The Strategic Procedure in Healthcare

Introduction It is important to note that effective organizational training strategies are critical in resolving emerging problems in a dynamic and sensitive healthcare environment. The given assessment will mainly focus on the competence of the facility’s billing and coding staff from the perspective of a director of health information at...

Small Business Administration and US Economy

The U.S. economy has been the world’s largest economy for the last 142 years. It holds this position courtesy of the innovativeness and creativity of the American people coupled with strong government-initiated support systems, which foster advancement in all realms of the economy. A good example of the initiatives taken...

American Geriatrics Society: Assisted Living Facilities

Introduction A report published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society reviews the conditions and quality of care available for elderly people living in assisted living facilities (ALF) versus those receiving care at home. According to the authors, the number of older adults in the United States is constantly...

What Is Inventory Management?

Background and Introduction Management problems involve decision making problems. Decisions are important tasks that all companies have to make. The premise that companies have to acquire, allocate, and control factors of production brings out the necessity for inventory management. Companies involve themselves in inventory management in order to hold inventories...

Entrepreneurship: Innovation, Failure, Culture

Business size innovative potential The innovative potential of an entrepreneurial business depends on its size.Chesbrough (2006, P. 2) states that ‘there exists a direct relationship between the amount and type of innovation a company achieves to the way it approaches, fosters, selects, and funds innovation efforts’.Innovation potential is essential, but...

American Revolutionary War and Its Challenges

In 1783 the American Revolutionary War that pitted Americans against Britain in their quest for freedom finally came to an end with the signing of the Treaty of Paris that officially recognized the United States as an independent and sovereign country. This was a culmination of 8 years of war...

The Têt New Year in Vietnam

Introduction When learning about the culture of Vietnam, it is of great importance to pay attention to the so-called Têt Nguyen Dan, also referred to as Têt or the Lunar New Year. The full name of the celebration refers to the very first day of a new part of the...

Total Care Model in Nursing Practice

The use of different models of care can significantly change the way nurses interact with patients. Such aspects as the quality of care, the lack of attention to detail, and nurses’ fatigue and burnout may depend on the chosen model. As models of care employ different staff allocation and workload...

Texas Roadhouse Inc.’s Porter’s Five Forces

The Porter’s Five Forces model can be used to evaluate the present competition in which Texas Roadhouse, Inc. operates to enable it to build a sustainable competitive advantage. The threat of New Entrants High capital requirements in the restaurant industry, thus, make it challenging for new entrants to establish businesses....

Kierkegaard’s Philosophy in “Fear and Trembling”

Thesis: Kierkegaard claims about absolute choice, which on being a realization of freedom, means a choice of not this or that, but self in the eternal meaning. In Fear and Trembling Kierkegaard wrote: “If faith cannot make it a holy act to be willing to murder his son, then let...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Sony: Marketing and Business Analysis

What have been the key success factors for Sony? Sony Corporation is one of the worlds’ most recognized and respected companies. Since its humble inception as a radio repair shop in 1957, it has now grown into a huge multinational with interests in electronic items, multimedia, music, films and televisions...

Marjane Satrapi’s “Persepolis” Autobiographical Novel

Introduction Marjane Satrapis autobiographical novel “Persepolis” explores such complicated issues as culture shock and the loss of cultural identity. The book is a unique combination of autobiographical prose and comics. The author successfully shows the world through the eyes of a young girl, the task, which is very difficult to...

Are MNCs Responsible for Poverty and Violence in Developing Nations?

While multinational corporations (MNCs) play a big role in the development of economies in developing countries, evidence supports that they are responsible for much of the poverty and violence in some developing countries they operate in. Multinational Corporation is a term that is used to refer to the companies that...

Mexican Drug Cartels: A Transnational Threat

Mexican drug cartels constitute a new breed of organized crime in North America and in the drug trade. Brought about by connections with the Columbian drug trade, Mexican drug cartels have grown into a network of efficient and compartmentalized gatekeepers that control the drug trade from Mexico to the United...

Research Characteristics of Data Collection & Analysis

Introduction Data collection in qualitative research helps to answer the “why, how, and what” of the phenomenon under investigation. This is unlike in quantitative research in which the data collection is used to address the “how many” or “how much” of the phenomenon under investigation. This means that in qualitative...

