Values & Attitudes of an Effective Human Service Provider


Values refer to codes of conduct that a person holds as relevant, worth, or essential in life. On the other hand, attitude is the way of viewing or feeling about something, which is usually seen in a person’s form of conduct. Human service goes along with appreciating the well-being of people in various aspects of the dynamic world. For this reason, therefore, social service provides necessary assistance to the customers by considering the surroundings and background of the society (Ethical Standards for Human Service Professionals, n.d).


Self-determination is one of the important values in human service delivery. For example, we depend on our parents, friends, and family to broaden our various capacities with respect to social interactions (Mission & Core Values, 2009). They remove the obstacles and hindrance factors to make our dreams come true. Notably, remaining focused enables us to deliver consistently to society.

Respect and dignity

Respect and dignity is another value that ensures that we understand the mistakes that people do. Values and Ideas That Guide Our Work (2010) opines that everybody deserves the utmost respect and fairness to enhance equity. People encounter various risks uncertainties in their lives that cause gross loss.

Quality service delivery

Besides, human service delivery aims at providing quality services to their respective customers to maintain the reputation of the organization. Responsibility is another core value that social service professionals observe. There must be a commitment to deliver services in time and remain accountable for the results (Mandell & Schram, 2012).

Optimism and positivity

While influencing the lives of people in society, one should encourage them to remain positive and focused by believing in their struggles and hardships. The clients should not be discouraged in their efforts to make their lives better (Mandell & Schram, 2003). The addition of skills and ways of doing things are of significant impact on people’s lives positively.

Values and attitudes that I posses

Personally, I have personal commitments that enable me to perform my tasks diligently as a human service professional. The spirit of commitment has kept my effort on my toes to ensure that I deliver quality services to my esteemed customers. Secondly, I have a deep understanding of different aspects of the community that enables me to discharge my duties with equity. Considering the fact that a society is made of other people who seek different solutions to daily problems, analyzing every degree of questions is essential. I am also self-responsible while performing tasks I am allocated.

Attitude and values I lack

Maintaining team spirit and organizational integrity as a value and attitude of human professionalism is my main weakness. However, I am doing the best within my capabilities to adapt this core value in the social service profession.

How to develop values and attitude

Learning from people and accepting corrections is one of the methods that I use to develop the values and attitudes that I lack. Moreover, cooperation with the top management in an organization to establish these values is of great importance (Ethics and Values, 2010).


Considering the above illustrations on the core values and attitude in human service delivery, it is prudent to confirm that service delivery in the sector of social service cannot be effective if the above values are abandoned. Likewise, the improvement of any individual in society goes hand in hand with the efficiency of human service professionals. In addition, people should learn to develop specific values that they do not exhibit to enhance their performance in the field of social service delivery.


Ethical Standards for Human Service Professionals. (n.d.). 

Ethics and Values. (2010). 

Mandell, B. R., & Schram, B. (2003). An introduction to human services: policy and practice (5th ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Mandell, B. R., & Schram, B. (2012). An introduction to human services: policy and practice (8th ed.). Boston: Pearson.

Mission & Core Values. (2009). 

Values and Ideas That Guide Our Work. (2010). Web.

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