Beyond the Binary Sexual Identity

Multidimensional Sexualities of Modern Youth Human sexuality is a complex of emotional, social, erotic behaviors, and feelings that people express toward other individuals. According to Westbrook, such categories as “sex, gender, and sexuality are… socially constructed systems, changing over time and varying across cultures” (33). Given the intricacy of the...

English Law: Principles, Impacts, Areas

Main Principles that Underpin the English Contract Law The English law of contract is a product of common law. It started as a tradition by the English people and was later codified into laws. The law of contract has basic traits that distinguish it from any other law in other...

U.S. v. Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev

Introduction The U.S. v. Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev case is widely known since the explosions of the homemade bombs planted by Dzhokhar and Tamerlane Tsarnaev at the Boston Marathon killed and injured many people. Advocates of Dzhokhar, who was sentenced to death, subsequently filed an appeal upheld on July 31, 2020...

Obesity in Hispanic American Citizens

Ethnic Minority Group Description Hispanic, or Latino, Americans are defined as the descendants of Spanish people, which includes Mexicans. In the U.S., Hispanic/Latino Americans constitute approximately 18.5% of the population, according to the results of the latest census (The United States Census Bureau, 2019). The specified population is characterized by...

Abortions: Pro-Choice vs. Pro-Life

The issue of abortions has always been a controversial one leading to multiple clashes between irreconcilable ideologies. Despite the recent trend of decline in the use of the procedures, the discussion remains valid (Jones & Jerman, 2017). There are certain critical social and economic situations in which a mothers decision...

Public Corruption in the Field of Criminal Justice

Corrupt judicial and policing systems hinder the success of anti-corruption efforts in various states. Morally compromised justice sectors have crippled institutional frameworks for curbing deception. The extreme effects of corruption undermine the rule of law and avert sustainable development. Essentially, the act compromises the principles of integrity, independence, equality, and...

Why Bullies Should Be Expelled from School?

Introduction School is one of the most important social institutions that have an educational and educative function. Safety is a critical element of a school that requires constant monitoring and development. Bullying encroaches on school safety, so now the question of what to do with bullies is quite relevant. The...

Cyber Security: The Nature and Scope of Cybercrime

Introduction While cybercrime has become synonymous with web operations that lead to the latest complicated illegal activities. These are criminal activities that are carried out through the use of computers using the internet (Lakshmanan, 2019). Furthermore, nowadays, information is a goldmine and, a source of wealth that is utilized in...

SABRE System: Research Brief Report

Introduction For several decades technological development and adoption have been occurring at a dramatically accelerated pace. Companies are seeking ways to enhance their competitiveness through digitalizing their process. However, not all inventions end up meeting the expectations of their creators; some are rendered obsolete even before being launched, while others...

The Civil Rights Movement History

Introduction The American Civil War, in which more citizens died than in any other war involving the United States, freed slaves. However, being formally free, African-Americans also continued to be victims of prejudice and discrimination. In the late nineteenth century, the Jim Crow segregation laws came into force, prohibiting voting,...

Board Governance Principles for Nonprofits

Introduction The staff of the nonprofit foundation has a significant impact on shaping the specific programs under its goals and values. However, the influence of the staff should not be overestimated, as the foundation’s board has the right to approve or not approve the staff’s recommendations (Hofland, 2007). In addition,...

Socrates: Life and Death Discussion

Introduction The Phaedo is among Plato’s most renowned and extensively read dialogues. However, the discussion raised several contentious problems about the conceptions of life and death, as well as what happens after death. Socrates, for example, argues in the dialogue that the soul should not be consumed by the demands...

What Factors Influence Self-Identity?

Introduction For people, existing without self-identity is impossible, which has defined the significance of exploring self-identity. Though the subject matter is completely intangible, it constitutes a vital part of one’s self. In fact, even defining an identity is quite hard due to the number of components that it contains and...

Historical Origin of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

Introduction The world’s three major religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, grew from the same historical rootstock. Each monotheistic faith worships one god and embraces various sacred writings. Judaism was founded in the 6th century BCE by Abraham, Christianity originated in the 1st century AD after the death of Christ, and...

Elements of Art in David Composing Psalms

David composing the Psalms is an illumination from the renowned Paris Psalter CA, 950-970, in which the artist employed the illuminated manuscript medium (McClanan, FIG.14-9). A plane is a horizontally oriented flat surface that functions in two and three dimensions. When studying the surface of a relief sculpture, it is...

Initech vs. The Coffee Bean: The Role of Negative Strengthening

Managers that are unconcerned about employee motivation and satisfaction are jeopardizing their company’s success. It is critical that business leaders implement measures to ensure minimal staff turnover by placing a priority on both clients and employees. According to Warrick (2017), doing so ensures the business’s continuity and provides it with...

Theoretical Explanation of Personality

Introduction It is important to note that personality is a term referring to differences between individuals when it comes to their behaviors, emotions, and thoughts. The given assessment is concerned with my personality viewed under the lenses of Freudian and Adlerian psychodynamic frameworks, the social learning theory, and Maslow’s personality...

The Chotukool Project in India

Introduction In India, where many people live in poverty and do not have access to basic electronic devices, Chotukool is a unique solution to the problem of food hoarding. The organization’s push for disruptive innovation and breakthrough management is also largely driven by its executive vice president Mr. Sunderraman (Schiling,...

Childhood Obesity: The Parents’ Responsibility

Introduction Childhood obesity is a complex disease characterized by exceeding the age-growth norm of a child’s body weight. One should recognize that obesity in children has spread in many countries over the past three decades, and today this phenomenon represents a severe global concern (Han et al. 1). The condition,...