Quantitative Methods in Scientific Inquiries

Descriptive Research The first type of quantitative methods is descriptive research which aims at describing the current condition of a variable identified by the researcher. Usually, these studies are conducted to gather and systematize information about a certain phenomenon (Boeren, 2018). Prior to the beginning of the research, scientists do...

Patients’ Perceptions of a Pressure Ulcer Prevention Care Bundle in Hospital

Bedsores or pressure ulcers are areas of necrosis of skin, muscle, and, in some cases, bone tissue that occur with prolonged compression and impaired blood flow. As a rule, they form during prolonged contact with a solid surface, sometimes combined with friction or shear. Patients with overweight or severe exhaustion...

The Case of Natalee Holloway Analysis

The cases of disappeared celebrities always astonish and horrify the world community with the help of mass media traditionally prettifying and dramatizing the reality. However, the stories of the ordinary people becoming famous after their disappearance contain even more mysteries. The relatives find themselves in a center of paparazzis attention...

The Banner Health Care System Strategic Plan

Introduction Strategic planning involves looking into an organization’s future and identifying issues and trends to align it with its competitors in the healthcare industry. The establishment of a proper strategic plan enables a firm to remain competitive while also ensuring consumer satisfaction. The company chosen for study is Banner Healthcare,...

Edmund Dene Morel: The Main Protagonist of the Story

The creation of the Congo Reform movement is closely related to the name of Edmund Dene Morel. Through journalistic activism, he uncovered the truth about the ruling of the Congo Free State, the regime of Leopold II (Ramsey 1). In his book, “King Leopold’s Ghost”, Adam Hochschild describes Leopold’s reign...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Milestone 3: Plastic Pollution

Introduction One of the central issues that affect the wellness of the Earth’s population is plastic pollution. Today, almost every person knows that plastic kills millions of animals every year by entanglement or starvation (Parker, 2019). However, a rare person realizes that plastic is a source of significant problems with...

“Recidivism Among Female Prisoners”: Data Coding & Measurement

Coding technique The measures for this study are divided into two categories. The first category describes the attributes of the former female prisoners who are reasserted within the first three years after being released from state prison. The second category studies the factors that influence recidivism among female prisoners. In...

Health Care Contracts and Their Types

Introduction Contracts play a rather important role in the system of health care, especially in its private sector (Boyle et al., 2001, p. 12). Such contracts as managed care, suppliers (equipment), personnel, and unions present the core of the health care system as they provide the patient with everything necessary...

Postcolonial Theory: Being “Civilized” and Exploitation

The postcolonial theory focuses on the analysis of the relationships between representatives of “developed civilization” and local colonists. Historically, they were typically unequal and were accompanied by the imposition of norms and values of the dominant nation on “uncivilized” savages. The notion of the superiority of “civilized” people resulted in...

An Argument for God as an Initial Cause for Everything

Introduction Philosophical discussion of arguments for God’s existence appeared to become reduced significantly in the environment in which logical positivism prevails. However, the resurgence of the interest toward the ontological and cosmological arguments since the 1960s prompted new ideas and perceptions. The ontological side of the discussion has been mainly...

“Song of the Humming Bird” by Graciela Limon Review

This essay will review the book of Graciela Limon ‘Song of the Hummingbird’, which describes the story of the Aztecs’ fall told from the perspective of a Huitzitzilin, a Hummingbird. The main point of the book is in uncovering the similarities and differences of Christian and pagan culture. Moreover, it...

China Buddhism vs. Japan Buddhism and Shintoism

Buddhism is a religion that uses Buddha’s perspective, such as the traditions and beliefs attributed to the religious faith. It is believed that Buddha lived and taught in some parts of India during the fourth century BCE (Miura, 2018). Buddhism has been getting popular in many countries, for example, Japan...

The Migration Issue and Its Solution

Despite the many positive effects, globalism is the cause of many ills. The leading global issue is migration, a permanent change of residence by an individual for various social, economic, and legal reasons (De Haas et al., 2020). Some people seek economic opportunities, while others try to escape terrorism, human...

“Rear Window” Movie Analysis

Introduction People were always interested in interpreting written stories for the big screen. Books of all genres: comedies, detective stories, romance novels, and thrillers often appear before the public as movies. The film Rear Window, produced by Alfred Hitchcock in 1954, is not an exception. The original short story It...

