Muhammad Tughlaq’s Rule and Decline of Delhi

Introduction Muhammad Tughlaq was one of the most controversial figures in the political scene of Medieval India. Initially, he was a successful military commander and, after his father’s death, became the ruler of the Delhi sultanate and reigned throughout 1324 and 1351 AD (Kulke and Rothermund 2004). He is also...

Terroir: Preserving France’s Uniqueness

When exploring the history of French wine, the concept of terroir has been used as both a definition for a specific wine’s category within the market and a reflection on the quality of the drink. No matter how wine connoisseurs approach the definition of terroir, it cannot be separated from...

African American Students’ Civil Rights History

Introduction The Civil Rights movement in the United States has a long history. Starting in the 1950s, this social impetus for change implied taking direct action; it was primarily focused on the realm of education, although its proponents also addressed other areas where African American people were experiencing severe discrimination...

Industrial Age: Manufacturing Machinery

Industrial Age can be defined as the time when people became actively engaged in the development of manufacturing machinery. The given historical period is associated with many break-through technological advances and inventions, which consequently permeated almost every aspect of human life. The industrial revolution is closely related to the rise...

Dealing With Diversity in America From Reconstruction Through the 1920s

Introduction People’s ability to collaborate with others who demonstrate different culture-based values often serves as an indicator of their open-mindedness and humanity. Today, the importance of diversity seems evident at the personal level, but in the past, the authorities of some large countries such as the United States attempted at...

Industrialization Achievements in the 19th Century

Life without electricity, heating, and other amenities seems unbearable for modern people. However, all these conveniences were invented only at the end of the nineteenth century. Innovative findings forced the transformation of the industrial sphere as new materials, manufacturing techniques, and appliances were evolving. Many scientific discoveries during this period...

Is the United States of America an Empire?

Even though over a century has passed since the War of 1898, there is still much controversy surrounding the question of whether the USA should or should not be considered an empire. Many scholars, politicians, and other actors have expressed their opinions on the issue. The present paper will discuss...

Gamal Abdel Nasser’s Political Leadership

The political views of Gamal Abdel Nasser were initially complex and contradictory. On the one hand, he was interested in the idea of Western democracy, and in the solidarity and discipline of people, but ruled with the iron fist of a dictatorship on the other. Apart from that, he supported...

The Great Depression: Limitations and Effects

What do Eleanor Roosevelt’s activities reveal about the limitations on women in the early twentieth century? Women had very limited opportunities in the labor market due to various restrictions. The general attitude was that women had to maintain the household and be openly available to men as they came home...

Mongol Invasion and Its Effects on Russia

Introduction The impacts of the Mongol conquests have been discussed by many researchers who study medieval societies. The territory of the modern-day Russia was a part of the Golden Horde, and this control had profound implications for the development of this state as well as other countries such as Ukraine...

Magic in Ancient Greece and Rome

Abstract This paper presents an examination of magic in antiquity, specifically in the Greco-Roman era. The article focuses on this specific era because it represents strong magical elements. Unlike the Egyptian civilization, sufficient evidence about the practice in the Greco-Roman period has survived to date. The paper begins by cataloging...

Historical and Contemporary Issues in Luxury

Introduction During the Second French Empire, new changes were encountered in the leading cities across the country such as Paris. Most of these cities became centers for commerce, the arts and even fashion. Before the period, fashion was seen as a preserve for the nobility. However, Napoleon’s era led to...

Japanese History Documented in Chinese Writings

Introduction The history of East Asia revolves around the three regions of China, Japan, and Korea. Chinese history, according to research, was one of the earliest, if not the earliest histories to be documented. Consequently, the earlier Chinese dynasties and kingdoms documented their history through paintings, writings, and other forms...

The Histories by Herodotus: Story and Book

Introduction Herodotus is one of the most famous historicists who provided people with the knowledge about the ancient era, how peoples lived, what customs and traditions they had. His works are a priceless heritage of that period of time. They promote a better understanding of the epoch and help to...

History of Colonial Mexican Society and the War of Independence

Spanish language now is one of the most spoken languages all over the world. Great number of people in different countries and continents speak it and consider it to be their native language. The reason for such a great popularity lies in the history of Spain. In past time, it...

Code of Hammurabi and Justice in Babylon

Introduction Code of Hammurabi is one of the oldest sets of laws that has ever been deciphered. This code was used in the Ancient Babylon and it is believed that Hammurabi created and enacted it. In this set of laws, many issues are touched upon. The major purpose of the...

Colonial Women and Their Role in American Society

Introduction The New World was the possibility for many people to change their lives or, at least, make the attempts and demonstrate their intentions, dreams, and desires. However, the colonial times turned out to be a real challenge for many women because they had to be ready to change, act,...

Pliny’s Natural History: Autopsy of Ancient Source

Introduction The study of ancient history is a vicarious experience that can be gained through the exploration of books, texts, and documents. Historical practitioners are keenly aware of the fact that ancient sources are not always characterized by the complementary relationship between reliability and authenticity (MacNeil, 2000). Therefore, the ability...

Barack Obama and Ronald Reagan Leadership Styles

Abstract The leadership and management approaches adopted by leaders determine the outcomes of their decisions and actions. Leaders possess different qualities and traits that determine their leadership and management styles. President Ronald Reagan was a visionary and transformational leader who used his courage, perseverance, openness to delegation, and exceptional social...

