Alcohol Abuse and Self-Management Program

Introduction Alcohol abuse is a significant problem for many people, especially adolescents. The inability to resist strong desires is the result of a lack of self-control and self-regulation skills. The tendency to satisfy emotional impulses and the rejection of delayed rewards in favor of immediate ones is the main reason...

National Trends and Legislation

This country’s healthcare industry will require some innovative and creative approaches in the future. The economic and institutional environments in which hospitals in the United States have operated have changed dramatically over the last two decades. According to the American Hospital Association, government-mandated cost-cutting initiatives, movements from cost-based to prospective...

The Gilded Age in American History

Introduction No one is sure when the Gilded Age began and ended, but many agree it happened between the end of the Civil War and the beginning of the First World War. Between these years, the US experienced tremendous economic development and saw an emergence of a new social class,...

Seven Principles of Mission Command of Operation Anaconda

Introduction War is an impossible phenomenon that continues to exist and arise even in modern developed societies. It is characterized by violent rivalries between peoples or powers, motivated by numerous political, ideological, or economic factors. Every commander is responsible for his subordinates and the course of military operations; therefore, he...

Diana George’s Changing the Face of Poverty Book

Introduction The problem of poverty of the population, as well as excessive social and material stratification, has catastrophic prospects. This is a problem that will not be solved by itself, but only accumulate the future collapse of the economy and society. Diana George’s book, Changing the Face of Poverty, begins...

“To Build a Fire” by Jack London: Analysis

Introduction Literary works provide different perspectives on various aspects of life. For instance, Jack London’s short story To Build a Fire illustrates an individual’s fateful relationship with nature by describing how the main personage perceives the surroundings of his journey. London’s story is unique due to the use of literary...

The Non-Profit Organization American Red Cross

Introduction Public health non-profits are organizations that receive most of their funding from private sources and donations and channel those funds towards equitable access to healthcare. Throughout history, non-profit organizations have been created and functioned to help local and global communities. For example, such organizations have always supported and carried...

Restrictions on Freedom of Speech on Social Networks

Introduction The issue of freedom of speech in American society is very acute, as it is the guarantor of democracy in the country. In recent decades, the development of freedom of speech has been heavily influenced by the Internet and content consumption by people. People no longer consume information from...

Domestic Abuse and Intimate Partner Violence

Introduction The recruitment of participants and sampling are vital procedures in any field of research. Sampling directly impacts the accuracy of the study, the conclusions that the researchers may reach, and the proposed theoretical and practical implications. An inaccurate sample that fails to represent the whole population under consideration leads...

Domestic Abuse as a Public Health Problem

Introduction In research, study design, analysis of the collected data, and a coherent report of the findings are vital as they allow readers to understand whether the study results are valid and represent reality. It is crucial to ensure the selected design is valid and the research findings are based...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Counseling Young Athletes With Performance Anxiety

Young people experience significant stress because of the inherently competitive nature of sports, pressure to perform in front of large audiences, and insecurities and unsureness in their abilities. This essay aims to explore the psychological aspects of performance anxiety in sports, specifically its prevalence among the youth. This essay also...

Nursing: Kotter’s Change Model Theory

Introduction Kotter’s change model theory posits that there are eight steps necessary in order to successfully bring about change in an organization. This model is an important tool for nurse leaders because it provides a framework for leading change in health institutions (Lv, 2017). Kotter’s Change Model through the Bedside...

History Sourcebook: Abbé Sieyes: “What Is the Third Estate?”

Introduction The end of the 18th century was a critical period in French history due to the emergence of one of the most important revolutions in the country. Multiple political and social changes occurred in ten years, ending with the French Consulate’s creation in 1799. King Louis XVI summoned the...

Police Management in Killeen, Texas

Introduction The criminal justice system is an integral part of the community, which must ensure equality in terms of law and protection for society. However, this can only be achieved when criminal justice agencies, such as courts, police stations, and correctional facilities, and the departments within them operate efficiently and...

The Paradoxical Effects of Time Travel

The issue of travelling in time is not new because it has interested people for centuries and continues interesting us today. However, in spite of people’s high concern and eagerness to uncover time’s mysteries, it still keeps its secrets as it did centuries ago. Even in our time, when a...

Positive Parenting and Child Externalizing Behavior

Mining Reference Lists for Sources The study by Boeldt et al. (2012) was referenced in Barnett and Scaramella (2013). Boeldt et al. (2012) investigated the association between positive parenting and externalizing behaviors of children. It is usually hypothesized that positive parenting practices are capable of averting adverse behaviors in offspring...

American Military Approaches in the East

Korea: Rebirth of Limited War The Korean War was triggered by the miscalculations of the North Korean Communist military by crossing the 38th Parallel. This army crossed into South Korea without any permission and further invaded the non-Communist South Korea. Since the North Korean Communist military had superior weaponry and...

Organizational Culture in the Public Agency

The basic principles of scientific management in the public agency Basic principles of scientific management Taylor developed four basic principles of scientific management. The principles are as follows: The replacement of rule-of-thumb ways of doing work with methods which are proved experimentally to result in optimal production output Replacement of...

Religion in Personal, Cultural, Historical Dimensions

Personal Dimension of Religion Streng defines the personal dimension of religion as the element of religion that is applicable in the life of the person practicing the particular religion (5). The personal dimension points to how a religion influences the life of the individual. These influences emerge from the interpretation...

