A Trade Policy for Game Consoles in the US and Brazil

Introduction Trade policies are certain agreements and rules that apply to international trade. This policy regulates what goods and services, and on what basis, can be exported or imported to countries, depending on the established agreements between their governments. Each country has its trade policy, which, among other things, sets...

Goodwill LLC: The Costing System

Company Overview Goodwill LLC is a limited company operating in the pet industry. The company manufactures pet collars, leashes, and harnesses to improve pet management and has been in operation for one month. Evaluation is critical to determine whether or not the business is making profits. The key activities performed...

Play vs. Come and Go by Samuel Beckett

The novelty of Samuel Beckett’s vision of performance art continues to affect the American scene. Postmodernism is apparent in the author’s works, which are thoughtful and complicated in their writing, acting, lighting, and other aspects (McNaughton, 2018). Beckett’s Come and Go is a short play with only a few lines...

The Article “The Nature of the Firm” by Ronald Coase

Introduction In his article “The Nature of the Firm,” economist Ronald Coase (1937) explores why firms exist instead of producing everything through market exchange. Coase argues that the main reason for the existence of firms is the transaction cost of using the market. He explains that firms exist because it...

Inflammation, Tissue Repair, and Wound Healing

Introduction In many cases, inflammation response includes redness, loss of function, swelling, heat, and pain. Inflammation refers to the immune response of the body resulting from tissue injury, attack by pathogens, and effects from chemicals and radiation (Abdulkhaleq et al., 2018). In the provided case study, the physiological mechanism causing...

Female and Male Gender Roles and Sexualities in Feminist Literature and American Nation

Introduction The last two centuries have been and the last 80 years especially can be called revolutionary for Western and global literature, as the female author’s perspective has finally become one of its thematic and genre mainstreams during these times. It was and continues to be a historical age of...

Steppenwolf by Hermann Hesse

Steppenwolf by Hermann Hesse is a psychological novel as it contains a lot of Freudian and Jungian undercurrents in its theme. One finds the hero Harry Haller trying to cope up with the many sides of his personality. In fact, Haller suffers from a dual personality. Throughout the novel, the...

Momenta Pentop Computer’s Design and Technology

Introduction Momenta Corporation was known as the first company that developed the design of a tablet computer. Known as a pen top – a touch-sensitive tablet computer operated by means of a pen – it was a revolutionary and innovative technology at the beginning of the 1990s. Nevertheless, regardless of...

Scholarly Papers on Using EHRs: High Possibility of Impact

Introduction Health information technology (IT) is receiving more and more interest from scholars who investigate the threats and opportunities presented to the healthcare industry by innovations. The current paper aims to analyze a current and relevant issue related to health IT and outline in what ways this topic may impact...

Raymond Williams’s Opinion About Culture in Society

Introduction In his work, Raymond Williams discussed culture on the basis of his own observations and considerations. The author pointed out that it is ordinary because it is created by the shared means and is available to all. Still, his view seems to be not relevant to the culture in...

Strategies for Enhancing Care in Populated Senior Citizen Communities

The Issue Florida is a state with a very high population of senior citizens (“Population and demographic data,” 2017). People are either living on their own or in retirement homes, and communities often require additional care. This fact makes elderly care one of the most important issues in the state....

Challenges & Strategies for Business in Transition Economies

Potential difficulties of starting a business in a transition economy and recommendations on how they should be confronted Starting and maintaining a new business is always a challenge aggravated by adverse conditions prevalent in a transitional economy; an economy transforming from centrally planned to free-market economy. The potential difficulties faced...

Euthanasia as a Christian Ethical Dilemma

Having to make a complicated choice between two different options is a part and parcel of life. The choices, which people make, define their future spiritual growth and create premises for their evolution. While it would be erroneous to state that the wrong decisions that people make mean that they...

Direct and Indirect Nursing Care Providers

Introduction: Significance of Learning the Core Competencies It is crucial for a nurse to be able to identify the area of practice and isolate the goals that need to be accomplished. Thus, the needs of the target audiences will be met in a manner as efficient and expeditious as possible....

Telenursing: Enhancing Quality of Life in Heart Failure Patients

Introduction Telenursing is becoming a more and more popular method of evidence-based care that helps patients and their families to manage health conditions without having to drive long distances to the hospital. Telehealth is employed not only for people living far from healthcare facilities but also for those who need...

Wal-Mart Stores Customer Service Perspective

Introduction Customer service perspective serves as an instrument to ensure that all company’s employees are committed to the customer’s needs since they are the most important aspects in business continuity and sustainability. Wal-Mart Stores Inc is a large-scale business enterprise founded by Sam Walton and known to be the most...

Radio Frequency Identification Aloha Protocols

Aloha and Slotted Aloha Handling Protocols in RFID Technology Radiofrequency identification (RFID) is used to distinguish, track, and oversee, tagged items using remote correspondence innovation (Aktar, 2016). A genuine concern confronted by RFID innovation is the collisions that happen among tag reactions at the point when questioned by a collision...

VR Software for Surgeon Training at University of Sharjah

Introduction Surgical experience is one of the hardest to obtain in an academic or a hospital setting due to the high costs of performing practice on real human corpses and high risks of allowing an undertrained surgeon to operate on a living patient. The lack of effective and available means...

Relevance of the First Amendment

Introduction The First Amendment to the US Constitution is a document vital to the regulation of the life of its citizens and the functioning of the country’s governmental bodies (Stone et al. 21). Despite its significance, the initiative has been subject to frequent criticism. Although critics of The First Amendment...