School Desegregation in the United States

Racial segregation in every sphere of life is what was typical for the 19-20th-century history of the United States, and school education was not an exception. It was not until the 1954 Brown vs. Board of Education that the US Supreme Court declared separate public school education for black and...

Elizabeth Bay Before and After Colonization

Present Elizabeth Bay is found in the state of New South Wales in eastern Sydney. The Bay is situated three kilometers east of Sydney central business. It is a harbor-side suburb that derived its name from the bay found in Sydney harbor. In the north, it is bounded by the...

Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War

Among outstanding political figures, Abraham Lincoln holds a specific place. He was the president of the USA in a very difficult period for the country. The Civil War, which lasted four years, claimed the lives of more than 600 thousand of the Americans. Abraham Lincoln has placed himself on record...

Gorbachev’s Governance and the Soviet Union Collapse

Introduction Mikhail Gorbachev’s resign in 1991has become the symbol of both the ultimate end of the Cold War and the Soviet Union’s existence. This event had a significant impact not only on the country’s relationships with the USA but the entire global structure. Although this date is considered to symbolize...

Declaration of Independence and Cultural Issues Today

Introduction The National Archives provides access to various important papers. However, the set of America’s founding documents deserves special attention. The first document in the set is the Declaration of Independence. It had a significant impact on the history of the United States. The main goals of this paper are...

Freedom Ideal in “The Spartans” by Paul Cartledge

Introduction The Spartans involved a society of warriors who exercised a high level of discipline, self-sacrifice, and tolerance. The Spartans: The World of the Warrior-Heroes of Ancient Greece is a chef-d’oeuvre story authored by Paul Cartledge. The author, a prominent historian, tracks the outstanding rise and fall of the Spartan...

History of Slavery and Its Impact on the Society

Background: The History of Slavery To track down the history of the phenomenon, one would have to go to the times immemorial. Unfortunately, slavery emerged together with the rise of the first civilization as the most primitive form of relationships between different members of ancient society. For instance, the records...

Audre Lorde’s Feminism and Counterarguments

Introduction Various stakeholders, including renowned filmmakers and playwrights such as Maggie Nelson, Gloria Jean Watkins (bell hooks), and Audre Lorde among others, have presented feminism differently. The concept of feminism has its roots in the 18th century, specifically during the Seneca Falls Convention, when women turned out in large numbers...

Mexican Uprisings in “The Underdogs” by M. Azuela

“If a man has a rifle in his hands and a beltful of cartridges, surely he should use them. That means fighting. Against whom? For whom? That is scarcely a matter of importance.” (Azuela 87). The uprisings in Mexico chronicled in The Underdogs reveal themselves as less than romantic and...

The Women’s Movement of the 19th Century

Abstract The Women’s Movement of the 19th century influenced women’s history significantly while changing the social patterns and the distribution of the rights according to the principles of equality. The figures for Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton play the most important role in the process. The Women’s Movement...

Arts, History and Science of Philadelphia

Philadelphia is Pennsylvania’s largest city and has a rich historical heritage. This paper discusses some of the important historical features of Philadelphia. The historical features of Australia may be divided into, and discussed in terms of, historical landmarks, arts, and science/culture. One of Philadelphia’s major historical landmarks is the Independence...

The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln

Introduction Abraham Lincoln is remembered as the 16th President of the United States of America and the first president of the country ever to be murdered. As the history tells us, “he was mortally wounded by John Wilkes Booth, who was a famous actor and Confederate sympathizer, in the Presidential...

Machavellian Ideologies in Europe in the 16-17th Centuries

Introduction Machiavelli advocated a government whose powers were centralized around one person, who allegedly represented the state. The main reason he stuck to this type of government was his long service as an aide to Cesar Borgia1. He took time to study the behavior of Borgia before coming up with...

Thomas Jefferson’ Biography

Thomas Jefferson was one of the representatives in the United States General Congress who authored the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson was from Virginia. The declaration represented the wishes, the will, and the hope of the people. This was a unanimous declaration by thirteen states. Jefferson is considered one of the...

The Soviet Union during the 1930s

The period of the 1930s in the Soviet Union is one of the most controversial historical eras which consequences and results influenced the further development of the country. This period is associated with the figure of the CPSU leader Iosif Stalin and with the Great Terror and a lot of...

Neo-realism and African Diaspora

Neo-realist literature represents some significant changes in the consciousness of African diaspora. The literature of this period gives a realistic portrayal of those difficulties that African people can face. It explores such themes as oppression, lack of opportunities, and injustice. The language is also important for the poets, who worked...

Baghdad as the Islamic World in 8th-11th centuries

Islam, which emerged in the 622 Current Era when Prophet Muhammad and his disciples migrated from Mecca to Medina is the youngest religion in the world. Later, the Islamic Empire extended its territory from northern Spain to the Pyrenees, Northern Africa to western parts of Egypt, and Syria to the...

James Horn’s “A Land as God Made It”

Introduction The book A Land as God Made It: Jamestown and the Birth of America written by James Horn, relate to the hardships that the early European colonizers faced in their pursuit of rich and flourishing civilizations.[1] The Europeans had traversed across the Pacific in search of wealth and new...

Food in the 20th Centure

Factors That Limited the Food Choices Turner (2014) tells the story of the life of working-class Americans and their diets at the turn of the century. It is noted that money was one of the crucial factors affecting food choices working-class people made. At the same time, there were other...

