Vaccination and Associated Advantages


Vaccination is a process of biological preparation that gives immunity to a particular infection. A vaccine contains an agent similar to the disease that causes microorganisms, and it is made from one of its surface proteins or weakened forms of the microbe. Vaccines work with an individual’s natural immunity to build protection against infections, thus reducing the risks of getting infected. The controversy around the world about whether to vaccinate or not is real due to different beliefs, religions, and geographical environments. Nevertheless, it is good to get vaccinated since it prevents the spread of deadly diseases, saving money and time spent on treatments, lives, and protecting future generations. It is a fact that they pose health risks; however, the benefits of vaccines outweigh the dangers since they have been tested safe by independent organizations.

Reasons for Vaccinations

Many life-threatening diseases can be prevented in this simple way effectively. This process activates the human body’s immune system without making people sick. Other sicknesses, including measles, pneumonia, poliovirus, meningitis, tetanus, and whooping cough, require a booster to get rid of them. With a vaccine, the body is provided with arms before the real attack of infection comes (Magno and Beatrice 561). A slight fever, aching of muscles, or headache may develop near the site of injection. That symptom is enough to activate the defense system of the body. In most cases, the signs are similar to those of the real infection.

It is advantageous to get vaccinated as it is paramount for the overall health as exercise and diet. In the same way it is advisable to have regular check-ups, practice healthy eating habits, and do physical workouts, it is also vital to receive immunizations. The process plays a role in keeping humans healthy and safe. It is one of the safest and most convenient measures to prevent diseases worldwide. People are constantly exposed to different bacteria, viruses, and other microbes from birth. Some of them may not be harmful, but others can cause illnesses. The immune system helps in protecting the body against infections. When a person is exposed to infection, a series of responses are triggered to limit and neutralize the harmful effects (Magno and Beatrice 561). Therefore, exposure to the sickness guarantees immunity or lifelong protection so that the same disease cannot be contracted again. The immunity system can remember the microbe again; hence difficult to attack.

The vaccine-preventable diseases are still present, and unvaccinated individuals are at risk of getting infected. The viruses and bacteria that cause diseases and maybe death if untreated have not disappeared. Although not many diseases are common in some countries, global travel can facilitate the spread of viruses. For instance, COVID-19 was mainly spread globally through international traveling, which cannot be easily avoided due to trade (Verd et al. 188). Immunization is the only sure way of minimizing the spread of infections.

Vaccines are tested by independent medical organizations to confirm their safety before they are administered to human bodies. World Health Organization (WHO) is the major entity that approves that those vaccines are safe medical devices that are available. They also assure users that the potential side effects of the real diseases they prevent are far more serious than for the vaccines, which are rare and easily manageable. For instance, in the early 1900s, polio paralyzed hundreds of people every year worldwide (Leke et al. 1345). In the 1950s, a vaccine against the disease was developed, but some parts of the world, particularly in Africa, did not have enough to stop the spread. A global united effort to eradicate the sickness began in the 1980s using mass vaccination campaigns, routine immunization visits, and polio vaccination (Leke et al. 1345). The infection is currently managed, and the spread has been minimized since most of the children have been vaccinated.

Chances of experiencing serious symptoms when vaccinated are lower than when someone is not vaccinated. This saves the victim time and money to treat the infections. Sickness does cost not only the individuals but also has a direct impact on society as a whole. The cost of the vaccine is less compared to the treatment itself (Verd et al. 188). The surrounding people spent time without work to take care of the sick children, medical bills, and potential care for possible long-term disabilities. Treating someone who is already sick can be more expensive than preventing the disease (Hwang and Dhavan 1285). The sicker a person is, the more the cost of treatment. Infections that most likely lead to disability or death call for lifelong medication. This condition has the possibility of reducing or eliminating lifetime earnings for the affected individuals.

The spread of infectious diseases among people is stopped through vaccination. Therefore, vaccines protect a whole society from contracting a certain virus. When individuals prepare their bodies to deal with certain infections, the time for the illness is also reduced effectively from spreading. This kind of protection offered by a group of vaccinated people is known as herd immunity. In a given population, if the highest number of persons is immunized against a disease, there will be only a few individuals left to whom the virus can spread (Nandi and Anita 1901). This method protects those who have not received the vaccine hence eradicating the problem. A good example is how smallpox has been eliminated in many parts of the world.