Study on Nursing Care Quality and Patient Experiences

The title of this article represents a quite accurate description of the article. It pointed to the aims and the results of the study, and also it contained most keywords that facilitate searching for the study and recognizing it. This title is considered as a statement of the declarative type,...

Three-Strikes Law: Reducing Violent Crimes Effectively

Introduction: The Three-Strikes Law and the Controversy around It Despite numerous attempts to address the issue of violent crimes, the current statistics indicate that the subject matter remains a significant problem that needs to be addressed accordingly. According to recent statistics, 1,163,146 attempted violent crimes were committed in 2013 (Federal...

Teachers’ Attitude Impact on the Educational System Success

Changes to the established framework of education are always fraught with certain disruptions in the academic process, yet these alterations are also essential to the improvement of education quality. Therefore, shaping the curriculum is critical to the further progress of learners and their ability to develop the necessary skills (Hart...

Leadership Skills Development: Strategic Plan

Individual Mission Statement The term leadership can be defined in different ways. Some scholars define leadership based on the individual capabilities of leaders. In this definition, leadership is defined as a function of having self-knowledge, having a well-communicated vision, creating and developing trust among other people, and taking the right...

Political Corruption and Solutions

Introduction The issue of corruption has been in existence since the conception of politics as a notion. However, even if the phenomenon cannot be erased completely from modern society, it is necessary to minimize it and create a system of values that deems it as unacceptable. By introducing the modern...

WWI Causes: Pan-Slavism, Nationalism, and U.S. Role

Introduction World War I became one of the most meaningful events that shaped the history of humanity and preconditioned the development of global intercourse in a particular way. WWI was inevitable as it was driven by the existing peculiarities of international relations and multiple countries struggle for dominance and promotion...

Sexual and Reproductive Health Education

Problem Statement and Thesis The influence of sexual and reproductive health literacy on health outcomes of individuals could hardly be underestimated in the contemporary public health sector. However, it should be stated that the particular focus on the role of sexual and reproductive health education in the adaption of women...

Daily Stretching Program: Benefits for Endurance and Resistance

Introduction Daily stretching refers to a consistent weight-training program. This may include Aerobic sessions, jogging, and physical workouts. Beginners of a body exercise program have targets and goals in mind, which motivate them to train on their weight. The need to exercise your body can have short-term or long-term benefits....

America’s Fear during the Cold War

America’s fear during the Cold War can be summarized as the fear of Mutually Assured Destruction or M.A.D. M.A.D. because even if America was the first to develop the atomic bomb across the Atlantic Britain, France and U.S.S.R. would soon develop their own nuclear weapons. The last was terrifying since...

Hiring Prior Military for a Job

To begin with, it is a question of great inquisitiveness: whether military background helps people in hiring job or not? First, employers are seeking workers who have an idea of how their knowledge, experience, habits or skills meet the requirements of definite job. Two things take place when one is...

Protectionism or Free Trade as a Ways of Reversing Trade Deficit

Abstract Free trade or protectionism has always been a controversial debate not only within countries but in the global trading arena. The issue was brought back to the forefront with the onset of the global economic recession that has plagued almost every country. Countries were looking at ways of reversing...

Urban Versus Rural Areas: Compare and Contrast

Introduction There has been series of questions on the quality of having a superior or more favourable living condition or position between the rural and urban existence. However, High social status is the most important cardinal concern in the relation based on similarities and differences between rural versus urban course...

World Trade Organization and North American Free Trade Agreement

The world trade organization and North America free trade agreements are both international trade agreements with several similarities and differences. This assessment paper will be deeply focusing on their comparisons and their ways of settling disputes. Both agreements have a common relationship towards the field of trade and economic of...

Bailey Jon and Burch Mary “How Dogs Learn”

There is much written on the issue of “how to train Dogs”; but there are questions and problems addressed better in this book than in any other book on the same. This review is an analysis of how useful this book is in the practice of Dog training. The book...

Democracy: Principles and Critiques

Diversity and Democracy Diversity has become a popular human resources concept in the recent years (Levine, 2003). The way its ideas seem to correlate with the principles of democracy makes them very alluring. The Democratic Principles Chosen Among the main principles of democracy the equality of all people and the...

Using YouTube as a Customer Communication Vehicle

Strategy for using YouTube for communicating with customers Social media tools such as YouTube have become essential for most organizations. In turn, organizations have turned them into management tools. YouTube has become one of the social media business communities uses in promoting their customer relationships. Management teams have learnt to...

Participant Observations: Definition, Preconceptions, Characteristics

Abstract Participant observation is the most widespread of all forms of the investigative, elaborate and systematic observable plan. Introduction Observation is either the action of a human being which comprises of obtaining information of the outside world by means of the senses or the recording of information using technical equipment....

Psychological Struggles of the Main Character from the “Ben X” Film

Introduction The modern cinematography industry has produced numerous pieces of art that depict an accurate representation of mental struggles and intend to give viewers an insight into other people’s minds. These films can be used to engage the audience in conversation regarding various vital topics that can be puzzling for...

A Preliminary Randomized Controlled Evaluation of a Universal Healthy Relationships Promotion Program for Youth

Introduction Mental health in adolescents is an important topic for research. Bullying, substance abuse, and adverse childhood experiences can substantially impact young people’s mental health and well-being and affect their adult life. Many mental health care programs aimed at teenagers are currently being implemented. However, most of them focus on...

