Introduction When many of us think about a commodity that changed our society, sugar may come to mind as a symbol of globalization as well as being the reason for the boom in slavery, when millions of Africans were brought to the United States to work on sugar farms. In...
Topic: Sugar
Words: 1413
Pages: 5
Popular Quotes The truth will set you free, but first, it will make you miserable A pound of pluck is worth a ton of luck The spirit should not grow old The right reason is stronger than force Ideas control the world By James A. Garfield Biographical Information James A....
Topic: Historical Figures
Words: 586
Pages: 2
Introduction The city of Baghdad is the capital of Iraq and one of the oldest Islamic cities in the world. The city has a rich history as being the center for the Muslim empire at one point in history. In the modern society, the city of Baghdad is known for...
Topic: Islam
Words: 1387
Pages: 6
Spanish language now is one of the most spoken languages all over the world. Great number of people in different countries and continents speak it and consider it to be their native language. The reason for such a great popularity lies in the history of Spain. In past time, it...
Topic: Colonialism
Words: 1383
Pages: 6
Introduction The New World was the possibility for many people to change their lives or, at least, make the attempts and demonstrate their intentions, dreams, and desires. However, the colonial times turned out to be a real challenge for many women because they had to be ready to change, act,...
Topic: Colonialism
Words: 1176
Pages: 5
Introduction The study of ancient history is a vicarious experience that can be gained through the exploration of books, texts, and documents. Historical practitioners are keenly aware of the fact that ancient sources are not always characterized by the complementary relationship between reliability and authenticity (MacNeil, 2000). Therefore, the ability...
Topic: Ancient History
Words: 1411
Pages: 6
Racial segregation in every sphere of life is what was typical for the 19-20th-century history of the United States, and school education was not an exception. It was not until the 1954 Brown vs. Board of Education that the US Supreme Court declared separate public school education for black and...
Topic: School
Words: 1190
Pages: 5
Main Arguments In the article “Canada’s Separatism Fatigue”, Rex Murphy explains how “the history of Quebec separatism has induced an ever-expanding distaste and weariness in Canada” (Murphy par. 5). Canada as a whole has become weary and understood how to accommodate this issue of separatism. This move has the potential...
Topic: History
Words: 479
Pages: 2
Every century has an example of a capable leader that influenced many people. However, various leaders differ significantly from each other from one period of time to another. For example, history knows Alexander the Great as a conqueror and a warrior. His personal qualities highlight him as a determined and...
Topic: Evolution
Words: 310
Pages: 2
The Industrial Revolution of 1760-1840 was a remarkable time that changed the world picture impressively (Stearns, 2010). During this period, progress influenced the way the society lived. Before this time, the agricultural segment was dominant, however, after the revolution several countries in Europe and the United States became industrial. Before...
Topic: Industrial Revolution
Words: 1354
Pages: 5
Introduction In ancient France, the high and middle classes of society created a demand for locally designed silk products that embraced their tastes and culture. For a long time, the French elites had been spending a lot of money on acquiring quality silk fabrics imported from other countries. Due to...
Topic: History
Words: 1619
Pages: 6
Introduction The debate whether the British economy declined or grew during the post war decades among scholars especially economic historians has been going on for decades. The debate began immediately with the invention of the idea of Declinism in the later decades of the nineteenth century (Tomlinson 732). The origin...
Topic: War
Words: 1653
Pages: 7
Introduction Susan Douglas’s Where the Girls Are: Growing Up Female with the Mass Media is a significant contribution to modern feminist thought for its critical look at how women of the Baby Boomers generation were severely influenced by the popular culture. The book also acknowledged the blossoming awareness and acceptance...
Topic: History
Words: 838
Pages: 4
Introduction An evaluation of the article reveals that the Texas Constitution is assumed to be a representation of the ideals of the Grangers or farmers. In effect, agrarian voters are seen as the chief influencers of the constitution’s grudging and explicit nature on issues like official salaries, tax rates, and...
Topic: Constitution
Words: 1199
Pages: 5
Introduction The early 1930s proved to be a time of hardship for many countries on the globe. In 1933, two strong politicians came to rule Germany and the US. This paper aims to compare Hitler’s and Roosevelt’s inaugural speeches in order to find similarities and differences in their political courses....
Topic: American Politics
Words: 643
Pages: 3
Introduction After the government was recovered by the military, many events followed afterwards. There was looting among other major crimes that followed in the late republic. This essay seeks to discuss the problems that followed after this event. The paper will also show how the events led to the problems...
Topic: Ancient History
Words: 592
Pages: 3
Introduction The Navajo Indians are Native Americans who live in states such as New Mexico, Utah, and Arizona. In early history, the Navajo were hunters and gatherers. The tribe also adopted crop and livestock farming as means of obtaining food. Crop production involved cultivation of corn, beans, and Squash. After...
Topic: Native American
Words: 1138
Pages: 5
Introduction It is believed that by the year 1900, the Chinese empire had already existed for almost 2000 years making China one of the oldest known countries (Wakeman 78). Surprisingly, by this time the country had begun to flourish in technological endeavors such as astronomy, mathematics, engineering, and medical fields...
Topic: Culture
Words: 2222
Pages: 9
Introduction The example that I have selected to describe is one of the most significant American documents, the Declaration of Independence. The US Declaration of Independence is a historical document in which the British colonies in North America declared independence from Great Britain. This paper served as the beginning of...