Medical and Christian Ethics in Pediatric Settings

The “Healing and Autonomy” case study is complex and involves a variety of issues. The lack of understanding between parents’ and the physician of a child diagnosed with kidney failure leads to poor decision-making as a boy’s health continues to deteriorate. A dilemma of whether parents should be allowed to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Individual Life Space Analysis and Bronfenbrenner’s Theory

Introduction The individual that I decided to write about for this paper is Jonathan. Jonathan is a 20-year-old African American male. He comes from a single-parent middle-class household. The reason why I chose to write about Jonathan for this assignment is that he is someone who I would consider to...

Art History Research: Comparing the Cubist and Futurist

Cubist is a different type of art work which shows the two dimensional representation of a three dimensional object. Natural resources are mainly used for this painting and variety of colors is applied in this painting. Cubist “paintings are characterized by geometric, fractured forms, muted, depthless colors, and unspecified edges....

Understanding Forgiveness and Forgiveness Word Concept

The word forgiveness is defined as the act of excusing an offender or a wrongdoer who has committed a mistake. Synonyms of the word forgiveness include, pardoning, condonation, exculpation among others. Other authorities have defined forgiveness as the compassionate feelings that support a willingness to forgive. However, confusion surrounds what...

Understanding the Counselor Identity

Abstract Two articles and one podcast were selected for this assignment. The first article by Spurgeon (2012) states that the lack of a unified professional identity has led to confusion within the profession. This is attributed to the fact that different counselors have used numerous definitions to come up with...

Pressure Ulcer Scale for Healing in Severe and Chronic Wounds

Pressure ulcers are prevalent among patients with mobility issues in long-term care settings. Understanding the risk factors can help nurses respond to complications and prevent the development of these wounds. Improving patient outcomes and reducing hospitalization costs can result from adopting best practices in this area. Therefore, prevention and treatment...

The National Education Association’s Activity and Issues

Introduction The presence of a powerful Union is a prerequisite for industrial peace. Decisions made in the collective bargaining process and agreements between employers and workers are usually productive. Trade unions have an important role to play and are beneficial in successful cooperation between workers and management. They offer guidance...

21st Century Ideals of Revolution From Shelley’s “Prometheus Unbound”

Introduction Percy Bysshe Shelley’s Prometheus Unbound combines the literary forms of lyrical drama and poetry to recreate and reanimate a classical mythological story. In the opening episode of the play, Jupiter, Shelley’s symbol of religious and political tyranny, punishes the heroic Prometheus for stealing fire from heaven and giving it...

The Influence of the Gospel on the Construction of the Christian Worldview

Introduction The Gospel contains vivid descriptions of God, his essence, and his primary creation, which is the human world. The essential part of the Gospel is the description of the life and deeds of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. His birth, preaching, and death are imbued with symbolism that...

The COVID-19 Anti-Vaccination Decision

Introduction The first article in question is from the popular Vox website and talks about skeptics during a mass vaccination campaign. The second article is from a local news site in Virginia called Fauquier Times. The article talks about a possible bill against discrimination against unvaccinated citizens. The reviewed articles...

Work Automation via Technological Advancement

The automation of the working process may have many different impacts on society. There is a belief that automatization will cause a significant moral reconsideration of the role of human labor. Some researchers believe that this process will inevitably cause a high unemployment rate and the elimination of particular professions...

World War II: Holocaust and Discrimination of the Jews

Background World history is rich in a vast number of different events that, in one way or another, have influenced the development of societies. It is hard to disagree that both negative and positive events and processes make a significant contribution to shaping the future of this world. That is...

Cultural Variations: An Interview With a Norwegian American

Introduction The population inhabiting the United States is unique as it includes people of various cultures, ethnicities, and experiences. This essay involves the information gathered from an interview with a person living in the US but ethnically from a different culture. It seemed extremely fascinating to get to know a...

Operation Anaconda and Seven Principles of Mission Command

Carried out on 2 March 2002, Operation Anaconda (OA) was the largest and most significant combat operation in Afghanistan within the War on Terrorism concept. It was initiated after the 11 September 2001 attacks on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center as a response to the acts of terrorism...

Analysis of the 2008 Financial Crisis

Introducton The financial crisis of 2008 now seems a distant event, especially given the developments surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. Many of the mistakes made in 2008, experts say, could have been easily avoided, and it already seems evident that the economy has changed so much that it will not allow...

Eye and Ear: Physician Case Study

What additional information (e.g., clinical findings, laboratory test results) will confirm the diagnosis? Other clinical findings necessary to confirm the diagnosis include the presence of otorrhea, erythema, itchiness, and conductive hearing loss. The ear canal’s skin is often erythematous as a result of edema, and on rare occasions, the pinna...

Currency War by Rickards: A Realism Perspective

Introduction Currency Wars, published in 2011 in the aftermath of the Great Financial Meltdown, contends that the competitive weakening of currencies is a serious national security issue. The Federal Reserve began a currency war by implementing quantitative easing in 2008, subjecting the dollar to a major collapse (Rickards, 2011). The...

The Daddy-Less Daughter’s Self-Perception

Perception is defined as how you view the world and the people around you; it is influenced by how you see things, your interactions with people, and how you interact with things. Discernment can either be positive or negative and this is affected by how one thinks. How you see...