The American Combat Soldier in Vietnam

Introduction “Grunts: The American Combat Soldier in Vietnam” by the writer Kyle Longley is a story about the brutal and bloody events during the Vietnam War. It is a special, comprehensive set of knowledge and ideas about internal and external conflicts through the prism of the soldiers and military personnel....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Gospel Communication Elements of Culture

Sharing information with someone from a different cultural background is not easy as you need to know their values and belief systems that shape and define the nature of the conversation. Jay, an Indian student, has shown much interest in knowing more about the story of God. I learned several...

Security and Online Privacy

Introduction Privacy is a term that is inseparable from living in society, it is something that each person has the right to. During life, each individual learns what it means to have privacy, to be able to freely keep to themselves, and have a sense of personal space. In a...

“A Fall from Grace”: Christian Ethics in the Motivations of the Characters

A Fall from Grace is a film that features several different worldviews that are shared by the characters of the picture. The plot built around the case of a serious crime serves as a pretext for the director to reveal the attitude of his characters to the fundamental concepts of...

Medicaid Program and Non-Profit Medical Organizations

Introduction In the last century, the United States decided to exempt non-profit medical organizations from paying taxes. One of the main requirements of the tax service is the exemption of hospitals from taxes through the provision of charitable assistance to the population in the treatment. First of all, it considers...

International System and Environment

International System Portrayal The international system is the collection of independent states and other entities that interact with one another. The authors present his ideologies on the international systems and also give the reason why there are differences in the different centuries. Globalization, technology, and growth in population are some...

Dupont Case Study: Organizational Management

Introduction The case study illustrating DuPont’s approach to organizational management is based on the use of experiments instead of traditional change management through the stages of change. Hence, this example demonstrates that companies can use varied methods for facilitating the changes that are vital for the company’s future, and other...

Recruitment Tactics and Interview Questions

Recruitment Tactics The first tactic can be described as a method of recruitment in which a candidate is suggested by a company worker. One of the advantages of this method is that there is no need to place ads in the media and on the Internet and wait for a...

Iron Deficiency Anemia Treatment Strategy

Introduction Anaemia, which is a condition that describes a low concentration of red blood cells, is a significant issue acknowledged by scholars and healthcare professionals globally. According to World Health Organization (WHO, n.d.), anemia mostly affects women of reproductive age and children less than five years old, with a global...

Latin American Protest Music of the 1960-70s

Music has a long history of being instrumentalized as a way to initiate change and unite people under the umbrella of a shared struggle or idea. Latin American protest music of the 1960-70s can be a shining example of this way of employing music culture in a fight for social...

Ethical Issues in Participatory Action Research

Introduction Every school has a particular standard set of disciplinary problems, with the differences depending on the age level of the students, the focus and the quality of their education. Among these forms of problems are a fundamental lack of respect, aggression, and refusal of obedience. It should not be...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Role Strain and Burnout in Nursing

Introduction Today, there are millions of nurses across the globe who help patients and their families to get their treatments, maintain well-being, and understand the nature of their health problems. Despite their professionalism and resistance to change, nurses cannot always predict role strain, work-related stress, and burnout. In the United...

Comparing Education in USA and in Saudi Arabia

Education has become basic in all societies and nations across the globe. Today, every country devotes large resources to provide education to its citizens. It is generally agreed that education has great benefits to society as well as individuals, both economically and socially. However, the education systems in countries tend...

“Heritage: For Harold Jackman” by Countee Cullen

Paraphrase the poem The poem entitled “Heritage” was written by Countee Cullen. The poet contemplates his origins and his present state. Cullen concludes that though he is civilized, he will still remember about his roots, and he will never forget the beauty and greatness of Africa, his motherland. Interestingly, it...

Telephone-Based and Online Care Implementation Phase

Introduction In the paper, the implementation phase of a randomized controlled trial will be described. The randomized controlled trial aims to research whether telephone-based and online care are more effective compared to standard nursing home visits in patients who are 36 years old or older and who undergo post-acute care....

Higher Education for Single Mothers

Problem Statement The traditional picture of an ideal family for many people of the 20th century had to include a mother (a household keeper), a father (a breadwinner), and several children. Yet, this family structure is on the verge of becoming outdated since modern families tend to develop their own...

“Ragged Dick” a Book by Horatio Alger

Introduction In his book, Horatio Alger reflects on a range of issues associated with the street life of a 14-year-old bootblack Ragged Dick (7). The book includes three stories, describing the way the poor young boy, striving for financial success, succeeds thanks to his courage, good fortune, and virtue and...

