Alden v. Maine: Impact on Federalism and State Sovereignty

Introduction The United States Supreme Court case Alden v. Maine was a significant decision that sent shockwaves through the realm of federalism. The ruling affected the balance of power between states and federal governments. The case was a result of the dispute between the state of Maine and several employees...

Civil vs. Criminal Litigation: Differences in Burden of Proof and Defenses with Examples

Introduction The legal system, a cornerstone of societal order, operates on principles that distinguish between types of disputes and the means to address them. At the heart of this system lie two predominant forms of litigation: civil and criminal. Although integral to the administration of justice, both serve different purposes,...

Climate Change and U.S. Government Action: Addressing the Impact and Legal Framework

Introduction Climate change is the long-term average deviation of the Earth’s surface temperature, precipitation, and other climatic variables induced by human activity. This activity mainly includes the emission of greenhouse gases into the environment, such as methane, carbon dioxide, and others. This phenomenon is part of the Anthropocene, a proposed...

Evolution of Victims’ Rights and Career in Advocacy

Insights into the Brief History of the Victims’ Rights Movement The video “A Brief History of the Victims’ Rights Movement Part III” illustrates the evolution of the Victims’ Rights Movement, mainly focusing on the state of Colorado. The movement emerged from an acknowledgment of the necessity to protect and respect...

Legal Harassment Elements and HR (Human Resource) Implications in White v. Beltram Case

Introduction Harassment is a pervasive issue in workplaces, posing a significant threat to employees’ well-being and ability to excel professionally. Chapter 8 of our textbook delves into the legal dimensions of harassment, where four crucial elements come to light. These elements not only define harassment but also shed light on...

Power Distribution in the Criminal Justice System: The Role of Prosecutors

Introduction All branches of the criminal justice system play an essential role in maintaining public order. By cooperating among themselves, different departments, like the police, prosecutors, and judges, ensure that laws are enforced and punishments are determined for offenders. However, if we consider each branch of the criminal justice system...

The U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights: Pillars of American Democracy

The U.S. Constitution is a living document reflecting the collective aspirations and spirit of freedom, forming the cornerstone of American democracy. The Bill of Rights, comprised of the first ten amendments, was ratified in 1791 to safeguard citizens’ fundamental rights from any infringement by the government. These amendments are the...

The Role of the Department of Homeland Security in Addressing Natural Hazards

Introduction The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is essential in ensuring national security in the United States. In recent years, it has been necessary to prevent and combat terrorism and cybercrime. However, some experts claim that the Department should not be involved in natural hazards and threats. DHS’s Role in...

High Recidivism in Adult Males: An Issue in the Criminal Justice System

Introduction The criminal justice system is mandated to apprehend criminals and charge them for the wrongs committed. The wrongdoers are to be prosecuted, punished, and rehabilitated to make them responsible citizens. Recidivism is a criminal justice concept explaining the tendency of criminals to re-offend after they are released from custody....

Mitigating Counterfeit Goods in Catdom: TRIPS Compliance and Customs Solutions

Introduction This document offers suggestions and an analysis of the solutions intended to mitigate the serious problem of counterfeit merchandise inside the domain of Catdom. The current assessment is being carried out within the confines of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), and appropriate consideration is...

Understanding the Zehmer v. Lucy Case and Contract Law Elements

Introduction In the modern world, contract law is fundamental to business and commerce. Proper contracting helps to reduce risks and disputes, providing certainty and trust between the parties. This analysis will look at a case that is a complex contract law dispute in the United States. The Supreme Court of...

Forensic Analysis and Evidence Handling at Crime Scenes

Introduction Crime scenes offer potential evidence for forensic laboratory examination that can be used to understand what happened. The evidence can be biological, such as DNA from blood, fibers, drawings, photographs, and documentary evidence, such as receipts (Kumar, 2022). Various tests can be conducted to derive data from the assembled...

U.S. Constitution: Achievements, Challenges, and Executive Orders

Introduction The U.S. Constitution began operating in 1789 with six main goals. The goals of forming a strong union, domestic tranquility, promoting the general welfare, and providing common defense have been perfectly achieved. However, the goals of establishing justice for all and securing liberty for posterity have also been achieved....

The Role of Government Branches, Judicial Review, and Court Decisions in U.S. Law

Government In the United States, each governmental branch has distinct powers and responsibilities, working together to maintain a balance and ensure the government’s proper functioning. If one branch becomes too powerful, it can disrupt this balance and potentially lead to an abuse of power or the government’s breakdown (Schubert, 2022)....

Comparison of Illinois Constitution and US Bill of Rights

Overview of the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution Like the Bill of Rights of the USA Constitution, the Illinois Constitution contains a list of primary articles governing the rights and liberties of the citizen. The Constitution begins with the Bill of Rights, which contains a list of provisions...

Violation of Australian Consumer Law: Dogfrey Pty Ltd Case Analysis

Introduction Dogfrey Pty Ltd is a business corporation in Australia selling consumer products, including brand-new vacuum cleaners. Richard is the organization’s salesperson who engages the eighty-three-year-old June while purchasing a new vacuum cleaner. June explains the problem she faces at home and her favorable vacuum cleaner model. Richard introduces the...

Applying the May-Can-Should Model to Analyze the Affordable Care Act

Introduction A helpful tool for examining public policy choices is the May-Can-Should model. It requires thinking about what public servants could do and what they ought to do (video). The May-Can-Should paradigm will be applied to the context of federal policy in this article, especially the Affordable Care Act (ACA),...

