“Why Aren’t Gas Prices Dropping…” by Nguyen

Message from the Article

In the studied article, “Why aren’t gas prices dropping if oil is getting cheaper?” Janet Nguyen presents a unique perspective regarding the current predicament of oil and gas prices. The author is convinced that most of the gas stations will take longer to lower their prices for gas even if crude oil is becoming cheaper. The reasoning behind this decision is that it is extremely hard to predict the behavior of prices for the commodity within the next few weeks. Such a decision ensures that these companies are on the safe side and capable of maintaining the highest level of competitiveness.

Economic Significance

The article presents various insights that can guide the reader to understand different economic theories and issues. First, the author reveals that supply in the market dictates the overall level of demand. For example, the current oil issue indicates that the supply of oil has remained unchanged. However, the demand has increased due to the tension in East Europe following Russia’s decision to invade Ukraine. The insights presented in the article revolve around the problematic issue of panic buying.

In the current scenario, it is evident that a number of market factors continue to dictate the trends recorded in the global oil market. For instance, the experienced supply and demand trends appear to be in accordance with economic theory. This framework indicates that an increase in the demand for a specific product could trigger an increase in its price. Firms and companies operating in the industry have, therefore, been keen to focus on these developments to dictate prices. These trends show the relationship between supply and demand and how it can inform the best decisions in the sector.

The arguments Nguyen presents in the article reveal that supply and demand for oil products tend to be inelastic in nature. This reality arises from the fact that the commodity supports a wide range of activities that are associated with the global economy. Based on this knowledge, it becomes clear that players in the industry cannot scale up or back the supply of oil and gas. These trends make it impossible to factor in or reflect sudden price drops in crude oil. Sellers also remain skeptical and decide to retain higher prices to avoid making losses. The issue of competitive rivalry is also evident from the article, whereby companies would tend to engage in price wars.

Ideas and Confusing Elements

The outlined ideas in this specific article are interesting to me. Specifically, the concepts of supply, demand and price trends in the oil industry are meaningful since they have helped me understand how the present challenges exist today. The concept of competition is admirable since the decision by one marketer to reduce oil and gas prices would compel other competitors to undertake similar measures. The fear of future oil behaviors in the global market guide marketers to avoid changing prices immediately.

I have understood that the oil industry is quite complex, especially the process of price regulation and how stakeholders make their marketing decisions. I did not find anything confusing in the article since the language is easy to follow. The outlined ideas are straightforward and understandable. Based on these insights, it is evident that I can study additional theories and economic models to understand the issues described in the article much better. This approach would also expand my understanding of the wider oil and gas sectors and the forces that dictate organizational performance.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, April 15). “Why Aren’t Gas Prices Dropping…” by Nguyen. https://studycorgi.com/why-arent-gas-prices-dropping-by-nguyen/

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StudyCorgi. (2023) '“Why Aren’t Gas Prices Dropping…” by Nguyen'. 15 April.

1. StudyCorgi. "“Why Aren’t Gas Prices Dropping…” by Nguyen." April 15, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/why-arent-gas-prices-dropping-by-nguyen/.


StudyCorgi. "“Why Aren’t Gas Prices Dropping…” by Nguyen." April 15, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/why-arent-gas-prices-dropping-by-nguyen/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "“Why Aren’t Gas Prices Dropping…” by Nguyen." April 15, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/why-arent-gas-prices-dropping-by-nguyen/.

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