Women’s Position in the Abbasid Era

The accession of the Abbasids led to the break of the Arabian east and west. The new dynasty tried to imitate the Persian way of life: they accepted and inserted in their life customs and achievements of Iranian kings, translated a great number of Persian literature into the Arabic language....

Anna Frank: The Power of Hope Personified

Introduction One can safely say that the story of Anne Frank, her family, and those people who lived with her in a small annex in Amsterdam in 1942 is one of the most tragic and heartbreaking biographies known to humanity. Her diary is a collection and representation of both the...

The Neolithic Era: Architecture and Agriculture

The Neolithic era occurred at the end of the stone age and was responsible for several significant changes in the course of human history. Serious improvements were made in social structure, agriculture, architecture, and culture. The change from being hunter-gatherers to farmers and harvesters was so important, that the Neolithic...

Imperial Rome and Literature

From the earliest work of Roman literature to its decline at the introduction of Christianity, the era provided unique forms of poetry, prose, and history. Roman literature is important as it was influenced by prior works and consequently affected the works that came after. To the Romans, it was important...

Van Helden’s Article “The Telescope in the Seventeenth Century”

The article “The Telescope in the Seventeenth Century” was written by Van Helden in 1974. The author discloses the science behind the invention of the telescope and how it affected humanity’s future and development. Van Helden (1974) argues that the telescope was invented in approximately the 1600s but became known...

The Downfall of the Roman Republic

Many historians have argued the exact reason behind the downfall of the Roman Republic. With the growth of the Roman Republic, many problems emerged; each of them could be considered the cause of the downfall. The late Republic was plagued by economic, political, and social issues; many changes were required....

The Legacy of the Progressive Era

Introduction Even though the first official regulation dates back to 1887, attempts to make it happen even earlier. It began with the fact that in the 1870s, the farmers’ association tried to establish a set of rules. They were called the Grangers and fought for railroad regulation. After litigation, the...

The Smallpox Epidemic during George Washington’s Besiegement of Boston

Introduction The spread of the smallpox epidemic was critical during George Washington’s besiegement of Boston and Canada’s campaigns in the years 1775 and 1776. The pervasiveness of the smallpox diseases had an adverse influence on war progress meant for independence. Smallpox was extremely contagious and not predictable when it would...

Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment

The scientific revolution introduced individualism to a society that was largely conformist and communal at the time, with little regard for the accomplishments of select people. Though this was largely due to religious norms of the time, traditional and social expectations also promoted certain behaviors and values that prioritized communities...

History of “The Black Death” by Rosemary Horrox

In his book Rosemmary Horrox, she traced how the Black Death in Europe and part of Asia affected the entire continent and particular spread across the part of England and Ukraine. Majority of researchers including Rosemary Horrox showed that the Black Death was associated with plague caused by bacterium pestis,...

East-West Rivalry and Atomic Race of Cold War

Cold War intensified after Russia and the United States got new leaders, namely Nikita Khrushchev and Dwight Eisenhower. The war dynamics transformed to a new level as ground troops were reduced because the two nations wanted to focus more on nuclear weapons. The U.S. policies were highly aggressive, and in...

Herodotus on the Egyptians: World History

I believe that Herodotus had a valid opinion on how influential some of the Egyptian customs have been to the Greeks. For instance, Egyptians had the same type of social hierarchy, with the upper class of land and slave owners and the lower class with limited rights. Some religious similarities...

The Voting Rights Act of 1965 and Its Consequences

Introduction The given historical analysis will primarily focus on the events of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. The message will be communicated to a naïve audience, which has no current knowledge of American history, its intricate developmental elements, or internal racial issues. President Johnson’s signing of the Act was...

The Decline and the Fall of the Roman Empire

Many historians have analyzed the fall of the Roman Empire to determine its leading causes. Debates regarding different factors involved and contributed to the end of the Roman kingdom have also been experienced. The Roman Empire was one of the most superior territories recognized by many people. Its collapse led...

Minority Groups During 1880-1914

Women form part of the vulnerable groups of populations because of their susceptibility as soft targets in the predominantly male-dominated society, which in itself is more patriarchal. At the turn of the century in the United States, the role of women was restricted to being wives and mothers, whose main...

Interpreting Christopher Columbus’ Personality and Activities

With the recently introduced aspect of perspective in history and the tendency to question the motives and actions of important figures in history, the case of Christopher Columbus requires complex understanding. In general, his input into the history and development of the word is fundamental and has no existing analogs....

Second Wave of European Expansion Into Africa and Asia

Second Wave of European Expansion The main driving force of colonization consists of various reasons. Among them are the desire of countries to acquire additional new resources, the place of sale of goods, the acquisition of a new workforce, and many other factors. Thus, the states aimed to take control...

Medicinal and Magical Practices Used for Survival Among Enslaved Africans

Life in Africa was not easy, but it was free. Everything changed after the slave trade began and slaves were sold to the Canaries, Maderia, the Azores, along with North America and Brazil (Greenfield 45). Working conditions on the plantations were severe; many Africans could not bear the unlimited working...