The Civil War. The Letters From the Soldiers

The Civil War of America lasted between the years 1861-1865. One of the causes of the war was Abraham Lincoln’s decision to abolish slavery in America, in particular, in the South (Mcpherson 90). The essay under consideration represents the analysis of the soldiers’ letters within the larger sequence of historical...

Patriots Forging American Independence

Introduction By the middle of the eighteenth century, the economic and cultural prosperity of the North American colonies was not only a source of profit for Britain. The unceasing struggle for power and spheres of influence between English governors and local legislative assemblies, and the increasingly frequent rebellions against the...

How Native Americans Were Impacted by European Exploration

European world powers’ exploration of the Americas has profoundly affected both the Old and New Worlds. The event marked its significance by having European explorers in new lands of the West. Colonies and the opening of new trading paths and markets in the New World were established. The exploration of...

The Roman Empire and Julius Caesar’s Death

Introduction It is important to note that Caesar’s death was a pivotal moment in the history of the Roman Empire, marking the end of the Roman Republic and the beginning of the imperial era. The research question guiding this inquiry is: What was the significance of Julius Caesar’s death in...

Reflections upon the Quincentennial: Article Review

Jalil Sued Badillo’s article focuses on explaining the lack of morality in celebration of the 500th anniversary of Christopher Columbus’ voyage to America. The author provides several valuable arguments about the negative influence of European colonization on the formation of the native population’s consciousness by describing the European manipulations of...

The Cotton Boom (1840s) Period Analysis

Introduction The “Cotton Boom of 1840” refers to a period of rapid expansion in the cotton industry in the southern United States, driven by increasing demand for cotton in Europe and the United States. This boom was primarily fueled by the invention of the cotton gin in the late 18th...

English Settler Colonies: Great Migration Colonists

The Chesapeake and New England colonies differ in the structure and method of building an economy, although they appeared at about the same time connected by similar circumstances. The New England colonies, located in North America, were much more religiously focused than the merchants from the Chesapeake Bay, who settled...

The Cold War Consequences for the Modern World

The Cold War is a period in the history of politics that lasted from the end of World War II in 1945 until the early 1990s. It was characterized by a struggle between the Western Bloc, headed by the United States and its partners, and the Eastern Bloc, led by...

The Colonization Period’s Impact on the US

The colonization of the population in America of past centuries is of critical importance to study. Attention should be paid to the reasons why it occurred in the country; colonies were more reliant on slave labor than others and how this aspect affected their development. Moreover, when considering the topic...

Benjamin Franklin During the American Revolution

Introduction Franklin was one of America’s earliest patriots, publicly opposing British taxation of the American colonies. During the American Revolution, Franklin was a key delegate to the Continental Congress and was one of the five draft members of the Declaration of Independence. Due to Franklin’s contribution, the country was able...

The Role of Albert Einstein: Scientist

Introduction A scientist is a person who observes natural occurrences, formulates a hypothesis, and tests it to develop natural laws. A scientist researches, collect data, and perform calculations to explain scenarios and manifestations in the constantly evolving world. The topic of a scientist was selected for this paper because of...

The Role of Diversity in Shaping American Society

Since its inception, American society has been distinguished by its diversity of opinions. A number of dissenting religious movements emerged throughout the colonial era and opposed the dominant religious structure. This plurality of perspectives would continue to transform American culture, notably throughout the revolutionary age. As evidenced by historical events...

Women’s Rights and Their Historical Roots

Women’s rights have been a topic of debate and struggle throughout history, as women have long faced discrimination, inequality, and limited access to opportunities and resources. In particular, the 19th century was characterized by the birth of the suffrage movement, which aimed to give women equal voting rights with men....

Articles of Confederation and Revolutionary Spirit

The United States’ initial Constitution, the Articles of Confederation, was approved in 1781. According to Matthew Bunch’s article “The Revolutionary Spirit of the Articles of Confederation,” the Articles of Confederation were not a complete failure. Despite being frequently criticized as a weak and ineffective system of government, it is essential...

Why Hate Speech Should Not Be Allowed in the US

Introduction Hate speech has been debated for many years, particularly regarding whether it should be allowed in the United States. Those in favor of allowing hate speech argue that it is protected by the First Amendment and is a form of free speech. However, the harm caused by hate speech...

The Representation of Indigenous Peoples in the German Ethnographic Museum

Introduction The German colonization of regions such as Asia, Africa, and the South Pacific started in the 19th century. It was characterized by oppression, violence, and exploitation. During this period, the administrators of German colonial territories used force to maintain their control over their territories. The colonial context of ethnographic...

The Civil Rights Movement in America

Introduction By the middle of the 20th century, anti-racist activists began their activities in order to fight racial discrimination and stop segregation, which led to the emergence of the Civil Rights Movement. Even though it is argued that it failed to eliminate the systematic oppression altogether, many of the subsequent...

Indentured Servitude and Slavery in the American Colonies

Reflecting on indentured servitude, I envision young European men and women who committed to years of labor in exchange for passage to the colonies. These individuals were often impoverished and had limited opportunities in their home countries, making the prospect of a fresh start appealing (Lawson, 2018). Nevertheless, their journey...

The Cold War’s Impact on Global Politics

The Cold War was a significant period in global history and has massively shaped the current state of affairs in the world. Before this class, I had blurry ideas about the conflict and how this period has shaped the balance of power in the world, and how it influences current...