Analysis of “Between World and Me” by Ta-Nehisi Coates

Introduction Coates reflected the lonely state of America in a letter to his young son. For Coates, the pursuit of happiness is so biased that, supposedly, white people are now almost as interested in exterminating the black and other races as their ancestors. Coates’ writing is driven by his shock...

Whistleblowing and Critical Thinking

Introduction The term “whistleblowing” first surfaced in the late years of the twentieth century. The concept is simple: when an employee sees their company or fellow colleagues partaking in deliberate wrongdoing that concerns public interest, they “blow the whistle” by reporting the misdeed to an authorized person or organization (Bazzichelli...

How Search Tools Can Be Useful Professionally

Introduction Learning is a process that requires continuous effort and exposure to various aspects for knowledge consolidation and application in real life. The Virtual Field Trip (VFT) provides a great opportunity for exploring key phenomena and relating them to learning resources. Google Chrome has been my preferred browser due to...

The Boys of Baraka: African American Youth Development

Introduction The Boys of Baraka is a documentary about African American families living in violent and drug-infested neighborhoods. The documentary filmmakers follow the lives of four young African American males who are offered the opportunity to change their lives. At a meeting, recruiter Baraka tells potential pupils that they have...

Transformations in American Women’s Roles: From Pre-WWI to the Roaring Twenties

Introduction Women have faced many sorts of oppression and prejudice throughout history. The Roaring Twenties depicted remarkable shifts in career prospects and societal expectations for women during the years to and following World War I (Johnson 2). The expanded number of job options opened to women was one of the...

Alternative Fuels and Personnel in Automobile Industry

This paper is aimed to consider two important issues connected with the automobile industry. The first is fuel alternatives. The other is the staff and potential productivity. The paper will speculate on how these issues might influence the company’s policies and strategies. Besides, it is going to provide examples of...

Coping Strategies for Nurses: Managing Stress and Enhancing Well-Being

Introduction The PICO question guiding this paper is; in nurses working 12-hour shifts, do strategies to control stress, compared with doing nothing, reduce nurse errors, and improve patient outcomes, in a period of one year? The paper is a critique of a quantitative study examining effective interventions for stress reduction...

Understanding the Responsibilities of Managed Care Providers in Modern Healthcare Systems

Types of health care providers Health care providers in a hospital Providers in residential long-term care facilities Providers of ambulatory health care Providers of different ancillary services Retailers and other providers of medical goods Providers of preventive care services Note: Hospitals are primarily involved in health care services to inpatients...

Quality Collaboration Initiatives at Kendall Regional Medical Center

Health care is a highly dynamic field that constantly evolves and reviews its core concepts. Naturally, with improvements in means of care delivery and the changing social and scientific standards, the understanding of the goals and objectives of health care were also reshaped. Among these changes are the definitions of...

Economic Profit and Opportunity Cost in Monopolistic Competition

Why are economic profits zero in the long run in a monopolistically competitive market? Economic profit refers to the difference between the overall income and the combined expenditure. The amount of expenses may be viewed from the business perspective of opportunity cost. In a monopolistically competitive business environment, such profits...

Key Elements and Remedies in Contract Law

Contracts are the critical elements of the everyday business operations, as they define clearly the positions of each party. Nonetheless, some legal issues have a tendency to exist due to the complicated structure and the vitality of the particular elements for the contract creation. The primary goal of this paper...

Mountain Dew Brand Marketing Strategies

Mountain Dew was one of PepsiCo’s brands in the carbonated soft drinks category. In 1973, BBDO New York, PepsiCo’s “agency of records for Pepsi”, became the advertising agency for the Mountain Dew brand (Harvard Business School par. 4). BBDO was a leading ad firm that attracted high-end clients because of...

Low Wages and Inequality Solutions in the USA

Introduction Unemployment and low wages are the issues of the day in the USA. Despite the fact that official unemployment rates remain relatively low, standing at 4.1% (Paul et al.), the number of individuals being partially employed has increased dramatically. The high-paying end of the labor market enjoys reasonable yearly...

Bipolar Disorder: Risk Factors Analysis

In order to properly and thoroughly assess the potential risk factor of bipolar affective disorder (BAD), it is important to overview and analyze the current literature on the given subject. The research studies conducted on BAD can be categorized into two major subcategories regarding their approach to the issue. Some...

China’s Foreign Policies and Influence on East Asia

Abstract This paper gives a critical look at China in terms of regional integration in the East Asia region. The main topic of this paper touches on China and regional integration in the East Asia and the challenges that must be overcome. This paper takes an analytical approach into the...

Cuban Missile Crisis in American History

The Cuban missile crisis was one of the defining incidents of the Cold War period where the world came very close to being engulfed in a thermonuclear war. The confrontation between the United States and the erstwhile Soviet Union over the placement of nuclear-armed missiles in Cuba is one of...

Juvenile Delinquency: Main Theories

Psychological Theories Kohlberg theory of moral development outlines three different levels. In the pre-conventional level the concept of obedience and punishment channels moral reasoning and individual perceptions are formed on the basis of individual needs during middle childhood. The conventional level is reached when middle childhood ends; the expectations held...

Ancient Literature. Decision Making in Iliad by Homer

The story of the Iliad is a famous one. When the cruel Trojan prince Paris abducts the queen of Agamemnon, Helen, war ensues between the two countries across the seas. Many heroes and gods take sides and fight the war. It is the first famous book written in Europe, written...