The Mysterious Ways in Which God Moves

Introduction The discussion of the existence of evil and, more importantly, its coexistence with the forces of good as the cornerstone contradiction that may disrupt the very premise of the Divine existence has been discussed in theology for centuries. The dilemma can be worded in the following way: if God...

Health Maintenance Plan for Diverse Developmental Stages

In the current paper, health maintenance plans for different developmental stages within the primary care practice will be proposed. The stages of life include the following: toddlers, school-age children and adolescents, young adults and middle-aged adults, and older adults. Suggested plans will be assessed, developed, and recommended according to evidence-based...

Legal Case Study: Disclosing Medical Errors

Identifying Legal Aspects of the Case According to Joint Commission Resources (2007), “the individual performing surgery should be the one who marks the surgical site…” (p. 25). While marking the site to be operated, the health care professional should consult and inform the patient about the marking before the operational...

Fundamentals of Building Construction

Introduction Foundations are the basis for any construction object, and it is essential for any project to determine the most fitting type of foundation. Basically, all foundations are subdivided into shallow and deep ones in respect of the depth of their placement into the ground (Das, 2009, p. 1). Although...

Walmart Brand Products’ Microeconomic Analysis

Introduction As the company for analysis, Walmart has been selected, the largest retail organization providing retail and wholesale services. In addition to goods coming from suppliers, the company is also a manufacturer of its own products. As a product for evaluation, the Walmart-branded Equate pharmacy and beauty product line will...

Comparison of Cultural Deviance Theories

Any behavior that violates cultural norms is called deviance. Deviance can either be formal or informal. The former is exemplified in day to day crimes such as arson, assault, homicide, robbery, fraud, theft, rape and so on. It follows that perpetrators of such crimes often violate formally instituted laws. The...

Aromatherapy Science and Implementation

Background Aromatherapy has been used for thousands of years and is documented in biblical accounts for spiritual rituals and burials (Smith & Kyle, 2008). Hippocrates, the founder of modern medicine, used lavender in baths and massages. Rene Maurice Gattefosse, a French chemist, used it for healing burns in 1930 and...

Ancient Buildings in Contemporary Los Angeles

Introduction Art is one of the aspects that have primarily impacted the appearance of many cities in different countries. For instance, ancient buildings in contemporary Los Angeles can be noticed by people due to their different unique features. The architects of the buildings drew their inspirations from the ancient world,...

Impact of Equality in Capitalistic Society

In the era of capitalism, differences and superiority are welcomed and encouraged. It is natural for people to compare themselves with other people and recognize and acknowledge these differences as a part of the cognitive process. People compare their physical attributes, social status, income, intelligence, and skill levels and evaluate...

Art Pieces of Different Cultures

Several individuals tend to take artworks and design for granted yet it is widespread in human’s daily lives. Artworks reveal the use of people’s imaginations and their expression of something special such as culture and other forms of lifestyle. This paper discusses three artworks namely the Standard of Ur, the...

Feminism in Works of Sylvia Plath, Lorrain Hansberry, and Anne Sexton

Introduction The rise of feminism in the twentieth century has brought a slew of literature from women who felt empowered by the ongoing changes in society. The struggles of the poets of that time are apparent in the works of many women whose works focus on both personal experiences and...

On the Uses and Disadvantages of History for Life

Species of History Friedrich Nietzsche was a German philosopher whose relativistic view formed an important precursor to the post-modern movement. He first began his career as a small-scale philologist before turning to philosophy. In his essay, he wrote about the different types of history that normal human beings experience and...

Friendship and Epistemological Viewpoints and Possible Problems From Partiality

In recent years, analytical philosophers have shown increased interest in friendship and its influence on epistemology. They mainly seek to examine friendship concerns and disputes about bias that lack clear objectives regarding morality concerns. Several fundamental ethical theories emphasize impartiality and fair treatment as essential moral and ethical goals by...

The US Constitution and the Bill of Rights

The United States Constitution has acted as the nation’s highest law from its foundation in 1789. The Founding Fathers wrote the document in 1787 during the Philadelphia Convention. The draft was later approved via a sequence of state conventions held in 1787 and 1788 (De George 10). The constitution has...

Colosseum: Creation, Purpose, and Historical Significance

Introduction The Colosseum is one of the most recognizable architectural miracles in the world. It is located in the center of Rome, Italy, and represents the largest ancient amphitheater that survived. The site for its building was carefully chosen in a low valley between the Caelian, Esquiline, and Palatine Hills...

The Influence of Technological Elements on Business

Introduction Today, innovative technologies and progressive components are among the most essential, significant, and critical factors in production performance. Indeed, each company solves the issues of the need to apply the latest improvements and nanotechnologies in different ways. Nevertheless, a technological breakthrough allowed many firms to achieve success and prosperity...

Evaluation of Training Program for Incoming Foster Parents

Background information Nursing homes play a crucial role in facilitating children’s welfare. Since children have various needs and capabilities, understanding how to deal with each one is an essential skill. Child welfare organizations are bodies charged with the regulation of childcare programs to ensure that needs are met according to...

Improving Physical and Moral Well-Being: The Role of Self-Motivation

Introduction The study included assessing the basic things that a person does for their health or self-development. Behavioral patterns that I am most likely to follow have been assessed. Despite the different chances of performing one or another action, I noticed that they are all consistent. This intervention was carried...

