The Use of Force in the Graham v. Connor Case

Facts of the case: Petitioner Graham asked for the assistance of his friend with a purchase of orange juice. The petitioner has diabetes and needed the juice to counter an insulin reaction. They drove to a store, but the lines were too crowded, so they left in a hurry (Graham...

Superglue Fuming Overview

There are multiple techniques available that can be used to develop latent fingerprints from porous surfaces such as paper. One such technique is referred to as ninhydrin fuming (Eksinitkun et al. 21). Ninhydrin is a chemical that forms a purple compound when it reacts with amino acids. Before soaking into...

Labor Law: Workplace Abuse

Although employees are protected by the law, they often encounter various types of violations of their rights. I have been exposed to sexism and nepotism in my workplace. When discussing my future employment and during the first month of my work, my supervisor and I discussed the details regarding my...

Airport Transportation Security After 9/11 Attacks

The threat of cargo tampering, terrorist or other illegal use, or criminal attack on the supply chain makes transportation safety a significant concern. Misuse of transportation methods and equipment, such as a whole or empty container, might provide a security risk to the consignment. According to the book, “No one...

Defamation in Media Law and Film Industry

Introduction People often protect their reputation since a good reputation allows them to achieve their personal goals, whether social or financial. Various international instruments and local legislation have been formulated to protect people’s image from the public. Therefore, it is unlawful to use a person’s image, whether oral or written,...

US Administrative Procedures Act and Its Challenges

Summary The Administrative Procedure Act (APA) regulates governmental agencies’ operational processes, and how they communicate with the citizens. The APA is formalized in 5 U.S.C. §§ 551-559, and it includes the Privacy Act and the Right to Information. The APA describes “agency” narrowly and does not specifically preclude the Office...

“Discipline and Punish” Book by Foucault

Introduction Discipline and Punish is a narration of the current disciplinary system. Foucault’s analysis and examination of power on punishment use a social context. Initially, Foucault stated how corporal punishment and public execution were the main forms of penalty (1975/1977). Torture was used to extract information from culprits as a...

Theories of Criminal Behavior

Introduction Criminal psychology studies mental phenomena and patterns manifested in the process of activities associated with crimes. These activities include the formation of a criminal attitude of the personality, the formation of a criminal motive, the personality of a criminal and a victim, and other means. However, it is the...

Automatism as a Defence in Criminal Law

Automatism defense refers to a state directed by psychological and environmental factors in which an individual acted involuntarily and may have committed criminal acts. Essentially, it describes behavior in which a person is unconscious or unaware of an act taking place. Though rare, such scenarios could lead to detrimental cases,...

Discussion of Classification of Crimes

Conducting legal analysis is of high practical value, as it allows for a deeper understanding of the nature of crime and a better understanding of the science of criminology. In this assignment, the purpose of the work was to examine the proposed scenario to identify all of the criminal acts...

Aspects of the Law of Contracts

The law of contracts holds that a contract is a legally binding agreement. The agreement entails rights and responsibilities which are legally enforceable, and for it to exist, certain elements must be present. Sometimes, there are disagreements between parties on whether a contract was formed or not as was the...

Death Penalty: Contradictions

Several crimes can lead to the death penalty: rape, racism, and murder. Rape cases have been on the rise, and criminals have faced severe punishment such as the death penalty. The death penalty occurs when the criminal is convicted before the law and thus assigned to a life jail sentence....

BMG Right Management vs. Cox Communication

The Issue BMG rights management sued Cox communication for the alleged copyright infringement to hold its contributory responsibility for restricting BMG’s copyright by Cox’s internet services. The jury declared that under section 512 (a) of the digital millennium copyright act (DMCA), 17 USS 512 (a), Cox is guilty because it...

Protected Health Information: The Best Practices

In the United States to protect health information is implemented the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). According to HIPAA, any information that is somehow related to the physical or mental condition of an individual is considered protected health information or PHI (Drolet, 2017). PHI includes patients’ names, surnames,...

Drug Cartels in Mexico: Definition, Background, Mexican War on Drugs

Drug problem increasingly arising around the world due to using and transporting illegal drugs stands as an urgent problem. Their detrimental effect endangering people’s lives is well known, but it does not decrease the demand for them, especially in unwealthy regions. The drug’s popularity and associated high price led to...

Digital Piracy in the Modern World

Galuszka, Peter. “The War over Internet Piracy: Fearing Lawsuits, College Officials Crack down on Illegal Downloading of Music and Videos on Campus.” Black Issues in Higher Education, vol. 21, no. 2, 2004, p. 24. Galuszka, in this article, provides that 80% of all films and music is pirated. For artists...

“Federalist 10” by James Madison: Summary and Analysis

Introduction Federalist 10 is an essay written by James Madison and published in 1787 as a tenth part of The Federalist Papers, emphasizing the need for ratifying the United States Constitution. In this paper, Madison discussed factions, a group of citizens with similar interests and issues emerging in democracy, arguing...

Business, or White-Collar Crimes

Crime Prerequisites Business, or white-collar crimes, may be defined as violations of trust caused by illegal actions of business professionals. The primary agents of business crimes may be either employers and business owners or a whole corporation. The major difference concerns whether the employee’s crime was committed on the corporation’s...