General Motors Process Improvement: Six Sigma Approach

Analysis of the process using the DMAIC Six Sigma Methodologies The Six Sigma approach was designed by Motorola in 1986. The primary objective of the concept was to develop a tool for tallying the process defects and, as the result, improving business operations. The foundations of the approach are the...

American Constitution’s Creation Controversy

Despite the enormous significance of the Constitution, its creation was associated with major controversy, which revolved primarily around the degree of centralization of the country’s governance. However, the final product can be considered a reasonable compromise between individual liberties and institutional responsibilities. The following paper provides a detailed analysis of...

What Is Mental Illness?

Introduction This medical condition may disrupt a person’s mood, a person’s feelings, and thinking capacity. It is usually manifested in situations in which the patient’s mood may suddenly become aggressive resulting in violence. Just as a stomachache is a problem of the stomach, mental illness is a disorder of the...

Developing a Care Plan for the Elderly

The continued increase of injuries and deaths resulting from falls is alarming. The elderly need care, not just because they are old, but because they are part of the larger society. In Miami, Florida, there is the concern for how to develop a good plan that will help to salvage...

JP Morgan Chase & Co.’s Unethical Behavior

Introduction JP Morgan Chase & Company is the largest bank in the United States that offers banking and other financial services. It has a market capitalization of approximately $2.145 trillion. It was founded in 2000 after the merger of two financial institutions namely J.P. Morgan & Co. and Chase Manhattan...

Police Officer Murder, Trial and Punishment

Introduction In the USA, killing a police officer on duty is considered one of nine capital offenses, which are punished either by a death penalty or by life imprisonment without the possibility of release (Bienen, 2010). Mr. James is charged with committing a capital offense in a state where the...

Partnership- and Corporation-Related Concepts

Partnership Formation A partnership is formed between two or more individuals who enter a contract to invest in a business and share its responsibilities. There are different forms of partnership, and it is not always necessary that all partners provide finance for the company. Moreover, it is not essential that...

Working Stage of Group Therapy in Counseling

The working stage of group therapy is only possible upon the successful completion of the first three phases. When all the conflicts are resolved, and a comfortable environment for group discussions is created, it is possible to start the proper work on problem solving. If during the earlier stages the...

Medical Marijuana: Treatments and Legislative Change

Introduction Medical marijuana can be listed among controversial drugs that are viewed through the prism of negative stereotypes. Even though this treatment option can be regarded promising for certain conditions, some states still refuse to legalize it due to a variety of reasons. Considering the problem’s importance, the paper focuses...

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Diagnostic

Do Kendra’s presenting problems result from patterns of interaction with others? Indeed, Kendra seems to be having personal problems especially when it comes to interacting with other people. It is evident from the case study that she feels quite uncomfortable mixing with peers and other acquaintances. For instance, she is...

Workforce Development and Its Stakeholders

The role of government in supporting strategies of skills development in the workforce Workforce development has been defined in various ways by different scholars. According to Jacobs (2002), “this word has come to be used in the description of a fairly wide range of policies, activities and programs. This includes...

Religious Traditions in Various Dimensions

Aesthetic dimension in religious traditions Aesthetic dimension is the notion, which comprises a lot of smaller notions and considerations. Generally, the aesthetic dimension is everything. Defining this notion, it should be mentioned that combining two words, this notion takes something from the definition of each. Thus, aesthetics is related to...

Indian Boarding Schools and Their Effects

Introduction During the 20th century, boarding schools for Native Americans on the territory of the United States were a common phenomenon. They became a significant part of American Indian history and determined the modern Indian identity. In this essay, the history of Indian boarding schools, in general, and the history...

Switching Majors and the Probability of Degree Completion

Introduction In today’s increasingly competitive and high-paced educational and working environment it can be very difficult for students to make a good decision as for the choice of their primary major. For this reason, there exists a phenomenon of changing academic majors, which can have both a positive and negative...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Adult Depression Treatment in the United States

Introduction The research problem investigated in this study is the treatment of adult depression in the United States. This problem is prompted by the fact that although the United States has been observing an increase in the use of antidepressants recently, there are still many adults with depression who do...