Persian, Roman, Mongol, and Inca Empires

In ancient times various political and socio-economic systems of the empires either contributed to their power and success or eventually led to the catastrophic downfall of the nation due to flaws in the system. Such empires as Persian, Roman, Mongol, and Inca are among the most prominent empires of all...

Tartan: The Symbol of Rebellion?

Tartan refers to the pattern of interlocking stripes that runs through the cloth vertically and horizontally. Today, tartans’ different fabrics and designs are thought to represent specific Scottish clans and families. It has a long-standing history, with the earliest known Scottish tartan dating to the fourth century AD (The Scottish...

Discussion of “Bravo Two Zero” Patrol in Iraq

Introduction During the First Gulf War in January 1991, a troop of British Army Special Air Service (SAS) landed in Iraq having a particular task in intelligent service. Bravo Two Zero was the code-name of the SAS operation. According to one of the theories, the patrol targeted to destroy Scud...

The Viking Invasions of Europe

Introduction This work was written with the aim of studying a selected region in a specific period of time, namely, how the invasion and the settlement of the aggressor changed the region. The work will highlight the period in the history of the Viking invasion of Europe. The argument is...

Paris Peace Agreement in Cambodia and How to Follow It

Cambodia is a developing country with an authoritarian government of Hun Sen. It has an uneasy history, connected with the local battles and revolutions during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union. The most terrible period was the ruling of the Khmer Rouge, a communist revolutionary...

English Colonization and the Road to Revolution

Introduction In the seventeenth century, the political situation in the world was significantly impacted by the active position of the British Empire, which expanded its power on a global scale. It had a particular interest in obtaining the lands of North America, which is why the large territories were gradually...

Communism, Fascism, and the Outbreak of the Second World War

The two most historically important ideologies of the first half of the 20th century are communism and Fascism. Despite certain similarities between the two, they are strikingly different. Their expansion principle and opposing views on how society must develop ultimately resulted in World War 2 (WW2). Communism is predicated on...

Importance of Polis in Ancient Greek

The significance of Polis resides in the structure of the ancient Greek world. Polis was a structure of community, or territory of the land. It means a community of people living together. Research indicates that Polis is the birthplace of culture (Oniszczuk 33). Thus, an individual Polis was different from...

Cold War in Everyday Life of Americans

Introduction Living at the time of the Cold War in the United States of America was challenging for the citizens due to a number of political reasons affecting their well-being. From this perspective, the principal factor worsening their conditions was of a psychological nature since various events, and the governmental...

The Roman World from 753 BCE to 500 CE

According to mythology, on April 21, 753 BCE, the two brothers and demigods Romulus and Remus established Ancient Rome. According to mythology, Romulus murdered Remus and renamed the city after following a dispute over who would control the city. When the guys wanted to continue after arriving on Tiber River’s...

Modern India’s Development and Political Challenge

Among the pressing issues within the Indian society is the contrast between a prospering middle class and people living in poverty, who face serious economic challenges. The modern Indian state is characterized by the caste system and the presence of scheduled groups, such as tribal people. Moreover, the history of...

The Differences in the Role Women Played in Puritan Society in Colonial Massachusetts

The evolution of women’s role in society might be traced back centuries. Some of the historical periods became more prominent than others, such as the era of Puritan communities and the rise of the Evangelical Revival. Further, the differences and similarities of women’s roles in both societies will be discussed....

Origin of Indigenous People (Metis Nation) in Canada

Introduction The concept of origin refers to the point or place where something arises from. In this situation, it refers to the origin of a group of people known as the Metis. Metis is a French term for mixed-blood and language. The term indigenous refers to the first inhabitants of...

China, Japan, and the Ottoman Empire Modernization in the 19th Century

Traditional societies, in particular the Ottoman Empire, China, and Japan began to experience difficulties in the nineteenth century. They all found that they are much weaker militarily than European countries or America. Military achievements gave stronger countries power to gain more lands and profit, make deals on their terms, and...

Turning Points in Workers’ Rights in American History

Workers’ rights in America are essential to all employees as they protect them against discrimination under federal law based on religion, color, sexual orientation, race, disability, or even pregnancy. Between 1877 and the 1980s, there were several turning points in workers’ rights. These points had a tremendous impact on the...

Spanish Colonisation of America

The discovery of the New World made by Christopher Columbus in 1492 is regarded as the onset of the Spanish colonization of the continent that after years became known as America. The vast undeveloped territories and greed attracted numerous adventurers – conquistadors. In this connection, the Royal Spanish court promoted...

Dorothy Height’s Biography and Significance

A leader is a person who has the power to influence a crowd of people to achieve a specific goal in life. A leader must lead by example and be focused and deep-rooted to the plan even if no one supports them. African American female leaders are mostly not recognized...

Reflection on Chronicles of the Indies

Chronicles of the Indies might be considered as an important part of the reflection of the conquistadors’ aspirations and actions of the period. Hence, a discussion on the prominent participants’ works related to the period seems relevant to undertake. This paper will focus on Shipwreck, True History of the Conquest...

“The Vietnam War: An Intimate History”: Book Review

Introduction Ken Burns best known for creating a series of documentaries about the American Civil War, shot in 1990, also made a new series about the Vietnam War in 2017. This violent conflict in which America fought to ensure that the communist North did not subjugate the South of Vietnam...