Gun Violence in the US: Issues, Legislation, and Advocates’ Efforts

Introduction In the United States, Americans lose their lives to gun crimes daily. Gun violence refers to violent crimes like murder, suicide, and attempted suicide involving firearm use. Americans have debated gun laws for many years, and firearm use is a hot topic since it causes severe grievances and even...

Understanding the Goods Declaration Process for U.S. Home Use

Introduction Items purchased overseas for use in the United States (U.S.) by the resident must be disclosed using the Goods Declaring Procedure for Home Use in the United States. It encompasses shipments sent or delivered by courier from outside the country and transported into the United States. At the time...

Juvenile Delinquency and Correlation Analysis

Introduction Every individual seeks to find an explanation for every object and phenomenon surrounding him. Therefore, numerous conspiracy theories and foreign government notions are prevalent today. Human beings tend to seek out links and interdependencies where none exist and to seek out supporters of their illusions. That is why it...

Biological and Psychological Influences on Charles Albright’s Serial Killings

Various biological factors can cause criminal behavior in an individual. They include genetic influence, family history, and psychosocial aspects. Charles Albright’s family history is believed to have significantly influenced his engagement in serial killing. An analysis by Coyle et al. (2015) illustrated that Charles fitted the diagnosis of someone with...

Abortion Legalization: Empowering Women’s Rights

Introduction In the United States of America, the issue of abortion has long been one of intense controversy. There are two sides to this debate: those in favor of abortion (pro-choice), who hold that each individual has the moral power to decide whether to live or die and those opposed...

The Politics of Prison Siting in Pocatello, Idaho

Introduction Most American states are struggling economically in the post-COVID-19 era. Such struggles are not new, given that the recession has been seriously undermining economic development. Pro-development groups insist that government projects can be used to revive the economy in selected areas. The idea was applied in Pocatello city in...

Burglary Under the New York State Penal Code

Introduction Tom Jones was angry after losing the election to Richard Davis. He went to his house while Davis and his family were away celebrating his victory and committed a burglary. Tom Jones broke a window into the home and stole $500,000 worth of antique jewelry. After grabbing them, he...

Arbitration and Litigation: Comparative Analysis

Arbitration is an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) method that involves a third-party hearing and deciding a conflict between two parties. In contrast, litigation is a legal process of resolving disputes in a court where a judge determines the case. Arbitration is often used when parties wish to resolve their dispute...

The District of Columbia v. Heller in 2008: Analysis

The American government has faced many cases by the Supreme Court in recent years. One of the most outspoken cases dealing with civil liberties was the District of Columbia v. Heller in 2008. This case represents the events connected with the civil rights of American citizens living in the District...

Drug Criminalization: Causes and Effects

Introduction One of the most debated public issues is the War on Drugs. There is no argument that excessive substance consumption is a negative phenomenon, both physically and socially. Yet, there are opposing viewpoints on the effectiveness of the US anti-drug policies. They both stem from different interpretations of the...

The Efficacy of Sex Offender Legislation

Introduction The prevalence of sexual violence has become a major social and public health issue throughout the United States and globally. The expression “sexual violence” encompasses various abusive behaviors, including sexual acts, attempted sexual actions, unwelcome sexual statements and utterances, coerced sexual approaches, physical injury connected to sexual, and intimidation....

Medical Practitioner’s Work Environment and Ethical Dilemma

Analysis of Work Environment ​Work environment The work environment consists of people from different cultural and professional backgrounds who use information systems to communicate and share information across computer networks. The people are of different age groups and educational backgrounds, moral and immoral behavior with ethical and moral behaviors across...

Solitary Confinement for Juveniles

Solitary confinement at any age is considered a severe ordeal in correctional facilities because it takes away social opportunities in many ways. Adolescents who end up in correctional facilities are there to make amends to the victims and to change their behavior to the right one in the future (Tedx...

Custody Memorandum in Case of Unequal Financial Status

Memorandum Comes John Bright, by counsel, and for his memorandum states as follows: Facts Both Sally and John have actively been proper parents to Chastity, taking equal parts in all her daily concerns. John has better pay than Sally, and Chastity prefers to live with her dad to avoid changing...

The Legal Implications of Rap Music in Court

Introduction Music has been a powerful tool in society due to its ability to pass information. Over the years, music has been used for various reasons in society. It has been used not only as a source of entertainment but also as a source of information about the various issues...

Implementation of Three Strikes Law in California

The author’s key question in “Implementation methods used to carry out the Three Strikes Law in California” is whether the Three Strikes Law should be changed or repealed in favor of a different punishment structure. Gasca (2018) presents the top-down and the bottom-up approaches to the implementation of laws and...

Unraveling the West Memphis Three Case

The West Memphis Three Case and Used Evidence The documentary West Memphis explores the case of the imprisonment of three teenagers for the brutal murder of three children in 1993 Arkansas. By examining the evidence and conducting interviews with members of the family, legal experts, and professionals, the documentary explores...

Race of Suspect and Eyewitness Identification Accuracy

Eyewitness reports have been used in courtrooms to administer justice for a long period. The effectiveness of the information is based on the different social factors. The annotated bibliography will address the topic of how the race and ethnicity of the suspect and witness impact eyewitness identification accuracy. The paper...