Psychologists’ Role in Selecting Jurors

A jury is a group of people who, during the trial, recognizes specific facts as established and makes a decision on the guilt of the defendant. The procedure for selecting a jury is called voir dire (“to tell the truth”). The selection is random and is usually carried out according...

Diabetes Mellitus: Cost-Effective Solution for India

Introduction At present, a large number of people are experiencing health complications due to a sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activities, poor nutritional habits, and substance use disorders (SUD). Among the potential diseases, diabetes mellitus is one of the most harmful and impactful developments that negatively affect the quality of...

A Trial on Rape Accusations and Motions

This case study is based on rape accusations against three men, Jones, Walsh, and Bert. Not all defendants were involved in this illegal action, which requires them to file motions. These motions will allow Bert and Wallace to dismiss the case or ask the judge to review their offense separate...

Police Sexual Harassment Suit

Introduction Sexual harassment entails any form of physical or verbal bullying that is sexual in nature. It may include offensive comments about an individual’s sex, unwelcoming sexual advances or even demand for sexual favors. Under the Civil Rights Department, all employees are readily protected against sexual harassment. As such, sexual...

Katherine Johnson of Hidden Figures

Many people would consider being selected among the African American students to integrate West Virginia’s graduate school to be their most significant life achievement. However, the event was among the many accomplishments that marked the exceptional and long life of Katherine Johnson (Jones 64). Katherine and other women worked hard...

Career and Criminal Cases of Johnnie Cochran

Introduction Johnnie Cochran was born in 1937. Initially, he studied business administration. Thurgood’s inspirations and victory in Brown v. Board of Education marked the turning point in Cochran’s career. To him, practicing law became not only a career but also a call. He believed that there were many injustices happening...

Implications of Unethical Conduct in Forensics

The actions of forensic investigators and examiners are governed by the code of ethics. Even though the rules of conduct in forensics are especially strict, some workers might still violate such prohibitions (Laporte, 2016). Considering the implications of forensic employees’ actions is essential for the consequences of their work. In...

Cell Phone Manufacturers Legal Responsibility Regarding Cell Phone Radiation

Introduction There has been an increase in terms of health concerns about mobile phone radiation, particularly due to the global increase in the number of people that are now using wireless mobile telephony. Mobile phones utilize electronic radiation of the microwave variety, a fact that has prompted a number of...

The Analysis of Victim Categories

Completely Innocent On November, 5, Andrew Kelly, a police officer, was arrested after killing a woman in a car accident; the off-duty officer was completely drunk driving through Brooklyn Mill Basin. The victim of the accident was Vionique Valnord, 32; the woman tried to hail a taxi that afternoon leaving...

Mass Incarceration in American Prisons

Abstract The research paper covers the description and the analysis of mass incarceration in American prisons. The aim is to show that this social phenomenon has a negative impact on society and provide possible solutions to the problem. It has been done by examining the possible social and financial consequences...

Invasion of Privacy by Big Tech

Introduction Technology influences the privacy of internet users in two main ways: it changes the accessibility of information and modifies the privacy norms. For many years, the issue of information privacy has been debated, with technology companies being accused of violating their customers’ privacy. Consumers have become increasingly concerned with...

Acceptance of Offer Under English Contract Law

Issues It is seen in this case study that Adam has reneged on his offer to sell his motor car for £1000, made to the world at large through public advertisement. The main issues are (i) whether Adam was legally correct in refusing both the offers made by Ben and...

The Product Liability Law: Crucial Issues

Product liability law is the law that holds the manufacturers, distributors, retailers, suppliers and other individuals involved in the supply liable for any damage or injury that may be caused by the product. All these entities are expected to meet the set standards of which breaching may lead to legal...

Streaming Media Technology and Copyright and Related Rights Law

Introduction There have been heated debates on the issue of streaming technology considering some legal constraints such as copyright. The concern is that there are websites that are uploading copyrighted materials without their author’s approval. Copyrights laws are infringed when copyrighted materials are used without consultations with the copyright holders....

Copyright: Challenges in the 21st Century

Introduction The problem of copyright protection becomes acute in the era of the modern development of innovative technologies, the spread of the Internet and free access to intellectual labor. The problem of copyright protection is one of the priority tasks in the field of improving the legal framework of modern...

Money Laundering, Corruption and Terrorism Issues

Unresolved issues One of ESAAMLG’s main plans entails the integration of anti-money laundering and combating financial terrorism attempts with the attempts of its member countries with regard to fighting corruption. This is intended to go along with the possibility of establishing a devoted anti-money laundering and combating of financial terrorism...

Divorce Law in the United Kingdom

Introduction There exists dissimilarity between valid, voidable and void marriages under English Act. A valid marriage would be terminated legally. In case of nullity of marriage, for legal purposes, it would be construed that there has been never a valid marriage. There will be existence of no defect in a...

Electoral System in the USA and Its Fairness

The US electoral system and its correctness and fairness is an undoubtedly essential and relevant state topic associated withnational implications. In particular, in modern society, the electoral college system is continuously discussed in terms of its modernity and efficiency, while arguments repeatedly arise in favor or against its abolition or...

Kitty Genovese’s Murder and the Bystander Effect

Introduction The phenomenon of the Bystander Effect has gained quite large notoriety in the world of social work, psychology, and the related sciences. Multiple studies conducted to examine the problem of the Bystander Effect have proven that the subject matter exists and increases the threat faced by vulnerable populations (Levine...