Equality in the US Declaration of Independence

Introduction The declaration of independence and the notion of equality are topics that have been explored at length, especially due to disagreements regarding the meaning of equality. The term “all men are created equal” coined by Thomas Jefferson in 17761 arguably meant something different from how equality as it is...

Roman, Mongolian, and Ottoman Empires’ History

Since the Ancient Mesopotamia period, several civilizations have emerged and grown their desires to conquer vast lands and spheres of power. There were more than 190 ancient empires with clearly demarcated borders (Wings, 2019). These empires existed in different periods in history and were dissimilar in many aspects, but one...

Medieval History: Joan of Arc

Introduction Joan of Arc or D’arc was a celebrated French heroine most known for leading a successful conquest of the English army in the 1420s. At the time of her birth, France and England engaged in a protracted battle known as the Hundred Years War that arose over the succession...

Robber Barons or Captains of Industry?

The essence of history is that the same people’s figures can be presented from opposite views. Thus, it is sometimes complicated to make an objective assessment of what is happening. However, it is possible when considering the issue in a more global context. The purpose of this essay is to...

Athens, Sparta, and Macedonia

Introduction The history of ancient Greece is an interesting confrontation of polies with different political and social structures. Athens built its democracy, overturning long-standing oligarchy, whereas Sparta maintained its oligarchic and highly militarized structure. Their differences and priorities led to the Peloponnesian War, where Sparta was victorious, but both became...

The American Revolution and its Consequences

Abstract While the American Revolution gave women numerous opportunities for growth at both personal and familial levels, it did not encourage women’s participation in politics as it still denied them the right to vote. The American Revolution was necessitated by political, economic, and social developments. The Stamp Act Congress of...

The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom 1963

August 28, 1963 is considered to be a prominent date for the history of America. It was the turning point for the Civil Rights Movement. It was the day when the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom took place, and millions of black people were inspired to fight for...

The Significance of the October 17th in Argentina

Introduction October 17th was a very significant time for the people of Argentina from the year 1946 to 1953. It was the day that became important to the working class who have celebrated their leader and the policies that he has brought about. Even though previously the politics have used...

The Trail of Tears – Series of Events in the US

Genocide is an act committed with the intention of destroying, in whole or in part, any national, ethnic, racial, or religious group as such by killing members of this group. In addition, this includes attempts to inflict grievous harm to their health, the adoption of measures designed to prevent childbearing...

Social and Personal Responsibility of Martin Luther King Jr. in the Civil Rights Movement

Introduction The U.S. underwent the development of the Civil Rights Movement that occurred between the 1950s and 60s. It aimed to bring racial equality. Although African Americans have been contesting for their rights and liberties ever since the era of slavery, significant accomplishments in the civil rights struggle were made...

Mexican Americans’ Struggle for Integrated Schools in the Civil Rights Era

One may think that African Americans were the only population group that experienced the tragedy of segregation and unfair treatment in the USA’s civil rights period. However, the country’s history knows some other, no less excruciating, examples. Among such, there were Mexican Americans, whose position in the civil rights era...

Segregation and Racial Discrimination in Housing

Introduction The primary aim of this essay is to understand the role of segregation and discrimination in creating housing disparity between African Americans and the white community. However, for centuries now, national spatial imaginary has been racially marked, with segregation serving to induce a fine line between the majorities from...

A Time to Break Silence: Martin Luther King Jr.

There are many precedents in world history when religious leaders openly fought against injustice, backed by state laws, and sided with the oppressed. Martin Luther King Jr., who fought against racial inequality in America, considered social activity the only legal opportunity to counteract cynicism, indifference, and despair. The theology of...

The Review of the Challenger Disaster

Thirty-four years have passed since the world was stunned by the fatal space accident which occurred in the US. However, the disaster is still fresh in people’s minds, and everyone remembers those terrible footages of the space shuttle Challenger explosion. It took the lives of seven crew members and became...

The President Roosevelt’s New Deal Programs

Introduction Between 1933 and 1939, President Roosevelt endorsed the New Deal programs in the United States to counter the effects of the great depression through programs, financial reforms, public work projects, and regulations. These programs answered the needs of Americans in recovery, reform, and relief after facing the economic meltdown...

Different Interpretations of Conquest

The accounts of conquest vary significantly depending on the angle one views the same events from. The Spanish conquest of South America is a landmark event in world history. The clash of civilizations that happened when Spaniards discovered America is an example of the event which is interpreted very differently...

The Story of Martin Guerre

Introduction Taking on an assumed character/name or deception concerning one’s identity is known as imposture. George Psalmanazar, Victor Lustig, Ferdindand Demara (The Great Impostor), Cassie Chadwick, Tichborne Claimant, Frank Abagnale (Catch Me If You Can), and a host of others have catapulted the act of imposture into a unique subculture...

Canada: The Group of Seven and Northern Development

The Group of Seven and Northern Development by Paul Walton tells the Great Transformation of Canada and related opposing viewpoints, driven by the agrarian myth and the myth of progress. It began with the acquisition of vast resource-rich areas located on the Precambrian shield (Walton, 1990). The Group of Seven...

