Use of Drones in Emergency Management

The use of drones in disaster relief is becoming increasingly important. Drones can capture images, film videos, and deliver objects. The imagery and mapping technology in drones can be used to survey the damage and assist in allocating victims in emergencies. Unmanned aero planes can also be used to deliver critical tools in disaster response. Drones’ speed and cost efficiency make them very serviceable in emergency response. Emergency managers can use drones for emergency response for surveillance and delivery services.

The unmanned planes provide successful tracking information and resolution in emergency rescue. Drones can scan a wide affected area with more accuracy and speed. Natural and man-made disasters destroy the environment, derailing and challenging relief works to gain total access. Drones access and provide aerial images to enable emergency respondents to identify evacuation areas to be prioritized in flood situations. Moreover, it is vital that missing persons can be located early to increase their chances of survival. The surveillance feature of drones is used for complex assessments like collapsing and potential explosions due to chemical leaks. For instance, drones were used to assess structural damage in a critically damaged structure after an F-5 tornado in Wichita, Kansas. Rapid response can mean a difference between life and death; hence emergency managers should apply drone technology.

Emergency management can deliver infrastructure and supplies using drones. Often, infrastructural supply lines are cut after terrorist attacks hence challenging the delivery of essential items. For example, drones can deliver medicine and emergency kits in a wide area hit by an earthquake. Drone delivery has the advantages of speed and cost-efficiency. In medical emergencies such as cardiac arrest, ambulance drones are the fastest delivery of medical supplies.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, April 29). Use of Drones in Emergency Management.

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