Where Human Expression Is Going Over in Multimedia

Due to the expansion of modern technologies, the information and creative environment have become interactive, and artists strive to create a work and interact with their listeners or viewers. I think that the development of culture at this time is unpredictable, as there are many subcultures that can unexpectedly gain great popularity and following. However, several trends affect the progress and evolution of the entire society and culture.

Firstly, digitalization, computerization, and modern IT technologies are becoming a current trend of self-expression. People are interested in how artists can use, for example, Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) for the creative process. Can ANNs write their music or poetry independently or do it in “co-authorship” with a human? The artists who can apply modern technologies with high quality get a head start and draw attention to themselves.

Secondly, the commercialization of art is an important trend in modern society because every person becomes a “buyer” of culture. This tendency will only intensify in the next decade as platforms and systems for buying and selling the results of creativity are lined up. Artists will be forced to understand their niche and market and balance between creativity and recognition. Perhaps this will make art in the coming decades more fixated on rethinking the existing and recognizable than on creating something new.

In today’s postmodern society, new media in the visual arts context means a constant deep study of all previous human experiences and their rethinking. New digital tools for creativity, the evolving Internet space, and postmodern philosophy influence how human expression develops in art and multimedia. Artists will have to focus on the consumer and use the palette of new tools to surprise.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, June 26). Where Human Expression Is Going Over in Multimedia. https://studycorgi.com/where-human-expression-is-going-over-in-multimedia/

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StudyCorgi. (2023) 'Where Human Expression Is Going Over in Multimedia'. 26 June.

1. StudyCorgi. "Where Human Expression Is Going Over in Multimedia." June 26, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/where-human-expression-is-going-over-in-multimedia/.


StudyCorgi. "Where Human Expression Is Going Over in Multimedia." June 26, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/where-human-expression-is-going-over-in-multimedia/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Where Human Expression Is Going Over in Multimedia." June 26, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/where-human-expression-is-going-over-in-multimedia/.

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