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline Novel Review

Gamification ideas have been applied in daily life, marketing strategies, and stories for many decades. The novel Ready Player One by Ernest Cline is about a journey through the life of James Halliday and his unique creation; the virtual reality game referred to as the OASIS. The story is set...

Malala Yousafzai’s Speech on Education

Introduction Malala Yousafzai was a schoolgirl from Pakistan who gave a speech to the Office of the Secretary General’s Envoy on Youth and thousands of proficient grownups on her 16th birthday. The day when the speech was being conveyed was called Malala day (Yousafzai 1). The audience was gathered in...

Conducting Statistical Analysis: Probabilities

Introduction This paper is devoted to using descriptive statistical analysis to calculate probabilities in the context of consumer behavior. In particular, the initial data for the work is the distribution of respondents’ responses about specific characteristics and attributes of shopping areas in Springdale. The fundamental essence of such a study,...

Operation Anaconda: National Guard

The significant successes and failures of The Battle of Roberts’ Ridge military operation at Anaconda can be explained through the paradigm of the six principles of mission command, namely building cohesive teams based on mutual trust, creating a shared understanding, ensuring clear commander intent, exercising disciplined initiative, using mission orders,...

Psychiatry: The Multi-Dimensional Nature of Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a psychological condition in which patients suffer from disabling chronic mental disorders that adversely affect the normal functioning of the brain. History has chronicled many instances of schizophrenia in the world. Estimates indicate that 1 percent of Americans suffer from this medical condition. According to the Rush (1962,...

Semiotics Theory and Signs in Designs

Introduction Semiotic is a theory that explains the application and results of signs and symbols in both artificial and natural language structures1. It tries to explain the origin of meaning rather than what the word or phrase means. The theory of semiotics assumes that the thing human beings suppose to...

Importance of Envisioning Diversity in Organization

Abstract The current paper discusses the peculiarities of envisioning diversity and its understanding as an adaptive challenge. Many organizations try to consider different aspects to create appropriate working conditions, offer the best services, and demonstrate successful results. However, these companies cannot solve diversity-related problems in time and face several challenges....

Globalization Effect on Small and Medium Size Business

Introduction This section will introduce the paper based on the concept that globalization and development of SMEs may not be separated from each other. The two aforementioned variables will form the core conceptual frameworks that will be deliberated through the paper. However, other sub-variables such as those related to socio-economic...

American Confederation and Constitution

In the aftermath of the American Revolution, the country was in the process of forming an independent republic. There was political uncertainty as debate unraveled about the nature of American democracy, which had to balance the rights of states with the overlook of the federal government. Fundamental differences of leading...

American Eagle Outfitters Company’s Financial Analysis

Introduction American Eagle Outfitters is a clothing company headquartered in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. The company operates both online and offline, with 933 stores as of February 3, 2018. American Eagle Outfitters also includes the Aerie Brand, Tailgate, and Todd Snyder, which add 114 operating stores to the figure. The brand has...

Skin Antisepsis for Reducing Infections

Practice Issue Worksheet List the topic and include the citation for the systematic review you have selected: Skin antisepsis for reducing central venous catheter-related infections Lai, N. A., Lai, N. M., O’Riordan, E., Chaiyakunapruk, N., Taylor, J. E., & Tan, K. (2012). Skin antisepsis during catheter insertion for reducing central...

Philosophy. Rationalism, Epistemology, Metaphysics

Introduction Rationalism is a theory in which the measure of the truth is not sensory but intellectual and deductive. Rationalistic philosophers believed that reason is the exclusive path to knowledge. Not all philosopher are uniquely empiricist or rationalist, some of them have two stand points belonging to the schools of...

Symbols and Rituals in Religion

Introduction The word symbol is derived from a Greek word which is related to the word compare whereas rituals can be defined as actions which have a deeper implication than what we perceive at first instant. Rituals can be as simple as a blinking of an eye or as complex...

Electron Microscopy in Pathology

Introduction Electron microscopy has become established as a useful diagnostic tool in pathology. Diagnostic electron microscopy entails the utilization of electron microscopy and its associated methods in all of their ramifications for the study of human disease as well as animal disease (Zond & Cosmi 2001). Modern advances in imaging...

Managed Care in Behavioral Health

Introduction Managed care is a health insurance system dominating in the United States in all the spheres of medical services, including psychological therapy. Managed care has both its opponents and proponents, particularly when issues related to behavioral health are discussed. It might be, therefore, useful to consider managed care in...

Plot of “Dope” Film by Rick Famuyiwa

The film Dope, directed by Rick Famuyiwa, focuses on the lives of three teenage friends who live in an unfavorable neighborhood and attend a public school, dreaming about a better future. The movie plays with stereotypes, portraying its main character Malcolm (Shameik Moore) and his two comrades, Diggy (Kiersey Clemons)...

“A Class Divided” Film on Discrimination

Introduction This journal is a reflection on the film “A Class Divided”. The movie describes an experiment performed by Jane Elliot, a grade three teacher concerned by discrimination that existed at the time of Martin Luther King. Through the experiment, Elliot hoped to explore the nature of discrimination. In this...

Role of Shareholders in Profit Maximization

The people who provide financial backing to a company for the return of lifetime dividends are known as shareholders. One can become a shareholder of a particular organization either by memorandum subscription during incorporation and they can also invest in new company shares or by purchasing shares of an existing...