Fair Treatment of Experienced Pilots – Age 65 Rule

Introduction Flying aircraft is one of the most important roles in the aviation industry. This is because air transportation is associated with high safety risks. In this regard, pilots must have advanced skills and competency to execute their functions effectively. In the last three decades, several safety standards have been...

Drugs and Alcohol Influence on Drivers

The danger of driving under the influence had been understated in earlier times. However, now it is evident that this problem requires taking strict measures. It was proved that “in 1987, more than half of all traffic fatalities were related to drunk driving” (Bell, James, & Nordby, 2014, p. 495)....

Sexual Assault: Definition and Prevention

Introduction Sexual offenders are thought to be one of the most dangerous types of people in the modern laws and society. The type of offense is much different from all others and is judged within certain the criteria. A sexual assault is one of the most violating crimes that can...

Insider Trading – The Legal and Illegal

Introduction Employees and shareholders of companies can sometimes use the insider information available for trading. However, insider trading is illegal activity when non-public information is used to gain an advantage over other traders. Modern legislation regulates all transactions related to inside trading to create fair conditions in the market. However,...

Criminal Behavior in Society

This paper provides detailed information on criminal behavior in society. The paper will differentiate criminal and non-criminal psychopaths. In addition, the paper seeks to differentiate antisocial personality disorder from general criminal behavior. The paper will analyze criminal activities committed under different circumstances, to gain insight into criminal behavior in society....

Tennessee v. Reeves: The Case Study

Citation 916 SW.2d 909.196, Tenn.109. Two school girls planned to poison their school teacher. However, their plan did not go through when one of the accomplices decided to inform another teacher concerning what they intended to do. These girls were Reeves, Coffman and the teacher was Janice. The two girls...

The US Correctional System Analysis

Introduction The main goals of any correctional system are to: punish the offender, protect society, and rehabilitate the offender. However, it is not very clear how well correctional systems attain these goals. Many countries have carried out drastic reforms in the way they handle lawbreakers. This essay is going to...

Ethics of Affirmative Action Plan

Though there are different definitions of affirmative action, the underlying idea is more or less the same in most situations. According to the Minnesota department of human rights (n.d), affirmative action plans consist of goal-oriented management policies that help in ensuring minimum barriers exist in the pursuit of employment opportunities...

The Drug Trafficking as Organized Crime

Introduction Organized crime can be defined as unlawful actions by members of a well structured and disciplined organization whose main activities is to supply unlawful goods and services such as loan sharking, prostitution, drug trafficking and gambling to mention but a few. In the past such organizations included; Italian Mafia....

American Chemical Society Publishing Agreement Guide

Introduction An Explanation of the Paper The paper is prepared to provide a better understanding of publishing agreements and their various legal aspects. A publishing contract tends to be broad in nature. It contains a number of provisions. Before signing any agreement, authors are advised to analyze and understand all...

Public Order Offences

In order to avoid chaos and anarchy the society and the governments have created a set of rules and laws that guide the behavior of individuals in a civilized nation. Disorderly conduct is one of such laws that prevents people from acting recklessly and harmfully towards others in public. It...

An Advice to a Client on Advertising

Introduction Advertising is a marketing communication channel used in most contemporary business transactions. It is applied to promote and sell merchandise (Armstrong 2010). When an interested party sees an advert and opts to buy the product, they enter into a contract with the seller. A contract is considered to be...

Legal Issues in Higher Education

According to White (2005), there are various legal issues that may affect the work of faculty college members. These may include faculty employment, gender discrimination, copyright infringement, and free expression among others. White also identifies sexual harassment, sexual orientation, and possession of weapons as legal issues that affect college administrators...

The Use of Contract Law in the Sports Industry

Davis, T. (2001). What is sports law? Marquette sports Law Review, 11(2), 211-243. Davis (2001) tried to explore what sports law was. He acknowledges the difficulty that many people including lawyers, students and other academicians encounter in answering this question. There are three different positions taken by people concerning sports...

Jurisdictional Standards to Civil Internet Issues

The internet has come a long way from a lawless nature to an entity where there are laws and guidelines/ regulations that monitor the way it is utilized. At the core of this is the call for jurisdiction in relation to resolving all civil internet jurisdictional issues. The question whether...

Successful Ways of Preventing Crime by Blundell

The introduction Some basic points on Blundell’s article While evaluating Blundell’s article Successful Ways of Preventing Crime, some basic points on the content of the author’s work must be considered. First of all, it is necessary to point out that crime is considered to be one of the burning problems...

Trade and Usage Control: Drug Enforcement Administration

Introduction DEA (drug enforcement administration) is an agency of the United States’ federal government formed and enacted under the country’s department of justice. The main duty of the agency in the United States is to help in controlling smuggling and usage of drugs in the country. This paper seeks to...

Unidroit Contract Law and Islamic Law

In 1994, UNIDROIT published the first set of principles aimed at harmonizing private international law. An updated version of the principles was published in the year 2004. In this article, a comparison will be made between UNIDROIT 2004 principles and Islamic law (Sharia). This is especially Al-Majalla Al Ahkam Al Adaliyyah...

Role of Human Biology in Contemporary Criminal Justice

Introduction Crime refers to the involvement of an act or behavior that is contrary to the set laws and regulations of a society and, hence, punishable by set criteria of verdicts. Crimes vary in nature, intensity, and form, country to country. Some common forms of crime may include sexual abuse,...