Topic: Declaration of Independence
Words: 568
Pages: 3
“If a man has a rifle in his hands and a beltful of cartridges, surely he should use them. That means fighting. Against whom? For whom? That is scarcely a matter of importance.” (Azuela 87). The uprisings in Mexico chronicled in The Underdogs reveal themselves as less than romantic and...
Topic: History
Words: 1151
Pages: 5
Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X have come to be two profoundly controversial figures in American history. The way these remarkable men died has become the last manifestation of intolerance and loathing that was the ultimate message of the white society’s segregative practices. With their vibrant rhetoric and revolutionary...
Topic: Historical Figures
Words: 1117
Pages: 5
Introduction The Aboriginal people were the indigenous inhabitants of the Australian Continent. Before contact with the Europeans in the 18th century, these people occupied various regions throughout Australia and they had diverse culture and languages. Contact with Europeans had a devastating effect on the lives of the aboriginal people. The...
Topic: History
Words: 1458
Pages: 6
Egyptian civilization is one of the oldest cultures in the world. It is apparent that its governmental structure, architecture and other aspects had a vehement influence on the formation and outlook of the modern world. Consequently, a primary goal of this essay is to evaluate an effect of each aspect...
Topic: Ancient History
Words: 561
Pages: 3
Since the day the first book was published reading has become one of the main activities for people all over the world. Some people consider reading as an entertainment, others find the main source of information in the reading. The tradition of reading aloud in many families has remained since...
Topic: Culture
Words: 816
Pages: 3
The struggle for Irish nationalism is aptly captured in “The Guests of the Nation” and “The Rising of the Moon”. The two pieces of literary work offer a brief account of the Irish struggle to break free from the cruel British and French dominion. The most prominent public rebellion in...
Topic: Nationalism
Words: 1590
Pages: 6
“Watershed” Moments In the period between 1960 and 1990 there were multiple moments in the American history that changed the flow of human life drastically and created important impacts on the being of the whole world. The changes caused by these moments were permanent and they influenced not only the...
Topic: History
Words: 660
Pages: 3
Causal chain of the events The attack on the Pearl Harbor is attributed with the United States involvement in the World War II. The devastating event that lasted for 2 hours is perceived to have created a great loss in terms of the army vessels and soldiers (Davenport 42). The...
Topic: Pearl Harbor
Words: 560
Pages: 3
Islam, which emerged in the 622 Current Era when Prophet Muhammad and his disciples migrated from Mecca to Medina is the youngest religion in the world. Later, the Islamic Empire extended its territory from northern Spain to the Pyrenees, Northern Africa to western parts of Egypt, and Syria to the...
Topic: Islam
Words: 1470
Pages: 6
Introduction Many historians believe that the Cold War was a major conflict between the two nations. The Cold War emerged after the end of the Second World War. The Post-War Tension between the United States and the Soviet Union lasted for several decades. This tension resulted in numerous rivalries and...
Topic: Cold War
Words: 822
Pages: 3
Introduction Many people in the world value their lives, and they cannot sacrifice it for any reason. However, Telemachus sacrificed his life for the sake of the helpless slaves and political prisoners. He found a crowd in Rome being entertained by the gladiator fights. He could not find it logical...
Topic: Ancient History
Words: 962
Pages: 4
Introduction If ever a man was master of propaganda and political rhetoric, it was Adolf Hitler of Nazi German. Adolf Hitler was able to prove to the entire world that power is wielded by propaganda when utilized as an instrument of political force. The role that the Germany nation played...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 1902
Pages: 7
The word ‘Renaissance’ literally means ‘rebirth’, but most people today associate the term with a specific time period in Western European culture. Many of these go even further to think specifically of Italy, or perhaps more specifically still, of Florence. This is because this cultural revival, which happened roughly between...
Topic: Humanism
Words: 1318
Pages: 5
Introduction The impact of the printing press, especially the Guttenberg printing press, can be held in the same light as the impact of the internet in today’s society. Even though the printing press had a great influence on European society, “it did not replace other forms of communication entirely.” (Eisenstein15)...
Topic: History
Words: 615
Pages: 3
Introduction The terms “freedom” and “equality” have been repeatedly tested and reinterpreted throughout American history. The meanings changed with time, from the first colonial settlements to the precipice of the Civil War. Freedom went through a period of profound change between 1492 and 1860. Beginning in the early colonies and...
Topic: History
Words: 1771
Pages: 6
Description of the Monument The monument of Martin Luther King, Jr. is a critical symbol for modern society, which strives to live in a peaceful world by respecting each other’s’ rights. The masterpiece is located in Washington, DC, and is devoted to the memory of Martin Luther King, Jr., who...
Topic: History
Words: 420
Pages: 1
Introduction It is important to note that Caesar’s death was a pivotal moment in the history of the Roman Empire, marking the end of the Roman Republic and the beginning of the imperial era. The research question guiding this inquiry is: What was the significance of Julius Caesar’s death in...
Topic: Death
Words: 1335
Pages: 5
Introduction The “Cotton Boom of 1840” refers to a period of rapid expansion in the cotton industry in the southern United States, driven by increasing demand for cotton in Europe and the United States. This boom was primarily fueled by the invention of the cotton gin in the late 18th...
Topic: History
Words: 1211
Pages: 4
Ancient Greece is credited with being the birthplace of one of the earliest recognized sporting competitions, which is known as the Olympics. Olympia was the site of the first Olympic Games, which took place in 776 BC and continued until 393 AD. The games were carried in recognition of Zeus,...