Institutional and Political Risk of Foreign Direct Investment

The given literature review will primarily focus on the topic of institutional risk and political risk on Inward FDI of developing or emerging economies. Although both institutional and political risks are relevant in the context of developed nations, they are more concerned and critical in regard to developing ones since...

Understanding of Reasons for Joining Cults

Introduction Religious cults have not recently been the trend of modern society and their representatives seem a little old-fashioned. The modern notion of “cult” usually refers to a religious group of people that express admiration for certain religious figures or objects such as the sun, the sky, or water. They...

Profitability of Onshore and Offshore Wind Energy in Australia

Undoubtedly, the recent increase in popularity of campaigns to decarbonize the globe proves renewable energy to be a current and future trend globally. For this reason, many countries worldwide are gradually investing in growing their onshore and offshore wind projects to serve subsistent and large-scale markets in the future. For...

Bullying in Poverty and Child Development Context

Introduction Fundamentally, poverty defines the low socioeconomic status that deprives people of the ability to access vital resources such as food, clean water, clothing, and accommodation. However, the modern context of poverty also includes the deprivation of proper health care, education, and social security (Okalow, 2021). While poverty remains a...

The Death Penalty: Arguments in Favor

Introduction The death penalty is a general discussion topic in modern society and is complicated. Federal and state courts progressively approve death penalty statutes, enabling executions to proceed rapidly. An example of such tendency in the cultural field would be the quote from Brendan F. Behan: “I was court-martial in...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Political Machines in the US Urban Politics

Introduction Most of the US cities were run by political machines in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century (Tuckel & Maisel 99). A political machine is an organization controlled by a powerful boss or group of people who enjoy the support of a section of the population (Tuckel...

Becoming a Cat Owner

Introduction: Why Choosing a Pet-Related Topic There comes a time in every person’s life when they are ready to take their love to pets from watching adorable YouTube cat videos to the next step. Getting a pet cat might sound very easy – and, in fact, it is – but...

Cognitive Neuroscience: Featured Brain Functions

Featured Function One: Hemispheric Specialization of the Brain Hemispheric specialization is referred to as the difference in processes between the right and left hemispheres (Banich 88). It is imperative to mention that hemispheric specialization occurs due to the distinct neuroanatomical and neurochemical features of the two hemispheres, which result in...

Social Class Position in “The Company Men” Movie

Introduction Social class position is a role played by an individual within society. This role is not always permanent as societal changes can result in variations of a person’s social class position. The changes result in either positive or detrimental effects on the individual. The movie “The Company Men” is...

Ghosh’s Administration and Structural Changes at Appex

What were the challenges that Shikhar Ghosh faced when he joined Appex? At the time, when Shikhar Ghosh joined Appex, this company faced several challenges; in particular, one can speak about the inability to plan long-term projects and prioritize the activities of the personnel. Moreover, this organization lacked accountability standards,...

Healthcare Delivery Models and Nursing Trends

Introduction Nurses have evolved from being specialized doctors’ assistants to becoming a vital part of maintaining patients’ health. The scope of their responsibilities has expanded, thus making nursing practice more sophisticated and challenging. Almost any change in terms of health care reform directly or indirectly influences the nursing industry, so...

Explaining Relationships: Types of Relationships

Introduction Explaining relationships is a rather challenging matter for every person. This can be explained by the fact that people have numerous kinds of relationships with other people or with the phenomena of objective reality and all people understand their relationships in a way that no one else in the...

Social Exchange Theory in Organizations and Workplaces

Summary Social exchange theory is based on the premise that the interactions and communications between human beings occur from the motivation of rewards and reduction of losses (Thibaut & Kelley, 1959). The theory is also built on the premise that the outcome of profitable relationships is generally durable trust and...

The Conflicts of the Cold War in Latin America

In Latin America, the cold war that started in 1947 officially had far-reaching implications. The “containment” policy theorized by the Truman doctrine that regarded the US as part and parcel of the Western Bloc that was also referred to as the “free world” that was the total opposite of the...

Pathophysiology of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a condition in which the reflux of gastric contents causes symptoms and complications that impair quality of life (Patti, 2019). The usual symptoms of GERD are regurgitation and heartburn; however, several difficulties with breathing, such as chronic cough, asthma, laryngitis, etc. may occur. The pathogenesis...

Popular Research Paper Topics

A Critique of Economics Budgeting

Budgeting is not an exact science, and its success depends on the precision of estimates. Estimates are based on facts and managerial judgment, which can suffer from subjectivism and personal biases. The accuracy of budgeting therefore rests on the adequacy of management. Where management is optimistic about future prospects for...

Gandhi’s Hind Swaraj: Self-Governance in India

Hind Swaraj is a book written by Gandhi, which represents his view on modern civilization. The Reader and The Editor are the main characters who engage in a dialogue, where the latter explains his understanding of self-governance in the Indian state. In this book, Gandhi summarizes his view on the...

Costco: Strategic Management

Introduction Costco is a multinational enterprise which manages a global chain of affiliation warehouses, and offers the products at relatively lower prices than other retailers do. It is an American-based retail store headquartered in Washington, the USA. The corporation is the central organization of other members and it provides goods...

Blues: Historical Origins and Modern Significance

It may be difficult to deny the significance of creativity in people’s everyday life. Any manifestation of humans’ creativeness may lead to art origin. Music does not make an exception since this kind of art may inspire, unite and influence people. Composing and performing music makes it possible to absolutely...