The Four Courts of the Bahamas

The Privy Court The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council (JCPC) in London, England, sits at the top of the legal court hierarchy for The Bahamas (Judiciary, 2019). In all cases where an appeal is allowed, the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council functions as the final court of appeal....

The Case Lawrence v. Texas: The Violation of the Rights of Homosexuals

Introduction In the case, Bowers v. Hardwick, the Constitution and state law were used to prove that criminalizing private sexual conduct was legal. On the other hand, the rule that there is no fundamental right in the Constitution for homosexuals to engage in sodomy was used. This rule seems persuasive...

Legal Analysis: Limitations in Contracts for Sale

This case involves a dispute between Bella Swan and Edward Cullen regarding a home that Bella purchased. After several attempts to resolve the issue, Bella has decided to file a lawsuit seeking damages of $1.9 million plus another $2,750,000 for medical costs, pain and suffering, and attorney fees. The analysis...

United States Immigration Law: Security and Immigration Control

The Immigration Act of 1965, which ushered in a new period that was more comprehensive for some and exclusive for others, is still the foundation of the US immigration system today. The time has come to choose which achievements will be carried on. There lacks immigration policies that adequately address...

Travis Hirschi the Social Bond Theory: Explaining Criminal Behavior

The chosen topic is the Social Bond Theory developed by Travis Hirschi. It explains why people follow or reject societal standards, particularly when it comes to criminal behavior. Specifically, it ascertains four dimensions: devotion to their friends and family, dedication to conventional aims, participation in conventional activities, and belief in...

The Endangered Species Act of 1973

Introduction The Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973 is the United States’s primary law regulating wildlife and natural habitats protection measures. It is called to protect the endangered and threatened species from extinction as a “consequence of economic growth and development untempered by adequate concern and conservation” (“ESA” 1). Discussion...

Juvenile Recidivism and Its Environmental Factors

Introduction In criminal justice, the issue of juvenile recidivism is an acute one. According to estimates, 7.1 million adolescents in the United States were involved in child welfare programs in 2020 (LaBerge et al., 2022). Children who interact with the child welfare system are more likely to engage in youth...

Adjudication and Rulemaking in the US

The legal system in the United States presents challenging objectives that require an extensive search for information in order to produce the most reasonable outcome. One’s reliance on either strict rules or arbitrary decisions has to remain focused on the fairness of a process (Rosenbloom, 2022). This essay will review...

The Constitutional Rights Act of 1964

The Constitutional Rights Act of 1964, which is still applicable today, serves as the cornerstone of American law about human rights. The Act forbids prejudice against a person based on nationality, faith, sexual orientation, or nationality (National Archives, 2018). Civil law forbids unfairness in nationally funded programs and opens to...

Border Control as a Homeland Security Issue in the US

Introduction The homeland in the United States has exponentially heightened the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) operations and its historic mission framework because of increased threats to border security. The nation’s strategies on border control have switched its focus from drug trafficking and immigration to include efforts on counter-terrorism following...

The Administrative Procedure Act in Due Process

Introduction Overcoming barriers to due process (DP), including keeping citizens informed of ruling agencies’ plans and procedures, has been an area of concern in legislation writing for the past centuries. The Administrative Procedure Acts (APA) refer to U.S. legislation aimed at regulating administrative behaviors at federal and state levels, offering...

Kidnapping: The People v. Chessman Case Analysis

Introduction Human trafficking and kidnapping are severe crimes characterized by involuntary servitude and causing harm to a person or using an individual for forced labor. The cases of this crime are numerous since the decisions differ depending on the perspectives and interpretation of the laws. This critical analysis focuses on...

Environmental Factors of Juvenile Recidivism

Role of Caregivers in Juvenile Recidivism The thesis for my research focuses on the following: The rate of adolescent recidivism in antisocial conduct is closely correlated with environmental influences such as parental involvement. Parental Monitoring The article by LaBerge and colleagues is vital to my research since it emphasizes the...

Taking Action in Anti-Oppressive Advocacy

Introduction For the first review, I have chosen the fifth chapter of the Advocacy in practice book devoted to direct actions on all levels of anti-oppressive advocacy practice. My initial intent for reading this book was to grasp the general sense and idea of advocating in the human service field...

Thomas Perez, as Secretary of the Department of Labor

The organization of the Department of Labor is the Department whose activity is based on the workers’ development and providing services for protection. It creates a security system for American workers, provides unemployment insurance, helps veterans, and provides job-related training (Datla, 2015). The Department of Labor has its specific organizational...

Law Enforcement in the City of Memphis, Tennessee

Statement of the Problem In Memphis, TN, the Wokefield Police Department faces many internal and external issues that influence its normal working and thus need effective measures and solutions. One of the external challenges is the increased crime rates, especially carjacking, executed by juveniles. Crimes committed by persons below 18...

The Criminal Act Component of Murder

Introduction Murder is a violation that contains the elements of criminal behavior, a criminal goal, a cause, and an injury. In most nations, the criminal act component of murder is commonly defined as conduct that kills the victim (Montaldo, 2019). A person who commits a crime may execute the deed...

Legal and Factual Impossibility Defense

Introduction Legal impossibility defense and factual impossibility defense are applied to defendants who are accused of unsuccessful attempts to break the law. Legal impossibility defense should be used when a person’s actions do not constitute an illegal act. Discussion According to some sources, it involves occasions when a defendant is...