Topic: Ancient Civilizations
Words: 424
Pages: 2
Introduction The significant impact of the Industrial Revolution, which lasted from the second half of the 18th century to the middle of the 19th century, can be seen in almost all spheres of life. Noticeably, the period of industrialization coincides with the years in which writers and poets attributed to...
Topic: History
Words: 849
Pages: 3
Introduction The United States has undergone tremendous economic changes seventy years after World War II. More specifically, President Eisenhower played a critical role in ensuring Americans experienced new levels of prosperity compared to other parts of the world. He put measures such as low taxes and public spending in place,...
Topic: War
Words: 1176
Pages: 4
Introduction Napoleon Bonaparte was a French leader and emperor in the early 19th century. Bonaparte is known for his military strategy, which ensured the success of the French army against its major opponents. During his tenure as the French leader, Bonaparte is credited with implementing changes that enhanced the legal...
Topic: Napoleon
Words: 1381
Pages: 5
Introduction Leprosy disease is one of the oldest recognized illnesses in the world. People with leprosy (PwL) were banished in ancient Indian culture for various reasons: chronic, possibly disfiguring aspect; inconsistently successful treatment, linked with sin; and dread of infection. This combination gave leprosy a stigma that endures to this...
Topic: History
Words: 1951
Pages: 8
Social Roles of Motherhood The beginning of the twentieth century saw both immense economic expansion and profound social change, as seen by the birth of historic technologies such as the production lines and aircraft. The industrialized 1800s catapulted certain affluent Americans into the rising middle class, making the American Dream...
Topic: Motherhood
Words: 2705
Pages: 10
The history of Great Britain, in particular England, has many dynasties that succeeded one after another. Among the formidable kings of the Middle Ages and the times of absolutism, queens also ruled, great women who left their mark on the history of the country. One of these queens, “symbols of...
Topic: History
Words: 958
Pages: 4
Albert Einstein was chosen because he is one of the most recognized figures in science and pop culture. His name is well-known to people and children who do not even study physics, while students and learners who do are aware of his influence on the current science. Einstein is part...
Topic: Culture
Words: 277
Pages: 1
Greek culture has a unique perception of values, human nature, and war, and modern humanity may explore it from Homer and Orations perpetuated in ancient literature. Indeed, such works as Iliad and Pericles’ Funeral Oration demonstrated that the willingness to fight was a significant mission for men (Homer). This paper...
Topic: History
Words: 346
Pages: 1
Introduction In 1519, Herman Cortes decided to adventure into the Mexican interior in search of gold rumored to exist on the American mainland. Together with his crew of eleven ships and five hundred men, they headed to Mexico and conquered the Aztecs in 1521 to claim the Aztec empire in...
Topic: Aztec
Words: 831
Pages: 3
Colonialism is a significant period in the history of humanity, the study of which remains essential. In this context, the best perspective on life in a colony can only be given by a person who was raised in it, like Franz Fanon, a famous psychiatrist and philosopher. Born in the...
Topic: Colonialism
Words: 665
Pages: 2
President Roosevelt came to power at challenging times: America was struggling from the consequences of the Great Depression, including high unemployment rates and poverty. Although Roosevelt took measures to address the major economic issues with the New Deal, this set of programs was criticized for not doing enough for the...
Topic: American Politics
Words: 954
Pages: 3
Modernization Theory Przeworski, Adam and Limongi, Fernando. 1997. Modernization: Theories and Facts.” World Politics 49 (2): 155-183. This article presents a compendium of theories surrounding the concept of modernization and tries to offer the most intelligible interpretation of this term. Modernization and renewal should be understood not only in connection...
Topic: Afghanistan
Words: 1323
Pages: 4
Introduction The realms are huge sections of the planet’s terrain where creatures have evolved in comparative solitude over time. Geographical factors that act as obstacles to movement, such as seas, large grasslands, or steep mountainous regions, isolate the creatures from one another. Europe’s historical sequence of progression is classic research...
Topic: History
Words: 1390
Pages: 5
The 18th century entered the history of culture as the age of the Enlightenment. Recent scientific advances, especially the discoveries of J. Newton and J. Locke, prompted philosophers, scientists, and writers to reconsider the former picture of the world radically. The eighteenth century radically changed European thought and brought significant...
Topic: Enlightenment
Words: 300
Pages: 1
Introduction The Gold Rush refers to the significant period in the history of the U.S. when many people migrated to California in pursuit of wealth. While the period was marked by negative consequences for the Native American population and natural environment, the Gold Rush had a significant role in the...
Topic: History
Words: 371
Pages: 1
When it comes to the Civil War’s outcomes, these were monumental: the establishment of a stronger federal government, validation of the United States’ single political entity, and, evidently, freedom for millions of enslaved African Americans. In terms of the latter, the rights of newly liberated people were sought to be...
Topic: American Revolution
Words: 602
Pages: 2
Two papers were chosen for the present analysis, and both are primary source articles. The difference between them is not only the time of publication — there is a 24-year difference between the two pieces — but also the method of publication: a print piece from 1995 and an online...
Topic: History
Words: 1268
Pages: 6
After watching the documentary about President Garfield, I believe that he could have become one of the greatest presidents of the United States. Garfield’s attitude and the willingness to drive change were unmatched, but they got him killed eventually. The scenery and the costumes represented the time period perfectly, focusing...
Topic: Murder
Words: 543
Pages: 2
Introduction Many ideas and principles inspired the founding fathers in the creation of the US Constitution, including the French Revolution, the Greek model of democracy, the works of Locke, and other philosophers, as Beliles and Anderson explain. Religion was also one of these essential parts, as it is generally believed....
