Nissan Electric Cars Nowadays and in Future

Introduction Due to new restrictions related to harmful emissions, electric cars have attracted more attention in recent years. Modern electric vehicles have become more competitive as their characteristics are similar to conventional cars. This issue has a significant impact on the management of companies related to car production. Managers carefully...

Maslow’s and Friedman’s Theories in Personal Life

Abraham Maslow’s Motivational Theory The Definition of Happiness (Self-Actualization Level) My interpretation of happiness as self-actualization is concerned with reaching my full potential and succeeding in creative activities and sports, work, and personal life. These issues are the most important in my present life, and I would like to work...

Uber Storms Europe: Europe Strikes Back

Introduction Modern technologies are currently transforming business operations and processes. Uber Technologies is one of the companies that have capitalized on the power of smartphones and apps to deliver high-quality services to the targeted customers. Unfortunately, the organization is facing various obstacles that have the potential to affect its future...

Nurse Staffing for Geriatric Health Care Delivery

Problem Statement It is possible to concentrate on the issue of nurse staffing impact on older adults’ health in the context of a certain hospital. Taking into account that health care delivery standards change according to the ever-changing world environment and need to be followed properly, it seems appropriate to...

Connecting Nursing Leadership and Patient Outcomes

Introduction Health professionals in leadership positions apply their skills to mentor others, solve emerging problems, and support the delivery of exemplary medical services. A short interview was conducted whereby the targeted individual was a Nursing Director (ND). The male professional is aged 40 years, has a family, and manages a...

Philosophy. God, Omnipotence, and Evil

There are so many religions that are followed by numerous people all across the globe, and it is considered by many who believe in God that God is present everywhere, which means there is omnipotence with regard to the presence of God. Many religions teach the followers that God is...

Capital Budgeting Project of Abel Athletics

Viability of new equipment The proposed acquisition of new manufacturing equipment has been assessed using various capital budgeting tools. The tools used to evaluate the viability of the project are the payback period, net present value, and internal rate of return, and modified internal rate of return. The following analysis...

Mrs. Lowell: Legal and Ethical Environment of Business

Introduction Flags of Convenience have continued to be used by Maritime companies to perform their business activities. However, the flags are registered in countries that have questionable legal environment. Companies take advantage of the weak legal frameworks to register in the countries, and therefore escape stringent requirements in the developed...

Environmental Trends in Microbrewing (Craft Beer)

Technological Trends The Micro Brewing and beer brewing industry has turned into a high technology industry and there are a number of factors that impact the industry. Beer Spoiling Bacteria Breweries across the world and across all types of beers are faced with the repetitive problem that beer can get...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Concept of “Therapon” in Homer’s “Iliad”

Introduction Homer’s poem “Iliad” uses a concept of “therapon” which is not typical for any of other writers of those times and of modern times as well. The concept concerns the character whose actions are described in the lines “Three times he charged with the headlong speed of Ares, /Screaming...

Entrepreneurship: The Dale Gray Story

Even though most people dream about setting-up and running their own business at one point in their lives, not so many of them actually get to accomplish this dream. For most people with these dreams, the development sale and eventual use of a certain product or service that is to...

Leadership and Team Self-Management Assessment: Perfect Example and Own Results

Introduction Leadership refers to the ability to influence a social group or a team of people into accomplishing a particular mission or assignment (Mehrotra, 2005). Hence, a leader is equipped with the potential of not only showing the way but also encouraging those below him or her to pursue a...

Discrimination of Women in the Workplace

Throughout centuries women have been fighting for equal rights, fair pay and working hours, and objective judgment in the workplace. Today, in comparison to the beginning of the 20th century, the participation of women in the labor force and the rates of educational completion have significantly increased (U.S. Bureau of...

Philosophical Views on Death

Introduction Human beings have always appreciated the importance of applying philosophical concepts to questions that are ethical and metaphysical in nature. This paper seeks to explain why death is bad for the dead person because he or she will be unable to experience the good things associated with life or...

Wrestling and Author’s Life

Wrestling offers a plethora of benefits for the people that decide to start doing it as a part of their pastime and gradually realize that this kind of sport offers a range of benefits, including a unique philosophy. Wrestling can cause noticeable improvements in one’s physical and emotional well-being, creating...

G4S Company’s Strategies and Opportunities

Strategic risks are likely to be the leading class of risks for G4S in the coming years. It is therefore imperative that G4S take advantage of this risk and turn it into an opportunity. To begin with, change in technology is unavoidable. It can be an opportunity for a multinational...

The History of Criminal Justice Systems

Criminal Justice Systems date back thousands of years during the times of Cain and Abel in the bible. The golden rule used was an “eye for an eye.” During the 125BC however, the Roman Republic took place in ruling of criminal offences. The ruling was so inefficient due its many...

Genetically Modified Organisms in Human Food

This article focuses on Genetically Modified Organisms as they are used to produce human food in the contemporary world. Genetically Modified Organisms are the ones whose genetic make-up has been changed or modified using genetic modifications to fit certain standards or requirements. Genetic modification is a common practice which is...