Arms Smuggling as a Form of Transitional Organized Crime

Introduction National and international security is being threatened by the recent rise in transitional organized crimes ‘TOC’. The most tragic reality is the fact that the general public is the most vulnerable to the implications TOCs. Organized crimes can take different forms and can be described in various approaches. Interestingly,...

The Islamic Criminal Justice

Introduction The criminal law is a body of law dealing with the wrong doings which can be dealt with without deterrence by the nation. The word Islam means to surrender or submission to Allah’s will. The modern and western world does not always see the Islamic Law and Jurisprudence (also...

Burglary in the United Kingdom

Introduction According to the current statistical data, the rates of crimes in the UK change with mixed success. Spreading over all four constituent parts of the Kingdom, burglaries are still in evidence. This is why significance of reduction of crimes (burglaries) should start, as I see it, from direct investigation...

Common Law and the Australian Legal System

Introduction For any established complex and dynamic society to correctly function there is the necessity to have in place a legal structure under which all are equal and applies without favor or discrimination regardless of their cultural, economic, political, racial, gender or any other definitive trait. In Australia, the Australian...

Date Rape and Victim-Offender Relationships Analysis

Uniform Crime Report/ National Crime Victimization Survey: Strengths and Weaknesses of These Reports The Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) were developed by the International Association of Chiefs of Police in order to provide nations with uniform crime statistics at the end of the 1920s; The FBI became responsible for gathering, analyzing,...

Enacting Stronger Employment Equity Laws in Canada

Introduction The world is experiencing radical changes in the work and labor environment. Labor and work countrywide is an area that is vital and requires special attention for it is the backbone of all sectors of the economy of any given country. This has become one of the legislative areas,...

Michael A. Smyth v. The Pillsbury Company

Michael Smyth (the plaintiff) and his colleague were using the corporate email in their purposes by sending various messages to each other regarding different events. Nonetheless, they used inappropriate language for their communication (Halbert & Ingulli, 2012). In this instance, the Pillsbury Company (the defendant) fired them for using inappropriate...

Topology of Corporate Crime and White Collar Crime

Corporate crime covers a very wide range of lawbreaking activities that include violations of accounting such as false statements of corporate assets and profits, occupational safety and health hazards; unfair labor practices, misleading packaging of products, environmental violations as well as illegal domestic political contribution among others. Recognition of corporate...

Criminal Justice in Texas: Todd Willingham and Death Penalty

The case of Cameron Todd Willingham was one of the most controversial criminal justice cases handled in Texas. In 2004, the man was charged with the murder of his three young children by arson. In Death by Fire, the PBS crew provides an analysis of the case, with the focus...

Fire in the Company: Legal and Managerial Issues Arising

Introduction Fire is one of the risks that organizations face. It is known that the fire risk has contributed to the fall and collapse of many organizations. The loss associated with fire is always severe and is beyond approximation; it is behind this background that there needs to be a...

Early Prison Release to Reduce a Prison’s Budget

The system of justice involves a variety of important institutions and regulations. Imprisonment is the final stage of a criminal’s deeds’ investigation and punishment. However, merely putting a person behind bars does not lead to the automatic eradication of all problems. Just punishment for those individuals who have broken the...

Analysis of Russian Judicial System

Introduction Every country has its own law administration arm for overseeing the fair use of the laws of the land by its citizens. The laws govern among other things, the people’s co-existence, property ownership and life at large, including wildlife (Dammer & Albanese, 2013). In the pursuit of effectiveness, application...

A Well-Prepared Criminal Profiling

Outline This essay discusses criminal profiling. Here the discussion is based on the given profile of a killer. It analyzes the important advantages and limitations of the given profile from an investigator’s point of view, concerns of the investigator about a profile and value given to a profile as an...

Is Prostitution a Victimless Crime or Not?

Introduction Victimless crimes refers to category of felonies that involve one or more than one person through consensual agreement which results to no direct injury or loss, more importantly these crimes do not interfere with other people’s rights in any way. They are therefore referred as victimless crimes because no...

Behavior Theory: Principles

Behaviour Theory Behavior theory tries to evaluate human behavior through conditioning. It links the aspect of free will, deed, reward, and punishment to evaluate human behavior as an individual relates with the surroundings. It was initially coiled by John B. Watson and Ivan Pavlov, who observed human behavior through experiments....

Case Brief – Procunier v. Martinez, 416 US 396, 1974

Facts In the mentioned case brief, the Supreme Court created a specific protective standard of the free speech rights of inmates according to the First Amendment. The case was founded when Martinez and other inmates decided to bring a suit against the Department of Corrections of California since it violated...

The Definition of White-Collar Crime by Sutherland

Sutherland and his contribution Sutherland had an approach to the definition of white-collar crime that was purely rooted in a sociological approach. It is Sutherland that first used the word white-collar crime. He viewed white-collar crime as a form of behavior towards which the attitude of the society is negative...

Economic Globalization and Labour Rights

Abstract This is a comprehensive study that investigates on the impact of economic globalization on labour rights in developing countries. The work divides the broad topic into major subtopics to make the understanding easier. Some of the issues discussed include the general aspect of economic globalization including its benefits and...