Are Commercial Airlines Minimizing Cultural Diversity?

Acceptance and respect are part of the diversity idea; it means accepting the fact that everyone of us is unique and appreciating our uniqueness. These can be along racial, ethnic, gender, sexual preference, social class, age, physical ability, religious, political, or other ideology lines. It is also about examining these...

“Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow” by Harari

Introduction The book Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow is authored by Yuval Noah Harari, a professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Harari incorporates the current abilities, achievements as well as attempts of innovation to paint a picture of future mankind. Hence, it is a brief history of...

Poverty from Christian Perspective

Introduction The gospel claims “The poor you will always have with you” in Mark 14:7. Christian circles have varying responses to poverty based on one’s decision to focus on the physical, emotional, spiritual, and economic aspects connected to being poor. Christianity emphasizes being rich in spirit. I believe one’s perception...

Comparison of Anton Rosicky and Rip Van Winkle

The characters Anton Rosicky and Rip Van Winkle share many common traits regarding themselves and their destinies. They both go through an event that changes their life and makes them approach it differently, primarily due to them both being close to death. The primary similarity between their experiences is related...

Emotional Processing and Social Cognition

Stefan is a 33-year-old man experiencing a difficult period: his own business does not improve, he has little time to relax, receives no support from his wife, and struggles to find a connection with his toddler son. He deals with this pressure by having at least one beer daily and...

Religion in “From Uncle Tom’s Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly” by Stowe

The novel From Uncle Tom’s Cabin; or, Life Among Lowly is an impactful piece, showing the cruelty and inhumanity of the slavery system in the United States. The novel shows many aspects of real life, from childhood, labor, motherhood, and gender to many more. Slavery being at the center of...

Animals Represented by Ancient Cultures

Introduction The animal kingdom has been a source of inspiration and worship for many people during ancient times. Certain animals had deities dedicated to them, while others were respected for specific traits, such as companionship and loyalty. This kind of perception can be witnessed in various artifacts, demonstrating the feelings...

Domestic Violence and Cyber Abuse

Domestic violence, unfortunately, is a problem that is common for many families all around the world. It brings physical and emotional pain to vulnerable segments of society, including children, elders, and women of any age. With the appearance of the Internet, the issue of cyber abuse only continues to grow...

The “Hamilton” Musical and Its Significance

Introduction In 2020, a video version of the acclaimed Broadway musical Hamilton was released on Disney+. It was invented by the actor, singer and composer Lin-Manuel Miranda – and he also played the main role. The plot is based on a real biography of an American politician, reformer and finance...

Doctor-Patient Relationships in Medical Anthropology

Introduction The doctor-patient connection requires open communication and trust between the medical professional and the client. A cooperative connection between patients and healthcare professionals is one in which the individual deliberately requests the doctor’s help and the clinician willingly acknowledges the individual as a patient. Fundamentally, the doctor-patient relationship can...

Healthcare Policy Evaluation in the US vs. Mexico

One of the primary motivations for implementing healthcare programs is to benefit the entire public. Some programs educate and provide protection strategies, while others provide alternatives in the event that the prioritized techniques fail. In the process of finding areas of non-compliance that may pose a risk to the general...

Failure of Quantitative Methodologies in Social Studies

The application of qualitative and quantitative methodologies provides significantly different outcomes and might not be suitable for certain disciplines. It is challenging to measure social interactions through numerical values. However, how does one then gather and analyze such knowledge? For these cases, a qualitative method might be more fitting, as...

Terrorism and War Crimes in the Battle of Algiers

Introduction In the middle of the twentieth century, Algiers became a battleground between French authorities and Algerian insurrectionists. The National Liberation Front (FLN) quickly turned into a severe problem for the occupying nation, as their resistance led to numerous bloodsheds, as shown in the movie The Battle of Algiers (Pontecorvo)....

Google’s Negative Impact on Society

Introduction Technological progress is rapid nowadays, resulting in positive and negative societal changes. While the positive dynamics are actively discussed, there is a gap in the negative impact of technology on societal values and its development. Technology greatly simplifies human life and contributes to the daily conveniences of work and...

“Bad Indians: A Tribal Memoir” by Deborah Miranda

Bad Indians A Tribal Memoir is a book by a modern American writer named Deborah Miranda. The life of native citizens of Californian lands was difficult during the period of Spanish Missions. Mission Indians, as they are called nowadays, faced much cruelty and injustice, and Miranda, whose ancestors were Indians,...

Effective Curriculum Design for Medical Assistant Programs

Introduction Designing a curriculum is complex since it should focus not only on the approaches to delivering information but also on ways in which student learning outcomes can be improved. Any curriculum should strive to meet the student’s needs while recognizing their unique backgrounds and learning styles. In this case,...

Earth in Danger

Introduction: The Concept of Global Warming The notion of global warming implies a complex environmental procedure, which evolves as a natural consequence of the harmful greenhouse gas emissions. The activity is inflicted by human activities. Specifically, the gasses are produced by the machinery and electricity processes. According to the assessment...

African-American Slaves in 1776: Economy and War

Slaves in America constituted close to a fifth of the population by 1776. According to Anderson and Stewart (1), the American and European economies were vastly developed using African-American slaves who were bought and sold in well established slave markets. These slaves were mainly deployed in plantation farms to work...