Anthony Giddens and the Theory of Structuration

Introduction Anthony Giddens is an English sociologist and the headmaster of The London School of Economics and Political Science. The scientist is considered to be one of the most significant figures in contemporary sociology. He has written 34 books, which have been published in 29 different languages. In 2007, Anthony...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Principles of Ethical Practice of Public Health

The modern health care sector is characterized by the increased level of attention given to patients and the conditions of the delivery of care. The evolution of the humanistic approach preconditioned the reconsideration of principles according to which this sphere functions and introduced new values that should be respected. For...

Why Communication Skills Are Important in Business

In any company, people regularly interact with each other, which is an undeniably important part of the workflow. Proper communication allows people to see a common goal and understand each other’s needs and aspirations. Only through communication, employees of any company will be able to do something genuinely worthwhile together....

Aspects of Adidas Commercial

Semiotics studying signs unites linguistics and social sciences, which allows considering traditions, behavior patterns, and other social phenomena as sign systems. Thanks to semiotics, one can track the ways of subconscious interpretation of different messages – a process that relies on emotions. Daily routines and rituals are also full of...

American Dominant Minority Relations and Impact of Globalization

Introduction Initially, the United States was formed as a heterogeneous society, and the traditions of cultural and religious tolerance were historically strong. However, this did not exclude violent clashes based on religious, ethnic, or racial hostility. Now the relative stability of American society is promoted by the promotion of tolerance...

Peter Singer’s Perspective on Global Suffering

In his article, “Famine, Affluence, and Morality,” Peter Singer focuses on a topic that is essential for the whole world. The author considers famine, refugee crisis, and ways to combat these issues from a philosophical point of view. Singer takes a comprehensive approach to the problem since he introduces assumptions,...

Pollution and Children’s Health

Pollution can be found in the air, water, soil, and chemicals, among other places. Essentially, it exists in today’s world due to all the resources and fossil fuels that are emitted. Human exposure to air pollutants is a significant public health concern because it is a leading cause of illness...

The 2010 Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Analysis

When oil spills happen, they usually have catastrophic effects on workers, marine life, and the surrounding communities. The largest oil spill in history is the 2010 Deepwater Horizon (DWH) spill. This accident caused the leakage of millions of gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico over eighty-seven days (Borunda,...

Individualism vs. Collectivism in A Beautiful Mind

Introduction A person cannot live outside of society, outside of the collective. But simultaneously, for harmonious development and happy life, it is important to preserve individuality. A Beautiful Mind of Ron Howard was conceived as a film biography of the mathematician, Nobel Prize winner John Forbes Nash. The main character...

Management of Organization and Its Challenges

A company is a business structure with separate legal entities from the owners. In a accompany, primary operations are run by the company directors while the company’s ownership is often in the hands of shareholders. In a company, the human resource manager holds major duties, including planning, coordinating, and directing...

Holy Spirit Baptism: Filling With God’s Holy Spirit

Introduction Holy Spirit baptism means being filled with God’s Holy Spirit, the third person in the Trinity. When in possession of it, one becomes empowered to perform tasks called upon by God. It makes one saturated with the Holy Spirit and covers each part of the person. Moreover, baptism by...

Weight Loss With Ketogenic Diet: Benefits & Risks

Introduction The ketogenic diet (KD) is the most popular dietary intervention for weight loss and other lifestyle disorders among nutritionists and individuals. Many drugs have become increasingly unsuccessful in addressing certain illnesses such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, and weight reduction. Essentially, dietitians and patients worldwide choose the KD since...

Rhetorical Analysis and Fallacies of Argumentation

The Fallacies of Emotional Argument Wang and Stevenson’s article contains one of the fallacies of emotional reasoning. The authors tell the story of real-life heroes, residents of Shanghai, who cannot get out of China due to the authorities’ policies. The stories told by Wang and Stevenson are meant to evoke...

The Impact of Domestic Violence on Victims’ Quality of Life

Introduction Domestic violence (DV) is currently one of the major public health concerns that needs to be discussed and analyzed. Also referred to as intimate partner violence (IPV), it can be defined as a set of behaviors and tendencies used by one of the partners in order to control, manipulate,...

Swatch Group Company Aspects Analysis

Background To begin with, the Swatch Group manufactures and distributes watches. They are the largest manufacturer in the world and have 156 production facilities around the globe (Deshpande et al., 2012). They did not limit themselves to producing and assembling watches for brand retailer companies. The company also provides different...

Sexual Harassment at the Uber Company

Introduction Sexual harassment at the workplace is a serious issue that might impact a person’s well-being, his/her performance, and chances for a successful career. It can also be viewed as one of the sides of discrimination and infringement of human rights, which is unacceptable in modern society. For this reason,...

Racial Wealth Disparity: Causes and Consequences

For many years, racial wealth inequality has been well-acknowledged in research and policy circles. The disparity in assets and loans between white and black households in the United States has been an ongoing and chronic issue. Although racial and economic disparity is a fundamental aspect of the United States, many...

Naming Our Offspring: The Rise of Individuality and Unique Names

A sociology book called The Family: Diversity, Inequality, and Social Change explores how families are evolving in modern society. The book discusses a wide range of family-related subjects, including gender roles, marriage, parenting, and family diversity (Cohen, 2015). Sociologist and demographer Philip N. Cohen use statistics and research to examine...

The 4G Wireless Network: Redundancy and Fault Recovery

3G wireless networks and 4G networks Both 3rd and 4th generations are mobile communication standards set to define the general airwaves utility. They are both forms of transmissions that carry information in the form of voice and data. The most notable difference between the two transmission networks is the speed...

