Immanuel Kant’s Views on Professors Fingerprinting

Immanuel Kant’s views Immanuel Kant would have opposed the directive, that all professors must be fingerprinted, through the categorical imperative argument. The categorical imperative, developed by Immanuel Kant, consists of two formulations. The first formulation has two criteria. The first is universalibility, which states that the reason to do something...

“Civil Disobedience” by Henry Thoreau

Thoreau’s essay called “Civil Disobedience” is a well known philosophical work that suggests a deeper understanding of human rights and freedoms. This work is truly progressive for the time when it was written this is why it still attracts the attention of the public nowadays. Besides, Thoreau’s “Civil Disobedience” explores...

The Problem of Free Will

John Searle and Rene Descartes on Dualism Descartes’ philosophy can be represented as an extreme manifestation of dualism since the philosopher believed that a mind does not have any physical properties and, thus, is related directly to consciousness. Searle, on the other hand, believed that there is a strong biological...

Freudian Perspective on Dreams

Abstract The progress of systematic knowledge has tried to touch on the analysis of dreams. By the time Freud inscribed about dream in the recent periods, the scrutiny of more complex kinds of psycho-neuroses as well as the sexual philosophy was in the initial stages. The understanding of dreams was...