Quit Smoking: Therapies and Medications

Introduction Smoking is probably one of the most common bad habits to have with a prevalence of 14 per 100 adults in the United States. While smoking may present some personal benefits for the smoker, be it stress relief or social bonding, its health hazards outweigh them by a large...

Russian Revolution in Modern European History

Introduction Russian revolution refers to a sequence of monetary and political turmoil that prevailed in Russia in February 1917 that swathe downfall of Tsar’s rule and the coming up of the Soviet Union that took over the ruling powers of the country. The movement was meant to bring a democratic...

Frankford and Campbell’s View of Free Will

Introduction Free will is the ability of one to choose a course of action with his/her own control. It is the ability of people to control their action with out any external influence from another party. Those who believe in free will take various positions about this very broad subject....

Martha Stewart: Problem of Corporate Ethics

Introduction Martha Stewart is one of the most well-known women in America, and author of books and a successful businesswoman. Coming from middle-class family she founded one of the world’s strongest brands and built $200 million Empire based on the ideas of domesticity. In 2002, a stock sales scandal ruins...

Performance Management and KPIs in a Management Measurement System

Introduction Performance management plays critical roles in solving problems experienced by organizations. This emanates from firms with meager acquaintance and visibility regarding business-level metrics applied in reporting (Fluss, 2005). In addition, such businesses face problems arising from legal compliance thus requiring agile standards within speedily transforming markets. The process enhances...

Women in Combat: History Examples

Introduction Women are always considered as gentle and fragile creatures who call for protection and proper treat. On the other hand, it appears that some of them are able to handle fighting in combat. This essay will provide answers to several key questions. Should women be ever included in such...

Example of Successful Trading Company: Walmart, INC.

Trade is the basis of any kind of business. One of the examples of successful trading companies is Walmart, Inc., an American company that manages the world’s largest wholesale and retail chain. The main target regions are the USA and Mexico; also, the company is presented in Canada, South America,...

Organizational Behavior Business: HR Dilemma

HR dilemma The two business cases are concerned with an HR management problem, which is to hire or fire an employee with a specific issue. In the case study of the employee with AIDS, Greg should hire and promote Joe. He possesses AIDS disease; thus, the person responsible for hiring...

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Case Study

Introduction Presumably, the incident involving Mark happened last year during the preparation for the annual community arts festival organized by The Community Festival. Mark has been a dedicated volunteer to the community organization, and he was extensively involved in facilitating this festival. The Board of Directors organizing the festival made...

Health-Illness Continuum Relevance on the Patient Care

Introduction The health-illness continuum is a graphic illustration of well-being, first proposed by John W. Travis and Regina S. Ryan (LeMone, 2017). It goes beyond the physical aspect of health and concentrates on well-being or wellness as more than just an absence of illness. This paper aims to discuss the...

Artist Role in Twilight: Los Angeles and The Day of The Locust

Real-life with its dramatic events was always an object for real art which aimed to reflect the comprehensive tragedy happening now and then in a world around. Were those events of a large scale, such as war, epidemic, famine or were they of a local dimension, such as political and...

Botulinum Toxin in Neurology: The Working Mechanism

Botulinum Toxin (Botox) Even though doctors use Botulinum Toxin (Botox) as a wrinkle remover, neurologists also use it to loosen muscles and cure migraines. Botulinum toxin (Botox) is one of the most potent neurotoxins existing medically. In most medical scenarios, most individuals link this toxin to the most fatal neural...

Capitalism in Brook’s Vermeer’s Hat and Rediker’s Slave Ship

Timothy Brook takes a sharp-eyed, albeit critical, review into the social, political, and economic context lying within Vermeer’s seemingly undramatic façade. The author writes about capitalism during the 17th century, as presented within Johannes Vermeer’s mundane life paintings in Delft, Netherlands. Contrastingly, Marcus Rediker talks about the development of the...

Beyond the Binary Sexual Identity

Multidimensional Sexualities of Modern Youth Human sexuality is a complex of emotional, social, erotic behaviors, and feelings that people express toward other individuals. According to Westbrook, such categories as “sex, gender, and sexuality are… socially constructed systems, changing over time and varying across cultures” (33). Given the intricacy of the...

English Law: Principles, Impacts, Areas

Main Principles that Underpin the English Contract Law The English law of contract is a product of common law. It started as a tradition by the English people and was later codified into laws. The law of contract has basic traits that distinguish it from any other law in other...