Healthy Food: the Impact of the Vegetarian Diet

Introduction In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards vegetarianism in societal dietary choices. The practice consists of excluding flesh and sometimes by-products of animals from consumption for distinct reasons. Six to eight million people in the United States are estimated to practice some form of vegetarianism (Harvard...

Academic Dishonesty and Its Detrimental Effects

Why is academic dishonesty bad? Check out this essay to find out. It is focused on immediate consequences and long-term effects of academic dishonesty on students. Introduction Academic dishonesty is one of the contemporary challenges in the education sector. It is a multifaceted vice that occurs at individual and institution...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Uses and Abuses of Social Networking Sites

The impact of social networking sites on people’s personal and professional growth While evaluating the uses and abuses of social networking sites, it is necessary to consider some basic information, concerning an opportunity cyberspace provides people with. First of all, it should be pointed out that such social networking sites...

Criminality Development in the Documentary A Life of Crime

Introduction The paper introduces the conception of getting involved in criminal activities as well as estimates the social influences on criminology development, in America. The analysis refers to the first part of the documentary A Life of Crime, which embraces the description of criminal stories of three men. The action...

Special Education in New York City

Introduction Every child, regardless of race, ethnicity, social status, and disability, has the right to receive an education. Special education is a term used to describe the set of instructions that have been specially developed to meet the educational needs of children with disabilities. Individualized Education Program (IEP) defines the...

Arconas Company Strategies and Financial Performance

Company Introduction: General Profile In this paper, the analysis of the Canadian export corporation, which is called Arconas, is sustained. The official Internet page, which contains the detailed overview of the company operations, is the following link The business direction, which is embraced by Arconas, concerns the production of...

Bridging the Education-Practice Gap in Nursing

Introduction Education provides a set of particular skills of learning, teaching, and applying theoretical knowledge to practice. The theory is formed by a number of common principles that account for certain facts and phenomena that are generally accepted and commonly used to make inferences and predictions. On the contrary, practice...

Primary and Progressive Nursing Care Models

Nursing Care Model Healthcare organizations utilize different nursing models in order to organize their work so that it managed to benefit both professionals and patients. Depending on a particular model selected by a facility, nurses receive an opportunity to enhance the quality of provided care and make team collaboration more...

Memory Retention and Improvement Strategies

Introduction Many people suffer from various disorders that limit their ability to effectively retrieve information from their memory. While some cases are caused by complications in cognitive development, others may be caused by some acquired illnesses or physical damage of some parts of the brain. Memory loss can a short-term...

The Eliminating Poverty Strategies

Introduction Poverty is a multifaceted concept that describes lack of resources that are necessary in order for people to get access to basic human needs that include food, shelter, and clothing (Gilbert, 2004). According to the United Nations, more than 3 billion in the world live in poverty (Maconick, 2002)....

Multimodal-Lifestyle Intervention for Obesity

Background Obesity has become one of the most significant health problems of the modern age. According to statistics, more than 1 in 3 adults are considered overweight (Ferrer, Cruz, Burge, Bayles, & Castilla, 2014). For this reason, different approaches to solve the problem are suggested. Lifestyle intervention is one of...

Leadership, Management and Change

Introduction Change will is always an ongoing process (Goleman 2002). Organizational leaders should embrace new roles and ideas in an attempt to create better structures that can deliver the best results. My dream is to become a successful organizational leader. A proper understanding of the major processes of organizational change...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Vanguard Healthcare Systems: Rehabilitation and Nursing

Introduction Vanguard Health was founded in 1997. It is one of the long-term care providers in the United States of America. Vanguard Health has many facilities that provide rehabilitation and nursing services to patients who are recovering from injuries, surgeries, and other illnesses. The current headquarters for the health system...

HIV/AIDS Prevalence in African-American Population

Introduction Nursing has developed into a unique profession that combines medical techniques with humanitarian and leadership skills. Advocacy for vulnerable populations and social justice is a fundamental aspect that defines nursing practice. It is the ethical duty of nurses to advocate for equitable health care and develop a vision of...

Child Labor, Its Forms, and Disputable Issues

Introduction Despite numerous attempts to eliminate remnants of the dark past and enter a new humanistic era, there are still numerous social stigmas that hamstring these efforts. It means that we still can observe such phenomena as slavery, discrimination, intolerance, poverty, etc. The disappointing effect that comes when facing these...

Professional Nurse Leader’s Interview on Nursing Philosophy

Introduction Nurses should develop adequate skills to deliver exemplary services to their patients. They should use leadership dexterities to influence and mentor others. Leadership has emerged as an evidence-based concept that can support the delivery of superior health services. This exercise, therefore, presents new concepts that can be used by...

Cultural Sensitivity, Awareness and Competence: Similarities and Differences

Introduction It should be noted that political, economic, social, and other processes taking place in society are gradually reflected in inter-ethnic contacts. This leads to the fact that they activate various psychological reactions both at the personal and at the group levels (Bird & Mendenhall, 2016). The exacerbation of ethnocentric...

China and India as Business Destinations

Introduction The current wave of globalization has transformed how business operations are executed. Within the past three decades, the number of multinational firms doing business in foreign countries has increased significantly. New practices such as offshoring and outsourcing have become common in the recent past (Gaspar et al. 12). These...