Successes and Failures of the Haitian Revolution

The Haitian Revolution was an uprising that happened in the French colony of Saint-Domingue in 1791. It lasted until 1804 and ended with the colony’s independence and the abolition of slavery. The Haitian Revolution has been called “unforgettable and unrepeatable”. However, it was not isolated from the rest of the...

Livy’s and Qian’s Attitudes to Self-Sacrifice

Introduction Scenarios of self-sacrifice occupy an essential place in the literature of ancient writers and, as a rule, aim to reveal specific values ​​and moral obligations that a particular character follows. However, such plots are part of not only fictional works but also serious historiographic records. As an example, one...

Christianity in the Roman Empire

Christianity began its existence as a small sect and ended up being a major worldwide religion. Its history starts in the Roman Empire, where it managed to survive the cruel persecutions and was legalised by Emperor Constantine I, who has become a Christian himself. The reason for the triumph of...

Hewes and the Ideological Premise of the Revolution

The political events that unfolded in Boston in the 1770s and the following developments leading to the Revolution were driven by a range of factors and supported by a huge number of people. However, of all citizens, George Robert Twelves Hewes stood out as a particularly important figure in the...

Evaluating the Manifest Destiny: Violence Masked as Inspiration

Introduction The concept of expansion and the colonization of North American lands, which was engraved into the Manifest Destiny, is an admittedly controversial topic that needs to be studied further in order to embrace the effects of colonization on the modern relationships within American society. While studying the historical records...

Caribbean Slave Rebellions Overview

The history of Caribbean slave rebellions is extensive, encompassing several centuries to the point that it can be said that they started after the region’s population became enslaved. However, the movement was not homogeneous, as some parts were more successful at emancipation than others, which also depended on the country...

Civil War in “For Cause and Comrades” by McPherson

Introduction The current essay is an evaluation of McPherson’s book “For Cause and Comrades: Why Men Fought in the Civil War”. A critique of the book will be produced based on the review of several crucial points. First of all, the main thesis of the author will be presented and...

European Contact With the Aztec Empire and China

The history of European travels to the East as well as to new lands with a view to their further colonization contains a number of achievements initiated by individual explorers. These people significantly contributed to the development of the economy of the time. However, their activity did not necessarily lead...

History of Graffiti in Pompeii

After the eruption of Vesuvius on August 24, 79 AD, the entire city of Pompeii in the Gulf of Naples was buried under a layer of volcanic ash and forgotten until the middle of the XVIII century. Today, the city of Pompeii is one of the most significant archaeological sites,...

The Blizzard of 1888: What Made It So Murderous?

January 12, 1888, became a fateful day for about 235 residents of the American prairie. On that warm winter day, a sudden onset of snowstorm caught many people outside of their houses. Most of these people were immigrants from Europe who came to America in search of a better life....

Ancient Greek and Roman Governments

The governments of Ancient Greece and Rome had similarities and differences alike. It becomes clear if one compares the High Roman Empire with Athens at the peak of their might. Both governments conquered foreign for economic purposes and used religion to justify their regimes, but Athens remained a democracy, while...

Livy’s Consistent Attitude Towards Plebeians

Livy’s attitude towards the plebeians was consistent, as revealed in several instances. First, he was against what the Patricians were doing to the Plebeians, such as inequality in resource sharing. In particular, “not only was the belly nourished, but it also provided nourishment, since it supplied to all parts of...

The Impact of the Black Plague on Europe

The Black Death or the Black Plague reached Europe in the middle of the fourteenth century. Before Europe, this dreadful pestilence had hit China, India, and Persia. The plague most likely spread via growing trade routes between East and West and later gained strength throughout Europe. Due to poor sanitary...

The American Promise: History

Introduction The American comprehension of liberty has become the guiding light for the majority of countries. Thousands of people from all over the world come to the United States every year, hoping to pursue a better future for themselves and their families. However, Americans have come a long way to...

The Spanish Flu Epidemic in 1918

One of the deadliest occurrences of human history is the 1918 “Spanish Flu” epidemic. Influenza spread to almost every part of the world and appeared in the United States, Britain, and France in the same year. Overall, the virus affected three to five percent of the world’s population, including the...

Mesopotamia: From Sumer to Babylon

Introduction Mesopotamia is one of the greatest civilizations in world history. Most technological inventions and writing systems of contemporary society exist because of Mesopotamian contribution. The first writing system and literary work are attributed to this civilization. Throughout its history, the region was ruled by several empires, including Sumers and...

The History of Colonial Experience of British Empire

Introduction It is a well-known fact that the British Empire formed thirteen colonies on the eastern shore of the North American continent. Nevertheless, those colonies were formed for different reasons and offered unique experiences for the European settlers. The last British colony formed in America was the Georgia Colony, established...

History and Theories of Literacy Instruction

There were several eras of reading research led by different assumptions and theories. First was the era of conditioned learning, which lasted from 1950 to 1965. During this period, the research was inspired by behavioristic theory, which stated that learning is a conditioned behavior that could be programmed. The second...

