Review and Analysis of Films “Tulpan” and “A Town Called Panic”

A report on Tulpan movie

Written and directed by Sergey Drortsevoy, Tulpan is a successful chef-d’oeuvre Asian movie that got everyone talking about the director’s cinematography skills. Produced in 1998, the film started showing up in cinemas and theatres around April 1999. Although the movie was unrated, it received international recognition and therefore played in most cinemas and theaters all over the world. Apart from being a comic drama, the movie also became a comedy due to its comic characters.

The setting and shooting of the movie were in Central Asia in the country of Kazakhstan. The writing and performance of the Tulpan movie were originally in Kazakh and Russian languages with subtitles being in English or French. However, when it received worldwide recognition, there was a need for translating into other international languages.

Sergey Drortsevoy picks Hunger Steppe, desert land in the country of Kazakhstan as the place of shooting his film. The Kazakh Steppe has harsh weather conditions among the main features of desert land. The people around this area live in abject poverty because of the unproductive nature of the land. Nevertheless, few rich people own large pieces of land and ranches. There are five main featured characters in the film; that is, Asa and his friend Boni, Samal, and her husband Odas and their three children Beka, Maha, and Nuka. Asa, a brother to Samal is ambitious and determined to become rich shortly.

He, therefore, decides to join his sister’s family in the Hunger Steppe. His main aim for relocation is to improve his lifestyle by striving to become one of the famous ranch owners around this area. Boni; Asa’s best friend, encourages him and is determined to ensure he achieves his dream. Luckily, an opportunity for Asa to become a herdsman arises; unfortunately, he is not qualified because the sponsor wants a responsible family man with many wives yet Asa does not have one.

In summary, Asa decides to approach Tulpan, a neighbor with intention of getting married to her. Unfortunately, Tulpan turns out to be a mysterious, stubborn, and difficult girl to understand; moreover, she declines the offer to marry Asa without any plausible explanations. Due to the challenges, Asa encounters in the harsh desert land, he undergoes tough and trying moments but does not give up until he achieves his dream. All his family members accept to back him as he scales the ladder towards success defined by his ambitions of becoming a proud ranch owner around this place.

The achievement of the humorous and intriguing theme of the film is due to the use of experienced and famous actors. Amongst the stars in the movie is Ondasyn Besikbasov, acting as Ondas, Bereke Targaubayer acting as Beka, Samal Yeslyamova acting as Samal, Tulepberg Baisakalov acting as Boni, Mahabbat Tuygabayev acting as Maha, and Nurzhigit Zhapabayev acting as Nuka among others. Due to the success of the Tulpan movie, it won several different awards, especially in Pacific Asia. Among the awards, won were; Asia pacific screen awards in 2008, Prix Un in certain regard, and Kazakhstan’s academy awards of 2009.

Tulpan movie received worldwide reception although people had a different opinion. The Government of Kazakhstan criticized the movie because it portrayed how it was not helping its citizens. However, from a Muslim’s point of view, the movie portrays the day-to-day appalling conditions that the majority of people in the Islamic world live. For instance, the herdsmen show the theme of exploitation in that; they earn meager wages, which only allows them to live one day at a time from payday to payday.

This is an irony because Kazakhstan is rich in minerals, with the ability to improve people’s lifestyles. The picture portrayed by herdsman and their struggle in the desert to make ends meet lowers and degrades Islam as a religion and way of life. This also degrades the ruling government, whose citizens are poor and their struggle for survival. From an American perspective, the movie depicts humility and intriguing humor as a way of life besides being entertaining. The characters also bring out the theme of struggle as they hustle to become successful. A typical American would see these struggles as part of achieving the ever-elusive American dream that everyone chases.

From another perspective, an American point of view would see a need that calls for help. Traditionally, Americans are philanthropic people, and this case would an ideal situation to implement their benevolence. Asa’s determination is a form of encouragement, especially to the young people who only hope for things to happen without paying the price for the prize. A detailed description of the lifestyle and traditions of the natives helps in achieving its objectives. It also highlights the simple background and surrounding of the Kazakh Steppe and Kazakhstan as a nation. In conclusion, the movie brings out the theme of togetherness as a road to success coupled with survival.

A report on A Town Called Panic movie

A Town Called Panic is an episodic movie, which led to a breakthrough in the film industry, especially in the context of animations. Lovers of cartoons and animation will find the script appealing. The scriptwriters were Stephane Aubier, Vincent Patar, Vincent Tavier, and Guillaume Malandrin with Stephan Aubier and Vincent Patar directing the movie, which underscores their role contributing to the success of this rare invaluable masterpiece. The production of the movie was in Belgium hence the original language used for casting was French.

However, it is also in other languages like Dansk and Nederland’s. In May 2009, A Town Called Panic received worldwide recognition, which compelled some television channels in the world to air it due to public demand. Some countries like Australia, Canada, South Korea, and the United States of America are running the series of the movie on national televisions. Additionally, in the United Kingdom, advertisers employ movie animation extensively courtesy of its popularity.

Among the television stations running the movie series, including ABC rollercoaster, Nicktoons network, and Teletoons among others. Viewers can also get it online under Atom films, a clear indication that the film’s popularity transcends national borders.

The film is an animation hence all the characters are animated. Production of the movie is in twenty episodes, which can show for about five minutes each or run concurrently. Cowboy, Indian, and the horse are the three main characters that propelled the movie to its popularity. The characters turn out to be adventurous as they go about their routine daily events. The setting of the movie is in the rural area mainly to focus on the struggles and the humble way of life of people living there.

Actors and actresses featuring in the movie are; Stephane Aubier acting as the Cowboy, Nicholas Buysse acting like the sheep, Jeand Balibar acting as the Madame Longree, Veronique Dumont acting as Janine, Francis De Brigade acting as a sportscaster and Bruce Ellisonas acting as Indian among other thirteen actors. In summary as the cowboy, Indian, and the horse goes on with their daily routine and adventurous activities, a fight erupts, which leads to the natural division of the land geographically.

Belgium is among one of the world’s developed country in the world. The movie was set in Belgium where the themes of anguish, misery, abject poverty, and struggle persisted. Due to poverty, the police officer in the village lives in a ramshackle house yet he is a government employee. From an American perspective, this degrades the superiority that exists in western countries especially Belgium. There were also scenes of conflicts between communities, which prove that peace is not absolute in some of the western countries.

Ironically, most western countries are always preaching and campaigning for peace and eradication of poverty, especially in developing countries yet the same issues persist in their societies albeit at low rates. In conclusion, the movie humbles Americans and proves that many people are still living in poverty. However, the movie is a form of entertainment especially for kids and families and other people who enjoy animations and comedies.

From a Muslim’s perspective, the theme of violence and/or conflict and its negative consequences shows the dangers of a nation at war. It is because most Muslim countries are always at war and do not respect humanity. Additionally, the movie encourages the Muslim communities, which are commonly at war to live in peace.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, March 27). Review and Analysis of Films “Tulpan” and “A Town Called Panic”.

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