Topic: Constitution
Words: 667
Pages: 2
The dawn of industrialized America created a diverse and distinct landscape of today’s American society. The most impressive thing for me when learning about this period was the story of George Washington Plunkitt, who was a ward heeler. He was a part of the efforts to have the policies of...
Topic: History
Words: 285
Pages: 1
Summary Today, Canada is one of a small number of states with a reasonably high standard of living, and it is reasonable to assume that this is due to the country’s lengthy labor heritage. Given the fact that the attractiveness of Canadian localities is culturally relevant, the mentioned area of...
Topic: History
Words: 583
Pages: 2
During the time of the mutiny of African American Troops in 1917, racism prevailed significantly in the US. People of color were against racist government officers and systems, while the whites wanted to preserve their supremacy. This led to the outbreak of many rebellions in the US, including one in...
Topic: Protest
Words: 299
Pages: 2
Introduction The Great Depression was an intense global economic downturn resulting from a stock market crash. This period significantly devastated the United States economy leading to the failure of several banks, a rise in unemployment rates, a collapse of international trade, soared deflation, as well as a rise in homelessness....
Topic: Great Depression
Words: 833
Pages: 3
Firstly, in the article from The New York Times, the author selected a factual approach to the description of the tragic event. The description of two primary persons, Malcolm X, and his killer Thomas Hagan is organized in sequence including their age, social status, and race. In the article, Malcolm...
Topic: Malcolm X
Words: 249
Pages: 1
Introduction The telegram written by the High Commissioner Alfred Milner to Mr. Joseph Chamberlain on May 5, 1899, provides a vital insight into the political and social environment of South Africa, as understood by Alfred Milner. Being under British rule, South Africa required consistent management, and the issues regarding the...
Topic: History
Words: 514
Pages: 2
Joan of Arc was born in the early 1400s when her country of France was at war with England. She came from a modest background, but her radical nature is seen through her belief that it was her divine calling from God to lead the French army to victory against...
Topic: Historical Figures
Words: 275
Pages: 1
The target market for the poster was all able-bodied American men and women back in 1943, during World War II. Right before the United States of America joined the allies in 1941, the Japanese launched a surprise attack on their naval base at Pearl Harbor (Locke & Wright, 2020). The...
Topic: Recruitment
Words: 390
Pages: 1
Culture and technology are constantly at the stage of development and improvement; moreover, they are interconnected. With the advent of technology, many spheres of society have changed, and popular culture has not been spared. Under the yoke of constant innovation, the latter had to adapt to new realities. In addition,...
Topic: Culture
Words: 835
Pages: 3
Freedom was born during the revolution era 1601-1900 CE. The struggle for independence spawned new concepts about freedom and equality, and the rules governing those entitled to liberty were questioned in politics, art, and music. In essence, freedom is referred to the power to act without constraints. The notion of...
Topic: Freedom
Words: 497
Pages: 2
Introduction The Beatles took England by storm with their rock and roll music in the late 1950s, and by the early 1960s, their influence had reached the United States. The band comprised Paul McCartney, George Harrison, John Lennon, and Ringo Starr, commonly known as the Fab Four. The band, originally...
Topic: Culture
Words: 1496
Pages: 5
The Revolutionary War has truly shaped the modern American history by resolving the growing tensions by the British and those living in the colonies. However, it is crucial to recognize that the breakup of the British Empire and the American colonies could never be considered even remotely sudden. Many events...
Topic: American Revolution
Words: 328
Pages: 1
Introduction Thucydides Highlighted the Erosion of Both Ethical Standards and Strategic Rationality in a Democratic System Engaged in a Protracted War against a Hated Adversary. Does That Classical Insight Apply to the United States as the War against Japan Unfolded from 1941-1945? There is hardly any ancient Greek intellectual respected...
Topic: War
Words: 2308
Pages: 8
Humble Beginnings Tamika Catchings grew up in suburban Chicago. She used a hearing aid, but in the 1980s, hearing aids were so bulky that it was challenging to communicate with friends. She was teased and wanted to be like everyone else. She often wanted to quit school, but her mother...
Topic: Black Lives Matter
Words: 629
Pages: 3
Roosevelt is a perfect example of a democratic leader who sees and understands the population’s needs and makes everything possible to meet their requirements. He emphasizes the importance of each individual and sends the message that due to their actions and active participation in the life of the well-being of...
Topic: American Politics
Words: 315
Pages: 1
The relations between the Europeans and the Native Americans during the 18th century were a normal incidence both in the colonial frontiers and in English, French, and Spanish cities throughout the American continent. At the time, the northern-based Six Nations, or the Iroquois Confederacy, was one of the most powerful...
Topic: History
Words: 1644
Pages: 6
The history of humankind is intertwined with continuous conflicts that emerge based on differences in interests and competition over resources. Wars, social unrest, and other forms of conflicts are inevitable elements of historical development; they are driven by power distribution and the fight for dominance. In this regard, the application...
Topic: American Revolution
Words: 573
Pages: 2
Alfred Thayer Mahan was one of the leading thinkers on maritime strategy and naval warfare. He was an expert in sea power, which was a crucial starting point for conducting war at sea. He was also known as one of the most influential naval historians who shared his thoughts about...
Topic: Historical Figures
Words: 954
Pages: 3
Introduction It was not the intention of Lincoln to abolish slavery at the start of the civil war, but circumstances changed along the way. Slavery became a major war issue. As a result, Lincoln and most of his generals became committed to abolishing slavery in the United States. Emancipation Proclamation...
