstate and Defense Highways Act was enacted on June 29, 1956, when the bill was signed into law by Dwight D. Eisenhower who was then the president1. This was...

Harlem Renaissance or the ‘New Negro Movement’

Introduction Harlem renaissance was a literary movement that is also called the ‘New Negro Movement’ (Nathan, 1971). The movement was also a political one. It started in Harlem in the 1920s and1930s following the First World War. The movement addressed issues affecting the blacks living in America. They did this...

Women’s Backlash in the 1950s due to WWII

Introduction World War II, abbreviated as WWII, is known by various names like the Second World War, the Great War, and the War to End All Wars. It was a global war although its arena was primarily in Europe. This War involved not only the major European powers but also...

Fernand Leger and Dudley Murphy

Introduction The concept of production refers to the transformation of raw materials in to finished products. These raw materials can be in human or material form. This also applies to film production which uses human raw materials to produce good films or movies. The primary aim of a movie producer...

The Swahili Culture and History: Shirazi People

Introduction The Shirazi is a group of Swahili-speaking people found along the coast of East Africa. The Swahili people have been known variety of diversified traditions and some very confusing history. A lot of research has been done on these people mainly from the fact that they seem to have...

The North and South of America and a Slavery

The dawn of the 18th century came with new reforms in free America. It had to contend with the abolitionist movement that had begun in South America and Western Europe to stop the slave trade and emancipate those people already in slavery (Abraham 1989). In the United States of America,...

Polish Intelligence in the 20th Century

Abstract After the First World War had ended, German nationalists on one hand and communist Russia on the other dominated Poland. The Treaty of Versailles did not guarantee much security for the Poles. After going through a rough revolt, Russia went ahead with its imperialism against Poland by taking over...

The History of Mongols, the Black Death

Human society can be compared with a living organism that is the constant process of development. Certain external factors determine the directions of this development. The same pattern occurs in human society as well, the changes are determined by several major currents, the value of which is unquestionable due to...

United States History and African American Movements

Introduction The first residents of what is now the United States emigrated from Asia prior to 15,000 years ago by crossing Beringia into Alaska. Archaeological studies confirm that the forefathers of the Native Americans entered the land about 14,000 years back in time. In the US, slavery remained a lawful...

Native Red Indians Period Role and Today’s Women Comparison

Introduction Over the years the modern woman is said to have been greatly inspired by the experiences and lessons of the Native American woman. Traditionally the Native American woman possessed what could be termed as power, autonomy, and equality. Unfortunately these virtues were eroded and at the onset of European...

The Fall of The Roman Empire: The Main Reasons

The Roman Empire is variably described as one of the most powerful empire the world had ever seen and was characterized by a republican form of Government and existed across Europe and spread all over the Mediterranean. The Roman Empire in many ways describes the Roman states starting with Emperor...

The 1900 Galveston Hurricane: Disaster Management Failure

Introduction The essay talks of the 1900 Hurricane that rocked the city of Galveston on September 8. The City of Galveston on the U.S map is located on the Western part of the South-Central part of the United States. The speed of the wind had estimates of 135 miles per...

Charlemagne Royalty: Germanic or Roman Type

Charlemagne also referred to as Charles the Great or Charles 1, became King of the Franks at the age of twenty six in 1768. This was after succeeding his father Pippin III. He also became King of the Lombard’s by conquering it1. He left a legacy of which to date,...

American History 1865-1970: Development, Struggle, and Achievements

During this period, racial struggle in United States was at its peak. The period was characterized by intensive struggle between the South and North over black’s place in the society. The South had a large number of white racists who were of the opinion that the blacks should be separated...

American History: Changing America

Introduction Thomas Jefferson served as the third president of the United States of America. Throughout his regime, he championed democracy of representation, something that made him the greatest champion of the course. During his service in various capacities, Jefferson always sought to establish a government that had very limited powers...

Mexico’s History Between 1940 and 1960

Mexico’s historical development between 1940-1960 received different and opposite accounts of its meaning and significance for national and its further growth. In his book, The Making of Modern Mexico Brandenburg sees this period as a great step towards social change and “social justice for all Mexicans” (Brandenburg 3). In contrast...