U.S. v. Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev

Introduction The U.S. v. Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev case is widely known since the explosions of the homemade bombs planted by Dzhokhar and Tamerlane Tsarnaev at the Boston Marathon killed and injured many people. Advocates of Dzhokhar, who was sentenced to death, subsequently filed an appeal upheld on July 31, 2020...

HIV Treatment Compliance in African American Women

Abstract The study will focus on the way HIV treatment compliance is affected by social support among African American women with HIV. This paper identifies data collection tools used for research, including published (the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support) and creates (the questionnaire for treatment compliance measurement) ones. It...

The Importance of Right Personal Student Experience

Introduction As a nurse administrator, one has the duty to make ethical decisions regardless of the circumstances. The completion of the Ethics Games case studies and DiSC® changed the way I view my professional role as a nurse administrator. Through the process, it was evident that as the administrator, one...

Obesity in Hispanic American Citizens

Ethnic Minority Group Description Hispanic, or Latino, Americans are defined as the descendants of Spanish people, which includes Mexicans. In the U.S., Hispanic/Latino Americans constitute approximately 18.5% of the population, according to the results of the latest census (The United States Census Bureau, 2019). The specified population is characterized by...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Abortions: Pro-Choice vs. Pro-Life

The issue of abortions has always been a controversial one leading to multiple clashes between irreconcilable ideologies. Despite the recent trend of decline in the use of the procedures, the discussion remains valid (Jones & Jerman, 2017). There are certain critical social and economic situations in which a mothers decision...

Public Corruption in the Field of Criminal Justice

Corrupt judicial and policing systems hinder the success of anti-corruption efforts in various states. Morally compromised justice sectors have crippled institutional frameworks for curbing deception. The extreme effects of corruption undermine the rule of law and avert sustainable development. Essentially, the act compromises the principles of integrity, independence, equality, and...

Why Bullies Should Be Expelled from School?

Introduction School is one of the most important social institutions that have an educational and educative function. Safety is a critical element of a school that requires constant monitoring and development. Bullying encroaches on school safety, so now the question of what to do with bullies is quite relevant. The...

Cyber Security: The Nature and Scope of Cybercrime

Introduction While cybercrime has become synonymous with web operations that lead to the latest complicated illegal activities. These are criminal activities that are carried out through the use of computers using the internet (Lakshmanan, 2019). Furthermore, nowadays, information is a goldmine and, a source of wealth that is utilized in...

Risk Management of AMDS: Risk Management Strategies

Introduction The United States is ranked third in the world’s population; thus strengthening its human resource and the economy in particular. The US is one of the world’s oldest democracies and this gives it a chance, to participate in the global political arena. Being one of the permanent members of...

SABRE System: Research Brief Report

Introduction For several decades technological development and adoption have been occurring at a dramatically accelerated pace. Companies are seeking ways to enhance their competitiveness through digitalizing their process. However, not all inventions end up meeting the expectations of their creators; some are rendered obsolete even before being launched, while others...

The Civil Rights Movement History

Introduction The American Civil War, in which more citizens died than in any other war involving the United States, freed slaves. However, being formally free, African-Americans also continued to be victims of prejudice and discrimination. In the late nineteenth century, the Jim Crow segregation laws came into force, prohibiting voting,...

Board Governance Principles for Nonprofits

Introduction The staff of the nonprofit foundation has a significant impact on shaping the specific programs under its goals and values. However, the influence of the staff should not be overestimated, as the foundation’s board has the right to approve or not approve the staff’s recommendations (Hofland, 2007). In addition,...

Socrates: Life and Death Discussion

Introduction The Phaedo is among Plato’s most renowned and extensively read dialogues. However, the discussion raised several contentious problems about the conceptions of life and death, as well as what happens after death. Socrates, for example, argues in the dialogue that the soul should not be consumed by the demands...

What Factors Influence Self-Identity?

Introduction For people, existing without self-identity is impossible, which has defined the significance of exploring self-identity. Though the subject matter is completely intangible, it constitutes a vital part of one’s self. In fact, even defining an identity is quite hard due to the number of components that it contains and...

Historical Origin of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

Introduction The world’s three major religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, grew from the same historical rootstock. Each monotheistic faith worships one god and embraces various sacred writings. Judaism was founded in the 6th century BCE by Abraham, Christianity originated in the 1st century AD after the death of Christ, and...