Topic: History
Words: 561
Pages: 2
The 17th century for Europe is the era of large kingdoms such as Poland, France, and England. Against this background, the Dutch Republic stood out both territorially, having much less land, and in terms of its structure. Unlike other countries, it did not have any absolute ruler. Instead, the political...
Topic: History
Words: 401
Pages: 1
Introduction The Civil Rights Movement of the 20th was characterized by the wide use of rhetoric in order to convey the idea of social justice, equality, and the need for change. Rhetoric, being the art of public persuasion, has always been rightfully considered an agent of social change that enables...
Topic: Rhetoric
Words: 1387
Pages: 5
In America, there is a vast territory littered with thousands of archaic mounds and embankments made by a man out of earth and shell. This territory starts from the Great Lakes and stretches all the way out to the Gulf of Mexico, encompassing the Mississippi Valley out to the coast...
Topic: History
Words: 889
Pages: 3
One of the most eminent representatives of American literature in the 17th century was the Governor of the Plymouth Plantation, William Bradford (1590–1657). He went down in history as a prominent politician in New England and as the author of many works, including the journal Of Plymouth Plantation. Through this...
Topic: Historical Figures
Words: 942
Pages: 3
Introduction The Fatimid State was formed in Ifriqiya (modern Tunisia) as a result of the victorious uprising of the Berber tribes against the Abbasid governors of the Aghlabids. This uprising, in turn, was the result of the secret propaganda of the Shiite-Ismaili emissaries with its slogans of justice and universal...
Topic: History
Words: 671
Pages: 2
Women form part of the vulnerable groups of populations because of their susceptibility as soft targets in the predominantly male-dominated society, which in itself is more patriarchal. At the turn of the century in the United States, the role of women was restricted to being wives and mothers, whose main...
Topic: History
Words: 352
Pages: 1
With the recently introduced aspect of perspective in history and the tendency to question the motives and actions of important figures in history, the case of Christopher Columbus requires complex understanding. In general, his input into the history and development of the word is fundamental and has no existing analogs....
Topic: Christopher Columbus
Words: 294
Pages: 1
The development of technology and warfare are interrelated processes that are based on the expansion of knowledge. Although the printing press was invented after the first cannons and fortresses, it had a significant impact on the subsequent development of military projects. The printing press and expansion of knowledge have allowed...
Topic: History
Words: 378
Pages: 1
The west region, north region, and northwest coast region are all part of the Native American cultures. These are among the regions that the indigenous people of the United States inhabited when migrating. Each region has distinct tribes with unique cultures, languages, religions, customs, and politics. Each tribe developed diverse...
Topic: Native American
Words: 615
Pages: 2
The cultural similarities shared by the ancient civilizations in Egypt and Nubia There is reason to draw a parallel between the two ancient civilizations since, according to the study, they have the same ancestor, as a result of which the cultural features unite them. Cultural similarity and continuity can be...
Topic: Ancient History
Words: 633
Pages: 3
Introduction Athens was considered one of the most significant sources of western values during the 5th century B.C. Europeans and Americans would later emulate it as the originators of democracy, philosophy, presentation, and realistic art, science, history, and drama. This raises the fundamental question of whether their writings were accurate...
Topic: Ancient History
Words: 1494
Pages: 5
In general, Reconstruction aimed to restore the Union, enact progressive legislation, transform Southern society, and provide civil rights to former slaves. However, regardless of positive intentions and all efforts, U.S. Reconstruction was undermined in Confederate states and may be regarded as a failure. First of all, Southern states did not...
Topic: Civil War
Words: 263
Pages: 1
Introduction The Mexican-American war has remained an iconic piece of contemporary Hispanic history in America. Indeed, the Americans have always treated the war as a driving force that has created human civilization as it displaced the week with the stronger population. When conflicts arise, many Americans have been reflecting on...
Topic: War
Words: 851
Pages: 3
Julius Caesar was assassinated by a few senators who wanted to keep the republic of Rome and wanted to end his reign. He had established himself such that he was well known and an important person in antiquity. He also had a good personality and was in control of the...
Topic: Ancient History
Words: 555
Pages: 2
The Discovery of the New World by the Europeans started a long history of colonizing modern US territory. This process involved Great Britain, France, Spain, those who decided to permanently move to the American continent, and the local Indian tribes. After protecting its colonies from the French, Great Britain was...
Topic: American Revolution
Words: 669
Pages: 2
The evolution of women’s role in society might be traced back centuries. Some of the historical periods became more prominent than others, such as the era of Puritan communities and the rise of the Evangelical Revival. Further, the differences and similarities of women’s roles in both societies will be discussed....
Topic: Colonization
Words: 872
Pages: 3
Diogenes is considered to be one of the most controversial figures in history. One of the founders of Cynicism, a philosophical school of thought, Diogenes advocated for poverty and shamelessness, rejecting conventional desires for money, authority, power, and wealth, along with the importance of socio-economic status. He also was known...
Topic: Alexander The Great
Words: 836
Pages: 3
Zitkala-Sa and Sarah Winnemucca are notable representatives of Native Americans who made a great contribution to the advocacy of their people’s rights and culture. Winnemucca is famous as a female activist who aspired to defend Indian interests. Zitkala-Sa is also perceived as a considerable woman in the history of Native...