Early America Civil War Period Analysis

Background The United States of America Civil War began on April 12th, 1861, as a result of the unending deep-rooted sectional conflict that was reflected by economic and social-political disparities between the northern and the southern regions. In the election that was held in 1860, the Republican Party under the...

Civil War Resolutions, Party Platforms and Speeches

Introduction The civil war in America came about to preserve the union which was the United States of America. This came about as a result of two differing opinions by two groups on the role of the central government. One of the groups believed that the central government and the...

Spotlight on the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Introduction The Civil Rights Act adopted in 1964 is considered to be a US legislation piece outlawing racial segregation in publicity and labor. The act is the principle step made by the Americans in their way to antiracism propaganda. Nevertheless the notes of racial discrimination are centralized in the country...

The Native American Indians

Colonization is a process of settling the territories by people who cannot be considered the native population of these territories. The British colonizers were people who were eager to leave their native cities in Old Europe and move to the new continent which was supposed to give them a chance...

Loyalists in the Canadian History

Loyalists are the colonists living in the English colonies of North America. During the American War of Independence 1775 – 1783, loyalists were affirmative supporters of the English monarchy who left the territory of the newly formed United States and moved to the sparsely populated English colonies. Being one of...

Martin Luther King`s Revolution of Values

Martin Luther King, Jnr was a Baptist pastor in America. King was also a Nobel Peace champion and one of the key leaders in the American civil rights lobby group. This was a movement for championing the rights of America’s minority groups especially blacks. King was born in 1929 in...

American Social History Since 1865

Introduction American history after the Civil War of 1861-1865, which came to be known as the ‘Gilded Age,’ was characterized with rapid population growth, huge economic boom and the creation of a modern industrial economy. Mark Twain and Charles Dudely Warner coined the term ‘Gilded Age’ in their novel “The...

The Rise of Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Outline Aspirants for the office of the President of the United States, require exceptional qualities of leadership, grit, determination and perseverance. This essay focuses on the rise of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the factors that contributed to his unprecedented four terms in office. The essay first traces Roosevelt’s privileged background...

The Influence of the West on Politics and War at Different Times

England Rise to Power England is part of the larger United Kingdom, bordering Wales to the west, Irish Sea to the northwest, Scotland to the north English Channel to the south, and North Sea to the east. The central and southern Great Britain Island, located in the North Atlantic form...

US invasion of Vietnam in 1955

The war began in 1955 between the communist Northern Vietnam, its allies and the non-communist southern Vietnam along with the USA and the rest of SEATO as its allies. The conflict went on until April 30th, 1975 during which millions of people died from both regions of Vietnam and between...

Thomas Jefferson: Difficulties of Making Research

Introduction In this paper, I am going to discuss some difficulties of making e research about Thomas Jefferson. I am going to present the main problems with the respective arguments. The third President of the USA was a leader of great influence not only in his nation. Thomas Jefferson is...

The Civil War and Reconstruction

Introduction In this paper I will narrow down into gender and race issues and how they influence our life experiences. I will refer to the work of Giddens 2007;Walby (2000), Albercrombie (2003).This essay starts by defining the two important terms gender and race then examines the views of various theorists....

Charlemagne, Justinian and Theodore Governments

Charlemagne, also known as Charles the Great, became a joint king in Franks in 788 together with his brother Carloman. Later his brother died in 771 thus, Charlemagne ruled the kingdom alone. When Charlemagne came to power, most parts of northern Europe had drifted into lawlessness and paganism. He was...

Life in the US and in the Soviet Union in the 60s

Introduction In the 1960s, there were sharp contrasts in the way people in the United States and the Soviet Union led their lives. These differences were as a result both the political circumstances of the time as well as the prevailing economic ideologies in these two sides. The conditions the...

The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and Slavery Abolishment

Introduction Slave trade carried out mostly in the 17th-18th centuries encompassed the capturing, selling, and purchase of people for the sole purpose of forced labor. Slaves were acquired from the sub-Saharan Africa and other parts of the world, as early as the 1st century AD. Most of these slaves found...

Germany After the “Zero Hour” of 1945

Introduction The Second World War, fortunately for the whole world, ended in favor of the Soviet Union and resulted in the complete failure of the Nazi regime in Germany and the suicide of Hitler with who the age of horror and totalitarianism ended happily. But the fact was the despite...