The Issue of Healthcare Compliance

Introduction Conformance within healthcare can be described as a continuous progression of consultation or beyond the professional, legitimate, and principled regulations about a specific medical center or insurer. The department that manages the health and human services through the Inspector General oversees the compliance of various healthcare regulations. The department...

Juvenile Justice System Analysis

There are many different experiences based on the youth’s background, and 50 separate systems exist because each state is responsible for maintaining its structure. Nevertheless, the five main steps of both the adult and juvenile systems are entered into the system, prosecution and pretrial services, adjudication, sentencing and sanctions, and...

Juvenile Delinquency: The Marginalized Youths

Introduction Juvenile delinquency is a legal term used to describe children or adolescent behavior that would otherwise be termed as criminal in a court of law if done by adults. Oxford dictionary defines a delinquency as “bad or criminal behavior usually committed by young people”. The age limit that defines...

Facial Recognition Technology

A face recognition system is an analytical technology intended at identifying or verifying a particular individual by their facial traits using an image, video, or in real-time mode. Currently, facial recognition is applied in different places, including police departments, airlines, retailers, and schools for many tasks, from controlling student attendance...

Regulation of Drug Compounding

Introduction Drug compounding is a practice that has been in existence for several decades. It involves taking two or more ingredients and mixing them to create a specific drug to treat a particular disease. Drug compounding is necessary in exceptional cases where a patient may not use drugs approved by...

Balance in the Administration of Justice and Security

Description of how Evolution of justice and security in the 21st century balances rights and freedoms with caution and ample authority to protect the citizens, while respecting constitutional assurance concerning individual rights The kind of justice system in the 21st century has remarkably changed if it’s compared to other centuries...

The United States Legal System and Constitution

The United States has unique legal system compared to other nations in the world due to its dual sovereign structure in the provision of judicial services. The judicial system has been allocated two main levels of operation ranging from federal states to the central government. Service provision varies in each...

Michael Levin “The Case for Torture”: Torture as an Irreplaceable Leverage Opportunity

Introduction In his essay, “The Case for Torture,” Michael Levin argues that torture is an irreplaceable leverage opportunity in some cases. The author is not a sadist; he states that physical or psychological torture is sometimes the most suitable variant to obtain life-saving information. Thus, this essay will support Levin’s...

Due Process in Australian Criminal Justice System

Introduction Due process is an important concept in a country’s justice system. As a result, a right to due process is considered by many countries as a fundamental element in the fight to uphold human rights. The right to the due process ensures that the government respects the legal rights...

Common-Law Method and Ethics

Introduction Slavery and servitude are the offenses attracting the attention of both UK courts and the European Court of Human Rights. As can be seen from the case, the consideration of such crimes is complicated by the ambiguity of specific legal regulations and the presumptions stemming from them. Therefore, this...

Eyewitness Testimony and Its Reliability in the Law Court

A witness’s testimony is a synthesis of information known to a person about the circumstances to be established in a criminal case, made during interrogation in the manner prescribed by law as a witness. Eyewitness testimony is the most common type of evidence during an investigation. Historically, such statements have...

Legal Case Study: Disclosing Medical Errors

Identifying Legal Aspects of the Case According to Joint Commission Resources (2007), “the individual performing surgery should be the one who marks the surgical site…” (p. 25). While marking the site to be operated, the health care professional should consult and inform the patient about the marking before the operational...

Labor Laws and Regulations: Violations and Compliance

Law 1: Fair Labor Standards Act The Fair Labor Standards Act gives direction on how much employers should pay employees as per the number of hours they have worked. It is important to note that there are different pay rates for different jobs due to the requirements needed (Pozgar, 2019)....

Actus Reus: Definition

Actus reus in simple term means the “guilty act”. Actus reus, in other words, can denote liability for doing something. Majority of crimes believed to have two essential ingredients: “the mens rea” and the “actus reus”. In several criminal litigations, government attorney has to prove actus reus only and these...

Criminal Law – Is Graffiti a Crime or Not?

Graffiti as a crime Graffiti naturally describes the round paintings, a wide assortment of markings and sketches that disfigure concealed property. The unlawful writing is normally done on walls of cities, streets, buildings among others. Graffiti is currently a major issue in big cities and towns ranging from all perspectives....

Assisted Suicide: Common Law and Ethics

The legalization of euthanasia as a means of relieving people of pain and giving them a chance to choose death with dignity has been an issue of multiple debates for an understandable reason. In the current legislation of the United Kingdom, euthanasia, or assisted suicide, is illegal.1 However, the proposed...

Criminal Justice Professionals and the Declaration of Independence

Introduction The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are indeed the pillar documents to America’s sovereignty. These documents were designed to provide a cohesive social, legal and economic structure that binds the United States of America. The tremendous progress experienced by the United States in complexity...

Singapore Employment Act & Common Law

Types of authorized deductions that an employer can make from the salary of an employee The Singapore Employment Act, Part III, section 27 deals with the following authorized deductions from the employee’s salary. For any absence from employment or work. If any loss or damage has occurred to either goods...

English Law: Breach of Confidence

Introduction Every person is entitled to the right of privacy according to the English law. The law recognizes that there certain aspects of an individual that do not need to be exposed to the public and hence the need to be protected. The right to such privacy may be violated...