Topic: History
Words: 1156
Pages: 4
Various Empires that occurred and thrived in different historical periods provide significant knowledge of how civilizations develop. The Emperors’ activities, wars, inventions, social and political structures, cultural and religious beliefs – all impacted the modern world and humanity’s values. The Roman, Anglo-Saxon, and Spanish Empires were selected to analyze their...
Topic: Roman Empire
Words: 1156
Pages: 4
I am a history student because it provides knowledge of the past and how it shaped America. Through learning about the past, one is able to judge what is right or wrong. History is a type of collective memory consisting of past stories that highlight structures that constitute the present....
Topic: History
Words: 565
Pages: 2
The earliest civilizations that have been discovered by modern archeologists are typically located in the river valleys, as rivers allowed agricultural development. Agriculture was crucial for the increase in population and specialization of civilizations like the ancient Egyptians, the ancient Mesopotamians, and the Indus river civilization. Indus River runs mostly...
Topic: Ancient History
Words: 572
Pages: 2
The 1920-33 National Prohibition of alcohol, also referred to as the “noble experiment,” was established to reduce corruption and crime. It was focused on lowering the tax burden and addressing social problems created by poorhouses and prisons, as well as enhancing the hygiene and health of Americans. Prohibition influenced a...
Topic: Alcohol
Words: 382
Pages: 1
Nubia is a region located in North Eastern Africa, extending from the Nile River Valley nearby the first cataract of the Nile and stretching eastward to the Red Sea and South to nearby Khartoum which is modern-day Sudan. Nubia is traditionally divided by historians and geographers into two regions of...
Topic: Ancient History
Words: 756
Pages: 2
Introduction In the olden days, women were considered not capable of surviving independently of the men. Men were required to provide basic needs for their families that entailed food, shelter and protection. Traditionally, women were limited to domestic chores that encompass looking after the children, cooking as well as bearing...
Topic: Evolution
Words: 7855
Pages: 28
Introduction Many factors played their role in the growth and development of the Colonial New England. Future America has served as a place where three district human cultures intersected. Relationships between the European settlers, the Native Americans, and the African Americans are intricate, and the groups have had a significant...
Topic: Native American
Words: 1953
Pages: 7
Due to the increasing rise in the demand for labor during the colonization era, the use of slavery increased exponentially to meet the specified demand in the Middle Colonies and the Colonies of the South. In contrast, the Chesapeake Colonies continued to focus on using indentured servants. The process of...
Topic: History
Words: 562
Pages: 2
Simon Bolívar and Toussaint L. Overture are two renowned fighters for the independence of Latin American countries from the reign of the empires of that period. Another similarity between the two is their focus on republican ideas and concepts. For instance, Bolívar propagated the ideas of the parliament similar to...
Topic: Historical Figures
Words: 301
Pages: 1
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl is an autobiography of a woman who experienced a slave’s life during the beginning of the uprising of civilians for justice for African Americans. The story is a heartbreaking journey that starts with the writer’s childhood as a slave and ends with...
Topic: History
Words: 825
Pages: 3
Introduction King revealed his talent for public speaking as early as in high school, where he was a successful member of a debate team (Fleming, 2008). His academic path, which resulted in acquiring a bachelor’s degree in social sciences and divinity, and Ph.D. in systematic theology, certainly contributed to his...
Topic: Historical Figures
Words: 326
Pages: 1
The issue under investigation is related to problems female academics face after returning from maternity leave. The current statistics evidence the fact that in the UK the given question preserves the high priority as the majority of women has multiple difficulties in regaining momentum in their academic careers after giving...
Topic: History
Words: 1137
Pages: 4
Introduction The U.S. underwent the development of the Civil Rights Movement that occurred between the 1950s and 60s. It aimed to bring racial equality. Although African Americans have been contesting for their rights and liberties ever since the era of slavery, significant accomplishments in the civil rights struggle were made...
Topic: Civil Rights Movement
Words: 568
Pages: 2
As Texas Democrats acquired control of Congress in 1873, they saw the opportunity to draft a new constitution for the state. It was expected that the new document would restrict the state government’s power and give power back to the citizens of Texas. The Constitution of 1876 is the sixth...
Topic: Constitution
Words: 834
Pages: 3
In Western Europe, the rise of monasticism falls in the Middle Ages, during which religion was the most significant force. Monastic Christianity initially originated in Egypt and Palestine in the 3rd – 4th centuries and steadily transmitted to Western Europe. The essential concept of Christian monasticism is the alienation from...
Topic: History
Words: 1118
Pages: 4
Women’s role in history has been overlooked for quite a while due to the presence of deeply patriarchal ideas that did not allow to center women as important agents in the development of society. However, women’s contribution to humankind’s development is still massive, and it has increased exponentially over the...
Topic: History
Words: 562
Pages: 2
Introduction It is interesting to realize that over the years, from the onset of civilization, the challenges that people face in life are relatively similar with few differences. The way people live has not evolved to a larger extent. The primary reason for the transition of lifestyles is hinged on...
Topic: History
Words: 897
Pages: 3
Thirty-four years have passed since the world was stunned by the fatal space accident which occurred in the US. However, the disaster is still fresh in people’s minds, and everyone remembers those terrible footages of the space shuttle Challenger explosion. It took the lives of seven crew members and became...
Topic: Disaster
Words: 1118
Pages: 4
The art of ancient times is not merely a story of dead people and civilizations gone forever. Filled with contradictions, tragedies, and moments of glory, it reveals the lives of former generations, which define current customs and traditions. Moreover, the striking similarities in various aspects emphasize its importance in understanding...