Elements of Art in David Composing Psalms

David composing the Psalms is an illumination from the renowned Paris Psalter CA, 950-970, in which the artist employed the illuminated manuscript medium (McClanan, FIG.14-9). A plane is a horizontally oriented flat surface that functions in two and three dimensions. When studying the surface of a relief sculpture, it is...

Initech vs. The Coffee Bean: The Role of Negative Strengthening

Managers that are unconcerned about employee motivation and satisfaction are jeopardizing their company’s success. It is critical that business leaders implement measures to ensure minimal staff turnover by placing a priority on both clients and employees. According to Warrick (2017), doing so ensures the business’s continuity and provides it with...

Theoretical Explanation of Personality

Introduction It is important to note that personality is a term referring to differences between individuals when it comes to their behaviors, emotions, and thoughts. The given assessment is concerned with my personality viewed under the lenses of Freudian and Adlerian psychodynamic frameworks, the social learning theory, and Maslow’s personality...

Childhood Obesity: The Parents’ Responsibility

Introduction Childhood obesity is a complex disease characterized by exceeding the age-growth norm of a child’s body weight. One should recognize that obesity in children has spread in many countries over the past three decades, and today this phenomenon represents a severe global concern (Han et al. 1). The condition,...

Analysis of “Between World and Me” by Ta-Nehisi Coates

Introduction Coates reflected the lonely state of America in a letter to his young son. For Coates, the pursuit of happiness is so biased that, supposedly, white people are now almost as interested in exterminating the black and other races as their ancestors. Coates’ writing is driven by his shock...

Whistleblowing and Critical Thinking

Introduction The term “whistleblowing” first surfaced in the late years of the twentieth century. The concept is simple: when an employee sees their company or fellow colleagues partaking in deliberate wrongdoing that concerns public interest, they “blow the whistle” by reporting the misdeed to an authorized person or organization (Bazzichelli...

How Search Tools Can Be Useful Professionally

Introduction Learning is a process that requires continuous effort and exposure to various aspects for knowledge consolidation and application in real life. The Virtual Field Trip (VFT) provides a great opportunity for exploring key phenomena and relating them to learning resources. Google Chrome has been my preferred browser due to...

Alternative Fuels and Personnel in Automobile Industry

This paper is aimed to consider two important issues connected with the automobile industry. The first is fuel alternatives. The other is the staff and potential productivity. The paper will speculate on how these issues might influence the company’s policies and strategies. Besides, it is going to provide examples of...

Stress-Coping Strategies in Nurses

Introduction The PICO question guiding this paper is; in nurses working 12-hour shifts, do strategies to control stress, compared with doing nothing, reduce nurse errors, and improve patient outcomes, in a period of one year? The paper is a critique of a quantitative study examining effective interventions for stress reduction...

Managed Care Provider’s Rights and Responsibilities

Types of health care providers Health care providers in a hospital Providers in residential long-term care facilities Providers of ambulatory health care Providers of different ancillary services Retailers and other providers of medical goods Providers of preventive care services Note: Hospitals are primarily involved in health care services to inpatients...

Kendall Regional Medical Center’s Quality Collaboration

Health care is a highly dynamic field that constantly evolves and reviews its core concepts. Naturally, with improvements in means of care delivery and the changing social and scientific standards, the understanding of the goals and objectives of health care were also reshaped. Among these changes are the definitions of...

Career in Developmental and Personality Psychology

Developmental Psychology The types of work Professionals who work in this area of psychology concentrate on the provision of required assistance to people with developmental issues. They often work with children who are retarded and try to improve their condition so that they can catch up with their peers. In...

Market Structures and Governmental Intervention

Why are economic profits zero in the long run in a monopolistically competitive market? Economic profit refers to the difference between the overall income and the combined expenditure. The amount of expenses may be viewed from the business perspective of opportunity cost. In a monopolistically competitive business environment, such profits...

Contract Elements, Its Creation and Enforcement

Contracts are the critical elements of the everyday business operations, as they define clearly the positions of each party. Nonetheless, some legal issues have a tendency to exist due to the complicated structure and the vitality of the particular elements for the contract creation. The primary goal of this paper...