The Indian Removal Act of 1830 and Its Relevance Today

The Indian Removal Act of 1830 has implications for Native Americans in the present day. This Act was a crucial component of President Andrew Jackson’s Indian Policy, permitting the U.S. government to forcibly remove Native American tribes from their traditional homelands and relocate them to places west of the Mississippi...

The March for Equality: African American Struggle for Civil Rights

Introduction The walk on Selma that occurred in Alabama in March 1965 was a critical Black History event for the United States as it directly impacted the achievement of equal rights for African-Americans. In a series of events across the Selma and Montgomery areas, civil rights activists persevered in their...

European Exploration in the 15th Century: The Renaissance

The Renaissance was a period of renewed interest in cultural and scientific advancement in Europe in the 15th century. During this time, society investigated the functioning of the natural surroundings via scientific inquiry. The Renaissance was characterized by a great deal of innovation and scientific innovation, but it was additionally...

Mercantilism and Its Impact on Atlantic Empires

A successful economic strategy known as mercantilism, which flourished in Great Britain during the 16th and 18th centuries, aims to boost a country’s riches through exporting. Between 1640 and 1660, while mercantilism was at its height, the nation reaped its grandest rewards (British Parliament 1660). At that time, conventional economic...

Aspects of the Historical Events

Introduction Primary and secondary sources’ narratives might be comparable because they give details about historical occurrences. Nevertheless, the manner in which the information is delivered might vary considerably. While secondary sources frequently offer an interpretation and analysis of primary ones, and they frequently give a more direct and detailed account...

Brand Luther and Reform the Catholic Church

Introduction Luther sought to reform the Catholic Church and bring light to its wrongdoings. The Catholic Church’s practice of selling indulgences incensed and repulsed him. The beginning of Pettegree’s book depicts biography details of Luther, the origins of the Reformation, and the development of Luther’s unshakable faith in God’s ultimate...

The History of Progressivism in the United States

Introduction The progressive era between 1880 and to early 1900s is among the most significant periods in the history of the United States. The era was marked by massive political, social and economic reforms that have affected the region’s governance and development. The reforms were affected by various progressive and...

R. G. Letourneau’s Contributions to the Construction Industry Field

Introduction In the 20th century, R.G. LeTourneau was a revolutionary businessman and developer of heavy machinery. His inventive innovations and persistent work ethic revolutionized the engineering and construction sector, for which he was renowned. His life was influenced by his adherence to his convictions and connection with God. His interactions...

The Effects of Industrialism on the Romantic Period Authors

Introduction The significant impact of the Industrial Revolution, which lasted from the second half of the 18th century to the middle of the 19th century, can be seen in almost all spheres of life. Noticeably, the period of industrialization coincides with the years in which writers and poets attributed to...

The Populist and Progressive Eras in the US

The activity of populists and progressives intensified in the late 19th and early 20th, as the aftermath of the Gilded Age. During this time, although there was significant economic growth, the American population faced increased injustice and ignorance from the wealthiest part of the population. The resistance movement received its...

Italy under Mussolini: Historical Geography

Benito Mussolini came to power by capturing Rome and getting the parliament to give him power voluntarily. During the first years of his leadership, he was engaged in eliminating the opposition throughout the country. The old morality was declared a bourgeois relic, and the new one consisted of the complete...

The Discussion of Chinese President Xi Jinping

Introduction Xi Jinping’s hunger is primarily motivated by his desire to increase the country’s influence, power, and presence in the global context. Such could be achieved through his reforms to fully centralize control and make China a great nation (Gueorguiev, 2018). He seeks to facilitate China’s dream of complete independence...

The “Four Freedoms” Speech by Franklin Roosevelt

Introduction In the speech “Four Freedoms,” Franklin Roosevelt outlined four major goals to reach global freedoms in speech, worship, and the absence of want and fear. These ideas remain relevant today as the United States and other countries continue developing. One particular issue is freedom of speech in new digital...

The “Legal Codes and Talking Trees” Book by Jagodinsky

Author Katrina Jagodinsky is a historian whose academic interests concentrate on American Indian studies and history, and the writer expresses her appreciation of Native authors’ nonfiction and fictional works.1 Jagodinsky’s scholarly contributions include her reports in such journals as American Indian Quarterly and Western Legal History.2 Thesis Katrina Jagodinsky’s Legal...

Research Methodologies in World History

Introduction Many goals are sought by the reading Navigating World History: Historians Create a Global Past. It argues for global history’s conceptual viability, traces world-historical thought’s development, summarizes recent global historical discoveries and connects them to tendencies across various subjects, and proposes objectives, methodologies, and conceptual frameworks for potential world...

The US Great Compromise of 1787

The Great Compromise of 1787 was a monumental moment in United States history. It silenced some of the debates between the States and brought about the creation of the United States Senate. The Virginia Plan and New Jersey Plan resolutions created this democratic compromise. The Virginia Plan was proposed by...

Women’s Suffrage and the Nineteenth Amendment

Introduction The place of women in politics was a controversial topic in the nineteenth century. Although women could vote in some states in the late 1700s and early 1800s, their rights were later revoked due to the perceived lack of financial contribution to society (Wayne, 2020). In the 1840s, the...

How War of 1812 Shaped the Transatlantic World

In June 1812, hostilities began between America and England, fought with varying success around the U.S.-Canadian border, the Chesapeake, and the Gulf of Mexico. Indians participated in the conflict on both sides. During the Napoleonic Wars, the United States and Great Britain fought in the Anglo-American War of 1812-1815 (Dudley,...