Literature and Case Analysis of Defamation

Current article The name of the article is called “The Cooks, The Critics, The Restaurant Proprietor, And Their Court Cases.” The article was written by Noric Dilanchian on Tuesday, 20 July 2010 in Sydney Morning Herald Newspaper. It was a case that ruled that defamation can occur even when the...

Demographic Characteristics and Victimization

Introduction Today the economic and political situation worldwide is not stable due to the COVID-19 pandemic and overall uncertainty about the future. People make choices to report the criminal offenses that happen to them or not based on what they consider the safest decision. Historically, physically weak people were less...

Miranda Warnings and Ethics

The Miranda Warning which is also known as the Miranda Rights is a warning that is usually given to criminals and other law offenders in the United States as they are being arrested and interrogated by the police. Every law enforcement officer in the US is meant to cite the...

The Psychological Underpinning of True Crime Obsession

The proposed study examines the psychological underpinning of true crime obsession to demonstrate why this genre became popular. Hence, for this purpose, it is vital to present general information on the subject. The sources providing these data are the articles written by James Norton and the video “America Is Obsessed...

Sexual Assault and Pedophilia. Typologies

Introduction To understand adolescent sex offenders completely depends upon the methods which are used to recognize and take care of adult sex offenders. The very uncommon way of classifying these sex offenders is based upon whom they victimize. The two most familiar groups are rapist and child molester (Eric W....

Juvenile Justice in Russia

Currently, juvenile justice is not practiced at the legislative level on the territory of the Russian Federation. However, there are regions where, as an experiment, it was established to check how effective it would be as a way of preventing juvenile crimes. Specially trained judges lead juvenile courts; the work...

Possible Future Perspectives of US Army NCO 2020 Strategy

Introduction The US Army NCO 2020 Strategy is currently the primary educational and ethical paradigm for non-commissioned officers (NCOs). The military system trains versatile soldiers through this strategy, but it has its obvious drawbacks (Lindsey, 2019). That is why I think it is important to try to presume new horizons...

Selling Life Insurance Policies: Viatical Settlements Analysis

Viatical settlements allow people with a life expectancy of two or fewer years to sell their life insurance policy for a value higher than the policy’s current face value but less than its death benefit. It is primarily used by people with terminal illnesses to cater to their healthcare expenses,...

The Work for the Dole Policy Program: Review

The Work for the Dole policy program is an effectively compulsory measure to receive the JobSeeker Payment and satisfy the mutual obligation requirement for the unemployed. Regarding the Work for the Dole program, I am arguing that it should not be obligatory as the non-voluntary nature results in negative outcomes...

Case Brief on State of California versus O. J. Simpson

Introduction American litigation is known for several landmark proceedings, which were widely covered in newspapers, television, and social networks. In the late 20th century, the People of the State of California v. Orenthal James Simpson case thundered in Los Angeles, California, which became one of the most protracted trials in...

Unlawful or Unfair Convictions and Solutions

One of the central and most important problem of criminal proceedings are the problem of a lawful, justified, and fair sentence as the final act of justice in a criminal case. The requirements of legality and validity are advanced to any decision in the course of criminal proceedings; however, the...

Labeling Theory and Conflict Theory

Labeling Theory The current criminal justice policy exercised in the United States and across the globe arises from the processes of labeling, social reaction, and state intervention. The responses and measures different states implement tend to be counterproductive when seeking to address the challenges of crime. For example, harsher and...

The Role of Forensic Psychology in the Investigation

Introduction Many job environments overseen by forensic psychology experts are multidisciplinary (Greene & Wrightsman, 2013). Because of this, forensic psychologists more often work with other professionals with limited knowledge in this field. Working with non-treatment staff presents exceptional challenges to the customary provision of mental health services (Edens, 2001). The...

Legality, Punishment, and Presumption of Innocence

The Principle of Legality The principle of legality is one of the fundamental principles in modern criminal law. Its primary purpose is to protect a person from being wrongly charged with any crime. It means that nobody can be convicted of a crime without a trial or accused of a...

Battered Woman Syndrome: Types of Insanity Defenses

Since the late 1970s, Battered Woman Syndrome (BWS) has been used as a specific defense in many criminal cases. Nevertheless, after it was introduced to support claims of insanity and self-defense in spousal homicide cases, some legal, normative, and empirical questions appeared. There is no particular legal Battered Woman Syndrome...

Guns and Violence in America

Gun control policies should be enforced because they will make the world a safer place. The right to live in the most crucial right for an individual that is why its violation is prohibited by the constitution and involves severe punishment. There have been cases of shootings in schools carried...

Language Barriers for American Immigrants

America has been at crossroads on the issue of a national language since time immemorial. It should be noted that many legal documents of the primordial ages were written in various languages, most notably German. It should also be remembered that the populace in post-independence America conversed in 20 different...

The Criminal Mind – Homicide

Outline Serial killings or serial murders are the most dreaded and publicized crime in Australia and the USA. Although the occurrences of serial killings have become less in the past twenty years than in the 1980s and ’70s, these still remain the most notorious form of crime. Serial killers are...

Article 86 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice

Introduction By enrolling in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and Coast Guard a person submits himself to the jurisdiction of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) which contains the criminal laws dealing with the activities of the service personnel. While UCMJ consists of 146 articles, of which...