Great Fire of London and the Way to its Reconstruction

On September 2, 1666, the City of London burnt with fire that lasted for three days. The entire territory of the City was ruined, the houses and stone buildings burnt down. More than 80 000 citizens of London lost their homes. First, they camped in the fields nearby the city,...

Early America Civil War Period Analysis

Background The United States of America Civil War began on April 12th, 1861, as a result of the unending deep-rooted sectional conflict that was reflected by economic and social-political disparities between the northern and the southern regions. In the election that was held in 1860, the Republican Party under the...

The Metamorphosis of Gregor Samsa and His Family

Introduction The Metamorphosis is one of the best-known works of German-language writer Franz Kafka. Originally titled as Die Verwandlung, the short story was first published in 1915. Since its publication, The Metamorphosis received a lot of attention from critics and readers, fascinated by the surreal and tragic story of an...

Racial Tensions in “Recitatif” by Toni Morrison

Introduction “Recitatif” is a short story written by Tony Morrisson, which depicts the experience of Twyla and Roberta. The story uncovers many themes, including child neglect and racial tensions of the era. The plot development allows seeing the relationship between two childhood friends and the different life experiences and views...

Organizational Politics of Hewlett-Packard

Introduction Analyzing political behavior and interactions is challenging for several reasons. First, the object of analysis is the complex relationships of entire groups of influential persons. Second, their position makes it extremely difficult to obtain information about their lives and the reasons for their actions. Often, companies do not reveal...

Professional Roles and Values: Nursing Regulations and Ethics

California State Regulations regarding Nurses After the case study scenario is considered, it is obvious that the major issues that the nurse faces during the case of Mr. E include professional ethics matters, as well as legal regulations for nursing practice. First, the nurse is to participate in deciding on...

Influenza Subtypes: H5N1 and H1N1

Influenza viruses can be categorized into three. These subtypes are named as A, B and C with A type viruses infecting humans, birds, horses, pigs and other animals. The natural hosts for these viruses are wild birds. A review of available substantiation on potential transmission of avian influenza indicates that...

Contemporary Islamic Art: Hojat Amani’s “Fallen Angels”

Introduction Today, Islamic art has a strong presence in the world. Contemporary artists continue to explore the line between the modern and ancient as they combine modern technology, political messages, and history. All art in the LACMA is traditional to a certain extent: it uses the Arabic alphabet and traditional...

“Effects of a Mindfulness Task on Women’s Sexual Response” by Velten et al.

Purpose of the Study One of the peculiar characteristics of female sexuality is the independence of women’s emotional, behavioral, and physiological responses to sexual stimuli. Female sexual response is not a monolith, uniform phenomenon; in fact, it is possible to break it down to at least two major components. The...

Criminal Law in the United States of America

Introduction It is first of all necessary to define the scope of criminal law and its implication upon society. It could be reasonably defined that criminal law is that offshoot of law that bans certain kinds of conduct or behavior and deems it intrinsic to enforce punishment or penal action...

Nike Inc. Financial Analysis

Business summary The Nike Company was incorporated in 1967 to run its operations; to design, develop, and market its products of athletic footwear, equipment, and services. Nike has then developed to be among the world’s best brands. The company markets its products through its retail shops all over the world...

Social Worker Challenges Today and the Future of the Planet

Abstract The paper examines the possible positions taken by social workers in the United States and the United Nations. The demography and characteristics of social workers are considered. The work compares ambitious projects to improve the public future and finds similarities between them. The personal ambitions of the employee and...

Scientific Report Draft on Osmosis Egg Experiment

Introduction to Osmosis Osmosis is one of the important ways that plants and animals achieve homeostasis (Djelti 48). It is the process of moving water through a semipermeable membrane from an area of low osmolarity to an area of high osmolarity. Osmosis plays a vital role in the body of...

Trinity Community Hospital Treating Opioid Withdrawal

The Trinity health center is a 150-bed, non-commercial facility situated in the heart of town that offers a comprehensive range of medical, surgical, and health issue mitigation services to the surrounding area’s residents. Here is a link to a recent community health needs assessment completed by the hospital only a...

The Value of Saying “Please” and “Thank You”

Introduction The issues of presenting appropriate manners and adequate etiquette are more relevant nowadays than they have ever been. Generally, one’s manners are judged by their verbal and external demonstration of basic etiquette principles, such as saying “please” and “thank you.” The history of the expressions highlights the fact that...

Underdeveloping Reasons of Africa, Asia and Latin America

Introduction Two of the most critical contemporary global development concerns are poverty and globalization. Despite the vast possibilities of globalization to accelerate economic growth through increased international economic integration, its influence on reducing poverty levels has been inconsistent and even minimal in some countries. In many places in developing countries,...

Osteoporosis: Diagnosis and Treatment

Background The Osteoporosis condition is often prevalent among the elderly. Osteoporosis makes the body absorb more of the bone tissue than it produces. As a result, the bones become weary and weak (Porter & Varacallo). Some of the bones may become porous and eventually fracture. When the condition has advanced,...

Porter’s Five Forces Analysis of the Food and Beverage Industry

Introduction As many Australian university students spend money on food and drinks on campus, the proposed business idea is the establishment of a food truck where students will be able to buy snacks and desserts that are healthy, vegan-friendly, and gluten-free. The proposed business is related to the food and...

Life and Eternity Through the Prism of Artworks

To understand the hidden meanings of artwork, a consideration of history, technics, and the author’s biography might be helpful. For my analysis, I chose two works of art, a painting and a poem. I chose The Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone by Thomas Moran. A famous American painter, Thomas Moran,...