Biblical Organization Elements

Introduction Nowadays the problem of correctly identifying the rules and principles of well-managed organization becomes prevalent in the capitalistic system of the working environment. Indeed, structuring the people in the working crew or membership becomes highly significant when it comes to regulating and filtering any unwanted relationship in the group....

Corporate Social Responsibility: beIN Media Group

beIN Media Group beIN Media Group is a corporation owned by the state which provides worldwide live sports events and entertainment across five continents. The organization is based in Doha, Qatar, and it distributes its services in seven different dialects covering North America, North Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia, and the...

The Red Bull Energy Drinks Distribution Channels

Introduction Red Bull is a sugary energy drink popular among young adults and teenagers. The company producing the energy drink has employed many strategies in the field of marketing and distribution, which made it well-recognized in the public eye and led to economic success. This essay aims to explore these...

Violence Against Women in “Where Are You Going…” by Oates

Annotated Bibliography Burn, Stephen J. “The Gender of the Neuronovel: Joyce Carol Oates and the Double Brain.” European Journal of American Studies, vol. 16, 2021, pp. 12-32. At the beginning of the formation of D. K. Oates’s writing style, social and political views fell at a time of increasing social...

Emergency Management Systems in the US and Canada

Introduction The United States of America and Canada border each other and have forged a partnership based on common values, shared geography, and similar values. These countries work together in solving significant issues such as foreign policy, border management, security cooperation, trade, and response to major disasters that affect both...

Cookie Business Analysis: Six Aspects

Abstract The purpose of this report was to analyze six aspects of Cookie Business. First, the report focuses on breakeven analysis and determines the number of cookies needed on average to cover the fixed costs. Second, the cost of inventory was calculated using full and variable costing. Third, a special...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Social Changes in the United States: 1920s-1960s

The 1920s was a decade of contradiction in the United States of America since the country was experiencing a period of great prosperity and progress.1 On the other hand, there was a lot of social and political turmoil. The Roaring Twenties was a time of economic growth and technological innovation....

Prenatal Development & Birth Stages Analysis

Introduction Since I have no memory of my prenatal development and birth, I can strictly rely on the information I have learned about these processes. Prenatal development takes place in three primary stages. The first two weeks following conception are known as the germinal stage, followed by the embryonic period...

Tobacco Dependence Treatment in Inpatient Psychiatry

The following research critique is aimed at critically reviewing Prochaska et al.’s quantitative study “Efficacy of initiating tobacco dependence treatment in inpatient psychiatry” to determine its validity and thus assess its value for the nursing practitioners. The scientific rigor, minimization of research bias, and logical interpretation of the results are...

Austrian vs. American Healthcare Systems

Introduction The paper aims to examine, compare, and contrast the health care systems of the United States and Austria. Austria possesses one of the most advanced health care systems in Europe, which includes a complex and supported system of social security services, accessible and affordable health care facilities; Austrian social...

Scientific and Mass Media Writing Comparison

Introduction Understanding the differences between genres and their purposes is critical in writing, as it helps distinguish between the writing styles and figurative language (Wardle & Downs 5). Mass media reporting and scientific researches tend to use various means of expression to deliver the message to the audience. To support...

Healthcare Organizations Revenue and Reimbursement

Introduction The process of billing is crucial for the clinic in question because it allows physicians to receive payments for their services, enabling proper functioning of the establishment. However, because the healthcare provider adopted a system in which each staff member submits claims personally, controlling the reimbursements and minimizing the...

The Role of Environment in Physical Development

Abstract The environment plays a significant role in the physical development of children in middle childhood. Exposure to diverse environmental settings results in children acquiring various skills. Additionally, it is during middle childhood that kids start to assume duties in their families. Scholars regard middle childhood (Ages between 6 and...

Globalization Impact on Trade and Employment

According to research, the rate of globalization across the world has escalated at an alarming rate since the turn of the century (Feasel, 2018). This observable fact has been influenced by factors such as technological advancements, economic empowerment, increased access to education, and improved relations between countries. One of the...

HIV: The Impact of Chronic Illness

Interview Responses What is your name? How old are you? My name is R. A. I am 29 years old. Do you have a family? Yes, I have. I live with my parents and my younger brother, but I am not married. When were you diagnosed with HIV? I was...

Pressure Ulcers Prevention: Literature Review

Introduction Nursing personnel faces many difficulties when working in intensive care units (ICUs). Despite the experience of employees, some of the challenges are hard to avoid, which forces the staff to resort to additional methods of providing care for those patients who cannot satisfy their daily needs independently. One of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Diabetes in Children: The Prevalence and Prevention

Outline Diabetes is a very common disease among children in Canada. Several studies have shown that genetic factor and inactive lifestyle plays an important role in the prevalence of the disease among Canadian children. Several programs have been initiated at the community level that has proved successful in preventing the...

Internet Filtering in the UAE

Introduction 20% of The United Arabs Emirates consists of native citizens while eighty percent of the country is populated by expatriates. Any sort of censorship affects more foreigners than locals. They are likely to object to filtering more than the locals, and future expatriates may be dissuaded from working in...

How the Internet Reconditioned Business Thinking

Evolution of the internet The internet has first revolutionized our thinking and then has continued to force evolution upon us. The internet revolution came upon us very quickly. This speed was driven first through the development of computer languages: HyperText Markup Language (HTML), Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), Internet protocol suite...