The Registration Documents to Become a University Student

Executive Summary The topic discussed in this study is the registration documents required to become a university student in Ottawa and the legal contract and documents related to it. The student willing to join the University of Ottawa must submit certain documents that are considered to be proof of the...

U.S. v. Microsoft Corporation: An Ethical Analysis

Microsoft Corporation was sued by the Department of Justice and 21 state governments in 1998 with separate but analogous lawsuits. The main contentions of the plaintiffs against Microsoft were that it misused its monopoly status in the operating systems market to forbid competition both in the internet platform and browser...

Food and Drug Administration History

Abstract This paper intends to highlight the past and present measures are taken to properly administer the food and drugs issues. The key notion is to identify any advances reached. For this purpose initially, the topic is introduced so that it becomes easy to get an idea of the perspective...

Sex Offender Treatment

Interviews yielded information on how the controversy has always dogged the treatment of sexual offenders. Most interviewees felt that the correctional facilities needed to offer treatment to sex offenders who were willing to reform. This they suggested because they felt that the long periods of incarceration do not help them...

Biological, Biosocial and Classical Theories of Crime

Anthropological research data has shown the violence is inherent conduct among the primate species (Walker, 2001). In society, criminal violence is a common occurrence and legislators have suggested that the behavior of criminals be analyzed in order to identify any psychological patterns that are consistent among these particular types of...

Changing Attitudes Away From Corporal Punishment

Introduction This paper deals with the scourge of corporal punishment which is becoming a severe problem and is increasing by the day, which is evident from the large number of such incidents that are reported in the media and other publications. Incidents of child abuse in this regard are constantly...

Criminological Theories Assessment and Personal Criminological Theory

The Merriam Webster Online Dictionary (2008) describes criminology as “the scientific study of crime as a social phenomenon, of criminals, and of penal treatment”. The definition suggests that criminology has a more of a social basis, while some criminal theories posit that crime may have causal factors other than social....

Crime Prevention Programme in Australia

Introduction Crime among young people is a social problem and it hampers the proper development of a society. Crime is a global evil and most of the world countries are facing the same problem of increased rate of crimes. The change in social relationship is one of the reasons for...

Human Resources Process and Legal Requirements

Introduction The workplace presents a delicate surrounding that is full of different types of personalities and risks. The varying demands of safety, comfort, and work-life balance generate numerous problems for human resource managers. The practices of human resource departments have assisted in the creation of safe and comfortable environments for...

Hate Crimes – Past, Present and Future

Introduction The United States is one of the most successful multiethnic, multireligious and multiracial societies in the world. However, these differences have also proved to be negative sentiments in society leading to violence, such as anti-Semitic, anti-black, xenophobic, homophobic, and anti-Catholic. “Hate crime” as a term and as a legal...

Privatization of Prisons in the US, Australia and UK

Since the time of its emergence, the problem of privatizing prisons has been a rather debatable one. Some go so far as to call this process a morally wrong one. I do realize that the concept of morality is rather vague and, therefore, do not want to pin this or...

Mentoring Programs in Police Departments

Introduction The given proposal revolves around a one-on-one mentoring program that can be used by police departments to improve officers’ competence, share critical experiences, and achieve higher performance levels. Design of the Mentoring Program Mentoring presupposes conscientious, responsible work, and reduces training costs. To implement it, a list of candidates...

Narcoterrorism in Mexico: Proposal

Introduction Terrorism is a violent form of criminal behavior, and the terrorism-associated or terrorist-like activities of drug organizations, which have been termed as “narcoterrorism,”1 are similar. Consequently, they pose a significant and apparently growing threat to national and international security. For example, the number of homicides that are associated with...

Prison Reform: Rethinking and Improving

Introduction Prison reform should be implemented through ensuring public safety, improve the circumstances of incarceration to create a constructive culture, and develop a model to incentivize behaviors, attitudes, and lifestyles conducive to personal self-control and responsibility. First Step Toward Prison Reform The topic of prison reform has been highly debated...

Criminal Justice Security: Victimization in the US

Introduction Different perspectives on crime can be worth examining, and, increasingly, the significance of the victimization view becomes acknowledged. For example, the National Center for Victims of Crime [NCVC] (2008) and the Office for Victims of Crime [OVC] (2015) emphasize the importance of paying attention to victims. In the United...

Procedural Justice: External & Internal Principles

Introduction Policing is not easy, and in order to gain success, have respect, and be a leader, it is essential to follow principles of procedural justice. Procedural justice can be explained as a means of achieving legitimacy in resolving disagreement (Police Executive Research Forum [PERF], 2014). It also helps to...

Health Law: Bill H.R. 2581 on Nursing Staffing

Introduction Bill H.R. 2581 seeks to regulate the nursing staff to patient ratio in hospitals to improve patient safety and the quality of care (“H.R.2392,” 2017). This bill is aimed at modifying the Public Health Service Act to ensure direct federal influence in the ratios between nursing staff and patients...

Texas vs. Johnson: Landmark of US Supreme Court

Introduction It is known that judicial decisions in countries with precedent law are recorded and stored, since they, as precedents, form the basis of subsequent decisions. Thus, the US Supreme Court has repeatedly recognized the legality of restrictions or even the complete prohibition of such types of “speech” as obscenity,...

