Essential Questions for Premarital Counseling Success


At the stage of relationships before the wedding, couples, as a rule, do not experience significant difficulties in communicating and solving joint issues. However, in the process of marriage, domestic challenges and different views on certain life situations may cause serious conflicts that can lead to quarrels and even divorce. The activities of a premarital consultant include assistance to those couples who plan to marry and intend to take into account all the potential difficulties that they can encounter.

In order to make it easy and comfortable for clients to conduct joint life, it is necessary to develop a number of questions that can be part of preventive measures against damaging conflicts and the breakup of families. Such a list is a valuable tool that may help couples to save their future marriage and understand each other better.

List of Questions

As a premarital consultant, there is an opportunity to talk to future spouses and help them eliminate misunderstandings and potential challenges that they may encounter in their daily lives. It is essential for clients to respond honestly and to be willing to discuss those questions that cause doubts. The list may include the following points that partners can discuss with each other and share their observations with a specialist:

  1. Whose opinion is more authoritative in case of disagreement and misunderstanding?
  2. What life circumstances can make you angry with your partner?
  3. How much time do you need to calm down after a quarrel?
  4. Are there any situations that you cannot forgive your partner?
  5. What help are you ready to render to each other in case of misunderstanding?
  6. Can conflict outside your family affect your mood and relationships?
  7. Are you ready to resort to the help of third parties for eliminating the consequences of conflicts?
  8. Who can be the authority when resolving severe family disputes?
  9. What causes of scandals between spouses are minor and, on the contrary, weighty?
  10. Is each of the partners responsible for problems in family relationships?
  11. Why is it essential to take into account each other’s opinions when discussing difficult situations?
  12. Can a divorce be a solution to serious domestic problems?
  13. What factors are restraining when a conflict breaks out in a family?
  14. Is it possible to prevent disagreement through conversations and discussions?
  15. When does the moment come to discuss the existing difficulties?
  16. Is it possible to blame a partner for inconsistency with the appearance of the ideal?
  17. Should the birth of a child be a spouses’ mutual desire?
  18. Why does the number of divorces among young families grow annually?
  19. Is a difficult life situation a stimulus for family cohesion?
  20. Is it right to sacrifice one’s own comfort for the sake of preserving a family?

This list of questions may help future spouses to understand the value of the marriage and the obligations that they assume. The issue of anger and dissatisfaction with each other needs to be discussed in order not to accumulate irritation and not to express rude claims to the partner. Also, questions about the responsibility of spouses are an important nuance in resolving family conflicts. By analyzing each other’s behavior calmly and intelligently, it is possible to avoid damaging conflicts and overcome any crisis.


The considered list of questions addressed by a premarital counselor as part of preventatives measures against damaging conflict in future spouses’ relationships may be a useful tool for analyze partners’ behavior and resolving challenging situations. Honest answers provide a comprehensive picture of each other’s interests and an opportunity to be aware of the potential consequences of scandals. Preserving the family is an important task; therefore, both partners should share responsibility for decisions made and discuss difficulties jointly.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, June 16). Essential Questions for Premarital Counseling Success.

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