Five Oceans of the Earth

Introduction In the face of the earth there are five oceans and these include the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Arctic Ocean, the Indian Ocean and the Southern Ocean. The surface of the earth is for this reason covered by water with up to 71% of its area (Briney)....

Hydraulic Fracturing: Effects on the Environment

Introduction Fracking has been used widely in the US, and it is believed to offer great potential for crucial new sources of gas and oil supply. Currently, “hydraulic fracturing (fracking) has been used extensively in the US and Canada since the 1950s and offers the potential for significant new sources...

Piercing the Corporate Veil: The Hidden Adversities

Introduction Piercing the corporate veil is a rule in English and US law targeted at the regulation of corporate activity. It, however, is sometimes considered a good idea to apply the concept in criminal and civil law, for example, in cases regarding fraudulent actions on behalf of the company, its...

Stress Management and Lifestyle Modification

I am a student and work part-time to facilitate my lifestyle. I find some sense of responsibility and satisfaction in working to meet my needs. Balancing my academics and work can be draining. I have extra pressure to perform in my studies and especially when deadlines or exams are approaching....

The Media-Government Interaction in the US

Introduction Throughout history, the United States has worked out the principles of relations with the media. For many decades, the American society has been discussing the problem of interaction between the media and the state and their mutual influence on the functioning process. The interaction of these institutions is contradictory....

“The Death of Artemio Cruz” by Carlos Fuentes

Carlos Fuentes Biography The Death of Artemio Cruz is a book written by Carlos Fuentes in 1962 about the Mexican Revolution and its aftermath. Fuentes was a Mexican novelist and writer born in 1928 and died in 2012. Fuentes was considered one of the finest writers in Latin America, and...

Discussion of Marriage and Divorce Impact

Marriage can provide evident economic benefits to both parties, such as the division of labor within a family. Divorce, on the other hand, can be costly if the spouses do not have any previously agreed upon terms of separation. The economics of marriage and divorce are complex as they are...

Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Disease

Introduction Human beings face various diseases directly related to their body system in today’s world. The most common one is Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, which attacks the lymphatic system responsible for the germ-fighting immune system in the body (Phillips et al. 1110). Lymphocytes proliferate improperly in non-lymphoma Hodgkin’s, resulting in tumors all...

Medical Device Manufacturer Launching a New Metal Alloy Prosthesis

Introduction The medical sector is regarded as one of the most important departments across the globe. It deals with human wellness, making this docket a more sensitive field than other areas of work. Introducing new devices into the medical sector requires good research to avoid any risks associated with it....

Concept of Outsourcing and Risks Associated With Outsourcing

Outsourcing arises when a company or organization purchases services or products from an outside supplier or a vendor, rather than performing the same tasks or work within its own facilities. The main reason why companies engage in outsourcing is to reduce capital expenditure over a business process and to allow...

The Nature of Revenge Prior to and After the Creation of Hamlet

Introduction One of the most famous plays created by William Shakespeare is Hamlet. The play deals with multiple themes. However, the most dominant theme that overshadows everything else in the play is the theme of revenge. The issue of revenge is questioned from the point of view of violence. This...

The Hispanic Community of Miami

Overview Description of the Community The Hispanic community of Miami is the most dominant in the city due to large-scale migrations that occurred during the 1920s. The population is spread out through multiple areas and nowadays occupies rural, urban, and suburban areas. Physical Environmental Considerations: The Community as a Place...

Real Gross Domestic Product Analysis

Introduction The Gross Domestic Product of a nation is the total value of the goods manufactured and services provided in the nation. As shown in Figure 1, the Real Gross Domestic Product differs from the Nominal Gross Domestic Product, in that the former quantifies the total value in relation to...

Shomei Cards Company’s Competitive Advantage

Introduction All organizations within an industry strive to achieve their goals and objective through setting up strategies that are cost effective so as to run their operations effectively. It is therefore important for management of organizations to ensure that they study the environment in which they are conducting their businesses...

A Social Service Agency on Use of Mediation

Mediation is considered to be the confidential process in the informal form including mediator’s activities aimed at case resolution facilitating without necessary aspects prescription. The analysis of this phenomenon is analyzed based on a special interview with the representative of Social Service Agency, Justin Patten, carried out on November, 22,...

Hall Pass: Analysis of Advertisements

The US Grant –Exquisite Weddings Autumn-Winter 2009 The advertisement that appeared in the Exquisite Weddings Magazine promoted a chain of luxury hotels. The ad only contained a picture of a hall in the hotel along with the name of the chain and contact information. The main creativity element of the...

The Absorbent Mind: Montessori Approach

Introduction Nature endowed the child with an absorbing mind that memorizes the information. The absorbing mind of the child works mainly through the organs of its senses, moving from one level of complexity of cognition to another. According to Maria Montessori, “It would require us 60 years of hard work...

American Women Struggle in the 20th Century

Gender equality can be assessed as a relatively new phenomenon, and some of the fears of women of the past are still relevant. In the past century, American women conducted a long and grueling fight for their rights and status. Sexual liberation, career, material, and psychological independence became part of...

Love Theme in “Paradise” by Toni Morrison

Introduction The novel Paradise was written in 1997, and it was Morrison’s first book after winning the Nobel Prize in literature in 1993. Paradise stresses the affection of God, and it is the author’s third novel focusing on various kinds of love. All the chapters in the book are dedicated...

Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Strategies for Access to Care

Abstract Many countries like the U.S. have failed in providing equal opportunities in accessing healthcare. In Part I of the assignment, it was noted that the Southside Community in Chicago is one of the most underserved communities in the U.S. with over 800, 000 constituents suffering from easily preventable ailments....

Liberalism in European Regions of the 19th Century

Introduction Political human thought has always been a dynamic reflection of the general mood of an era, and therefore it cannot be said, for example, that the period of ancient Mesopotamia and the time of the French Revolution were characterized by uniform views of the political organization of society. In...

Characterization and Irony in “A&P” by John Updike

A&P is a comic short story written by John Updike in 1961. The story tells about a cashier guy in a store who was shocked by the appearance of three young female customers who came to the store in swimsuits. After the manager, as the main hero thought, disgraced girls...

GE’s Two-Decade Transformation: A Journey Through Organizational Evolution

Background This section of the learning journal will address the “GE’s Two-Decade Transformation” with other papers on topics such as knowledge and learning management, organizational structure, strategic intent, organizational capabilities, competitive advantage layers, and a global perspective. In addition to this, application of the findings to LG Corporation and provision...

Organizational Structures: History and Development

Introduction The tenth chapter of “Principles of Management” by Morden & Morden provided general information about the history of organizational structures, their development, and the implications of emerging organizational structures. Generally, an organizational structure refers to how authority, work, and information flow within an organization. Traditionally, organizational structures were hierarchical...

Family Planning: Human Reproductive Diseases

Introduction Human reproductive disease is caused by infections, tumors, genetic or congenital disabilities, and weight changes. In addition, women may be concerned about the long-term consequences of using contraception, such as infertility and problems during childbirth. The placenta can be affected during pregnancy by the following issues: placenta previa and...

American Higher Education and Ideologies

Abstract Personal experiences and ideologies, as opposed to research-based evidence, hinder organizational changes and reforms in the American higher education realm. Many policy makers in the training sector, including players from the government, rely on their college experiences, and nor research. Even students and university staff employ personal interests to...

Recycling of Materials

Introduction The challenge of waste disposal has affected both the developed and developing world for years. In urban areas, the situation is worse as more complex forms of garbage are being produced. The state is spending billions of dollars in its efforts to use modern forms of waste disposal, as...

The Government of Bangladesh: Corruption and Poverty

Poverty is a major economic challenge in many underdeveloped countries. According to Bardhan (2008, p. 5), ‘absolute poverty occurs when individuals are unable to secure their basic needs such as shelter, healthcare, and food’. The other common challenge experienced in the developed world is corruption. This malpractice takes different forms...

Managing Organizational Change and Strategic Planning

Images Paper The six-images framework is a mental model that describes various roles performed by change managers as well as their perceptions of change management. According to this approach, these people can act as directors, coaches, navigators, caretakers, nurturers, and interpreters; their exact role or roles may depend upon various...

Balanced Scorecard and Analysis

Introduction The balanced scorecard translates an organization’s mission and strategy into a comprehensive set of performance measures that provides the framework for implementing its strategy. (Kaplan and Norton, 1966) The balanced scorecard does not focus solely on achieving the financial objectives of the firm. It also highlights the non-financial objectives...

Hindu Religion: Sacred Elements and Traditions

Introduction A Hindu is one who born in Hindustan or India and he is the one who believe in Hinduism. The term Hindu was derived from the river Sindhu. This term was first used to recognize the inhabitants who lived beyond the Indus River. Hinduism is considered as one of...

Wal-Mart’s Compensation Strategy: Analysis and Recommendations

Summary of the Company Situation Compensation for workers is an important aspect of business because it partly determines the amount of money that is utilized for expenditure. The business management is aimed at acquiring the least costly compensation scheme possible to keep at minimum the company expenditure. At the same...

Moller Skycar’s Marketing Mix: Promotion

Promotion for Mollar Sky cars Promotion is an important component of the marketing strategy, specifically, so far it relates to the marketing mix. The marketing mix consists of 4 Ps and promotion is a very vital element, which can be considered second to the product. The elements of the promotion...

Bystander Effect on Everyday Life and Consequences

Introduction In the presence of two or more people, a victim of an emergency is subject to more suffering compared to the case when only one person is present. This introduces the issue of the bystander effect, otherwise known as Genovese Syndrome, a psychological problem that affects one’s ability to...

Human Psychological and Physical Development

Introduction The average human life is determined by different stages of psychological and physical development, which have distinctive features and problems. In particular, childhood is typically distinguished by exceptional mental and bodily progress, while middle and late adulthood is characterized by psychological stagnation or, in contrast, severe internal conflicts leading...

Intensive Care Unit Nursing ( ICU)

Job descriptions We live in a world wherein medical care becomes a very important part of the aging process. As we near the end of our life cycle, we find ourselves requiring more and more specialized medical care both at home and in the hospital. As such, nurses have slowly...

Port Safety and How to Improve It

Owing to increasing reports from pilots concerning the impeding of commercial vessels to and from the docks by recreational craft participating in races organised by the local club, a number of safety concerns arise. Luckily, so far, there has been no major incident or accident. It is however the primary...