Hardware and Software Components of Computer Network

Introduction The study of how people interact with computers is known as human-computer interaction (HCI). There is no way for a computer to function without software, which is why the two are inextricably linked. However, the software would be meaningless if not for the development of hardware to execute tasks...

Women’s Mental Health Disorder: Major Depression

Introduction Mental health disorders severely influence individuals’ lives in multiple aspects, often making them incapable of completing daily tasks and communicating with others. Major depression (MD) is the most common deviation and, in 2020, it was experienced by more than 21 million adults in the United States (National Institute of...

The Role Exercise Plays in Diabetes Prevention

Introduction Physical exercise significantly affects the management and prevention of diabetes, together with the overall health of individuals. Physical exercise includes activities that maintain the body’s general well-being and physical and mental state. Exercise significantly impacts glucose levels within the body, reducing risk factors such as cardiovascular and preventing and...

Legitimization of Prostitution

Prostitution is the exchange of sexual acts for payment. There are many reasons why people enter prostitution and some of them are age, early home leaving, childhood sexual abuse, drug abuse and poverty (Sullivan, 2001). Prostitution is accompanied by many problems chief among them being physical and sexual abuse, drug...

Discrimination and Human Rights Laws

What are rights? Rights refer to legal claims that enable a particular group or individuals to have access to a particular entitlement. They are protected under the law of justice, although they are not always willingly granted since sometimes a group or an individual has to fight for their rights...

Impact of Nursing Care Models on Patient Safety and Care Quality

Introduction Nursing care models differ across facilities and depending on the circumstances of the patients. Nursing care models are divided into two categories, task-oriented and patient-oriented. The two most important task-oriented task models include team nursing and practical nursing. On the other hand, the patient-oriented models are primary and total...

79-Year-Old Sara Anderson: Coping with Loss in a New Country

Introduction The subsequent hypothetical case study aims its attention towards the 79-year-old female. She has applied for help from the agency that provides case management for low-income seniors who live at home and for whom English is a second language because of her recent loss. Sara Anderson is a Caucasian...

Conflicts in Healthcare Teams at Miami Hospitals: Analyzing Causes and Solutions

Introduction The stressful workplace environment of a modern healthcare facility is known to be prone to conflicts. While they are traditionally viewed as having a negative impact on the performance of nurses, the application of relevant leadership skills and thorough analysis can turn an incident into an advantage. However, in...

Misrepresentations of Arab Women in Hollywood

Misrepresentation of various ethnic and religious backgrounds in Hollywood movies is not a new phenomenon: indeed, the only culture that Hollywood filmmakers can represent without bias or mistreatment is the modern American culture. Characters of other national, ethnic or religious backgrounds, such as Latino, Muslims, and even Europeans, are often...

“Leading Change” by John P. Kotter

Leading Change: Overview The book Leading Change by John P. Kotter, Professor of Leadership at Harvard Business School, explores the concept of change management in great detail. The author begins with a thorough explanation of reasons for failure on the part of managers to realize new strategic goals, motivate employees,...

The Lottery & The Rocking Horse Winner Compare & Contrast Essay

Introduction Everyone lives in a culture, where cultural norms, expectations, and traditions dictate what a fortunate or happy life is. They can choose to ignore these pressures or conform to them. Two authors, Shirley Jackson and David Herbert Lawrence in their short stories The Lottery and The Rocking Horse Winner...

Mind-Body Connection in Learning

The mind is a complicated body machine that can not be imagined. Research has shown that it weighs about 1.5-kilo grams and that it has more than 50 billion connections to the body through nerve endings and nerve cells. The brain is not independent but it works together with other...

Themes and Styles in Anne Bradstreet’s Poems

Introduction The three poems by Anne Bradstreet, namely: In Honor of That High and Mighty Princess Queen Elizabeth of Happy Memory, To the Memory of My Dear and Ever Honored Father Thomas Dudley Esq. Who deceased, July 31, and of his age 71, and Contemplations have a number of elements...

Bell’s Post-industrial Society Theory and Braverman’s Deskilling Theory

Introduction The change in social stratification was present during the agrarian and all through to the industrial revolution. These past revolutions brought changes that socialists had to theoretically examine their consequences in the future. Bell and Braverman contributed to theories of the labor process but their ideologies were different and...

Geringer and Herbert on Effectiveness of Joint Ventures

Introduction Since the advent of globalization, new forms and types of businesses have emerged across the world (Robson, Leonidou and Katsikeas, 2001; Gong, Shenkar, Luo and Nyaw, n.d). One of the popular forms of business that characterize society today is the Joint Ventures (JV), which is perceived to be more...

The Coronavirus Outbreak and Its Effects on the U. S. Government

Introduction The pandemic of coronavirus disease continues to affect the maintenance of essential services and different aspects of daily life in the United States. The country’s government reacts to this rapidly evolving situation by designing and implementing new measures to reduce social interaction and prevent the spread of disease. This...

Anatomy, Physiology, and Living Habitats of Red Panda

Introduction The Tanuki, also called the Japanese Racoon Dog, is a subspecies of the Asian Racoon Dog. In Japanese folklore, the Tanuki is a benevolent but sneaky rascal, which is why its statues, featuring giant testicles and wide-brim hats, are sprinkled across many Japanese cities and towns. The animal has...

The Problems of Racism in Modern Society

Introduction Racism is one of the oldest problems known to society. Although all humans in their essence are the same, many people are prone to this issue, considering one race better or worse than another. The analysis includes a comparison of two sources devoted to this topic. The first of...