Mountain Dew Brand Marketing Strategies

Mountain Dew was one of PepsiCo’s brands in the carbonated soft drinks category. In 1973, BBDO New York, PepsiCo’s “agency of records for Pepsi”, became the advertising agency for the Mountain Dew brand (Harvard Business School par. 4). BBDO was a leading ad firm that attracted high-end clients because of...

Low Wages and Inequality Solutions in the USA

Introduction Unemployment and low wages are the issues of the day in the USA. Despite the fact that official unemployment rates remain relatively low, standing at 4.1% (Paul et al.), the number of individuals being partially employed has increased dramatically. The high-paying end of the labor market enjoys reasonable yearly...

Limited Liability Company and Other Ownership Forms

Introduction The selection of a business structure is a critical milestone in the creation and development of a firm. This step will determine the responsibilities of entrepreneurs, financial reporting practices, and the ways of raising capital. This paper will discuss the main peculiarities of different business entities. Much attention will...

Bipolar Disorder: Risk Factors Analysis

In order to properly and thoroughly assess the potential risk factor of bipolar affective disorder (BAD), it is important to overview and analyze the current literature on the given subject. The research studies conducted on BAD can be categorized into two major subcategories regarding their approach to the issue. Some...

China’s Foreign Policies and Influence on East Asia

Abstract This paper gives a critical look at China in terms of regional integration in the East Asia region. The main topic of this paper touches on China and regional integration in the East Asia and the challenges that must be overcome. This paper takes an analytical approach into the...

Cuban Missile Crisis in American History

The Cuban missile crisis was one of the defining incidents of the Cold War period where the world came very close to being engulfed in a thermonuclear war. The confrontation between the United States and the erstwhile Soviet Union over the placement of nuclear-armed missiles in Cuba is one of...

Juvenile Delinquency: Main Theories

Psychological Theories Kohlberg theory of moral development outlines three different levels. In the pre-conventional level the concept of obedience and punishment channels moral reasoning and individual perceptions are formed on the basis of individual needs during middle childhood. The conventional level is reached when middle childhood ends; the expectations held...

Ancient Literature. Decision Making in Iliad by Homer

The story of the Iliad is a famous one. When the cruel Trojan prince Paris abducts the queen of Agamemnon, Helen, war ensues between the two countries across the seas. Many heroes and gods take sides and fight the war. It is the first famous book written in Europe, written...

Great Fire of London and the Way to its Reconstruction

On September 2, 1666, the City of London burnt with fire that lasted for three days. The entire territory of the City was ruined, the houses and stone buildings burnt down. More than 80 000 citizens of London lost their homes. First, they camped in the fields nearby the city,...

Early America Civil War Period Analysis

Background The United States of America Civil War began on April 12th, 1861, as a result of the unending deep-rooted sectional conflict that was reflected by economic and social-political disparities between the northern and the southern regions. In the election that was held in 1860, the Republican Party under the...

The Metamorphosis of Gregor Samsa and His Family

Introduction The Metamorphosis is one of the best-known works of German-language writer Franz Kafka. Originally titled as Die Verwandlung, the short story was first published in 1915. Since its publication, The Metamorphosis received a lot of attention from critics and readers, fascinated by the surreal and tragic story of an...

Racial Tensions in “Recitatif” by Toni Morrison

Introduction “Recitatif” is a short story written by Tony Morrisson, which depicts the experience of Twyla and Roberta. The story uncovers many themes, including child neglect and racial tensions of the era. The plot development allows seeing the relationship between two childhood friends and the different life experiences and views...

Organizational Politics of Hewlett-Packard

Introduction Analyzing political behavior and interactions is challenging for several reasons. First, the object of analysis is the complex relationships of entire groups of influential persons. Second, their position makes it extremely difficult to obtain information about their lives and the reasons for their actions. Often, companies do not reveal...

Professional Roles and Values: Nursing Regulations and Ethics

California State Regulations regarding Nurses After the case study scenario is considered, it is obvious that the major issues that the nurse faces during the case of Mr. E include professional ethics matters, as well as legal regulations for nursing practice. First, the nurse is to participate in deciding on...

Influenza Subtypes: H5N1 and H1N1

Influenza viruses can be categorized into three. These subtypes are named as A, B and C with A type viruses infecting humans, birds, horses, pigs and other animals. The natural hosts for these viruses are wild birds. A review of available substantiation on potential transmission of avian influenza indicates that...

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Miami-Dade County Department of Park: Program Evaluation Planning

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