Sherman’s March to the Sea: The Most Decisive Moment of the Civil War

Introduction Civil War is the bloodstain for the United States, and Sherman’s March to the Sea is the most decisive moment against the Confederacy that led the War to its ending. This paper aims to discuss this campaign’s moral impact for the Confederates, economic effect, the March’s influence on the...

The Mission as a Frontier Institution in the Spanish-American Colonies

Bolton examines how Spain was able to spread its influence across South and Central America while having its resources spent on wars in Europe. The impact was substantial to the extent that the majority of the population of the South American continent speaks Spanish and has culture inherited from Spain....

Canoes of North American Indigenous People

Introduction Canoes have always been an integral part of the life of ancient tribes. Ancient people all over the world started to build canoes as early as 8200 BC (“Native American canoes,” n.d.). North American Indigenous tribes were making dugout and birch-bark canoes long before the first European settlers came...

The Causes of the American Civil War

Introduction The Civil War (1861-1865) was one of the most significant events in American history that paved the way for future generations to live in ways that were unimaginable a few years later. It preserved the unity of the nation, gave a much-needed boost to the American economy, and turned...

The Code of Hammurabi: The Second Source

Author Martha Roth’s work, dedicated to the study of syntax in coupled with the historical and political meaning of the collection of laws of the ancient Babylonian sixth king Hammurabi, was chosen as the object of research. According to information provided on the official website of the University of Chicago,...

Collision at Cajamarca: ‘Guns, Germs and Steel’ by Jared Diamond

Guns, Germs and Steel is the most famous book of the writer –Jared Diamond. It examines the history of humanity in order to answer a question that has tormented many scientists –why did humankind develop unevenly. At the turn of the Middle Ages and Modern times, Europe came into contact...

Ancient Sexuality: Women and the Ancient Greek Symposium

Any study into the role of Women in the Ancient Greek Symposium must come with considerable personal speculation. A perusal of the sources in Greek history will result in a finding that Greek Women played a very, very minor role in the affairs of Greek Society. Not only was Citizenship...

The American Civil War: Key Information

The American Civil War was one of the fiercest, significant and powerful social battles in America. Even though it is widely though that slavery was the reason, there are deeper issues that have caused the war. It was a battle of interests, way of life between the North and the...

The History of Ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt

Arts serving political purposes in ancient Mesopotamia Ancient Mesopotamia (the land between rivers) political government consisted of kings who were believed to be from the city of gods. The relation between arts and politics was mainly seen in architecture. This was the pictorial view of buildings and building practices of...

The Early Renaissance versus Modern Society in Europe

Cultural and social values tend to change over time, and it can be traced back to the example of several centuries. When it comes to the Renaissance, basic ideas that come to mind are, as a rule, humanism and the desire to emphasize a human personality. Most of the ideas...

Historical Relations of Chad and France

Introduction The Francophone’s are those nations speaking or using French as their national or official language. They share a common cultural, social and political heritage with France. It is inferable that these nations were either French colonies or were once captured by France during the Napoleonic error. In Africa for...

The Second Industrial Revolution in World History

Introduction Historians have often considered ninetieth century as an important stage in human development as there were tremendous changes at this period of time. The second half of the ninetieth century witnessed path breaking inventions and so this time is aptly called as the phase of second industrial revolution. Inventions...

The History and Overview of French Revolution

Overview The French revolution is perhaps the most significant event not only in the history of France but also in the whole of Europe. The revolution represents the transition to liberty and freedom for the Frenchmen1. This can be traced from the fact that France had been ruled by monarchs...

Sugar Cane Plantation and Slave Trade in South America

Sugar was introduced in South America in 1494. By 1500, the region was biggest the world’s sugar cane growing belt in the world. The introduction of cocoa and tea in Europe increased the demand for sugar. Further processing led to the production of chocolate. This made the popularity of sugarcane...

The Impact of the Industrial Revolution on Britain and America

The American lifestyle experienced gradual change with the coming of the industrial revolution. Before industrial revolution took shape in the American world, they mostly practiced farming while most of the rest were artisans. Industrial revolution brought about a great transitional point in the lifestyle of the people in the United...

The Black Death Description and Analysis

The Black Death was a devastating epidemic that swept across the European continent between 1346 and 1353 killing more than one-third of its population. The disease was transferred to humans through fleas from dying rodents. Before arriving in Europe, it depopulated vast areas of Tartary, India, Mesopotamia, and Syria. The...

The History of Roman Empire Expansion

Rome was founded as a province in Italy but later came to have dominance over Africa and most of Eurasia. The Roman Empire was founded in 8th BC and became an established and successful dominion until it came to a fall in the 8th BC. During the period of dominance,...

La Malinche: An Overview

Introduction In the cause of 1500s, there was a woman who always changed the direction of the history of Mexico. She provided her services to Herman Cortes in the capacity of being her translator and mistress. Had there been no help from her, there could have been the defeat of...

Native-American Studies: Quapaw Indians

Introduction The Quapaw Indians are part of the Dhegiha Sioux tribe forming Native Americans. They occupied the western part of the Mississippi River which is present-day Arkansas. This essay will discuss the culture of this group of Indians as the group I find most interesting. The writer traces the history...