The Chicago Race Riot of 1919: Unraveling Racial Tensions and Shaping History

The Chicago Race Riot of 1919 was a violent conflict between the white and black residents of Chicago, Illinois, that lasted for five days, from July 27 to August 1. The riot was sparked by a series of events that led to tensions between the two communities, including a recent...

The Limit of Criminal and Administrative Responsibility

Introduction In philosophy, moral responsibility is the status of a person morally deserving of praise, blame, reward, or punishment for an action or omission following their moral obligations. Deciding what to consider “morally binding” is the main task of ethics. In his essay The parable of the sadhu, Bowen McCoy...

Security Studies in Historical and Contemporary Context

In contemporary society, security is a vital and pervasive concern. Therefore, the need to discuss the field of security studies arises. This discipline delves into the concept of security and the actors responsible for providing it. This essay aims to broadly overview the main topics that concern the subject and...

Specialty Courts in the United States

Introduction The United States justice system is complex and made up of multiple parts that work together to ensure that justice prevails. One of the most notable elements of the system is the courts. The courts dispense justice by gauging facts against local, state, and federal laws. There are several...

Bail for Credit: A Chance for Redemption

Bail for credit is a system of releasing defendants awaiting trial who cannot afford to pay the required bail amount. In this system, defendants are given a loan in the amount of the bail, which must be paid back – with interest – to the lender, who is typically a...

Dealing With Violence in the Community

Introduction In recent years, Baltimore, Maryland, has consistently ranked among the cities with the most significant levels of violence in the United States. To address this issue, community-oriented policing efforts have been implemented in the city. However, it is essential to review these strategies critically and suggest actions that may...

The Department of Homeland Security’s Creation

Introduction DHS was established in response to the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in the U.S. The department consists of several agencies that help in the response to security threats and attacks. The head of the department is the secretary, and the organization has an approximate $50 billion annual budget...

Stalking: Statutory Approaches to Criminal Intent

Introduction Stalking is a criminal act centered on watching or following another individual’s everyday life. The purpose of such actions is unimportant, as the act of following another person for one’s personal goals is considered criminal. However, it is necessary to discuss other elements of stalking’s classification in criminology. In...

The Impact of Incarceration on Recidivism

The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of incarceration on public safety. For the research topic “The Impact of Incarceration on Public Safety,” a thorough sampling strategy is essential to guarantee the validity and dependability of the study’s findings. To fully assess the effect of incarceration on...

The Drug Legalization Debate: A Complex Issue With Compelling Arguments

Numerous social issues and concerns require close attention from the American government, including the problem of drug legalization. Some experts believe that if drugs become legal, there will be fewer crimes related to their use, and more regulation and standardization will be available (Hanson et al., 2022). To be more...

Transitional Justice: Human Rights Violations

Introduction Transitional justice alludes to the procedures and systems in place to resolve human rights violations and other offenses perpetrated during unrest or tyranny. Transitional justice seeks to establish some degree of responsibility for historical atrocities while encouraging harmony and healing in cultures that have undergone violence and repression (Celermajer...

Police Management in Killeen, Texas

Introduction The criminal justice system is an integral part of the community, which must ensure equality in terms of law and protection for society. However, this can only be achieved when criminal justice agencies, such as courts, police stations, and correctional facilities, and the departments within them operate efficiently and...

Necessary Amendment of the U.S. Constitution

Introduction The 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution is one of the most significant amendments to have been enacted, as it guarantees the equal protection of all citizens. This Amendment was passed in 1868, in the aftermath of the Civil War, and has since become a cornerstone of the...

Post-Crime Offenses: News Overview

Introduction Improving the tools and resources used by law enforcement is fundamental to ensuring public safety. When a suspect is arrested and charged, the individual’s mental state can be unpredictable, which leads to the phenomenon of post-crime offenses. This term refers to any offense that occurs after charges have been...

Arson Investigation Process: Stages and Actions

The identification, analysis, and documentation of the evidence discovered at a fire scene are all essential steps in the intricate and thorough arson investigation process. Finding the source and cause of the fire, as well as any potential criminal behavior, are the main objectives of an arson investigation (Sodhi &...

The California v. Sutter Health Case

Introduction People of California v. Sutter Health is an example of a recent court case regarding a regulatory problem related to institutional healthcare in the United States. The California Attorney General’s office filed this lawsuit in 2018 (Scarcella, 2022). Sutter Health, one of the major hospital systems in Northern California,...

Legal Contract for Automobile Purchase: A Case Study

Introduction In order to understand the formation of a legal contract, it is necessary to examine the critical elements required for a contract to be considered legally binding. According to Bertolini (2019), a legal contract is a binding agreement between two or more parties that establishes a set of obligations...

The Samolyk v. Berthe Case Analysis

The defendant’s neighbor’s dog was about to die in a canal in July 2017, and plaintiff Ann Samolyk hurt herself when she dove in to save it. She said that while doing this, she suffered cognitive and neurological damage that led to her having to rescue the dog. The parties’...

Academic Misconduct and Criminal Liability

After a detailed examination of the case provided, one can dismiss several committed crimes. Firstly, the victim lied to the police officer about her attacker, thus hid the real aggressor – her husband. Obstructing a law-enforcement officer, especially when providing identifying information is a law violation (Cuomo, 2021). Moreover, another...