Topic: Ancient History
Words: 1956
Pages: 7
Introduction The concept of expansion and the colonization of North American lands, which was engraved into the Manifest Destiny, is an admittedly controversial topic that needs to be studied further in order to embrace the effects of colonization on the modern relationships within American society. While studying the historical records...
Topic: Inspiration
Words: 1172
Pages: 4
The Texas secession from the United States in 1861 was not an unforeseen political move as discontent among Texans with the Union’s direction had been continuously growing. This decision resulted in joining the group of six other states that left the Union earlier before the inauguration of Lincoln. Then Texas...
Topic: Texas
Words: 601
Pages: 2
There were several eras of reading research led by different assumptions and theories. First was the era of conditioned learning, which lasted from 1950 to 1965. During this period, the research was inspired by behavioristic theory, which stated that learning is a conditioned behavior that could be programmed. The second...
Topic: Literacy
Words: 317
Pages: 1
The era of great geographic discoveries is well-known and well-remembered for the supposed progress that it provided for Europe. However, up until recently, the massive harm caused to indigenous people, who have been severely affected by the thoughtless actions and violence of colonizers, has been neglected. Although economically, expansion into...
Topic: Discovery
Words: 818
Pages: 3
The Gulf War, which lasted from 1990 to 1991, was a significant historical event that irreversibly changed the political picture of the world. In this unprecedented war, Iran fought against a coalition of 28 countries led by the United States. Since Kuwait itself became of interest to the Western world,...
Topic: History
Words: 1161
Pages: 4
Bolton examines how Spain was able to spread its influence across South and Central America while having its resources spent on wars in Europe. The impact was substantial to the extent that the majority of the population of the South American continent speaks Spanish and has culture inherited from Spain....
Topic: History
Words: 838
Pages: 3
Growth of Popular Leisure Activities during the Period 1860-1910 Leisure may be viewed as an important aspect of human life as it gives an individual the privilege of relaxing after putting a lot of effort and time into work. In simple terms, leisure may be described as the spare time...
Topic: History
Words: 2006
Pages: 7
Frederick Allen Hampton, better known as Fred Hampton, was an influential American activist in the fight for the rights of the discriminated dark-skinned population of the United States. His life was linked to the activities of the Party named Black Panthers and other organizations seeking to ensure a decent life...
Topic: Historical Figures
Words: 352
Pages: 1
George W. Bush was the President of the United States between 2001 and 2009, succeeding Bill Clinton and being followed by Barack Obama. His presidency was accompanied by controversy from beginning to end, starting with the election results and ending with the 2008 financial crisis. Nevertheless, he was able to...
Topic: American Politics
Words: 1105
Pages: 4
Introduction The Constitution and the Articles of Confederation both marked the path towards the beginning of the democratic tradition in the United States. These documents and the process of their creation laid the foundation for this nation, and it is critical to analyze them. The comparison of the main provisions,...
Topic: Constitution
Words: 1219
Pages: 4
The Koreans are known to have been under the Japanese colonial administration for a span of about 35 years, starting from 1910 to 1945. Similar to other colonized countries by the European nations from the West, Koreans also opposed the advancement of education policies in Korea. However, the Japanese ensured...
Topic: History
Words: 962
Pages: 3
Introduction Alexander the Great is also known as Alexander III hailing from Macedon. He was a leader of Macedon which is a state located in the northern part of ancient Greece. Aristotle tutored him until he was 16 years of age. When he turned 30, he had one of the...
Topic: Alexander The Great
Words: 919
Pages: 3
Executive Summary Komitet gosudarstvennoy bezopasnosti was a Russian translation of Committee for State Security, commonly abbreviated as KGB. The Committee for State Security (KBG), was the Soviet Union national Security agency that existed between 1954 and 1991. However; it is notable that the Republic of Belarus also uses the abbreviation...
Topic: Soviet Union
Words: 2406
Pages: 8
Facts of the case The Church of Lukumi Babalu Aye, Inc. a non-profit religious denomination practiced Santeria religion together with its congregants. Santeria is a form of religious practice that originated in the 19th century and it involves animal sacrifices as a principal element of their devotion to the religion....
Topic: History
Words: 1147
Pages: 4
Introduction Octavian, who would later establish himself as one of the most tactical and charismatic rulers of the Roman Empire, was born in September 23rd in 63 BC. Octavian was actually a nephew to Julius Caesar, having been born to Atia, Julius Caesar’s niece and Gaius Octavius. Although his father...
Topic: Ancient History
Words: 1034
Pages: 3
The events of the twentieth century have a lot of significance in the political social, cultural, and economic historical development in America. Each decade between 1950 to 2000 was marked by a major event that showed a big impact on cultural, economic and government policies. This paper examines the events...
Topic: History
Words: 2017
Pages: 7
Introduction History is rich in descriptions of wars and prominent historical moments. The past centuries were characterized by changes that necessitated war or periods of peace. Nations entered into treaties, trade and other major relations with the increase of colonization whereby powerful nations took control over the weaker nations for...
Topic: American Revolution
Words: 1399
Pages: 5
Ward’s work on Stalin’s Russia has seven chapters. Chapter 1 tries to explain the rise of Stalin. Chapter 2 focuses on the assessment of the industrialization campaign that happened between the years 1924 and 1941. Chapter 3 tries to capture the reasons for the collectivization drive that happened between the...