Crucibles of Leadership: Professional and Personal Growth

Introduction It should be noted that such concepts as transformational leadership, diversity management, and levels of power have helped me understand the concept of leadership better, and they will enable me to become more effective and functional in my future work. In particular, transformational leadership encourages employees to employ positive...

Descartes’ Meditations and Believes

Meditation I. Descartes reflects on numerous deceptions he has believed in, and the ensuing faultiness of the body of knowledge he has developed based on those falsehoods (Descartes Existence of God 17). Consequently, Descartes decides to relinquish the inherent knowledge and develop a new one based on definite foundations. Notably,...

Disabled People in “Forrest Gump” Film by Zemeckis

Introduction In the modern world, there is a wide range of opinions on factors that help to distinguish between mediocre unremarkable films and movie masterpieces that challenge viewers’ minds and, therefore, impact their views of life. Some viewers tend to be enraptured with abstract ideas that can be understood in...

Ginger as a Herbal Supplement in Medicine

Introduction Today, many people are involved in alternative medicine that is usually based on the use of natural supplements. Herbs and non-pharmacological approaches have already gained popularity around the whole world. However, not many people are actually aware of the origins and the mechanisms of action of the chosen product....

Philosophical Framework Based on Kantian Ethics

Philadelphia means the city of brotherly love. Using a rudimentary understanding of Greek language and thought, it is safe to say that philosophy is some sort of love for wisdom. It is my understanding that the passion for knowledge and wisdom inevitably leads to the construction of a personal philosophy,...

Healthcare Clinic: Cost and Benefit Analysis

Introduction Purchasing new equipment can provide an opportunity for increased profit margins and additional revenue. However, various components have to be considered in the process, including the prices for the installation, operating costs, salaries, and others that help determine whether the investment would provide an anticipated result. This paper aims...

Household Energy Use and Poverty

For a great number of contemporary people, it is hard to imagine living in a house with no energy. Energy use is needed to lighten our houses, prepare food, secure our access to the Internet, and keep us warm. However, in many developing countries, as well as among disadvantaged populations...

The Arab Spring and Terrorism

The Arab Spring refers to a wave of protests, coups, demonstrations, and civil wars that took place in several African and Asian countries between 2010 and 2012. The protests affected countries in North Africa and Middle East. The countries affected include Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Iraq, and Syria. The Tunisian Revolution...

Cannabis in the Workplace: Human Resource Guidelines

Introduction This memo is a response to the inquiry made previously about the current state of the law concerning marijuana use in the workplace. I have reviewed some recent and Ontario Human Rights Commission publications to provide relevant information concerning rights and obligations relating to cannabis use. Before delving into...

Deportation of Immigrants From the United States

Introduction When the problem of illegal immigration is debated, one fact is often not enough emphasized: the United States of America is a country that was initially founded and developed throughout history exclusively by migrants in the literal sense of the word. Nevertheless, it is also evident that contemporary American...

Artificial Intelligence Pros and Cons: Essay Sample

Artificial Intelligence Pros and Cons: Essay Introduction Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a machine’s ability to demonstrate intelligence comparable to that of humans. The AI algorithms are developed for a specific task, implying that a device can scan its environment and perform actions to achieve a set goal. The use of...

The Pressure Ulcers Clinical Problem: Ethical Considerations

Background of Study The clinical problem that led to this study involves the high prevalence of pressure ulcers among hospitalized patients. Initially, there were no definitive known ways to reduce pressure ulcers in hospitalized patients, and thus this study sought to fill in this knowledge gap. According to the author,...

Human Immunodeficiency Virus: Diagnosis and Overview

Introduction This paper addresses the human immunodeficiency virus and the aspects associated with it. It discusses the support needs of the interviewee who is living with HIV. The study also refers to the Healthy People 2020 objectives and investigates how they can be implemented to increase patients’ wellness. The paper...

Drug Addiction Is a Chronic Disease

I have hear people argue that drug addiction should not be considered a disease and should instead be considered as a lifestyle that is detrimental to one’s health, such as cigarette smoking. It is their belief that drug addiction is something that a person can start doing and then later...

Meeting Varying Learners’ Needs Concepts

Introduction Although teachers may have same curricula targets to achieve in learners, it is necessary to use varying teaching methodologies, which will ensure they meet all learner needs. Different learners have varying ways of acquiring knowledge that depends on their intellectual giftedness. Inclusion of value and diversity in teaching strategies...

Los Angeles and Its Historical Events

Introduction Nicknamed the City of Angels, Los angeles is one of the most popular cities in the world today. It is estimated to have a population of more than 3.8 million people. The Metropolitan area is a home of estimated thirteen million residents. L.A. county is the most populated and...

Duty and Conscience Relations Review

The problem of tension between duty and conscience has always been the center of the discussions. This problem is more painful in the war times when these two notions have frequently appeared in situations when a person had to kill his/her friend only because of the feeling of duty before...

“The House on Mango Street” Book by Sandra Cisneros

Introduction The House on Mango Street is a novel by Sandra Cisneros and tells the story of a young Latina girl, Esperanza Cordero who is brought up in a Chicago neighborhood full of Chicanos and Puerto Ricans. Residents in this neighborhood are so impoverished and full of social ills; everyone...