Modern Japanese History: Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Introduction The Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombings of 1945 were the most devastating bomb attacks in history. The bomb attacks marked the end of the Second World War with the final surrender of Japan and eventual occupation of United States (Dower 116). Their effect caused heavy casualties in human lives...

The Cold War in the 1950’s

Introduction The cold war was mainly a continuing state of conflict that existed between the United States and the Soviet Union and their allies, this occurred during the 1940s to the 1990s. The cold war involved military coalitions, attacks, arms development and spirited technological growth. During World War II, the...

Simon Forman, a Late Sixteenth-Century Magical Practitioner

Introduction Several medical practitioners have risen with various unique events surrounding their lives, but none, at least in London, has been as controversial as Dr. Simon Forman. This man was involved in astrology, physiology, herbals and their interconnection with witchcraft also called polypharmacy.In addition, he did botched anatomy and other...

Summer of Hate Events

The year 1968 was called the Summer of Hate. This is perhaps about the series of events that rocked the United States in the year 1968. In January of that year, the US became part of a war that was between northern and southern Vietnam. At first, it was only...

Jim Crow Laws for African American

Introduction In the 20th century, it was a common belief among the White Americans that having black Americans in their neighborhood would lead to decline of property values. The United States came up with a policy to separate the country by having different facilities for the white Americans and the...

Exposing the Real Che Guevara by Humberto Fontova

Ernesto “Che” Guevara is described by many people as a hero and a source of inspiration to societies. T-shirts with his heroic logo are proudly worn by those who know him as a hero. Various media outlets and Hollywood actors have played a major role in trying to lionize the...

The Collapse of the Roman Republic

The Roman Republic, which lasted for over 5 centuries (Roman-colosseum.info), finally collapsed due to a combination of 4 causes for which different sources were responsible. Economic Causes There were 4 economic causes for which the Emperor in larger part, and the Senate to a lesser degree, was responsible. The first...

Hardships of Mexican-Americans in the United States

Mexican Americans in America descend from people whose ancestry is Spanish and Mexican Indian. After the Spanish conquest of present-day Mexico in the early sixteenth century, Iberian males intermixed with Indian women. Therefore the cultures blended and those people of a fused heritage and culture moved Northward from Mexico and...

The Agrarian Protest: Causes, Farmers Alliances, Break Up

Introduction The Agrarian Protest emerged in the early 19th Century and made a distinctive feature in the history of America, the protests were largely brought about by the American farmers against the economic ills at this time. At the heart of these historical protests were the farmers who had made...

Agriculture the Backbone of Ancient Egypt’s Economy

In pre-industrial societies, agriculture was the backbone of most economies. This is true in ancient times and very much evident in ancient Egypt. Five thousand years ago a mighty kingdom emerged when a chain of independent city-states lining the River Nile united to support one Pharaoh. Thousands of years later...

History of Palau Independence

Palau was established as a sovereign country by the Compact of Free Association on 1st October, 1994, which guaranteed the continuation of military, economic and political links between Palau and the US for fifty years. The Compact of Free Association outlines the relationships that three sovereign countries had entered into...

Absolutism in Austria and Prussia

From the 16th to the 18th century, absolute monarchs asserted total sovereignty on the basis of divine rights although at this time in history they were bound by certain elements of law. Absolute monarchs strived to remove the contending institutions and jurisdictions in their provinces and were able to acquire...

The Causes of First Civilizations

Introduction In the course of mankind’s development, there was a period marked by a transition of humans to more massive and universal forms of existence which are generally defined as civilizations. The first springs of civilizations had appeared as early as 6000 BC in Mesopotamia, Egypt, and South Asia followed...

Salem Witch Trials Debate

The Salem Witch Trials are known from the history reveal the horrible and even mysterious event of accusation of young girls for the witchcraft. The trials that took place from February 1962 up to March 1963 accused many innocent people due to the fact that the Court could not decide...

Spanish Culture in Equatorial Guinea

Introduction Equatorial Guinea, located in Africa, is a land filled with Spanish culture. Formerly known as Spanish Guinea, Spain has played a key role in the country’s history, while its influence continues to remain evident in culture today. While language is the predominant example of Spanish culture, Spain still influences...

Eruption at Thera and Minoan Civilization’s Downfall

Introduction The fact is that the matters of the downfall of the Minoan Civilization are the central issues of interest among lots of scholars. The confirmation of a violent end through fire and demolition is clear, but the clues to what caused such destruction have been elusive. It will turn...

The History of Guarani

Although the history of Guarani before 1511 has not been thoroughly explored, it is widely believed by many historians that these people have lived in South America since prehistoric times. Guarani cannot be called a tribe, it would be better to say that they are people, who have common cultural...

Women & Power of Pre-Colonial Latin America

Pre-Columbian America relates to the era before the arrival of the Europeans. It pertains to aboriginal civilizations of the Americas, with the likes of those in Mesoamerica and the Andes. Although the onset of “Pre-Columbian” era is considered to be from the time the human race set foot on the...

American Civil War and Iraq Invasion Comparison

Introduction The american civil war is one of the political events which happened in America from 1861 to 1865. The major cause of this war was political since it was caused by the Republican Party. The Republican Party in the history of America is the second oldest political party. This...