Rhetorical Questions in Literature: Capturing Readers’ Emotions

Rhetorical questions are a feature of style extensively used in literature to capture the readers’ feelings in any article. It involves asking questions in the course of narration or describing scenarios that raise such questions within the reader’s mind. More complex rhetorical questions are built using other stylistic features. Rhetorical...

Nigerian Economic Performance and Democratic Processes: A Comparative Study

The Relation It is hard to give a clear answer to whether democracy and economic growth are related to each other. Before analyzing this question, it is important to define the terms involved in this issue. Democracy is a system of government in which the people of the country choose...

Human Trafficking in the USA: Current Trends and Prevention Efforts

Abstract Human trafficking is a major societal issue in the current global set up. Complications of labor and competition in businesses have ensured that human trafficking is one of the most widespread crimes in the world. According to some scholars, it is considered as a form of modern-day slavery given...

Evaluating EFG Amalgamated’s Training Program with Phillips’ Model

Abstract This paper provides the discussion of a training evaluation model that was selected for analyzing the success of the program implemented in EFG Amalgamated. The focus is on describing Jack Phillips’ evaluation model that provides information regarding the return on investment as the main measure to assess the initiative’s...

Mastering Communication Skills for Effective Job Interviews

Memo This memo presents a detailed descriptive report of an interview that was conducted for the purpose of gaining expert knowledge shared by an experienced business-professional working in the industry of choice. The interviewed person was approached several days ago and kindly agreed to participate in the project and answer...

Door-to-Balloon Time Reduction Strategies: Practice Change

Introduction This paper will discuss the various ways of reducing the Door-to-Balloon (D2B) period for ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) patients. The paper is backed by different studies that have established a strong link between D2B time and mortality incidence for STEMI patients. D2B refers to the interval between the arrival...

Fast Fashion and Its Impact on the Fashion Industry

Introduction Fast fashion is a term that is used to describe a new trend in the fashion industry that is characterized by high speed and low prices in order to provide customers with popular collections that reflect celebrity styles and catwalk presentations. Manufacturers are able to reduce costs by cutting...

Patient Relations Department Redesign

In view of the existing structural congestions in the hospital, this proposal would be timely in expanding our patient relations department. The proposal would redistribute our existing space to accommodate some few adjustments, which are stated below. The main objective of this proposal is to maximize the level of staff...

Working Phases: Characteristics, Issues and Concerns

When the psychotherapeutic group successfully reaches the working phase, the clients and the leader may concentrate on the specific issues that made them participate in the therapy. By this stage, the group has acquired such characteristics as a considerable degree of cohesion, empathy, trust, and support. Cox, Owen, and Ogrodniczuk...

Volkswagen Emission Scandal: Causes, Impact, and Outcomes

Introduction Ever since the theory of global warming has made its way into the general public’s minds, environmental concerns became some of the most pressing issues for large-scale production companies. Car manufacturing companies all over the world are fighting to get a competitive advantage by implementing sustainable production practices and...

Patient Satisfaction in Health Care

Introduction The research problem that the authors of the selected article sought to answer in their research is on how to improve the level of patient satisfaction in the delivery of health care within medical homes and other health care organizations. The research questions that are addressed by the researchers...

Mandan Influence on Past and Modern Society

Introduction The Mandan are a Native American tribe with a fascinating history. The basis for this report is the book Encounters at the Heart of the World: A History of the Mandan People by Pulitzer Prize winner Elizabeth A. Fenn. This paper provides a reflection on the Mandan people’s influence...

“All Shook Up” a Book by Glenn Altschuler

Music can help people in times of trouble; as a soundtrack to their lives, it has the power to change them. In his book All Shook Up: How Rock ‘n’ Roll Changed America, Glenn Altschuler tells a story of how the ‘1950s rock ’n’ roll craze changed the American society...

Herman Melville and Ralph Ellison: Exploring Human Freedom

Introduction The story of Herman Melville in “Bartleby, The Scrivener: A Story of Wall-street” is a grotesque narration about a poor office worker whose unusual behavior breaks the usual rhythm of business life and makes others doubt the correctness of the world order. Whereas Ralph Ellison in his “Battle Royale”...

Abortion and Media Impact: Analyzing Australia’s Digital Trends

In modern Australia, the use of media services and digital technologies has been considerably increased and improved during the last several centuries. People may address media with different goals, including the necessity to explore their potential, contribute to their health, and discover new educational sources (Rice, Haynes, Royce, & Thompson,...

Situational, Transformational, and Transactional Leadership

Effective management requires the appropriate leadership approach. The theory of situational leadership was created to adopt the leader’s behavior and approach to his or her subordinates by diverse circumstances, such as the followers’ individual needs and competency. While some workers feel more confident under the leadership of autocratic and demanding...

Apple Inc.’s Strategic Leadership and Innovation

Introduction Heracleous and Papachroni explore strategic leadership and innovation at Apple, Inc., performed by Steve Jobs, a founder of the organization. The authors point out that the company started to prosper after Jobs returned to work in 1997. For the period before 1997, however, the organization experienced financial difficulties and...

Stay Healthy and Germ-Free: A Personal Experience of Mysophobia

Some people seem to think that mysophobes like myself would never get a chance to become ill. After all, mysophobes take extra precautions when it comes to keeping clean and healthy. In my case, I never eat food from questionable sources, drink filtered or distilled water only, wash my hands,...