Public Policy Meeting: “VA Telehealth During the COVID-19 Pandemic”

Background and the Purpose The United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is at the forefront of innovations concerning telehealth to ensure every veteran has access to healthcare from wherever they are. Services of telehealth are changing the way veterans can receive quality healthcare which VA provides. VA, through its...

Gender Inequality Among Women in Canada

Introduction Historically, gender disparities have always been at the root of social and economic inequity, with women facing significant disadvantages. Even with recent advancements in legal equality, such as the provision of protection for women in the Constitution Act of 1982 and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the informal...

Starbucks Corporation’s Supply Chain Operations Plan

Starbucks Supply Chain Plan Starbucks has a supply process involving its internal management with the external market. The internal process includes the factory production units and the logistics within the company process, which link each other to ensure regular production and sales. The chain comprises the inbound and outbound materials...

Microeconomics: Perfect Market Competition

Perfect competition matters because it creates numerous producers of identical goods and services, so no single producer may affect the market price. Prices are governed by supply and demand dynamics and are identical for all producers. This form of competition generates an efficient market since each producer is motivated to...

Unraveling the West Memphis Three Case

The West Memphis Three Case and Used Evidence The documentary West Memphis explores the case of the imprisonment of three teenagers for the brutal murder of three children in 1993 Arkansas. By examining the evidence and conducting interviews with members of the family, legal experts, and professionals, the documentary explores...

Neuroscience and Behavioral School of Thought

Psychology is a natural science that, similarly to disciplines such as biology and chemistry, relies on experimental methods for pursuing scientific goals of prediction, description, and explanation. Scholars across different areas of science do not always agree with each other on the nature and scope of their discipline. In the...

Implementation of IOM Future of Nursing Report

Introduction The nursing profession is believed to count more than three million workers in national health care. It is stated that “nurses are particularly well-positioned to address social determinants of health, due to their legacy of considering the physical and social environments of patients, caring expertise, and history of community...

Economic Justice: LGBTQ Individuals

Describe the basic principles of Catholic social teaching on work The basic principles of Catholic social teachings contain a rich source of wisdom that allows constructing a society based on equality and justice; furthermore, these principles show us how to deal with challenges of the modern world keeping our thoughts...

Rian O’Doherty’s “Inside the White Cube”

Introduction The book comprised O’Doherty’s famous essays “Notes on the Gallery Space,” “The Eye and the Spectator,” and “Context as Content,” published in 1976 in Artforum magazine. It also includes the article “The Gallery as a Gesture,” published ten years later. In these writings, the author explores the social and...

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Literary Style of Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour”

The end of the 19th century was marked by a rethinking of the role of women in civil society. It resulted in a movement against discrimination of women in political and economic life. Kate Chopin, an American novelist and short-story writer from St. Louis, was one of the first feminist...

“Life of Pi” by Yann Martel Review

Introduction The book “Life of Pi” by Canadian writer Yann Martel, winner of the 2002 Booker Prize narrates delightfully, the story of Piscine Patel, who shortens his name to Pi. An elderly man in Pondicherry, India, tells the author that he has a story that can make him believe in...

Richard Branson & The Virgin Group of Companies in 2007

Problem Summary Virgin Group, Ltd. was founded in 1970 and is based in London, the United Kingdom. The group underwent rapid expansion in the late 1990s and diversified its business into different, to a great extent, unrelated areas. The groups’ expansion policies did not follow any plausible commercial logic, rather...

Humanities and Expressions of People Via Art

The term humanity has different meanings. The definitions have changed over time. During middle age, the term distinguished between areas of study that concerned human beings from those that concerned God. The areas that pertained to human beings such as philosophy, mathematics and science were considered to be humanities. Today,...

GlaxoSmithKline Company’s Human Resource Strategy

Introduction The company under analysis has been one of the leading pharmaceutical providers in the world. It employs over ten thousand staff members and therefore serves as an ideal organisation for analysis of the role of HR in strategy formulation. How HR services are provided in Glaxo Smith Kline Glaxo...

The World Is Multi-Faced: The Difference of World Perception

When you are looking with your friend at the same photograph where both of you are captured, your friend is sure to find some drawbacks of lightning that wrongly reflect on his/her face or his/her somehow not ideal smile while you will try your best to see any shortcomings of...

Criminal Justice System: Fairness and Reforms

Current Situation in the USA Most prisons in the United States are overcrowded at the moment, sometimes unconstitutionally. The statistics of incarcerated people in the U.S. are higher than in any other country in the world, both per capita and in absolute terms. The state “has less than 5% of...

Discrimination of the Indians in the Boarding Schools

American history is not as long as the history of many other civilizations. However, it has its special issues: one of them is racism and its terrible diversity in the United States, almost from its very foundation. The most ancient and cruel direction of racism on the part of the...

Researching the Interactions between Climate Change and Plankton Communities

Summary Understanding how climate change will affect the planet is a key issue worldwide. How has climate change affected our ecosystems and biodiversity? This paper is aimed at examining the interactions between climate change and plankton communities, focusing on the abundance, distribution, and structure of the species. Are plankton communities...

Pressure Ulcer Prevention Research

Introduction Pressure ulcers (PUs) often become a research subject, yet they continue to harm many immobile patients. PUs are considered to be an indicator of the quality of care, as they require highly efficient nursing personnel (Ebi et al., 2019). There is a need to determine how to alleviate PUs’...