The Rebellion and Reaction in the 1960s and 1970s 

Introduction Historians have often mentioned the fact that twentieth-century science and technology was influenced every aspect of the lives of the American people. To secure radical interests, the twentieth-century young generation makes different movements in America. Different problems were expressed through their youth rebellions which made a variety of social...

Calibration of a Hugglands GPS Garmin

Definition of a handheld GPS unit A handheld GPS (Global Position System) unit can be defined as a portable apparatus/device which is meant to determine the exact location of a person, vehicle or anything else that is attached to it by the use of Global Positioning system technology (Huang, 1999)....

Elle Magazine Advertising Analysis

Introduction Whether we choose to recognize it or not, the media plays a large role in how we define ourselves as men and women, whether we are active or inactive, happy, sad, successful, attractive or a dozen other questions regarding who and what we are. These definitions come from the...

The Dependence Effect in Economics

The dependence effect refers to the way people’s wants are hinged on the process by which they are satisfied (Galbraith 159). Galbraith in his book explains the notion of dependence effect, in an attempt to criticize the economic outlook of demand theory that wants do exist on their own. This...

Algae: Classification, Evolution, and Lifecycle

Introduction The world is not just people, flora and fauna that are on the surface. There are great many of other different organisms that exist in the world, but most people do not see them. The marine world is strange and unique; the organisms that inhabit it may be ranged...

The Person-Centered Approach in Coaching

Introduction Coaching psychology has brought with it a new thinking in psychological practice. Many people, including the practitioners and clients, fail to recognize that coaching psychology principles are embedded on medical practice. In medicine, practitioners view themselves as experts against patients’ lives. In contrast, person-centered approach views clients as their...

The Concepts of Contemporary Democratic Governance and the Separation of Powers

Introduction This essay provides a working definition of representative democracy, constitutional democracy, and republic. It then evaluates how the foregoing concepts impact contemporary democratic governance. Representative Democracy, Constitutional Democracy, and Republic Working definitions are most relevant when one is dealing with concepts that have no definite meanings. In this case,...

Malignant Melanoma: Symptoms and Treatment

Introduction Mr. J is a 42-year-old construction worker who has been diagnosed with malignant melanoma skin cancer. The first symptoms of the condition noticed by the patient included the changes in the size, color, and surface of the mole on the man’s face. In addition, the man reported having the...

Macy’s Company’s Online Competition

Introduction Macy’s is one of the largest American store chains focused on fashion retailing. The area of its activity is quite extensive, and it implies the existence of numerous competitors. To maintain its position on the market, the company needs to implement specific strategies to increase its attractiveness from the...

Medical Ethics: Brain Dead and Its Technical Aspects

Introduction: Brain dead and its technical aspects The total and permanent nonexistence of all the activities of the functions of a brain can be defined as brain dead. Here all brain functions cease to exist and the patient starts to demonstrate apnea and coma and all his brain stem reflexes...

Sociocultural Context for Correct Translation

A good translation is essential to communicate an original idea using another language. A translator achieves good translation if they realize the urgency and self-evidence of the original text. In this regard, a good translation is possible when the translated text echoes and focuses on the original message and similarly...

Learning About SQL Server Databases

What is a database? According to the video series, “SQL Server 2005 Express Edition for Beginners,” a database is defined as a computer file that is optimized to store up data in a structured manner. The way in which data is stored in a database is well organized and ensures...

Job Limitation and Gender Sensitivity

Various organizational structures, processes, and practices are some of the issues which undermine gender equality. Women, just like men, have rewarding ideas if given opportunities to be heard. Female employees are made to live with aspects of discrimination, yet their work production capability is substantial. Much worse, human resource managers...

Free Will: Responsibility or Predetermination?

People use their free will to make decisions every day: what to eat for breakfast, when to leave home, how much time to spend on social media, and many others. The choice is often quick and subconscious; the current pace of living simply does not leave much time to analyze...

Koch Industries: Influence Tactics and Source of Power

Introduction The Koch brothers utilized different power sources and persuasion tactics in their long-running sibling rivalry for the control of Koch Industries. The company started in the 1900s by Fred, who spent most of his time fending off other established oil firms intending to drive him out of business due...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Good Manufacturing Practices for Pharmaceuticals

Creating conditions for the safe production of pharmaceuticals is a practice that has evolved significantly due to the introduction of modern approaches to the manufacturing process. As effective measures aimed to establish control in this industry, various measures are promoted to ensure the operation of pharmacological enterprises. These practices include...

Community Prevention: Type 2-Diabetes in California

Introduction Empirical studies that have been conducted in the state of California reveal that the health sector has initiated a community-based prevention and control project against the threat posed by diabetes. Evidence has shown that the population of the United States of America is highly susceptible to type 2-diabetes. As...

Proposal for Sustainable Innovation Strategies

Introduction Economic growth can be disassociated from the degradation of the environment by the development and use of new technologies (Hoque & Walsh 2011). As such, natural resources are depleting at an alarming rate. Therefore, it is prudent that governments, organizations, or individuals adopt sustainable innovation strategies (Weber & Hemmelskamp...

Smoking Cessation and Increase in Quality of Life

Introduction Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) ranks amid the most widespread chronic diseases across the globe and is currently the third major source of death in the United States. In the course of the last two decades, COPD-associated measures, including incidence and death rate, have augmented more rapidly among women...