Trust and Contractual Agreements

People are so accustomed to the complicated idea of trust that they fail to perceive its presence and variation. Trust, as an intentional mental phenomenon, does not have to be purposeful (Baier 235). Intentional trusting necessitates knowledge of assurance that the trusted will not harm one, even if they could...

Theoretical Analysis of Criminal Behavior

The Beltway Snipers were responsible for a string of synchronized shootings that occurred over the course of three weeks in the month of October 2002 in the states of Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia. It was first thought that these shootings were connected to a white van or...

Evidence-Based Organizational Development for Criminal Justice Agencies

The goal of a successful organization is to maintain a high performance rate at all levels: from a specific employee to hierarchical divisions and integration into the national workforce. To do this, it is necessary to calculate the current dynamics of the organization’s performance, and positively influence it. Accordingly, one...

Monitoring Analysis of Drug Courts: The Value of Drug Courts

The value of drug courts is expressed in their positive impact on drug related crime statistics in the first years after completion of a drug treatment program. Gonzales et al. (2006) point out that the number of adjudicators and their leadership style affect how often addicts do not complete rehab....

Law in Addressing Racial Health Disparities

The legislature is essential in enforcing rules, norms, and behavior in society. Without it, the chances of maintaining order and security become significantly low. However, there is always a question of the extent to which the law should interfere with people’s lives. In this context, Matthew raises the question of...

Reasoning Errors: Criminal Justice and Criminology

The expert practice of the production of primary and repeated examinations, the analysis of the review of conclusions in the systems of expert institutions of various departments indicate that experts make various kinds of mistakes and omissions. The most common mistakes in the practice of forensic examinations occur with a...

Data, Discretion, and the Future of Policing

Changes in the procedures and techniques used to conduct crimes with a profit motive and different offenders, possibly recruited from a broader spectrum of society, can be anticipated. The use of technology will alter investigation, detection, and preventive methods. Transnational crime has more opportunities due to national laws, regulations, and...

The Concept of Crime Analysis and Its Value

Criminal analysis requires evidence-based analysis to reduce crime by implementing resources available for high-crime regions, high-risk offenders, and recidivism. Crime analysts use hot-spot policing, problem-oriented policing, as well as intelligence-led policing in reducing crime as they focus their resources on high-crime regions, high-risk offenders, as well as recidivism. The Bureau...

Human Trafficking: Risk Factors and Victimization Data

Data and Human Trafficking The selected crime is human trafficking, and the information is taken from a non-profit organization called Polaris Project. The data suggests that “in 2020, 10,583 situations of human trafficking were reported to the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline involving 16,658 individual victims … they are likely...

The Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act

The main innovation under the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) is that payment for medical services is based not on workload but on value to the patient. Under this system, there are two types of financial incentives for healthcare professionals: the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) and alternative...

Judicial Error and Duty Breach in Administrative Law

Erroneous Judgment of Administrative Law Judge The ALJ’s judgment was legally erroneous since Francisco Foods was not permitted to tell its side of the story and contest the Union’s claims. An employer is required by the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) to be provided with notice of a union’s request...

Legalization of Marijuana as Controversial Topic

Introduction The legalization of marijuana is debated worldwide today, with advocates arguing that it eliminates black-market drug sales, increases tax revenue, and reduces crime. Proponents of legalization further argue that marijuana is less addictive than other drugs like alcohol and tobacco and that regulating it may deter use by minors...

Special Punishment for a Juvenile

Introduction Adolescence covers the period from 11 to 15 years, which corresponds to the middle school age. During this period, complex and contradictory changes occur in the personality of children, which is why this age is also called difficult, critical and transitional. Accordingly, children at this age are vulnerable to...

Victimization in the Criminal Justice System

Introduction Victimology is a criminology branch focused on exploring the link between a victim and the offender by examining the causes and the extent of suffering the injured person underwent. In other words, victimology presses on whether the perpetrator was a stranger, an acquaintance, friend, or family member and the...

Interactions of Local Police and Homeland Security Officials

Introduction The American public safety industry’s primary goals are to innovate products and provide services that safeguard citizens and property security. The US ensures public safety at local, state, and federal levels, using multiple agencies and units in public and private sectors to ensure no part of America remains unguarded....

Communitarian vs. Libertarian View of Social Laws

Dr. C’s arguments are based on the communitarian philosophy, which promotes the belief that an individual’s social identity and personality are molded and shaped by community relationships. Dr. C will state that banning the sale of most flavored tobacco products is for the common good of the local community as...

The Issue of Overcrowding in the Prison System

Introduction Overcrowding in prison is where the number of convicts in a nation exceeds the capability of its jails. When charged, criminals get a penalty that consists of a set duration of time before being discharged. Other reasons for discharge might include a legislative release, old age, or a medical...

Abortion Is a Woman’s Right and Should Be Legal

Abortion is one of the most controversial topics in our society today. Some believe that a woman has the right to choose what happens to her body and believe that abortion is murder. The debate over abortion is often highly emotional and can be difficult to discuss rationally. However, it...

Aspects of United States v. Lopez Investigation

Introduction Cases may include many jurisdictions for a variety of reasons. For instance, in state courts, the victim of a crime can live in a different state than the one in which the crime was committed. Alternatively, the alleged offender may reside in a different state than where the crime...

Importance to Business Law & Ethical Implications

Introduction E.ON Climate & Renewables (E.ON)hired MT Hjgaard (MTH) in December 2006 to design, fabricate, and install the foundations for 60 wind turbine generators at the Robin Rigg offshore wind farm in the Solway Firth. The foundations were installed in February 2009, and shortly afterward, serious failures in the grouted...