In the past, vaccines had adverse side effects though they were rare and did not outweigh the protection benefits provided by the same. Nowadays, many researchers understand how vaccines exactly work better due to technological advancement. This makes the producers test extensively before they release for human consumption. Therefore, vaccines these days are safer than those made in the past (Hwang and Dhavan 1285). The process is even faster to make them with a perfect example of the COVID-19 vaccine, which was produced within less than a year by different countries around the world. The coronavirus had spread rapidly; therefore, it needed rapid development to counter the spread. Otherwise, the damage would be greater if not for the vaccine that prevented further spreading, which had caused massive deaths globally.

Implications for Further Research

Some people, however, cannot get vaccines due to some conditions. For instance, individuals who have serious allergic reactions to a previous vaccine or have a response to the ingredients that make the serum. Any person that has a weak immune system caused by health conditions or cancer treatment may also not be in a position to get some injections. It is advisable to consult with a medical practitioner if one is not sure if their child should be vaccinated. These people are well covered by herd immunity in an area since if other humans are exposed, the risk of spread is less hence making a healthy community (Leke et al. 1345). The pathogen has a hard time circulating in such a population because it encounters immune people.

A group of people who believe that vaccination poses health risks should also understand that most of the side effects that are experienced are mild and do not last long. Some of these signs do not require treatment or much attention, and others disappear on their own. The area where the needle goes in might look red, swell, or feel a bit sore for a few days. Babies or children feel unwell, and others might develop high temperatures for one or two days. Some might cry or get upset just after the injection, which is normal, and they should feel better after some cuddling (Hwang and Dhavan 1285). A painkiller can be administered, or the symptoms left to disappear on their own. Serious reactions are treated immediately by the persons giving out the vaccines; hence a good recovery is guaranteed.

Further research shows that some people, due to their cultural beliefs and religion, do not vaccinate. Some faiths and theories are based on ethical dilemmas that are associated with using human tissue cells to make vaccines, while others believe that the body is sacred to receive those chemicals and, therefore, should be healed by God through natural means. Politics has also been a factor in creating tension about vaccines. For instance, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Nigeria have driven suspicions about polio immunization after being insighted by Muslim fundamentalists (Ataullahjan et al. 665). They have a notion that America wants to sterilize their population, which is against Allah’s will (Ataullahjan et al. 667). This resistance has led to violence, kidnappings, and also killing the polio workers in those countries, particularly Pakistan.

This study signals the need for collaboration and intense communication between public health officials and the community to accept inoculations. Proper immunization policies should also be established and government agencies to ensure they are adhered to for the benefit of the whole society. The fight in Pakistan against polio has reached a critical stage (Rahim et al. 400). The WHO should scheme a convincing message to political and religious leaders to understand the dangers of vaccine-preventable infections, including polio. This will help in minimizing the risk of spread to other parts of the world hence undermining the global success in eradicating the disease.


Vaccinating people in a community is better than treating an illness. It is cheaper to prevent diseases than to treat them since one spends less time and money. Many infections that can be prevented by a vaccine are used to scare people for life since the effects are either deadly or cause permanent injuries to their bodies. It only calls for a few doses of a vaccine to provide long-term or life-long protection. A human immune system is designed to remember natural defenses when attacked by a bacterium or a virus. The vaccine trains the immune program to work with the body to protect it against microbes by producing antibodies to fight any infection. The advantage of a given dose of a certain vaccine is that it can protect an individual for decades or even a lifetime.

Works Cited

Ataullahjan, Anushka, et al. “Eradicating Polio in Pakistan: A Systematic Review of Programs and Policies.” Expert Review of Vaccines, vol. 20, no. 6, 2021, pp. 661-678.

Hwang, Juwon, and Dhavan V. Shah. “Health Information Sources, Perceived Vaccination Benefits, and Maintenance of Childhood Vaccination Schedules.” Health Communication, vol. 34, no. 11, 2019, pp. 1279-1288.

Leke, Rose Gana Fomban, et al. “Certifying the Interruption of Wild Poliovirus Transmission in the WHO African Region on the Turbulent Journey to a Polio-Free World.” The Lancet Global Health, vol. 8, no. 10, 2020, pp. e1345-e1351.

Magno, Hector, and Beatrice Golomb. “Measuring the Benefits of Mass Vaccination Programs in the United States.” Vaccines, vol. 8, no. 4, 2020, p. 561.

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Rahim, Shabina, Zubair Ahmad, and Jamshid Abdul-Ghafar. “The Polio Vaccination Story of Pakistan.” Vaccine, vol. 40, no. 3, 2022, pp. 397-402.

Verd, Sergio, Marisa Fernández‐Bernabeu, and Esther Cardo. “The Controversy Surrounding Vaccination of Young People against COVID‐19.” Acta Paediatrica, vol. 111, no.1, 2022, pp. 187-188.

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