The Brutal Reality of War in Poems and Art

The poem “The Man He Killed” by Thomas Hardy was published during the Second Boer War in 1902. Hardy opposed the colonial conflict between the British Empire and combined forces of the Orange Free State and the South African Republic and decided to portray the horrors the war embodied for...

Turning Points in Workers’ Rights in American History

Workers’ rights in America are essential to all employees as they protect them against discrimination under federal law based on religion, color, sexual orientation, race, disability, or even pregnancy. Between 1877 and the 1980s, there were several turning points in workers’ rights. These points had a tremendous impact on the...

The Seven Voyages of Chinese Admiral Zheng He

Introduction Admiral Zheng He, China’s ultimate sea captain, was born and bred in the countryside in a household of glorious Muslims around 1371. When his predecessor was killed, he was taken as a prisoner, beginning the incredible journey of switching identities upon which he would embark. In the 1400s, Zheng...

Personal Protective Equipment for Welders

Modern technical progress in the industry is inextricably linked with the improvement of welding production. Welding is widely used in the manufacture of metallurgical, chemical, and power equipment, various pipelines, mechanical engineering, and building. At the same time, welders work under challenging conditions associated with exposure to several harmful factors,...

The Issue of Patients Medication Reconciliation

Introduction Patient safety is the priority of the healthcare system as a whole and any given medical facility in particular. Medicine reconciliation is a pivotal element of patient safety that ensures eliminating medication prescription errors and minimizes risks for harmful effects. The problem identified in the worksite is that the...

Cross-Sectional Examination of US Gun Ownership

Introduction Gun rights in the US have at the middle of debates for several years since the issue has affected many families in the US. According to research conducted by Oraka et al., about 200 to 250 million firearms are circulating privately, and out of four Americans, one individual owned...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Analysis of Kant’s and Mill’s Theories of Ethics

Kantian Ethics Kant’s theory of ethics is one of the deontological moral theories. Such theories assert that the rightness or wrongness of human actions is independent of their consequences but dependent on whether they help people fulfil their duties. In this theory, Kant encourages people to do what is good...

Emotions Constitute Rationality: Philosophical Perspective

Introduction Since classical times, humans have tried to explore and describe the mechanisms that regulate life both for particular individuals and societies. Among the essential issues are the origin of feelings and their role in decision-making; specifically, philosophers of all epochs sought to answer the question of whether emotions interfere...

Carter-Reagan-Bush Bipartisan Consensus

The last two decades of the Cold War are filled with many political controversies in the inner policies of the United States. Within the span of sixteen years, America was dominated by both Democratic and Republican parties, yet, the general policy has remained surprisingly the same regardless of the presidential...

The Poem “My Son, My Executioner” by Donald Hall

The cardinally new style of the expressed idea is presented in the poem My Son, My Executioner by Donald Hall. The poem presents the point of view of the parent, for whom the born child is the executioner. The very origin of the idea is emphasized by the short size...

Socialisms of Orestes Brownson and Eugene Debs

As the United States spearheaded the development of the capitalist economy in the world in many respects, the inequalities and disadvantages of industrialization and the market revolution provoked widespread resentment. Dissatisfaction with the low income and poor living conditions of wage laborers, as opposed to the growing profits of industrialists...

The Difference Between Plato and Aristotle’s Views

Introduction The teachings on philosophy, morality, and politics have followed Plato’s ideals. Aristotle enlightened the community on ideals of life and insights into what a good life should be and intended their concepts to be well understood and influence societal opinions positively and elaborately. Some of Aristotle’s works are founded...

What Is Agile Project Management?

Introduction Project management is one of the most challenging stages of any enterprise in any business area. It is safe to say that a significant part of the enterprise’s success depends on it. Effective project management requires managers and employees to have vast theoretical knowledge and well-developed professional skills. Researchers...

The Shutter Island Movie by Martin Scorsese

Introduction The neo-noir genre, which is more auteur than mass, is valued for the special atmosphere in which filmmakers reveal the deep personalities and experiences of characters and raise acute social issues. Although the vast majority of modern directors have moved away from this style, which is aimed at a...

Social Media and Work Productivity

In today’s world, many people constantly use social networks, which affects the change in business and its strategies. First, the companies themselves pay attention to their media and Internet presence. Secondly, company employees have constant access to social networks, which encourages them to develop addiction (Priyadarshini et al., 2020). The...

Uber Company: Business Case Study

Introduction Despite promoting a favorable image, not all organizations always follow the basics of good behavior. The provided case study (CS) presents the situation of Uber protecting its employees who harassed other individuals working in the corporation. Although Uber made some changes after an independent investigation, the scandal resulted in...

Recognition of Human Rights for LGBT Individuals

Introduction It is widely acknowledged that wellness and individual rights are intertwined. The rights to inclusivity, freedom from discriminatory practices, life, and the freedom to marry and raise a family are covered by various articles under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) (United Nations). Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and...

A Trade Policy for Game Consoles in the US and Brazil

Introduction Trade policies are certain agreements and rules that apply to international trade. This policy regulates what goods and services, and on what basis, can be exported or imported to countries, depending on the established agreements between their governments. Each country has its trade policy, which, among other things, sets...