Obscenity Laws and Summary of Related Cases

Roth v. United States and Miller v. California Case Summary Roth v. United States and Miller v. California cases are essential in determining what pornography is and if they can be regulated by federal government jurisdiction. In the Miller v. United States case, after leading a campaign to market the...

Fire and Explosives: Fire Scenes

The “point of origin” refers to the location where a fire first ignites in a fire investigation. This could be a specific location or a broad region. The site of origin must nearly always be accurately located in order to ascertain the fire’s cause. The correct identification, analysis, and detection...

US Mass Incarceration Statistics Examination

The criminal justice system in the US is presented not by one solid institution, but by a variety of federal, state, local and tribal systems. This inconsistency makes the whole structure and its decision-making process look obscure to the citizens. Thus, the comparative analysis of incarceration statistics of the US...

Correctional Theory in the Criminal Procedures

Introduction The seven basic philosophies of corrections are retribution or just deserts, deterrence, incapacitation, restorative justice, rehabilitation, reentry, and early intervention (Cullen & Johnson, 2017). The rehabilitation policy to help with crime prevention will be covered in this review. The one that assures reintroduction into society and lowers the recidivism...

Smash-And-Grab Crime: Criminal Investigation

The smash-and-grab crime under investigation is a multi-million-dollar burglary that occurred in March 2022 at a Beverly Hills jewelry store. According to bystanders, “five people got out of a car and used what appeared to be sledge hammers to break the plate glass window of Luxury Jewels of Beverly Hills”...

Patient Privacy-Related Legal Frameworks

Patients, their families, medical personnel, government officials, and several others place high importance on maintaining the privacy of patient health information. The laws mandate that a large number of significant individuals and organizations that deal with health information have security measures in place to protect the privacy of individuals’ health...

The Sabrans v. Rockhill Case Analysis

The case of Ira and Barbara Sabran is that they filed a lawsuit in Florida, explaining that they are the alleged assignees regarding the homeowner’s insurance policy. It was issued by the defendant, “Rockhill Insurance Company (“Rockhill”) to 2203 Regal Way LLC (“Regal”)” (Ira Sabran, 2021). Regal sought coverage for...

The Affordable Care Act’s Main Goals

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is the comprehensive health care reform signed into law by President Barack Obama. The law comprises a list of healthcare policies that expand access to health insurance to millions of uninsured Americans (Collins et al., 2017). In this regard, this essay examines the three main...

Three Items Linked to Policing That Explain Japan’s Low Crime Rate

One of the most significant trends observed in Japan over the past years is the low crime rate. The positive trend has promoted peace and social-economic progress in the nation. The essential elements that have enabled the above culture are the harmony, high self-control, and group orientation. These important innate...

The Criminal Justice System’s Key Components

Introduction The criminal justice system plays a critical role in promoting law and order. Structurally, there are three components of criminal justice: the police, the courts and the corrections. The police are mandated to protect the public, enforce the law, and arrest law violators. The courts are responsible for ensuring...

Forensic Entomology: Collecting and Handling Arthropods

Introduction Forensic entomology defines the use of insects and other arthropods in investigating the crime scene to determine postmortem interval (PMI) in cases of missing or dead victims. The life stage of the arthropods present on the scene is critical in determining the PMI. The most prominent insects in forensic...

Revisions of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

The original purpose of HIPAA was to improve the accountability of health insurance. The law was adopted on August 21, 1996, and since then has undergone significant changes and additions (Ellison & Clack, 2020). In 2003, the law was amended with privacy rules designed to protect patients’ medical information (Ellison...

The Bail Necessity in the Pretrial Detention

Introduction The benefits of cash bail revocation in New Jersey are the ability for a potentially non-threatening or wrongly accused person to get out before trial and organize his or her defense. It gives suspects with little wealth the opportunity to have their pretrial detention revoked. However, there are many...

The Young v. State Legal Case Analysis

Facts: The appellant challenged the judgment from the trial court, Dallas County (Texas), which convicted the appellant for resisting arrest. While at a musical concert, the appellant got on the stage and was pushed off and onto the ground by performing band members, at which time the appellant was arrested...

Judges Decisions: Realism and the Law

The case of Mr. Kass is an example of a court proceeding where the judges had to consider several facts in reliance on the principles of the law. Mr. Kass quit his job with Bechtel Power and moved from Michigan to New Jersey since he was to be employed by...

The Constitution: United States Citizen’s Rights

Introduction According to Stilt, the constitution of the United States contains numerous rights for both citizens and noncitizens or immigrants. Nevertheless, certain rights are only granted and legitimately apply to U.S. citizens as provided in the U.S. Constitution. These rights are put together in the Bill of Rights. They include...

The Affordable Care Act Discussion

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), signed into law by President Barrack Obama in March 2010, represents the most far-reaching reforms to the American health care system since its inception. The ACA has three primary goals: (1) to overhaul the private health insurance industry, particularly for people and...

The United States vs. Trump Supreme Court Case

Donald Trump is the forty-fifth president of the United States who was elected on a Republican ticket. He served one term before losing the presidential set to the democratic candidate Joe Biden. Having been elected in 2016 to succeed the Democratic president Barack Obama, who had served full terms, Trump...