Organizational Behavior: Theory X, Theory Y, and the Hawthorne Studies

Explain McGregor’s Theory X and Y The approaches to managing organizational behavior are numerous and very diverse, yet most of them can be grouped according to specific criteria and categorized accordingly. McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y, which are expected to explain the rationale behind leadership choices and the effects...

Change in Composition of Bank Funding Since 2008

Component of bank funding and their importance Banks operating in Australia have a variety of sources of funds. The main components are deposits, short-term debts, and long-term debts. Over 50% of bank funding originates from retail deposits. Approximately 40% of the total funds emanate from the financial market. Banks draw...

Children’s Health Insurance Program: The Role of Nurses

Healthcare Program The USA federal government has presently elaborated and introduced many programs that ensure the access of low-income families and different social classes, irrespective of their ethnic affiliation, to high-quality care services. In this regard, being at the forefront of healthcare delivery, nurses play an integral role in achieving...

Governance and Infrastructure in a Small Medical Practice

Background Statement Midtown Neurology has faced significant issues regarding governance and infrastructure management. Initially, the medical practice was founded by a single physician who had over 20 years of experience helping the community members. As the practice grew further, it has changed from a “mom-n-pop” operation to a more significant...

Soft Touch Company’s Marketing Plan

Situation Analysis Soft Touch Company has been an operational company since its conception and launch in 2017. Its conception arises after the founder noted gray hair on her head as soon, as she turned 30 years old. By then, no shampoo would clean and dye gray hair. The discovery of...

Classical Greek Ethnography and the Slave Trade

Summary of the Article The article “Classical Greek Ethnography and the Slave Trade,” written by Thomas Harrison, argues about the significance of the institution of slavery in forming stereotypes about foreign people in the Greek world. He also claims that the essential ethnographic data were gathered with the help of...

Ethical Standards in Profession

Introduction The present paper aims at discussing ethical standards based on a case study. The paper uses Scenario #2 from the Ethical Challenge Assignment Scenarios, which describes the case of George, a BCBA/LBA who works in a group home serving individuals with developmental disabilities. According to the scenario, George was...

Predicting Consumer Tastes with Big Data at Gap

Introduction Donald and Doris Fisher founded Gap Inc. in 1969 in the apparel industry. Currently, their organization has a workforce of 135,000employees located in its 3659 facilities around the world. The huge capital outlay that Gap Inc. made resulted in sales of 15.5 billion by 2000 (Israeli & Jill, 2018)....

Power in Organizations: Collective Bargaining and Shared Governance

Introduction There are many ways to structure the work in the organization. One key component is the relations between employees and employers. In these relations, the main driver is the contract or term of employment and the avenues of employees’ influence from shared to traditional governance. The employees can form...

Stress Management at the Workplace

Introduction Managing stress at the working place is one of the underlying humanistic facets that contributes to both interpersonal and intrapersonal conflict. Constant stress at work significantly reduces labor productivity, physical and emotional health of employees (Robbins & Judge, 2016). That is why Robbins and Judge emphasize that it is...

Impacts of Organizational Culture and Structure on Healthcare Outcomes

Introduction The cultural and structural aspects of healthcare organizations are critical in determining the quality of service provision and potential outcomes. Particularly, these factors can either contribute to failure or foster excellence because they represent shared beliefs, norms and modes of operation, routines, reward systems, traditions, and governance hierarchies in...

The Impact of Late Nineteenth Century Entrepreneurs on American Industry and Society

Introduction A new class of businesspeople emerged in America in the late nineteenth century, and they significantly impacted the corporate environment and American culture as a whole. This essay contends that they were “captains of industry,” even though some people refer to them as “robber barons.” These successful entrepreneurs contributed...

Roy’s Adaptation Model in Nursing: Theory, Testing, and Evaluation

Introduction The nursing profession must adapt to the rapidly changing healthcare environment. A theoretical framework that can direct nursing practice is essential for such adaptation. I have picked Roy’s Adaptation Model (RAM) to complete the task of rebuilding a nursing theory. Callista Roy designed RAM, a well-known nursing theory highlighting...

Leadership at the Workplace

Leadership is a very important skill that is not possessed by all; hardly very few people are blessed with this skill. Being a leader is not easy; it poses many challenges, and the person who overcomes these challenges make a successful leader. A leader instills confidence and provides motivation to...

Effectiveness of Telephonic Case Management in Hispanic Heart Failure Patients

Standardized Telephonic Case Management in a Hispanic Heart Failure Population The aim of conducting the research was to determine the effectiveness of a standardized telephonic protocol used as an intervention method for managing diseases. In this case, Riegel, Carlson, Glaser, Kopp and Romero (2012) focused on heart failure disease to...

Enhancing Nursing Competencies and Professional Standards for Quality Care

Introduction It is important for nurses to develop their competencies and refer to the standards of nursing in order to provide high-quality care. The focus on core competencies and realization of nursing standards in daily practice is necessary to guarantee that nurses promote health and deliver the appropriate care to...

Electronic Health Record Database and Data Management

Progress in modern medicine has resulted in the amount of information related to the health of patients to grow exponentially. This capacity of data has grown beyond the capabilities of manual input of individual physicians. As a result, health information technology was designed to work with corroboration with electronic health...

The Self-Care Deficit Theory: Framework for Nursing Practice

Introduction The self-care deficit nursing theory was introduced by Dorothea Orem in 1971. The theory was based on the author’s comprehensive experience in various fields of nursing and influenced by the existing theories at the time of writing. Its main premise is the leading role of the patient’s need for...