Renaissance in Italy and Northern Europe

Introduction According to Kahoe, Damerow and Duvalle, Renaissance is a synonymous term for rebirth which is said to have begun in the early 1350 after the outbreak of the ‘Black Death’ pandemic that killed more than a third of Northern Italy population. This is said to be the initial sense...

Russian Revolution of 1917: Two Sides of One Coin

Revolution in any country was considered to be a crucial point in the country and its nation history. World history knows several eminent revolutions that later were greatly learned, compared, and discussed by historian, political leaders, and ordinary people. The revolution in question is Russian Revolution of 1917. It had...

Arizona Constitution and How It Affects Counties

Introduction Any government has to outline how it is going to lead its people. This outline which is put in writing is what is called a constitution. The document describes how laws are made by the government, shows the powers that the government has, explains how courts make policies and...

The Columbian Exchange Review

Introduction In the entire history of mankind, no event has been given enormous credit like the Columbian exchange. This has been done for a good reason. The Columbian exchange triggered the largest swap of elements within the ecosystem. Much of the world we see today is the way it is...

American History: The 1877-1920 Era

Introduction The period between 1877 and 1920 covers several changes in the United States. There was reconstruction of Southern America after destruction which resulted from the American Civil War. The other major development was the coming up of industrialization. The period was marked by continuous strikes which were caused by...

American Histories from Different Chronological Perspectives

Introduction This essay seeks to compare, contrast, evaluate and analyze the American histories from different chronological perspectives. It first addresses the aspect of cultural diversity by investigating into the similarities and differences between the American cultures before1492. It also explains and critically evaluates how the British, French and Spanish colonization...

October Days During the French Revolution

Introduction There is no doubt that the French Revolution was one of the greatest and memorable events of history. The revolutionary ideologies showed their strength in France. During the fall of Bastille, both Paris and Versailles were flooded with various newspapers and pamphlets; speeches spreading the revolutionary thoughts were delivered...

Barrack Obama’s First Speech as the US President

All countries in the world had waited for this day and finally, it came, the world’s historic day, a day that the first African was sworn in to take over the White House.. It was the headline in the major dailies, internet, TVs and magazines. The news had been broken...

Political President Campaign: Developing Strategies

A campaign manager, who is developing a program for a candidate running for president, should consider such factors as the interests of the party that the candidate represents, fundraising, media, public opinion, political participation, etc. Overall, the presidential campaign can be divided into two phases, the primaries, and the general...

The History of Witchcraft in Salem

Introduction When researching on Witchcraft in Salem using the web sites that were given, I learnt that Salem was not the first place where witchcraft was performed. This is so because witchcraft is something that has been there quite long time before Christ. For instance, witchcraft was condemned in the...

American Imperialism: Negative and Positive Sides

Introduction American imperialism may be defined as the tendency by which the people who have powers or are known to be influential on people or the nations that are believed to be strong either politically or economically take advantage of the weaker nations or the people. They will always want...

Magical Beliefs: Witchcraft Definition and Practices

Introduction Witchcraft is considered one of the old pagan practices aimed to use natural and magical powers. Persons practice in the magic tradition in a small group of at least three or more persons. The witchcraft practices include all types of pagan, magical, and Satanic groups that reject the Catholic...

How Is Nurse Ratched’s Ward Like a Totalitarian Society

In the course of human history there have been several kinds of rulers of the states and several kinds of political systems as it is suggested by literary sources on politics. There are four basic types of political systems, and totalitarianism is among them. In the course of the development...

Harry S. Truman: Biography and Beliefs

The future President of the United States of America Harry S. Truman worked at a series of challenging jobs in his youth (1901-1922), which contributed to his experience and helped him during his presidency. There was logic in his succession of jobs since 1901 till 1922: work in two large...

Comparison of Robert E. Lee and J. E. B. Stuart

The leaders in American history have been a source of inspiration to people all around the world. Robert E. Lee and J. E. B. Stuart are also great leaders in the history of America. They have been linked with the American civil war and were great leaders in US Army....

Modern Middle East History: Countries History

This paper deals with the socio-economic and political developments in the Middle East over the last fifty years with specific reference to Iraq and Iran. The paper looks at the various stages of development and growth in these countries and the ways in which they have contributed to the politics...

