Trench Warfare During World War I

WWI became one of the fundamental events in the history of humanity and its further evolution. It resulted in the millions of victims, radical changes in the world order, collapse and emergence of new states, and stimulated the evolution of science. Thus, the emergence and fast development of new arms became one of the most critical aspects of WWI, influencing its nature and results (Hardy 34). The revolution in firepower, the emergence of machine guns and the new type of artillery were not followed by the corresponding changes in troops’ mobility. It provided an advantage to the defending side and resulted in the emergence of trench warfare, which changed the nature of military manoeuvres and WWI.

The given conduct of operations became the major distinctive feature of this military conflict. Trench warfare was characterized by the broad use of occupied lines consisting of trenches guaranteeing better protection to troops (Bull 43). Because of the fast-evolving firearms, it was critical to create shelters from the artillery and machine guns; otherwise, soldiers could be easily killed. For this reason, the nature of battlers altered to adapt to new conditions. Troops stood against each other, occupying well-protected positions, with the extreme complexity and risks of any offensive operation.

In such a way, the revolution in firearms and their power resulted in new methods to resist them, known as the trench war. It became one of the most significant features of WWI. It guaranteed better protection, but, at the same time, this factor critically prolonged the conflict (Brose 111). The inability to attack well-protected lines suffering from the artillery strikes impacted the strategy and shifted priorities towards new methods, such as the invention of tanks, broader use of aviation, and chemical weapon.

Works Cited

Brose, Eric. A History of the Great War: World War One and the International Crisis of the Early Twentieth Century. Oxford University Press, 2009.

Bull, Stephen. Trench: A History of Trench Warfare on the Western Front. Osprey Publishing, 2014.

Hardy, Douglas. WWI Trench Systems (Wargames Terrain and Buildings). Pen and Sword Military, 2021.

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