Evaluating the SAFETY Program for Adolescent Suicide Prevention

Introduction The problem of adolescent suicide is researched from various angles. The complexity of this issue is addressed by many scholars who often focus on a specific aspect such as suicide prevention methods or therapy approaches in their works. For example, a study by Asarnow, Berk, Hughes, and Anderson (2015)...

Impact of Brown vs. Board on School Desegregation

Racial segregation in every sphere of life is what was typical for the 19-20th-century history of the United States, and school education was not an exception. It was not until the 1954 Brown vs. Board of Education that the US Supreme Court declared separate public school education for black and...

Access to Justice in Canadian Business: Legal Challenges and Solutions

Introduction The high cost of legal services and the inability of ordinary people to access quality legal representation have impeded access to justice in the Canadian business environment. This issue has been partly catalyzed by the fact that lawyers are increasingly working to promote business goals at the expense of...

Important Events in the Epic of Gilgamesh

Chain of events: Epic of Gilgamesh Summary Generally, the entire event in Gilgamesh starts with a journey and makes the journey more important. All journeys provided in Gilgamesh reflect his inner flight to become altruistic and loyal king. The hero is obliged to set off on a journey or mission...

Crimes in Intimate Relationships

Use of term abuse The term violence refers to the intentional and improper handling of other persons which results in harming them and many of the times the person who is being abused is injured. The use of the term abuse to refer to the violence in intimate relationships for...

Kant’s Moral Principle and Nietzsche’s Slave Morality

Introduction Kant’s moral principle is among the most recognizable examples of deontological ethics. However, its requirement for compliance with certain virtues was criticized by some philosophers. The following paper explores the possibility of viewing Kant’s moral principle as an expression of Nietzsche’s slave morality. Kant’s Moral Principle In order to...

Medical Microbiology: Salmonella – Causes of Infection and Its Prevention

Introduction Salmonella is a type of gram-negative bacteria that can lead to typhoid fever, food poisoning and paratyphoid fever. These species can cause the production of hydrogen sulfide and are motile. Their name is derived from that of an American veterinary pathologist, Daniel Elmer Salmon. Along with Theobald Smith, who...

Ethical & Organizational Climate at My Workplace

Introduction The paper shall look at the ethical climate within my current organization. Ethical climate has taken center stage in the corporate arena because it can be a source of competitive advantage, it makes the workplace environment more conducive for employees and the law requires that companies abide by certain...

General Electronics Company’s Demographic Factors

The diversity of the workforce has become commonplace due to the extensive wave of globalization, which has reduced differences between regions, religions, sex, race, and ethnicity. General Electronics (GE) being one of the largest companies in the world has a highly diversified employee base. The company spreads from the U.S....

Minimum Wages and Subsidies in Australia

Introduction In most countries around the globe, there is an established minimum wage and subsidies for the workers, which aim is raising the life quality of the population, reducing unemployment, and decreasing the income disparity. However, is such an instrument effective? Does it have negative side effects? This paper analyses...

Nucor’s Performance Management and Motivation Strategy

Introduction Motivation is a critical factor affecting employees’ performance and organizational success overall. A successful performance management system builds on employee motivation to achieve better performance. The case of Nucor Steel is an excellent example of the use of work motivation theories in performance management. The company has become a...

SWOT Analysis Company Nurture Inc

Information about the Company Name of the company: Nurture Inc. Slogan: Healthy and tasty. The name of the company refers to nature and nutrition; moreover, “nurture” is about care, development, growth, and potential. Mission Statement: About 60% of a human’s body is liquid, about 70% of the Earth is covered...

Algebra as a Requirement in High School and College

Introduction In modern conditions, mathematics is the language of science and technology. With its help, many processes and phenomena occurring in the world, society, and nature are modeled, studied, and predicted, therefore the mathematical training of students is a necessary condition for accelerating technological progress. The scientific, economic, production, and...

The Critical Appraisal of the Article

Introduction Critical appraisal is an important factor to determine the relevance, validity, and transparency of the research. This paper presents the critical appraisal of the article ‘Light drinking in pregnancy, a risk for behavioral problems and cognitive deficits at 3 years of age’ with special focus on the relevance of...

The U.S. Trade Balance and China Trade War Challenges

Introduction Over the past two decades, there has been an active growth of global imbalances, manifested in the deficit of US foreign trade and, at the same time, in the large positive balance of many developing countries. Leaders of the modern world like the USA, as well as developing countries,...

Historical Depiction in the “Helen of Troy” Movie

This review is based on the film “Helen of Troy,” which revolves around the Greek mythology of the Trojan War. Helen is described as the prettiest woman in Greece, making her the dream girl of every man in the country and the indirect cause of conflict between the cities of...

Main Aspects of New Product Development

At a new workplace, it is important to prove people one’s professionalism. The new product development process requires its managers to be competent in different areas. The managers have to be able to identify customer needs and provide them with high-quality products based on the market demands. In order to...

Humor and Its Purposes in Literature

Introduction Humor in literature and art can be characterized as a kind of tendency, the desire to evoke a laughing reaction from the audience. Initially, it seems that the humorous presentation of information, the description of comic situations, is aimed at entertaining the audience, arousing positive emotions in it, and...

Food Deprivation in the United States

Food deprivation in the United States – as well as in the world – is caused by a number of complex socio-economic factors. Unfortunately, the global pandemic and its effects added one more layer of depth to this problem (World Health Organization, 2021). In 2020, around 38 million Americans –...