The United States’ Crisis of 1798: Sedition

France and United States were on the verge of war during the 1798 summer, a situation which put the U.S at the greatest point of worry bearing in mind that her enemy was among the superpowers at that time (Sharpe 59). It was not just the overseas enemy which the...

“Salsa, Soul, and Spirit” by Joana Bordas Review

Despite Gerald Early providing several arguments in the first part of the essay, he leaves them without response, giving slight disproof for them. In fact, the conclusion of the essay is built on the last argument, which is “the group memory of institutionalized racism”. However, neglecting the argument does not...

African American Leadership: Articles Review

Introduction The African American leadership refers to the leadership in the American states by the African American people. This has for a long time been an issue in the American continent especially due to the issue of inequality. Racism has been the main hindrance to the achievement of the same....

Governing the Nation: Constitution for Slaveholders

Citizens of the country have always been influenced by the laws, which are adopted by the government, on both, positive and negative sides. Being a Virginia planter and slaveholder, the laws, which were adopters for the favor of the United States of America, affected me greatly. Considering the United States...

Labor and Autonomy Among Slaves in the US and Egypt

Slavery is an old evil that has existed on earth for a long time. The most memorable episodes of slavery include the enslavement of Israelites in Egypt and the enslavement of African Americans in the United States. With a focus on the slavery that existed in the United States, what...

The Armenian Genocide and the Holocaust

To what degree did the role of anti-Semitism play in the persecution and extermination of Jews during the Holocaust? It was estimated that six million Jews were murdered during the Holocaust. The blame was placed on the Nazi party. It was a political party spearheaded by Hitler and other like-minded...

Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson

The turn of the 19th century has been marked as the progressive era in which two American Presidents, President Theodore Roosevelt and President Woodrow Wilson have played a significant role on domestic as well as foreign policy-related issues. These two leaders reformed the system based on the decision which was...

America and Great Britain on American Revolution

Introduction American Revolution refers to the war that was fought between Great Britain and its colonies between 1775 and 1783. It led to the loss of many colonies by the Great Britain and eventually the formation of the United States. The national viewpoint of the two nations about the war...

Mark Antony: The Ancient Hero

People who lived in the ancient days and made an impact in the world through either bravery or great leadership are referred to as ancient heroes. They are usually of Greek origin and are greatly respected and viewed as role models by many people around the world (Minister, 2008). During...

The History of Gilded Age

The Gilded Age was a period in U.S history that occurred in the late 19th century around 1870-1889. This period was characterized by the second Industrial Revolution and the post-reconstruction effects of increased agricultural activities. Consequently, this period witnessed a massive growth in the U.S economy whose outcome was an...

United States unleashed the atomic bomb on two cities in Japan

Part 1 C. When the atomic bomb was unleashed by the United States on two cities in Japan, the act ended World War II and caused incalculable human anguish. This historically momentous event gave rise to questions regarding how wars will be fought in the future, the viability of the...

Arizona Statehood and Constitution

The Spanish Period In the year 1785, my grandfather Mr. Jones who was a teenager was on his way from his father’s farm when he heard of rumors circulating stating that their country is invaded by Spaniards and it was a requirement that they should comply with them to receive...

Social Status and Classism in United States History

In recent decades, people’s social status and the concept of classism have been assessed through a variety of sociological and psychological perspectives, with many researches tending to refer to citizens’ ability to gain a social prominence as such that closely relates to the environmental factors of their upbringing. For example,...

Article of Federation and the New Constitution: Various Views of Critics and Supporters

Introduction The Articles of Confederation were a combination of guidelines that was adopted as the constitution of America immediately after the Revolutionary War in 1777. After a grueling Fifteen Month Debate, the document was adopted by Congress as the first governing document to the U.S.A. It was subjected to amendment...

The Fifteen Year War in Asia and the Pacific

Introduction The Fifteen-Year War in Asia and the Pacific was a period of time marked by increased confrontations between the USA and Japan. During this period (started at the Mukden incident in 1931) the anti-Japanese propaganda was used in order to create a fear and antipathy towards Japanese people and...