The United States’ Decision to Enter World War I

There exists a certain number of factors that contributed to the U.S.’s entry into World War I. Despite much debate about the necessity of this action, the concomitant factors make it unavoidable. Any bad consequences of the decision to take part in the war are justified and compensated by some...

Historical Interpretation of St. Valentine’s Day

The Topic The topic I chose to explore involves the origins of St. Valentine’s Day. More specifically, it involved researching modern-day St. Valentine’s Day and its original festival, Lupercalia. The topic was chosen to see the differences between Roman and modern-day interpretations of the day and research the roots of...

Slave Uprising That Led to Haiti’s Independence

Introduction The slave-owning way could not lead any country to success and prosperity because it was based on people’s suffering. Such regimes constantly disintegrated under the onslaught of external or internal factors. The Haitian Revolution led precisely to such consequences, marking the country’s new history. Therefore, it is essential to...

How Globalization Influences Citizenship Concept

The one force that drives modernity most inescapably is globalization. As a result, the nation-states’ political and economic power, as well as their political imperatives, were weakened. Globalization thus prevails in this world over free will, citizenship, and nation-states, as the latter is no longer relevant1. Concepts like citizenship, which...

The Cold War as a Period in Global History

The Term ‘Cold War’ The Cold War was a significant period in global history and has massively shaped the current state of affairs in the world. Before this class, I had blurry ideas about the conflict and how this period has shaped the balance of power in the world, and...

Were the Founding Fathers Democratic Reformers?

The Constitutional Convention, proposed by the democratic reformers, became the basis of the constitutional order in the country. However, there is debate about the extent to which the Founding Fathers were guided by democratic principles (Wood 2021). This is the reason for my interest in this topic, as researchers have...

Issues of Operation in Valley Forge

One of the most important turning points in the history of the United States of America was the American Revolution. When applauding our fellow citizens’ military accomplishments, we should remember how costly such victories were to acquire. Veterans of the conflict devoted their lives to battle and for noble causes....

Abraham Lincoln: A Leader Shaped by Illinois and the Civil War

Introduction Abraham Lincoln is among the most respected figures in American history. He is best known for leading the country during the Civil War and assisting in the abolition of slavery. A close examination of Lincoln’s early life in Illinois, his political career, and his impact on the state during...

Abraham Lincoln’s Impact on Illinois and the United States

Allen, D. W. (2019). Establishing economic property rights by giving away an empire. The Journal of Law and Economics, 62(2), 251-280. Web. This source by Allen (2019), discusses the concept of economic property rights and how they can be established through the process of empire-building. The article examines the historical...

The Montgomery Bus Boycott: A Triumph of Civil Disobedience

Introduction There are many historical examples where people have manifested their citizenship and protested against injustice. Due to their multiplicity and resilience, many have been able to transform not only their lives but the lives of the entire city or country. Examples of civil disobedience include the Salt March and...

From Tribal Ties to Social Alliances

The United States is built by a multitude of communities stemming from entirely different cultural and ethnic backgrounds. Native Americans are the original inhabitants of America, whose families lived in close-knit communities focused on satisfying the essential needs of their members (Cohen, 2015). Despite their distance from the new arrivals,...

African American History Up to 1865

Until 1865, people of African origin were enslaved in the United States, particularly in the southern jurisdictions; this period is known as African-American history. Millions of Africans were forcefully transported to the Americas to work on sugar plantations during the transatlantic slave trade, and enslavement was legalized and institutionalized in...

A Program of Mandatory Assimilation of Native Americans

Introduction The United States government adopted a program of mandatory assimilation of Native Americans in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Native Americans were forcibly removed from their original homes and relocated to reservations, where they were prohibited from practicing their cultural practices or speaking their native languages. The...

World History Beyond Its Field

Eric Lane Martin’s essay describes his view of world history. This viewpoint shows that politics is involved. He proves this by citing historians’ research questions, tools, and critical thinking methods. The text’s statement about using world history to understand September 11th is the most direct evidence. According to Martin (2005),...

Slave Trade: Origins and Forced Relocations of Enslaved Africans

The horrific act of enslaving African people and forcefully transporting them to the Americas is known as the transatlantic slave trade. For centuries, African people were enslaved and shipped in cramped and poorly ventilated ships to the Americas to work on plantations and in households. The slave trade had a...

Iranian Revolution: History of Modern Iran

The year 1979 was very harsh and life-changing for the history of Iran. This event caused the fall of the country’s monarchy. It was affected by social and economic pressures, with the root cause being predominantly nationalistic. The revolution would later be known as the aftermath of civil unrest. The...

Barcelona and Georgia Historical Sites

Barcelona and Georgia have a long, rich history that is still visible in the historical sites throughout the two locations. From ancient cathedrals to sprawling plantations, these sites offer an opportunity to explore the past and learn more about the culture, society, and people of Barcelona and Georgia. By examining...

The 2005 Tulip Revolution in Kyrgyzstan

Introduction The Kyrgyz Republic is a country located in Central Asia that gained its independence after the break-up of the Soviet Union in 1991. Over its brief three decades of being an independent country, various political, social, and economic reforms have been adopted primarily due to protests and color revolutions...