The 12-Step Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting’s Purpose and Stories

The General Purpose of the Meeting I attended the AA meeting, which was held in the format of an open discussion on March 6 at 12 AM. This meeting was organized online through the Zoom platform. The first thing I did was check with the group’s facilitator to ensure that...

Argument of the Existence of Matter

Bishop Berkeley is one of the philosophers who has argued on the concept of whether matter does exist or does not exist. The philosopher has argued based on the concepts of immaterialism, which have played an essential role in defining matter. As a result, everything that human beings ideally think...

Sociological Line in Marie de France’s Story

Introduction The Lees of Marie de France is a series of twelve short narratives about the Breton barks of the poet Marie de France. They were probably created in the late 12th century. The short, narrative poems emphasize the glorification of the notion of courtly love by the adventures of...

The Nursing Practitioner: Skills, Opportunities, and Challenges

Introduction Nursing is a broad field that consists of several specialties. One of the critical categories of nurses is the nursing practitioners. This group of nurses has evolved to become significant medical practitioners that many people rely on for their medical needs. On average, at least 1.6 billion Americans visit...

Review of “Out of Many, One” – Netflix

Out of Many, One is a 34 minutes film that addresses a complicated subject regarding immigration to the United States for many individuals worldwide. According to a preview posted on Netflix soon before the film’s premiere, one in every five immigrants chooses the country presently governed by Donald Trump to...

Relevance of “The Blithedale” Romance to American Society

In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Blithedale Romance, Margaret Fuller’s inspiration, Zenobia, is portrayed as a woman who questions the restrictions of what nineteenth-century American society deemed to be the “women’s realm. On the one hand, women’s traditional, socially-acceptable role remains within the female realm. On the other hand, Zenobia represents the...

Film Analysis of “Titanic” by James Cameron

Introduction Titanic (1997) is an epic film directed, written, produced, and co-edited by James Cameron. Titanic is an epic film that shows a love story in a setting of a great disaster. The story involves a seventeen-year-old Rose who falls in love with Jack, who rescues her. The whole story...

The Iran-Iraq War and the US Attitude to the Issue

The first video is a presentation of the events that lead to the war and the occurrences during the period of war. From the video, Iran and Iraq have an agreement to maintain peace. According to Iraq, Iran broke the deal by getting involved with the Zionists and the Americans....

Internal Communication: Medium and Justification

The face-to-face communication medium is a reliable interaction method that can facilitate the sharing of ideas. As a form of oral communication, this mode of interaction facilitates the transfer of data from the sender to the receiver through verbal and visual aid. The face-to-face medium is the most natural medium...

Neuromuscular Disorders: Types, Symptoms, and Treatment

Neuromuscular Disorders It is crucial to emphasize that neuromuscular diseases are a group of diseases of the muscles of the body and nerves located in the limbs, during which the primary pathological process is noted directly in the muscle or nerve. In this case, the central nervous system is not...

American Professional Journalists’ Moral Standards

Two Professional Codes of Ethics Related to Digital and Mediated Communication Organizations develop ethical guidelines for their personnel to adhere to and for the general public to be aware of. The Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) and the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) moral standards will be examined in...

Las Vegas Tourism Campaign Points

Las Vegas is the most populous city in the state of Nevada and a modern-day tourist attraction destination. It was founded in 1905 and officially incorporated in 1911. There has been rapid growth since its inception, making it a major metropolitan city. The city lies in Nevada State, one of...

The Memories of the Holocaust in Hungary

Introduction The Holocaust in Hungary presents an in-depth factual account of one of the bloodiest and most successful extermination campaigns in human history. After Nazi Germany acquired control of Hungary at the end of World War II, Jewish people were rounded up at an unprecedented rate and sent to Auschwitz...

Solutions to Drug Misuse in the United States

Drug abuse is a major cause of concern in the United States, with a consequential impact on people’s health and societal psychosocial and socioeconomic problems. In particular, people addicted to illicit substances suffer academically, professionally, financially, and socially. Drug misuse in the United States continues to rise, which urges people...

The Impact of Reconstruction and the Civil Rights Movement on Racial Justice in America

Introduction The Civil Rights Movement and the Reconstruction Era are two crucial eras in American history that highlight the country’s ongoing struggles with racism and racial issues. These periods, which close and begin a century of conflict, illustrate America’s arduous march toward freedom and equality. In order to prepare for...

Insights from the Clayton County Library System Board Meeting: Discussions and Outcomes

The History of Clayton County Library and Its Branches The Clayton County Library System which is located today in Clayton County was established in 1941 by the Jonesboro women’s group. The first visitors could find the building of the library in the South Main Street. The first library’s collection of...

Teleological Ethics Examples in Business

Abstract This paper discusses three forms of teleological ethics, namely utilitarianism, ethical egoism and virtue ethics, and how they can be applied to business situations. From the discussion, it is clear that teleological (consequentialist) ethics are important in the business scene, particularly in the context of effective leadership, maintaining a...

Impact of Trans Fats and Sugar on Health: Policy Recommendations

Abstract This study is concerned with the problem of the negative influence of trans fatty acids and sugar-containing foods (sweetened beverages in particular) on the health of consumers, and with possible regulations (bans, additional taxes) that might be recommended to reduce the adverse impact of these products. A qualitative analysis...

PTSD in the United States: Understanding Its Impact and Prevalence

Introduction It is necessary to mention that Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a condition that affects an enormous percentage of the population in the United States. It would be appropriate to review peer-reviewed articles on this subject matter to get a better understanding of the topic. Definition PTSD can be...