The Etruscans Granulation and Its Application in Art Works

Introduction The Etruscans inhabited modern Italy and Corsica between 800 BC -1000 BC. The civilization is well known for its craft works and artistic developments reflected their unique beliefs and traditions. In order to describe the art of granulation, it is important to mention the age and the stage of...

1983 Invasion of Grenada: Reasons and Aftermath

Introduction Grenada is one of the southern Caribbean islands and the invasion of Grenada took place during the Cold war between the United States of America and the Soviet Union. During the Cold War period, the US was determined to control the spread of communism around the world. Tension between...

The Myth and Ritual Schools

Introduction We would like to focus this essay on the topic “The Myth and Ritual Schools” of Catherine Bell’s Ritual Perspectives and Dimensions, along with its underlying facts and other literature that may have emerged since its inception. Background Which really comes first myth or ritual, or which one evolved...

“Cowboys and Indians: The Shooting of J. J. Harper” by Gordon Sinclair Jr.

Introduction The natives of Canada are a group of people who claim to have been discriminated against for ages by white citizens. The fault appears to lie in the police force too. Winnipeg police are infamous in this aspect. They have been negligent in meeting justice to the natives. Intent...

The Spanish Explorers in the New World

Introduction The discovery of America by Columbus and the subsequent conquest of the West-Indian Islands, Mexico, Peru, and other parts of the New World presented great political, juridical, moral, and religious problems for the Spanish monarchy. The Spanish explorers had a great impact on the New World and its further...

Canada During the Cold War

Thesis Canada, better known for its scientific knowledge rather than military prowess, pursued a moderate anti-communist policy during the Cold War while aiding struggling countries and promoting peace in the world arena. The cold war which began in the 1940s between America and the then USSR dragged on till the...

History. Western Impacts on East Asian Countries

Introduction Until the establishment of relationships between the Western countries and East Asia, Japan, Korea, and China had only their unique cultural and social features. With the growing connections between them, the Western impact became vivid. In some cases, the mentioned countries adopted the elements of the foreign culture, while...

Oneida Indians Declare Neutrality

The Oneida Nation, which was just one of the members of the Six Nations or Iroquois Confederacy, played an important role in the American Revolution. However, before siding with American colonials during the conflict, Oneidas, as well as other members of the Iroquois Confederacy, declared neutrality first. As it is...

Queen Isabella I of Castile and Inquisition

Introduction Queen Isabella I of Castile is a key figure in Spanish history. Her rule following her marriage to King Ferdinand of Aragon, saw the unification of the Spanish kingdom and the conclusion of the Reconquista. She further solidified the power of the unified crown by employing a group of...

Muhammad Tughlaq’s Rule and Decline of Delhi

Introduction Muhammad Tughlaq was one of the most controversial figures in the political scene of Medieval India. Initially, he was a successful military commander and, after his father’s death, became the ruler of the Delhi sultanate and reigned throughout 1324 and 1351 AD (Kulke and Rothermund 2004). He is also...

Working Conditions During the Industrial Revolution

Introduction The harsh working conditions for ordinary people marked the Industrial Revolution in England. Places such as factories and coal mines employed even children, who had to spend hours on hard physical labor almost as much as adults did. Although the power of wealthy industry business owners was high, some...

Baldwin’s American Dream, American Negro, Sonny’s Blues

Introduction Baldwin’s The American Dream and the American Negro speech appeals to the White southerners, accusing them of racism towards African-Americans. The concept of plague is used by the author to reflect hatred and immorality, which make them look down on people that have a different skin color: “moral lives...

Harlem Renaissance: African American Identity

Introduction The Harlem Renaissance is a term that is widely used to describe the period of a cultural and social reawakening for African Americans in the United States, who concentrated their artistic effort in New York. The period between the 1920s and the 1930s became a critically significant era in...

The Monroe Doctrine’s Critique and Analysis

Introduction In the early 19th century, the young United States, with hopes of becoming a major world power like its former mother country, started a campaign for territorial expansion. In an era dubbed the Age of Imperialism the political and economic power of nations was secured through the acquisition of...

How Did the Mongol Empire Impact Eurasia?

One of the most remarkable points about the Mongol Empire was its hostility that allowed them to become a foreign ruling class for many other nations. All the destruction that the Mongols caused on Eurasia seemed to be a planned series of activities that should not have promoted death and...

Nationalism in the French Revolution of 1789

Introduction It is the year 1799 in France, a country that has undergone historical and trying times as social protests and political upheaval have thrown the country into chaos and instability. The French Revolution led to the French Republic, guided by new Enlightenment and democratic ideals, the political philosophy of...

The Industrial Revolution and the First World War

Introduction The industrial revolution and the First World War are the two historical events that produced a tremendous effect on the development of the United States. They changed the course of history and laid the foundation of modern-day society by forming the principles and technologies that people currently use. Given...

European Trade Goods for Native Americans

The Effect of European Trade Goods on Native Americans Native Americans’ trade relations with Europeans significantly influenced their way of living. Thus, it is possible to state that American Indians, who were traditionally focused on a handicraft, received access to steel knives, metal pots, hatchets, and guns (Gallay 244). As...