Goodwill LLC: The Costing System

Company Overview Goodwill LLC is a limited company operating in the pet industry. The company manufactures pet collars, leashes, and harnesses to improve pet management and has been in operation for one month. Evaluation is critical to determine whether or not the business is making profits. The key activities performed...

Play vs. Come and Go by Samuel Beckett

The novelty of Samuel Beckett’s vision of performance art continues to affect the American scene. Postmodernism is apparent in the author’s works, which are thoughtful and complicated in their writing, acting, lighting, and other aspects (McNaughton, 2018). Beckett’s Come and Go is a short play with only a few lines...

The Article “The Nature of the Firm” by Ronald Coase

Introduction In his article “The Nature of the Firm,” economist Ronald Coase (1937) explores why firms exist instead of producing everything through market exchange. Coase argues that the main reason for the existence of firms is the transaction cost of using the market. He explains that firms exist because it...

Inflammation, Tissue Repair, and Wound Healing

Introduction In many cases, inflammation response includes redness, loss of function, swelling, heat, and pain. Inflammation refers to the immune response of the body resulting from tissue injury, attack by pathogens, and effects from chemicals and radiation (Abdulkhaleq et al., 2018). In the provided case study, the physiological mechanism causing...

Steppenwolf by Hermann Hesse

Steppenwolf by Hermann Hesse is a psychological novel as it contains a lot of Freudian and Jungian undercurrents in its theme. One finds the hero Harry Haller trying to cope up with the many sides of his personality. In fact, Haller suffers from a dual personality. Throughout the novel, the...

Articles of Confederation vs. Constitution of 1787

Introduction The mid-178-s became a great challenge to American democracy. The disputes around the structure of states became acuter than ever before. Despite the lack of agreement in the government upon a series of questions, the majority of parties realized the necessity for the implementation of a new constitution that...

Momenta Pentop Computer’s Design and Technology

Introduction Momenta Corporation was known as the first company that developed the design of a tablet computer. Known as a pen top – a touch-sensitive tablet computer operated by means of a pen – it was a revolutionary and innovative technology at the beginning of the 1990s. Nevertheless, regardless of...

Electronic Health Records and Safety Incidents

Introduction Health information technology (IT) is receiving more and more interest from scholars who investigate the threats and opportunities presented to the healthcare industry by innovations. The current paper aims to analyze a current and relevant issue related to health IT and outline in what ways this topic may impact...

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Raymond Williams’s Opinion About Culture in Society

Introduction In his work, Raymond Williams discussed culture on the basis of his own observations and considerations. The author pointed out that it is ordinary because it is created by the shared means and is available to all. Still, his view seems to be not relevant to the culture in...

Improving Care in Highly Populated Senior Citizens

The Issue Florida is a state with a very high population of senior citizens (“Population and demographic data,” 2017). People are either living on their own or in retirement homes, and communities often require additional care. This fact makes elderly care one of the most important issues in the state....

Fleet Sheet Company: New Businesses Establishment

Potential difficulties of starting a business in a transition economy and recommendations on how they should be confronted Starting and maintaining a new business is always a challenge aggravated by adverse conditions prevalent in a transitional economy; an economy transforming from centrally planned to free-market economy. The potential difficulties faced...

Euthanasia as a Christian Ethical Dilemma

Having to make a complicated choice between two different options is a part and parcel of life. The choices, which people make, define their future spiritual growth and create premises for their evolution. While it would be erroneous to state that the wrong decisions that people make mean that they...

Direct and Indirect Nursing Care Providers

Introduction: Significance of Learning the Core Competencies It is crucial for a nurse to be able to identify the area of practice and isolate the goals that need to be accomplished. Thus, the needs of the target audiences will be met in a manner as efficient and expeditious as possible....

Heart Failure Patients and Telenursing Intervention

Introduction Telenursing is becoming a more and more popular method of evidence-based care that helps patients and their families to manage health conditions without having to drive long distances to the hospital. Telehealth is employed not only for people living far from healthcare facilities but also for those who need...

Wal-Mart Stores Customer Service Perspective

Introduction Customer service perspective serves as an instrument to ensure that all company’s employees are committed to the customer’s needs since they are the most important aspects in business continuity and sustainability. Wal-Mart Stores Inc is a large-scale business enterprise founded by Sam Walton and known to be the most...

Radio Frequency Identification Aloha Protocols

Aloha and Slotted Aloha Handling Protocols in RFID Technology Radiofrequency identification (RFID) is used to distinguish, track, and oversee, tagged items using remote correspondence innovation (Aktar, 2016). A genuine concern confronted by RFID innovation is the collisions that happen among tag reactions at the point when questioned by a collision...

Improving the Level of Surgeon Graduates

Introduction Surgical experience is one of the hardest to obtain in an academic or a hospital setting due to the high costs of performing practice on real human corpses and high risks of allowing an undertrained surgeon to operate on a living patient. The lack of effective and available means...

Relevance of the First Amendment

Introduction The First Amendment to the US Constitution is a document vital to the regulation of the life of its citizens and the functioning of the country’s governmental bodies (Stone et al. 21). Despite its significance, the initiative has been subject to frequent criticism. Although critics of The First Amendment...

Patient Experiences of Caring and Person-Centredness

The title of this article represents a quite accurate description of the article. It pointed to the aims and the results of the study, and also it contained most keywords that facilitate searching for the study and recognizing it. This title is considered as a statement of the declarative type,...