Topic: Autocracy
Words: 626
Pages: 2
Introduction Like most historians would put it, slave trade in Africa is linked to much of the external forces in western and European nations. The trends in development of slave trade provide the best foresight for understanding the political and socio-economic history of Africa. From an African view point, this...
Topic: Ocean
Words: 1386
Pages: 5
Introduction Several medical practitioners have risen with various unique events surrounding their lives, but none, at least in London, has been as controversial as Dr. Simon Forman. This man was involved in astrology, physiology, herbals and their interconnection with witchcraft also called polypharmacy.In addition, he did botched anatomy and other...
Topic: Historical Figures
Words: 3503
Pages: 13
National unity is of great importance for each country because it allows keeping people united and ensures the trust of the citizens in their government. National unity cannot be forced or imposed on people; it is formed in the course of the country’s history and is influenced by important historical...
Topic: History
Words: 1957
Pages: 7
There can be no doubt as to the fact that in his famous work “The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire”, Edward Gibbon refers to introduction of Christianity as one of the major factors that had brought about the fall of Roman Empire. However, it is...
Topic: Roman Empire
Words: 3351
Pages: 11
Discussion The first civilization is believed to have occurred in Mesopotamia and the Nile River in Egypt between 4000-3500 B.C (Majumdar, 21). However, other civilizations developed independently in other parts of the world. For instance, the valleys of the Indus River in India supported a flourishing civilization (Majumdar, 22). The...
Topic: Ancient History
Words: 788
Pages: 2
Introduction Frederick Douglass can be considered as one of the most influencing and prominent figures in the history of the United States of America. Kerry Gleason, in his article on the Black History Month Challenge published in the Associated Content news realizes that “It is safe to say that without...
Topic: Frederick Douglass
Words: 1510
Pages: 5
Analyzing Japan from different perspectives, one could ask a question, what makes Japan so unique? What is the set of factors that led Japan to take such position among other countries? During the first years after the World War most of the developed countries were characterized with a crisis situation,...
Topic: War
Words: 824
Pages: 3
Introduction The growth of ancient cities was instigated by several factors. Many cities grew as a result of exploration or conquest expeditions by famous figures who would build empires and initiate a trade with neighbouring regions. The processes of growth of the Cosmopolitan City of Alexandria, the City of Sagala,...
Topic: Ancient History
Words: 968
Pages: 3
To Cuban exiles, Cuba – prior to the mid-1950’s iconic Cuban Revolution – was a paradise, one of the most successful and advanced countries in Latin American. To others, it was a hellhole, a bastion for U.S. mob activity, the brothel and playground of the Western hemisphere, an island inhabited...
Topic: Historical Figures
Words: 929
Pages: 3
Introduction The fact is that the matters of the downfall of the Minoan Civilization are the central issues of interest among lots of scholars. The confirmation of a violent end through fire and demolition is clear, but the clues to what caused such destruction have been elusive. It will turn...
Topic: Ancient Civilizations
Words: 1398
Pages: 5
Introduction The American Revolutionary War was of significance because its conclusion marked the beginning of a new country that would eventually become the greatest economic and military force in human history. The outcome was nothing less than miraculous given the overwhelming advantage of the British military. How could a group...
Topic: American Revolution
Words: 1546
Pages: 5
Louis xiv, considered to be the greatest king of France, ruled the country from 1638 to 1715. King Louis exercised enormous powers not only in France but on the continent of Europe too. Though he inherited power in 1638, he assumed real power after the demise of Jules Cardinal Mazarin,...
Topic: History
Words: 647
Pages: 2
Scientists believe that human life began in Eastern Africa within the Rift Valley. As time went by, small bands of these early humans who were mainly hunters left the rift valley and gradually migrated across Africa. Others may have gone north along the river Nile and crossed into Europe and...
Topic: Culture
Words: 1761
Pages: 6
Introduction The United States of America was a huge wilderness area in the early 18th century and while a few cities along the coast had been populated, the interior parts of the country were largely unknown. Much before the Go The United States of America was a huge wilderness area...
Topic: Historical Figures
Words: 2840
Pages: 10
Enlightenment is an imperative term of political philosophy that urges the application of intellect and logic in order to discover truth and reality from natural and social phenomena. It seeks its roots in liberalism which aims to get the man free from the clutches of fear, slavery, and ignorance. It...
Topic: Candide
Words: 1711
Pages: 5
Introduction The natives of Canada are a group of people who claim to have been discriminated against for ages by white citizens. The fault appears to lie in the police force too. Winnipeg police are infamous in this aspect. They have been negligent in meeting justice to the natives. Intent...
Topic: History
Words: 1733
Pages: 8
Introduction The history of America’s discovery is both triumphant and tragic since it allowed the world to move to a new stage of development, but took millions of local people’s lives. De Las Casas was one of the Spanish forwarders who, in the first decades after the discovery of Columbus,...
Topic: History
Words: 1197
Pages: 4
This paper is about one of the most famous and significant figures in the history of Mexico, Porfirio Diaz (1830-1915), and the Mexican Revolution. Diaz was a victorious military general, Mexican-American War volunteer, revolutionist, dictator, politician, and also president of Mexico whose term was longer than anyone else’s in Mexican...
Topic: Revolution
Words: 1658
Pages: 6
The Reconstruction was a period in the U.S. history at the end of, and immediately after, the Civil War. Although the North won the military conflict, political and ideological differences had to be resolved. President Abraham Lincoln put forward a long-term plan to reintegrate the South states as a first...
Topic: Republican Party
Words: 865
Pages: 3