African Americans in the USA: Transformation 1941-1980

There is a claim that from 1941 to 1980, fundamental changes took place in American society, which contributed to a change in the position of African Americans. It is worth noting that this historical period is filled with various political events that had a direct impact on the transformation of...

The Cold War and American Foreign Policy After World War II

The Cold War is defined as an open though restricted rivalry between the Soviet Union, the United States, and their allies. Although it developed after World War II, the roots of The Cold War were in Western allies’ repeated delays in providing help and opening a European second front. The...

The “Running from Bondage” Book by Karen Cook Bell

In Karen Cook Bell’s book, Running from Bondage: Enslaved Women and Their Remarkable Fight for Freedom in Revolutionary America, she examines the courageous actions of enslaved women in the American Revolution period and how their fight for freedom changed the course of history. Through a broad range of primary and...

Presidency of Barack Obama: a Narrative History

Barack Obama, who won the election in 2008, became a genuinely iconic US president. He was the first African American to be nominated for the presidency of the United States by one of the two major parties and the first black president in the national history of heads of state...

Europe After World War I vs. World War II

Introduction World War I and II have always been regarded as the most devastating times in history, destroying millions of lives and leaving the survivors without homes and families, who struggled through poverty and hunger. Both periods are characterized by the growing tension and rise of such movements as fascism...

Market Revolution as Turning Point in Women’s Lives

The Market Revolution was a significant milestone for changes in women’s lives in the United States in the nineteenth century. With the growth of industrialization, women gained new opportunities to work for money and release their potential outside their homes. Changes also occurred in women’s societal roles and their growing...

The Roman Empire’s Fall and Separation

Introduction Roman Empire was one of the largest geopolitical entities of its time. The reasons for its collapse are numerous, with various sources and parties throughout history citing one or several as the predominant reason for its collapse. Christian sources, such as the edicts and memoirs of Pope Gregory I,...

The Great Migration and World War I’s Impact on African Americans

Long after World War I and the Great Migration, the impact of these events on modern history and US politics is hard to underestimate. People were willing to make great sacrifices to get the freedom they had long dreamed of and therefore sought a better life elsewhere where their work...

The European Witch Hunt and Satanic Panic of the 1980s and 90s

Introduction Witch-hunts entail searching for individuals who have been labeled as witches, they are people viewed to practice witchcraft. Witchcraft has several meanings, even though the most appropriate one is the supernatural powers’ invocation to control events, people, and activities. Hence, a witch-hunt entailed the activity of searching for a...

The Civil War of 1861: Causes and Actions

Introduction It is important to note that the Civil War of 1861 was one of the most critical turning points in U.S. history, which fundamentally changed the direction the nation has been taking since then. The diversion of viewpoints between the North and the South reached the culmination manifested in...

Aspects of the Early 1960s and Civil Rights

Introduction Religious upsurge in the last third of the 20th century was preceded by the conviction, shared by authoritative representatives of the world of science, politics, and the Church, that Christianity was going through the deepest crisis in its history. The historical fate of religion and religious institutions in the...

The Resistance of Enslaved Africans in America

Introduction People were abducted from the African continent throughout the 17th and 18th centuries and sold into slavery by plantation owners in the newly established American colonies. Generally, slaves were not allowed to learn how to read and write; they were also not allowed to travel around freely. Many slave...

The Discussion of a History as a Global Movement

Introduction In Worlds Together, Worlds Apart, Adelman, et al. (2021) theorize history as a global movement. According to the authors, all people were of African origin and only later adapted to external circumstances, forming separate communities and cultures. Therefore, all people have a common background, and humanity’s history must be...

The Cold War: Background and Impact

Introduction The Cold War, while being a notion highlighting geopolitical tension rather than direct aggression, was the phenomenon that impacted the current world. Namely, two great world powers, the United States and the Soviet Union were both interested in having the most significant influence on global nations. However, the differences...

The Peculiar Institution: Antebellum South

Residents of the Antebellum South provided various arguments for proclaiming slavery a humane and effective institution. From the humanist perspective, proponents of slavery depicted it as a cultural exchange beneficial for African Americans. For instance, John C. Calhoun, an ardent defender of slavery, claimed that slavery improved the Black race...

Historical Analysis of I Can’t Breathe by da Silva

Introduction Colonialism manifested itself during the colonial period, when Africans were evicted from their native countries, boarded European ships, and transported to other countries as a source of labor. The central colonizing countries were Portugal, France, Spanish and British empires. It is essential to note that people were needed to...

The United States Economy After World War II

Introduction The United States has undergone tremendous economic changes seventy years after World War II. More specifically, President Eisenhower played a critical role in ensuring Americans experienced new levels of prosperity compared to other parts of the world. He put measures such as low taxes and public spending in place,...

Women and Totalitarian Regimes (Nazi Society)

Nazi society propagated patriarchal values and traditional gender roles, speaking to those who believed in social and economic reforms, which occurred since world war I to ruin the nation. As a counteract, large families were required to embrace traditions where women were devoted exclusively to home, husbands, and children in...

The Indonesian Mass Killings of 1965-66

The Indonesian mass killings of 1965-66 represent a complex and multifaceted event in the country’s history, the full origin of which can only be understood by looking at the local and global contexts in which it occurred. The massacre, estimated to have claimed 500,000 and over a million lives, was...

The Fall of the Roman Empire: State History and Economic Development

The Roman Empire, one of the most powerful civilizations throughout antiquity, initially rose to power through their military conquests in the Mediterranean region and then their ability to govern vast tracts of land. However, their mighty status was not meant to last – a multitude of factors resulted in its...