Global Warming: Causes and Consequences

Introduction Global warming refers to the increase in the average temperature of the earth’s atmosphere and its oceans, a change believed to be permanent. (livescience.com ). The National Geographic website explains that global warming is the result of high levels of greenhouse gases(carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane and ozone) in...

“Who Moved My Cheese?”: A Great Allegory for Situations of Changes

People have various visions of changes and usually perceive them differently. Some react aggressively and do not want to communicate with anybody, the others begin to complain about their hard and unfair life. Some people like changes, they look optimistically at them and do not afraid, as think that changes...

John Mackey: Organizational Behavior

The emotional intelligence of Mackey Mackey’s behavior towards the employees customers and the stakeholders can depict the level of his emotional intelligence. On the part of employees, he presents himself to be in support of them yet he does not want them to be involved in trade unions because he...

Themes and Messages in “Murderball” Documentary

Introduction Henry Alex Rubin and Dana Adam Shapiro’s documentary “Murderball” looks into aspects beyond the parameters of physical disabilities and ventures into the identification of human will and spirit where the variable of physical disability becomes almost irrelevant. This is a narration of will power and making place in the...

Applying Middle Range Nursing Theories

Introduction Obesity becomes one of the most critical problems among children worldwide, especially in some populations. The surveys regarding Mexican-American school-age children in the US reveal the fact that this population is more prone to obesity compared to the White population. Several reasons affect the rapidly growing rates of obesity...

Microsoft Live Workspace and SkyDrive

Introduction The technological progress that humanity has experienced over the recent decades has affected all the spheres of our lives and enriched information access and exchange and worldwide communication possibilities. At the same time, the more information people can access, the larger storage capacities they need to preserve this information....

Chronic Pain Treatment: Medications

Pain is a vital sign that serves to indicate malfunctions and calls to take measures. Chronic pain differs in this aspect, as it does not complete a protective function. This syndrome is one of the most common health issues that pushes patients to visit their doctors – chronic pain can...

BlackRock, Inc.: Company Stakeholder Responsibility

Introduction The performance of organizations exerts influences on local communities, customers, employees, investors, suppliers, public authorities, social agencies, and other stakeholders. Therefore, despite today’s toughening economic conditions, complex business environment, and orientation towards profit-making, corporations bear responsibility to all ranks of stakeholders. While defining its strategic priorities and planning business...

Five Pillars of Islam and Armenian Community

Introduction Islam remains one of the biggest religions in the world today with millions of followers. Believers should be aware of the teachings and pillars that can guide them to achieve their spiritual aims. This discussion seeks to analyze the Five Pillars of Islam and why they are given such...

The Evolution of Romantic Encounters and Norms and Actions Within Relationships

Romantic relationships as an essential part of an adult’s life and a certain rite of passage for people transitioning from adolescence to adulthood might seem as quite difficult to theorize, yet there are similarities in behavior patterns of those involved in them. Although the general premise and goals typically remain...

Waiters I Would Never Tip

These days every action is a sale. Although in the past nobody defined communication as a market and put objective prices for such non-material goods, society now has a tendency to evaluate them. Even two new terms have been coined for this selling and buying process – providing and using...

Literary Analysis “The Leavers” by Lisa Ko

Introduction The given literary analysis will primarily focus on The Leavers by Lisa Ko, which narrates the story of an abandoned child and his search for belonging. The main character is Daniel or Deming, whose mother is Polly Guo. The narrative focuses on the continuous abandonment of the protagonist, which...

Honesty and Trust in Business Ethics

Trust is an important element of any ethical framework, especially when building durable and reliable relationships with clients and business partners. Nevertheless, business lives by its own rules, according to which sometimes it is necessary to resort to contradictory practices. The second chapter of Honest Work by Ciulla, Martin &...

Hypovolaemic Shock in the Intra-Operative Patient

Introduction For anesthetic technicians (ATs) and/or operating department practitioners (ODPs) the process of monitoring patients and delivering care during perioperative stages is one of the direct responsibilities. Abnormalities in blood pressure can be seen as one of the monitored indicators and which can be attributed to hypovolaemic shock. Hypovolaemic shock...

Miller’s Death of a Salesman: Thematic Analysis

Death of a Salesman is a 1949 chef-d’oeuvre stage play by Arthur Miller, which addresses various issues that were affecting American society at the time. Specifically, the theme of the American dream features prominently in this play. According to Mgamis, historian James Truslow Adams coined the idea of the American...

The Panama Canal. History of Creation

The Panama Canal is an artificial watercourse that forms the link between the North and South America via the Central American isthmus. The estimated length of the canal is 80.45km (Du Temple, 2003, p.4).The presence of the watercourse allows the ocean waters to pass through from either sides of Pacific...

Family Assessment: Doane & Varcoe’s vs. De Mol’s Approach

Introduction Family assessment is inevitable for nurses practicing family nursing. Therefore, it is important for such nurses to be well equipped with the right knowledge and skills about different approaches that can be used in family assessment. In this study, we shall focus on Doane and Varcoe’s approach to relational...

The Impact of COVID-19 on Small Business

Summary The following paper provides a thorough study and report on the current business situation that was heavily influenced by the coronavirus pandemic in 2020. First of all, the researcher presents an issue while talking about it became extremely difficult for small businesses to grow further due to many restrictions...

Use of Central Venous Catheters

Introduction The use of central venous catheters makes it possible for medical professionals to provide long-term care for patients who need frequent doses of injected medicine. These catheters provide a reliable means of administering drugs and facilitating medical tests. However, catheters, in general, can lead to infection if not properly...

Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture and Food

Background Earth’s climate is now changing faster than at any point in the history of modern civilization, primarily due to human activities. The impacts of global climate change are already being felt in the United States. They are projected to intensify in the future, but the severity of future impacts...

Breast Cancer: The Story of One Patient

Michelle has always been the funniest person with the most contagious laugh at every family meeting until she was diagnosed with cancer six months ago. I loved visiting my aunt as she would always have a little gift for me – jewelry, which she is obsessed with. Michelle still has...

Discussion of Epigenetics Meanings and Aspects

Introduction Epigenetics is the study of how gene expression takes place without changing the sequence of DNA. The epigenetics video is mind-opening about how our behavior can influence our health. The video sheds light on the possible differences in people with similar genetic makeup due to epigenetics. It helps individuals...

“Kubla Khan” by Coleridge: Plot, Symbols, and Writing Style

Introduction ‘Kubla Khan’ is a fantasy epic authored by Coleridge, an English romantic poet in 1797. The poem revolves around the dream vision whereby a Mongolian leader called Kubla Khan orders some of his servants to build him a domed building for recreation and pleasure at the banks of river...

The Film “The Great Gatsby” and the American Dream

The expression “The American Dream” has different ideas in people’s imaginations, but it is united by the idea of wealth and happy life. This idea often includes a successful career, a loving family, and a respectful place in society. However, this concept can also have specific images, as well as...

How Wagner’s Preludes Transformed Opera Music

Introduction This topic was very appealing to me because I was interested in studying opera music. Richard Wagner is one of the most well-recognized opera writers, and his works are still highly popular throughout the world. So, I decided to investigate Wanger’s trends in creating opera music. In addition, I...

Theme of Hope in “The Shawshank Redemption” Film

Hope is a significant subject in Frank Darabont’s movie The Shawshank Redemption. The film emphasizes the value of hope and the implications of both possessing and losing hope. It is critical that Darabont’s film addresses the issue of hope as it is critical in our everyday lives since having or...

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on the African American Communities

This report analyzes how the COVID-19 pandemic affected the economic aspect of the African American communities. A female and two males were interviewed on their lives during the pandemic, how it affected their employments, and how the economic strain resulting from the loss of jobs affected other aspects of their...

Preventing Bedsores: Outcomes, Approach, and Budget

Introduction Pressure ulcers, or bedsores, are among the major health problems affecting limited-mobility patients worldwide. As defined by Kottner et al. (2018), this condition refers to localized soft tissue necrosis that results from prolonged pressure on the skin, particularly in bony areas of the body. Poor nutrition and inadequate care...

Type 1 Diabetes in Children: Genetic and Environmental Factors

Introduction Diabetes is a serious health concern for people of all ages. There are distinct epidemiology, developmental considerations, pathophysiology, and therapy between pediatric-onset diabetes and adults. Nevo-Shenker et al. (2020) observed that the incidence rate of type 1 diabetes globally is rising at a rate of 2 to 5% annually....

Biblical Interpretation of the Story

In my biblical interpretation paper, I decided to analyze the story that tells about an ambitious mother and her request to Jesus (Matthew 20:20-23). In this story, the mother of Zebedee’s sons is begging to assign her children to the leading positions in Jesus’s kingdom at his left and right...

The Compositional Development of “The Last Supper” by Da Vinci

There are many pieces of art that portray historically significant or religion-based events. One of the most renowned artists who skilfully incorporated complex composition and style in such work was Leonardo da Vinci. In painting the Last Supper, he impacted the room where Christ and the witnesses are seen as...

Scientific and Engineering Methods: Theory of Science

Introduction Engineering projects play a significant role in the general development of technology in the modern world. Working on the specific task helps evaluate diverse spheres of life, starting from science and finishing with business branches. This essay will cover scientific and engineering methods used in the project called “Expert...

Analysis of Canada’s Natural Resources

Introduction Many countries across the world have relied on natural resources for their economic development. Different nations have varied endowments, which has often determined their economic growth and development. The industrial revolution has been a critical age because it led to massive exploitation of natural resources, which fueled growth and...

Association of Women’s Health, Obstetrics, and Neonatal Nurses

Organization Overview The Association of Women’s Health, Obstetrics, and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN) is a non-profit membership organization that focuses on promoting and improving women’s and newborns’ health while strengthening the nursing profession through research, advocacy, and extensive training. The association’s mission is “making a difference in the lives of women...

Economic Concepts and Daily Life

Introduction Economics is a wide field of study, one that has produced many important and interesting theories on how society should operate. Depending on the economic conditions one finds themselves in, a variety of theories, mechanisms, and assumptions can be relied on. This includes potential explanations of the free market’s...

The EdSmart Services Strategy Analysis

Position Strategy The online learning and education market is evolving positively and providing many clients with needed services, but it is also prone to technology or management-based issues. As such, EdSmart can present a competitive advantage by maintaining a number of core competencies within the online education industry. The models...

September 1917 in Russia from the Perspective of Morgan P. Price

The October Revolution of 1917, when the Bolsheviks seized power from the Provisional Government of Russia, did not materialize out of thin air. Instead, it was the result of a prolonged crisis, when social tensions and economic problems coincided with a divided and inefficient government to create a volatile political...