“My Son the Fanatic” by Hanif Kureishi

Introduction “My Son the Fanatic,” written by Hanif Kureishi, is a short story, which explores the issue of a father-son relationship and the issue of religion and cultural identity. The father, Parvez, is one of the main characters of the story. He is an immigrant from Pakistan, living in London,...

Post-Operative Education in the Lung Transplant Recipients

Introduction The issue to be addressed in the paper is how post-operative education provided by a pre-recorded DVD compares with the traditional teaching of lecture and book for survival rates in the first year in the adult lung transplant recipients. The problem is that the number of complications resulting from...

Detailed Assessment Plan for Implementing Vacuum-Assisted Closure Treatment in Wound Care

Developing an Evaluation Plan This paper is devoted to the creation of the evaluation plan and the disseminating evidence of the results of the project. In particular, the paper develops the assessment plan of Vacuum-Assisted Closure (VAC) treatment that appears to be the most appropriate solution for treating diabetic foot...

Wal-Mart’s Target Market Selection and Competition

Introduction Marketing strategy is the marketing logic applied by firms to accomplish their marketing goals. A marketing strategy takes into account the cost of marketing, marketing mix, and marketing allocations to develop competitive settings. The objectives of marketing must be SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound). An effective marketing...

Data Security Best Practices: From Malware to Access Control

Introduction The security of data and information in an organization is paramount. This is because all the activities and decisions made depend on the integrity of data systems. A breach of the security system of data and information would be disastrous to the organization. It is important to put the...

Deadweight Loss: Taxes & Market Efficiency

Cause Deadweight loss is the loss in social surplus that occurs when a market produces an inefficient quantity (Hall and Lieberman 454). In other words, a deadweight loss can be characterized as the costs that the market’s inefficiency imposes on society. A deadweight loss might be applied to any deficiency...

Ruth Snyder’s Ethical Dilemma: Business or Personal Integrity?

What is the ethical dilemma in this case? Why is the not a straightforward business problem? The problem in the case of Ruth Snyder is not merely a business case. It is an example of unacceptable behavior of a business partner. Moreover, the case provoked an ethical dilemma. The fact...

Human Rights & Free Speech: ACLU’s Efforts and Challenges

Human rights are the core component of the functioning of modern society as they ensure that people will benefit from the growing number of opportunities and enjoy the high quality of life. Unfortunately, there are still many cases of discrimination or infringement of basic freedoms guaranteed to individuals by the...

Understanding Genetic Predisposition to Alcohol Dependence and Related Diseases

Introduction Alcohol dependence is one of the major challenges to the worldwide healthcare system. Approximately 6% of all deaths are attributed to alcohol misuse and associated diseases (“Statistics & information,” 2015). At the same time, more than 5% of all cases of all burdens of disease and injury are caused...

The Concept of Self-Care Deficit Theory of Nursing

Introduction Nursing theorists and their work have a significant impact on nurse education and clinical practice. They can be applied both in theoretical research and used practically in diverse interventions aimed at the improvement of patient care quality and patient outcomes. One of the theories most commonly employed in practice...

Discharge Planning for Cardiac Patients: Change Model

Every disease and health problem has its management and care plan. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2016) reports that heart failure is observed in 5.5 million people with half of these cases ended in death within 3-5 years. In this paper, the problem of discharge planning from hospitals...

Solidarity. “All for One and One for All” by Charles Taylor

“All for One and One for All” is an essay written in 2010 by a Canadian philosopher, Charles Taylor. In his essay, the author narrates about solidarity as one of the most significant elements of democratic societies. The strength of the essay is Taylor’s argument that points out that the...

Advertising of Chocolate Using TV as a Media Tool in the UK

Introduction TV medium is one of the most popular and effective media for advertising today. Advertising of chocolate is based on a unique tastes and demands of consumers and requires messages and images to attract potential target audience. The target audience for this product is women between 20-40 years. Selection...

Research Design Differences – Qualitative and Quantitative

The following paper is an insight into researching which is crucial in the field of social sciences. It seeks to define the two main methods used: qualitative and quantitative and their key characteristics. Finally, it will give comparisons of these two methodologies and how each is important and applicable in...

Marketing in Web 2.0: Advantages and Disadvantages

Abstract Companies and organizations have turned to online marketing and advertising using web 2.0 technologies in order to capture the greater market that has now turned online. Web 2.0 can be summarized as a technology that uses new connections to expand its presence online. From the research which has been...

Rehabilitating Juveniles Within the Juvenile Justice System

Introduction Delinquents are young offenders aged seventeen years and below. The system was founded in 1868 to defend children from being influenced by adult criminals. It was also meant to avert young offenders from criminal courts and thus encourage remedy based on the needs of young criminals. Some juvenile delinquencies...

Media and Violence Connection

Introduction The issue of media and the increase of violent crimes has been a contentious issue over the years leading to a number of researches trying to identify the correlation between the two. This is especially the case with regard to electronic media due to its visual power over our...

Having Integrity Importance in Professional Life

Introduction Integrity is important for every person as it stipulates his life choices and moral attitudes towards the world. The designation “professional” is highly desired in our society and has been for centuries. People will even take courses of action that seem on the surface to be against their economic...

Employing Strategy in a Competitive Environment

Introduction Competition among businesses has enabled investors to seek better ways of remaining at the top of various business activities. The struggles to dominate the business world and expand markets to interior regions push companies to invest in marketing strategies. Doubtless, all companies are willing to pay a considerable amount...