Ancient Greece: Athenian Acomplishments

Introduction Ancient Greece is considered to be the phenomenon of the development of human civilization. The association that arouses when hearing the word combination “Ancient Greece” is “genius”. The roots of philosophy, art, imaginative literature can be found there. The scientists and artist of different historical epochs have drawn inspiration...

Canadian National Unity Formation in the Period of Post-Confederation

National unity is of great importance for each country because it allows keeping people united and ensures the trust of the citizens in their government. National unity cannot be forced or imposed on people; it is formed in the course of the country’s history and is influenced by important historical...

U.S. Public History and Policies

Introduction The field of public history has been developing over the years and, during this time, the concept of public history has acquired numerous definitions. Earlier, it used to be defined with regards to the work of the historians and different public agencies which carried out independent research. Since the...

Guide to the Collapse of the Roman Empire

The fall of the Roman Empire took place on May 29 1453 A.D at the collapse of Constantinople. It referred to the steady breakdown of the economy of Rome and the strike of Barbarian invasions. The reasons given for the fall include decadence, Christianity, monetary and military-related problems. The fall...

Slave Labor, the Subjection of Women and Almost Perpetual Warfare

Greece was the first among the European countries to become civilized. It came at a time that there was little or no religious influence. The Greeks were politically and economically driven. There were several Greek civilizations like Minoa which was the first and very peaceful and also characterized by art...

Roosevelt Corollary in the Light of the “The Monroe Doctrine” of 1823

It is important to understand the stance taken by President Theodore Roosevelt in the introduction of the Roosevelt Corollary, in the light of the ‘The Monroe Doctrine’ of 1823. The Monroe Doctrine was put forth in the year 1823 by President James Monroe, which called for an end of the...

Millennium Project in the UK

The paper is an analysis of one of the most controversial millennium projects of 2000; the Millennium Dome. It was built to celebrate the new millennium by capturing essential elements, however, most of the anticipated benefits did not bear fruit as it did not generate enough income. The Millennium Dome...

Nixon, More Than Watergate

Richard Nixon, the 37th President of the United States, will be forever known as the only president that resigned the office in disgrace. When examining the highlights of Richard Nixon’s presidency, his setbacks often overshadow his many accomplishments, a historical travesty. When Nixon took office as President in January of...

Migration of Irish Women in the Post-Famine Period

Thesis statement The mass migration of Irish women in the post-famine period was reasoned by numerous factors. Originally, these were the wishes of personal and economic education, which could not be achieved in the circumstances of traditional Irish society. It is claimed that women were migrating looking for a better...

Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon

There can be no doubt as to the fact that in his famous work “The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire”, Edward Gibbon refers to introduction of Christianity as one of the major factors that had brought about the fall of Roman Empire. However, it is...

American History: Ronald Reagan

The year 1911 marked the birth of the former U.S President; Ronald Reagan to his parents John and Nelle in Illinois. Reagan studied at Dixon high school and later joined Eureka College, where he studied sociology and economics. He became involved in sports such as football which formed part of...

American Prohibition and the War Against Drugs

The American prohibition of the 1920s was the government of the United State’s move towards restricting the production and sale of alcohol. Many states adopted laws that prohibited the sale of alcohol. However, the government’s move was seen and has always been seen as one of the biggest failures because...

How Did the Collapse of Communism Transform Eastern Europe?

Introduction – collapse of communism in 1989 The end of communism in the Eastern Europe was market by the memorable year of 1989. The event definitively set in new democratic form of government in the region in Poland, Germany, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary by the end of 19889, however, the communist...

Why the Americans Defeated the British: Ten Reasons

Britain is known as one country that had many colonies at one single time. Most of these colonies decided to wage war against Britain but they could not win easily since it had a strong fighting army. One country that fought Britain was America. However, it lacked a skilled army...

American Civil War Aftermath

The US Civil War managed to leave a considerable print on the national, economical, and political development of the country. It is necessary to stress that the regions which experienced the sharpest changes at this period were the South and the West. The Civil War appeared to be a sectional...

The Conflicts of the Cold War in Latin America

In Latin America, the cold war that started in 1947 officially had far-reaching implications. The “containment” policy theorized by the Truman doctrine that regarded the US as part and parcel of the Western Bloc that was also referred to as the “free world” that was the total opposite of the...