Historical Events That Changed the World

Background Unlike conventional history, historical research comprehensively emphasizes patterns that cut across geographical divides. World history places a strong focus on how civilizations collaborate. It contrasts various global growth patterns in ages where such connectivity is scarce. International antiquity emphasizes cultures that interacted and influenced one another in real life...

Impact of Historical Events on Workplace and Society

Introduction Primary Research Question The primary research question is, “Can the lessons people learn from the Great Depression be effective in solving future economic downturns?” The topic focuses on the Great Depression and other historical events like COVID-19 and the Russian invasion of Ukraine that have had significant impacts on...

Colonialism, Inequality, and Modernity in European History

Cesaire contends that Europe is to blame for both “the proletariat problem and the colonial problem,” that is, for making the world into its slaves and for assuming political dominance over it, he underlines that these are distinct facets of the same political struggle and history (Balandier 23) A rebellion...

The American Civil War and National Divisions

In the decades preceding the American Civil War, geography played a crucial role in dividing the Nation. As a result of economic competition, geography, and climate, Northern and Southern states became geographically and climatically distinct. Historically, national boundaries were determined primarily by physical and human geography. One side is more...

The Book “The Life of Frederick Douglass” by David Walker

Overview Frederick Douglass has become a character of many historical books, but David Walker has found a new approach to this tragic and inspiring topic. Walker’s prose is interactive and adorned with plenty of illustrations, allowing the readers to immerse in Douglass’ story. The illustrations are shocking, forcing the reader...

The American Revolution Period

The British authority and their legislation are dangerous and harmful to the colonists’ welfare. This is not only due to the factors of financial hardship but poor governance that results in injustice and violence that permeates the entire nation. The British crown neglected the demands and needs of the American...

The Residential School Program in Canada

Residential schools in Canada were an extensive education program established by the government incoherent with the administered churches. This program was created in the late 1800s by the Canadian government in an effort to assimilate Indigenous people into the dominant culture (Miller, 2012). These were times when the world was...

American Expansion in the Nineteenth Century

Introduction The United States passed a long way to become today’s world giant. The country had to struggle to strengthen its global position with the help of colonial policy, though the ambiguous legacy of such decisions re-echoes now. Thus, various factors, including economic, strategic, and ideological, shaped American imperialism in...

American History: The 20th Century

WWI: Homefront and Mobilization for War In 1917, President Woodrow Wilson urged Congress to declare war on Germany. The entry of America into the war directly impacted the homefront as it elicited national debate on the country’s military preparedness and justification. As a result, the government employed various tactics to...

Historical Geography: US Expansion to the Pacific Ocean

Political geography is a great explanatory and exploratory tool for understanding fundamental patterns and changes in human history. For example, it may show the interlinkages between spatial relations of one place and its political and economic significance for the whole country. In general, US history may be understood through the...

Napoleon Bonaparte: The French Emperor

Introduction Napoleon Bonaparte was a French leader and emperor in the early 19th century. Bonaparte is known for his military strategy, which ensured the success of the French army against its major opponents. During his tenure as the French leader, Bonaparte is credited with implementing changes that enhanced the legal...

Egypt’s Declaration of Independence

Introduction Independence contains many of the most important and valuable things for a person and the state. As for every person, a citizen of their country, Independence is the principal value. Independence lies in freedom – freedom of action, freedom of speech, and freedom of movement. Everyone is given a...

Why the US Mistreated the Japanese American

Introduction The bombing of Pearl Harbor by the Japanese was a devastating blow to the United States, and it sparked America’s entry into World War II. In 1941, tensions were already high between the U.S. and Japan. The two nations had been competing for power in Asia and trading partners...

American Civil War: Primary Documents Interpretation

The American Civil War remains one of the greatest military conflicts occurring in the U.S., its implications having been instrumental for the further advancement of the concepts of human rights and democracy. Fueled by the necessity to abolish slavery as the most atrocious and despicable practice, the Civil War led...

A Controversial Image of John Brown, an Abolitionist

During his lifetime, John Brown was severely despised by some and regarded as a hero by others. While Southerners were frightened by the brutality he used to attain his goals, reformers who supported the abolition of slavery applauded his acts as being vital to destroy the system. Others, such as...

Market Revolution: Agriculture and Global Trade

In the era of traders, the vast land area and rich natural resources created many economic opportunities. Most people lived in rural areas and were engaged in agriculture or handicrafts (Sellers, 1994). The government aimed to develop agriculture, industry, transport and global trade. Thus, the expansion of domestic infrastructure contributed...

American Democracy: The Formation of the United States

The formation of the United States was followed by several key events, including the confrontation between the American colonists and the British and the replacement of the Articles of Confederation with the Constitution. First, in the eighteenth century, the British Parliament that enacted laws for their colonies, did not have...

The USA-Mexico Border Formation History

History in the first half of the XIX century is the history of American and Spanish expansion. The annexation of new territories was accompanied by the expansion of the borders of the state. The issues of territorial expansion and the formation of the state border are closely related and can...

The Korean War’s Impact on Comfort Women

The victims of the comfort women issue are the women who were forced into sexual servitude by the Japanese military during World War II. The perpetrators are the Japanese soldiers and military officials who abducted and raped these women (Soh 47). The Japanese government has never officially acknowledged or taken...