Industrialization Achievements in the 19th Century

Life without electricity, heating, and other amenities seems unbearable for modern people. However, all these conveniences were invented only at the end of the nineteenth century. Innovative findings forced the transformation of the industrial sphere as new materials, manufacturing techniques, and appliances were evolving. Many scientific discoveries during this period...

Woodrow Wilson in “Dead Wake” by Erik Larson

President Woodrow Wilson was notable for his neutral political stance in terms of America’s role in World War I. This stance could be attributed to Wilson’s academic background and religious upbringing. In his view, God did not intend the United States to enter the conflict, while his academic side supported...

Early Civil Rights Movement and Its Goals

The Civil Rights Movement encompasses the actions and strategies used by different groups in the United States between 1954 and 1968 (Smethurst 6). The pioneers of the movement had outlined three goals from the very beginning. These early objectives included the need to end racial inequality and segregation in the...

Wealth and Power in Early Renaissance and Nowadays

Introduction The topic of this course project is “comparison of society during the early Renaissance in Europe to contemporary society.” This topic was chosen because of the strong belief that the reflections about the past and continuous paralleling of the previous experiences with the modern ones are the way to...

Economic Revolution: History and Theories

Introduction The history of the economic revolution has been traced by different authors from different periods in time. Some trace it in great Europe. The economic revolution is defined as the transition of modes of production from the hands of individuals. The change in the modes of production means a...

Human Knowledge of History

Introduction Our knowledge of history helps us realize its nature, inevitable ambiguity, and ultimate myth. Although history repeats itself, a person can’t expect something to happen in the future without a clear knowledge of what happened in the past. Human knowledge of history is something more than memorization. This explains...

Triangular Trade, Its Legs and Mechanism

Introduction The transatlantic triangular trade resulted in the forced migration of more than fifteen million people from Africa to the Western Hemisphere from the 15th century to the 19th century. In the 18th century, almost all European countries were involved in the trade. However, Britain later became a leader in...

Ancient Maya Civilization: History and Culture

Conflicts The conflict between two archrivals, Tikal and Calakmul, can be explained through military, commercial and political perspectives. It is worth noting that Tikal was the first founded. Its historical development can be traced back to the Preclassic period. Its first king founded a new ruling house before the downfall...

“Hunting Witches in Salem” by Cotton Mather

According to Cotton Mather, why was the devil dangerous? How did the devil operate in New England? What was the significance of Mather’s emphasis that invisible ‘furies’ could inflict visible injuries? Mather argues that the devil was dangerous because he determined to destroy the Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ...

Ronald Reagan – President of the United States of America

Introduction Ronald Reagan, who is regarded as the greatest communicator of all time, was the 40th president of the United States of America. An American president has a big significance in the world. It is widely known that the most powerful person on earth is the American President. Being the...

Developmental Models in Postwar Japan and Korea

Introduction Economies in Japan and Korea were significantly affected by the Second World War and the Korean War. The governments had to design and implement strategies to rebuild the nations. Some scholars believe that these strategies were similar in both Japan and Korea. On the other hand, many specialists distinguish...

Historical Issues of Latin America

Problem Background Discussing the reasons that some countries have not yet achieved the success their citizens feel they deserve is a complex task. A country’s success is associated with a range of different factors that have influenced countries gradually throughout its history. In the case of Latin American countries that...

Chapters 6-12 of A Short History of Reconstruction

A Critical Analysis of the Book: Chapters 6-12 According to Eric Foner, the Republicans wanted most of the southern states to join their party. These Republicans used powerful blueprints in order to empower many ex-slaves in the south. This scenario led to the Radical Reconstruction. During the same period, many...

Thomas Jefferson and the Concept of Slavery

While many associate Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States, and the person that had written the Declaration of Independence with the idea of freedom, his attitudes towards the concepts of slavery were dual. As mentioned in the CBC News video, Jefferson’s virtues were enormous while his vices...

The New Deal and Minorities in America

Historians and sociologists argue that the Great Depression profoundly changed American society because it made people extremely uncertain about their future. In particular, it led to the growing unemployment and homelessness; moreover, many households were brought to the brink of starvation. In turn, the New Deal was often perceived as...

Vietnam Decolonization’s Impacts on the International Relations

Introduction Decolonization was an instrumental factor to major changes that took place in the place world politics, particularly the decolonization of Vietnam given the geostrategic position of the country in the Asian region1. Studies show that several changes took place after the process of decolonization, but some scholars are of...

Leadership History and Evolution

Every century has an example of a capable leader that influenced many people. However, various leaders differ significantly from each other from one period of time to another. For example, history knows Alexander the Great as a conqueror and a warrior. His personal qualities highlight him as a determined and...

Elizabeth Bay Before and After Colonization

Present Elizabeth Bay is found in the state of New South Wales in eastern Sydney. The Bay is situated three kilometers east of Sydney central business. It is a harbor-side suburb that derived its name from the bay found in Sydney harbor. In the north, it is bounded by the...

First Civilizations and Their Characteristics

Introduction The history of the rise of civilization is long and intricate. It started around six thousand years ago with the formation of cities in the valley of Tigris and Euphrates rivers in the Middle East. Since then, the phenomenon of civilization evolved. However, its primary aspects remained unchanged. Taking...