Effects of Teen Pregnancy on Mother and Child

Introduction One of the most pressing social problems is teenage pregnancy. In particular, it concerns underdeveloped countries, areas with a low level of sexual education, widespread adolescent marriages, and a low level of universal development. Teenage pregnancy is of particular interest for research as it has an effect not only...

Corporate Strategies and Financial Performance Analysis for Dollar Tree

Dollar Tree is an American retail corporation that runs over 16,000 discount variety stores in 48 US states and five provinces in Canada. The company specializes in placing its stores near and within residential neighborhoods to reach households with high-value and quality assortments of necessities, consumables, and seasonal products (Bilbeisi...

Unpaid Content: The Case of Facebook

In the social economy, content is produced by users rather than by the owners of a website such as Facebook or Instagram. Most people welcome the ability to freely use these content-sharing platforms to keep in touch with their friends, share pictures, or even write content for others as on...

The Evolution of Apple Inc.: Innovation, Revenue Growth, and Consumerism Challenges

Apple History Apple Inc. is among the most expensive and influential in the world of technology today and has branded itself as a preferred technological gadget, such as computers and phones. The company was founded in 1976 by two college dropouts, Steve Job and Wozniak, who had a vision of...

The Phenomenon of The Use of Prescription Drugs

Introduction Prescription drugs are drugs that are issued under prescription from a medical practitioner. The need to have a prescription before the drugs are acquired is usually applied in order to prevent illegal distribution, and effective use of such medicine. Unlike prescription drugs, Over-The-Counter drugs can be acquired without a...

Health Benefits of Vegetarianism: Insights from Saxena’s Book

Introduction Many people do not take the issue of health and nutrition seriously today. Studies indicate that people eat as much food as they want. It is agreeable that people no longer think of their health conditions and their surrounding environment. The situation today requires that we take care of...

Transportation: Electric Cars Effects

Abstract Several decades ago, the very idea of electric cars seemed absurd. With the advanced technologies of the XXI century, however, the long-awaited dream was finally turned into reality. The number of electric cars is still admittedly low in the market. However, compared to the previous sales statistics, the demand...

The Poetic Legacy of William Carlos Williams: Themes and Styles Analyzed

“The red wheelbarrow” and “This is just to say,” are excellent examples of imagery poetry. The poems create images in the reader’s mind, which convey the poet’s message. However, imagery poetry creates varied visions in people’s minds. As a result, readers would come up with a variety of analysis and...

Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook Creation History

On December 15 2010, Time Magazine named Mark Zuckerberg the 2010 person of the year. The Magazine argued that the award served as recognition to Mark Zuckerberg’s power to shape the world (Bahareth 13). Zuckerberg is an extraordinary person who has not only changed the world but as well positively...

Delivery Methods Impacting Students’ Skills Acquisition: Effective Teaching Strategies

The research question for the study under analysis can be put in the following way: what are the key differences between the delivery methods on the students’ statistical skills acquisition between various courses? The statistical notation for the null hypothesis in the study (the supposition that the face-to-face delivery will...

Charles Babbage’s Contribution to the Mathematics

Today, Charles Babbage is known as one of the most prominent mathematicians of the nineteenth century and as the author of numerous monographs on issues in such fields as algebra, astronomy, and engineering. Babbage was born in Walworth, England, on 26 December of 1791. The mathematician died in London on...

Costco Wholesale Corporation: Working Benefits

Introduction The article under consideration is entitled “11 Reasons to Love Costco that Have Nothing to Do with Shopping”. The author of the article is Kevin Short. The piece of writing was published in the online source Huffington Post on 19 November 2013. Kevin Short provides readers with information about...

Cancer Care Approaches: Diagnosis, Side Effects, and Treatment

Introduction Cancer care is a complex process that requires extensive understanding of the various dynamics of cancer diagnosis, staging, treatment, prevention, and management (Coleman, 2006). Cancer diagnosis is important because it determines the most effective treatment method to be used. On the other hand, cancer staging helps physicians determine the...

Social Influence and Personal Thinking

Introduction Human beings are social creatures and, therefore, their decisions and thinking are highly subjected to social influence. Social influence as a sociological phenomenon is the way human beings sway the beliefs, feeling, thinking, and behaviors of one another (Fabrigar & Norris, 2015). As such, personal thinking and behavior are...

Chronic Acoustic Trauma & Hypothyroidism: Case Analysis

Assessment History: Chronic Acoustic Trauma A 39-year-old male presents with a partial hearing loss. The first symptoms of deafness appeared a week ago when he returned home after a shift at a construction site where he works. He has been a construction worker for over 5 years. S: Patients report...

Emergency Nurses Association: Interest Group Presentation

Group choice: Selected group: Emergency Nurses Association It is abbreviated as ENA The group is an advocacy institution ENA focuses on existing emergency laws The group promotes safe working environments The selected group for this discussion is the Emergency Nurses Association (ENA). The interest group conducts research to inform or...

Nursing Profession: Largest US Healthcare Workforce

The IOM Report: Background The “nursing profession represents the largest percentage of the United States’ healthcare workforce” (Bleich, 2011, p. 169). Nurses and caregivers can play a critical role in supporting the diverse health needs of many Americans. However, some hurdles have been making it impossible for these practitioners to...

Healthcare Regulatory Agencies

Regulation is an extremely important function that guarantees the observance of the main rules and laws introduced to maintain quality and assure that individuals will be able to enjoy the advantages of using the most efficient and modern approach. For this reason, the given aspect is important for the existence...