Progressive Era of the United States History

The so-called Progressive Era has always been viewed by many scholars as the period of the United States history, during which the country drastically changed its economic and political landscape (Gould, 22). However, there is not much agreement as to the underlying causes of this phenomenon and especially its far-reaching...

Post-Confederation Period in Canadian History

Canadian history is generally divided into two periods – pre-confederation and post-confederation. Originally, this division is stipulated by the fact that essential changes have taken place after this beak point. The main tendencies, which featured the post-confederation period, were the centralization and expansion of the territories. These tendencies were encouraged...

Will Obama’s Stimulus Plan Work?

The global economic recession has seen many complain about working harder for lesser pay and even spending more nearly on all the goods and services available in the market. This is currently affecting all Americans and the world at large. From recent research, data reveals that there is a rapid...

Irish “Potato Famine” of 1846-1850

The Irish “Potato Famine” is known as the most abhorrent and the most deplorable tragedy in history. The catastrophic number of deaths, which led to the immigration process, absorbed the entire country resembling the black hole. The reasons for the calamity arising from the extreme shortage of harvests propelled the...

Commonality in Northern Black Ghettos in 1941-1965

The most significant commonality within Northern Black Ghettos between 1941 and1965 and the description of the social life during this period is going to be analyzed in the paper. The United States of America in the XX century may be characterized as the country with the racial problems which were...

French Revolution: Memories, Symbols, and Rituals

“Memory,” Michel Foucault has argued, “is actually a very important factor in the struggle… If one controls the people’s memory, one controls their dynamism… It is vital to have possession of this memory, to control it, administer it, tell it what it must contain[1]”. History is essentially a recording of...

Central Factors for Development in Latin America

Introduction The Latin culture includes both formal and informal with high and popular cultures clearly observed. Latin America is a romance speaking territory where languages such as Spanish, French and Portuguese are primarily spoken. They have a diverse population with different ancestries and many ethnic groups. All along the expansion...

Richard Nixon and the Watergate Scandal

Introduction Perhaps no President of the United States have ever been as unpopular as Richard Nixon who to date has been the only President to have resigned under disgrace. However Nixon did have some remarkable foreign policy achievements. Nixon inherited the disastrous Vietnam War involvement from the previous administration. Nixon...

Post-Mao Shift in Policy in the People’s Republic of China

The death of Mao marked a new era in the social, cultural, political, and economic development of the nation. The new policy is based on deMaonisation and the implementation of capitalistic modes of production. People believe that it is namely the specific form of political governing in every particular country,...

Spartacus as a Leader, From a Historic Perspective

Spartacus was a leader of Rome, who revolted against the Roman government from 73 -71 BCE. Spartacus was born in Thrace in a nomadic tribe. (Lendering, 1, 2009) Graham Stevenson in his writing points out that the Roman historians called him the descendant of the Royal Thracian family. (Stevenson, 1,...

Greek Culture and It’s Influence on the Modern West

Introduction The history of Greece may begin with its geographical and climatic conditions that established the social and cultural norms of the people; it is also the major factor in defining the traditions and the mentality of the Greeks. The age of the Greek culture was marked by enormous achievements...

Russia Should be Wary in Supporting North Korea

The memory of the Cold War seems distant, but the relics of a bygone era can still be seen in the international arena. This is made evident when one takes a closer look at the political and economic ties of North Korea and Russia. There is a deliberate move by...

Emancipation and the Middle East War

Introduction It is at the heart of the war; the Civil War. President Abraham Lincoln is faced with a tough decision of whether to sign or not to sign the Emancipation Proclamation. If he does, all the slaves (African –Americans) would leave their masters and possibly join forces with the...

Mythlenian Revolt Told by the Witness

I am the person who can offer you the first-hand authentic information about the significant event in the history of Greece, the Peloponnesian War. In fact, I am the messenger whose mission is to inform, warn, and cast light on the treachery of the Demos of Greece. My mission is...

Du Bois vs. Washington: Racist Problem Solution

Introduction Booker Washington and Du Bois were considered to be the prominent leaders of African American origin who managed to contribute to the development of American history through segregation and racism eradicating at the beginning of the twentieth century. It is necessary to underline the fact that despite the common...