Three-Strikes Law for Preventing Violent Crimes

Introduction: The Three-Strikes Law and the Controversy around It Despite numerous attempts to address the issue of violent crimes, the current statistics indicate that the subject matter remains a significant problem that needs to be addressed accordingly. According to recent statistics, 1,163,146 attempted violent crimes were committed in 2013 (Federal...

Teachers’ Attitude Impact on the Educational System Success

Changes to the established framework of education are always fraught with certain disruptions in the academic process, yet these alterations are also essential to the improvement of education quality. Therefore, shaping the curriculum is critical to the further progress of learners and their ability to develop the necessary skills (Hart...

Leadership Skills Development: Strategic Plan

Individual Mission Statement The term leadership can be defined in different ways. Some scholars define leadership based on the individual capabilities of leaders. In this definition, leadership is defined as a function of having self-knowledge, having a well-communicated vision, creating and developing trust among other people, and taking the right...

Overviewing Managerial Work and Organizations

Introduction The table of contents (TOC) is the kind of navigational section usually found in publications which include books and other texts like magazines. Usually, it is written near the front of a publication and indicates its content together with the specific page numbers of the various sections. It is...

Political Corruption and Solutions

Introduction The issue of corruption has been in existence since the conception of politics as a notion. However, even if the phenomenon cannot be erased completely from modern society, it is necessary to minimize it and create a system of values that deems it as unacceptable. By introducing the modern...

The World Remade: World War I

Introduction World War I became one of the most meaningful events that shaped the history of humanity and preconditioned the development of global intercourse in a particular way. WWI was inevitable as it was driven by the existing peculiarities of international relations and multiple countries struggle for dominance and promotion...

Sexual and Reproductive Health Education

Problem Statement and Thesis The influence of sexual and reproductive health literacy on health outcomes of individuals could hardly be underestimated in the contemporary public health sector. However, it should be stated that the particular focus on the role of sexual and reproductive health education in the adaption of women...

Daily Stretching Program for Endurance and Resistance

Introduction Daily stretching refers to a consistent weight-training program. This may include Aerobic sessions, jogging, and physical workouts. Beginners of a body exercise program have targets and goals in mind, which motivate them to train on their weight. The need to exercise your body can have short-term or long-term benefits....

America’s Fear during the Cold War

America’s fear during the Cold War can be summarized as the fear of Mutually Assured Destruction or M.A.D. M.A.D. because even if America was the first to develop the atomic bomb across the Atlantic Britain, France and U.S.S.R. would soon develop their own nuclear weapons. The last was terrifying since...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Hiring Prior Military for a Job

To begin with, it is a question of great inquisitiveness: whether military background helps people in hiring job or not? First, employers are seeking workers who have an idea of how their knowledge, experience, habits or skills meet the requirements of definite job. Two things take place when one is...

Protectionism or Free Trade as a Ways of Reversing Trade Deficit

Abstract Free trade or protectionism has always been a controversial debate not only within countries but in the global trading arena. The issue was brought back to the forefront with the onset of the global economic recession that has plagued almost every country. Countries were looking at ways of reversing...

Urban Versus Rural Areas: Compare and Contrast

Introduction There has been series of questions on the quality of having a superior or more favourable living condition or position between the rural and urban existence. However, High social status is the most important cardinal concern in the relation based on similarities and differences between rural versus urban course...

World Trade Organization and North American Free Trade Agreements

The world trade organization and North America free trade agreements are both international trade agreements with several similarities and differences. This assessment paper will be deeply focusing on their comparisons and their ways of settling disputes. Both agreements have a common relationship towards the field of trade and economic of...

Bailey Jon and Burch Mary “How Dogs Learn”

There is much written on the issue of “how to train Dogs”; but there are questions and problems addressed better in this book than in any other book on the same. This review is an analysis of how useful this book is in the practice of Dog training. The book...

Aqua by Grandstand: Mobile by Nature

The hospitality industry is very volatile. The market competition is very stiff. To succeed, a company must develop guiding objectives in order to capture and retain customers. Aqua by Grandstand was conceived and developed with specific objectives by its owners. They wanted to transform it into a modern club-lounge by...

Democracy: Principles and Critiques

Diversity and Democracy Diversity has become a popular human resources concept in the recent years (Levine, 2003). The way its ideas seem to correlate with the principles of democracy makes them very alluring. The Democratic Principles Chosen Among the main principles of democracy the equality of all people and the...

Using YouTube as a Customer Communication Vehicle

Strategy for using YouTube for communicating with customers Social media tools such as YouTube have become essential for most organizations. In turn, organizations have turned them into management tools. YouTube has become one of the social media business communities uses in promoting their customer relationships. Management teams have learnt to...

Participant Observations: Definition, Preconceptions, Characteristics

Abstract Participant observation is the most widespread of all forms of the investigative, elaborate and systematic observable plan. Introduction Observation is either the action of a human being which comprises of obtaining information of the outside world by means of the senses or the recording of information using technical equipment....

Hate Crimes Against Homosexuals in American Colleges

The United States Laws related to Hate Crime is instrumental in providing protection against crimes that are stimulated by animus or enmity against a certain class who are under the protection of the state. Hate crime laws in the United States vary in accordance with federal and state laws. However,...