How the White Southerners Justified Slavery

White Southerners are thriving members of the society living in the Southern parts of the USA. Typical white southerners were yeomen who cultivated small portions of land and earned a living from subsistence farming. A considerable percentage of the white people living in the south owned land between fifty and...

US: Declaration of Independence

The United States sought to break free from British rule, severing emotional and political ties with the reigning monarchy after the long- and short-term disagreements over intellectual, economic, and political ideals. This paper analyzes the primary motivators that promoted America’s founding fathers to secure self-rule and sustain the US political...

Leprosy in Nineteenth-Century India

Introduction Leprosy disease is one of the oldest recognized illnesses in the world. People with leprosy (PwL) were banished in ancient Indian culture for various reasons: chronic, possibly disfiguring aspect; inconsistently successful treatment, linked with sin; and dread of infection. This combination gave leprosy a stigma that endures to this...

The War of 1812: Reasons and Results

Introduction In June 1812, Napoleon’s army invaded Russia, and the United States declared war on Great Britain, an ally of the Russian Empire. In Russia and the United States, the wars of 1812 have long been considered events that seriously influenced the development trajectories of both states. Russia declared itself...

Post-American Revolution Changes Over Time

This essay will cover the broad changes in the newly-born state after the American Revolution. The aim is to trace the major political, economic, and social changes that determined the further evolution of the nation. The critical junctures throughout the period from the 1790s to the 1840s will be outlined...

Dr. Martin Luther King: The Martyr of Civil Rights

Sacrifice is always at the center of the most famous tales of heroism. The explanation is that sacrifice requires endurance, loyalty, or commitment to difficult situations to reach one’s aspirations (Weller et al.). Most selfless acts are performed not for personal advantage but rather for the benefit of others. An...

Imperial Rome 31 BC-284 AD & Late Antiquity

Introduction The Roman Empire is considered one of the most significant societies due to its stability and peaceful co-existence between the rulers and the subjects. Roman society did not exert much power and force on the governed as modern states do. The implicit partnership formed by Augustus between the senatorial...

The History of Black Women and Their Contribution to Intellectual Life

Introduction Black women in the 1970s encountered various prejudices, which the black feminist movement sought to end. Maya Angelou’s Interviews with Black Scholar is instrumental in understanding some of the challenges Black women experienced. The conversation provides insight into different topics such as Black women, racism, and feminism. Conversation with...

The Fall of the Roman Empire: Attacks Which Led to Fall

Several years after the estimated date when Rome fell, the empire remains legendary and historically famous for its civilization in the military, political, and social institutions. Scholars and other historians justify the unsustainable challenges that promoted the empire’s fall. However, philosophical deconstructions of the socio-political challenges before and after Rome...

The World of Late Antiquity: The Old Roman Culture

Introduction The break of the Eastern Roman Empire from the old Empire was characterized by several social, cultural, and economic changes. It has been argued that although the territory demonstrated some shifts from the old order, some elements continued to exist. The deviation from worshipping the old Roman gods and...

Society in the Medieval Ages: Women, Marriage, and Sexuality

The most surprising fact about the Medieval Ages when it comes to women’s position in society is relative inconsistency. It is common for modern people to imagine Medieval society as savage and strict regarding gender division when women were ‘sold off into marriage’. It is true that the position of...

The Hardhat Riot: The Dawn of the White Working-Class Revolution

The Hardhat Riot by Kuhn entailed an account of the 1970 dispute between citizens dissenting against the unending war between Southeast Asia and New York City construction workers. Four days after the Kent State tragedy, violence erupted on May 8, 1970. Kuhn, a profound writer for C.B.S. news, RealClearPolitics, and...

Racism Issue in the Play “A Raisin in the Sun” by Bill Duke

The renowned play A Raisin in the Sun, directed by Bill Duke, depicts the challenges and biases endured by black families in America as they attempt to better their socioeconomic wellness. In this way, racial prejudice is the central issue of the work, and it represents the conditions that occurred...

The Material and Ideological Gains of the American Revolution and Civil War

Introduction During a war or a conflict between countries, there is a set goal for why soldiers are sent to battlegrounds and commit to fighting until they get a victory. For instance, the objectives can be motivated by either ideological or material gains. Nations have fought before due to disputes...

Proclamation of the Delano Grape Workers

The United States of America is a multi-ethnic and multicultural country and home to many migrants. The country’s history has been marked by some of the complexities that it has created. One example is the desire of people to have equal rights with Native Americans. The Latin American Farmers’ Movement...

The American Revolution Period (1775-1784)

This essay will consider some crucial questions about the essence of the American Revolution between 1775 and 1784. Scholars admit that the revolution was one of the most improbable events in the 18th century because of quite stable relationships between Britain and the colonies.1 In addition, there were many controversies...

Operation Anaconda in Afghanistan: Adaptation in Battle

Introduction Operation Anaconda was a military operation in Afghanistan that aimed to root out enemy troops. The process took place in early March 2002, intending to eliminate Taliban and al Qaeda forces that had gathered in Shahikot Valley. The U.S. commanders incorporated a complex battle plan involving a “hammer and...

Narrative of the “Life of Frederick Douglass” by Frederick Douglass Review

“Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass” is an account of life in slavery written by Frederick Douglass, who experienced all the horrors of that time firsthand. It is considered the most famous of several novels written by formerly enslaved people during the same period. “Narrative of the Life of...