Organized Crime and Drug Trafficking Offenders

Introduction This paper discusses organized crime and drug trafficking, as well as the legal rights of the convicted. It concerns the relationships between the offenses and explains why they are often correlated, as well as studies their definitions. It also concerns the right of access to the courts as one...

Origins, Development, and Impact of the Containment Theory by Reckless

Abstract This paper critically analyzes the chapter from the book by Lilly, Cullen, and Ball (2011). The primary aspect of the discussion of the chapter is the origins, development, and impact of the containment theory by Reckless, which is a part of control theory. The paper investigates and critically evaluates...

Bottle and Can Law: Yes Deposit, Yes Return!

Introduction The problem of environmental conservation has been gaining increasingly more weight in the global discourse recently, mostly due to the discovery of the detrimental effects that careless waste disposal has on wildlife. For this reason, the introduction of different tools for containing the adverse results of the human effect...

The History of Florida Nurse Practice Act

Introduction The legal history of nursing practice in the United States of America dates back to the last decade of the 19th century. During the Civil War, the scope of nursing practice expanded significantly, and policymakers in health care commenced to reconsider what the role of a nurse might involve....

Should Public Servants Have the Right to Strike?

Introduction The discussion around the question of public service employees’ right to strike has been evolving for a long time. On the one hand, being responsible for primary services for the society, any attempt to stop working and express their wish for change in the form of a strike might...

Deforestation and Land Policies

Environmental problems have become more acute during the last several centuries because of higher rates of industrialization and urbanization. The notion of global warming and climate crisis is popular in the media today, and more people are getting involved in the conversation. On September 23, 2019, a Swedish teenager and...

Robert A. Dahl’s Analysis of the American Constitution

Introduction The American Constitution is one of the documents many citizens do not take for granted. Although some people believe that its framers were inspired, wise, and philosophical, many scholars still question their original intentions. This paper gives a detailed summary and analysis of Robert A. Dahl’s arguments. The discussion...

Wrongly Convicted: Why Doesn’t Lady Justice Open Her Eyes

Introduction The problem of wrongly accused and imprisoned citizens has gained significant importance during recent decades. The growing number of criminal cases in which the convicts are exonerated implies concerns about the validity of the current justice and investigation systems. The opinions on the necessity of the ultimate reconstruction of...

“Criminological Theory: Context and Consequences”: Evaluation

Abstract This paper describes a chapter from a book on crime and the study of methods for combating it. Critical evaluation is based on the analysis of the acceptability of the proposed findings and statements and their relevance. As a conclusion, an assumption was proposed about the need for the...

Are Parents Responsible for Their Children’s Crimes?

There is very little doubt about the fact that the question of whether parents should be held responsible for the crimes of their children has a certain controversial quality to it. On the one hand, the currently enacted jurisprudential paradigm in the West (based on the presumption of legal innocence...

Cognitive Bias in Robin Adams’ Murder Case

Cognitive bias could be highly detrimental to the criminal investigation process. One of the first steps to avoid different kinds of bias is to have knowledge of them (Ditrich, 2015). It is equally vital to be able to identify them. In this essay, Robin Adams’ murder case will be examined...

Gun Control Rebuttal in the United States

Introduction The topic of gun control in the United States covers much more aspects of the social and legal life of the state than it might seem at first glance. Not only does this phenomenon reflect the uniqueness of American legislation in the possession and use of weapons by civilians;...

Airline Liability for Passenger Injury or Death

Introduction Airplane crashes result in a threatening or serious injuries and deaths. Affected individuals can suffer broken limbs, organ damage, broken limbs, and internal bleeding. Relatives of passengers who die after accidents go through traumatizing periods. They also experience pain due to the loss of their beloved persons. The paper...

Why Owning a Gun Is a Good Idea?

Talking about weapons usually makes people feel uncomfortable, scared, angry, or altogether. Many of us have heard stories about violent attacks and those who fell innocent victims of them. Some of us have even lost close people because of gun shootings. People tend to believe that guns are bad, and...

Emergency Operations and Its Management

Emergency Operations Centers The Emergency Operation Center becomes the primary site of decision-making during a disaster: “Everyone from elected and appointed officials to field operations managers coalesces into a new environment to have all of the needed leadership and subject-matter expertise in one place at one time” (Huder, 2012, p....

Contract Law: Rental Property Lease Agreement

Introduction There are several elements that are important for analyzing any legal agreement. Firstly, much attention should be paid to the rights and responsibilities of each side. Secondly, it is critical to identify the conditions under which this agreement can be enforced in court. These issues can be better illustrated...

The Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse

Introduction When children and teenagers are abused or neglected, they have little to no power to protect themselves and stop harmful behaviors directed at them. One may readily imagine how devastating the consequences of experiencing violence and mistreatment in childhood might be. Traumatizing memories may linger for years, and a...

Trial Exhibits and Motion in Limine

Three Types of Trial Exhibits In legal understanding, exhibits represent the tangible items that the sides in the trial have to present in order to support their claims and testimonies of the witnesses (McClure and Eimermann 356). There are three types of trial exhibits; they are physical evidence, documentary evidence,...

Port Security Legislation in the United States

The SMART Port Security Legislation The Securing Maritime Activities through Risk-Based Targeting for Port Security Act (SMART Port Security Act) was passed on June 6, 2012, by the House Committee on Homeland Security. The Act was supposed to improve the maritime security programs working under the Department of Homeland Security....