The Role of Theories in Defining Elements of Criminal Law

Introduction Theories play a significant role in defining key elements in criminal law. On the one hand, the strain theory surmises that specific stressors precipitate criminal behavior (Nguyen & Ngo, 2021). Affected individuals experience negative emotions as a result of the frustration and anger caused by a specific challenge. Proponents...

Constitutional Law: Freedom of Speech

Introduction One of the fundamental roles of the United States Constitution is to the protection of citizens’ individual rights and liberties. Although there can be limits beyond which the U.S. Discussion Constitution on an individual’s fundamental rights and liberties does not apply, only the court system can accurately interpret or...

Post-Crime Investigation Analysis

Introduction Post-crime investigations are an essential process that involves many factors. One of the most important is the scene of the crime and the testimony of the victim and witnesses. After a crime has been committed, each of these factors undergoes extensive changes, making it impossible to investigate the crime...

Currency War by Rickards: A Realism Perspective

Introduction Currency Wars, published in 2011 in the aftermath of the Great Financial Meltdown, contends that the competitive weakening of currencies is a serious national security issue. The Federal Reserve began a currency war by implementing quantitative easing in 2008, subjecting the dollar to a major collapse (Rickards, 2011). The...

Virginia State Board of Pharmacy vs. Virginia Citizens Consumer Council

Summary of the Case Representing prescription drug customers, Virginia Citizens Consumer Council opposed a policy enacted by Virginia state that made it unlawful for the approved pharmacists to promote their drug costs. On plea from an opposing verdict by a three-judge District Court board, USA Supreme Court gave Virginia State...

How Pharmaceutical Patents Create a Monopoly

In the pharmaceutical industry, a patent is a twenty-year-long right given to a company to allow it to develop a specific drug that cannot be replicated by other competing companies. Patents are essential since they often transform pharmaceutical firms into monopolies, thus reducing competition. A breakdown of reasons why pharmaceutical...

Breyer on the Supreme Court’s Fundamental Role

In “Making Our Democracy Work: A Judge’s Views, ” Stephen Breyer, a Supreme Court justice, outlines how the justice system’s US constitution should work. President Clinton appointed him as a Supreme Court judge in 1994 and provided some explanations of the constitution that differed from his colleagues. Breyer has made...

Criminal Investigation of the State vs. Garrison Case

Background On the evening of January 2, 1982, the defendant was at his sister’s residence in Hartford when the victim, Jeremiah Sharp, arrived. Sharp had been residing with the defendant’s sister sporadically for the last four years and had his things in the flat, but they had lately quarreled again....

Professional Liability and Accountability Issues at Lehman Brothers

Introduction Financial accountability is a control aspect in a transactional process. This case study explores Lehman Brothers, focusing on the faults that precipitated the 2008 global financial crisis. The primary focus is the infractions of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS), and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Professional...

Wage Garnishment Legislation in North Carolina

A garnishment is the process of an unpaid debt being settled with the aid of a third party being directed to seize available assets from the intended individual or an organization. Usually, garnishments are related to the money located in one’s bank account or a person’s wage. In North Carolina,...

The Georgia State Capitol: Security Enhancements

To a great extent, the Georgia state capitol had not been fenced and had inadequate police personnel. The attack by President Donald Trump’s supporters on the building on January 6, 2021, resulted in the transformation and improvement of security for the citadel of democracy and members of Congress (Zauner, 2021)....

Chevron USA v. Natural Resources Defense Council Case

The Supreme Court of the United States established the legal standard for assessing whether to give deference to a government agency’s interpretation of legislation that it administers in the landmark case of Chevron U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., 467 U.S. 837 (1984). The doctrine consists of a...

Collection, Preservation, and Storage of Digital Evidence

Introduction Digital evidence is becoming increasingly important with the advent of new electronic and cloud media. Many companies already have the means to manage physical and digital evidence separately. Co-management tools need to be created to ensure a single and accessible evidence base. Collecting, preserving, storing and analyzing digital evidence...

The Milbanke Court vs. Grantley House Lease Agreement

Unit 2 Milbanke Court in Bracknell, Middlesex; Grantley House on Park Lane in Cranford, Middlesex; and their lease have been explored in this unit. The first consists of “Milbanke Court, Milbanke Way, Bracknell,” a “gross lease property.” Under a “gross lease,” the landowner receives a single payment from the tenant...

Employment Law in the United Kingdom and Its Impact

Introduction Legislative regulation of the multiple areas of human life aims to establish particular rules and limitations necessary to ensure that the rights of citizens are preserved. In particular, employment laws are a set of legislative statutes that regulate the relationships between employers and employees in the workplace setting and...

Cuban Missile Crisis: Intelligence-Gathering Operations

The Historical Value of Intelligence Gathering The US was interested in the Cuban missile crisis and its imminent threat to US national security. Essentially, the information was crucial because Cuba’s relationship with the Soviet Union was a security threat. The American intelligence authorities were highly concerned about the potential political...

International Students in Law Schools in the US

The changing social dynamics in today’s society have led to more diverse backgrounds in the student community. In American universities, four in ten students are of mixed race, while two in five students come from foreign countries (Fossum, 2020). The rising population diversity has led to a compelling awareness of...

Community Policing: Police Officers’ Role Orientations

Community policing has shown to have multiple benefits for both local citizens and law enforcement in the activities to both prevent or respond to potential threats or disruptions. Despite the tenants of community policing being first introduced as far back as 30-40 years ago, only recently, in the light of...

The Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores Inc. Case Analysis

In those cases, when it is evident that recently created governmental regulations violate the rights of people or organizations, it is possible to file a lawsuit and challenge the new mandate. This is what the owners of Hobby Lobby Stores Inc. did in 2012 when it turned out that “their...

Legal Inconsistencies in Constitutional Law

It is widely known that a characteristic feature of U.S. constitutional law is its doctrinal inconsistency. To help those interested in constitutional law, Stearns (2020) published his article on conflicting premises in U.S. constitutional law. The author explains that the inconsistency is due to dual prerequisites found in most U.S....

Budgeting Discussed on Texas Spring 2021 Session

Introduction It is hard to disagree that education plays a significant role in the lives of Americans. Consequently, public schools have to be accessible and provide young students with high-quality services. Thus, their work is controlled and adjusted with the help of yearly bills and other essential pieces of legislation....

The American Rescue Plan Act’s May-Can-Should Analysis

Abstract The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 is an innovative legislation introduced in February 2021 in order to rescue the economy and provide direct relief to working families. It offered incentives such as extended unemployment benefits, stimulus checks, rent relief, and emergency grants for small businesses. Applying the May-Can-Should...

The A&M Records Inc. v. Napster Inc. Trial

Introduction Napster, the defendant, was a peer-to-peer file-sharing platform that allowed internet users to access music for free. Individuals could connect to a network of computers and search for mp3 files downloaded to other devices. The files mentioned above were created by “ripping” tracks from CDs and changing their format...

The National Response Framework Training Critique

The National Response Framework (NRF) is a set of guidelines outlining how the government should react to an emergency. It is based on scalable, adaptable, and adaptive concepts from the National Incident Management System and aims to align roles and responsibilities. NRF includes Emergency Support Functions to characterize the government...

The Treatment of Juvenile Crimes in the Legal Justice System

Introduction One of the severe challenges that most countries face today is juvenile crimes. Juvenile crimes affect not only the person who commits the crime but also the social order in any country. Currently, the world is witnessing an increasing trend in juvenile delinquencies. Therefore, this paper seeks to support...

Business Law: Alpert v. 28 William St. Corp

The Facts of the Case The Alpert v. 28 William St. Corp case is a summary judgment case in which the plaintiffs, Alpert and Karan, appeal the dismissal of their complaint. The plaintiffs alleged the defendants engaged in a fraudulent scheme to force them to sell their apartment below-market value...

The Prosecutors and Incarcerated People Exchange

A prosecutor’s adherence to the ethics of legal proceedings is critically significant since only the relevant facts should be used to decide a case. That implies that a prosecutor must comply with ethical standards of criminal investigations and reporting, where clarity, dispassionate submissions, and fairness promotes balanced justice for the...

Firearm Legislation: Impact on Firearm-Related Causalities

Why it Matters Firearms can be equally seen as tools for self-defense and offensive attacks or suicides. When there are many firearm-regulating laws in the state, fewer people will possibly have firearm, which means more safety, but simultaneously, it will be harder to buy a gun for self-defense. Thus, it...

Questions of Law vs. Questions of Fact

There is a vast number of legal terms, and some of them may be confusing or difficult to distinguish between. For example, while questions of law and questions of fact may sound similar, there is a difference between them. Overall, the primary characteristic of the former is that such questions...

Biological Patents: Copyrights Issues

Biological patents are inventions done in the biology field by scientists and permitted by law to exclude people from copying, using, selling, and importing the secured invention for a given period. It depends on the jurisdiction whether biological patents cover genetically engineered organisms, gene products, or biological technologies and products....

The Development of Western Law

Introduction Islamic legal concepts had a significant impact on the development of Western Law. Both Monica Gaudiosi and Marcel Boisard agree that some concepts in these two frameworks are similar. Thus, Gaudiosi speaks about the correlation between waqf and trust in England (1240). It might serve as the basis for...

Death Of Student at LA High School Case Discussion

The case to be discussed further in this essay occurred in one of Los Angeles’s high schools, where a 15-year-old teenager died from a fentanyl overdose (Casiano, 2022). The suspects in the case are two teenagers who brought drugs to school after buying them in Hollywood Park. They have already...

Class Action Lawsuit Against Wells Fargo

Introduction, Facts & Summary In 2016, Wells Fargo, at the time, the fourth largest bank in the United States, admitted to pressuring employees to open more than two million fraudulent bank accounts. This conscious deception by the bank and its executives was in an attempt to shore up their sales...

Racism as a Crime

Racism is one of the oldest and most reprehensible forms of crime, which manifests itself in discrimination against people based on their racial or national origin. It is expressed through statements, actions, or policies that divide people. Racism creates prejudices and demonizes others, leading to a lack of access to...

White-Collar Crimes: Criminal Defense

It is possible to suggest that, when hearing the term ‘crime,’ most people imagine homicides, robberies, physical or sexual abuse, and some other examples. However, crimes are not limited to the listed unlawful deeds and sometimes can be not violent. For instance, some illegal activities can be classified as white-collar...

Jennifer Hoffman v R&K Trading, Inc.

Case Citation: 19-5 tort: Jennifer Hoffman v R&K Trading, Inc. Relevant Points of Law: Persons who violate the requirements of the law on personal data, depending on the specific circumstances and the seriousness of the act, may face not only administrative and criminal liability but also civil and even disciplinary....